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Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.

) 192–193 (2009) 113–118

Hydrodynamics and gauge/gravity duality

D.T. Sona∗
Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA 98195-1550, USA

We discuss the appearance of hydrodynamics from gauge/gravity duality

1. Introduction of the QGP is of an almond shape. The region

then expands due to the pressure gradient: the
Recently, there is a lot of interest in the appli- medium is hotter, and has larger pressure at the
cation of AdS/CFT correspondence [1–3] in hy- center of the almond then at the edge. When the
drodynamics. The motivation for these studies region expands, it does so more quickly along the
are experiments with collisions of heavy nuclei. shorter axis of the almond, where the pressure
At the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at gradient is larger, compared to the longer axis,
Brookhaven, gold nuclei are collided with center where the pressure gradient is smaller. As the
of mass energy of 200 GeV/nucleon. In terms of result the detector will see an anisotropic distri-
the total energy, this corresponds to 200 × 197 bution of particles: those flying along the shorter
GeV per collision. At the LHC heavy ion experi- axis of the almond are in average more energetic
ments will be done with lead nuclei. The center of than those moving along the longer axis. This
mass energy will be 5.5 TeV per nucleon, almost anisotropy is quantitatively characterized by a
30 times more than the energy at RHIC. parameter called v2 (the index 2 refers to the fact
The collision event can be visualized as follows. that it is the coefficient of the cos 2φ Fourier com-
Accelerated to the RHIC energy, the nuclei are ponent of a function of the azimuthal angle φ).
Lorentz-contracted pancakes with thickness less
than 0.1 fm. The two nuclei passed through each
other during a very brief moment. Most of the
2. Relativistic hydrodynamics
baryons go right through each other, but parti-
cle are created between the two receding nuclei. One of the simplest, but very successful, model
The “stuff” that is left between the two receding of the heavy ion collisions is that of a liquid drop
nuclei is what will thermalize into a quark gluon which evolves according to the equations of rel-
plasma (QGP). The plasma expands, cools down, ativistic hydrodynamics. For the hydrodynamic
and disintegrates into particles, which fly into the equation to apply, it is necessary that the char-
detectors. acteristic length scale of the problem is much
While this picture still lacks many details, we larger than the mean free path. In other words,
now know that the medium created during the hydrodynamics is an effective theory which cap-
heavy ion collisions does behave like a medium, tures the low-frequency dynamics of modes with
i.e., in a collective manner. One piece of evidence ω, q  −1
mfp . As the size of the nucleus is about 6-
comes from the so-called “elliptic flow.” In order 7 fermi, and the mean free path is perhaps a frac-
to see this effect, one selects events where there is tion of a fermi (see later), the hydrodynamic ap-
a non-zero impact parameter. In this case region proximation is expected to work reasonably well.
Let us recall the equations of hydrodynamics.
∗ Work supported, in part, by DOE grant DE-FG02- For simplicity, let us consider a plasma with no
00ER41132. conserved charge. Only energy and momentum
0920-5632/$ – see front matter © 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.
114 D.T. Son / Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 192–193 (2009) 113–118

