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MA Economics Entrance Course

At ECOPOINT we will not be following any particular book. Our notes will follow
a style which we think should help you in clearing this entrance. Below are
mentioned some good books. You can buy at least one from each category to
serve as a ready reference. * marked books are those books which you must
have. Remember, your focus should be on applications. We will help you
in applying concepts, which should make you competent and confident for this
paper. In case of any query, just call us.


 Workouts in Intermediate Microeconomics by Bergstrom and Varian*

 Intermediate Micro Economics by H. Varian
 Microeconomic Analysis by H. Varian


 Macro Economics by Dornbusch, Fischer etal*

 Macro Economic Theory and Policy by Branson


 Basic Statistics by Nagar and Das

 Statistics by S C Gupta*
 Mathematical Statistics by Freund


 Basic Econometrics by Damodar N Gujarati*

 Introductory Econometrics with Applications by Ramu Ramanathan


 Mathematics for Economic Analysis by Sydsaeter and Hammond*

 Mathematical Analysis for Economists by RJD Allen
 Mathematics for Economists by Simon and Blume

Game Theory

 An Introduction to Game Theory by Osborne

Real Analysis

 Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus by Ross

Economics H Graduation Level Courses


Introductory Microeconomics

For detailed syllabus click here

 Exploring the subject matter of Economics

 Supply and Demand : How Markets work, Markets and Welfare
 The Households
 The Firm and the perfect market structure
 Imperfect market structure
 Input markets

References :

 N. Gregory Mankiw (2007), Economics: Principles and Applications, 4th edition

 Karl E. Case and Ray C. Fair (2007), Principles of Economics, 8th edition
 Joseph E. Stiglitz and Carl E. Walsh (2006), Economics, International Student Edition, 4th Edition

Mathematical Methods of Economics : I

For detailed syllabus click here

 Preliminaries
 Single variable analysis
 Differential calculus of one variable
 Optimization with one variable


 Sydsaeter and Hammond, Essential mathematics for economic analysis

Statistical Methods in Economics : I

For detailed syllabus click here

 Elementary distribution theory

 Elementary probability theory
 Probability distributions
 Index numbers


 P.H. Karmel and M. Polasek (1978), Applied Statistics for Economists, 4th edition, Pitman.
 Allen Webster (1997), Applied Statistics for Business and Economics: An Essential Version, 3rd
edition, McGraw-Hill.
 M.R. Spiegel (2003), Theory and Problems of Probability and Statistics


Introductory Econometrics
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 Nature and Scope of Econometrics

 Review of Statistics
 Classical Linear Regression Model: Two variable case
 Classical Multiple Regression Model
 Violations of Classical Assumptions and remedies
 Specification Analysis


 D. N. Gujarati and D.C. Porter, Essentials of Econometrics, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill International
 Christopher Dougherty, Introduction to Econometrics, 3rd edition, OUP,Indian edition
 Jan Kmenta, Elements of Econometrics, Indian Reprint, Khosla Publishing House, 2008, recommended
chapters for ‘Review of Statistics’

Intermediate Microeconomics I

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photostat shop or click here to find old/new version of original reading list as and when they will be uploaded by

 Consumer theory
 Production and Costs
 Market structure and Game theory
 General Equilibrium, Efficiency and Welfare
 Market Failure


 Hal R. Varian [2006] : Intermediate Microeconomics, a Modern Approach, 7th edition

 W.Nicholson and C.Snyder [2008] : Microeconomic Theory, 10th edition,Thomson South
 B.Douglas Bernheim and Michael D.Whinston [2009] : Microeconomics, Tata McGraw-Hill (India)

Intermediate Macroeconomics I

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photostat shop or click here to find old/new version of original reading list as and when they will be uploaded by

 The closed economy in the Short Run

 The medium run: Inflation and Aggregate Supply curve
 Open Economy Models
 Economic Growth
 Microeconomic Foundations : Consumption & Investment


 Rudiger Dornbusch and Stanley Fischer, Macroeconomics, 6th edition, McGraw Hill.
 Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fischer and Richard Startz, Macroeconomics, 9th edition, McGraw Hill.
 N. Gregory Mankiw (2007) Macroeconomics, 6th edition, Worth Publishers.
 Blanchard, Olivier. (2006) Macroeconomics, 4th edition, Pearson Education Asia.
 Attfield, C.L.F., D. Demery and N.W. Duck (1991), Rational Expectations in Macroeconomics, 2nd
edition, Blackwell.
 Sheffrin, Steven M. (1996), Rational Expectations, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press.
 Salvatore,D (2001), International Economics,7th edition, Wiley Asia.

