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ORDER NO.ADG90411;¢5, Service Manual olfisss SIGITAL AUDIO mate conto (SC-HDSosMO} S8.40505, ‘SexpSOS (+)8u0505 eTHOsos SLHOSOS STEHDSO5MO] emote cortl (ens tmses se-Hososs re SEHDSOSNO Specification Mechanism-RAEO152Z Mechanism Sertes mavdio DA converter: 1 bt2 DAC MASH Digital output terminal: Opticalxt mPickup Wavelength: "7800 mFormat Sampling frequency: 44th General Dimensions (WxHxD); 20247 6x254me Weight: Akg Power Supply[For (E) area only): octavitav Compact Disc Player SL-HD505 Colour (8). Silver Type Areas Pp. U.S.A, and Canada e Europe. System:SC-HD505 SC-HD505MD_ Bicause of unique interconnecting cables, when a component requires service, send or bring in the entire system, Note: Refer to the service manual for Model No.SE- HOS05/505MD (ORDER NO.ADS904110C5! AD9904116A2) for information on “ACCESSORIES”, "INSTALLATION", "CONNECTION" and “PACKAGING”. Power Consumption|For (E) area only): 10W Notes: 1.Design and specications are subject to change witrout notice, 2Dimensions and weight are approximate, system Sc-HD505: Tuner:ST-HOS0S, Compact Disc Player'SL-HOS05 Ampliier SE- HDS05, Cassette Deck: RS-HD505,Speakers:S8-HDSO5(Made in MAES.) ‘SC-HDSOSMD: Tuner:$T-HOSOSMO, Compact Disc Player:SL-HD50S. Amplifier SE-HDSOSMD, Minisisc Deck'SJ-HO505 Spezkers:SB- HOE0S (Maxio in MAES ) 4, WARNING “This service information is designed for experienced repair technicians only and is not designed for use by the general public. It does not contain warnings or cautions to advise non-technical individuals of potential Gangers in attempting 10 service a product Products powered by eleciricty should be serviced or repaired only by experienced professional technicians. Any attemot to service ‘oF repair te product or products dealt within this service information by anyone else could result in serous injury or daath Technics © 1999 Matsushita Electric Industral Co.,Ltd All ighls reserved. Unauthorized copying and | distibution is 2 violation of law. | CONTENTS Page 1 Blue LED 2 2 Betore Repair ~ 2 3 Precaution of Laser Diode cg 4 Operating Instructions ~ 4 45 Handling Precautions for Traverse Oeck 5 5.1. Handling of traverse deck (optical pickup} 5 5.2. Graunding for electrostatic breakdown prevention 5 6 Operation Checks and Component Replacement Procedures 7 Error Cede Display and Servo Adjustment Function " 7.4. Emor code display procedure "1 7.2. Serve adjustment procedure: ” 7.3. Table 1 2 7.4, Table 2 - 2 b Measurements and Adjustments ~~ 3 81. Power Supply (o This Unit alone 3 82. To Check Signals ves 8 8 Troubleshooting Guide “4 40 Block Diagram 1s 1 Blue LED Page 11 Schematic Diagram Notes 8 11.4, Scheamtie Diagram Notes: 18 11.2, Type ilustation of IC's, Transistors and Diodas 16 12 Schematic Diagram 19 13 Printed Circuit Board Diagram -~ 28 {4 Wiring Connection Diagram 16 15 Terminal Function of IC's a 15.1, IC701 (AN8BS9NSBEZ}: SERVO AMP a 15.2. IO7R2 (MNGOZ7SORSA1); SERVO PROCESSORIDIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORIDIGITAL FILTERID-A CONVERTER ar 153. 1C703{AN8739SBE2) FOCUS COIL/TRACKING COIL TRAVERSE MOTOR? SPINDLE MOTOR DRIVE~-~~~-28 ¥54, 1C403(LC86358C4K97)'SYSTEM CONTROL 28 416 Replacement Parts List 30 17 Loading Mechanism Parts Location 38 18 Cabinet parts Location ~ 34 ‘* The LED mounted to each side of the front panel of this set is very sensitive to static electricity. When handling the LED base plate, be very careful about it + Do not replace a blue LEO singly. If repiaced singly, it may be subject to electrosiatic breakdown or deterioration in quality, ‘When replacing the LED base plate, be sure to replace L and R sides simultaneously to permit the brightness adjustment, “For configuration al the Ume of supply of replacement parts,refer to "Printed Circult Board Diagram.” 2 Before Repair This equipment (SL-HDSOS}wwhich is a component of this systems supplied wih power from the amplifier (SE- HD50SI50SMO) through the tuner (ST-HDSOSISOSMD). When repairing this equipment or checking operation of the system, be sure to connect the ampli ond tuner with ‘This equipment, even in the state of it as a single equipment, permits power supply and operation chack. When operating it 5 a single equipment without the amplifier and tuner, refer to tne paragcaph of "Measurements ang Adjustments. 