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Barbarian Variants

Focusing on damage and charging

Level Special
1 Fast movement, illiteracy, rage 1/day
2 Uncanny dodge, Cleave
3 Trap sense +1, Blind-Fight
4 Rage 2/day, Great Cleave
5 Improved uncanny dodge, Unstoppable charge
6 Trap sense +2
7 Damage reduction 1/—, Stagger
8 Rage 3/day, Supreme Cleave
9 Trap sense +3, Cheetah’s sprint
10 Damage reduction 2/—
11 Greater rage
12 Rage 4/day, trap sense +4, Improved Power Attack
13 Damage reduction 3/—, Leopard’s pounce
14 Indomitable will
15 Trap sense +5
16 Damage reduction 4/—, rage 5/day
17 Tireless rage, Supreme Power Attack
18 Trap sense +6, Thunderous roar
19 Damage reduction 5/—
20 Mighty rage, rage 6/day

Cleave: A Barbarian of 2nd level gains Cleave as a bonus feat.

Blind-Fight: A Barbarian of 3rd level gains Blind-Fight as a bonus feat. In addition, he suffers no
adverse effects from the loss of one of his eyes.

Great Cleave: A Barbarian of 4th level gains Great Cleave as a bonus feat.

Unstoppable Charge (Ex): A Barbarian of 5th level or higher can charge over difficult terrain
that normally slows movement or through the squares occupied by allies blocking his path.
Depending on the circumstances, he might still need to make appropriate checks (such as Jump,
Tumble, or Use Rope checks) to successfully move over the terrain.

Stagger (Ex): By tripping, stumbling, and staggering, a Barbarian of 7th level or higher can make
a charge attack that surprises his opponents. This ability has two beneficial aspects: First, the
charge need not be in a straight line, even though the character can still move up to twice his
speed. Second, if a Barbarian makes a DC 15 Tumble check before beginning a charge, his
movement through threatened squares provokes no attacks of opportunity.
Supreme Cleave: At 8th level and higher, a Barbarian can take a 5-foot step between attacks
when using the Cleave or Great Cleave feat. He is still limited to one such adjustment per round,
so he cannot use this ability during a round in which he has already taken a 5-foot step.

Cheetah’s Sprint (Su): Starting at 9th level, once per day a Barbarian can take a charge action to
move ten times his normal speed.

Improved Power Attack: Beginning at 12th level, a Barbarian gains a +3 bonus on his melee
damage rolls for every –2 penalty he takes on his melee attack rolls when using the Power Attack
feat (or +3 for every –1 penalty if wielding a two-handed weapon other than a double weapon).
This benefit does not stack with the normal effects of Power Attack.

Leopard’s Pounce (Ex): Starting at 13th level, a Barbarian can make a full attack at the end of a

Supreme Power Attack: A 17th level Barbarian gains a +2 bonus on his melee damage rolls for
every –1 penalty he takes on his melee attack rolls when using the Power Attack feat (or +4 for
every –1 penalty if wielding a two-handed weapon other than a double weapon). This benefit
does not stack with the effects of Power Attack or Improved Power Attack.

Thunderous Roar (Ex): Starting at 18th level, a Barbarian can double the number of attacks he
makes in a given round, once per day, by bellowing an incredible roar. The Barbarian must be
able to audibly roar to use this ability. A silence spell negates this ability.
Bard Variants
Focusing on music and performing with a variety of songs for every situation!
Level Special
1 Bardic music, bardic knowledge,
countersong, fascinate,
inspire courage +1
3 Inspire competence
4 Thunderstrike
5 Sustaining song
6 Suggestion, Song of sorrow
7 Sustaining presence
8 Inspire courage +2, Song of the mountain
9 Inspire greatness, Song of horror
10 Jarring song
11 Song of timelessness
12 Song of freedom
13 Combine songs
14 Inspire courage +3
15 Inspire heroics, Inspire legion
16 Note of solitude
17 Revealing melody
18 Mass suggestion
20 Inspire courage +4

Thunderstrike (Su): Starting at 4th level, a Bard with 7 or more ranks in Perform can use bardic
music to unleash a deadly thunderbolt. The bolt can be targeted at any one creature within 60
feet, and the Bard must make a successful ranged touch attack to hit the target. If he hits, the
Bard then makes a Perform check; the result indicates how much electricity damage the
thunderbolt deals. A Reflex save (DC 10 + Bard’s class level + Cha modifier) halves the
damage. If the creature fails its Reflex save, it must make a Fortitude save (same DC) or be
deafened for a number of rounds equal to the damage dealt.

Sustaining Song (Su): A Bard of 5th level or higher with at least 8 ranks in a Perform skill can
sustain his dying allies. Each round that the song continues, all allies within 30 feet of him
automatically become stable (if dying) or regain 1 hit point (if stable and between –1 and –9 hit
points). A sustaining song has no effect on enemies or on allies with 0 or more hit points. A Bard
can keep up his sustaining song for 5 minutes. This is a mind-affecting ability.

Song of Sorrow (Su): Starting at 6th level, a Bard with at least 9 ranks in a Perform skill can
evoke sorrow and lament in his enemies. To be affected, an enemy must be able to hear the Bard
perform. The effect lasts for as long as the enemy hears the Bard perform and for 5 rounds
thereafter. An affected enemy takes a –2 penalty on Will saving throws and a –2 penalty on
attack rolls and weapon damage rolls. A successful Will save (DC equal to the Bard’s Perform
check) negates the effect and makes the character immune to that Bard’s song of sorrow ability
for 24 hours. Song of sorrow is a mind-affecting ability.

Sustaining Presence (Su): Starting at 7th level, a Bard knows how to call upon his force of
personality to help keep himself alive in tense or dangerous situations. He adds his Charisma
bonus (if any) to his Concentration checks and Fortitude saves.

Song of the Mountain (Su): Starting at 8th level, a Bard with at least 11 ranks in a Perform skill
can imbue himself and his allies with great physical might and stability. The Bard and any allies
within 30 feet who can hear his song gain a +4 bonus to Strength and damage reduction
5/adamantine. All creatures affected by the song of the mountain also gain a +4 bonus on checks
to resist being bull rushed or tripped as long as they stand upon the ground. The effect lasts for as
long as the allies hear the Bard perform and for up to 5 rounds thereafter.

Song of Horror (Su): Starting at 9th level, a Bard with at least 12 ranks in a Perform skill can
strike a horrifying chord in the hearts of his enemies. Any enemy within 60 feet who can hear the
Bard must succeed on a Will save (DC equal to the Bard’s Perform check) or take 1d6 points of
Strength damage and 1d6 points of Dexterity damage. A creature that is affected by a Bard’s
song of horror or a creature that successfully saves against this effect cannot be affected by the
same Bard’s song of horror for 24 hours.

Jarring Song (Su): A Bard of 10th level or higher with at least 13 ranks in a Perform skill can
inhibit spellcasting. Any enemy within 30 feet attempting to cast a spell during a jarring song
must make a Concentration check with a DC equal to the Bard’s Perform check to avoid losing
the spell. A Bard can keep up his jarring song for 10 rounds.

Song of Timelessness (Su): A Bard of 11th level or higher with 14 or more ranks in a Perform
skill knows the song of timelessness. As a standard action, he can envelop a single creature
within 60 feet in a field of timelessness, provided he has line of effect to the target. The subject is
entitled to a Will save (DC 10 + ½ Bard level + CHA modifier) to negate the effect.
If the subject fails its save, it is frozen in a shimmering aura of timelessness and can take
no actions. However, no force can affect it—weapons cannot reach it, spells that target it
automatically fail, and if the ground it is standing on is somehow taken away, it would not even
begin to fall. A Bard can keep his target frozen in time for as long as he maintains the power by
continuing to perform, up to a maximum of 1 minute per level. When he stops performing, the
subject immediately returns to normal. As far as the creature is concerned, no time seems to have
Combine Songs (Ex): A Bard of 13th level or higher can combine two types of bardic music to
provide the benefits of both. The Bard chooses two music abilities and activates both using the
same standard action. If either or both require concentration, the Bard can maintain concentration
on both by using one standard action each round to concentrate. The normal stacking rules for
bonus types apply to music abilities combined with this ability.

