Tickets in Support

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1) Problem in creating delivery FRS Orders.

Check the following -

Dates in the Sales Order and FRS Order should be same.
Payment Terms in Sales Order and FRS Order should be same.
Risk Category in Sales Order and FRS Order should be same. (to check in VKM 4)

2) Problem in ZLST & ZLSC Account Assignment Problem Sarea: 4000/30/10 (to
Sol: Go to billing doc header and change the Account assignment to Domestic and save
the document.

3) Delete ZF2D Zero value Invoice

Take User ID and Goto VOFA Billing type remove Routine 29 save in 5000 request.
Cancel the Billing doc and restore 29 routine is ZF2D.

4) Material to be extended to Plant.

Sol: Mail to Master Data Cell

5) Credit Problem

Sol: mail to master Cell

6) Double Deliveries
Sol: Go to VKM4. Select all the documents and executive. Select all and reject and
save the documents.
7) unable to create Billing Document.

Sol: Check
In Delivery header status Procesing Status relevance for billing
Go to ZVDEL T.code and put delivery no and run. Save, Go back to delivery and
check Header Status. And try doing Vf01.

8) ED is not appearing in Sales Order

Sol: Check JMOD in Sales Order Conditions. Or update the Pricing

9) PGI G/l account blocked for STO

Sol.: Check FS03 that GL account who blocked and inform them to remove block
10) Problem in delivery & Invoice of PO (STO)

Sol: Follow the steps:

Check the Unit of measurement (UOM) in PO & MM03
Check if the material is extended to the storage location specified in PO
Check Stock of Material

11) Unable to create SCRN for following product in Sales org 2450 (Error: material
has been excluded)

Sol: Take the Billing doc no for which you are making SCRN
Give details of Sold-to-Party and material code to master Cell

12) Invoice is not appearing in FBL5

Sol: Goto FBL5 give Customer No & Company Code check the invoice no is appearing
or not
Check whether Customer account is blocked for posting

13) Stn Zero Value kindly update the value.

Sol: Inform Master Cell to Update Prices


Sol: Inform to Master Cell to do the same

14) creating an accounting document number using ZCRD

Sol: 1) Check the UOM of materials in material Master

2) According to my observation, the system is trying to convert Unit 1S1
for the material 1005372 into the base unit of measure S10.
3) Change UOM from of 2 line items from 15S & 1S1 to S10 (which is Base Unit of

15) User getting MRP as Rs. 0.00 ; FG Transfer Clearance

Sol: Please put the field MRP NA for material group under exclusion field in the report
ZFGC since MRP NA for material group is mandatory.

16) Excise Duty (ED) not coming in Billing Document

Sol: Check the Pricing Procedure Analysis and see if Z001 & Z002 are updated. If
not ask Nitin to Update the same.
17) Execution Problem in PGI

Sol: This is a PPQM Issue:

Check the expiry dates of the batches and check what batches are available in MMBE
Transaction and inform the customer accordingly.

18) Wrong address on Excise Invoice

Sol: Inform to Nitin Agarwal – Master Data Cell

19) SCRN Problem - Please dont change the Payement terms manually”.

Sol: correct the Payment days & confirm the user

20) 1080461 - diprovate MF ( This is new material code); PGI of material Diprovate MF
Cream ( 1080461) system is not picking batch no. directly. Batch to be entered

Sol: Update the classification data. Inform the Master Cell - Nitin

21) Problem while making Delivery in STO

Sol: Check
Which plant is Plant is assigned to Supplying & receiving plants in STO
Check the Shipping points assigned to the plants
Check the shipping point given at item level in STO
Goto Vl10B and try to create the delivery and inform the customer to do the same


Some of the common Tickets in SD would be:

1. Unable to make combined delivery / billing
2. Material Blocked.- unable to create delivery
3. credit block - unable to create delivery / PGI/ Billing
4. Wrong price in billing
5. Wrong Tax details in Billing
6. Problem doing PGI
7. Problem in Intercompany Delivery
8. Unable to Create a delivery - prbl with selection date
9. To add new Sales Group/Sales office
10. To add new Sales area / Shipping point
11. To add new Document type
12. Add new Payment Terms
13. Add new Sales district
are some of the common SD tickets in Support.

Please check this link :


But however, when you relevant to us, means things are aware technically aware. Its always
better for such errors which crop in real time you have had done some kind of practice on the
system that you can freely talk on them. Otherwise a ticket can really be any issue that the
customer might just login.

It might be a good idea, when doing practice make notes of the errors that you come across when
implementing new ideas and see how you solve them. You can as well construct as a scenario
and explain in the interview.

Also keep in touch with SDN forum to come across a lot of real time issues being addressed.

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