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Dynamic Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network Model for Structural

System Identification
Hojjat Adeli, F.ASCE1; and Xiaomo Jiang2

Abstract: A new dynamic time-delay fuzzy wavelet neural network model is presented for nonparametric identification of structures
using the nonlinear autoregressive moving average with exogenous inputs approach. The model is based on the integration of four
different computing concepts: dynamic time delay neural network, wavelet, fuzzy logic, and the reconstructed state space concept from
the chaos theory. Noise in the signals is removed using the discrete wavelet packet transform method. In order to preserve the dynamics
of time series, the reconstructed state space concept from the chaos theory is employed to construct the input vector. In addition to
denoising, wavelets are employed in combination with two soft computing techniques, neural networks and fuzzy logic, to create a new
pattern recognition model to capture the characteristics of the time series sensor data accurately and efficiently. The model balances the
global and local influences of the training data and incorporates the imprecision existing in the sensor data effectively. Experimental
results on a five-story steel frame are employed to validate the computational model and demonstrate its accuracy and efficiency.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9445共2006兲132:1共102兲
CE Database subject headings: Fuzzy sets; Neural networks; Identification; Mathematical models; Structural analysis.

Introduction of the art up to 1995 is presented by Ghanem and Shinozuka

共1995兲. Examples of recent work are Chassiakos and Masri
The goal of structural system identification research is to develop 共1996兲, Gurley and Kareem 共1999兲, Loh et al. 共2000兲, Masri et al.
a mathematical model for a structural system based on a set of 共2000兲, Hung et al. 共2003兲, and Kijewski and Kareem 共2003兲.
inputs and corresponding output measurements. When structures There are two fundamentally different approaches for the
are damaged during a strong ground motion changes occur to solution of the system identification problem: parametric method
their dynamic characteristics. Structural system identification and nonparametric method. The parametric method is a straight-
finds applications in: 共1兲 determination of the structural properties forward approach in which the parameters of an actual system
such as the stiffness and natural periods and frequencies; 共2兲 non- model are used directly to represent physical quantities such as
destructive damage evaluations, where input–output measure- the structural stiffness and damping ratio. Estimation algorithms
ments are used to assess nondestructively the damage severity and such as the Kalman filter method, maximum likelihood method,
location in an existing structure; 共3兲 health monitoring of the glo- and recursive least square method are used to determine the
bal or local conditions of structures; and 共4兲 structural control parameters of the system model. Parametric methods have been
of smart structures which requires evaluation of dynamic re- applied successfully to identify the dynamic properties of linear-
sponse of structures with various structural rigidities, masses, and ized and time-invariant equivalent structural systems 共Juang
damping. 1994; Ljung and Glad 1994; Ghanem and Shinozuka 1995兲.
The complicated mechanics of earthquake and the significant Recently, wavelet-based approaches have been developed for
expense associated with detailed measurements of structural re- parametric identification of simple multidegree-of-freedom
sponse make accurate system identification of structures a chal- 共MDOF兲 systems 共Staszewski 1997 and 1998; Ghanem and
lenging problem. This problem has attracted the attention of a Romeo 2000; Hans et al. 2000; Lamarque et al. 2000; Chang et al.
good number of researchers in recent years. A review of the state 2003; Kijewski and Kareem 2003兲. Staszewski 共1997 and 1998兲
uses a continuous Grossman–Morlet wavelet transform to decom-
Lichtenstein Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental pose the impulse response of MDOF systems into the time-scale
Engineering and Geodetic Science, The Ohio State Univ., 470 Hitchcock domain. Then, the structural parameters are estimated based on
Hall, 2070 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH 43210 共corresponding author兲. the ridges 共where the energy of the signal is mainly concentrated
E-mail: in the time-scale plane兲 and skeletons of the wavelet transform
Graduate Research Associate and PhD Candidate, Dept. of Civil and 共the values of the wavelet transform at its ridges兲. This method is
Environmental Engineering and Geodetic Science, The Ohio State Univ., used for parametric estimation of the nonlinear and time variant
470 Hitchcock Hall, 2070 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH 43210. E-mail: simple MDOF systems. Ghanem and Romeo 共2000兲 describe a wavelet-based approach for parametric identification of single-
Note. Associate Editor: Elisa D. Sotelino. Discussion open until June and simple MDOF linear time-varying dynamic systems. They
1, 2006. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers. To
use the wavelet transform to decompose the governing differential
extend the closing date by one month, a written request must be filed with
the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted equations into discrete forms. Then, the structural parameters are
for review and possible publication on April 26, 2004; approved on April obtained from the solution of the transformed differential
20, 2005. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engineering, equations using the least square minimization technique. The
Vol. 132, No. 1, January 1, 2006. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/2006/1-102– authors report accurate estimation of the damping and stiffness
111/$25.00. parameters of a simple linear time-invariant system. They also


