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The Mallard

Issue 315 WELCOME TO 2018! January 2018

A Frosty
Christmas Stroll
T he 17th December
saw ten strollers
set off from the Well, at
10.30 am, for a short
Christmas stroll. Our
route took us up Mad
Dog Lane, entirely suit-
able for our two canine
friends, Bridgette and
Reggie. Reaching Ped-
dar’s Way, it was de-
cided to take the shorter
route back to the village
via Greengate Lane and
the radio masts.
The weather was ideal
with white, frosty fields
and misty views over
the hills, as you can see in the picture. We arrived back, in plenty of time, for our
Christmas lunch at the Dabbling Duck.
The quiz this year was ‘organised’ by Robin. An almost impossible task with a
table booked for fourteen now having to seat sixteen and most of us unable to
hear or even understand the questions! Robin introduced a new concept with the
replacement of a Joker card by a Trump card, the playing of which lost a team
points. The losing team were then given a large picture of Donald Trump!
The walk, the lunch and the quiz were most enjoyable. Andrew Bickerton
Why not make a New Year resolution to join the Strollers? You won’t regret it.
please call 01263519454 or email
Read about one of our volunteers on page 8
Mallard News
This parish magazine is
published every month for the
‘Histry Bits’.... A Massingham Mini Marvel
You might be forgiven for thinking that the
residents of Great and Little
Massingham with the support of
the Great Massingham Parish object pictured right is the latest Sky channel
Council, the Parochial Churchchanger, until I tell you that it’s only five
Council and Massingham centimetres long and was picked up in the
Village Hall Trustees. village by Ant Robinson during one of his
e-mail: many metal detecting expeditions. It is, in fact, a strap-end, designed to be attached to
Editorial Committee the end of a leather belt or strap to stop it
Editor: Bev. Randall. fraying during use and becoming difficult to
6 Abbeyfields
Great Massingham thread.
01485 520 899 It is made of silver and features a complex
Treasurer: David Baines design of intertwined animals, picked out
01485 520 966
with niello (black sulphide of silver) to pro-
Website : Caroline Boyden
01485 521 816 vide added decorative effect.
Deadline for the It is not just very small but very old, dating from the early part
next issue of the ninth century, during the second wave of Viking attacks
on the Norfolk coast, and it caused a great deal of excitement at
20th Lynn Museum when Ant took it to show them. Here’s an ex-
January tract from the Curator’s report:
‘Wonderful silver strap-end, a 9thcentury, possibly of Cornish
In this issue origin, with very fine quality of decoration. The rectangular
• A Frosty Stroll space below the two silver rivets features two back-to-back and
• ‘Histry’ Bits intertwining animals. The animals’ heads are unusually well-
• Dental Healthwatch modelled, with rounded ears, eyes, and nostrils one of which is
• Gert & Daisy inlaid with black glass. The eyes have incised lines around
• Village Hall Events them to indicate the sockets. The rivets are silver and dome-
• West Norfolk Folk headed, and have serrated borders.’
• Quiz Nights Praise indeed. And a feeling of wonderment at the incredible
• Bottle Bank
• Home Again eyesight of the Anglo-Saxon silversmith who created something
• Church Services so tiny and so intricately detailed without the aid of any artificial
• Church News magnification. David Miller
• Craft & Chat
• Baby & Toddler Can you help Healthwatch Norfolk?
• Fitness For Health Have your say on your children’s NHS dental care!
• Mobile Library Healthwatch Norfolk ( is re-
• Thank You All searching NHS dental services for children & young people in
• Film Club
• Voluntary Norfolk West Norfolk and want to hear from parents/guardians!
• Jackie Cormack To understand more about the dental services that are being
• Christmas Market used, how accessible these are and the experiences of services
• School Thanks for children, Healthwatch Norfolk would like you to answer a
• All Lit Up short, anonymous survey.
• Bowls Club Report Your answers can help make a difference and influence the
• Book Competition way NHS services are planned & delivered. The people who
• New Clerk Needed
• School Carol Singing make the decisions have to listen to you. For more information
• Valentines’ Dance about why this survey is important, how your stories help and
• Ladies’ Night to complete this short survey search online for:
• Dates for your Diary West Norfolk Dental Services Survey.
Mallard News
Gert & Daisy.... .... Well, here we are agin. As we write this we are gitting ready fer
Christmas but by the toime yew read it, Christmas will be long parst and the Easter eggs
will be in the shops.
We hope yew awl hed a lovely toime and got awl the presents yew asked fer. Awl our
litt’uns are excited and mostly recovered from the viruses and bugs.
We hed a gud toime at the Church Christmas Fayre – the ‘Stitch and Bitch Club’ did
very well and hed sum lovely craft on show. Father Christmas wus there but we wus too
busy ter go and see him.
Daisy and Sid went ter the Tennis Club Christmas meal. There weren’t harf sum posh
grub there – caviar and stuff. Jake and his dad and group provided the entertainment and
there wus a lot of dancing.
We were both very disappointed to hev missed the Christmas lights switch on. Seems
there wus a bit of confusion - too many chiefs and not enough Indians. Hopefully, they’ll
git it roight next toime…….
Happy 95th birthday to Ephraim Green fer the other day and happy 10th birthday to Daisy’s
Daisy earlier in December.
We were sorry to hear that Trevor Knights had passed away - we’re sure a lot of people
will remember him from when he lived up Castel Acre Road. Out thoughts go to Jane
and Emily.
We see there are quite a few people out on mobility scooters now and we’ve heard there’s
gawn ter be a Grand Prix up the airfield (Mr Brun permitting) - we hope we’re invited ter
hold the chequered flag.
Awl the best for 2018. A Happy and Healthy New Year to everywun. Please continue
the Christmas spirit and keep an eye on lonely or vulnerable neighbours. You never
know when you will need some help yourself. Dew yew keep atroshing. Gert and Daisy.
Thought of the month:
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
Norfolk words:-
Yisty -yesterday Uppards - upwards

