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Tyrone Kovacs

Videophone:  925.271.7452
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Academic  Creden1als  

M.A.,  Sign  Language  Educa1on             2016  

Gallaudet  University,  Washington,  D.C.          

Graduate  and  Teaching  Creden1al  Program           2004-­‐2005

San  Francisco  State  University,  CA  

B.A.,  Deaf  Studies               1999  

Gallaudet  University,  Washington,  D.C.  

M.A.,  Sign  Language  Educa1on             2016  

Gallaudet  University,  Washington,  D.C.  

Communica1on  Skills        

American  Sign  Language  Proficiency  Interview          Level  4+     2015  

ASL  Teaching  Experience

ASL  Teacher  
o ASL  1*,  at  Ohlone  College  in  Fremont,  CA       2016  

o ASL  2*,  Prac1cum  at  Ohlone  College  in  Fremont,  CA     2015  

o ASL  1  &  2*,  Adjunct  ASL  Instructor  at  Ohlone  College  in  Fremont,  CA      

o ASL  1  &  2*,  Adjunct  ASL  Instructor  at  Sierra  College  in  Rocklin,  CA      
*Using  Signing  Naturally  Curriculum    

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Focus  on  ACTFL  

Standard  #  3:  Language  Acquisi1on  Theories  and  Knowledge  of  Students  and  Their  Needs
Target  Language  Input-­‐  Candidates  structure  classes  to  maximize  use  of  the  target  language  at  all  levels  of  
instrucVon.  A  key  component  of  their  classes  is  their  spontaneous  interacVon  with  students  in  the  target  language.  
They  assist  students  in  developing  a  repertoire  of  strategies  for  understanding  oral  and  wriGen  input.  They  use  the  
target  language  to  teach  a  variety  of  subject  maGer  and  cultural  content.  
Meaningful  Classroom  Interac1on-­‐Meaningful  classroom  interacVon  is  at  the  heart  of  language  instrucVon.  
Candidates  engage  students  in  communicaVve  and  interesVng  acVviVes  and  tasks  on  a  regular  basis.  All  classroom  
interacVon  reflects  engaging  contexts  that  are  personalized  to  the  interests  of  students  and  reflect  curricular  goals.
Adap1ng  instruc1on  to  address  students’  language  levels,  language  backgrounds,  learning  styles-­‐  
Candidates  consistently  use  informaVon  about  their  students’  language  levels,  language  backgrounds,  and  learning  
styles  to  plan  for  and  implement  language  instrucVon.  
Analysis  of  teaching  performance  over  :me  that  addresses  progress  made  in  providing  target  language  input,  using  
nego:a:on  of  meaning,  engaging  students  in  interac:ons,  serving  as  facilitator  in  the  classroom,  providing  feedback  
that  focuses  on  meaning  and  accuracy,  take  risks  in  using  the  target  language.  

Professional  Experience

Residen1al  Educator                                      1990-­‐1994,  1999-­‐2003

California  School  for  the  Deaf,  Fremont,  CA 2005-­‐Current  
         Work  with  Elementary,  Middle  School,  High  School  Boys  &  Special  Needs  Boys                                                                                                              
by  supervising  them  aGer  school  and  in  the  evenings.  Assist  with  homework,                                                                                            
ac:vi:es  and  meal  :mes  
    Supervise  students  during  the  day.  Assist  with  morning  rou:nes  and  supervise  recess,    
   lunch  duty  and  homegoing  
         Work  with  students  on  ASL  gramma:cal  rules  ,  storytelling  and  ASL  presenta:on                                                                                            
skills  using  different  models  from  videos  and  staff  members  
         Assigned  to  work  with  new  students  to  build  up  their  L1  in  ASL  by  using  immersion  approach  
         Work  with  parents  on  where  they  can  get  ASL  resources  

Adjunct  ASL  Instructor               2016  

Ohlone  College,  Fremont,  CA  
ASL  1  &  2-­‐  Teach  with  Signing  Naturally,  Unit  7-­‐12  Curriculum  
           to  ASL  Students  

Coach                   2001-­‐2003,  2004-­‐2013  

California  School  for  the  Deaf,  Fremont,  CA                
Coached  Football,  Basketball  &  Baseball  for  HS  Boys              

Coach                   2015  
Washington,  D.C.        
Assistant  Coach  for  USA  Men  Team  Handball          

Teaching  Assistant,  Elementary  Department         2004-­‐2005  

California  School  for  the  Deaf,  Fremont,  CA  
Worked  with  Elementary  Teachers  to  set  up  materials,  class  ac:vi:es  and  work  with    
     students  on  one-­‐to-­‐one  basis/in  small  groups  

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ASL  Teacher                 2003-­‐2007  
Sierra  College,  Rocklin,  CA  &  Ohlone  College,  Fremont,  CA    
Taught  ASL  1  and  ASL  2  courses  using  Signing  Naturally  Curriculum  
Developed  syllabus,  course  schedule  and  lesson  plans  for  students  

Purple  Marke1ng  Representa1ve             2003-­‐2004  

Purple  Call  Center,  Rocklin,  CA  
Worked  with  ASL  interpreters  at  the  call  center  by  observing  their                                                                                                                                                  
signing  skills,  accuracy    rate,  and  providing  construc:ve  feedback  
Provided  addi:onal  models  of  na:ve  signing  to  improve  ASL  recep:ve  skills  

Youth  Sports  Coordinator               2000-­‐2002  

California  School  for  the  Deaf.  Fremont,  CA  
Worked  with  Elementary  &  Middle  School  students  to  set  up  schedule,  registered  for  a  
variety  of  sports  team  and  contacted  other  leagues  for  schedule  agreements  