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demonstrate that the presence of noise affects the accuracy of the to simulated earthquake loadings on a shaking table. However,
estimated damping significantly but has little effect on stiffness. the WNN method for structural system identification also suffers
Kijewski and Kareem 共2003兲 use Morlet wavelet decomposition from: 共1兲 lack of an efficient constructive model; 共2兲 the need to
for identifying the frequency and damping parameters of simple find the model parameters such as the input vector dimension by
MDOF systems. trial and error; 共3兲 slow convergence rate when there exists noise
These parametric identification algorithms, however, depend in the measured data; and 共4兲 low identification accuracy when
strongly on the accuracy of the measured data. They cannot pro- there exists imprecision in the measured data.
vide the required accuracy and reliability needed for complex In this paper, a new multiparadigm dynamic time-delay fuzzy
system identifications of real life structures due to complicated WNN model is presented for nonparametric identification of
nonlinear nature of behavior of civil structures, and incomplete, structures using the NARMAX approach. The model is based on
incoherent, and noise-contaminated measurements of structural the integration of four different computing concepts: dynamic
response to strong ground motions. time delay neural network, wavelet, fuzzy logic, and the recon-
Nonparametric system identification approaches have been structed state space concept from the chaos theory. The goal is to
widely used in health monitoring 共e.g., Nakamura et al. 1998; improve the accuracy and adaptability of nonparametric system
Masri et al. 1996, 2000兲 and structural control of building struc- identification of structures under earthquake loadings. The results
tures 共e.g., Bani-Hani and Ghaboussi 1998; Brown and Yang of this research will help structural engineers better understand
2001兲. They are particularly effective for large-scale structures the behavior of structures during earthquakes and design more
due to their complicated nonlinear behavior and the incomplete, effective earthquake-resistant structures.
incoherent, and noise-contaminated measurements of structural
response under extreme loadings. In the nonparametric approach,
the input–output map is characterized and determined by a system Constructing Dynamic Time-Delay Fuzzy-Wavelet
model that may not have any explicit physical meaning. In gen- Neural Network Model
eral, the system model does not represent any physical quantity
directly, but it is trained to approximate a physical structure and
Creating State Space Vectors from Denoised Data
predict the structural responses. As such, the approach does not
require complete and coherent measurements of the structural re- The NARMAX approach has proven to be a powerful tool for
sponse to strong ground motions. It has better adaptability than mapping the nonlinear input–output relationship in system iden-
the parametric methods 共Billings and Tsang 1989; Billings et al. tification 共Juang 1994; Ljung and Glad 1994; Thomson et al.
1990; Sjöberg et al. 1995; Thomson et al. 1996; Aguirre et al. 1996; Aguirre et al. 2000兲. In this approach, the general discrete
2000兲. dynamic input–output mapping is expressed as follows:
In nonparametric system identifications the nonlinear autore-
gressive moving average with exogenous inputs 共NARMAX兲
approach is widely used for mapping the input–output relation- y共t兲 = f共xt−1,yt−1,et−1兲 + e共t兲 共1兲
ship 共Ljung and Glad 1994; Ljung 1999兲 due to the following
advantages: 共1兲 it does not impose any restriction on the nature of where xt, yt, and et represent the input, output, and zero-mean
system input excitation leading to its general applicability; 共2兲 it noise vectors at time t 共representing the discrete time series values
uses constant parameters independent of the time variable, which up to time t兲, respectively; f共.兲 = scalar nonlinear mapping or ap-
makes it relatively easy to incorporate a priori knowledge about proximation function; and e共t兲 = error between the actual and es-
the system into the model; and 共3兲 it can model nonlinearity ef- timated values of the future output y共t兲. The objective is to find
fectively in contrast to linear approaches such as the autoregres- the relationship between the past observations 关xt−1 , yt−1兴 and the
sive moving average method 共ARMA兲. future output y共t兲. We need to model the mapping function for
The key issue in nonparametric identification methods is an effective structural system identification.
effective approach for estimation of the coefficients of the In this work, first the noise in the signals is removed using the
NARMAX. Sjöberg et al. 共1995兲 describe a number of soft com- discrete wavelet packet transform 共DWPT兲 method. The DWPT
puting approaches for finding the NARMAX coefficients such as provides more coefficients than the conventional discrete wavelet
the multilayer neural networks and fuzzy logic. Loh et al. 共2000兲 transform 共DWT兲 representing additional subtle details of a sig-
use the Levenberg–Marquardt back-propagation 共BP兲 neural net- nal. The DWPT-based denoising is presented in Jiang and Adeli
work for nonparametric identification of a five story test frame. 共2004兲. Next, the dynamic system is approximated as a functional
Masri et al. 共1993, 1996, 2000兲 investigate use of the BP neural representation of the lagged past denoised inputs and outputs. The
network method for structural system identification and health reconstructed state space concept from the chaos theory is used to
monitoring. Their study shows that the neural network method is simulate the multivariate properties of the nonlinear system effec-
a practical tool in detecting changes in nonlinear structures with tively. The input dimension or the size of the state space vector in
unknown constitutive properties and topologies. However, those the NARMAX approach, D, is the summation of dimensions of
neural network methods suffer from some common drawbacks the structural inputs, Dx 共number of discrete time steps used for
such as lack of an efficient constructive model 共for example, re- any input time series兲, and the feedback outputs, Dy 共number of
quiring arbitrary selection of the number of hidden nodes兲, slow discrete time steps used for the corresponding past output time
convergence rate, and entrapment in a local series兲.
minimum. A proper choice of the dimension for the NARMAX approach
The writers found only one paper on the use of wavelets for plays an important role in reconstructing an appropriate multivari-
nonparametric system identification of structures. Hung et al. ate input. If D is too small, the model produces inaccurate
共2003兲 used the wavelet neural network 共WNN兲 model, which identification results. If D is too large, it can also lead to overes-
was proposed by Zhang and Benveniste 共1992兲 for signal process- timation and inaccurate results in addition to increasing the com-
ing, for system identification of a five-story test frame subjected putational cost. System identification researchers usually use


