Day 2 09-12-2017

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Prakash Raj is much loved by the people of Kerala, not just for his roles in various films but for his strong voice of dissent. As the guest of honour at the opening session of the 22nd International Film Fostival of Kerala (IFFK), he dolivered a fiery speech in which he spoke about an atmosphore of hate that represses critical thinking and creative expression that prevail in the country now. He reminded the packed audience at the Nishaganahi Aualtorium that these are dificult comes to opposing repression. Citing his own oxperionce where he was threatened when he raised his voice, Prakash Raj assorted that if a voice is. silenced, a stronger voice will emerge. As an artist, he said, ho fools responsi- ble, because if the artists are cowards, the socioty would be cowardly too. In a brief speech which received much applause from the audience, Prakash Raj talked about the cancalla- tion of S Durga's censor certificate, and the instances of lynching and burning in Rajasthan, the threat to cut the nose of Padmavati actor At a time whon majoritarian nationalism is spreading its wings even more, Prakash Raj pointed out the distinctivonoss of Malayali, Telugu, Tamil, Bongali and other ragion- al identitios. With his characteristic humour, he also said that he likes tho Way Malayalis fight amongst thom- solves, but cautionad tho Malayalis that they should not lot any oxtornal forces to create fights among thom. Prakash Raj did not forgot to express his love for the pooplo of Korala. Ho said; "Kerala is ono place whore | can breathe without foar’ as “there is no censorship in Kerala. |Muhammed Atzal P | IFF-K INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL GF KERALA ~ DECEMBER 8—15 2017 ‘THIRUVANANTHAPURAM DAILY sdlelens aoe a aqua 80 ol aja, Sateoe rimaaloe acd ayaa Wale Contempora Inemna oe” [Eni Suir sagazes mtamwlegeenme eraimicaarnoaiat meg KERALA gseoarnize. cagtiloa) eoaierdeno20@mlon) metumesgscTesie _ aMIWlaImialaDoO? caleHiOze qheinace aml ansalmvlen} Doe eo saldlezes ainialanaset womaIm saeMbeaane MSO. 94 TEES) dams aids) ogymes malatons mIaMNOD ByMapeTt AyeETD}ES sRAIereoalA MAT! aaa camslengame am mages — aneionm agignize (uWImaaI§ alto sigowedisulad gucjeam [ialatieds aanie ogee! s8gclob ‘Winlaatos aot ager aleoneD eesimcrm SasjoMloadglaled. atm Slates, cae, wnéye, Aa oe]ook AM a2eareen® ageTIa® alnsrszesje, he ehyalates “all oh andes somyRacsne msenze 1226 Gly) sanrgoroe! ‘| INTERNATIONAL [ o; MaMiela - DMM. Der ag MNew2IeF aida] aay (BrealngScy | seo nieomns cAwIMe ayIMaL NsMOI ManImiOeD! Olé ampwjaes ainasd covacdte mieecemagies clings pudm) ayseriucend, mcwrdnd (icinend cebamaznomie: Grecnap cane altho’ mysomlwedded ayOeneT! mani aVigyaysdmIaDaD michad (aieawemgou a@iéme. myOOD pEsluzodl ereiOz sAKeAZe aS aamesiaeMpeoied aledwMe Haley aim ampajo, steel moel-eha, appre mt mimiaagiajas e(piawacars Mecitezaurer “manlnjgal- aclelea a2erd aagnagld amAf mioasefroad ' ape alaznemeyas. Minluicd soawréadlagies avzenze WyeNaYtd waxDIaM OdanempZe oAdacherts ayqyasDnLd gwenalo undila eaogemsjeninge,"sinajanensyes.etielion) | mpamout ABIES EMDHET! PINION alOoomagwassooluldanjan melapyas Masre1e ime emuyanaigena Goal sasenngg9 raemoWadapies aloaldaind Maansjetd, onajariy Merismege af crermaadieg Moreismagye MsMDAMAABIOS [iMENOG apeAM HHBN2eo OalyonoacnsMIao QvenEMIe, mica ap 22uja mV-sQAYIM aDsnimalewrEs| Mo alciomlen ayralah cd SaNOW2ANOOM eMOUJORSOMAD{ 435 oagZaareT cs Maiaas. enlegpoeaudle moisinimenog oyfesim sven! oe wes, eaeaMewTned eysea apéoD wpocia claios sBMianaecho suse mone ‘soled (whens, cesrdomuned Saoshireas Mynions ayséoF infaodsase prwaHlal wenKM eae cm nlayes aid wunmjen penned alloanw “tmoega, emaghggad, cTmaomymMyaaepom —ahwores Sauilgcocinnd asad 2343 esesnrd clésumimarwaiaes inictawoe ‘9 onl} ade aan gm Syarlaytd alls, enracleyet meamrdasladd Tampralagaacarldlocgi amzet{oniert dlereimeres magne) alias ‘mann «gon aliomnsvenes DesiseRiaa Bye emu ot93 soranrieam! allOs ‘sews weM3e ayswongemoweN