Inspire Legion (Su): At 15th level, a Bard with 18 or more ranks in any Perform skill can unite
his allies and make them fight better together. To be affected, an ally must be within 60 feet of
the Bard and must be able to hear the Bard. Only allies who meet these requirements at the
beginning of the song are affected, and an ally whose hearing is interrupted or who moves more
than 60 feet away from the Bard cannot rejoin the same song. The effect lasts as long as the
affected characters can hear the Bard and stay within range.
When the Bard begins singing, determine the best base attack bonus among all the
affected characters. All affected characters use this base attack bonus or the Bard’s character
level as their base attack bonus for the duration of the effect. All affected characters gain a +2
competence bonus on damage rolls as well.

Note of Solitude (Su): Upon reaching 16th level, a Bard with 19 or more ranks in a Perform skill
can use the power of music to temporarily sever some creatures’ tie with other planes.
Extraplanar creatures within 60 feet of a Bard who activates this ability must make a Will saving
throw (DC 10 + the Bard’s ranks in the Perform skill). Creatures affected by this ability get a
bonus on this saving throw equal to their Hit Dice. Any creature that fails this saving throw is
instantly sent to its home plane. Unlike other musical abilities and affects, a note of solitude has
a duration of instantaneous and cannot be maintained, though the Bard can activate it again on
subsequent rounds by spending additional uses of bardic music.

Revealing Melody (Su): A 17th level Bard with at least 20 ranks in a Perform skill can use his
performance to reveal all things as they actually are. All allies within 30 feet who can see and
hear the virtuoso’s performance are affected as if by a true seeing spell with a caster level equal
to the Bard’s class level. The effect lasts as long as the Bard performs.
Cleric Variants - focusing on turning cleric vs rebuking cleric
Turning Cleric
Level Special
1 Turn undead
5 Speak with dead
6 Empower healing 2/day
7 Holy Warrior
8 Healing prowess
9 Deific caster
10 Maximize healing 2/day
11 Bonus domain, Weapon of light
12 Empower healing 3/day
13 Positive energy burst
14 Death ward
16 Maximize healing 3/day
18 Empower healing 4/day

Speak with Dead (Sp): Starting at 5th level, a turning Cleric can use speak with dead once per

Empower Healing (Sp): Starting at 6th level, a turning Cleric can choose to have a Healing spell
to be affected as though Empowered without using a higher slot, even if he does not have the
feat. This can be used twice per day. At level 12, it can be used three times per day and at level
18 it can be used four times per day.

Holy Warrior (Sp): At 7th level, you can spend two daily uses of your turn undead ability as a
swift action to bring your Wisdom into play in combat. For 1 round/level after you activate this
ability, you can add your Wisdom modifier on attack rolls and damage rolls with weapon attacks.

Healing Prowess (Su): Starting at 8th level, when casting a spell with the Healing descriptor,
your effective caster level (for purposes of determining level-dependent spell variables and caster
level checks) is increased by two.

Deific Caster (Su): At 9th level, choose one of your domains. You gain a +2 bonus to your
effective caster level when casting spells that appear on the chosen domain.
Maximize Healing (Sp): Starting at 10th level, a turning Cleric can choose to have a Healing
spell to be affected as though Maximized without using a higher slot, even if he does not have
the feat. This can be used twice per day. At level 16, it can be used three times per day.

Bonus Domain: At 11th level, the turning Cleric is granted another domain from his deity.

Weapon of Light (Su): Starting at 11th level, any weapon (melee or ranged, manufactured or
natural) wielded by a turning Cleric overcomes the damage reduction of any undead creature.

Positive Energy Burst (Su): At the cost of two normal turning attempts, a turning Cleric of 13th
level or higher can use a standard action to create a positive energy burst that deals 1d6 points of
damage per class level to all undead creatures within 30 feet. Undead are allowed a Reflex save
(DC 10 + cleric level + CHA modifier) for half damage.

Death Ward (Su): At 14th level, you become immune to death spells, magical death effects,
energy drain, and negative energy effects as the death ward spell.
Rebuking Cleric
Level Special
1 Rebuke undead
5 Animate dead
6 Empower harming 2/day
7 Unholy Warrior
8 Harming prowess
9 Deific caster
10 Maximize harming 2/day
11 Bonus domain
12 Empower harming 3/day
13 Control undead
15 Create greater undead
16 Maximize harming 3/day
18 Empower harming 4/day

Animate Dead (Sp): Starting at 5th level, a rebuking Cleric begins to exercise control over the
undead. Once per day, he can use animate dead, as the spell. Use the rebuking Cleric’s highest
caster level for this effect. All other level restrictions of animate dead still apply.

Empower Harming (Sp): Starting at 6th level, a rebuking Cleric can choose to have a spell from
the Necromancy school be affected as though Empowered without using a higher slot, even if he
does not have the feat. This can be used twice per day. At level 12, it can be used three times per
day and at level 18 it can be used four times per day.

Unholy Warrior (Sp): At 7th level, you can spend two daily uses of your rebuke undead ability
as a swift action to bring your Wisdom into play in combat. For 1 round/level after you activate
this ability, you can add your Wisdom modifier on attack rolls and damage rolls with weapon

Harming Prowess (Su): Starting at 8th level, when casting a spell from the Necromancy school,
your effective caster level (for purposes of determining level-dependent spell variables and caster
level checks) is increased by two.

Deific Caster (Su): At 9th level, choose one of your domains. You gain a +2 bonus to your
effective caster level when casting spells that appear on the chosen domain.
Maximize Harming (Sp): Starting at 10th level, a rebuking Cleric can choose to have a Healing
spell to be affected as though Maximized without using a higher slot, even if he does not have
the feat. This can be used twice per day. At level 16, it can be used three times per day.

Bonus Domain: At 11th level, the rebuking Cleric is granted another domain from his deity.

Control Undead (Sp): Once per day upon reaching 13th level, a rebuking Cleric can gain control
over an undead creature (with Hit Dice equal to or less than his highest arcane caster level) by
making a successful touch attack against it. The undead creature receives no saving throw to
resist this effect. The control lasts for 1 round per class level. When the duration expires, the
undead creature returns to its former allegiance, if any. The newly controlled undead can still be
turned or rebuked as normal. This effect is otherwise identical to the control undead spell. This
ability is in addition to the number of undead a rebuking Cleric can control normally.

Create Greater Undead (Sp): Starting at 15th level, a rebuking Cleric can use create greater
undead, as the spell, once per day. Use the rebuking Cleric’s caster level for this effect. All other
level restrictions of animate dead still apply.
Druid Variants
Focusing on wild shape
Level Special
1 Animal companion, nature sense, wild empathy
2 Woodland stride
3 Trackless step
4 Resist nature’s lure
5 Wild shape (1/day)
6 Wild shape (2/day)
7 Wild shape (3/day), Fast wild shape
8 Wild shape (Large)
9 Venom immunity, Animal telepathy
10 Wild shape (4/day)
11 Wild shape (Tiny)
12 Wild shape (plant), Enhanced wild shape
13 A thousand faces
14 Wild shape (5/day)
15 Timeless body, wild shape (Huge)
16 Wild shape (elemental 1/day)
17 Extraordinary wild shape
18 Wild shape (6/day, elemental 2/day)
20 Wild shape (elemental 3/day, Huge elemental)

Fast Wild Shape (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a Druid can use his wild shape ability as a move
action rather than as a standard action.

Animal Telepathy (Su): Beginning at 9th level, a Druid can converse telepathically with any
animal that he can see within 100 feet.

Enhanced Wild Shape (Su): Starting at 12th level, a Druid can preserve the physical
enhancements granted by his equipment even when in wild shape. Whenever the Druid uses wild
shape, he retains any enhancement bonuses to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution granted by any
equipment he wears, even if the equipment can’t be worn normally by his new form.