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a trial-and-error approach to find the most suitable value
冉 冊
Xkj − bij
for the input dimension in the NARMAX approach 共Zhang 1997; f̄共Xk兲 = 兺 兺wi ␸
k = 1, . . . ,Na
Hung et al. 2003兲. However, the trial-and-error approach: 共1兲 does i=1 j=1
not provide a rational basis for the selection; 共2兲 is cumbersome;
共3兲 is computationally time consuming; and 共4兲 does not guaran-
a,b 苸 Re 共5兲
tee accurate system identification results.
An input time series is denoted by discrete quantities 兵xi其,
i = 1 , 2 , . . . , N, where N is the number of data points. The input ␸共.兲 苸 L2共Re兲
vector at time t, x共t兲, in the NARMAX approach 关Eq. 共1兲兴 is rep-
resented by the state space vector, xk, as follows: where D = Dx + Dy = dimension of the input vector
Xk; Xkj represents the jth item in the kth input vector
Xk = xk , xk+␶ , xk+2␶ , . . . , xk+共Dx−1兲␶xk , y k+␶ , y k+2␶ , . . . , y k+共Dy−1兲␶T; and
xk = 关xk,xk+␶,xk+2␶, . . . ,xk+共Dx−1兲␶兴T k = 1,2, . . . . ,Na 共2兲 M = number of wavelets obtained using the modified Gram–
Schmidt algorithm 共Zhang 1997; Jiang and Adeli 2005兲 and the
where T denotes the transpose of a vector and the parameters Dx
Akaike’s final prediction error method 共AFPE兲 共Ljung 1999;
and ␶ = dimension 共usually referred to as embedding dimension,
Jiang and Adeli 2005兲. In the modified Gram–Schmidt algorithm,
dE, in the chaos theory兲 共Jiang and Adeli 2003兲 and the lag time
first the wavelet which best approximates the measured data is
index used to reconstruct the state space, respectively. The value
selected from the complete nonzero wavelet coefficient sets.
of ␶ is set equal to 1 in this study. The data point subscript, k,
Next, this wavelet is combined with the remainder of wavelet sets
satisfies the following condition:
one at a time and the combination which best approximates the
measured data is determined. The procedure is repeated for all
k 艋 N − Dx nonzero wavelet coefficients. The symbol f̄共Xk兲 represents the
approximation of f共Xk兲, wi represents the discrete wavelet trans-
form coefficient, and ␸共.兲 = two-dimensional wavelet expansion
k苸Z 共3兲 functions with scaling and translation 共the multidimensional input
Xk results in a multidimensional wavelet sets兲. The Mexican hat
where Z = set of all integers. Based on Eq. 共3兲, the maximum wavelet is used due to its analytical expression convenient for
number of state space points, Na, is equal to decomposing multidimensional time series, its differentiability,
and its noncompactly supported but rapidly vanishing feature 共the
function is nonzero on an infinite interval but approaches zero
Na = N − Dx 共4兲
rapidly兲 共Zhou and Adeli 2003兲 which is advantageous in this
Eq. 共2兲 represents the state space vector with one lag time work. The parameters aij ⫽ 0 and bij denote the frequency 共or
reconstructed from the sensor data. The feedback input vector y in scale兲 and the time 共or space兲 location parameters corresponding
Eq. 共1兲 is defined similar to Eq. 共2兲 with Dy dimension. In the to the multidimensional input vector Xk, respectively, and Re is
theory of chaos, the set of points used to simulate the evolution the set of real numbers. The notation L2共Re兲 represents the square
trajectory in the original state space is referred to as an attractor. summable constructed state space vectors.
The purpose of the attractor is to unfold the time series back to a Characteristics localization of time series in spatial 共or time兲
multivariate state space representing the original physical system. and frequency 共or scale兲 domains can be accomplished efficiently
An attractor is the geometric invariance in the state space repre- through wavelet decomposition. The power of wavelets for time
sentation of a time series. The invariants of the dynamic system series analysis stems from three features. First, wavelet analysis
producing the time series are preserved if the time series is trans- can determine the sharp transitions simultaneously in both fre-
formed into a sufficiently large reconstructed state space 共defined quency and time domains. Thus, wavelets can help identify non-
in terms of its dimension兲. Chaotic attractors often indicate chaos linear behavior displayed in any signal. Second, wavelet analysis
in the physical system represented by time series. A proper choice allows for an effective representation of discontinuities in the cha-
of the parameters Dx and Dy plays an important role in accurately otic time series. The wavelet representation of information in the
reconstructing the multivariate state space 共Jiang and Adeli 2003兲. time series allows for its hierarchical decomposition. In this way,
For the structural system identification problem, the false near- the information can be analyzed in components of desired char-
est neighbor 共FNN兲 method was found to be more accurate than acteristics and at various levels of details. Third, when the infor-
the fill factor and average integral local deformation methods and mation in time series is transformed into the wavelet domain less
therefore is used in this research to find the optimum embedding storage is required for its effective representation, resulting in
dimensions Dx and Dy. The FNN approach is based on the as- computational efficiency for large time series.
sumption that a small embedding dimension results in state space Eq. 共5兲 is used to construct a wavelet neural network for ef-
points that are far apart in the original state space to be considered fective identification of general nonlinear systems. Unlike the
neighboring points in the reconstructed state space. Details of this conventional multilayer neural network whose activation func-
method can be found in Jiang and Adeli 共2003兲 and therefore will tion, such as a sigmoid function, has infinite energy 共the function
not be described here. is nonzero on an infinite interval and area under the function is
infinity兲, the proposed WNN uses a wavelet function with a
spatial-spectral zooming property, which influences the output of
Creating Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network Model
the model only in the finite range of input time series. This prop-
The dynamic system function represented symbolically by f共.兲 in erty: 共1兲 reduces the undesirable interaction effects among the
Eq. 共1兲 is approximated using the wavelet transform functions and nodes of the neural network thus in general improving the accu-
wavelet coefficients expressed in a general form as follows racy of the system identification and 共2兲 accelerates the neural
共Daubechies 1988 and 1992兲: network training process thus improving its computational effi-


