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Deber II.1
Fecha de entrega: 11-enero-2018

1. For the uniform simply supported beam (EI =

constant) in the figure, use the second-order
integration method, EIv’’ = M(x), to
a. The equation of the deflection curve, v(x)
b. The slope, θA = v’(0), at the left end
c. The maximum deflection, δmax =
max|v(x)|. (Note: You may have to use a
trial and error solution to determine where
the maximum deflection occurs.)

2. The beam AB (EI = constant) in the figure

supports a linearly varying load of maximum
intensity w0. Use the second-order integration
method to determine:
a. The reactions at A and B
b. An expression for the deflection curve
c. An expression for the maximum
deflection, δmax = max|v(x)|
d. Sketch the shear diagram, V(x).

3. The cantilever beam AB (EI = constant) shown in the figure

has an extension BCD attached to its free end. A force P acts
at the end of the extension. Use the method of superposition
to determine:
a. The ratio a/L so that the vertical deflection of point B will
be zero.
b. The ratio a/L so that the angle of rotation at point B will be

4. A beam ABC having flexural rigidity EI = 75 kN∙m2 is loaded by a force P = 800 N at end C and tied
down at end A by a wire having axial rigidity EA = 900 kN (see figure). Use the method of superposition
to determine the deflection at point C when the load P is applied.

Prof. Marco Guamán A. (

Oficina: Lab. Máquinas-Herramientas / 311-B
5. Derive the equations of the deflection curve for beam ABC, v(x), with guided support at A and roller
support at B, supporting a uniform load of intensity q acting on the overhang portion of the beam (see
figure). Also, determine deflection δC and angle of rotation θC. Use the fourth-order differential equation,
EIv’’’’ = −q(x).

6. Derive the equation of the deflection curve for beam AB, v(x), with guided support at A and roller at B,
carrying a triangularly distributed load of maximum intensity q0 (see figure). Also, determine the
maximum deflection δmax of the beam. Use the fourth-order differential equation.

Prof. Marco Guamán A. (

Oficina: Lab. Máquinas-Herramientas / 311-B

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