Subs1tute  Teacher               2000-­‐2001  

California  School  for  the  Deaf,  Fremont,  CA  
Subs:tute  teacher  for  all  departments  to  teach  Deaf  students  from  all  grade  level  
and  all  subject  areas  
Followed  subs:tute  plans  provided  by  the  teachers  

Summer  School  DHH  SDC  Teacher             2000  

Concord,  CA
Taught  summer  school  to  Deaf  and  Hard  of  Hearing  Self  Contained  Class  
Developed  a  4  weeks  long  unit  to  teach  students  

Relevant  Professional  Development    

BoGoms,  A.  (2011).  Understanding  ProximalizaVon  and  Nonmanuals  in  M2L2  Sign.  ASLized!  Journal  of  
American  Sign  Language  and  Literature,  1.  11:44  minutes.  

Estes,  M.  (2011).  The  Effects  of  Learning  L1  in  Later  Stages.  ASLized!  Journal  of  American  Sign  Language  
and  Literature,  1,  6:11  minutes.    

Harris,  R.  (2015)  Seizing  Academic  Power:  CreaVng  Deaf  CounternarraVves  with  Commentary.  ASLized!  
Journal  of  American  Sign  Language  and  Literature,  1.  20:38  minutes.  
Jackerson,  J.  (2011).  Why  ASL?  ASLized!  Journal  of  American  Sign  Language  and  Literature,  1  ,  5:43  

Williams,  F.  (2015,  July).  True  business,  Diversity,  Gallaudet  University,  Washington,  D.C.,  July,  2015,    
2  hours.  


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Relevant  Courses  Taken

MASLED  (Masters  in  Sign  Language  Educa1on)  Program,    

Gallaudet  University,  Washington,  D.C.  
ASL  Related  Courses:  
♣ ASL  724:  Sign  Language  Linguis1cs  for  Sign  Language  Professionals
♣ LIN  510:  Linguis1cs,  Introduc1on  to  First  &  Second  Language  
♣ ASL  750:  Assessing  Sign  Language  Skills
♣ ASL  770:  Sign  Language  Planning  &  Advocacy  
Pedagogy  Related  Courses:  
♣ ASL  743:  Curriculum  Development  for  Sign  Language  Instruc1on
♣ ASL  741:  Methods  of  Sign  Language  Teaching
♣ DST  714:  Cri1cal  Pedagogy  
Media  Related  Courses:  
♣ ASL  709:  Sign  Language  Media  Produc1on
♣ ASL  777:  Digital  Pedagogy  
Deaf  Studies  Related  Courses:  
♣ ASL  745:  Sign  Language  Teaching,  Culture  and  History  
♣ ASL  710:  Literary  Tradi1ons  
Poreolio  Related  Courses:  
♣ ASL  795:  Special  Topics-­‐  ePoreolio  
♣ ASL  795b:  Special  Topics-­‐  Professional  Prepara1on
♣ ASL  795c:  Special  Topics-­‐  ASLTA  Cer1fica1on  
Teaching  Related  Courses:    
♣ ASL  752:  Sign  Language  Prac1cum
♣ ASL  790:  Sign  Language  Internship  

Deaf  Community  Service  

California  School  for  the  Deaf  (CSD)  Community  Commifee  

• CollaboraVon  efforts  
•        TransiVon  planning  
•        Work  with  commiGee  members  

Homecoming  Football    
October  2014  
• Set-­‐up  of  field  and  equipment  
• Coaching    

July  2013  
• Training  Goalies  
• Set-­‐up  tryouts  
• Work  with  commiGee  

February  2010  
• Set-­‐up  for  Glimmer  of  Hope  event  
• Work  with  commiGee  members  

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November  2005  
• Set-­‐up  stage,  work  with  venue  and  sell  Vckets  
Save  Our  School  
October  2002  
• AGend  commiGee  meeVngs  
• Visit  State  Capitol  and  present  on  findings  


Kovacs,  T.A.,  (2016,  February)  Wants  &  Needs,  Kappa  Gamma  Fraternity,  Gallaudet  University,  Washington  D.C.,    
February  2016

Kovacs,  T.A.,  (2001,  March)  Save  Our  School:  Making  the  Cut,  California  Department  of  Educa:on,  Sacramento,  
CA,  March,  2001.

Kovacs,  T.A.,  (2001,  September)  Sports  Handbook  Guide:  Character  Counts,  California  School  for  the  Deaf,  
September,  2001.

Kovacs,  T.A.,  (2001,  January)  Save  Our  School:  Educa:ng  Deaf  Children,  California  Department  of  Educa:on,  
Sacramento,  CA,  January,  2001.

Kovacs,  T.A.,  (2000,  September)  Sports  Handbook  Guide:  The  Hard  Drive,  California  School  for  the  Deaf,  
September,  2000.

Kovacs,  T.A.,  (2000,  October)  Save  Our  School:  PuYng  it  Together,  California  Department  of  Educa:on,  
Sacramento,  CA,  October,  2000.  

Awards  and  Recogni1ons  

• Voted  Most  InnovaVve,  2015  Cohort  at  Gallaudet  University  Master  Sign  Language  EducaVon  
• Deaflympic  USA  Men  Team  Handball  2013,  2005,  2001,  1997  
• Voted  Team  Captain  for  USA  Men  Team  Handball  at  Deaflympics,  2005  
• MVP  Goalie,  Division  1  Team  Handball  Tournament  in  Atlanta,  GA,  2001  
• AthleVc  Dean’s  List  at  Gallaudet  University,  1998  


Available  upon  request

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