Based in and around Great Massingham
07766223438 or email
Call/Text: 07825 234293
Leanne Elton


Professional treatment in the
Simon Rivett
comfort of your own home Garden Maintenance
& Pest Control
Registered Foot Health 138 Summerwood
Professional Gt. Massingham 01485 520 134
To book an appointment please King’s Lynn 07557 915 188
Call 07713014436 PE32 2HS

Mallard News Village Hall
Keep Fit Wed.1.45 to 2.45pm 2018 dates for your diary : 25th Jan, 22nd
Yoga with a Chair Tuesday 10am to 11am Feb, 22nd Mar, 26th April, 24th May, 28th
Bingo Fridays at 7.30pm June, 27th Sept, 25th Oct & 22nd Nov.
Auction Sundays At the November 2017 Quiz ‘The Village
Coronation Club (4th Wed.) 2pm - 4pm Idiots’ donated £85.50 of their winnings to
Baby &Toddler Thurs. 10am - 11.30am the Village Hall taking our total donations,
W/Norfolk Radio Sundays 7pm -10pm since we restarted, to well over £900.
Craft & Chat (1st & 3rd Mon) 2 - 4pm Our regular Quiz Masters include Malcolm
Trefoil Guild 2nd Thursday, each month Tibble, Ann Bowen, Philip Ward, Peter
Film Club 3rd Thursday, each month James, Stephen Panke and myself. Peter
Quiz Nights 4th Thursday, each month James will be Quiz Master on 25th January
Bowls - Practice Mondays 2 - 4pm. but I am looking for volunteers for the
Bowls - Short Mat Wednesdays 7pm - 9.30 other dates. If you would like to run a
quiz, we would love to have you on board.
Historical Society 2nd Monday 7.30pm
The more quizzers the better.
Youth Club Tuesdays 6.45- 9.15pm
Please get in touch. Keith Bowes
Yoga With a Chair Tuesdays 10am - 11am.