manlnygAF MYe\Oe DsAg6 (uoiclunms aaigzm slimengzes aa azémrataadTma smonignetls Casianoes agengaviad aDaastMsjeoeslsjQ0 =l\nempoar po alaauie> géoesjoniaidesime, Geinamtaciad sororo.a anglen ¢aguyes afaho Srumensaaa) 9 allot (wndwlelecjm, <2g0,0S care damae ga Pesjsedinc oat allosms Miniaaeiusleng eomatalesyn, » J & = Oa aieighi@ eoguioe, waroe2dlls aowe alszoarine) slyeegz65 (nisBsame DeMraeMleope, cipiatad «G00 MarasicuIes B2moldlenjm 99 aswel 14 allnesgen amudasymel, ajm2e censeamema amzayajas mnimoem msmranasjouym allosrgren) aevanimoanied gemNZE ga arLsfwa2 SadeGatingacione — ailmysarnaae: ees gan? — ancy servant moeHl screasmMsze0I07E8 aAlmeUE agAYaIDIe aGit|ed- Maiaclandd eldgineadaard comjengle mimjasniarnidenye Semaisnaze amanawaszayedd aialg) coats, DzeAURIAB MeAALIM» aaiee agin, claietaEAd MeAlLIMe oath ‘aea] Goad garth jeiars allmernid adoaias mel Orme allege BomaIm aovdaagrnel mle) aawent aneTwanEs ual anny, weieh al amvydoadion} magew apo ast alinengrert ag amd Orajnd allmens amd aqsemgualad De—la! aloo ‘quaned. agdemmdeps madulepraye adm Garglemuzse eaidamaaacia dna ayen0e MileasTl €a02¥ Gey agen alymeragaen’ Dart rdwleoyer ss7oagioe madacflmow Ailaize Melgd semajsamled} earwlaiqjse Silaie aidgl_ oaigzM Marae ‘Wesaenl s9028 oO. SeO3d aeagded cones 113007 ale (uadiaonge myseN), omc, (nord, moped apart eamjengled shold alos ayaa owmaas azsteagnow azMage moles Gat 9991 mdemes ao} maces s2euad GlewyMas Palo’ 2.1507 alle niodtaalonge | 203 senadqead | send" sam mohawhed apenge 62 cociidtane, gatiicloss amvele leaize qyoyniaaier: saa9g miciaages wrawlesiod solic) mpem@adensaisisle). wHoI6 weet sano 903 mimla Wealglsazla) 06 all Sy2007 sabeyo — Gaeh_ ‘menubo) éeomonlg’. mam —waaawszesont Sudala) eons gm miriaew SiGlgf Sal alpord winsom a1e6,089 eT aot cine aaiwag mina Asmieanw éndayeid Maat mime aang miniawlee! alsciul mye RCI gadaods3M, Roa! Sec Gem aanale Maemo, eiBagomazgs, myRiecIowAle clkmge ‘eolicl gaids, aQaes Msi. ls ‘ Mclawiioel Fo2 MaeIMAze MEokMye 29qye euadeA;DS cunssaligane memgaciaicaia 299, agdteamiymeaMansraie Maniotearry Aye amwampOnze alee ayoynioara qlianemaiomienatagm,.| aaron sea micas — aang MimlaeeI0s aamjOUsEAeT 8a) 98a!) aloes MEG AUEIGE caeBe Gharvandlals aormA a21028 Miniae@ ago sym alloeoossla aga enmarel aiden sia] alaa2eTF alsin abemralanze 23m! Yona ~eig6) moalvame Sago mnda afer (uuinemd samt seigaslog) — aamanmaacen adda) eons matey noel oem aiozmey aoe winoMawe BaD AHIR cum} Saisie pm mMclaages aid\me Oem gaqmazazqloym3 agro ©2 Sonisla S2eeMDEeze 06 a1 B18 eMnna.e ale MmESOIG saszamrd sigh socal myonael Gene aanwarD HIgareeTiT SMa [coed Glolasiangenae, KERALA STATE CHALACHITRA ACADEMY Notes on Contemporary INdian CINEMA scrssncrseen India fumes over the hot discussions and conflicts, and there INTERNATIONAL nano wee ‘are several cases in court, on the limils and boundaries to pees a ee CaO freedom of expression in aris and Iterature at present. The film industry at the moment is being attacked continuously on the grounds of religious sentiments from several communal groups. Violent groups and their aggressiveness against ‘Padmava- W'(2017) is developed from rumors and constant false descrip- tions by communal fascists. This proves that our nation shows a tendency to forget the dference between Iiterature/art and histo- ry. Exploiting history and artistic world for current political inter- esis will destroy our cultural existence. ‘Al the current scenario, conducting a film festival which show- ccases films from numerous countries is really challenging. The never-ending conflict between intolerance and art plays a huge role in restricting the freedom of expression. There is a Ist of Indian cinemas which have won over all these hurdles and amuses the audience. Amit V Masurka's ‘Newton'(2017) taks about the exploitation of tribes and dats by politicians, the ignorance of mainstream ‘and elite section of the society, language politics and the corru ‘ed government servants. ‘Newton’ has been selected as India's official entry at the Oscars 2018 too. ‘As