Extraordinary Wild Shape (Ex): Starting at 17th level, a Druid gains the extraordinary special
qualities of any form he assumes with wild shape.
Fighter Variants
Focusing on surviving and staying relevant
Level Special
1 Bonus feat, Magic blade (+1)
2 Bonus feat, Battle fortitude +1
3 Agility training (-1)
4 Bonus feat, Dispelling strike 1/day
5 Agonizing strike 1/day
6 Bonus feat, Stand tough, Magic blade (+2)
7 Agility training (-2), Double magic blade
8 Bonus feat, Dispelling strike 2/day, Great swing
9 Mettle, Agonizing strike 2/day
10 Bonus feat, Battle fortitude +2, Advanced combat techniques
11 Agility training (-3), Magic blade (+3), Armor mastery
12 Bonus feat, Dispelling strike 3/day
13 Blindsight, Agonizing strike 3/day
14 Bonus feat
15 Agility training (-4), Impetuous endurance
16 Bonus feat, Magic blade (+4)
17 Triple magic blade, Agonizing strike 4/day
18 Bonus feat, Battle fortitude +3
19 Agility training (-5)
20 Bonus feat

Magic Blade (Su): Once per day as a swift action, a Fighter can bestow upon his weapon a
special ability. This effect lasts for one minute, but ends abruptly if he is disarmed or gives away
his weapon. Initially this can be any special ability equivalent to a +1 bonus (such as flaming,
shock, etc.). Upon reaching 6th and every five levels thereafter, the bonus increases by 1.

Battle Fortitude (Ex): At 2nd level, a Fighter gains a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves
and initiative checks. This bonus increases to +2 at 10th level and +3 at 18th level.

Agility Training (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a Fighter reduces the armor check penalty imposed
on him by 1, at 7th level the penalty is reduced by 2, at 11th level the penalty is reduced by 3, at
15th level the penalty is reduced by 4, and at 19th level the penalty is reduced by 5. This penalty
cannot be reduced below 0.

Dispelling Strike (Su): Once per day, a Fighter of 4th level or higher can attempt a dispelling
strike with one normal melee attack as a standard action. If he hits, he deals normal damage, and
the victim is subject to a targeted dispel magic. The Fighter’s dispel check is (1d20 + ½ class
level + STR modifier). If a Fighter makes a dispelling strike against a creature with no spells or
effects to dispel, the dispelling strike has no effect, but the ability is used up for that day. At 8th
level, a Fighter can use this power two times per day, and at 12th level he can use it three times
per day at which point it becomes equivalent to a greater dispel magic.

Agonizing Strike (Su): Starting at 5th level, the Fighter gains the ability to focus his strength into
a single blow once per day. He makes a normal melee attack as a standard action; if he hits, he
deals +1d6 points of damage for every two class levels. If the attack misses, the agonizing strike
is still used up for the day. He gains an additional use per day every four class levels.

Stand Tough (Ex): A Fighter’s toughness has been honed by years of combat. Starting at 6th
level, a Fighter can stand tough twice per day. When he would be damaged in combat (from a
weapon or some other blow, but not from a spell or special ability), he can attempt to shake off
the damage. To do this, he must attempt a Fortitude saving throw against a DC equal to the
number of points of damage dealt. If the save succeeds, he takes no lethal damage from the blow,
instead taking nonlethal damage equal to half the amount of damage the blow would have dealt.
If the save fails, he takes damage normally. A Fighter need not be aware of the impending attack
to use this ability.

Double Magic Blade (Su): Starting at 7th level, a Fighter can apply two special abilities when
activating his Magic Blade ability. The total of the special abilities may not exceed the current
ability of Magic Blade.

Great Swing (Ex): Starting at 8th level, a Fighter is able to make a great, sweeping swing with a
melee weapon. As a standard action, the Fighter can choose three squares adjacent to one another
(he must threaten all of them). His attack applies to all creatures in those squares. Make one
attack roll and apply that roll as an attack against each defender. If the Fighter uses a special
attack (such as disarm, trip, or sunder), this special attack affects only the first target; the other
creatures are attacked normally.
Walls and similar obstacles can block a great swing. Start with one square that the Fighter
threatens. Each successive square chosen must be adjacent to the previous square and have line
of effect from that square. Two squares separated by a wall, for instance, can’t be chosen as
adjacent squares for a great swing.
The Fighter may skip creatures, attacking only those he wants to. For example, if there
are three creatures in a row—an enemy, an ally, and another enemy—the Fighter can choose
those three squares for the great swing but strike only the two enemies. If a Fighter drops one of
his foes with a great swing, he may make a cleave attack normally. However, he may do so only
once for every time he swings, even if he drops more than one foe.

Mettle (Ex): Starting at 9th level, a Fighter’s grim determination allows him to shrug off magical
effects that would otherwise harm him. If a Fighter makes a successful Will or Fortitude saving
throw that would normally reduce the spell’s effect (such as any spell with a saving throw entry
of Will partial or Fortitude half ), he instead negates the effect. An unconscious or sleeping
Fighter does not gain the benefit of mettle.

Advanced Combat Techniques (Ex): Starting at 10th level, a Fighter gains the ability to wield
any two handed weapon in one hand without penalty. He may also treat any weapon as a light
weapon for the purposes of two weapon fighting. In order for these techniques to be effective,
the weapons must be of the corresponding size of the fighter or smaller.

Armor Mastery (Ex): Starting at 11th level, a Fighter gains the ability to wear armor like a
second skin. The Fighter becomes capable of ignoring the standard speed reduction associated
with medium and heavy armors.

Blindsight (Ex): At 13th level, a Fighter gains the blindsight ability out to 30 feet. His senses
become so acute that he can maneuver and fight flawlessly even in total darkness. Invisibility,
darkness, and most kinds of concealment are irrelevant, though the Fighter must have line of
effect to a creature or object to discern it.

Impetuous Endurance (Ex): Starting at 15th level, your fighting spirit enables you to push your
body beyond the normal limits of endurance. You no longer automatically fail a saving throw on
a roll of 1. You might still fail the save if your result fails to equal or beat the DC.

Triple Magic Blade (Su): Starting at 17th level, a Fighter can apply three special abilities when
activating his Magic Blade ability. The total of the special abilities may not exceed the current
ability of Magic Blade.
Monk Variants
Focusing on staying relevant
Level Special
1 Bonus feat, flurry of blows, unarmed strike
2 Bonus feat, evasion
3 Still mind, Fist of energy
4 Ki strike (magic), slow fall 20 ft.
5 Purity of body
6 Bonus feat, slow fall 30 ft., Fist of energy
7 Wholeness of body, Mind over hand
8 Slow fall 40 ft., Reverse hand
9 Improved evasion, Deflect spell
10 Ki strike (lawful), slow fall 50 ft.
11 Diamond body, greater flurry, Rend
12 Abundant step, slow fall 60 ft.
13 Diamond soul
14 Slow fall 70 ft.
15 Quivering palm
16 Ki strike (adamantine), slow fall 80 ft.
17 Timeless body, tongue of the sun and moon
18 Slow fall 90 ft.
19 Empty body
20 Perfect self, slow fall any distance

Fist of Energy (Su): Once per round as a free action, a Monk of 3rd level or higher can spend
one of her daily stunning attempts to imbue her unarmed strikes with either electricity or fire.
The Monk chooses the energy type each time she activates. For 1 round, each of her unarmed
strike that hits deals an extra 1d6 points of damage (electricity or fire, depending on the choice).
At 6th level and higher, a Monk can cause her energy-imbued unarmed strikes to burst
with flame or lightning on a critical hit. In addition to dealing an extra 1d6 points of energy
damage, her unarmed attacks deal an extra 1d10 points of energy damage on a successful critical
hit. If the Monk’s unarmed critical multiplier is ×3, she adds an extra 2d10 points of energy
damage instead, and if the multiplier is ×4, she adds an extra 3d10 points of energy damage. This
ability can be channeled through monk weapons, too.

Mind Over Hand (Su): Starting at 7th level, a Monk can make one of her attacks per round
ignore an enemy’s armor, instead targeting the enemy’s touch Armor Class.

