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Suns-VOC characteristics of high performance kesterite solar cells

Oki Gunawan,a) Tayfun Gokmen,a) and David B. Mitzi
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, PO Box 218, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598, USA
(Received 15 May 2014; accepted 5 August 2014; published online 25 August 2014)
Low open circuit voltage (VOC) has been recognized as the number one problem in the current
generation of Cu2ZnSn(Se,S)4 (CZTSSe) solar cells. We report high light intensity and low
temperature Suns-VOC measurement in high performance CZTSSe devices. The Suns-VOC curves
exhibit bending at high light intensity, which points to several prospective VOC limiting
mechanisms that could impact the VOC, even at 1 sun for lower performing samples. These VOC
limiting mechanisms include low bulk conductivity (because of low hole density or low mobility),
bulk or interface defects, including tail states, and a non-ohmic back contact for low carrier den-
sity CZTSSe. The non-ohmic back contact problem can be detected by Suns-VOC measurements
with different monochromatic illuminations. These limiting factors may also contribute to an arti-
ficially lower JSC-VOC diode ideality factor. VC 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


I. INTRODUCTION basic system comes with a set of neutral density filters

(NDF) at the outlet of the flash lamp. We remove these filters
Kesterite Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 (CZTSSe) devices are emerg-
to increase the light intensity from 1 sun to 300 suns
ing as a promising thin-film solar cell technology, given sig-
maximum. We then apply NDF2 (100 attenuation) on top
nificantly improving power conversion efficiencies1–3—
of the photodetector that monitors the light intensity to avoid
currently as high as 12.6%—and predominant use of more
saturation. Small probe testers are used to probe the two ter-
abundant and less toxic elements. This technology, if suc-
minals of the solar cell to measure the VOC. The flash light
cessfully developed to reach power conversion efficiency
lasts for about 15 ms and the light intensity and the VOC are
(PCE) beyond 18%, has the potential to replace the existing
recorded concurrently, as the light decays quickly from
thin film solar technologies, such as Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2
300 suns to 0.3 sun. An example of the transient plot is
(CIGSSe) and CdTe, which have issues with elemental
shown in supplementary material (SM), Figure S1(b).11 The
abundance and toxicity. Despite the promising recent pro-
measurement can be repeated with a small shunt resistance
gress in performance, open-circuit voltage (VOC) remains as
(Rsh ¼ 1 X) across the device-under-test to measure the JSC.
the number one problem in this technology.4,5 Specifically,
Therefore, by combining Suns-VOC and Suns-JSC, the JSC-
CZTSSe suffers from large VOC deficit, i.e., the difference
VOC plot can be obtained (see SM A and Fig. S2 for detail11).
between the band gap Eg and the open circuit voltage:
Note that in most devices studied, especially at low light in-
VOC,def ¼ Eg/q  VOC, where q is the electron charge. The re-
tensity (<1 sun), JSC is proportional to the light (sun) inten-
cord CZTSSe device with 12.6% PCE has VOC ¼ 0.513 V
sity, thus a description in terms of Suns-VOC or JSC-VOC
(Eg ¼ 1.13 eV and VOC,def ¼ 0.617 V), which corresponds to
characteristics is identical and they are used interchangeably
only 57.8% of the maximum VOC allowed by the Shockley-
in this report. We also performed a wavelength-dependent
Quisser (SQ) limit.6 In contrast, a record CIGSSe device
Suns-VOC measurement by repeating the Suns-VOC curves
with PCE of 20.8%7 has VOC of 0.757 V (Eg  1.18 eV and
VOC,def ¼ 0.423 V), corresponding to 81.3% of the maximum
VOC according to the SQ limit.
Prior studies have discussed several possible factors
contributing to the VOC deficit problem in CZTSSe, such as
interface recombination,5 low minority carrier lifetime,5,8
and electrostatic potential fluctuations and tail states.9 In this
study, we present another aspect of VOC limitation in
CZTSSe, as revealed by high intensity and low temperature
Suns-VOC measurements.

To perform a high intensity Suns-VOC measurement, we
utilize the Sinton Suns-VOC Illumination Voltage Tester with FIG. 1. High intensity Suns-VOC setup using a modified Sinton tool (inset)
for a high performance CZTSSe “Z1,” CIGSSe “G1,” and mono-crystalline
some modifications10 as shown in the inset in Figure 1. The silicon “S1” solar cell. Solid circle: The Suns-VOC reversal point where the
ideality factor drops to zero. Right panel: The ideality factor nS as a function
O. Gunawan and T. Gokmen contributed equally to this work. of light intensity.