are conserved, which is encoded in the equation The first, traceless part has a numerical coeffi-
cient η which is called the shear viscosity. The
∂μ T μν = 0 (1)
trace part is proportional to the bulk viscosity ζ.
At zeroth order in derivatives (or ω and q, which The bulk viscosity encodes the resistance of the
will be our expansion parameters) we have system to uniform expansion. Both η and ζ are
functions of the temperature T .
T μν = ( + P )uμ uν + P g μν (2) If the theory is conformal, then the energy-
where  is the energy density. This form of the momentum tensor should be traceless in flat
stress-energy tensor can be obtained by taking space,
the stress-energy tensor in the local rest frame
Tμμ =  − 3P + ζ(∂ · u) (7)
(i.e., the frame where uμ = (1, 0, 0, 0)), T μν =
diag(, P, P, P ), and boosting it. Since this identity should be satisfied for all solu-
One can see that Eqs. (1) and (2) define a sys- tions, we find  = 3P and ζ = 0.
tem of four equations for four unknowns functions
of space and time. The unknowns are the three 3. Hydrodynamic modes
independent components of the velocity uμ (t, x)
(recall the constraint uμ uμ = −1) and the tem- Now, let us consider small fluctuations around
perature T (t, x). The pressure P and the energy the thermal equilibrium, corresponding to a fluid
density  depends on T through the equation of with uniform temperature and at rest,
state. As a reminder, we have the following basic T (x) = T0 uμ = (1, 0) (8)
equations: dP = sdT , d = T dS,  + P = T s.
To next order, we have: We deal with small, linearized perturbations (the
perturbations don’t interact with each other).
T μν = ( + P )uμ uν + P g μν
+terms with one derivative + ... (3) ui  1
where the terms with one derivative give the vis- u0 = 1 + O(ū2 )
cous part of the stress energy tensor Πμν . We as- T = T0 + δT
sume an expansion in derivatives, which requires  = 0 + δ
variations being smooth, ∂μ  −1 mfp . We can p = p0 + δp
write down the following expressions containing
one derivative Plugging this back into the first order expression
for the energy momentum tensor, we have:
∂ ν uμ + ∂ μ uν , uμ ∂ ν T + uν ∂ μ T
g (∂ · u), g
μν μν
(u · ∂T ) T 00 = 0 + δ + · · ·
u{μ uν} (∂ · u), u{μ uν} (u · ∂T ) (4) T 0i = (0 + P0 )ui
It’s possible to get rid of some of these terms by T ij = (P0 + δP )δ ij − η(∂i uj + ∂j ui − δij ∂k uk )
performing a shift:
−ζ(∂k uk )δ ij
um u → ũμ + #∂ μ T (5)
We now insert these expressions into the conser-
We can use this freedom to impose a “gauge vation laws
choice” uμ Πμν = 0. In the local rest frame where
uμ = (1, 0̄), this gives us Π00 = Π0i = 0. With 0 = ∂0 T 00 + ∂i T 0i
this constraint, the most general form of Πμν is 0 = ∂0 T 0i + ∂j T ij (10)
2 We can perform Fourier transforms of the tem-
Πμν = −ηP μα P νβ ∂α uβ + ∂β uα − gαβ ∂ · u
3 perature and the velocity vector. Let us look at
−ζP μν (∂ · u) (6) the component proportional to exp(−iωt + i q · x).
D.T. Son / Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 192–193 (2009) 113–118 115

We split the velocity vectors into a transverse Let us assume that the expectation value of O is
part and a longitudinal part, u = uT + uL, where zero in the absence of the source. If the source is
q · uT = 0, uL  q. For the transverse mode we small, then the average of O is
  O(x) = − dyGR (x − y)J(y) (17)
(0 + P0 )ω + iη q 2 uT = 0 (11)
and for the longitudinal mode, there is a coupling where GR is the retarded Green’s function of O,
between the fluctuations in the energy density
iGR (x − y) = θ(x0 − y 0 ) [O(x), O(y)] (18)
and the longitudinal velocity component,
   We are interested in the
ω   −(0 + p0 ) δ  two point function
 of the

stress energy tensor, T μν (x)T αβ (y) . Since the
−q ∂p∂ (0 + p0 )ω + i ζ + 43 η q 2 up source of the stress-energy tensor in the metric,
= 0 (12) we therefore need to consider small perturbations
of the metric:
For the transverse mode, we find the dispersion
relation ω = −iDq 2 , which corresponds to an gμν = ημν + hμν (19)
overdamped mode. The dispersion relation of the
where hμν  1. We can therefore write that:
longitudinal modes is obtained by diagonalizing