Reverse Hand (Su): Starting at 8th level, a Monk can strike her opponent at the same instant her
opponent strikes the Monk. The Monk can choose to make an immediate attack of opportunity
against an opponent that makes a successful melee attack roll or melee touch attack roll against
the Monk. The Monk can’t make more attacks of opportunity than she is normally allowed in a
round. The Monk can only use this ability against an opponent she threatens.
Deflect Spell (Su): Starting at 9th level, the Monk learns to deflect incoming ray and energy
missile spells. The Monk must have at least one hand free (holding nothing) to use this ability.
Once per round when the Monk would normally be hit with a ray or energy missile spell the
character can make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw (if the ray or energy missile has a magical
bonus to attack, the DC increases by that amount). If the Monk succeeds, he deflects the spell.
The Monk must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Attempting to deflect a ray or energy
missile doesn't count as an action. A ray is a spell that produces a ray effect. An energy missile is
a weaponlike spell that produces something physical that the spell projects or the caster can hurl,
such as Melf's acid arrow or produce flame. Fireball, magic missile, and the like are not energy

Rend (Ex): Starting at 11th level, the Monk gains the ability to rend a target. In any round that
the Monk hits the same foe with two or more unarmed attacks, she immediately deals an addition
2d8 points of damage (plus 1 – ½ times her Strength bonus). If she is Small, her rend deals 2d6
points of damage; if she is Large, her rend deals 3d8 points of damage.
Paladin Variants
Focusing on mounted combat and holiness
Level Special
1 Aura of good, detect evil, smite evil 1/day
2 Divine grace, lay on hands
3 Aura of courage, divine health
4 Turn undead, Immunity to blindness
5 Smite evil 2/day, special mount, Mounted weapon bonus +1
6 Remove disease 1/week, Defensive riding
7 Ride bonus, Unbroken charge
8 Surge of piety, Fiendslaying +1/+1d6
9 Remove disease 2/week, Offensive ride, Censure demons
10 Smite evil 3/day, Mounted weapon bonus +2, Confidence of the righteous
11 Tenacious spells, Fiendslaying +2/+2d6
12 Remove disease 3/week, Quick turn
13 Overwhelming odds
14 Fiendslaying +3/+3d6
15 Remove disease 4/week, smite evil 4/day, Holy aura, Mounted weapon bonus +3
17 Fiendslaying +4/+4d6
18 Remove disease 5/week
20 Smite evil 5/day, Mounted weapon bonus +4, Fiendslaying +5/+5d6

Immunity to Blindness (Su): Beginning at 4th level, you cannot be blinded by magical effects,
spells, or bright light. Physical barriers to sight, such as blindfolds and solid objects, still prevent
you from seeing. Additionally, any wounds that cause the destruction of your eyes still blind you.

Mounted Weapon Bonus (Ex): Starting at 5th level, a Paladin gains a competence bonus of +1
on attack rolls made while mounted. This increases by one every 5 levels.

Defensive Riding (Ex): A Paladin of 6th level or higher knows the tricks of defensive riding. If
he does nothing else while mounted (he cannot attack when riding defensively), he gains a +2
bonus on Reflex saves and a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class. In addition, his mount gains a +20
ft. bonus to its speed, a +2 bonus on all Will saves, and a +4 dodge bonus to its Armor Class.

Ride Bonus (Ex): Starting at 7th level, the Paladin gains a competence bonus equal to his class
level on all Ride checks, as well as on Handle Animal checks made in conjunction with his
special mount.

Unbroken Charge (Ex): At 7th level and higher, a mounted Paladin can charge through difficult
terrain or squares occupied by friendly creatures by making a DC 15 Ride check.
Surge of Piety (Su): When you attain 8th level as a Paladin, your touch becomes infused with
positive energy. Any undead creature that touches you (by hitting you in melee or for any other
reason) is shaken for 1 round or until it is no longer in physical contact with you—even if it
normally can't be affected by this condition. Once per day as a full-round action, you can channel
this energy into a single burst of positive energy, which manifests as a flash of bright, warm
sunlight. In addition to functioning as a consecrate spell, this wave of energy deals ld8 points of
positive energy damage to every undead creature within 30 feet (no save). You can increase the
damage this effect deals by ld8 points (maximum +5d8) for each daily turn attempt or smite evil
attempt you sacrifice.

Fiendslaying (Ex): Starting at 8th level, a Paladin gains a number of special benefits in combat
with evil outsiders. The Paladin gets a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls against evil
outsiders. On a successful attack, he deals an extra 1d6 points of damage due to his expertise in
combating these creatures. These bonuses increase every three levels thereafter.
An 8th level Paladin’s +1 competence bonus also applies to Intimidate, Listen, Sense
Motive, and Spot checks when he uses these skills against evil outsiders. He gets the same bonus
on Will saving throws against attacks from evil outsiders, and on opposed ability checks she
makes against evil outsiders.

Offensive Ride (Ex): Starting at 9th level, a Paladin can make a full attack with a melee weapon
while mounted as long as his special mount takes only a single move.

Censure Demons (Su): Starting at 9th level, a Paladin can censure demons, much as clerics turn
undead. Rather than channeling positive energy, a Paladin channels energy from the celestial
planes of lawful good.
When a Paladin uses this ability, any demon within 30 feet must succeed on a Will save
(DC 10 + Paladin level + CHA modifier) or be censured.
A censured demon whose Hit Dice are equal to or greater than twice the Paladin’s class
level is stunned by the Paladin’s holy power for 1 round.
If a censured demon has fewer Hit Dice than twice the Paladin’s class level, it is stunned
and must succeed on a second Will save (same DC) or be sent back to its home plane as if it had
been the subject of a dismissal spell. Only one demon may dismissed in this way by any single
censure demons attempt; if more than one demon is required to make this second Will save,
check for the demon with the lowest HD first.
A Paladin may attempt to censure demons once per day for every two class levels she

Confidence of the Righteous (Su): Starting at 10th level, a Paladin can add his class level as a
morale bonus on any single attack roll, weapon damage roll, saving throw, or skill check, once
per day.
Tenacious Spells (Ex): Starting at 11th level, a Paladin’s spells are particularly difficult to dispel;
add 6 to the DC required to dispel the character’s spells.

Quick Turn (Ex): A 12th level Paladin can make a DC 25 Ride check as a free action to force
his mount to execute one change of direction during while running or charging (though the
mount must still move at least 10 feet in a straight line after the turn to execute a charge). The
turn may be up to 90 degrees, and the mount may make only one such turn per round. If the Ride
check fails, the mount moves an extra 10 feet in a straight line and then loses the rest of its
actions on this turn.

Overwhelming Odds (Ex): Starting at 13th level, a Paladin has expelled from his mind and soul
the very notion of a hopeless battle; no matter how slight, there is always a chance for victory.
Whenever the Paladin faces an enemy in combat that has 3 or more Hit Dice or levels than he
does, the Paladin’s faith that he shall prevail grants him damage reduction 3/— and a +2 insight
bonus to his Armor Class and all saving throws. These benefits apply only against attacks made
against the Paladin from a creature whose levels or Hit Dice exceed the Paladin’s by 3 or more;
if a creature with fewer Hit Dice or levels attacks the Paladin, he does not receive these benefits.

Holy Aura (Sp): A Paladin of 15th level or higher can use holy aura once per day as a spell-like
Ranger Variants
Focusing on pathfinding, dealing damage, and favored enemy bonuses
Level Special
1 1st favored enemy, Track, wild empathy
2 Combat style, Skirmish (+1d6)
3 Endurance
4 Animal companion, Trackless step
5 2nd favored enemy, Pierce defense 5
6 Improved combat style, Skirmish (+2d6)
7 Woodland stride
8 Swift tracker
9 Evasion
10 3rd favored enemy, Skirmish (+3d6)
11 Combat style mastery, Mental backlash
12 Scent
13 Camouflage
14 Skirmish (+4d6)
15 4th favored enemy, Pierce defense 10, Cleanse foe
16 Free movement
17 Hide in plain sight
18 Skirmish (+5d6)
20 5th favored enemy

Skirmish (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a Ranger relies on mobility to deal extra damage. She deals
an extra 1d6 points of damage on all attacks she makes during any round in which she moves at
least 10 feet. The extra damage applies only to attacks taken during the Ranger’s turn. This extra
damage increases by 1d6 for every four levels gained above 2nd (2d6 at 6th, 3d6 at 10th, 4d6 at
14th, and 5d6 at 18th level).
The extra damage only applies against living creatures that have a discernible anatomy.
Undead, constructs, oozes, plants, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to extra damage
from critical hits are not vulnerable to this additional damage. The Ranger must be able to see the
target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. Rangers can
apply this extra damage to ranged attacks made while skirmishing, but only if the target is within
30 feet.
A Ranger loses this ability when wearing heavy armor or when carrying a heavy load. If
she gains the skirmish ability from another class, the bonuses stack.