0021-8979/2014/116(8)/084504/9/$30.00 116, 084504-1 C 2014 AIP Publishing LLC


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084504-2 Gunawan, Gokmen, and Mitzi J. Appl. Phys. 116, 084504 (2014)

TABLE I. Device parameters of solar cells used in this study under simulated AM1.5G illumination. Sample ZA, ZB, and ZC are CZTSSe devices with vary-
ing Cu compositions (and carrier density). VOC,def is the VOC deficit (Eg/q  VOC), p and l are the Hall carrier density and hole mobility of the absorber layer
measured on separate identical film, respectively.

Eff FF VOC JSC Eg VOC,def ½Cu p lp

No Device Type % % mV mA/cm2 eV mV ½Zn þ ½Sn /cm3 cm2/Vs

1 G1 CIGSSe 14.7 72.5 616.9 32.8 1.17 553.1 n.a. 2  1015 3.7
2 S1 Silicon 14.1 56.8 607.8 40.9 1.12 512.2 n.a. … …
3 Z1 CZTSSe 11.7 67.3 494.0 35.2 1.13 636.0 0.82 2  1015 0.45
4 Z2 CZTSSe 7.1 49.1 459.6 31.6 1.13 670.4 0.82 … …
6 ZA CZTSSe 11.3 66.8 481.4 35.2 1.13 648.6 0.82 6 0.4 6.5  1016 0.43
7 ZB CZTSSe 11.5 70.8 480.8 33.7 1.13 649.2 0.86 6 0.4 1.6  1017 0.37
8 ZC CZTSSe 6.3 51.5 416.4 29.5 1.10 683.6 0.96 6 0.4 1.8  1018 0.56

with different color bandpass filters. This approach provides that the short circuit current JSC is proportional to the light
some depth sensitivity to the electrical measurements, as will intensity, i.e., JSC ¼ S JL1 , where S is the sun concentration
be described later. factor (in unit of “suns”) and JL1 is the photocurrent at 1 sun.
In the second part of the study, we developed a simple The ideality factor nS can be calculated as follows:
Sun-VOC (or JSC-VOC) measurement integrated to a standard
existing solar simulator (Newport-Oriel, 1000 W, 600  600 nS ¼ ½VT d ln JSC =dVOC 1 ¼ ½VT d ln S=dVOC 1 ; (1)
beam size) to facilitate immediate comparison of the light J-
V and JSC-VOC curves (See SM B for details11). A common where VT ¼ kB T=q, kB is the Boltzmann constant, and T is
method in performing Suns-VOC measurement is to use dis- the device temperature. The ideality factors of the Suns-VOC
crete neutral density filters to obtain different light attenua- curves are shown in the right-hand side plot of Fig. 1. The
tions (see, e.g., Ref. 12); however, this technique yields ideality factor tends to drop at higher light intensity for all
insufficient data resolution to accurately calculate the ideal- cells, partly because of the Auger recombination effect that
ity factor. To solve this issue, we developed a custom-made becomes more dominant at high carrier density.14
large area continuous neutral density (CND) filter, config- We observe that the silicon (S1) and CIGSSe cells (G1)
ured in a radial shape (see SM B11) to achieve continuous exhibit normal Suns-VOC curves that monotonically
light attenuation from 1 to 104 sun. This filter is made increase with higher light intensity. In contrast, the CZTSSe
using a common overhead projector transparency printed cell Z1 shows a Suns-VOC curve that saturates at high sun
with a radial grayscale pattern by ink-jet printing.13 The filter intensity. Furthermore, beyond a certain point (indicated by
is driven by a stepper motor box to achieve a smooth, slow a solid circle), the Suns-VOC curve bends slightly backward.
rotation that allows the JSC and VOC data to be recorded at Correspondingly, the CZTSSe ideality factor derived from
varying intensities with fine resolution. this curve (nS) becomes anomalously low and turns negative
at very high sun intensity (Fig. 1 right panel). Some
CZTSSe samples show more severe backward bending as
will be discussed in Fig. 6. This behavior suggests some
High intensity Suns-VOC measurements were performed mechanism that limits the VOC. We have also repeated this
on a high performance CZTSSe cell (Z1), in comparison measurement for CZTSSe with various band gaps (with low
with analogous CIGSSe (G1) and silicon solar cells (S1) carrier density <1017/cm3) and observe similar bending
(Fig. 1). The detailed characteristics of these solar cells are behavior in all devices, as shown in SM Fig. S3.11
presented in Table I. We can calculate the ideality factors A similar JSC-VOC bending can also be observed at low
from the Suns-VOC (or equivalently JSC-VOC) curves using light intensity (<1 sun) and low temperature for the CIGSSe
the relationship JSC ¼ J0 expðVOC =nS VT Þ and by assuming and CZTSSe cells, as shown in Figure 2. We perform the