the matrix and we find that:  
T (x) ∼ dy T μν (x)T αβ (y) R hαβ (y) (20)
ω = ±cs q − i q 2 (13)
2 If hμν varies over slowly in space and time, its
where cs is the speed of sound, influence on the fluid can be captured within hy-
drodynamics. To quantify this effect, we need to
∂P generalize the hydrodynamic equations to curved
cs = (14)
∂ space. That can be done easily by replacing
and derivatives by covariant derivatives. The conser-
  vation law becomes
1 4
Γ= ζ+ η (15)
 0 + p0 3 ∇μ T μν = 0 (21)
The imaginary part of (13) is much smaller than and the constitutive equation becomes
the real part in the limit q → 0.
T μν = ( + P )uμ uν + P g μν
3.1. Linear response theory and Kubo’s  
formula −ηP P
μα νβ
∇α u + ∇β u − gαβ ∇ · u (22)
β α
The hydrodynamic equations can be viewed as
a low-energy effective theory. As such, it is capa- (we set the bulk viscosity ζ = 0). Now, let’s con-
ble of making prediction for the low-momentum sider a perturbation with only one component:
behavior of correlation functions. We shall ex-
tract one prediction, namely, the Kubo formula hxy = hxy (t) (23)
that relate the shear viscosity with a thermal cor- with every other hμν = 0. Recall that hμν is
relation function of stress-energy tensor. an external source and as such does not need to
Let us remind ourselves the linear response the- satisfy the Einstein equations. With respect to
ory. Consider a theory with an action S. We per- the spatial O(3) group, (23) is a spin-two per-
turb the theory by introducing a source J coupled turbation and hence, to linear order, cannot ex-
to some operator O: cite any fluctuation of the velocity (which is a

vector) or the temperature (a scalar). Therefore
S → S + dxJ(x)O(x) (16) ux = uy = uz = 0 and T = T0 to linear order.
116 D.T. Son / Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 192–193 (2009) 113–118

Now let us look in more detail at the xy compo- function we will define φ = hx y and obtain the
nent of the stress-energy tensor, equation of motion for φ:

Txy = P gxy − η (∇x uy +∇y ux ) = P hxy + η∂0 hxy ∂μ −gg μν ∂ν φ = 0 (30)

= − dyGR (x − y)hxy (y) (24) which, for the AdS metric, reduces to a simple
where we have used that: 3
φ − φ − q 2 φ = 0 (31)
∇μ uν = ∂μ uν − Γλμν uλ (25)
where we have made the plane wave ansatz φ =
but because all but u0 are zero, we are left with: φ(z)eiq.x The solution to this can be written (after
1 Fourier transforming) as:
∇x uy = −Γ0xy = ∂0 hxy (26)
2 1
φ(q, z) = fq (z)φ0 (q) = (qz)2 K2 (qz)φ0 (q) (32)
and so for the two point function in the zero spa- 2
tial momentum limit, we obtain: where φ0 (q) is the Fourier transform of φ0 (x) =
φ(x, z)|z=0 and K2 is the modified Bessel function
T xy T xy  (ω; q̄ → 0) = P − iηω + O(ω 2 ) (27)
which diverges in the IR (z → 0) and goes to
and all other two point functions involving T μν zero in the UV (z → ∞). Taking the solution
vanish. Note that the first term in the series is a and putting it back into the classical action yields
contact term. We are then left with Kubo’s for- only a surface term:

mula relating the viscosity with limiting behavior √
of the Green’s function. Sd [φ] = dz d4 x −gg μν ∂μ φ∂ν φ

1 √
η = − lim Gxy.xy (ω, 0̄) (28) = d4 x −gg zz φ∂z φ|z=0 z=∞
ω→0 ω R

f−q (z)∂z fq (z)
4. AdS/CFT calculation of the viscosity = d4 q φ0 (−q)φ(q) (33)
We are now interested in calculating the re- In order to calculate the correlator of two ele-
tarded Greens function which is related to the ments of the stress energy tensor we simply need
two point function of the stress energy tensor. to take two derivatives of the generating function
Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, this calcu- with respect to the source of the stress energy
lation is very simple. We know that the super- tensor, which is the boundary value of φ. This
gravity field which couples to the stress energy gives us:
tensor is the metric, so we will be interested in
looking at the propagation of gravitons in the su- δ 2 Scl f−q (z)∂z fq (z)
T xy T xy  ∼ = |z=
pergravity background. We start by showing how δφ0 δφ0 z3
to calculate this at T = 0 and then go to the fi- q2
nite temperature case which is of relevance for the = # 2 + #q 4 ln q 2 (34)