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ciency. The flip side of the WNN model is that local imprecision
in the training data may result in a large local output error because
of the same spatial-spectral zooming property.
The fuzzy logic theory is a powerful tool for effective repre-
sentation of imprecision existing in the time series data measured
by sensors 共Zadeh 1978兲. To overcome the aforementioned short-
coming of the WNN model, a fuzzy-WNN model is created based
on the following two steps. First, the fuzzy C-means 共FCM兲 clus-
tering algorithm presented in Jiang and Adeli 共2003兲 is used as a
data mining tool to divide the sensor data into clusters with com-
mon features. Next, a fuzzy-wavelet model is created by combin-
ing the fuzzy clusters of the reconstructed state space vectors with
the nonorthogonal wavelets defined by Eq. 共5兲.
The FCM algorithm performs a fuzzy partitioning of the data
set into classes, where the concept of fuzzy membership is used to
represent the degree to which a given data set belongs to some
cluster. The state space vectors reconstructed earlier are clustered
based on their similarities. The fuzzy clustering problem is de-
fined as a constrained optimization problem as follows: Fig. 1. Two clusters obtained using fuzzy C-means clustering
Minimize algorithm
Na M

f ␤共c兲 = 兺 兺
k=1 i=1
A␤ki储Xk − ci储2 共6兲 IF Amki:Xk

Subject to the constraints Na

M 兺 AmkiXk

Aki = 1 THEN ci = Na i = 1, . . . ,M

共7兲 k=1
1 艋 k 艋 Na
k = 1, . . . ,Na 共10兲
Aki 艌 0
where Amki:Xk
indicates the degree of membership of Xk in the ith
1 艋 k 艋 N a, 1 艋 i 艋 M fuzzy implication rule at iteration m is Amki. Fig. 1 shows a con-
ceptual example of two clusters obtained from the data points in a
where f ␤共c兲 = objective function; Xk = kth input state space vector; two-dimensional state space using the FCM clustering algorithm.
Aki = membership function or the degree of membership of the kth The partitioning of the data is mathematically expressed in
variable in the ith fuzzy implication rule; ci = 关c1i , c2i , . . . , cDi兴T the fuzzy partition matrix A = 关Aki兴 whose elements are the
represents the D-dimensional center of the ith cluster; M = total membership degrees of the data vectors Xk = 关x1 , x2兴 in the fuzzy
number of fuzzy implication rules; and Na = number of the train- clusters ci.
ing data sets defined by Eq. 共4兲. The parameter ␤ represents the The new fuzzy WNN model is formed using the fuzzy wave-
degree of fuzziness in the data. A value in the range 1 ⬍ ␤ 艋 2 is lets in the following three steps: 共1兲 construct the WNN model;
often chosen 共larger values are selected for fuzzier data situa- 共2兲 find fuzzy clusters using the FCM algorithm; and 共3兲 replace
tions兲. A value of ␤ = 1.5 is chosen in this study. The parameter M the conventional translation parameters, bij in Eq. 共5兲, by the
is also equal to the number of the clusters as well as the number fuzzy clusters cij to form the fuzzy wavelet. Fig. 2 shows the
of the wavelets used in the WNN model. feedforward architecture of the fuzzy WNN model. It consists of
The variables of the optimization problem represented by an input layer, a hidden fuzzy-wavelet layer, and an output layer.
Eqs. 共6兲–共8兲 are the membership grades, Aki. The total number of There are D = Dx + Dy input nodes in the input layer. The optimum
the variables is equal to M times Na. The membership grade is number of fuzzy-wavelet nodes is found using the AFPE criterion
represented in terms of the Euclidean distance of the input vector 共Ljung 1999兲. This number is set equal to the number of fuzzy
from the class center ci as follows 共Bezdek 1981; Jiang and Adeli clusters required in the FCM algorithm. The ellipses in the hidden
2003兲: layer represent the fuzzy wavelet functions. The output in the

冋兺 冉 冊 册
M −1 output layer represents the approximated structural response
储Xk − cti储2 1/␤−1
关Eq. 共5兲兴.
Aki = 1 艋 k 艋 Na
j=1 储Xk − ctj储2
共9兲 Creating Dynamic Time-Delay Fuzzy Wavelet Neural
1艋i艋M Network Model
The iterative FCM algorithm presented in Jiang and Adeli Both earthquake records and structural responses are a sequence
共2003兲 is used to find the clusters and their centers. A fuzzy logic of ordered measurements in the form of time series produced by
inference mechanism is developed in the FCM algorithm using a single sensors. In order to extract useful information from the
set of IF–THEN fuzzy implication rules in the following form time series for accurate system identification of a structure using
共Sugeno and Kang 1988兲: the fuzzy WNN model, the input data from a single time series