FIG. 2. Temperature dependence of the JSC-VOC curves (104 to 1 sun) for (a) CIGSSe; Inset: The continuous neutral density filter used to take the JSC-VOC
data with standard 1 sun solar simulator; (b) CZTSSe; and (c) VOC vs. temperature plot for both compounds.

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084504-3 Gunawan, Gokmen, and Mitzi J. Appl. Phys. 116, 084504 (2014)

FIG. 3. (a) High intensity JSC-VOC

measurement (up to 320 suns) for
CZTSSe samples with increasing [Cu]/
([Zn] þ [Sn]) ratio or carrier density
(p) (see inset). (b) VOC vs. temperature
profile for the Cu-poor and Cu-rich

FIG. 4. (a) Suns-VOC simulation study of devices with varying hole mobility. (b) and (c) Band diagrams at JSC (left column) and VOC (right column) for the
(baseline) high mobility (at 1 sun) and low mobility device (at 100 sun).

JSC-VOC measurement using the rotating CND filter, as “bending,” where the Suns-VOC curve bends backwards, as
shown in Fig. 2(a) inset, this time focusing on the lower light for the CZTSSe data in Fig. 1. Three factors can account for
intensity regime. The JSC-VOC curves look normal (mono- these pinning or bending behaviors as detailed below.
tonic) for the CIGSSe cell at all temperatures and also nor-
mal for the CZTSSe at high temperature (300 K). However, A. Low conductivity
at low temperature (<140 K), the CZTSSe JSC–VOC curves ex-
hibit bending behavior, very similar to what has been observed The first possible issue is low bulk conductivity, due to
at ambient temperature under high sun intensity (Fig. 1). Fig. low carrier density or low majority carrier mobility. In order
2(c) shows that at a constant 1 sun intensity, the VOC increases to give insight into this mechanism, we perform device simu-
at lower T; however, as has been reported earlier,2,5 due to the lations using the wxAMPS program.16,17 In Figure 4(a), we
Suns-VOC bending behavior, the VOC drops at lowest tempera- show the Suns-VOC simulation results for a baseline CIGS
tures for CZTSSe (T < 150 K). model18 at three different hole mobility values. This device
Another important set of information is obtained in a model represents a basic high quality thin film device.18 The
study of CZTSSe with varying [Cu]/([Zn] þ [Sn]) ratio. detailed parameters of the simulation are listed in SM C,
Higher Cu-content leads to higher majority carrier (hole) Table S1 (model A0).11 As the mobility value is reduced
density.15 Fig. 3(a) shows that the high intensity JSC–VOC from 25 to 1 cm2/Vs, the Suns-VOC pinning behavior starts to
bending only occurs for the sample with the lowest carrier develop; the effect becomes even more pronounced once the
density (ZA). Similarly, this behavior is also confirmed in hole mobility is further dropped to 0.1 cm2/Vs.
low temperature measurement [Fig. 3(b)], i.e., only sample The physics of the observed behavior can be understood
ZA shows a VOC–T curve that bends within the lowest tem- as follows. In a normal solar cell, the photo-generated
perature range (T < 150 K). electron-hole pairs in the depletion/junction region are sepa-
rated by the built-in electric field (electrons are swept to the
front and holes are swept to the back of the device) and there-
fore contribute to the JSC. Because of the need for current con-
With respect to the possible origins of the observed Suns- tinuity, in the short circuit condition, this photo-generated
VOC bending or pinning behavior in CZTSSe, we can differen- current (JSC) in the depletion region is maintained by majority
tiate two kinds of behaviors: first is “pinning,” where the VOC carriers both at the front and the back of the device. At the
gets saturated beyond some light intensity and second is back of the device majority carriers are holes and therefore it