West Norfolk Folk Live Shows VILLAGE HALL BOTTLE BANK

Village Hall Bar The Village Hall always appreciates and
7-10pm, free entry. benefits from empty bottles which you
14 January Live. Singer/Songwriter, Tony take to the Bottle Bank
Phillips. in the car park. It helps
21 January Live. Blakeney Old Wild Rovers provide much needed
and Marshlander.
7 & 28 January CD’s and festival excerpts at funds for the Hall. Please support
Shop window
We offer a warm welcome at West Heath Barn T.J.H. Boiler & Heating Services
Luxury B&B and •Fault Diagnostics
Self-Catering Cottages •Unvented Hot Water Systems Call Tony on
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-Self-catering cottages (dog-friendly) •Gas Boiler Installations & Upgrades 01553 636004
-Tranquil setting next to Peddars Way •Power Flushing Based in Gayton
-Less than a mile outside Gt Massingham •Emergency Plumbing
Contact Gill or Dave & see our website for further details Email :
T: 01485 521748 or 07967 136960 No Call Out Fees. FREE Estimates Energy expert installer

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Foot Healthcare in Your Home
Tel: 07714192521 or 01485 520 187

Shop window

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White Cottage, School Road, Necton (opp Rectory

Mallard News
Home again, The Memories and The Reminiscences.…....
Some of you might remember the visit in September 2017 to Great Massingham of Peter
Osborne and sisters Ann, Margaret and Elizabeth who grew up in the village many
years ago and spent many hours in the Bakehouse where their grandparents lived. Peter
has written a report of his visit. It will be published in two parts. Part one below…….
The idea of our visit was that we should all meet up, possibly for the last time, at the
point where we were all born and before we started off on our various life journeys. We
each owe a debt of gratitude to Malcolm and Lindsey Tibble for inviting us into their
home, still known as the ‘bake-house’, which is the house of our grandparents where our
lives started. It was a unique experience to be back inside the house and to climb the
stairs we last climbed as small children 70 to 80 years ago. Malcolm and Lindsey laid on
a superb meal and a great deal of reminiscing dominated the conversation. We were able
to shed light on a number of issues including the large underground 'tank' in the back
garden that was, in fact, the underground air-raid shelter we had spent many nights
in, whilst the German bombers were overhead trying to knock out Massingham and
West Rainham airfields. Clear images returned of seeing British and German aircraft
that had crashed in and around Massingham and nearby villages.
Walking around the village we noticed that the ponds (sorry - pits) haven't changed,
although a few trees have sprung up around them since our younger days. A family of
swans always landed on the pond (pit) outside the bake-house during winter months but
the trees might be an obstacle these days, if they ever returned. We stood and recalled
the days when we skated and formed long slides on the frozen pit every winter and
watched the drivers of the steam lorries and steam engines trying to the brake the ice, to
fill up with water outside the post office and petrol pump. We noticed, as we walked,
that, nowadays, there is only one place to enjoy a glass of beer - the Dabbling Duck -
unlike the five thriving pubs that existed in our younger days!
At the invitation of the Editor of Lynn News, Margaret visited the paper's offices in Pur-
fleet Street where she started work immediately after leaving Massingham school, near-
ly 70 years ago. She met many of the current staff members and was able to recall the
staff of former days of the paper. She was given access to some of the impres-
sive historical records and it was suggested that a report and photograph of her wedding,
whilst she was working at Lynn News, might be retrieved and a brief report
and photograph of 'then and now' might feature in the paper.
We were then invited to a meeting of the Historical Society at the Village Hall were we
where able to comment on earlier times in the village - we raised a smile or two! To
mention but a few, we said that it is not widely known that Walcups Lane that was laid
during the war and our childhood, was nick-named Burma Road due to the fact that the
Burma Road in the Far East was being built at the same time, by prisoners of war. A
large barn on Seaman's farm, along Weasenham Road, was converted into a cinema and
theatre to cater for the additional population of RAF personnel, with village residents
also allowed to enter. The barn had a large stage and balcony where Peter made his stage
debut as Little Boy Blue wearing a pair of Mrs Morris blue camiknickers! We were
taught ballroom dancing by an RAF Wing Commander in a second cinema cum gymna-
sium that is still standing, along Walcups Lane, now a garage. Aircrew from the airfield
would collect all the stale loaves of bread from the bake house shop and take them on
bombing runs over Germany where they would throw the loaves out, claiming that the
loaves caused a lot of damage? We could have gone on all night recalling our stories
and, in fact, it was well past 9 pm before we retired to the bar - with even more stories !

