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Love Killers: The Best Ways to Get Rid Of Your Love Mate

María del Rosario Soto Román Page 1

Love Killers: The Best Ways to Get Rid Of Your Love Mate

After analyzing how hard a break up

could be, who cares, anyway. I’ve
recognize that sometimes humans always
look for their worst. Don’t look at me
like this, it’s humans nature of
getting involved with danger. Humans
love the feeling of danger and
adventure; sometimes we didn’t make it
on purpose. We’re living in a sick
world were relationships are always
chaotic, where novels teach people to
idealize people and fall in love with
hallucination of a true love aka
Prince charming or mister froggy.

We’re so complex!!! And we’re trying to live life in a flat way. Sometimes we
expect from others what we don’t give to ourselves. The utopia of mister perfect
guy made a lot of woman get dried in disillusion and sad for conviction or sour
with every male around the corner. We should sue Disney for all that fantasy
crap. We’re not perfect, we deserve to be love, but to be loved you first need to
love your own self. It’s not like having a heroine power and kick men’s ass for
everything. We all make mistakes, love is perfect, and we’re not. There’s no need
to feel useless if a relationship sucked to the bitterly end or if you tried to
fix it so many times it end up rotten. If something is wrong and it’s destroying
you, you must know you had always the choice, to be there or leave, so don’t
blame him.

A jackass is always a jackass, and if you knew it from scratch. There’s no need
of empowerment against a dull mule. The same happens with men, they have a real
woman beside them and they jump over the first hooker with syphilis. Then when
they feel wonderfully with Miss Pandemic, they got sick or lose mountains of
money. At the end they understand they make the worst choice. But guess what?
They will never say they were wrong. He will always point the worst part of Miss
Naïve, while he cheers up Miss Rotten. Human nature is basic, some men prefer
superficial goddess, yes the ones who screw them up to death, while Miss Naïve
waits for his return.

If you choose to love someone, you should be prepared for what comes first. You
can’t live blame everyone for your choices. You should start thinking different
like, why did I choose to be with this person? And then enjoy the experience.
We’ll never find the perfect match, as long as we decide how to organize our
standards. We have responsibility in everything we do, we grow by accepting the
reality, no matter how bitter it could be.

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Love Killers: The Best Ways to Get Rid Of Your Love Mate

We’re on the 21st century, we can’t manifest ourselves as victims. Being always
the victim will never help you to have a healthy relationship.

Another love killer is…. Taratatatata…. Selfishness. Yes the most aggressive way
to make our other half back off, a relationship is about two people, not one, so
if you think a relationship is all about praising someone, become a martyr and
wait for everyone to praise you or whatever. Selfishness it’s a childish way to
get things done and has no place in an adult relationship. It’s no bad to have a
healthy self esteem, but being selfish is inexcusable, it will drives you into
the heartache road, if you know what I mean.

I’ve been reading the news and sometimes I got shocked with the mental illness
we’re dealing today. It’s sad and frustrating; when we’re with a partner we don’t
own it. We share ourselves, we’re not property of no body. I understand we don’t
trust when we had so many confrontations about trusting, specially knowing that
at any moment that person will fail us in a way. But hey!!! We most need to trust
in ourselves first, later in others. If you don’t trust you, you can’t hardly
trust others. And if we talk about love, Jealousy is equal to losing your
partner. It’s about sharing not demanding, like giving and receiving orders of

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Love Killers: The Best Ways to Get Rid Of Your Love Mate

dominance. None will tolerate that situation without hurting themselves in the
process. Jealous behavior it’s a nuclear bomb, we should disarm it when it’s
early, if we wait, it will explode and destroy all we love.

It’s like getting nude, taking all off my chest. I’ve never thought an unfixable
relationship could helped me grow. I use to correct him in front of others, I’ve
always had the feeling he was like my
son. Sometimes he was cute, so childish
he droves my nerves crazy. If he’s
personality turns annoying, it will
always be. And no matter how truly I
wanted to help him, I know it wasn’t nice
of me correcting him in public. But
wasn’t nice of him making me have bad
moments in public either. Yes we had our
best moments hurting each other in
public, with no respect there’s no
relationship at all, and that’s for all
types of relationships. My bad were
acting like a mom, maybe which made him
act like a child. Who knows, the
communication wasn’t our best quality.
Communication is the best vehicle to
improve things better. Talking, listening
and negotiate makes a relationship

Thinking you're better than your partner

it’s a direct path to nowhere, it’s
dangerous and distasteful. I’ve never
thought he was lesser than me, but he
always made me feel no matter, how hard I
tried and effort myself, I can never do
enough to please him. He always hold me in disdain and when I fed up with his
ways of loving wrong, I decide to love more myself and walk out for my own good.
If you treat you partner with superior attitude and don’t value his abilities and
gifts, you’ll lose him and it’s a hard one to forgive, trust me on that. If
you’re willing to lose your loved one, track down his self esteem, so low you can
kick it and the results will show up with a sour ending.