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Fig. 2. Architecture of fuzzy-wavelet neural network

cannot be treated as independent data points. The data order in the

time series must be preserved in temporal processing to avoid Fig. 3. Architecture of dynamic time-delay fuzzy wavelet neural
distorting the time signal and changing its frequency content. network model
Consequently, a dynamic time-delay fuzzy WNN model with
a recurrent feedback topology is created for structural system
identification. consists of M fuzzy-wavelet nodes. The output layer has only one
In order to capture the linear characteristics of the nonlinear node which is the predicted structural response 关Eq. 共11兲兴.
system identification problems, a linear term is added to Eq. 共5兲 to Unlike the conventional static neural networks that are based
form the fuzzy WNN model expressed as on single-valued input nodes, the proposed model is a dynamic
neural network that preserves the time sequence of the input vec-

冉 冊
Xkj − cij tors and memorizes the past of the time series sensor data. Each
f̄共Xk兲 = 兺


+ 兺j b jXkj + d 共11兲 data set in the input layer is a state space vector, a delay input
with lag time of 1. The delay inputs are aggregated nonlinearly
where b j = weight of the link of the jth input to the output; and through the fuzzy wavelet processing nodes in the fuzzy wavelet
d = bias term 共Fig. 3兲. The double summation in Eq. 共11兲 repre- layer to memorize the past.
sents a linear combination of the weighted sum of the wavelets.
Eq. 共11兲 approximates the structural dynamics using a few wave-
lets in combination with the linear characteristics. Training Dynamic Time-Delay Fuzzy Wavelet Neural
Fig. 3 shows the architecture of the multiparadigm dynamic Network Model
time-delay fuzzy WNN model for structural system identification.
It consists of six steps: 共1兲 de-noise the original time series sensor A hybrid learning algorithm, Levenberg–Marquardt 共LM兲-least
data using the DWPT-based approach; 共2兲 construct the state squares 共LS兲 algorithm, is developed for estimating the param-
space vectors using the FNN approach; 共3兲 select wavelets using eters of the fuzzy WNN model: parameters aij in the wavelet
the modified Gram–Schmidt algorithm; 共4兲 minimize the number basis, weights wi and b j, and the bias d 关Eq. 共11兲兴. The LM algo-
of the required wavelets using the Akaike’s final prediction error rithm, an approximate combination of the Gauss–Newton and
criterion; 共5兲 find fuzzy clusters using the FCM algorithm; and 共6兲 steepest descent algorithms, is used to estimate the parameters aij
construct the dynamic time-delay fuzzy-WNN model. of nonlinear wavelet functions. The approximation avoids the
The topology of the dynamic fuzzy WNN model consists of an second-order differentiation required in the Gauss–Newton algo-
input layer, a hidden 共fuzzy wavelet兲 layer, and an output layer. rithm and overcomes the numerical instabilities encountered in
The input layer has D nodes representing the constructed state the steepest descent algorithm. The much simpler LS algorithm is
space vector of structural inputs x and feedback outputs y. In used to determine the parameters of the linear part of the fuzzy
addition to Dx structural inputs, Dy outputs, y n−1 , y n−2 , . . . , y n−Dy, WNN model. Next, a backtracking inexact linear search algo-
are fed back to the input layer at a time. The fuzzy wavelet layer rithm is developed to automatically update the iteration step


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Fig. 5. Kobe1 earthquake ground motion record and acceleration
responses of five-story test frame

