English Proficiency Test Part 1 - Structure

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Part 1 - Structure

DIRECTIONS: This subset measures your ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard
written English.

Items 1 – 15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence, you will see four words or phrases marked
A, B, C, and D. choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence, then shade the letter
corresponding to your answer in the Answer Sheet.

1. The enterprising daughter who __________ a vast fortune from her super rich and powerful
father is going to Europe to venture into other business deals.
A. Inherit B. inherited C. is inheriting D. was inherited
2. Helium, a new element in the sun, is the ash left __________ atoms of hydrogen are fused in the
furnace of the sun.
A. While B. unless C. when D. until
3. To everybody’s surprise, the captain, looking __________, eas there ahead of all the rest.
A. His best B. at his best C. in his best D. for his best
4. People __________ Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) damage were not necessarily those who had
smoked the longest but those who began smoking at a young age.
A. Of worst B. of worse C. within the worse D. within the worst
5. The primordial purpose __________ schooling is ultimately to learn how to learn.
A. In B. for C. of D. at
6. Before the seeds germinated, I did not know what kind of plants they __________.
A. Will be B. would be C. can be D. could be

7. In April 1906, an earthquake never before equaled in violence __________ a part of the United
States, particularly San Francisco, California.
A. Striked B. stroke C. strikes D. struck

8. Ballooning revenue collections, mushrooming infrastructures and expanding transportation and

communication facilities conspicuously manifest the __________ of the city.
A. Speedily growing economy C. speedy growing economic
B. Speedy economic growing D. growing economic speed
9. The latest addition to the year – round regional cultural showcase is the new, state-of-the-art light
and sound museum which __________ the country’s past and its present.
A. Exhibit B. exhibits C. exhibited D. is exhibiting
10. Oral rehydration __________ attempted to replace lost body fluids in the early stages of fever.
A. Is B. would be C. was D. has been
11. It __________ be gleaned from the article that mass media have both positive and negative
influence to society.
A. Would B. could C. must D. might
12. Of all the sports that __________ strong bodies, swimming is the best.
A. Develops B. developed C. develop D. is developing
13. The legalization of divorce, until such time, has been __________ in our society.
A. A hotly-contested issues C. the hot contested issue
B. A hotly-contesting issue D. the hot contesting issue
14. A website is limited __________ you to other websites where you can access for more
information and discoveries.
A. until it is linking B. because it links C. since it linked D. while it link
15. The happy children, __________, paraded in the busy streets in celebration of their school
A. Majestic costumes C. majestically costumes
B. majestic costumed D. majestically costumed

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