Church Services
Date Time Service Location
Wed. 3rd January 9.00 am Holy Communion Harpley
Sunday 7 January 8.30 am Holy Communion East Walton
Epiphany 9.30 am Family Service Harpley
10.30 am Holy Communion Grimston
10.30 am Morning Praise Gayton
11.00 am Holy Communion Great Massingham
6.00 pm Evensong Congham
14th January 10.30 am Group Holy Communion Ashwicken
4.00 pm The Gap Pott Row Methodist
Wed. 17th January 9.00 am Holy Communion Grimston
21 January 8.30 am Holy Communion Roydon
2nd Sunday After 9.30 am Holy Communion Little Massingham
Epiphany 10.30 am Holy Communion Gayton
10.30 am Morning Praise Grimston
11.00 am Family Service Great Massingham
11.15 am Sung Holy Communion Harpley
28th January 8.30 am Holy Communion Congham
3rd Sunday After 10.30 am Family Service Gayton
Epiphany 11.00 am Holy Communion Great Massingham
3.00 pm Celtic Service Gayton Thorpe
1st February 9.00 am Holy Communion Harpley
Benefice Prayer Meeting, 7 January at 3pm at St. Nicholas, Gayton.
For more news please visit our benefice website at

Craft and Chat CHURCH NEWS

Village Hall Bar 2pm to 4.30pm Church Christmas Decorations
£1.50 includes refreshments. The Church was beautifully decorated at
Mondays January 8th and 22nd Christmas for the many services. Thank
We look forward to seeing you there! you to all who provided and decorated the
trees and for all the other decorations.
Fitness Mobility Also, many thanks to our regular Church
Thursdays, Docking Surgery 11.30 - 12.30. cleaners who keep St Mary’s smart and
clean for all its visitors. Cleaning takes
MOBILE LIBRARY VISITS part on Saturdays at 10am, if you want to
From 11am, 16th January 2018 join them.
and 13th February Christmas Market Success
Please read the report details of this festive
Great Massingham Baby and Toddler event, on page 9.
EVERY THURSDAY Messy Church is back again on
From 10 - 11.30am 25th January
at the Village Hall HAPPY NEW YEAR
£1.50 with snack of tea & cake TO YOU ALL!
Mallard News
Thanks to You All
We would like to thank everybody for
their condolences, cards, flowers and
messages of support that we received as a
family. We were overwhelmed by the at-
tendance at the funeral, held on the 1st De-
cember, to celebrate the life of Trevor.
The outstanding sum of £900 was raised!
It will be shared between Cancer Care and
Treatment Unit (QEH), Docking &
Massingham Surgeries and Tapping
Thank you all once again. Angela, Michelle, Neil, Carla & Alysha xx
Why not do something different for 2018?
th Following their introduction, Daphne joyfully
Thursday January 18 reports that Richard is ‘lovely’ and they have
7pm for 7.30pm, £4 entry. become ‘great pals’. He visits on a weekly basis
Great Massingham Village Hall and they thoroughly enjoy each other’s company.
‘The Limehouse Golem’ They do various things besides just sitting and
An adaptation of chatting such as going on short trips, going out
Peter Ackroyd's for lunch and are
1994 murder mys- even planning a trip
tery novel ‘Dan to Southwold.
Leno and the Why Not Contact
Limehouse Golem’. Voluntary
Stars Olivia Cooke,
Bill Nighy, and
Douglas Booth. 01263 519454