3 Precaution of Laser Diode CAUTION: This product ubizes a laser dhode with the unit turned “on, invisible laser rackation is emntted from the pickup lens. Wave lengtt 760 nm Maximum output radiation power from pickup: 100 Wide Laser raciation from the pickup lens is safety evel but be sure the followings: 1. Do not disassemble the optical pickup unit, since radiation from exposed laser diode is dangarous. 2, Do not adust the variable resistor on the pickup unit It was already adjusted 3. Do not look a the focus lens using optical instrament, 4. Recommens rot to look at pickup lans for 2fong lime: CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT LUOKAN 1 LASERLAITE KLASS 1 LASER APPARAT ‘CAUTION! ‘THIS PRODUCT UTILIZES A LASER ACHTUNG: Dieses Produkt enthalt eine Lasevdiode, Im eingeschalteten Zustand wird unsichtbare Leserstrahlung von der Laserinheit adgestrahit, Wollenléinge: 780 nm Maximale Straniungsleistung der Lasereinheit; 100 WADE Die Strahlungan der Lasereinheit ungefahrtich, wenn foigende Punkte beachtet werden: 1, Die Lasereinheit nicht zerlegen, da die Strahiung an der freigelegten Laserdiode getalrlich ist 2. Den werkseitigjustieren Einsteliregier der Lasereinhit, nicht verstelien, 3. Nicht mit optischen Instrumenten in die Fokussieriines licken. 4. Nicht Uber langere Zeit in die Fokussierlines blicken. USE OF CONTROLS GR ADJUSTMENTS OR PERFORMANCE OF PROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED HEREIN MAY RESULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIATION EXPOSURE 4 Operating Instructions () Die ay Dise tray openiclose button (A OPENICLOSE} @ 0 TEXT awitch (CO TEXT) @ One racial tracks switch (TRACK) ) Skipfsearon buttons (ae /-44, D> / >i) © Stop button (m) © aves button (M1) @ Play button ant inieator (>) "Ye elo othe indicate depends cn the operation sking lace, ¥ stopped: eranoe layne: orsen fn ‘Praparaton: tun the union HD press{a OPEN/CLOSE] to open the tray. Seta CO Ie up onthe ray Press| OPENOLOSE| Goto ho tay, ‘Toe number of racks and paying tim is spayed Hf °CD" is selected ashe sour. DD select “ALL” oF “ONE” with TRACK]. ALLS at rackoar payed ONE: ne ks plays. EF Press {>} to start play. Adjust the volume, Total numar Total saying oftaas timo To stop the ac Press ml ‘To pause play ress [I dutng ply, Press [HL] or] to sume play. ‘Skipping tracks Press | Me] (Cache, oF HY MB (lorvar Searching through tracks During play ress an hold | Me 4 (bachward or [HPL Pb} orwa), “No DISC" Is alsplayes. ner th wt In CD moe ut c= it nthe payer Lote] "You cannot skip racks already played is rankiom pay. ‘Skping & done ino selected erin program py. "You can seach ony within rack rom an program ply. 5 Handling Precautions for Traverse Deck The laser diode in the traverse deck (optical pickup) may break down due to potential difference caused by stalic electricity of 5.1. 1.Do not subject the traverse deck (optical pickup) to static electricity as itis extremely sensitive to electrical shock. 2.The short fand between the No. 5 (GND) and No. 4 (LD) pins on the flexible board is shorted with a solder build-up to prevent damage to the laser diode. (As shown in Fig. 1.) To connect to the PC board, be sure to open by removing the solder build-up, and finish the work quickly. 3. Take care not to apply excessive stress to the flexible board (FFC), 4,Do not turn the variable resistor (laser power adjustment). It has already been adjusted. (As shown in Fig. 1.) 5.2. 1. Human body grounding Use the anti-static wrist strap to discharge the static electricity from your bedy. (As shown in Fig. 2.) 2.Work table grounding Put a conductive material (shee!) or stee! sheet on the area where the optical pickup is placed, and ground the sheet Caution: The static electricity of your clothes will not be grounded through the wrist strap, So, take care not to let your clothes. touch the traverse deck (optical pickup). clothes or human bodySo, be careful of electrostatic breakdown during repair of the traverse deck (optical pickup). Handling of traverse deck (optical pickup) Lens Flexible board (FFO) (Bo not touch) (Handle it caretuly) Variable resistor No.4 (0) pn Vari si SX. er FS Clip or shorn Fo. Grounding for electrostatic breakdown prevention kf (Ry guy Wrist strap “(Ant-static bracelet) Iron plate or some metas to conduct electicity 6 Operation Checks and Component Replacement Procedures IGHG 1. this section describes procedures for checking the operation of the major printed circuit boards and replacing the main components. 