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084504-4 Gunawan, Gokmen, and Mitzi J. Appl. Phys. 116, 084504 (2014)

is the hole current, Jp, that can be considered to maintain the sample Z1), this translates to lower bulk conductivity and as a
photo-generated current at any given Sun intensity. The hole result, CZTSSe devices tend to suffer from higher series re-
current at the back can simply be written as Jp ¼ q p lp E, sistance and lower Fill Factor (FF).2,3,20 Thus, as further high-
where q is the unit charge, p is the hole (carrier) concentra- lighted in the modeling results shown in Fig. 4(a), it is
tion, lp is the hole mobility, and E is the electric field at the reasonable that CZTSSe devices, especially those with low
back of the device. For the device with a hole mobility of hole density (<1017/cm2), more readily develop the Suns-VOC
25 cm2/Vs, the necessary electric field at the back would be pinning due to its lower mobility.
only 0.005 V/lm, even at 100 suns, and therefore this field This VOC limiting mechanism is also consistent with the
does not noticeably affect the band bending throughout the experimental data obtained from CZTSSe solar cells with
device [Fig. 4(b)]. However, for the device with a very low increasing carrier density due to higher [Cu]/([Zn] þ [Sn])
mobility (e.g., 0.1 cm2/Vs), the necessary electric field at the ratio. Fig. 3 shows a set of CZTSSe devices with increasing
back is 1.25 V/lm in order to maintain the JSC at 100 Suns. [Cu]/([Zn] þ [Sn]) ratio, which corresponds to higher carrier
Since this is a relatively large electric field, the band diagram density p. We observe that the Suns-VOC pinning disappears
completely changes throughout the device [Fig. 4(c)] and the as p increases with the mobility remaining roughly constant
band bending mostly happens at the back of the device (giv- (Table I). This behavior is also confirmed in low T measure-
ing rise to a voltage drop in the back region). The bending ment, as shown in Fig. 3(b); the higher carrier density sample
within the junction region is mostly screened due to the (ZC) does not show VOC–T pinning anymore at low tempera-
increase in hole concentration in the junction region because ture, at least down to 120 K. Nevertheless, as our simula-
of the failure of the hole extraction from this region. Clearly, tion in Fig. 4 shows, even for higher performance samples
this is an undesirable situation that reduces JSC compared with a lower range of carrier density, this VOC limitation
with the ideal case and also results in the pinning of the VOC mechanism should be effectively benign at 1 sun (less than
because of the voltage drop in the back region. Even under 10 mV reduction), as long as carrier density and mobility
VOC condition [Fig. 4(c), right panel], there is still a signifi- remain above 1016/cm3 and lh  0.1 cm2/Vs, respectively
cant band bending at the back that reduces the VOC due to (corresponding to a bulk conductivity of 0.016 S/m).
significant hole current to cancel off the electron current.
Using this analysis, we can also estimate the light inten-
sity, where the VOC pinning starts to occur. We set a maxi- B. Bulk or interface defects and tail states
mum hole current (Jpmax ) so that the back of the device can Bulk and interface defects, including tail states intro-
accommodate without substantially disturbing the band band- duce extra states in the band gap that could pin the Fermi
ing in the device, which we estimate at Emax  0.1 V/lm. level, thereby leading to Suns-VOC saturation. In a solar cell,
Also, the short circuit current would be the product of the light the VOC can be calculated from the separation of the electron
intensity, S, and JSC at 1 sun (JL1). Therefore, using the equa- (EFn at the front contact) and hole (EFp at the back contact
tion Jp ¼ q p lp E and by equating these two currents, one (BC)) quasi Fermi levels: VOC ¼ EFn  EFp [see Fig. 4(b)].
could solve for the value of S when the device starts to show a For a typical p-type solar absorber, the hole Fermi level is
significant signature of VOC pinning mainly determined by the free hole concentration and does
not change with light illumination, as long as the excess car-
Jpmax ¼ q p lp Emax ¼ JL1 S: (2) rier concentration does not exceed the free hole concentra-
tion. In contrast, the position of the electron Fermi level,
We note that this simple equation is reasonably accurate to EFn, is determined by the balance between generation (G)
predict the Sun intensity where VOC starts to get pinned and and recombination (R) rate. With light illumination, EFn
the results are in good agreement with our simulation results increases and stabilizes once the generation rate (which is
shown in Figure 4(a). For example, in Fig. 4(a), we have proportional to light intensity) and recombination rate are
JL1 ¼ 33 mA/cm2 for the baseline device (lp ¼ 25 cm2/Vs). equal. Most generally, this condition can be represented by
Using Eq. (2), we can estimate that the pinning should hap-
pen at approximately S ¼ 100 and 10 suns for the devices ð
1 gðEÞ
with lp ¼ 1 and 0.1 cm2/Vs, respectively. Equation (2) also GðSÞ ¼ R ¼   dE; (3)
implies that the VOC pinning issue can be resolved (i.e., the 1 þ exp ðE  EFn Þ=kB T sðE; nÞ
bending pushed to higher Sun intensities) if the hole concen-
tration and hole mobility product (bulk conductivity) are where g(E) is the density of states (DOS) in the conduction
increased. band, including both extended and localized states (such as
To assess the bulk conductivity, Van-der Pauw and Hall states that might arise from tails states or defect states) and
measurements were carried out on a set of high performance sðE; nÞ is the minority carrier lifetime that might depend on
CZTSSe films, yielding carrier densities in the range of energy and excess carrier concentration. In the simplified
1015–1018/cm3 (depending on [Cu]/([Zn] þ [Sn]) content), case, where sðE; nÞ is justÐ a constant, the above equation can
while reference high performance CIGSSe films yield carrier be reduced to: G ¼ R ¼ 0 gðEÞ=ð1 þ exp½ðE  EFn Þ=kB TÞ
density of 2  1015/cm3 as shown in Table I.19 However, the dE=s ¼ Dn=s. In this simplifiedpform andffi assuming DOS for
CZTSSe mobility is notably lower, lp  (0.6 6 0.3) cm2/Vs, a clean semiconductor: gðEÞ / E  EC , one could arrive at
compared with CIGSSe, lp  (4 6 0.5) cm2/Vs. For a baseline the familiar relationship where Dn / expðEFn =kB TÞ and
CZTSSe device with low carrier density 1015/cm2 (e.g., hence we obtain a VOC that increases monotonically with the

