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AKAI STEREO INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER AM-32 AM-52 This is the Akai Stereo Integrated Amplifier Use this Akai amplitior in combination with the ‘other components inthe Akal Pro-senes ang you wilhavean excelent system: Features Hh power dual ole Oc servo power ample ‘SOURCE DIRECT awitcn See page 9) SUBSONIC ter switch (See page) 'NUTING ste ee page 9) TAPE MONITOR switeh (TAPE 1/TAPE 2 for ‘i-s2/8s0 page) 1» STEREO/MONO MODE owiten (AM-52/S00 ic cartridge eapasie high-gain ype PHONO fqualzer ampifer (S00 page LOUONESS swich (eo page) BASS and TREBLE tone conto (See pa926) Econ spate prlecton seut Goo pape {iige capacity power supply section Coweoise Dut FET coupled ype phono equal zarand power ampitior Table, Warning 1 Wihetyou should iknow opto yours. 2 Makin height connections aa Conta. 3 eotsonoy the masle é Lererecora 2 Expanding Your i syst 8 “Thegarto! he Akai Ampito: o 10 10 ‘contents. Problem? Lets check ‘The speaker ystem Specieatens " WARNING ‘expose this appliance train or male Power requirements Power requirements for electrical equipment iter ure that yout machine meets he power Fequlrement in your area, indoubt consuts quai electcian 120V.6o lteter USA and Canada 220V, 50 Hetor Europe except UK 240 V, 80 Heer UK and Ausra. 127 Vi220 V, 50100 Ha for Saud rab 410 v/120 V/220 W240 V, 60 Ha/60 He carver Dloteother countries, Voltage conversion (not on all models) ‘This machine canbe sete 110 V, 120 V, 220 Vor ‘240 V as required: Each machins is prose a the Tactorysceording to destination Homeve if vo {age conversion fe necassry fallow the atu. tions Below: 1 Disconnect he power con, 2 With ft lodod serewarver, rotate theselec- tor lated onthe rear pene tat th orrect voltage or your area aepayed What you should know to protect yourself Watch out! You might get an glectric shock. fiver tuen the pig with wet hands. {Always pulout by te pl and never the cord {Only let's qualtied pratessional repair or ‘am unauthornsd neal intothe Ak! Ampito Let’s protect the Akai Amplifier too. 7850 ony a nousehold AC power source, Never ‘sea power source. '¢ Mako sue that he power consution of each ‘component does no exceed the watage spect fedon rear panel ‘Hf watr fs plod on tho Akai Amp, dscon- 1+ ake sure hat he Akal Arpliir iol vets ‘od and away trom drect aught. Be earsl no Ibbiock ne aide vetiatr ofthe Akal Amalie. to the inoral cout and 0, Koop away fom heat a) ‘Avoid uing spray type insecticide near the Aka ‘Amite tt ean damage the finigh and might Ignite sucony ‘+ To avoid damaging the fish, never use dena- {uratod aleohol. paint thinner or ethor sia chemicals to ctean th Akal Ampliin ‘¢ Place the Akal Ampliior on aflal and solid furface, ‘you dont plan to use the Akal Amplifier for ‘long period af time, dleconnect the power ‘ord, ‘To enjoy the Akal Amplifier for a longtime, please reads opwator’s manual thorough. CAUTION To prevent electric shock, do not use this polarized AC powor plug with an extension Cord receptacie or other outlet unless the blades can be Tully inserted to prevent Blade exposure, 3 Making the right connections Before connecting ‘2 Turnot athe components befor connecting Connect the power ord ast. ra hat you connect the whit PIN plug forte left mie Jock and tho fa PIN-pug 0 {herigt ed ack. 1 Connect everyining securely. Loose connec- tongtan lado distotien. 1» Torprevent camage tothe cords, connect and ‘This can eed otstorton 1¢ Make sure fo connect the output cord ofthe ‘ayer system to he PHONO lacks. Do not oe ret anyother companent (suchas aC player) Teinese PHONO jocks. 