Trackless Step (Ex): Beginning at 4th level, a Ranger cannot be tracked in natural surroundings.

Pierce Defense (Ex): Starting at 5th level, a Ranger can penetrate his favored enemies’ defenses
especially well. If the Ranger’s favored enemy has damage reduction, up to 5 points of damage
from each attack the Ranger deals bypasses the damage reduction regardless of its type. At level
15, this increases to 10 points of damage.

Mental Backlash (Su): Beginning at 11th level, once per day you can reflexively lash out at any
favored enemy that targets you but fails to affect you with a spell or spell-like ability. You can
do so only if you make and succeed with a saving throw against a spell or spell-like ability
directed at you by a favored enemy. When this power is activated, the favored enemy must make
a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + Ranger level + WIS modifier (if any)) or take 1d6 points of
damage per Ranger level and become nauseated for 1d4 rounds. A successful saving throw
halves the damage and negates the nausea.

Scent (Ex): At 12th level, a Ranger gains the scent ability against their favored enemies.

Cleanse Foe (Sp): Starting at 15th level, as a standard action once per day you can attempt to
utterly destroy a single favored enemy within 30 feet. The favored enemy must make a Fortitude
save (DC 20 + WIS modifier) or be killed. If the favored enemy is destroyed, you heal a number
of hit points equal to the number of hit points the favored enemy had when it died.

Free Movement (Ex): At 16th level and higher, a Ranger can slip out of bonds, grapples, and
even the effects of confining spells easily. This ability duplicates the effect of a freedom of
movement spell, except that it is always active. A Ranger loses this benefit when wearing heavy
armor or when carrying a heavy load
Rogue Variants
Focusing on rogue-like qualities
Level Special
1 Sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding
2 Evasion
3 Sneak attack +2d6, trap sense +1
4 Uncanny dodge, Poison use
5 Sneak attack +3d6, Trackless steps, Ruthless cut
6 Trap sense +2, Ghost step
7 Sneak attack +4d6, Divide and conquer
8 Improved uncanny dodge, Move like the wind
9 Sneak attack +5d6, trap sense +3, Improved poison use
10 Special ability, Blindsense, Fatal sting
11 Sneak attack +6d6, Deceive item
12 Trap sense +4, Intellectual agility
13 Sneak attack +7d6, special ability
14 Ghost step, Venom immunity, Poison use mastery
15 Sneak attack +8d6, trap sense +5
16 Special ability, Ghost sight
17 Sneak attack +9d6
18 Trap sense +6
19 Sneak attack +10d6, special ability

Poison Use (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a Rogue never risks accidentally poisoning herself when
applying poison to a weapon.

Trackless Steps (Ex): Beginning at 5th level, a Rogue cannot be tracked in urban surroundings.

Ruthless Cut (Ex): At 5th level and higher, you gain a +4 bonus on a roll to confirm a threat on a
critical hit.

Ghost Step (Su): Starting at 6th level, a Rogue can become invisible for 1 round once a day.
Using this ability is a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. At level 14, a
Rogue can become ethereal when using ghost step instead of becoming invisible.

Divide and Conquer (Ex): Beginning at 7th level, a Rogue gains the ability to fight even when
assaulted from different sides. Whenever the Rogue is flanked by two or more creatures, the
Rogue gains a bonus on melee damage rolls against each flanker equal to half the Rogue’s class
level, rounded up. If the Rogue can’t be flanked, the ability is still gained by opponents in
flanking positions.
Move Like the Wind (Ex): Starting at 8th level, a Rogue can move stealthily even at a quick
pace. She no longer takes a –5 penalty on Hide and Move Silently checks when moving at any
speed up to his normal speed, and she takes only a –10 penalty (instead of a –20 penalty) on Hide
and Move Silently checks when running. (She takes the normal –20 penalty when attacking or

Improved Poison Use (Ex): Starting at 9th level, a Rogue can apply poison to a weapon as a
move action.

Blindsense (Ex): At 10th level, a Rogue gains the blindsense ability out to 30 feet.

Fatal Sting (Ex): Starting at 10th level, you have learned where to strike your foes to best deliver
your poison. When you attack with a poisoned weapon, the save DC to resist the initial effect
increases by 2.

Deceive Item (Ex): Starting at 11th level, a Rogue has the ability to more easily activate magic
items. When making a Use Magic Device check, a Rogue can take 10.

Intellectual Agility (Su): Starting at 12th level, a Rogue can channel her intellect to more
physical needs. She adds her Intelligence bonus (if any) to her initiative checks and Reflex saves.

Venom Immunity (Ex): At 14th level, the Rogue gains immunity to all poisons.

Poison Use Master (Ex): At 14th level, the Rogue can apply poison to a weapon as a swift

Ghost Sight (Su): Starting at level 16, a Rogue can see invisible and ethereal creatures as easily
as she sees material creatures and objects.
Sorcerer Variants
Focusing on the innate magical aspects of the character
Level Special
1 Summon familiar, Detect magic
2 Spellgrace +1
5 Bonus Feat (as wizard)
6 Absorb spell
8 Arcane sight
9 Shielded mind
10 Spellgrace +2, Bonus Feat (as wizard)
13 Blank thoughts
14 Break spell resistance
15 Bonus Feat (as wizard)
16 Absorb spell
17 Shielded body
18 Spellgrace +3
20 Bonus Feat (as wizard)

Detect Magic (Sp): A Sorcerer can use detect magic a number of times per day equal to his
Charisma bonus, if any (minimum 1).

Spellgrace (Su): A Sorcerer of 2nd level or higher gains a +1 competence bonus on his saves
against spells. This bonus improves to +2 at 10th level and to +3 at 18th level.

Absorb Spell (Su): Beginning at 6th level, if a Sorcerer makes a successful save against a spell
that targets him, he can attempt to absorb the spell energy for later use. This ability affects only
spells that have the Sorcerer as a target, not effect or area spells.
To absorb a spell that targets him, a Sorcerer must succeed on a level check (1d20 +
Sorcerer class level) against a DC of 10 + the spell’s caster level. Failure indicates that the spell
has its normal effect. Success means that the Sorcerer suffers no effect from the spell and can
cast the spell later (or use its energy to cast one of his own spells known). He may only store up
to half his Sorcerer level (rounded down) of absorbed spell levels.
At 16th level or higher, a Sorcerer can choose to use the stolen spell energy as an
immediate action, either to recast the original spell or to cast one of his own spells using the
absorbed spell energy.
Arcane Sight (Sp): Beginning at 8th level, a Sorcerer can use arcane sight as a swift action a
number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1).

Shielded Mind (Su): At 9th level, a Sorcerer gains spell resistance against divination spells equal
to 15 + his class level. This benefit does not stack with other forms of spell resistance.

Blank Thoughts (Su): Starting at 13th level, a Sorcerer can induce within himself a state of
mental absence, thereby becoming immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions,
patterns, phantasms, and morale effects). He can suppress or resume this ability as a free action.

Break Spell Resistance (Su): Starting at 14th level, a Sorcerer gains great insight into the way
creatures naturally resist magic. Whenever the Sorcerer succeeds on a caster level check to
overcome a target’s spell resistance, he can lose a spell slot as a free action to negate the target’s
spell resistance for a number of rounds equal to the level of the expended spell slot.

Shielded Body (Su): At 17th level, a Sorcerer gains spell resistance equal to 11 + his class level.
Wizard Variants

Abjurer-focusing on defensive magic and force effects

Level Special
1 Summon familiar, Scribe Scroll
4 Swift defense
5 Bonus Feat, Warding, Red veil
6 Force armor
7 Orange veil
8 Dimensional anchor
9 Extended force, Yellow veil
10 Bonus Feat, Unimpeachable abjuration
11 Green veil
12 Extended abjuration
13 Blue veil
15 Bonus Feat, Indigo veil
17 Violet veil
20 Bonus Feat

Swift Defense (Sp): Starting at 4th level, an Abjurer develops the reflexes to defend herself from
incoming threats. Once per day, an Abjurer can cast shield as an immediate action. This spell is
cast in addition to the Abjurer’s usual number of spells per day and is cast at the Abjurer’s
highest caster level.