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084504-5 Gunawan, Gokmen, and Mitzi J. Appl. Phys. 116, 084504 (2014)

sun intensity with ideality factor nS ¼ 1 (see detailed deriva-

tion in SM D11).
However for a disordered material, g(E) will have states
below the band gap (e.g., in the form of tail states9). In addi-
tion, the minority carrier lifetime will become energy de-
pendent, with lifetime being smaller for higher energy states
since higher energy states are more delocalized. Indeed, life-
times that are factor of 103 different have been observed for
CZTSSe solar cells at low temperatures, as recombination
changes from extended to localized states.9,21 Interestingly,
lifetime would also depend on the excess carrier concentra-
tion, where the shorter lifetimes would be observed for
higher carrier concentrations. This is also consistent with ex-
perimental observation of increasing lifetimes that is
reported for CZTSSe solar cells as the time-resolved photo- FIG. 5. Suns-VOC simulation of the impact of defect state in the absorber:
luminescence (TRPL) signal decays.3,20 The dependence of A1 (baseline device) and A2 (device with deep defect at 0.5 eV below con-
duction band with density 2  1016/cm3).
lifetime on carrier concentration can be understood in the
context of electrostatic potential fluctuations21 or Auger
recombination.22 We note that the increased rate of Auger
recombination in the presence of tail states and electrostatic lead to lower VOC [e.g., see Fig. 2(c)]. The heating could be
potential fluctuations has been theoretically discussed in as non-negligible at very high light intensity (>100 sun) given
Ref. 22. Therefore, once all of these contributions are taken that all the absorbed light energy has to be converted to heat
into account, the Suns-VOC pinning behavior that we observe somewhere in the device for the open circuit condition.
in CZTSSe could also be due to the high density of bulk Although heating may not be enough to give bending behav-
defects that result in band-tail states and electrostatic poten- ior alone, once combined with the pinning due to any of the
tial fluctuations. Basically, since DOS increases with increas- two factors discussed above, it could contribute to mild
ing energy and also higher energy states are more effective backward bending behavior (and negative ideality factors).
for recombination due to reduction in lifetime, EFn (and However, the heating effect is not considered as the intrinsic
hence VOC) does not need to increase as much to satisfy the VOC limiting factor and at 1 sun, this heating effect is
generation rate, thereby giving rise to VOC pinning behavior. expected to be negligible for the duration of the flash light
The same pinning behavior could also be the result of inter- <10 ms. This is evident from the fact that in some samples
face defects (arising from lattice mismatch and dangling [e.g., high carrier density sample ZC, Fig. 3(a)], the bending
bonds in the heterojunction) as discussed by Ref. 23. In or pinning behavior is absent.
CIGSSe, the Fermi level pinning problem at the interface has Nevertheless, in some mediocre CZTSSe devices, par-
been associated with interface defects, such as donor-like ticularly those with very poor FF, we observe severe back-
anion (S,Se) vacancies24 or with Cu/Cd exchange.25 ward bending behavior in the Suns-VOC curve, even at
To illustrate this Suns-VOC pinning effect due to the relatively low light intensity (<5 sun). An example is
presence of an electronic defect, we perform a Suns-VOC shown for device CZTSSe Z2 in Fig. 6. In this kind of de-
simulation using the baseline CIGSSe model without any vice, the cause of the backward bending may be attributed
electrical defects18 (model “A1” in SM C11) with parame- to a non-ohmic back contact. This issue has been well stud-
ters (at 1 sun): PCE ¼ 19.7%, FF ¼ 83.3%, VOC ¼ 0.678 V, ied in silicon solar cells26 using Suns-VOC measurement of
JSC ¼ 34.9 mA/cm2. We create a “defected device” model up to 1000 suns and has also been suspected to be the prob-
“A2” (SM C11) by introducing a deep defect at EC  0.5 V, lem in an earlier generation of CZTSSe.2,27 Green28 sug-
where EC is the conduction band edge, with a high defect gested a model consisting of a primary diode that
density Nd ¼ 2  1016/cm3. Device A2 yields solar cell pa- represents the main photovoltaic (PV) junction and an
rameters with notable reduction in VOC: PCE ¼ 11.3%, opposing parasitic BC diode in parallel with a back contact
FF ¼ 61.5%, VOC ¼ 0.517 V, JSC ¼ 35.4 mA/cm2. The result shunt resistance RBC, as shown in Fig. 7(a) inset. This re-
of the simulation is shown in Fig. 5, with the “defected sistance is necessary for the whole device to operate at for-
device” A2 clearly exhibiting Suns-VOC pinning. ward bias (otherwise an ideal back contact diode will block
all forward bias current). When the back contact shunt re-
sistance RBC is sufficiently high, appreciable photovoltage
C. Non-ohmic back contact
or VOC could develop across the BC junction producing an
While the two factors discussed above can explain the opposing voltage to the front junction. Physically, this back
Suns-VOC pinning behavior, they cannot reproduce the bend- contact junction could arise at the CZTSSe/Mo(S,Se)2
ing behavior (i.e., measurements for which the VOC actually interface or Mo(S,Se)2/Mo interface; unfortunately we do
gets smaller with increasing light intensity) as found experi- not know the detailed electrical characteristics of the
mentally for some samples. We consider two factors that can Mo(S,Se)2 layer since it is buried deep within the absorber
account for this feature. One possible cause is a heating layer. However, this model is sufficient to describe the
effect under high light intensity, as higher temperature will Suns-VOC behavior qualitatively (Fig. 7).