1 Ite trtabla you af using has ground wre, inmect te the ground torminal of te ample. AUXjacks ‘Theis an ausiaryjack Connect auch components ‘bea ideo dice player oF cassette dook Tor Baye bck thoseincte For aubsing om the input source foone tape deck or AM-32) or two tape decks (or AME), we ‘ommend vaing the AUX jacks forthe input Turntable ‘ane righ the Akal INE OUT jocks of tna casaote dock lt and {tho TAPE 2 PLAY Jacks (ot and right ofthe ‘Akalamtir Scaereeton SPEAKER terminals ‘Be suro to connoct the "B vitesto the torminas rod) 4 wiesto thes termina (ack: Lett speaker tothe Lett (0 terminals: and Right Speaker tothe Right teninale ow toconnect he speskars ‘Seip ott em tengit et ving! covering from the fend the speaker co 2, Loosen the Red sna Back speaker terminals by turning thom eountr-cockwiee (These ler pale cannot be removed! 28, Twit wes fly then srt the speaker cords through the opesings af the speaker terminal guards 4, Tur the terminals clockwise to securely fasten howtos. Mote: For connection, wo recommend the use of high power large dlameter-type speaker orcs avaliable nth Hr stores, IMPORTANT: Do not cross connect speaker sy {tim, Use ener tho A orminala oF 8 terminals for ‘connection of pair of speakers Bo not connect ‘ea speakor oan Annd theother oe terminal, ‘Speakerimpedance Use speakers 61216 ohns impedance nly Reforto the marking on the amelie srearpane, Power cord Connecti cod oa household AC out fs the Axl Audio Timer, connec he power cra AS OUTLET. AC OUTLETS (noton some models) ‘ower cords ofthe components con- ‘al amir ‘SWITCHED: ‘Tho pow fo hese AC outets Amplifier i turned off Make su ‘ower sonsumoton of ihe components ennected {othess outa docs not exceed 200 watts. ‘On the ADAPTOR jacks ‘The Akal amplifier is equizped with specil ADAP- ‘TOR jacks for connection oa graohe eqalzer oF ‘audio proceses Roar to pi9e8, ‘The DAT jacks Connect a DAT (Digital Audio Tape) dak. oF the 2nd N32) oF the Sea AN S2)easeete cork TO ‘se jacks Refer to paged. © © ooo o0 6 Foturson and off the ampiier The ndeator vwilignt amen te powers turned on SOURCE DIRECT switch and indicator For clearer, low letoron playback of com act sac, focora. ado or DAT tape The I> ‘ieator wi igntwnen to swith ure on, sjinen the smth is trned on the BABS tnd TREBLE tone controls and tho BAL ANCE control areineiocive Input Select buttons (CD, PHONO, TUNER, AUXand DAT) and indieators For selection fa layback source, The In- ‘oto ofthe butlon you choose wight UD ‘when depressed. VOLUME control ‘To nerease or decrease playback volume CARTRIDGE switeh ( = MC/ — MM) ‘ajustaccorng fo the typeof care you MUTING ewiteh "Fo reduce volume Instantly during playback ‘wtb usingthe VOLUME conto LOUDNESS switch For Instant componsaton of tone setting at tow volume vel, ‘TAPE MONITOR ewtteh (AM-52 only: ‘TAPEA/TAPE2) For cassette tape playbeck or monitoring Geringrecoring operation MODE switch (AM-52 only: — MONO/ '= STEREO} Te seloct the playback mode, Normally set thieewitch io = STERE. é 60600 @ TAPE MoNITORIndicator (AM-52 ‘only! TAPE'/TAPE 2) {olte you the TAPE UONITOR switch ise tae BALANCE contro! ‘Todusttn ft and ight channel balance SUBSONICewitch{ ~ ON/ = OFF) ‘To reduce unwanted ulga low treauency di {urpance (lose than 15 a) sueh a6 rumDie fring recor playback BASS and TREBLE Tone Controls To agust te igh ate (web) ana ow roto (BASS eels PHONES jack Forhesdpnonelistonng ‘SPEAKER switch (SYSTEM A/SYSTEM 8, ON/ = OFF) ‘Tessiettho speakersystom, @ee@ 886 Protection eeu ‘Wham the Akal ampli furned