The extreme sides make a hell of a partnership. It’s like tearing up a baby in
pieces; remember the two mother’s story. When Salomon decides to slice down the
baby in two parts and the real mother sacrifices her giving up her right’s over
her baby. And Salomon decides to give the baby to the real mother, the one who
showed compassion and give up in pain. The same happens in a relationship, one of

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Love Killers: The Best Ways to Get Rid Of Your Love Mate

the two parts gives all and the other shines for the lacks of attention, only
maintains the relationship for the benefits. Yes my dear, most of the
relationships end up with the battle fight of who cared the most. At the end none
of them are pleased and the baby is sliced down to the bitter end.

We can’t expect our partner carries the majority of the responsibilities, let’s
be fair and considerate with each other. When we take care of others needs, they
take care about our needs. When we feel secured
and loved we can reap the benefits together. But
if we don’t take the responsibility and leave it
all over our partner’s back, we’ll be breading
resentment. I always hope for him to understand
that our relationship was like the Titanic,
sinking down and down with no hope of survivors.
We didn’t have the chance to cut it clean, he
never understood and I’ve got tired of
explaining the same theme over and over. How can
you heal something rotten? When a relationship
was a waste of time, things can’t go any nicer,
especially if there’s no respect, no
consideration and lack of honesty.

We dig together a big grave, he always

criticized all I was into or doing. Honestly I
don’t believe in this theory of “Constructive
Criticism”, when you’re with someone you have to
deal with the whole package. I had enough dealing with all his manias and
craziness, with his abstract point of view and obey, yes obey, I always thought I
was dealing with a Hitler wanna be. I loved him so much I step aside all my
things to make him feel happy, getting rid of friends to having him pleased, we
can say I was like Harley Quinn. Yes the Jokers love, she knew, she always knew
she was dealing with a mad man. She just falls in love madly and it was so
strong, she didn’t have the courage of stepping out of his way in time. When she
finally understands it wasn’t good for her, she searched for help. This character
is very human indeed, because sometimes we make almost the same mistakes; And we
notice when it’s late for recovering.

I’m writing this, because I think most people ignore the fact that some
relationships turn from puppy love to sick love unconsciously. At first all looks
and seems beautiful and the development of the relationship depends on each
other’s mature behavior or mental health. I’ve saw and heard sad stories of break
ups, and most of them had almost the same end, lack of communication or sick
behavior. For example, if one of the parts is clear explaining why they should
end up the relationship and the other part never give up and harass the other, I

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Love Killers: The Best Ways to Get Rid Of Your Love Mate

think we do have a problem or issue here. No matter how much we can love a
person, we can’t make this person stay with us forced. We can’t be with a person;
if we don’t love this person. We can be compassionate, but we can’t force a
relationship and hope it may work functionally.

If you share with love and honesty everything will flow, but when all it’s rigid
as a rock literally, It’s no longer alive. There’s nothing left to share with. If
you tell your loved one what you don't like, you can do it without criticizing.
There’s no need of hurting feelings and breading bad misunderstandings. Remaining
silent only helps to bloom more unsatisfied feelings and less healthy responses.
We can’t put ourselves in a warrior position or victim position, neither enemy
status. Just because you dislike something it doesn’t mean you have the rights to
push your partner into the drama of disliking things just to please you.

Sometimes you can decide to remain

silent. After all, just because
you don't like something your
partner does, it doesn't mean it's
wrong. No one is perfect, we are
all different in tastes, sometimes
we have similarities, but we
cannot be a clone of another
person just to be loved. That’s
ridiculous and stupid in deed.
Negotiation is the best way to
communicate and make a good deal
for you both. When you want
everything done your way and don’t
pay any attention of what your
partner wants, here we start
seeding our distance barriers
faster. That attitude it’s a
failure in a relationship and
communication stopper. To have a
relationship, a healthy one you
must have a healthy relationship
with yourself and then you can
have it with others. And if you’re
not ready for it, don’t worry,
don’t let other’s perspective
pushed you into hurry. When you
feel it’s the time for it, you’ll
notice it clearly.

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Love Killers: The Best Ways to Get Rid Of Your Love Mate

Some people born with the need of being stuck with someone, other’s are stuck
with someone for the circumstances they lived or their actions. Not all the basic
needs are satisfied by the same motivations, we’re complex, our nature laws
speaks clear, deep and direct. We have to explain everything and make more rules
to break. And make other lives difficult; just because our way of

being is designed that way, we pay to be horrified. And those who never had a
life of their own, makes their best getting involved into other’s life. Some
people use religion to gain personal success, sometimes they just want you with
low self esteem, so they can manipulate you as they wish. Unhappy people who just
want a piece of other people’s skin to heal their own wounds. They don’t care if
they hurt someone in the process; they only care to have the truth, no matter

I may not have the whole absolute truth with me, but I make my best living by
myself defending my happiness and way of living. We all have the right of having
a partner, if we want to have a partner, if we’re ready for one. It’s our own
choice, we decide for ourselves, no one knows our desires best than ourselves. If
a relationship makes our bad side awake, we have a problem here. Or if that
person makes you a worse person each day, this means danger for ourselves and for
others. A healthy relationship blooms your best and helps you grow and viceversa

NOTE: This article is based on my own experience. I wrote it to express a point,

sick relationships digs up graves.

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Love Killers: The Best Ways to Get Rid Of Your Love Mate

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