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1. Introduction: Development and Environment

2. Approach of Development “Modernization Theory I” and

“Modernization Theory II” (Dependency and World System

3. Development Beyond Economic Growth: Capability Approach To


4. Urbanization and Environment

5. High Modernization, Green Revolution and Environment

6. Gender and Development

7. Water, Energy and Development Alternative

8. Critique of Development: Sustainable Development Perspective

9. Top down Approach in Development

10. Alternative Development and Empowerment: Bottom up

Approach and Its Challenges
Main references supporting the course

1. Willis, Katie, 2005. Theories and Practice of Development. Routledge : Oxon

and New York

2. Eliot, Jennifer.2006. An Introduction To Sustainable Development.

Routledge: Oxon

3. Schumacher.E.F.1973.Small is Beautiful: Economics of People Mattered.


4. W.W, Rostow.1990.Stage of Economic Growth: A non-Communist Manifesto.

5. Sen, Amartya.1999. Development as Freedom. Knopf: New York

Additional references supporting the course:

6. Leinbach, Thomas R and Mack, Richard.2000.South East Asia, Diversity and

Development.Printice Hall: New Jersey

7. Rahimah Abdul Azis.1989.Sosiologi Pembangunan: Sumbangan Andre

Gunder Frank. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia: Bangi

8. Kunio, Yoshihara.1995.Kemunculan Kapitalisme Semu di Asia

Tenggara.Syarikat S.Abdul Majid: Kuala Lumpur (terj. Ishak Shari)

9. Abdul Rahman Embong.2005.Pembangunan dan Kesejahteraan.Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia:Bangi

10.WCED.1987. Our Common Future.

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