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CTMS Technology Links to the New Zealand Curriculum

At CTMS we believe Technology is intervention by design: the use of practical and intellectual resources to develop products and
systems (technological outcomes) that expand human possibilities by addressing needs and realising opportunities. We believe in
creating unique learning opportunities that encourage participation by all students in group situations to achieve goals.


For all children at CTMS to have opportunities to develop a

broad technological literacy that will equip them to
participate in society as informed citizens, and experience
technology through relevant contexts.


 Teaching and learning programmes will integrate all three strands: Technological Practice, Technological Knowledge, and Nature of Technology.
 To appreciate the socially embedded nature of technology and become increasingly able to engage with current and historical issues and to explore future
 A commitment to engaging students into actions that contributes to a sustainable future through involvement in projects such as Enviro Schools and
 Year 7-8 students will have the opportunity to continue to draw fully on learning from other disciplines, opening up learning pathways that can lead to
technological-related careers.
 The aim is for students to critique the impact of technology on societies and the environment.
 To use the immediate and wider Wellington environment/community as resources to engage students if related to the context of learning.
Goals for Students

 Access relevant knowledge and skills from other learning areas that link to the context of the technology learning.
 Examine the practice of others and undertake their own exploration through cross level grouping. Students will develop a range of outcomes,
including concepts, plans, briefs, technological models, and fully realised products or systems.
 Work together with younger and older students/ in group situations to achieve a desired outcome.
 Develop knowledge particular to technological enterprises and environments and to develop understandings of how and why things work.
 To learn how functional modelling is used to evaluate design ideas and how prototyping is used to evaluate the fitness for purpose of systems and
products as they are developed.
 Use the School Agreement to guide their thinking and their actions.
 Work alongside key people and resources from the wider community.

Goals for Teachers

 Offer a variety of contexts to help students recognise links and develop generic understandings of design and processes.
 Plan a context take into account that Technology is never static. It is influenced by and in turn impacts on the cultural, ethical, environmental,
political, and economic conditions of the day.
 Provide relevant experiences that reflect our cultural community and commitment towards sustainability.
 Provide students with tools and scaffolding to support their understanding of technological processes. Use an inquiry model to demonstrate a
consistent generic approach to achieve a desired outcome.
 Model the School Agreement in their teaching and interactions with students, staff and community.
 Access key experts in the community related to the area of Technology learning to develop and inspire the implementation of the Technology
 A commitment to ensuring coverage of all the strands within the Technology Curriculum over a 2 year cycle.

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