on, ro signal wil DDocutput othe speakers or cover seconde. This is ave fo te protection revit which prevents ‘utp of noise when tne Aka spire turned ‘The protection cru also tunetions during pay- ‘ok to rote! the speaks rom averioedng. nd {o protec the seul trom samages. When sboak- ‘rs wih lose than este Inpedance are use, the Protection eveut wil enar-orcut tne © and = Speaker cords. Theatre, should tn sound Be cut ring playback Turmaf the Aka mii. 2 Chacktorandeorest th ease, 5 Turonthe Aka’ ample, Let’s Enjoy Music VOLUME control Minimum 400) 6 BALANCE conto Center 0 CouoNESS wien ——orr ta) MUTING swton— = OFF SUBSONIC wich OFF MODE ewtch——~ STEREO (aM-52) BASS and TREBLE | fonecontols ~~ Centeepssiton OFF {ml itusing head | ‘SPEAKERS switches —— Set either A of B ON ( m=} | _-@ venress ne co outon, © Payback cempact tee —@ Aas ne VOLUME conta! to su —@ PonreesinFHONO bution © egress ine POWER switen tun ~_ Q Pay rackarcod cotnepewer ~@ Aaja ne YOLUME cont tout ( Forrecord playback) (C__Lstening to radio Depress the POWER si -@) depress he TUNER selector @ tune nasaton you want toistens, -@ Adjust the VOLUME contr to suit Q ovoressne WPEMONTOR nh @ ray racket. @ daustine vouuMe cont oui + Altorpaying back a tape, tun he TAPE MONITOR switch, by depressing the ton again * Betoepiavina back ape, make sure thal he SOURCE DIRECT switch turned ot Let’s Record 7 Basic recording ‘© The VOLUME, BALANCE, LOUDNESS, and BASS and TREBLE tone conitla can be aust ‘when recording ‘ithe tape cock is a @ head deck, (one which has independent heade for erasing recording, nd playback) the just recorded signa can bs FRonito‘ed by depressing the TAPE MONITOR Site (APE ter TAPE'2 lor AN-52) The play back sound ofthe Input source can be adhstog With he VOLUME conta of to ampli, butt will have no effect on the recording volume Teva To adlust the recording volume tvel, veo thetape decks RECLEVEL conta, ‘Tape Dubbing ‘To make a copy of a prerecorded cassette taper wo = O0s0s sas Forthe AM-32.user For tape dubbing, connect cassette dock er play bacleaafollows! Connection ‘Connect the LINE OUT Jacks ofthe cassette deck to the AUK acks of ho ampiier witha connection ‘Select he recording souree withthe proper Input eect bttons ‘Torecord trom, ‘compact aise ~ Depress the CO bution ‘fecord —-Depreae he PHONO button ‘heradio —-Depressthe TUNER Button anauillarysouroe “Depress the” AUX DAT tape —Depressthe DAT button Play back the source e e ropare the tape deck oF the DAT deck for tecerding. Begin recording Forthe AM-S2user Benet depress both he TAPE 1 and TAPE 2 TAPE MONITOR swiches atthe same time ‘suring recording, it'you want to moniter during rcoxding when te two decks aren fe receraing made un ‘he of the TAPE MONITOR ewitehes on and Forthe AM-52user Depress TAPE + cf the TAPE MONITOR Dopross TAPE 2 cf the TAPE MONITOR ‘wh 8016 OFF, he Inleator ight wal un on © Prepare the TAPE 1 dock or layback Propare he TAPE 2 deck or recording. @ Be0inrecoring. 1 Do not depress the TAPE 1 wich during ape ‘dubbing, depressed, tape duboing wil rx bo artomed += Tape dubbing from the TAPE 2 deck to the ‘TAPE | deck ctanatbegane, Depress the AUX button ofthe Input select ® Prepare the cassstte deck connected othe ‘AUKIacks for payback. Prepare the cassette deck connected to he "TAPE jack or recersing ® bevinrecoxting ‘If you want to monit: with the 3 head dock uring Yaa dubbing, depres the TAPE MONI- ‘TOR ewten oon Aiter monitored, dapress the TAPE MONITOR Smitchonee again itm of Expanding Your Hi-Fi System ADAPTOR jacks To achieve mote finely adjusts tone compensa ‘ton, connects