in Fig. 4. The new model is used to identify the response of the

second floor and compare the results with those of Hung et al.
Fig. 4. Model of five-story test steel frame for validating model
Fig. 6共a兲 shows the measured data points from 7 s to 8 s of the
structural response at the first floor under the five earthquake
excitations mentioned earlier. It is found that at each floor all
length with the goal of accelerating the learning convergence rate structural acceleration response curves have the same general
of the model. shape at various earthquake excitations without outliers. The re-
sponse patterns of the structure subjected to different levels of
excitations are not changed significantly, but the peak ground val-
Validation of Fuzzy-Wavelet Neural Network Model ues of acceleration increase as the excitation level increases, as
Example Structure
Experimental results on a 1 / 2-scaled five-story steel frame re-
ported in recent literature were used to validate the new dynamic
time-delay fuzzy WNN model for system identification of struc-
tures 共Loh et al. 2000; Hung et al. 2003兲. The structure is a 3 m
long, 2 m wide, and 6.5 m high steel frame 共Fig. 4兲. Lead blocks
were nearly uniformly distributed on each floor such that the mass
of each floor was approximately equal to, 3,664 kg. This test
structure was subjected to the basic excitation of the original
Kobe earthquake with five different scales 共20, 32, 40, 52, and
60%兲 on a shaking table at the National Center for Research on
Earthquake Engineering in Taiwan 共Hung et al. 2003兲. These ex-
citations are denoted as Kobe1, Kobe2, Kobe3, Kobe4, and
Kobe5, respectively. Acceleration responses were measured at the
four corners of each floor in two horizontal directions over a
period of 25 s at increments of 0.001 s. Thus, around 25,000 out-
put data points are recorded in a single test. Fig. 5 shows the
Kobe1 earthquake ground motion record and the corresponding
acceleration responses of the five floors of the test frame. It
should be noted that in Fig. 5 the vertical scales for floor accel-
erations are different from that for the ground acceleration.
In order to improve computational efficiency, all acceleration
responses were normalized to the gravity acceleration 共g兲. For the
sake of comparison with the results of WNN presented by Hung
et al. 共2003兲, only the response data at the first, second, and third
floors are used for training and testing data sets in this study, Fig. 6. Data points from 7 s – 8 s of structural response at first floor
which is the same scheme used by Hung et al. 共2003兲, as depicted under five earthquake excitations: 共a兲 measured; and 共b兲 denoised


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Fig. 7. Root mean square error bar diagram of system identification

Data Denoising
The measured data contain noise. The DWPT-based denoising
approach and Daubechies wavelets of order 4 are employed for
denoising all measured data. As an example, Fig. 6共b兲 shows the
denoised results of the measured data points shown in Fig. 6共a兲. It
Fig. 8. Identified structural responses of second floor subjected to
is observed that the DWPT-based de-noising approach smoothes
Kobe1 earthquake using model trained by structural responses from
the contaminated data effectively while at the same time preserv-
Kobe2 earthquake: 共a兲 comparison of acceleration responses, 共b兲
ing the subtle features in the signal.
absolute error, and 共c兲 comparison of acceleration responses from
7 to 8 s
Constructing Dynamic Time-Delay Fuzzy Wavelet
Neural Network Model
using the hybrid adaptive LM-LS learning algorithm. All absolute