To all the friends and family of

Jackie Cormack
We would like you all to know that Jackie
is well for her age of 92 but is suffering
from the effects of Alzeimer's.
We see her every day and she still knows
us. She is very well looked after at the
Care Home here in Tenerife.
Best wishes from,
Lin Turvey (Jackie's daughter)
Mallard News

Thank You For Your Support at Our Christmas Events

St Mary’s Church
Traditional Christmas Market - 9th December
It was a lovely event with lots of people enjoying
the various stalls. Many thanks to all who both
helped & supported.
Carols were also enjoyed by everyone, especially
Father Christmas (see left), who joined in merrily.
Thank you Julian for supplying the music.
The total amount raised so far is £801, with a few
more donations still expected . It couldn’t have
been achieved without you support. Many thanks.
Anna Burpitt
Coffee Morning and Table Sale - 2nd December
The School ‘Coffee Morning and Table Sale’ was
very well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
To the delight of the children, Father Christmas
was able to attend this event too!
Over £600 was raised. Many thanks from the
School PFA to all who supported and helped.
All Lit Up for Christmas!
In what has now become a Massingham tradition, the lights on the green were
switched on again on 16th December. This year, the occasion was linked with the
Dabbling Duck’s Christmas Market and Massingham School children singing
carols on the green.
King’s Lynn Round Table also supported the event by assisting with setting up
the lights, collecting for the refurbishment of the tree and lights and the arrival of
Santa on his sleigh. Special thanks to Ryan Brown for all his work including
wiring the lights on a cold night with the aid of a head torch – and they actually
worked! Thanks also to Tim Collins for once again providing his magic switch.
Tori Bolt was the special
person who lit up the tree.
The Round Table collec-
tion on the night raised
£117.50 which will go
some way to improving
the lights for next year.
Apologies for the
confusion over the start
time, for those who missed
it – we do our best!
Andrew Bickerton