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084504-6 Gunawan, Gokmen, and Mitzi J. Appl. Phys. 116, 084504 (2014)

FIG. 6. Device characteristics of a

CZTSSe device Z2 with a suspected
back contact problem: (a) J-V charac-
teristics; (b) monochromatic JSC-VOC
test, using various band pass filters.
The long wavelength light induces a
more severe bending or lower VOC for
the same JSC.

FIG. 7. (a) Circuit simulation to decompose the VOC contributions of the primary (PV) diode and the BC diode from the experimental data. Inset: The circuit
model that includes a back contact diode and shunt resistance RBC. (b) The effect of decreasing BC dark current J0B. Solid dot: Suns-VOC reversal point where
nS ¼ 0. (c) The effect of increasing RBC.

Using this model, we can attempt a fit to experimental [Figs. 7(b) and 7(c)] show that a lower reverse saturation cur-
data to gain more insight, as discussed in more detail in SM rent (J0B) (more Schottky-like) and higher shunt resistance
E.11 Our device can be modeled as a standard solar cell junc- (RBC) (less ohmic) back contact will lead to larger BC VOC
tion “PV” and a parasitic back contact junction “BC” shunted and more severe Suns-VOC bending.
by a resistance RBC as shown in Fig. 7(a). The model has five Further evidence of the non-ohmic back contact problem
independent parameters: JL1A =J0A , nA, JL1B =J0B , nB, and RBC, can be obtained by performing Suns-VOC measurement with
where JL1 is the 1 sun JSC, J0 is the dark reverse saturation different colors or band pass filters (400 to 1100 nm) on the
current, n is the ideality factor, and subscripts A and B refer suspected device with very low FF (CZTSSe Z2, Fig. 6). The
to the “PV” and “BC” diode, respectively. Figure 7(a) low FF is mainly due to the large series resistance, as appa-
presents the individual contributions of the PV and BC diode. rent from the significant difference between the light J-V and
The main PV diode produces ideal increasing voltage with shifted JSC-VOC curve (also called pseudo J-V curve) [Fig.
the light intensity and the BC diode produces small but 6(a)]. Based on this back contact model, we expect that by
increasing negative voltage that reduce the total VOC. Based shining a longer wavelength light, the photo-absorption at
on the parameters extracted, we can estimate the negative the back contact junction and thus the (negative) photovolt-
VOC contribution of the back contact at 1 sun, which yields age will increase, thereby reducing the overall VOC. Indeed,
the relatively small value, VOCB ¼ 13 mV. Note, however, this is what we observe in Fig. 6(b). The JSC-VOC curves
that the model above does not take into account other factors with longer wavelength illumination bend earlier and yield
that contribute to the Suns-VOC pinning or bending as lower VOC for a given JSC value.
described previously, such as a low conductivity effect, a bulk Finally, the back contact model can also provide an ex-
and interface defect effect, and a prospective Auger recombi- planation for the low temperature JSC-VOC and VOC vs. T
nation process (that dominates at very high intensity). We behavior in Fig. 2. We observe that the JSC-VOC reversal
also find that the dark reverse saturation current J0B of the BC points [solid dot in Fig. 2(b)] become visible below 1 sun
diode (relative to the photocurrent JL) is much larger than that and shift to lower light intensity at lower temperature
of the primary diode (J0A), indicating a very leaky junction. (T < 140 K). Regardless of the kind of junction (either p-n or
This is expected for such a junction that is originally intended Schottky), lower temperature results in lower dark current J0
to serve as an ohmic contact. Furthermore, the simulations and increase in the back contact photovoltage since

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084504-7 Gunawan, Gokmen, and Mitzi J. Appl. Phys. 116, 084504 (2014)

the targeted VOC,def of <500 mV, we can conclude that the

observed Suns-VOC bending/pinning effect does not account
for the majority of the VOC deficit encountered in the
CZTSSe-based devices (i.e., >600 mV).
One can also compare the ideality factor extracted from
the Suns-VOC and the usual light J-V curves. As shown in
Fig. 1, the Suns-VOC bending behavior in CZTSSe artificially
lowers the ideality factor nS extracted from this data. We can
then define a new parameter DnLS, which is the difference of
the ideality factors:

DnLS ¼ nL  nS ; (4)