The 14,000 denoised data points from 4 s to 18 s of the structural errors between the computed and measured responses are less
response at the first, second, and third floors are extracted from than 0.002g 共less than 0.6%兲.
the 25,000 data points for constructing the fuzzy WNN model.
For reconstructing the state space vectors, the same optimum em-
Testing Dynamic Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network Model
bedding dimension of 6 is obtained using the FNN method for the
three floor acceleration responses of the structure under different The measured acceleration responses of the first and third floors
earthquake excitation levels. This is not unexpected because the from the previous Dx = 6 time intervals and the computed accel-
general shape of the structural response under various excitation eration response of the second floor from the previous Dy = 6 time
levels does not change significantly. The same dimension is there- intervals are fed into the input layer to calculate the current ac-
fore used for both measured inputs and feedback inputs of the celeration response of the second floor. Each trained model is
fuzzy WNN model 共Dx = 6 and Dy = 6兲. The number of input vec- tested using all five different levels of excitations 共Kobe1–
tors created is thus equal to Na = 14,000− 6 = 13,996 关Eq. 共4兲兴. Kobe5兲. As such, 25 different sets of system identification results
Next, a four-level wavelet decomposition is performed on the are produced. The root mean squared sum of the errors 共RMSE兲
13,994 training vectors using the Mexican hat wavelet. The empty between the measured and estimated output is computed for all 25
wavelets whose supports do not contain any data are eliminated, test cases. The results are shown as a bar diagram in Fig. 7. The
resulting in 157 nonempty wavelets. Based on the AFPE criterion horizontal axis represents the five different excitation levels. As
and using the modified Gram–Schmidt algorithm, it was con- an example, Fig. 8 shows the identified structural responses of the
cluded that 2 out of the 157 nonempty wavelets are sufficient to second floor subjected to Kobe1 earthquake using the model
construct an effective fuzzy WNN model. As such, there are 2 trained by the structural responses from Kobe2.
wavelet nodes in the hidden layer of the network 共Fig. 3兲. Several observations are made. First, all RMSE values for
identifying the structural responses under smaller Kobe1 and
Kobe2 excitations are less than 8.2%, which is slightly larger than
Training Dynamic Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network
7% reported by Hung et al. 共2003兲. However, the maximum ab-
solute errors between the computed and measured responses are
The acceleration responses of the first, second, and third floors around 0.04g, the same as that reported by Hung et al. In all
during the previous Dx = 6 time intervals are used as inputs, and likelihood, the responses of the structure under earthquakes
the current acceleration response of the second floor is used as the Kobe1 and Kobe2 represent the response of the undamaged
output of the dynamic time-delay fuzzy WNN model 共Fig. 4兲. The structure.
five sets of experimental data obtained at different excitation lev- Second, the RMSE values for identifying the structural re-
els 共Kobe1–Kobe5兲 are used to train the model, one set at a time, sponses under the stronger Kobe3, Kobe4, and Kobe5 excitations
resulting in five trained models. The dynamic time-delay fuzzy are less than 11%, which is significantly lower than 28% reported
WNN model converges very fast after only two training iterations by Hung et al. 共2003兲. As an example, Fig. 9 shows the identified