Warding (Sp): Starting at 5th level, an Abjurer can create a warding. She can choose one veil she
knows (see below) to be imbued in the warding. A warding lasts for a certain amount of time as
indicated in its description, unless it is dismissed. This warding takes the form of a wall, up to 10
feet long and 5 feet high per three Abjurer class levels (rounded down). The wall can be made
smaller, but it is not otherwise shapeable. The wall must begin within 30 feet of the Abjurer, but
can extend beyond that distance. The wall is immobile once created. An Abjurer may choose to
make crossing through the wall in one direction safe, if she chooses. In any event, she can pass
through her own warding wall with no danger. This warding provides concealment to creatures
on either side. It lasts for 1 round per class level or until dismissed. The save DC for an Abjurer’s
warding is equal to 10 + equivalent spell level + INT modifier. The spell level equivalent of a
warding depends on which veil is integrated into it.
Veils: When an Abjurer creates a warding, she can choose and imbue the warding with
any one veil she knows how to create. These veils duplicate the layers of a prismatic wall and are
described below. An Abjurer’s caster level for these veils is equal to her arcane spellcaster level.
Red Veil: The first veil an Abjurer learns is the red veil, at 5th level. A warding imbued
with this veil blocks all nonmagical ranged attacks and missiles. A creature crossing a red veil
takes 20 points of fire damage (Reflex half). A spell or effect with the [Water] or [Cold]
descriptor destroys a warding with this veil but is negated in the process. A warding with this
veil is the equivalent of a 2nd level spell.
Orange Veil: At 7th level, an Abjurer learns the secret of the orange veil. A warding with
this veil halts magical ranged attacks, including spells that conjure missiles (such as Melf’s acid
arrow) or create rays (such as disintegrate or a beholder’s eye rays) but not spells that do not
require a ranged attack (such as magic missile). A creature crossing an orange veil takes 40
points of acid damage (Reflex half). A spell or effect with the [Air] or [Electricity] descriptor
destroys the veil but is negated in the process. A warding with this veil is the equivalent of a 3rd
level spell.
Yellow Veil: An Abjurer of 9th level or higher can create a yellow veil. This veil prevents
gases or clouds from entering the warded area, and it defeats petrification and poison attacks. A
creature crossing a yellow veil takes 80 points of electricity damage (Reflex half). A spell or
effect with the [Earth] or [Fire] descriptor destroys the veil but is negated in the process. A
warding with this veil is the equivalent of a 4th level spell.
Green Veil: A 11th level Abjurer masters the green veil. This veil stops the passage of
breath weapons. A creature crossing a green veil must succeed on a Fortitude save or die; on a
successful save, the creature takes 1d6 points of Constitution damage. This veil is a poison
effect. A spell or effect with the [Good] or [Positive] descriptor destroys a green veil but is
negated by it. A warding with this veil is the equivalent of a 5th level spell.
Blue Veil: At 13th level, an Abjurer learns the blue veil. This veil blocks all divinations
and mind-affecting spells and abilities. Any creature crossing a blue veil must succeed on a
Fortitude save or be petrified. A spell or effect with the [Evil] or [Negative] descriptor destroys a
blue veil but is negated by it. A warding with this is the equivalent of a 6th level spell.
Indigo Veil: A 15th level Abjurer can create the mighty indigo veil. This veil prevents the
passage of all spells or spell-like abilities. Any creature crossing an indigo veil must succeed on
a Will save or become confused, as if by an insanity spell. A spell or effect with the [Sonic] or
[Death] descriptor negates and is negated by an indigo veil. A warding with this veil is the
equivalent of a 7th level spell.
Violet Veil: At 17th level, an Abjurer masters the seventh and final veil: the violet veil.
This barrier destroys all objects and effects that cross it, as if they were disintegrated. Living
creatures passing a violet veil must succeed on a Will save or be shifted to a random place on a
random plane (as the plane shift spell). A spell or effect with the [Chaotic] or [Force] descriptor
negates and is negated by a violet veil. A warding with this veil is the equivalent of an 8th level
Force Armor (Ex): At 6th level and higher, an Abjurer gains more benefit from defensive force
spells than other characters. If she casts a force spell that provides an armor bonus or a shield
bonus to Armor Class, she increases the spell’s normal armor bonus by 2. For example, mage
armor normally adds an armor bonus of +4 to the caster’s AC, but an Abjurer with this ability
who casts mage armor adds an armor bonus of +6 to her AC.

Dimensional Anchor (Sp): Starting at 8th level, an Abjurer can use dimensional anchor once per

Extended Force (Ex): Force spells cast by an Abjurer of 9th level or higher linger longer than
normal, and they are more difficult to counter or dispel. The duration of a force spell cast by the
Abjurer is doubled, as if the Extend Spell feat had been applied to it. However, the spell’s level
and casting time are unchanged. The same restrictions that apply to extended spells apply to
spells affected by extended force. In addition, the DC required to counter or dispel the Abjurer’s
force spells increases by 2.

Unimpeachable Abjuration (Ex): Starting at 10th level, an Abjurer’s abjuration spells are
particularly difficult to defeat with spells or effects that dispel them. An Abjurer can add half her
class level to the DC to dispel any abjuration spell or effect she creates.

Extended Abjuration (Su): Starting at 12th level, you depend on your abjuration spells to
protect you in combat. Double the duration of abjuration spells you cast, as if you had applied
the Extend Spell feat to them (but without any change in level or casting time). This ability can
be used 3 times per day.

Swift Abjuration (Su): Beginning at 16th level, you can cast abjuration spells as a swift action,
as if you had applied the Quicken Spell feat to them (but without any change in level). The
maximum level of spell you can quicken in this way is equal to 1/4 your class level (rounded up).
This ability can be used twice per day.
Conjurer- focusing on summoning and teleporting
Level Special
1 Summon familiar, Scribe Scroll
4 Extra summoning
5 Bonus Feat
9 Improved range
10 Bonus Feat
11 Teleportation prowess
13 Enhanced accuracy
15 Bonus Feat
16 Creation prowess
20 Bonus Feat

Extra Summoning (Su): From 4th level on, a Conjurer gains one extra spell slot at his highest
spell level. This slot can be used only for a summon monster spell. As a Conjurer becomes able
to learn higher-level spells, the extra slot migrates up to the new highest level.

Improved Range (Ex): Starting at 9th level, a Conjurer can travel greater distances when
teleporting. When the character casts any spell with the teleportation descriptor, the maximum
distance covered by the spell increases by 50%.

Teleportation Prowess (Su): Starting at 11th level, when casting a spell with the Teleportation
descriptor, your effective caster level (for purposes of determining level-dependent spell
variables and caster level checks) is increased by two.

Enhanced Accuracy (Ex): At 13th level and higher, a Conjurer becomes more skilled at arriving
on target. When casting any spell with the teleportation descriptor that includes a random chance
for determining the actual destination (such as teleport), a Conjurer can roll twice and choose the
result he wants.

Creation Prowess (Su): Starting at 16th level, when casting a spell with the Creation descriptor,
your effective caster level (for purposes of determining level-dependent spell variables and caster
level checks) is increased by two.
Diviner- focusing on knowing things
Level Special
1 Summon familiar, Scribe Scroll
2 Minor foresight
3 Identification
4 Auravision
5 Bonus Feat
6 Prescient sense
7 Telepathy
8 Mind-read
9 Dispel scrying
10 Bonus Feat, Divination enhancement
11 Scrying prowess
12 Seal fate
13 Guarded mind
15 Bonus Feat
20 Bonus Feat

Minor Foresight (Su): Starting at 2nd level, a Diviner gains the ability to manipulate fate in her
favor. Once per day, she can add 1d6 to any d20 roll she makes. She must declare the use of this
ability before rolling the d20.

Identification (Sp): A Diviner of 3rd level or higher can determine the magical properties of a
magic item by handling it for 1 minute and making a successful Spellcraft check (DC 10 + the
item’s caster level). The Diviner can’t take 10 on this check, nor can she retry the check (and
thus he can’t take 20). This ability otherwise functions as the identify spell.