where nS is the Suns-VOC or JSC-VOC ideality factor at 1 sun,

extracted from the asymptotic slope at 1 sun (see SM D11);
FIG. 8. VOC deficit in CZTSSe and CIGSSe as a function of bandgap (solid and nL is the light J-V ideality factor (at 1 sun) extracted from
circles). At 1 sun, the effect of Suns-VOC pinning/bending on the VOC reduc- the following standard diode equation: J ¼ J0 exp½ðV  J RS Þ
tion (open circles) is relatively small, especially for the champion level de- =nL VT  1 þ V GS  JL , where RS is the series resistance, GS
vice (Eg  1.13 eV). Inset: Schematic illustration of a pinning/bending Suns-
VOC curve. Solid (open) circle is the original VOC (estimated VOC0 if the pin- is the shunt conductance in the device, and JL is the photogen-
ning/bending effect is absence). erated current. We employ Sites’ method to extract the four
diode parameters, i.e., J0, nL, RS, and GS as described in Refs.
VOC  lnðJL =J0 Þ. As a result, the JSC-VOC reversal points 29 and 30.
occur at lower light intensity in the lower temperature JSC- An example of the ideality factor comparison of a
VOC curves. This effect is simulated in Fig. 7(b), where lower CIGSSe and CZTSSe cell is presented in Fig. 9(a). We per-
dark current J0B leads to more severe Suns-VOC bending. form the Suns-VOC measurement using the rotating CND filter
The back contact issue could also contribute to the JSC-VOC technique (SM B11) in the same sitting right after light J-V
behavior of devices with different absorber conductivities, as measurement (the JSC-VOC curves are shifted down by JSC at
discussed in Fig. 3. Semiconductors with very low carrier 1 sun for convenient comparison with light J-V curves10). The
density tend to yield worse ohmic contacts and thus should ideality factor nS is extracted at the highest JSC point that cor-
yield more significant Suns-VOC bending, as observed in the responds to 1 sun intensity using Eq. (1). In Fig. 9(a), we
device with the lowest carrier density (ZA). observe that the ideality factors nL and nS of the high perform-
ance CIGS cell are the same. In contrast, the CZTSSe Suns-
D. Ideality factor difference VOC ideality factor (nS) is smaller than the light J-V ideality
factor (nL). We repeated this study in a collection of high per-
The VOC reduction due to all different Suns-VOC pinning
formance CZTSSe and CIGSSe cells (with PCE  7–12.5%
mechanisms can be estimated by drawing an asymptotic
and spanning the full range of CZTSSe bandgaps, 1.0–1.5 eV)
Sun-VOC line for the ideal “PV diode,” as shown in Fig. 7(a),
and investigated VOC deficit vs. bandgap and DnLS as shown
and by noting the difference in VOC at 1 sun between this
in Figures 8 and 9. We also present the data points of our
line and the experimental data. Although the reduction in
recent 12.6% champion CZTSSe (Ref. 3) in Fig. 9(b) (shown
VOC at 1 sun is negligible (only 3 mV) for a champion level
as a star). As expected, it has nearly the lowest VOC deficit
CZTSSe solar cell [Fig. 1(a)], this reduction can be more
and the lowest DnLS (0.25), very close to the CIGSSe clus-
severe (13 mV) for mediocre devices [as shown in Fig.
ter. This suggests that the DnLS parameter can serve as another
7(a)]. The three factors discussed above are all likely present
device quality indicator for thin film solar cells.
to varying degrees in our current portfolio of CZTSSe solar
