Conduction, Convection, and Radiation

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Conduction, Convection, and Radiation

Name:__________________________________ Date:_______________________

Which statement is the best example of heat energy transfer by conduction?

a) Heat energy is transferred from the surface soil to the rocks below.
b) Heat energy is transferred from the bottom to the top of a lake.
c) Heat energy is transferred from the Earth’s surface to the upper atmosphere.
d) Heat energy is transferred from the Sun to the Earth.

Conduction is the transfer of heat energy by?

a) molecular contact
b) density differences
c) electromagnetic waves
d) movement through a vacuum

The collision of molecules within a substance results in the transfer of energy by

a) conduction
b) convection
c) radiation
d) insulation

During which process of energy exchange does cold air displace warmer air?

a) convection
b) absorption
c) conduction
d) radiation

The process by which air flows from one location in the atmosphere to another is called

a) convection
b) radiation
c) conduction
d) absorption

During which process does heat transfer occur because of density differences?

a) convection
b) conduction
c) radiation
d) reflection
What method of energy transfer requires no medium for transfer?

a) radiation
b) advection
c) conduction
d) convection

Which action would help an air-conditioner use less energy on a hot, sunny summer day?

a) adding insulation in the walls and ceiling

b) opening draperies and blinds
c) turning on lights and heat-producing appliances
d) replacing light-colored roofing materials with dark-colored ones

In general, good absorbers of electromagnetic radiation are also good

a) radiators
b) convectors
c) reflectors
d) refractors

By which process do light rays pass through

a) radiation
b) compression
c) convection
d) conduction

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