2, For reassembly after operation checks or replacement, reverse the respective procedures. Special reassembly procedures are described only when required. 3. Select item from the following index when checks or replacement are required. © Contents WM Checking Procedures for each P.C.B. 1. Checking for the CD servo PC.B. 2. Checking for the main P.C.B. II Main Component Replacement Procedures 1. Replacement for the traverse deck ass'y. 2. Replacement for the belt, loading motor ass'y and loading switch, i Lead wire and flat cable arrangement @ Checking Procedures for each P.C.B. 1, Checking for the CD servo P.C.B. Spreacing the potn rot tals indicated with ~) of lease the 2 claws, ‘cabinet a small amount, li up and remove thé cabinet in the dveetion of arrow. Leo (A) PCB. + Check the CD servo P.C.B. as shown below. co seve RCs. When installing the main P.C.B., make sure that the noles of main P.C.B, are alined with the GND plate Release the 2 claws, and then lit up the rear panel and main RC.B. to remove. 2. Checking for the main P.C.B. + Follow the ~ EEED of the item 4 in checking procedure for each P.C.B. Minus ativer C= + Check the main P.C.B. as shown below. Connect tne food wie Raise the main P.C.8. i Main Component Replacement Procedures 4. Replacement for the traverse deck ass'y Follow the CED ~ GEIB of the item 1 in checking procedure for each PC. ap cD Pull out the FFC from Remave the loading unit Sonneetor (Cnsoes Remove the fenscay connector. Rotate the geer. Release the 2 claws, rd =. eer 4 A I Removal of the FFC board 3 Push the top of the connector in the direction ‘of arrow ®, and then pull out the FFC board in the direction of arrow 2. reibweire eR td > > TOF Insert a short pin into the waverse unit FEC board, (Refer to “Handling Precautions | ‘or Traverse Deck”.) 1. Widen the boss using a rogular screwdriver 2. Pull out the pin in the direction othe arrow. Scrowstiver Traverse gack ass'y [RAEOTS22-11 Remove the claw. Be careful not to lose the 3 springs. because those will also be removed, ‘on removal of the traverse deck assy. Installation of the disc tray after replacement Ester 2 J ‘Operate the conversion lever. and then locate the traverse deck assy to "UP” position Release the lock lever. Move the drive ruck assy in the direction Latch the claw to the craton. disc tray. ap Supporting the disc tray manually, fengage the drive cuck ags'y with Drive ruck ass'y the gear and then side t étop the disc tray. Dise way ‘Operate the conversion lever, and then locate the traverse deck to ‘DOWN position, ‘conversion Ss Press the disc tray, [installation of the CD servo P.C.B. after replacement ‘Connect the FFC Install the CD servo RCE, inthe traverse deck assy, Marking "4" }| 2 Folate the gear to move the 8iGeA of eptical pickup toward the cuter f8dge trom the marking Before install pickup toward the outor edge from the mark “4 Terie, the al detact swith (8701) mounted on the CD servo PC.B. may bo damaged the CD servo P.C.B., move the optical 2, Replacement for the belt, loading motor ass'y and loading switch. + Follow the BD of the itern + in checking procedure for each + Follow the ~ EEED of the tom 1 in main ‘component replacement procedures. Remove the belt [RMGO1S8] Release the 4 claws, Claws: Unsolder. claws Loading’switen | (RsHrAoos} Loading motor ass'y [REMO013) Loading motor @ Lead wire and flat cable arrangement Fiat canle 1 pip Toad wire ae 7 Error Code Display and Servo Adjustment Function This unit has an error code display function, ‘so that if the unit operates incorrectly, the fault is displayed using an error code fon the FL display of the tuner (ST-HD506/505MD). It also has 2 servo adjusiment function for displaying the status of servo system functions (focus, tracking, CLV) on the tuner’s FL. display. The system control IC and FL display are part of the tuner so make sure the system has been connected properly before using these functions. (This unit can be operated 7.1. Error code display procedure Independently, although the ertor code display and servo adjustment functions cannot be used.jUse these two functions. for guidance during fault diagnosis and repair. Note: (Check beforehand for sersiching or soiling of the test disc ($2ZP 1054C), and soting or other problems with the optical pickup lens. Tum the power ON, t } Press the INPUT SELECTOA