III Year (Old Course)

Economy, State and Society

Below is the old reading list for the reference purposes only. You should get a copy of reading list from DSE
photostat shop or click here to find old/new version of original reading list as and when they will be uploaded by

 J. Gurley (1978): “The Materialist Conception of History”, Ch.2.1 in R. Edwards, M.Reich and T.
Weisskopf (ed.) , The Capitalist System (2nd edition), and editorial comment in 3rd edition (1986) pp.
7-10, Prentice Hall.
 O. Lange, Political Economy, vol 1, Chapters 1 and 2.
 E.K. Hunt (2004), History of Economic Thought, M.E. Sharpe (Indian edn, Shilpi Publications), Chapter
 Irfan Habib (1995): “Capitalism in History”, Social Scientist, Vol. 23, No. 7/9 (Jul-Sep., 1995), pp. 15-
 R.L. Heilbroner (1987), “Capitalism”, in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Modern Economics, Macmillan.
Also reprinted as Chapter 2 in Behind the Veil of Economics by R.L. Heilbroner (1988), W.W.Norton.
 P. Sweezy (1942), The Theory of Capitalist Development, chapters 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10.
 Anwar Shaikh (1983): Entries on “Economic Crises” and “Falling Rate of Profit” in T. Bottomore et al
(eds.), The Dictionary of Marxist Thought, OUP (Indian edition, Maya Blackwell, 2000). [*The entry on
“Class” by Bottomore in this dictionary is starred]
 Vamsi Vakulabharanam (2009), “The Recent Crisis in Global Capitalism: Towards a Marxian
Understanding”, Economic and Political Weekly, March 28, 2009, pp 144-150.
 *T. Bottomore (1985), Theories of Modern Capitalism, Allen & Unwin. Chapters on Weber and
Schumpeter. [starred]
 J. Schumpeter (1942), Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, George Allen and Unwin (1976 edition),
Chapters 6, 7 and 8.
 P. Baran (1957), The Political Economy of Growth, Chapter 3, (Pelican edition, 1973).
 Fran Tonkiss (2006), Contemporary Economic Sociology: Globalisation, Production, Inequality
(Routledge India 2008 reprint), Chapter 4 (Fordism and After). [*Chapter 6 (Class) is to be treated as
a starred reading]
 Ash Amin (ed) (1994), Post-Fordism: A Reader, Blackwell, Chapter 2 (Elam)
 M. Kalecki (1943), “Political Aspects of Full Employment”, in E.K. Hunt and J.G. Schwarz (eds.) A
Critique of Economic Theory (Also in Kalecki, Selected Essays on the Dynamics of the Capitalist
Economy , Cambridge University Press, 1971 ).
 R. Heilbroner, “The Role of the State”, ch.4 in The Nature and Logic of Capitalism (excluding section 1)
 Ronald Dore 2008, “Financialization of the Global Economy”, Industrial and Corporate Change, Volume
17, Number 6, pp. 1097–1112.
 S. Hymer, “The Multinational Corporation and the Law of Uneven Development”, in H. Radice (ed.)
International Firms and Modern Imperialism (also in J. Bhagwati (ed.) Economics and the World Order
from the 1970s to the 1990s)
 R. Kiely (1998), “Transnational Companies, Global Capital, and the Third World”, in Kiely and Marfleet
(eds), Globalization and the Third World (also in R.Kozul -Wright and R.Rowthorn (ed.), Transnational
Corporations and the Nation State, Macmillan).
 Prabhat Patnaik (2006), “Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism Today”, in K.S. Jomo (ed.) The Long Twentieth
Century: The Great Divergence: Hegemony, Uneven Development and Global Inequality, OUP.
 James O’Connor (1970), “The Meaning of Economic Imperialism,” in Robert Rhodes,ed., Imperialism
and Underdevelopment, New York: Monthly Review Press (pages 101 to 111)

Development Theory and Experience

Below is the old reading list for the reference purposes only. You should get a copy of reading list from DSE
photostat shop or click here to find old/new version of original reading list as and when they will be uploaded
by DSE