Mallard News
Massingham Bowls Club Report 2017
Massingham Bowls Club league positions for 2016/2017
season were:
• The Brewery League team, led by Colin Whitmore, won
the second division, romping home by a huge points mar-
gin without a single defeat.
• The Albert Victor A team led by Malcolm Hipkin were
runners-up again in the league.
• The Albert Victor B team led by Martin Matthews was, unfortunately, relegated to
Division 4. This was mainly due to adopting a policy of playing all B-team members as
equally as possible so that all players had regular games. Hopefully, the B team can
bounce back next year.
The green did not fare well throughout the season, partly due to a very dry spring and
early summer. However, the autumn maintenance has been done by a contractor this year
and should result in an improved playing surface for 2018. Thanks again go to Malcolm
Hipkin, Barry Goodings, and John Setford for their work on the green throughout the
season. Thanks also to Bob Nash for his work on the flower beds around the green, in-
cluding the area around the new Pavilion, which greatly enhances the overall appearance
of the green.
The new Pavilion was completed by mid-April,
just in time for the new season and the project
was generally on budget but the electrical sup-
ply is yet to be installed. A huge vote of thanks
to the Parish Council for their contribution to
the costs, without which the project would not
have been possible.
The old hut was removed during September by
club members. Having failed to find anyone
that would salvage it, it was dismantled and
taken away to burn/scrap. Thanks to Bob Nash
for arranging the disposal.
Massingham again hosted the ‘Albert Victor League Presentation Night’ in the Village
Hall in October this year, which also brings welcome revenue to the Hall and Club.
Thanks for the organisation and success of this function should go to Malcolm Hipkin.
Malcolm Hipkin and Peter Wadham intend to continue as joint League Secretaries to the
Albert Victor League next season, if re-elected at the AGM, in February.
Sadly, during last season another ex-member of Massingham Bowls Club, George Grief,
passed away. According to George’s wishes, his family have kindly dedicated a bench in
George’s memory which is now sited near the new pavilion and a trophy for a competi-
tion to be played to commemorate George. Unfortunately, we were not able to organise
this during this season but it has already been scheduled for the next season.
The Derek Skipper Memorial Competition took place at Massingham on Saturday 29 th
July and involved the A & B teams from Massingham Bowls Club and teams from
Houghton B.C. and Rougham B.C. The 2017 competition final was again won by
Massingham A who beat Houghton in the final. Lena Skipper and her family were invit-
ed to attend the event and Lena presented the trophy to Malcolm Hipkin, captain of
Massingham A.
Mallard News
A friendly ‘challenge’ match against the Tennis Club was organised by Peter Wadham
on 13th August. About 12 bowls club members took part with a similar number of tennis
club members. The tennis match was organised as 5-a-side so as not to be too strenuous
and was followed by tennis club members playing bowls, all of whom really enjoyed the
experience. This was followed by a barbeque and refreshments and a game of boules on
an improvised pitch near the bowls pavilion afterwards. Thanks to Annie Lawton for her
help with the planning and organisation. I think all players from both clubs enjoyed the
day and it is planned to hold the event again in 2018.
Another social bowls event was organised by Martin Matthews as an end of season
friendly on 10th September against a team from Downham Market. Both clubs fielded 16
players and the competition was well contested with Massingham coming out on top by
8 points to 4.
More thanks for fund raising go to Alison Gagen. Her Bingo event raised in excess of
£800 which was a tremendous achievement. This, when added to Mel Whitmore’s fund-
raising last year, raised more than the Club’s contribution to the Pavilion fund. Thanks
also to Malcolm Hipkin for the Race Night which raised in excess of £400.
The outdoor informal sessions were changed to Monday this season due to the change
from the Silver Jubilee to the Brewery league. Again this year the attendance to these
sessions was patchy but those who have attended regularly have enjoyed the friendly
The winter indoor short-mat bowls sessions on Monday afternoons, last season, raised in
excess of £550 in hall hire fees for the Village hall and is so far on track this season to,
at least, match that figure. The Wednesday evening competitions, run by John Setford
for the past few years, continued to be well supported and obviously helped with Club
bar trade. This year this competition will be run by Bob Nash who has stepped up to
allow John to have a well earned break.
In terms of activities and fund-raising, together with the installation of the new Pavilion,
this year has been a very successful season for Massingham Bowls Club and hopefully
we can achieve something similar next year and we look forward to further success in
the leagues and competitions.
Massingham Bowls Club are pleased to represent the village in the various leagues and
are grateful for the ongoing support from the Massingham Village Hall and the Social
Club, we all look forward to another successful season next year and I would like to
thank all members for their continuing support of the club throughout 2017.
Peter Wadham – Chairman, Massingham Bowls Club – October 2017

Rob Ridley’s Challenge On Our Website Great Massingham and

Rob Ridley’s first novel, The Masters of the Chan- Harpley C of E Schools
delle, is set in West and North Norfolk and he has Federation Governing Body
created fictional locations based on real buildings or Are You Interested in becoming
locations. our Clerk to Governors?
Rob has set some questions about his book on the Our current clerk is retiring after
writers’ page on the village website: many years in the role. An hono- rarium is paid for the post.
Why not have a go? Winners receive a copy of his book. If interested, please call:
Email your answers to Gt Massingham School - 520 362
Answers posted on the website after the challenge ends. or Bev Randall on 520 899
Shop window
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Little Massingham
Contact Donna on 07793 737 312

Ducklings Preschool
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All aspects of Domestic Tree and Garden Care
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climbers, shrub pruning, fruit trees and more.
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Shop window

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Call 01485 542576
Or 07818 602258
Boiler Servicing, New Heating Systems,
Bathrooms, Breakdowns, Repairs,
Upgrades, All Plumbing Covered.