buiton, salect CO. Load the test disc (SZZP 10840), 7 _ Hold down the ll button ‘ar atleast 2 seconds, and than ross the PM button for atleast 2 seconds while Continuing to held down the il button, [And tot gor the I bution while continuing to nold down the vripm ton. ae 7.2. Servo adjustment procedure “Tum the power ON. _—_ 1 — Prass tho INPUT SELECTOR button, solect CD. Load the test disc (SZZP 10540), T 1 Hold down the il button for a least 2 seconds, and then press thed»/O button for at least 2 seconds while continuing tehhold down the ml button, [And let go of the I bulton whe continuing to hold down the vom utton [Press the button, play for at aast 10 seconds ‘A garvo section error code is displayed. (Seo Table 2) Use this e:tor code display as a guideline fr finding the ‘malfunction point in the servo circuty, Ifthe error code “E-00" {is dlsplayed, the units “OK (No probier).” ‘A mechanism OKING error coda is displayed. (See Table 1.) This error code can be usad to diagnose wheter or not the ‘mochanism is OK. if thare are multisle erro, these can be displayed successivaly by pressing the bb button [Ser {he disc and tum tha power OFF. (The error code display mode is canceled.) | ‘Remove the disc and turn the power OFF (©cample) Normat ey | noe ea } Foous Track Gy sano — — — “ert! | pomal etecive “UT level Tracking Tracking system | Tracking system Cuveone | Shvsewesitan | CLV ene stem " 7.3. Table 1 fLavpey | finetem = 19 | whan GO iy opens closes by Ret ‘ie way "Open ctocbon sensor au 116 | When CO wey oss, vps tot ie way "Coed detec eaner ok | Fo15 | Dewsnet pny even whan De (PLAY) i eased Pap 68 postr deiecion Swick F=25 | Doesnet ove even when (PLAY) icprssed ‘Sytem conta eve processor C ful 7.4. Table 2 [Flemror al to check ‘Normal voltage and waveform vaives | | code ‘Symptom Probable cause oa al pay ‘Signal name | Location | PLAY STOP ro702 8 pin | pata o 1702 7 pin | x | aav Focus and wacking | 1: Clocks X1, power suppy Vooand | oo Fepenataceen | a aon oe ier pn £01 | ‘not completed in the 16702 48pin av aa Spociod ts pera, | 2 MDATA, MCLK, and MLD 7 Tih signa tetrom C208, rcreesepin | xin | flit | VA Lame rcreasopia | x20ur | NN teme wresepn | re | AMAL) trv 1. Scratches or contaminants on disc | IC702 33pin Te 08 1 £02 ‘surface, eee } Eo 2. Focus and racking serv ckcuts. | 16708 28pm_| FOB uv wv E95 | oiscpiey ursane estar me: vorages: ant c708 27 in TRO Ay. Wy 0c 8. Spindle driver cout. [nere2sepin | mroer ov 3aV a 4 Opt! pes ; 7 | ae tov 16702 17pin ‘STAT aay ov. Laaienersinamnannta | rides | ee | Bibbeteem | ie Foousor Tracking | Sse sacs mee eos | gan adusiment net | 2. Focus and Tracking oro ckeut = E-0A | conplted nto {check wavefomns, vologes. and | 10702390 | TE Lene rer Spectid time period, | part valves) ef ful | 8 Optical pickup. 16702 36pin om wv ov 2 8 Measurements and Adjustments Cautions: ‘sit is very dangerous to look at or touch the laser, beam. (Laser radiation is invisible.) With the unit turned radiation is emitted from the pickup lens. = Avoid exposure to the laser beam, especially when performing adjustments. This unit SLHD505 is designed to operate on power supplied from the Amplifier SE-HDSOS/S05MD through the Tuner ST-HOSOS/S05MD When connecting the unit to other system components, do not connect to the Amplifier SE- HOSO5/SOSMO directly. Be sure fo connect this unit through the Tuner ST-HDSO5/505MD.When operating the unit SL- HOS05 alone for testing and servicing, without having power supplied from the Amplifier SE-HOSOS/S05MD, use the following method, 8.1. Power Supply to This Unit alone ‘Apply 10V OG power to the section between TP402 (far side {fom rear panel of R441) and earth plate (E401). (As shown in Fig. 3) 8.2. To Check Signals Connect the osciloscope or the speaker with builtin amplifier to the section between JK401-pin6[LINE OUT (Rch)] and arth plate (E401) (GND) as well as. the section between ‘JK401-pin18 [LINE OUT (Lch)] and earth plate (E401) (GND) ‘and check ifthe signals are outputting from this unit. (As shown in Fig.) wo, — a rn SPIN(D.GND) posor-seniovoe) KAQT- 17PIN (A.GNO) ociov KaQT- 1BPIN KA01- 18PIN [LINE QUT(Lchy} [LINE OUT(RehI] (Signal check) (Signal check) L MAIN P.C.B. (FOIL SIDE) oT Fig. 3 13 9 Troubleshooting Guide 10 Block Diagram aneasan se _OPTCAL PICKUP aNsra9s9e2 Focus Cob TRACKING cou /TeAvERsE MOTOR / SPINDLE MOTOR DRIVE ravesz7508sA1 SERVO PROCESSOR / DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR DiGiTaL FILTER / Da CONVERTER x ‘Toranctr007a CONVERTER eaviesy) Tazz0is neaco Is MoFOR DRIVE QOODOHODOOOOOOOOOOO oma | we oo, ne booerae 11 Schematic Diagram Notes 11.1. Scheamtic Diagram Notes This schematic diagram may be modified at any time with the development of new technology. Notes: + S701 : Rost position detect switch in “OFF” positon (it tums “ON” when optical pickup comes to innermost periphery) + 8790 = CD tray open detection switch #8791 - CD tray close detection switch + $801 : Stop (IMI) switen = $802 : Play (De) switeh +8803 : Pause (HI) switch + 3804 - CO tray openiclose ( da OPEN/CLOSE) switch, + 9805 -F. skip! search (Deb / PDH } witch #806 : R. skip! search (kad / <4) switch ++ 8807 : CO text select (CD TEXT) swith. + $808 «Al edit (Al EDIT) switch + Indicated voltage values are the standard values for the unit measured by the DC electronic circuit tester (high-impedance) with the chassis taken as standard. Therefore, there may exist some errors in the voltage values, depending on the intemal impedance of the DG circuit tester. No mark: CD STOP ():0D play [tiH, LAR, 068} 11.2. Type Illustration of IC’s, Transistors and Diodes Sa iid ee aelieliah = ToraHoT7007A Important safety notice: Components identified ty AX mark have special characteristics important for safety Furthermore, special parts which have purpose of fire-retardant (resistors), high-quality sound (capacitors), low-noise (resistors), etc. are used. When replacing any of components, be sure to use only ranutacture’s specified parts shown in the parts list Caution! IC and LSI are sensitive to static electricity. Secondary trouble can be prevented by taking care during repair. Cover the parts boxes made of plastics with aluminum foi Ground the soldering iron Put a conductive mat on the work table. Do not touch the tegs of IC or LSI with the fingers directly Voltage and signal lines P= Positive voltage line => CD signal ine Lossosacaks7 | Mnsszveonsar | TA7ZO18: 209668 marek ‘250409167 DrAMSXUTIO® a Dretsavurio ZB Dre raaeuTi06 Dre raaxuaios WATBETK MAGeTATK prerr 18 12 Schematic Diagram SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-1 Marmimbsr which notea aime connectors [Eg] CO SERVO CIRCUIT a osinvevorrice UNE 5.60 SONAL UNE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM -2 4 Poste vouTAGeUME —O:C0 SENALUNE (ee) SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-3 Tehmain ciacurT —— —4— sosmvevorraacine coco sou uve Dhcoapine motor ciRcuT Sanuarc nacre 4 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-4 Posie verre ine tans Re” ons Stetaseurios 22 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-5 [a vanorcur a 23 ‘eran 13 Printed Circuit Board Diagram ELECTRICAL PARTS LOCATION SSHLAELSRSBRSSEBSUISAL ESSA] RBSSSESSUBERASHSS SS BRBULBERBRASBHESERS ATA. Lenmrca) 24 pao | ap | Rae] ae crow | 7o_| coor | te MAIN PCB. = oqo sesuccrion sire Lcoanon oN mores ee) EE EET gee | ae 2) BS) 2 ek) B | |S |e) Sloe] Bae e vas |e | bay | oF a | haa | 2c | Bao | ae | Awe | 30 | Rios | 30 | caw | oe ae RS| GSS) 2 |e) 3 S| & | S| s eel e |e) 2 |e) 3 ae] = |S) S| Be] Bee 2) ele S| 2 ee | 2 | |B | 2 |i) 2 |e) a | ae) 2 Se B)| 2 | iS] E Be) 2 | Be) Se a S| eg ae) Ee) S| Bt) Sas] See & |eee| & lees) B | | 8 ae BRB) 2 |SS| Beh) = |e) 2) ee) e ae |e |) 2 SS] 2 | SS] & |Be| BBE] S| Se) B | se) E au | & lee) Sma | eel g jet] BRE) 2 ee) S|) a) S ah | & Be) 2 & |i | & [sei] 2 | Be) 2 | ee) 8 ae) Baie] 2 | SS] = | S| |B] 2 Be) S| S| 8 ay | 2 |e | & ar & |BS| 3 | ee] 2 ES ie |S | Ge | 2 RE] 2 |B 8 | |S sememarees Se Se 27S SSS TEE ile es [sls [|S Ss ee Gee 14 Wiring Connection Diagram [ah “ss j Fy .OADING | ONE Ba co) ce. Gunece. [a] OPERATION PCC. mt 15 Terminal Function of IC’s 15.1. 