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Planning is simply how to seek the balance between projects constrains to achieve the set goal, to
achieve such, three basic questions are asked.

What is to be done?

- Planning plays a significant role on the success of a project, first question asked to attain
success of the project is what is to be done, example are setting goals, have a
comprehensive list of the things needed and prioritize them. And from the prioritized list,
setting measurable goals using the SMART principle.

Who is going to do it?

- Identify by name, the individual and the organization with a leading role in the project.
Specifying the number and type of people who will carry out the project who is suitable and
qualified on finishing the job

How and when he will do it?

- Facilitate communication among stakeholders and document approved scope, cost, showing
the major products, milestones, activities and resources required on a project with provided
timeline of the project.

2. Risk management is an approach in which we analyze and mitigate the risk that can affect our
project. It is important part of the project planning which if done efficiently lead to the success of the
project. Although often overlooked it is important to identify as many risks of the project as possible and
be prepared if something bad happens. Risk management can be used as early as conducting the
feasibility study of the project, in this part of the planning activities, risks were identified. Risk
management will guide whether you should move forward with idea, refine it, or scrap it altogether and
go back to the drawing board.

3. Total Quality Management is the continuous process of reducing errors in a project or production,
same on the Japanese Total Quality Approach or the 5S ( Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke) this
is a process on improving workplace in a clean, efficient and safe manner, eliminating unnecessary
things, sort, clean and sustain.

4. Monitoring, Evaluation and control process is a tool use in improving project, effective MONITORING
and EVALUATION are crucial in achieving desired project results.

5. Project Schedule is a listing of a project’s milestone activities and deliverables. Its main function is to
organize and complete the project on timely, quality and financially responsible manner. To ensure
schedule will be on time, create a work breakdown schedule, estimate durations, identify predecessors,
determine milestones and identify dependencies and if the project fail to meet the project schedule,
identify errors, renegotiate and reduce the scope of the project if necessary.


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