As discussed before, for mediocre devices, the Suns-
cells and therefore contribute to the Suns-VOC pinning and
VOC bending can be significant even under 1 sun condition
bending phenomena. While it is difficult to decompose the
and therefore this bending can artificially reduce ns, giving
contributions of each factor separately, we attempt to ana-
rise to a large DnLS. However, using similar analysis to that
lyze this bending problem more quantitatively in order to
presented in Fig. 8, we can define nS0 , which is the Suns-VOC
investigate its impact on the VOC deficit at 1 sun.
or JSC-VOC ideality factor at light intensities below 1 sun
Figure 8 presents a plot of VOC,def of our CZTSSe devi-
where the pinning issue is absent. Interestingly, even after
ces as a function of bandgap. The CZTSSe samples show
these corrections, the difference nL–nS0 for the CZTSSe solar
varying degrees of Suns-VOC pinning/bending behavior at 1
cell is still significant as illustrated in Figure 9(b). These
sun. Using similar analysis to that presented in Fig. 7, we
arguments suggest that the difference between nL  nS0
can estimate the expected VOC if the pinning behavior was
derives from mechanisms beyond those discussed in this
absent (indicated as VOC0 , which is higher than the original
manuscript, therefore requiring further investigation.
VOC, thereby corresponding to lower VOC deficit as denoted
by open circles in Fig. 8). Evidently, at 1 sun, the Suns-VOC
pinning/bending behavior has little impact on VOC deficit for
the top performance samples (Eg  1.13 eV). Note that, in In summary, we have presented high intensity and tem-
comparison with similar band gap CIGSSe devices and with perature dependent Suns-VOC (or JSC-VOC) measurements in

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084504-8 Gunawan, Gokmen, and Mitzi J. Appl. Phys. 116, 084504 (2014)

FIG. 9. (a) Light J-V (LJV) and

“pseudo J-V” curves (the JSC-VOC
curve offset by JSC) of CIGSSe G1 and
CZTSSe Z1 cell. Inset: The efficiency
and ideality factors extracted from
LJV curves (nL) and JSC-VOC curves
(nS). (b) VOC deficit vs. ideality factor
difference nL-nS (solid circles) and nL-
nS0 (hollow circles) (see text). Data
point for recent champion CZTSSe3 is
shown as star.

a collection of high performance CZTSSe and CIGSSe cells. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Unlike CIGSSe and silicon solar cells, many high perform-
This material is based upon work supported by the U.S.
ance CZTSSe cells (with typically low carrier density and
Department of Energy under Award No. DE-EE0006334.
low [Cu]/([Zn] þ [Sn]) exhibit Suns-VOC bending at high
The work was conducted as part of a joint development
light intensity (100 sun) at room temperature or even
project between Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co., Ltd., Solar Frontier
below 1 sun at low temperature (<140 K). We discriminate
K. K. and IBM Corporation. The authors would like to thank
two kinds of Suns-VOC behavior. The first is “pinning”
Yiming Liu for his development of the wxAMPS simulation
whereby the VOC gets saturated beyond some light intensity,
tool, Wei Wang and Teodor Todorov for supplying the high
which may be attributed to two factors: low bulk conductiv-
performance devices.
ity (mainly to low mobility) and the presence of bulk and
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