1C701 (AN8839NSBE2): SERVO [fe] Me* [To Fredo AMP To] SERGE] Oe sal a emia ~ FeSO NRGEND, NAIEND, DATA, =] = 1, Fareion rea. Ane vision | 4 FLOCK ‘0 [Focus servo lead-in signal output 1 REPT rang soap TE 106) Focus sre adn egal ob TR mating seve lesen sgt ou 7 [Rar 1 sins ara a7 2 | AG | 6 [raking cae lenin sa ou + en ¥ K 0 — | Sub-code Block clock signa’ output se ear ERR V0 eat oe oe 4] 60k [1 fron saa pet rina eh 5 POR 1 [Focus sional input terminal 2 (8 ob) i [sack 1 |Sub-cods O resistor extemal clcck [tro | “ta amt ra Sova eu wre FID TO TAR amb capa eres over| [RET | TSR] Taf State Gave cua ta ON) 16] DMUTE | 1 |Auting input terminal CL" mate) ee one cn $[ REN [ 1 ta W7}S¥aF | —O—fias sga ovat rane ERC, oC eSSRT | 1 OFFA ape casio a eae clus Tieton Pew. z $20) it] “Gen —} 1 MPFAAMP expos comocon L Ss ltorninal " a IRST | 0 [Reset input terminal 2 ‘BDO {Drop out output terminal("H": Drop 19 SMCK | 0 _ [Not used. open Ba 20_[ eset —| 0 — [Pomer suet temina | 5] LN] 1 oa Gn sa RT em Bi] TeV | OT raverse trad Teed feral [esr ON) ope a a ta a eT 5 Taroer IRF clocton stout wormed] [23] —Po | —O—JBpiae rior dive sat cubu Prana fenaiCUs on 6 [-POOWN_|——— |oonnectes to GND a CT 7] TOFTR] OOF Gack signal onl etna OFF [mana reed meas) en ea | eS} opiate rar anve signal baa woe = [Romina Sere err Spray [EW i eevompe apraroupa emma] |] WR] —O— feet ple ou Tomato 20, NC F pee) ee 2[ TR | 0 ecg ve sipa par anal ST Ten] ag ara Ta 2a | F000 sis rn agnal aut omina S| TeSUT | To frsking et arp slpu ein ing erina 22 | reour [0 feekng evo amo. cupul em 30~[ FOAL — | 0 —Po bate 5 pa Tara s FEN 1 [Focus error amp. input terminal 31 TAA O [Tracking balance adj. output termir 2 _[_VREF [0 |VREF output terminal sz | Fe T Eeevane a TRAL [Tracking balance adj. inpul terminal Renmmnekuralog nput 3} Efi racial or 2 [BAL ass lores po trea | Reema, een [RCAF fa env agra rp ena 15.2. 1C702 (MN662790RSA1): 25 WET) 1 Osean a, ra ut SERVO PROCESSORIDIGITAL |____ Se Toi ask sana pi mar SIGNAL PROCESSORIDIGITAL | ft ; . | TRORS 1 Yc ss aa moat FILTER/D-A CONVERTER [rack ose al Pin Mark vo. Furetion 38 IRFDET v [RF detection signal input | Ne son [errr dawcton 1) BGIR[ 0 [Set data Bt aac capa 3] BOS] Topo sinatra [semnaNo! usd, ope) ergout) Z| TREK | 6 TUR diseriminating signel output [3a] TBON 0 — [Laser ON dignal output lomninal ic ee os | ST) Sara Ooi ot atatomealtarises| | | RIR ta eae tr oma] soe) len) [Bi |e ap eigen] |} pare] Ss ec oa ——| 5. DV: GND (digital circuit) terminal a WVEL ‘© [Double velocity status signal output can ite aus Fietace sal pur fornia PH Nou} (et se ‘| ™ fons eee coor WEIR] "1 —Meresonpnie catnand Sa a ne ara | ‘signal put terminal(Latching on the 45) REF 1 [Reference current mput fenminal | [date by rising ecige) ee ‘ORF 1 JDSL bias input terminal ] TERA] 7 ocerouer conan aaa Saal] || — et —| ao pet nee io pops serine ae PLUF WO JPL ony “| a 5 ee v | mo ercametercmand ead aml] [$5 —1—iege | > — 60 ne for ina a, [connected to GND) 27 'SUBQCH":G-coce buffer using Bn | Wak [70 Fanaion No ison 15.3. 1C703(AN8739SBE2):FOCUS 30| Aloe PT Per oa aaa ferme oo? rson oro) COIL/TRACKING COIL/ S| “ig | = [Go tana sat emia TRAVERSE MOTOR/ SPINDLE Sal ouput terminal at sed, ope) MOTOR DRIVE SPOR] OLE enter coor cea ain ie) io Fnien crores irra pe a que, span, 4 = eset culput terminal (Not used, of S| We} Ho az aminarcomencs) || RST | Ren cp na tu {to GNO) ——_ se} wee ee ee 30 [One| 1 Motor arner ina eine [eminent coed pert =7[ "pcg —| 1 [Pr poe a) eterna | SBCK T[Sub-code serial data clock Input S| NC | — [Not wed \erminal (comedted i GND) S| fcr a aT awe [GND ferinal To[ BvCcT TL [poner supply (or ever] orninal SE] RUN] —1 Jonata scar nga 3 “TEND for civo' emia (i fenmnat 39 868 ha) So[ No] Inte BP POT |S Gayl ovate outpt 10} Br] —S—Mraverse oir ar (1 oat (cana 39 958 ey jenna 60 Veo v Power supply (oscillaton circuit) rl Dit 0 __ | Traverse motor driver (1) output [ena Moora BT] BIGR | —O oye cock cau trrnat Wek.) HEGEL] Gp mato iver ype Toma ose es 62 iCLOCK 0 |Sub-code frame clock signal output 13 ‘D2+ ‘© |Spindie motor driver (2) output terminal ferrnal (CLOG? 35 fete rornal | ° is play! (Not used, open) 4_| De | 6 | Tracking coll agnal eutpus terminal) 8 FCLK o Noma ica me anne 5 Da © [Tracking coll signal output terminal (+) Netooy er (Ne sed, en) ss | oxo Foci cot rt out erina | PRS] Oot oro tag etter v7 oes _cor sal aut teint). frst) ft use en) wef onc [Rotates Re oe 48-| BaNOZ | = |ONO (or ara Feria @) oeay 2o[Pvcca | 1 [power suooiy fo deer ternal BGS} 0 Spnate smo pase rete awa | © Cat [veo | 1 Poner sion ernie [etetteemoal cir cL. Be [ome [1 fastrones sehags pal ean [Rough servo) (Not used, open) 23 | _INS 1__[Motor driver (4) input, ternal [GRE | 0 Subcode CRC check oui Se [ns | 1 str er oat Penge on FH 26°] RTH | — 1 ee at toil Cormac io) | DEWPR| 3 — De enptons OW signal cuba a) terminal (“H"- ON) (Not used, open) 25 | NC == eh zen, somngcted > GND. [REY] 0 fesyreioning sna of Fane Jeyme.outou terminal (Not used, 15.4. open) _ T_|TOSEL | 1 — [Powe supa aa cea emia 1C403(LC66358C4K97):SYSTE 7] MEST | 1 fest put tomar (Connect [rewire M CONTROL 72 ‘AYoo: T (Power supply (analog circuit) Mack WO |Funetian forma ivan T_[OUTE | Ok oh ends gil ov ermal SRL | Okey swich deka Ta[ Rigs EL ster | Okey sich de toa 7e_[ out | 0 — Reh ad signal aut Toma 5Taimst} 0 |retat sal minal o sone 16 TE] SEL] —1 Rt Saha ply douanaton pot tere) | feral (Gomedted te power [as] 1 Saree aa pt lsuppiy) [GATE |G [Select signal output terminal (Not 77] Tavoo | —1 lesa sstaorreaueney eet en sesgresen ice sere onan 7 PSEC T Seay | 7_|SQCK [0 [Sub-code registor clock output lerminal {connected c SAD) 3] Bas | —1—Rarsngpersste pena ooo | [ewer T (Output requsncy swiching termine eis pacientes a iaperbinrbrr tee vii (Not used, connected to power sugply) | “SMoKat 2398Mrs) (Conmectod 0 LEO crive signal terminal ] tc GND) 30 | SSeC T Output mode ealiching femninar of 7 o mode) (Connected to power stoply @ TT [Notused, connected to power supply 8 ‘0 [Conmard load signal terminal to hc702 14 ‘_|Commard daia signal terminal e702 75 | TEST | — [Not uses, connected to GND eT v. = [END terminal 28 ee [oe Fa No. Division TT | OSGT | 1 _[Crytal ossiator connected terminar | oN), TE NC |= Wot utes, open a9 20] O52 | 0 |Gnsialosalaior connected terminal (aa tome) Z| RET | 1 Reset signal Rput wominal 2 | WELK | © ~|Gammend clock eutputtervinal to sc702 2 | GAK | 1 |Not used (Gonnacted to power sunpiy ope Irvougn resistor) BP CLK | 0 |otoek contot signal outparferrina? cnr [Not used. open) B]| GLK | 0 [Communication cock veloaty selec | * | seo. input termina 2 [GS _| 0 [Communication request receiving ‘signal terminal FL ove system (cond 2 [REG | 1 |Communieation request signal tearnal fo FL cre! system cont 1c 2 [OT _[ 1 |Data input terminal rom FL oral a system contol IC a system contol IC 3 _NG_| — Nor usee. open Bt] CUR [0 [Cock terminal to FL ave ayer contaitc FE | OSPLE | OILED ave’ signal output tomninal ° 3] OLOSE | 0 [Loading moter “CLOSE” command signal output terminal [OPEN | 0 [Loading moter “OPEN” sammand signal output terminal 3] CLOSE | 1 [isc vay “CLOSE” det owich Sonal sw ngut termina 3 | OPEN | 1 [Dis Fay “OPEN det swich signal SW. Inout terminal S| REST | —T_|Rest positon dt sia rout Toad iW 36 Stat | 1 [Status sgral terminal 39-[ Veg [1 [Power supolytominal 40-[GDUNIT| 1 [Connected to power Supply Trough “a1 | MODEL | 1 Fesistor aa| NG | Rotused, open a3 [nc [= 4 | Revo |i [Rey awich 0 dat input erminal a5 KeyI | wich 1 deinputteminal 48 | KEY? | 1 "Trey swich 2 det input terminal 47 [ SPEED | 0 JPLL ite of CO unit select ovat leminat o_ [STR [ Okey wich 0 deouiput terninat 29 16 Replacement Parts List Notes: simportant safety notice Components identified by mark characterises important for safely. Furthermore, special paris which have purposes of fre- retardant (resistors), high-avaity sound (capacitors), low noise (resistors), etc. are used. ‘When replacing any of components, be sure to use only rmanutacture's specified parts shown inthe oats lst *Waming: This produet uses a laser iode. Refer to caution statements have special “ACHTUNG Die lasereinheit nicht zerlegen. Die fasereinheit arf nur gegen einc vor hersteller spezifiierte einneit ausgetauscht werden “Capacity values are in microfarads (uF) unless specified otherwise, P=Pico-farads (pF) F=Farads (F) *Resistance valves are in ohms, uniess specified otherwise, 1K=1,000 (OHM), 1M=1,000K (CHM) *The marking (RTL) indicates that the Retention Time is limited for this item. After the discontinuation of this assembly in production, the item wil continue to be available for @ specific period of time, The retention period of availabilty is dependant on the type of assembly, and in accordance with the laws governing par and product fiat. Wo. faze Wo. part Wane « [Few Ranarke Description [sto emass-i averse cuasis 3 = pu xrvavo SCREW 2 oc a ——[mioo6s __[uoce uv SPAN) i = 51s maaoos9-3—[suape mare (2) [5 | 320 meee pacer voles aa fgoseo sae wouoen [2 [ses maeves sexe > sae fRrcesS0m [orsc ClMmER js nese = zt a 1: ‘eowawionean [Sov 20007 ~_eovinioeann 25v 0.30 ‘seenosesi01 6.3¥ 1000 jews _—“Tecovisioezry 25v_ ‘scuvignoszry |25v 0. Ly 470 retention. After the end of this period, the assembly will no. “wcnei03amN 25v 0.017 (onger be avaliable lets _eerasans20 10 720 fecis, 20 ——eceaians72i—a0v 2000 [met no. Pact Wo. icaas. ineoviniasteW T2ov 