Contact Su’en Miller
Tel: 01485 520 988 Parsley Barn
Mob: 07968 246 083 Weasenham Rd
Email: Gt Massingham
Or book via PE32 2EY


Level 3 Advanced Personal Trainer, A Warm Welcome Awaits
Children's Fitness Instructor, GP Exercise Referral Instructor
Nutrition and Weight Management,
Level 2 ASA Swimming Teacher, First Aid Qualified. Heath Farm, Lynn Lane, Great Massingham
01485 520828

Welcomes old & new members

High quality fitted and free-standing

furniture. Individually designed,
Excellent facilities and
a friendly atmosphere. personally installed by experts from
Good beer, real ale, wines and spirits
all at competitive prices. our Great Massingham workshops.
Separate snooker room.
Satellite, large screen TV.
Outside drinking area.
Entertainment throughout the year.
Membership applications can be obtained CALL TODAY
from the club bar 01485 521888

Useful Numbers

Organisation Contact Phone No.

Allotment Association Gill Goold 0750 824 2223
Biodiversity Project Mike Jackson 520 056
Borough Council Tim Tilbrook 01485 601413
Bowls Club Peter Wadham 520 796
Church Contacts Revd Judith Pollard 01485 601 251
or Revd Jane Holmes 01553 636227
Community Car Scheme Office 520 823
Coronation Club Jill Whitmore 520 609
County Council Stuart Graham Dark 07450 679 355
Doctors Massingham Surgery 520 521
The Film Club Arthur Allen/Maggie Prue 520 628/520 912
Fishing Warden Deke Overson 520 143
Football Club Barry Talbot (seniors) 520 653
Guide Trefoil Guild Shirley Rae 520 259
Massingham Historical Society Peter James 521 706
Tennis and Multi-Sports Club Arthur Allen 520 628
Parish Council Kevin Webb (Clerk) 01328 855 046
Vic Cross (Chair) 520 387
Pre-School Pip Armitage 07807 185 746
Police Non-emergency 101
School Ann Beardall 520 362
Village Hall Hall & Bar & Vic Cross 520 588/520 387

The Village Store & Post Office OVEN CLEANING

• Fresh Bread Daily from Ridouts Bakery
• Holiday Insurance & Foreign Currency SOFA CLEANING
• Take Away Food Menu
• Fresh Fruit and vegetables Call the local experts now

Clean Tech
Ray and staff
welcome you to
your local shop,
7days a week.
FREE local deliveries
every Thursday ! 01485 609223
Mon. to Sat. Village Store Card, cheque and cash
8am to 5.30pm Great Massingham
Sun. 9.30 -12.30 payments accepted
Tel: 520 272

School children, parents and
friends sing Carols before the
countdown to turn on the tree

COME TO THE Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

‘Valentines Monday January 29th
Dinner & Dance’ 7pm at
Great Massingham Village Hall
th Great Massingham Social Club
Saturday February10 This month we’ve a pamper
Tickets £25 per person include hog roast & corner where Hannah will do
dessert and complimentary drink on arrival. mini facials for £3 or a foot
Smart dress. Raffle on the night. soak & massage for £2.
Music from DNA.
Cocktail tasting, pool, card
ALL FUNDS FOR games, chatting…….
THE VILLAGE HALL It is Ladies’ Night at the social
Tickets available from club. Come and join us.
Mel Whitmore The second of several events for
07833 475 864 or from Lady Club members- £2 sign in fee
the Village Hall for non-members, or join for the year
on the night -it is only £10.
Dates for your Diary – January 2018
Date Event Time Place

8,22 Jan Craft & Chat 2 pm - Village Hall Bar

8 Jan Historical Society 7.30 pm Village Hall

14,21 Jan West Norfolk Folk 7 - 10 pm Village Hall

16 Jan Mobile Library From 11 As Timetabled
18 Jan Film Club 7pm for Village Hall
25 Jan Quiz Night 7pm for Village Hall Bar
29 Jan Ladies’ Night 7 pm Hall Social Club

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