Auravision (Su): Starting at 4th level, a Diviner gains the ability to see magical auras at a range
of up to 60 feet as a free action. This ability otherwise functions as the detect magic spell. The
character can’t use this ability to determine anything but the number of magical auras present.

Prescient Sense (Ex): Beginning at 6th level, if a Diviner makes a successful Reflex saving
throw against an attack that normally inflicts half damage on a successful save, she instead takes
no damage, since her prescience allowed her to get out of the way faster. This form of evasion
works no matter what armor the Diviner wears, unlike the evasion ability used by monks and
Telepathy (Su): Starting at 7th level, a Diviner gains the ability to communicate telepathically
with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Mind-read (Sp): At 8th level and higher, a Diviner can read the surface thoughts of a living
creature within 100 feet. This is a mind-affecting ability that requires a standard action to use.
The Diviner must be able to see the target; a successful Will save (DC 12 + INT modifier)
negates the effect. Creatures of animal intelligence (Int 1 or 2) have only simple, instinctual
Using this ability requires concentration and can only last up to half the Diviner’s level
(rounded down) in minutes. The ability can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of
common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it. This effect is the
equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.

Dispel Scrying (Su): At 9th level and higher, a Diviner can dispel a scrying sensor as if casting a
targeted greater dispel magic. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her
Intelligence modifier.

Divination Enhancement (Ex): Beginning at 10th level, a Diviner may roll twice and take the
better result when using divination spells such as augury or divination.

Scrying Prowess (Su): Starting at 11th level, when casting a spell with the Scrying descriptor,
your effective caster level (for purposes of determining level-dependent spell variables and caster
level checks) is increased by two.

Seal Fate (Su): Starting at 12th level, a Diviner can meddle in success and failure, and even life
and death, sealing the fate of a friend or foe. Once per day as a free action, the Diviner selects a
target creature she can see within 30 feet with Hit Dice equal to or less than hers. The creature
receives either a –10 penalty or a +10 bonus on its next saving throw, as decided by the Diviner.
If the selected target has more Hit Dice than the Diviner, the ability doesn’t work but the use for
the day is not wasted. This effect lasts only for 1 round, so if no spell or other effect is brought to
bear on the target creature during the round, the creature’s fate is no longer sealed.

Guarded Mind (Su): Any successful Diviner must learn to protect herself from magic that
would reveal her identity. At 13th level, you become protected by nondetection (as the spell, but
with a permanent duration).
Enchanter- focusing on charming
Level Special
1 Summon familiar, Scribe Scroll
5 Bonus Feat, Quick crafting
6 Enchantment spell power
7 Slippery mind
8 Charm prowess
10 Bonus Feat, Enchantment spell power
11 Immune to charms
13 Immune to compulsions
14 Compulsion prowess
15 Bonus Feat
20 Bonus Feat

Quick Crafting (Ex): Starting at 5th level, an Enchanter can craft magic items in half the normal
time required (one day per 2,000 gp in the item’s base price; minimum one day).

Enchantment Spell Power (Ex): At 6th level and higher, an Enchanter casts more powerful
enchantment spells: He adds 2 to his caster level when casting any enchantment spell. This
increase improves to 4 at 10th level.

Slippery Mind (Ex): Starting at 7th level, an Enchanter has a second chance to wriggle free from
any enchantment spells and effects. If the Enchanter fails a saving throw against an enchantment
spell, he may attempt the saving throw again one round later. He only gets this one extra chance
to succeed at the saving throw.

Charm Prowess (Su): Starting at 8th level, when casting a spell with the Charm descriptor, your
effective caster level (for purposes of determining level-dependent spell variables and caster
level checks) is increased by two.

Immune to Charms (Ex): An Enchanter of 11th level or higher is immune to all enchantment
(charm) spells and effects.
Immune to Compulsions (Ex): An Enchanter of 13th level or higher is immune to all
compulsion spells and effects.

Compulsion Prowess (Su): Starting at 14th level, when casting a spell with the Compulsion
descriptor, your effective caster level (for purposes of determining level-dependent spell
variables and caster level checks) is increased by two.
Evoker- focusing on blasting
Level Special
1 Summon familiar, Scribe Scroll, Evoker edge
4 Enlarge spell
5 Bonus Feat
6 Empower spell
7 Elemental mastery
8 Maximize spell
10 Bonus Feat
11 Force mastery
12 Quicken spell
14 Improved metamagic
15 Bonus Feat
17 Ruby immolation
20 Bonus Feat

Evoker Edge (Ex): An Evoker is specialized in dealing damage with his spells. Whenever an
Evoker casts a spell that deals hit point damage, he adds his Intelligence bonus (if any) to the
amount of damage dealt. For instance, if a 1st-level Evoker with 17 Intelligence casts magic
missile, he deals 1d4+1 points of damage normally, plus an extra 3 points of damage due to his
Intelligence bonus. The bonus from the Evoker edge special ability applies only to spells that he
casts as an Evoker, not to those he might have by virtue of levels in another class.
A single spell can never gain this extra damage more than once per casting. For instance,
a fireball deals the extra damage to all creatures in the area it affects. However, if a 3rd-level
Evoker casts magic missile and produces two missiles, only one of them (of the Evoker’s choice)
gains the extra damage, even if both missiles are directed at the same target. If a spell deals
damage for more than 1 round, it deals this extra damage in each round.
Scrolls scribed by an Evoker do not gain any benefit from Evoker edge. Scrolls activated
by an Evoker also gain no benefit from Evoker edge. The same is true for most other magic
items, such as wands and potions. However, staffs activated by an Evoker use not only the
Evoker’s caster level but also gain the benefits of the Evoker edge, if applicable.

Enlarge Spell: At 4th level, an Evoker gains Enlarge Spell as a bonus feat. If he already has the
feat, he can choose a different metamagic feat.
Empower Spell: At 6th level, an Evoker gains Empower Spell as a bonus feat. If he already has
the feat, he can choose a different metamagic feat.

Elemental Mastery (Su): Starting at 7th level, whenever an Evoker casts a spell with an
elemental descriptor (acid, cold, fire, electricity, sonic), his effective caster level (for purposes of
determining level-dependent spell variables and caster level checks) is increased by two.

Maximize Spell: At 8th level, an Evoker gains Maximize Spell as a bonus feat. If he already has
the feat, he can choose a different metamagic feat.

Force Mastery (Su): Starting at 11th level, when casting a spell with the Force descriptor, your
effective caster level (for purposes of determining level-dependent spell variables and caster
level checks) is increased by two.

Quicken Spell: At 12th level, an Evoker gains Quicken Spell as a bonus feat. If he already has
the feat, he can choose a different metamagic feat.

Improved Metamagic (Su): At 14th level, an Evoker has mastered metamagic to such an extent
that whenever he uses a metamagic feat, the required increase in spell level (if any) is reduced by
one (minimum +1 spell level).

Ruby Immolation (Su): Starting at 17th level, an Evoker can perform the ruby immolation once
per week. The Evoker explodes in a searing blast of ruby fire that deals 20d6 points of damage in
a 20 foot radius (Reflex half, DC 19+ INT modifier). Half the damage is fire and the other half is
raw arcane energy (untyped damage). Extraplanar creatures that fail their saves must
immediately succeed on a Will save (DC 19 + INT modifier) or be dismissed to their native
planes. This blast utterly destroys the Evoker, but 1d6 rounds later, the Evoker reforms in the
exact spot the Evoker employed the ability. The Evoker is dazed for 1 round after reappearing,
but is healed of all damage (including ability drain or damage), blindness, deafness, disease,
paralysis, or poison. Any equipment worn or carried reforms as well, exactly as they were.
Illusionist- focusing on illusions
Level Special
1 Summon familiar, Scribe Scroll
5 Bonus Feat
7 Pierce illusion
8 Illusion prowess
9 Silent illusion
10 Bonus Feat
11 Extended illusion
12 Illusion mastery
13 Grace of the dark
14 Mime ventriloquist
15 Bonus Feat
20 Bonus Feat

Pierce Illusion (Su): At 7th level, the Illusionist gains the supernatural ability to penetrate
illusions and disguises at will. Whenever an Illusionist sees an illusion or disguise spell of any
sort, he immediately makes a Will save to see through it. The Illusionist need not interact with or
touch the illusion, visual contact is enough to give the Will save.