calculation of the shear viscosity from the Kubo
There is a contact term proportional to −2 . To
treat this term one needs to know more about the
We write the T = 0 AdS metric as:
procedure of holographic renormalization. In our
case, we will just be interested in the imaginary
ds2 = 2
−dt2 + dx̄2 + dz 2 (29)
z part of the above object, which is ∼ q 4 .
We then wish to calculate the equation of motion Now we can perform the same calculation on
for fluctuations on top of the metric. We are only the AdS black hole metric
interested fluctuations of a single component of r2
the metric. In order to extract the Txy two point ds2 = 2 −f (r)dt2 + dx̄2 + 2 dr2 (35)
R r f (r)
D.T. Son / Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 192–193 (2009) 113–118 117

where f (r) = r04 /r4 and T = r0 /πR2 . Perform- with broken conformal symmetry, with funda-
ing a change of coordinates u = (r/r0 )2 , we can mental matter etc. There are now several proofs
again derive the equation of motion for the xy of the universality of η/s in theories with gravity
component of the metric fluctuation, φ: duals. The most intuitive argument is based on
1 + u2  ω 2 − q 2 f the identification of the shear viscosity with the
φ − φ + φ=0 (36) cross section of graviton absorption on a black
uf uf 2
hole in the zero frequency limit [4],
where we have rescaled ω and q of 2πT to make
them dimensionless. Close to the horizon the η ∼ lim σabs (ω) (41)
equation is: ω→0

φ ω2 Within Einstein gravity, one can show that σabs

φ − + φ=0 (37)
1 − u 4(1 − u2 ) approaches the geometric area of the horizon in
the limit ω → 0. On the other hand, the entropy
which has two solutions φ = (1 − u)iω/2 . The ap-
propriate boundary condition at the horizon for is also proportional to the area of the horizon.
When one takes the ratio η/s, the factors of the
the retarded Greens function is the incoming wave
horizon area cancel out and one is left with the
boundary conditions, which picks up the asymp-
totics φ = (1 − u)−iω/2 . The solution to the mode universal value h̄/4π.
Within kinetic theory, the ratio η/s propor-
equation can be written as
tional to the ratio of the mean free path and the
Fq (u) = (1 − u) 2 G(u) (38) de Broglie wavelength of quasiparticles. Thus in
theories with gravity duals the mean free path is
where G is regular at the horizon and tends to 1
of the same order as the de Broglie wavelength,
at the boundary. The equation for G(u) can be
which is consistent with the fact that they are
easily obtained by substituting (38) into Eq. (36),
strongly coupled. From the field-theoretical point
but we will not write it down. The solution can
of view it is completely mysterious why η/s is con-
be found as a series in ω and q. Just as in the
stant in all theories of this class.
case of the zero temperature calculation we are
now asked to take:
4.1. Second-order hydrodynamics
F−q (u)F  q (u) It is possible to go one order beyond the
T xy T xy  = # |u→0 (39)
u first-order hydrodynamics and take into account
Again, the imaginary part of the correlator is fi- second-order corrections in the stress-energy ten-
nite, and it is what needed for the Kubo formula sor. Conformal symmetry imposes strong restric-
for the shear viscosity. The result for η can be pre- tion on the possible form of the second-order
sented in a simple form by dividing it to the vol- terms. It was found that there are five additional
ume entropy density s, which can be found from independent kinetic coefficients at this level. All
black hole thermodynamics. The result is Using coefficients have been found for the N = 4 super-
thermodynamics it is then very easy to calculate symmetric Yang-Mills theory [5,6].
the entropy density and we can take the ratio of
these two quantities to get:
η 1 5. Conclusion
= (40)
s 4π We have seen that gauge/gravity duality can
We recall that this result was obtained for the be generalized to finite temperature and used for
N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. the computation of real time quantities, like the
More surprisingly, the result (40) holds for all kinetic coefficients including the shear viscosity.
theories with Einstein gravity duals. These in- Such applications of gauge/gravity duality have
clude theories with different dimensions, includ- reveal deep connections between thermal field
ing in the presence of finite chemical potential, theory, hydrodynamics, and black hole physics.
118 D.T. Son / Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 192–193 (2009) 113–118

6. Acknowledgment
The author thanks Jon Shock for providing him
with his notes of the lectures.

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