Work Sheet-3 Class - X Agriculture Under Threat Short Answer Type Questions

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Work sheet-3

Class -X
Agriculture under threat
Short answer type questions:
1. What is reforestation ?
2. What is Baranaja farming?
3. Explain the term Grass reserves.
4. What is the concept used in micro-irrigation?
5. What is reforestation?
6. What are Bio fertilizers? Give Examples
7. What is a Bio pesticide? Give examples
8. Mention any two advantages of Biotechnology.
9. In what ways are modern agricultural methods harmful to the environment?
10.Mention disadvantages of Integrated Pest Management.

Long answer type questions:

1. What is Integrated Pest Management? State its importance in agricultural
2. What are Genetically modified crops? Discuss the various environmental
risks associated with them.
3. Briefly explain the Silvicultural system.
4. Explain five regenerative farming techniques.
5. Differentiate between Mixed Cropping and Intercropping.
6. Explain any five reasons why the use of biotechnology for food production
has not been favoured by environmentalists.
7. What is Integrated Pest Management? State its importance in agricultural


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