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Simple example of SUT to symmetric tables

Production matrix (basic prices) CIF prices Use matrix (purchaser prices)
Goods Margins. Servs Total Imports Margins Taxes y Goods Margins. Servs Int dem F.D Total
Goods 500 500 400 250 100 1250 Goods 200 50 150 400 850 1250
Margins 50 200 250 -250 950 Margins 0 0 0
Services 50 800 850 100 3150 Services 50 50 150 250 700 950
Total 600 200 800 1600 500 0 100 2200 Total 250 100 300 650 1550 2200

at "market prices"
W&S 300 50 350 GDP(I) = 1050
Op surpl. 100 50 100 GDP(E) = 1050
GDP(P) = 1050
VA 350 100 500

Total 600 200 800

For symmetric tables, we need the supply and use at basic prices, so instead of adjusting supply for margins and taxes, we adjust use by margins and reduce final demand by taxes

Production matrix (basic prices) CIF prices)
Goods Margins. Servs Total Imports Total Goods Margins.Servs d F.D Total
Goods 500 500 400 900 Goods 150 30 100 280 620 900

Margins 50 200 250 250 Margins 50 20 50 120 130 250

Services 50 800 850 100 950 Services 50 50 150 250 700 950
Total 600 200 800 1600 500 2100 Total 250 100 300 650 1450 2100
at basic prices
Market shares W&S 250 50 400 GDP(I) = 950
industry Margins. Servs Op surpl. 100 50 100 GDP(E) = 950 g = D.q
Goods 1 0.2 0.059 1.2588 GDP(P) = 950 600
Margins 0.8 VA 350 100 500 200
Services 0.941 800
Total 1 1 1 Total 600 200 800

Separating out imports

Use matrix (basic prices) Im
Goods Margins. Servs Int demF.D Total Goods Margins.Servs d F.D Total
Goods 150 30 100 280 620 900 Goods 50 10 50 110 290 400
Margins 50 20 50 120 130 250 Margins 0 0
Services 50 50 150 250 700 950 Services 10 40 50 50 100
Total 250 100 300 650 1450 2100 Total 60 10 90 160 340 500

W&S 250 50 400 Dom

Op surpl. 100 50 100 Goods Margins.Servs d F.D Total
Goods 100 20 50 170 330 500
VA 400 100 450 Margins 50 20 50 120 130 250
Services 40 50 110 200 650 850
Total 600 200 800 Total 190 90 210 490 1110 1600

Imports 60 10 90 160 340 500

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