separate graphic equalizer o audio ‘rocescertoyour Akal empl a DAT jacks a 2 | fes00 ES Remove the shart pine fram the amin’ ADAP- TOR |acks Connect the ampiie’s ADAPTOR OUT jacks to the Audio Processors or Graphic Equalizers INPUT Jacks. ‘Connect the amplii’s ADAPTOR IN jacks tne ‘ua Processors o Graphic Equaze's OUTPUT lacks 1 efr tote operator's manual of your eusioeo- {oasor ar graphic equalize er furthr cota. © Sot your Akal amoliter’s buil-in BASS ong TREBLE tone controls fo thek camer poston when using an aule processor o graphic aualzer. For recording and playback witha DA deck. ‘Connect he ampiia’s OAT EC jacks te the OAT ‘deor'sLINE IN jacks with connection exe ‘Connect he amples DAT PLAY jacks We theOAT ‘deck SLINE OUT Jacks win a connection core Note: DAT dock: Dig Aude Tape dock ' You can use. cassette deck instead othe DAT eck Connect tothe DAT jacks ofthe smptiter. ‘During tape playback er tape dubbing opera- on You can record rom a conpact sec, 8 r20re the Faaloor en auxilary sours wth a DAT dere curing {ape playsacker tape cubbing operation "Selecta recording source wih an Inet solact, button suchas the CD,PHONO, TUNE or AUX. Botton 2. Prepare for playback ana prepare the CAT sock forrecsesing 9. Begin resorting * ITyou wan! e monitor during recording copes {he SOURCE DIRECT swith to turn Rom Ate you nave finished monitoring, depose the SOURCE DIRECT swich noe again > tn ov 9 The parts of the Akai Amplifier Ifyou want to reduce the volume instantly during playback Dero th MUTING swich Depress the MUTING buton once again toOFF For the best sound reproduction froma compact dise, record, the Dilteey switch to ON = ‘he ingest wi ight Note When the SOURCE DIRECT swt is turned on, the BASS, TREBLE and BALANCE controls are Ineffective. Tape playback can also not be pe formed when the swrteh is on but rosoring wil Loudness compensation the ow trequer [ volume levels. inese o-_| Soren | CT i kimore L__—___| ‘atural sound can be Dorsines by boosting the Base osponss, Tis eald loudness compen ation, hen lating fo mus a low roume ‘ewes dopocs he LOUBMESS switch ont = or ‘ninslontooos othe ass. Headphone use and SPEAKER switches. ‘The SPEAKERS & and B buttons allow you to {Sultch Betwoon th epoakors connected tothe A [SPEAKERS lorminals othe 8 SPEAKERS lei falson herear pare the Ake amphi TKonly one eto speakers is connected tothe rear [SPEAKERS terminal simply sot the ater button to the OFF Cm) position. When through headphones, set both spoakor but” ‘tons to thelr OFF ( = } positions. a ey To adjust tone during playback Use he BASS and TREBLE tone contols aoc eeane erase the BASS conto) ‘oineroabe ordocreae he webs ‘sr the TREBLE contol During record playback 1 your player system uses the MC (Moving Colt type cartridge ‘Set the CARTRIDGE selector Otherwise sl his ewer | Mem Bolore setting the CAR. RIDGE ewiteh, road car- iidge’sinsiruction shot, Ifthe wooter cone vi playback Bet he SUBSONIC switet to one "Sal he SUBSONIC ewiten te Orr ator other Source playbeck!| MODE switch (AM-52 only) It you want monaural sound playback, ee MODE Switch to MONO "Whine MODE Whon a normal scund YGR (mone "ype is connected fo one. tha AUX jack et or Nght); Set the MODE switch to MONO = ring Playback. The same sound wil hard fom the aft Endghtchennel speaker ystom. The BALANCE control mere | O | [ANCE conta left or a to boos! he value a {erightretchannel ressectvey ‘TAPE MONITOR switches (AM-52) The TAPE MONITOR -— {rch are indepenaortat | the other input select st fons. it i necessary to bitch them OFF in ordorto listen toe erent source ‘The AUX button Depress the AUX bution fo play back & companent tinien is connected te your Smpilirs AUX Jacks aun fe a caseote ck for aly Backoravideodise player: 1 ————— Selicioney in th fight balance gue to te ‘hack to 908 the power cords ennest fd'scurely tothe household AC out ‘9 The input select button soresponding the musle source you want fe lato fle ‘nganed | Frees ne appropriate input selec button |e The TAPE MONITOR itonos are de- | © pressed when you want to monitor an ‘odio source, 1 The VOLUME controls eto low ‘just be VOLUME cont | 1 The SPEAKERS ewiten is turned OFF (sy “Tamm ON ( = ) the A and/or 8 SPEAKERS toh ‘Protection cuits engaged Theapeatermpaaanoe | ‘¢ The ADAPTOR Jack's short pins nave | boon remo Replace tno short pins when an audio pro Gefsor or gape equizer na eon there is ltle or ne sound during play- backe The MUTING swith is depressed ‘Tom down the VOLUME contol! necassay, thon frm of he MUTING sath by deprese W the BASS, TREBLE and BALANCE Controle do not work when adjusted or iW tape playbeck canaot be hoard when the TAPE MONITOR switch to der prostod “The SOURGE DIRECT switch is depressed. ‘Toro the SOURCE DIRECT switch by de pressing 110 | Tee CARTRIDGE ewitch ie not stat th ae propriate postion = MC or a MM) for fear that youare wing | im te pe of caridge wih its nsteue- | fon sheet or specticetone ofthe tural, ‘hon atthe CARTRIDGE ‘© Check the speaker connections Masosurethat & wres ereconneckalto Pterminseand © wrest © temas ‘Should a problem persist write down the made! sia numbers and llpetinet data mgaraing waranty coveraga as Welles a clea” deacon af {ho exsting ouble Thon contect your nearest 2u- ‘oraed Nal Service Staton, The speaker system Speaker placement “Tie playback characteristics of ho spsker sys ten re great inlences bythe placement a the room invwnich tne apeakars are seg. For tha bese i sound biter he ebie reght seomtoo song Ply beck ome musi whe ‘fusing the fone convls and move the speakor ‘Stor around to nd the best locaton However Besse teepthetolowiagin ng Place the speaker system: o"Snatintand old sree which dos vt ran rittoomany vrationa ¢¢ Inawel ventiate, notvry humid plas. 1 Astay trom cect sunlight and (stove, te) 1» Avay fomyour urate and TV. ‘Toprevent damage tote speaker sytem. ‘Sonatas the volumetoo ah {Turn ol the Akal amplifier when charging or connecting the payer yston’s arti. «© {onorthe vlume wet shangng red Sttons Sanden cwoingorrevewing apes, 1 Donattouehtne speakers daphragms How to closn the speshor system(s) Sloan t Paystemel with 88 dry Sth 4 Hey aro vry dty uso amid deterget 1 Toprtest ne shaphrogma the vbratiy bat) Ge notaprey liquie loaner aivocty onthe Spoakersystom Away spray ton act fst. ‘¢ Never use alcohol, paint thier. cteemlaly treated loth or vse ¢eprey-type iment earns apeakersyem, ash wii Specifications any che 7 ae o ye Zow)oos% sow/ooss Towe-20Kne)..cowoose sownoss 0.005% at souroe Dvact Moc 006% Source Diet Mod ‘50.08 at Sourea Dre Mod 8°38 ot serceDrect to) searoe 22 ua Ei} a we oa oa as men wea Ee Te eee por eA kn pon wa 2047 co Bee Estat ot aed eee eee Fo cewnnsom FEE oem Mazo evel asin ov PHONO MM... 16000 HoKO ME... wom Oe eee Bom kote ape ee G0 tos ogneyResonse egy esponse [Dowstion RIAA). 20500 {evltion RIAA) 205.08, oy Tamer DAY SHE Io 00a —3.81 SoyTmen DAY sHetoToO Nr (—3.8) ietSouren Droetvoos inoue Drethode Treble Boapat lowe Trobe Boapartous mentions tn 80 377 10m omenaant. Since 307) wn Wotoht argta52'ba taht. 24g eel Sreauechosrange mihi ‘estbtectiochenge woul ace,

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