Illusion Prowess (Su): Starting at 8th level, when casting a spell with the Figment or Phantasm
descriptor, your effective caster level (for purposes of determining level-dependent spell
variables and caster level checks) is increased by two.

Silent Illusion (Ex): After an Illusionist reaches 9th level, all spells from the illusion school that
he casts no longer require a verbal component, as if the Silent Spell feat had been applied to
them. The levels and casting times of these illusion spells don’t change, however. If an Illusionist
casts illusion spells that can’t be affected by the Silent Spell feat (for instance, if the character
casts bard spells), this ability has no effect on those spells.

Extended Illusion (Ex): After an Illusionist reaches 11th level, the duration of any illusion spell
he casts or and spell-like ability from the illusion school that he uses is doubled, as if the Extend
Spell feat had been applied to it. The levels and casting times of these spells and spell-like
abilities don’t change, however. This ability stacks with the effect of the Extend Spell feat, which
still changes the spell’s effective level.
Illusion Mastery (Su): Starting at 12th level, when casting a spell with the Pattern or Glamer
descriptor, your effective caster level (for purposes of determining level-dependent spell
variables and caster level checks) is increased by two.

Grace of the Dark (Ex): Beginning at 13th level, the Illusionist can use the power of his mind to
protect himself. He adds his Intelligence bonus (if any) to all saving throws.

Mime Ventriloquist (Su): Starting at level 14, you can cast any illusion spell as a stilled and
silent spell and eschew the materials (per the Still Spell, Silent Spell, and Eschew Materials
feats) without an increase in caster level or casting time.
Necromancer- focusing on harnessing the undead
Level Special
1 Summon familiar, Scribe Scroll, Desiccating touch
2 Darkvision (60 ft.)
4 Negative energy burst 1/day
5 Bonus Feat
7 Necromantic Prowess +1
8 Deathless vigor
9 Negative energy burst 2/day
10 Bonus Feat, Necromantic Prowess +2
11 Enervating touch (1/2 caster level)
12 Tough as bone
13 Necromantic Prowess +3
14 Negative energy burst 3/day
15 Bonus Feat
16 Deathless Mastery, Necromantic Prowess +4
17 Enervating touch (caster level)
19 Necromantic Prowess +5, Negative energy burst 4/day
20 Bonus Feat

Desiccating Touch (Su): You can drain moisture from a living creature by using a standard
action to make a melee touch attack. This ability deals 1d6 points of desiccation damage, or 1d8
points to plant creatures or elementals with the water subtype. At every odd-numbered level
thereafter, the desiccation damage increases by 1d6 (or 1d8), to a maximum of 10d6 (or 10d8) at
19th level. The touched creature can make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Necromancer level + your
INT modifier) for half damage.

Darkvision (Ex): At 2nd level, the dark begins to lose its mysteries to a Necromancer, who gains
darkvision out to 60 feet. If he already has darkvision, its effective distance increases by 60 feet.

Negative Energy Burst (Su): Beginning at 4th level, a Necromancer gains the ability to emit a
burst of negative energy from his body, harming living creatures within 5 feet of him. This burst
deals 1d4 points of damage per class level. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 his class level +
INT modifier) reduces damage by half. Undead creatures within this burst are healed the same
amount of hit points as the damage he deals to living creatures. A Necromancer can use this
ability once per day at 4th level, and one additional time per day for every five levels he attains
beyond 4th (2/day at 9th level, 3/day at 14th level, and 4/day at 19th level).

Necromantic Prowess (Ex): At 7th level, a Necromancer gains unsurpassed power over death.
When she rebukes undead, casts a necromancy spell, or uses a spell-like ability that mimics a
necromancy spell, her effective caster level is considered higher than it actually is. The bonus is
+1 at 7th level, +2 at 10th level, +3 at 13th level, +4 at 16th level, and +5 at 19th level and higher.

Deathless Vigor (Ex): Beginning at 8th level, a Necromancer’s body becomes more akin to the
undying flesh of his undead associates. The character gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves except
against effects that also work on objects.

Enervating Touch (Su): When a Necromancer reaches 11th level, he gains the ability to bestow
negative levels when he uses his desiccating touch attack. Each day, he can bestow a total
number of negative levels equal to one-half his class level (rounded down), but no more than two
negative levels with a single touch. The saving throw to remove the negative levels has a DC of
10 + 1/2 his class level + his INT modifier. Activating this class feature is a swift action. The
effect lasts until he makes a successful desiccating touch attack. Beginning at 17th level, the
number of negative levels a Necromancer can bestow per day increases to equal his class level.

Tough as Bone (Ex): On reaching 12th level, a Necromancer takes on even more of the qualities
of an undead creature. He becomes immune to disease, nonlethal damage, and stunning.

Deathless Mastery (Ex): On reaching 16th level, a Necromancer gains the virtues of his
deathless arts. His body becomes partly mummified (though he is not truly undead), and he
becomes immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, death effects, critical hits, ability drain, and
energy drain, as well as damage to his physical ability scores (Str, Dex, and Con). He still needs
to breathe, eat, and sleep as normal for his type, and he still ages normally.
Transmuter- focusing on changing form
Level Special
1 Summon familiar, Scribe Scroll
5 Bonus Feat
6 Fortification
7 Extended change
8 Morphic body
9 Force shapechange
10 Bonus Feat, Fortification
11 Effortless change
12 Morphic reach
13 Shapechanger
14 Fortification, Manifest qualities
15 Bonus Feat
18 Morphic immunities
20 Bonus Feat

Fortification (Ex): At 6th level and higher, a Transmuter has resistance to attacks that affect
other living creatures. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the character, there is a
25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and the damage is instead rolled
normally. When a Transmuter reaches 10th level, this ability improves, increasing the chance of
negating a critical hit or sneak attack to 50%. At 14th level, a Transmuter has a 75% chance to
negate a critical hit or sneak attack.

Extended Change (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a Transmuter gains the benefit of the Extend Spell
feat (even if he doesn’t have the feats) on the following spells: alter self, polymorph, polymorph
any object, and shapechange. This benefit does not increase the spell’s level or casting time, or
require any special preparation.

Morphic Body (Su): Starting at 8th level, a Transmuter gains +4 to Strength and +4 to
Constitution when under the effects of polymorph, polymorph any object, or shapechange.

Force Shapechange (Su): A Transmuter of 9th level or higher can force a creature into its
natural form. The Transmuter must make a successful melee touch attack against the creature. If
the attack is successful, the Transmuter makes a caster level check as if casting dispel magic
against the shapechanging effect. This ability undoes the effect of alter self, polymorph,
shapechange, and alternate form abilities, whether exceptional, spell-like, or supernatural in
nature. The affected creature cannot change its shape again for 1d6 rounds. The Transmuter can
use this ability at will.

Effortless Change (Ex): Starting at 11th level, a Transmuter can choose to apply the benefits of
the Still Spell and Silent Spell feats (even if he doesn’t have the feats) to the following spells:
alter self, polymorph, polymorph any object, and shapechange. This benefit does not increase the
spell’s level or casting time, or require any special preparation.

Morphic Reach (Su): Starting at 12th level, a Transmuter gains 5 more feet of reach than the
creature it is emulating with the effects of polymorph, polymorph any object, or shapechange.
Unlike most creatures, Transmuters don’t appear to have a longer reach until they actually use it.

Shapechanger (Ex): A Transmuter acquires the shapechanger subtype at 13th level. He also
gains the ability to remain in an assumed form indefinitely when he casts alter self. This works
exactly like the alter self spell except that the duration is permanent. In other words, a
Transmuter can remain in the form he assumes as long as he wishes, until either he chooses to
dismiss it or the alter self effect is dispelled.

Manifest Qualities (Ex): Starting at 14th level, a Transmuter has all the extraordinary special
qualities of any shape he assumes with alter self, polymorph, polymorph any object, and
shapechange. For example, he could change into a troll to make use of the troll’s regeneration
ability, or take the form of a green hag to gain spell resistance 18.

Morphic Immunities (Ex): Starting at 18th level, a Transmuter becomes immune to stunning
and critical hits while under the effects of polymorph, polymorph any object, or shapechange.

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