 Growth and Development

o Development and Underdevelopment
o Poverty and Inequality
o State and the Market
 Resources
o Capital and Technical Progress
o Labour and Employment issues
o Land and the Rural Economy
o The Environment and Sustainable Development
 Globalization and Development
o Trade Policy debate

Selected References:

 Debraj Ray, Development Economics, (DE) Princeton University Press, 1998

 Partha Dasgupa, Economics: A Very Short Introduction, (AVSI), Oxford University Press, 2007
 Abhijit Banerjee, Roland Benabou and Dilip Mookerjee ed. Understanding Poverty (UP), OUP, 2006

Money and Financial Markets

Below is the old reading list for the reference purposes only. You should get a copy of reading list from DSE
photostat shop or click here to find old/new version of original reading list as and when they will be uploaded by

 Money in the financial system

 Money supply analysis
 Analysis of interest rates
 Financial Markets
 Monetary Policy
 Monetary Management in an Open economy


 Bhole, L. M., (4th edn.), Financial Institutions and Markets, Tata McGraw Hill.
 Lewis, M. K. and Mizen, P. D. (2000), Monetary Economics, Oxford.
 Mishkin, F. S. and Eakins, S. G. (5th edn) Financial Markets + Institutions Pearson Education
 Fabbozzi, F. J., Modigliani, F., Jones, F. J., and Ferri, M. G. (3rd edn.), Foundation of Financial Markets
and Institutions Pearson Education
 Jadhav, N. (2006), Monetary Policy, Financial Stability and Central Banking in India Macmillan
 Baye, M. R. and Jansen, D. W. (1996), Money, Banking and Financial Markets: An Economics Approach,
 Reddy, Y. V. (2000), Monetary and Financial Sector Reforms in India, UBSPD
 Salvatore, D., (8th edn.), International Economics, Wiley.
 Levi, M. D. (1996), International Finance, McGraw-Hill.
 Rakesh Mohan (2007), “Capital Account, Liberalisation, and Conduct of Monetary Policy:
 The Indian Experience”, RBI Bulletin, July 2007, pp. 1129-1153

Public Economics

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Public Economics Theory

 Fiscal Functions : An Overview

 Tools of Normative Analysis: Pareto Efficiency, Equity and the Social Welfare Function; Market Failure
 Public Goods: Definition, Models of Efficient Allocation, Pure and Impure Public Goods, Free Riding
 Externalities: The Problem and its Solutions, Taxes versus Regulation, Property Rights, the Coase
 Taxation: Its Economic Effects; Dead Weight Loss and Distortion, Efficiency and Equity Considerations,
Tax Incidence, Optimal Taxation
 Fiscal Federalism, the Economic Basis of Decentralization

Indian Public Finance

 India’s Fiscal System

 Tax System: Structure and Reform
 Public Expenditure: Trends and Issues; Subsidies in India
 Budget, Deficits and Public Debt
 Fiscal Federalism in India

Introductory Econometrics
Below is the old reading list for the reference purposes only. You should get a copy of reading list from DSE
photostat shop or click here to find old/new version of original reading list as and when they will be uploaded by

 Nature and Scope of Econometrics

 Review of Statistics
 Classical Linear Regression Model: Two variable case
 Classical Multiple Regression Model
 Violations of Classical Assumptions and remedies
 Specification Analysis


 D. N. Gujarati and D.C. Porter, Essentials of Econometrics, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill International
 Christopher Dougherty, Introduction to Econometrics, 3rd edition, OUP,Indian edition
 Jan Kmenta, Elements of Econometrics, Indian Reprint, Khosla Publishing House, 2008, recommended
chapters for ‘Review of Statistics’

International Economics

Below is the old reading list for the reference purposes only. You should get a copy of reading list from DSE
photostat shop or click here to find old/new version of original reading list as and when they will be uploaded by

 Ricardian Model, Heckscher-Ohlin Model and Standard Trade Model (KO: Chs. 3, 4, 5)
 New trade theories: Economics of scale and Imperfect Competition International factor movements
(KO: Chs. 6, 7)
 International Trade Policy: Instruments, Political Economy, Controversies, Developing Countries (KO:
8, 9, 10, 11)
 Exchange Rates and Money Market: (KO: Chs. 13, 14, 15).
 Output and exchange rate in short run and fixed exchange rate regime (KO: Chs. 16, 17).
 International Macroeconomic Policy (KO: Chs. 18, 19, 21, 22).