0.610 * lerge—_lpewvinioisar ov t008 ic assoco7- saninivery 2505.25 na [ecovica?4amw [ify 0.470 BB petasisezra1 sone {2 RORALAKS221 _€.3¥ 2200 o jrawo363-18 [cant it —Terevimogian Sov 1000 b iscoviniGaaw Sov 40008 \* ecuvuELOGMEN Lev 0.10 th s CEAIKSIO1 6.3 1000 ib a iecwneiowan Tey 0,19 2 = pe reese) a fbeoriestamnw_25V 0.0270 — ps [oer isewvaniainen ‘Sov 1208, —_ soe AR iz ‘Scumarioiery 95V 0.10 Hs ie = == ‘scommi00@n 16V 9.10 | ie ‘ana wae) —_jreznosnsi01 6,37 1000 == fiz nacoasa-q [ewes urowr a) 2 _[ jseovina 7x sav 27002 a a weszeved a Sov i a ‘aconsto-a ———— 25v e fas [nano 9-15 fe} ___— ie Incosto-33 at 30a, [REKsx007-K 1 det “e | 38 —|zewrimsoaxan [Sov snoop 2 sora japon L 4 28 faceaimeso10 Sov 20 Bb jsoi-z— /noaozs3 E Teese oaze 25v 0.10 n 0-3 jnoroues fc 2 20 fa08 2 ce how 2200 1 _ bo ona i lenasc3)ecuvmmioerre sv 0.30 13 os aoseea-a eaee —eneeet bar son 1 a. I St —erintsae bey cea —— ‘beovisz7arow 25v-0,0270 aeRING [seer (2) pan [250.10 xan 25 82007 ‘ecuVan81K0N [5ov 1007 [ECOVIR272xuN [Sov 22007 31 fat wo fare wo rare nous © [Pon Famer ace We. rare wane «Yc amar Souseipeien Beseripeion im — | = lciomeaeatan [sav oa Z ‘raveceenoe 37300 i ‘epwuaozens [507 10008 tT isageorwi0ov [i/ior aoe fsoovinenaeat [soy Hon 5 Lira iscovinsTieas soy 9 ik s7iow- aon Je —feovisioeas 505.10 108 68 ra | ‘eatarraz) —jiov «20 Hi vw amt | Siew ae | — [esol sPecisza _commacron(ee) “/Ao# 10K a (oei92_[ngsiase23conmevon 230) 1s 1/aam 300% a [awos nysinseos —coumacronet) 1 ‘mgecnyse7a0 /i/ion «7m lewoe ——[nastaeeoe —[eomacron(es|——1 (nngecnrativ [170w 300 ft | fewion —myooasr0u6-1 [cowmacroni16r) —/t ignaticeesiozv 1/8 1K i [ero2 asSiA6729-i [eoummcron(23r) |: = [etonenzar 1764 0.22 x lapise—asneaien —|coummcroncen) i] sonnel ae f as — pear Lf arco irae ee z ace sasonow Pb aeanraoar Sroe T i ‘anvasere [p08 it fsssecersinar [avin 4.7% 2 [ paiiier prone rs lsscevssa1v 1/10W 330 Fs +| mane ree 2 inaeoresioa: [i7tow ix 2 —| inveceryioas (1/i0w 18 a minim oct i] eeevsio2s iow ak tk Te it eosoews22ev /i0u 290% 2 [beni 22 paths [ozoor eam fmaracnesto3y {1/1 308 fi : sarécevrieiv ‘i/isw 380 a a 7 ‘nsecensisiv [1/t9m 100 aa ke | ERean sez a reve inoaoes ee T [mrrecevs272v |1/10w 2.7 3 | a i (snvecsvze¥ s/ew 2.2K fois amare se n imgecensa1av /i/t0 2.78 a 3103 [uneeasacana? 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[nwecexszi av 1/10W 22% ih jeseat-St_jmseoerenoe [ie 0 sngaceeaiav |i/ew 10K 3 a ee A/a ate i fis jaray yew tee | istiecafeenronoay [iver @ (eam [ere Ps [Gosceigeion | [nsi23.g2 _|maseazvonoow |i/iaw 0 ze free lenveaeroioev /ior > 4 fasrze-t0_[ensecrvoroor 1/0 ia fs7si-36_[ereonvonmow Amb —] fa80 —Jenveaneoxsov [1 /i0n 3 A fstez oF [envece¥a%a0 [3/200 > fssoi-an [enveontthao |:/i0¥ 0 ses fasasabaaso lav ae k [750,91 —fsmiatos Jon oren/aiaae |? os [ seeioe—eegatwosn ow mice iz (fovaotas or sane 2 — 1 fan aeniohse — fiawaTEEeT SSS = = Set {gaa vena jerczaron fz [e701 nsesoanesore oecruiaren 2 17 Loading Mechanism Parts Location ete nan anges nde mace ay o- Sara, civ sootoa goss We donot seo tose tems ofa nar [Ret Wo. [pact Wo. once tame @ Joos ema fine ne. Bare we Tare ame oe maar [Duscelpeton Besceipeion — ————S 1 [sn _—_bevavea sera Ri nee Gaene Gata [ps2 jomoues "uc waves ere f Si smunssici SLA Se dT Sora recone tanoeae aaa fue maconve-1 ocx tevin (301-2 [RDGO153 [ROADING GEAR(1) (i. [sis siammeseeeso-x ‘oarve wocK ASS" [2 | 01-3 rorooss nour a |] kg antooo1 ae f 0200s |soansx@ wenn [x7 mcoss—senawe er serv’ | isae __leowvensten uRVaR 1 | is yooss3 atime are (a) | [sco _—fon30 nd 18 Cabinet parts Location TI pao Notes: « We do nat supply those items of arts marked 3 ‘About ite part of Flt No.@A and 8, please use ater Ret. No.21 button cutting iustrabon. ‘cutting off the part of Ref. No.8 af “Replacement Pacts List”. = ee eee eneenas Basta eee aes Cutting of the part of Ret No 21 at “Replacement Pants List’ Cut of te bute at Doin (Rte to tho ilustraton oft it [Ree wo. Pare We ea eecaree faa wo [rare wane + |fon Remark mee [beseripeion = | fs icomrecron ir inamao007-8 [scaaw io lass’ x60) 2 irmeaesuvz | scasw « a = EP fi hs a fe i hs i is 1 ar fa B fees — fee ect is et ie IEr2eesa-5 aD re lex at _| myecc.eassy far is (nedoTae-is [raowr samen [i fas aK: [stor vam) jt = is fara3e125F2 [acne 2 lee jnon0970-18/sio8 pweLIR) —y 12 insenos6-2 [re a8) 2 34 Printed in Japan (H990405700 KK/HH)

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