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Fig. 10. Identified structural responses of second floor subjected to
lower Kobe2 excitation using model trained by structural responses
Fig. 9. Identified structural responses of second floor subjected to from stronger Kobe5 excitation: 共a兲 comparison of acceleration
Kobe5 earthquake using model trained by structural responses from responses; 共b兲 absolute error; and 共c兲 comparison of acceleration
Kobe3: 共a兲 comparison of acceleration responses; 共b兲 absolute error, responses from 7 to 8 s
and 共c兲 comparison of acceleration responses from 7 to 8 s

structural responses of the second floor subjected to Kobe5 earth- dynamic time-delay fuzzy wavelet neural network model is cre-
quake using the model trained by the structural responses from ated for nonparametric identification of structures using the
Kobe3. The maximum absolute errors between the computed and NARMAX approach. The following conclusions are made.
measured response are less than 0.14g compared with 0.2g re- 1. The wavelet packet denoising technique employed in the
ported by Hung et al. 共2003兲. It is concluded that the model model speeds up the training convergence and improves the
trained using the structural response data under a lower excitation system identification accuracy. Fig. 11 shows comparisons of
can be used to identify the structural responses under a higher the identification results using the denoised and original
excitation accurately. structural response data under Kobe4 excitation using the
Third, the maximum RMSE value 共11%兲 for identifying the model trained by structural responses from Kobe1. The
structural responses under the stronger Kobe3, Kobe4, and Kobe5 model is implemented in a combination of C⫹⫹ program-
excitations is larger than the corresponding value 共8.2%兲 for iden- ming language and MATLAB 6.1 共2001兲 on a Windows XP
tifying the structural responses under lower excitations 共Kobe1 Professional platform and a 1.5 GHz Intel Pentium 4 proces-
and Kobe2兲. These results imply changes in the structural prop- sor. The CPU time for training the model is 54 s using the
erties during larger excitations Kobe3, Kobe4, and Kobe5 because denoised data and 129 s using the original data. More sig-
of damage or inelastic behavior. However, the changes do not nificantly, the maximum identification error increases to 15%
appear to be significant. when the original data are used to train the model. 共The
Fig. 10 shows the identified structural responses of the second maximum identification error is 7% when data are denoised.兲
floor subjected to a lower Kobe2 excitation using the model 2. In order to preserve the dynamics of time series, the recon-
trained by the structural responses from the stronger Kobe5 exci- structed state space concept from the chaos theory is em-
tation. In this figure the maximum absolute error is around 0.05g, ployed to construct the input vector. Rather than choosing the
which is significantly lower than the value of 0.2g reported in dimension of the input space arbitrarily or by trial and error
Hung et al. 共2003兲. It is concluded that the model trained using which is the norm in the structural system identification field,
the structural response data under a larger excitation can still be an optimum value for the input space dimension is found
used to identify the structural responses under a lower excitation using the FNN method.
accurately. 3. Wavelets are employed in two different contexts. First, for
denoising the data as explained under 共1兲. Second, it is used
Conclusions in combination with two soft computing techniques, neural
networks and fuzzy logic, to create a new pattern recognition
Accurate system identification requires capturing the dynamic model to capture the characteristics of the time series sensor
characteristics of time series response data. In this research, a data accurately and efficiently. The result is a new fuzzy


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