 Paul R. Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld, International Economics: Theory and Policy, 8th edition,
Pearson Education
Books : Important Book List For IES (Indian Economics Service)
Books For General Economics - I
 Micro-Economics: Ahuja
 Micro-Economics: Koutsoyiannis
 Macro-Economics: Shapiro
 Macro-Economics:Ahuja
 Macro-Economics:Dornbusch and Fischer
 Mathematical Methods: class 11th and 12th NCERT Maths book is sufficient.
 National Income Accounting: Class 12th book of NCERT
Books For General Economics - II
 Monetary Economics : SB Gupta (For both) M L Jhingan and RBI Report.
 International Economics: Soderston and Mannur.
 Growth and Development: M L Jhingan, Meir and Baldwin.
 Statistics: Class 11th and 12th NCERT books along with some chapters of any graduation level statistics
book and Econometrics book.

 Latest Books by Amartya Sen.

Books For General Economics - I

 Public Finance: Bhatia.
 Indian Economy: Planning chapter of Uma Kapila.
 Environmental Economics: Any good books-only topic wise coverage.

 The Economic Times Newspaper

 Yojana Magazine

Indian Economics

 Indian Economy by Dutt and Sundaram.

 Indian Economy: Mishra & Puri

 Indian Economy: A N Agrawala
 Indian Economy: Uma Kapila
 Indian Economy: Economic Survey –Last two years
 Indian Economy: Budget-3 years, Very important
 Indian Economy: latest two Monetary & Credit Policy (mid term and annual). Latest data about CRR, SLR
and Repos rate should be known.,

 Different reports like Human Development Report, World Development Reports, papers by United Nations
Environment Programme.
 Economy newspaper: The Economic Times

Books on Microeconomics

 Microeconomics: Theory and Applications by Dominick Salvatore

 Modern Microeconomics by A. Koutsoyannis
 Social Science and its methods in Social Science: An Introduction
to the Study of Society by Hunt, Elgin
 Methodology and Perspectives of Social Science by Abhijit Kundu
 Economics by Lipsey R. and A Chrystal

Books on Macroeconomics

 Economics by Lipsey R. and A Chrytal

 Macro economic Theory by Eugene Diutio
 Macro economics by Edward Shapiro
 Macro Economics by Errol D’Souza
 Macro economics by Gregory Mankiw
 Macro economics by Richard T. Frogmen
 Methodology and Perspectives of Social Science by Abhijit Kundu
 Microeconomic Theory by Dominick Salvatore

Books for Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis

 Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis by Sydsaeter K and

P. Hammond
 Introductory Mathematics for Economics and Business by Holden
K and A.W. Pearson
 Basic Mathematics and Its Application in Economics by Barauh.S
 Mathematical Analysis for Economist by Allen R.G.D
 Mathematical Methods for Business and Economics by Dowling

Books for Computer Applications in Economics

 Comdex Computer Course Kit by Vikas Gupta

 Foundations of IT by Sharma D
Books on Indian Economy

 Development with Dignity by Amit Bhaduri

 Indian Agriculture since Independence by Bhalla, G.S
 Indian Economy Environment and policy by IC Dhingra
 Indian Economy: Performance & Policies by Uma , Kapila

Books on Mathematical Economics and Econometrics

 Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics by Chiang A.C.

and K. Wainwright
 Introduction to Mathematical Economics by Dowling E.T
 Mathematical Economics by R.G.D Allen
 Mathematics for Economics by Mehta and Madnani
 Mathematics for Economics by Joshi and Agarwal
 Mathematics for Economics by Taro Yamane
 Basic Econometrics by Damodar N.Gujarati
 Econometrics by Koutsoyiannis

Books on International Economics

 International Economics by Dominick Salvatore

 International Economics by Bo Soderstien and Geoffrey Reed
 International Economics by Francis Cherunilam
 International Economics by Mannur, H.G

Books on Banking

 Banking in India by S.K. Basu

 Central Banking by M.D. Decock
 Indian Economy by I.C. Dhingra
 Modern Banking by R.S. Sayers
 Studies in Practical Banking by Milnes Holdern


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