per Forbes repor, ‘Secret Superstar (2017) directed by ‘Advait Chandan became one of the year's lop ten highest-gross- ing Bollywood films worldwide. The film tells the story of a teen- ‘ager Indian Muslim girl who aspires to be a singer. But the story of ten-year-old Dhunu from ‘Village Rockstars'(2017) is more significant and revolutionary. Dhunu wants to be a guitarist and she is inspired from intense issues including women-empower- ment and third world poverty. is the second film of Rima Das and she hersell is a superstar by directing, producing, editing land single handedly shooting the whole film. Onn] Ca 2 Kadvi Hawa(2017) directed by Nila Madhab Panda, connects farmers’ suicides with the change in climate and natural disasters. Itis a story of a father who is scared for his son's lfe due to crop failure. The natural disasters, mainly a eyclone acts as the villain in their story. Kachcha Limbu(2017) a Marathi drama directed by Prasad Oak talks aboul the struggles of a couple while taking care of their mentally challenged teenager son Bachchu. The narrative is adapted from Jaywant Dalvis novel Runanubanch and itis also Oak's directorial debut. ‘Nude'(2017) is a movie directed by Ravi Jadhav which portrays the lives of women who perform as nude models for arisis. It is a journey of a woman who seeks a forlune in Mumbai and trios to hide her profession from her son In a rare and unusual act, the Information and Broadcasting Ministry pulled out two films, ‘S Durga’ and ‘Nude’ which were selected by the preliminary selection committee in Interna tional Film Festival of India, held in Goa last month. The resig- nation made by the three jury members against this action is a clear example of injustice and unusual treatment of the central Government towards the artists and art.1 And it has began... ‘The festival paid tribute to the deceased in Ockhi tragedy by lighting candles, the first of which was It by Malayalam actor Rajisha Vijayan. A few moments of silence was observed in the memory of the anes who lost their ives. Festival director Kamal said that the festival could not have been rescheduled, even as the enormity of the tragedy was huge. He thanked the government for allowing the film festival to take place. Bengali actor Madhabi Mukherjee was honoured at the opening session. The actor spoke highly of Kerala and its festival. Enumerating Kerala’s social achievements, she said that though IFFK was a year younger than Kolkata International Film Festival, Kerala's festival was al par of even belter than Calcutta’s. The event saw the release of a book written by Radhika C Nair on the veteran actor. Actor Sheela received a copy of the book from director and actor Aparna Sen, ‘Actor Prakash Raj, who was a guest of honour al the inaugural session, spoke about the importance of dissent especially when it comes to artists. The festival book was released by auteur Adoor Gopalakrishnan and received by Chad cultural minister Mahamat-Saleh Haroun. Filmmaker K P Kumaran released the festival bulletin, handing it over to Jury Chairman Marco Muller. The festival special edition of Chalachitra Academy publi- cation ‘Chalachithra Sameeksha’ was also released at the event. Kamal handed it over to Oscar award winning sound designer Resul Pookutty Festivals artistic director Beena Paul and Academy secretary Mahesh Panju were present, (leks: Kannan Stera,Ratoesh 8 KERALA STATE CHALACHITRA ACADEMY [SA dh FK Contemporary Master Neale elec IFFK has always screened Latin American films with due importance, and long line of viewers stalk these well appreciated packages from those remote lands, ‘Aimadovar’ are household names for regular festival goers. Here is Michel Franco, a young, energetic, well-accomplished director from the same geography, and soon we would got to know him better. He is considered one of the greatest artists presently working in Mexico, and has famously said "The best film is the kind where you see things that are very true, and in which not everything is His movies have ‘estival nplay for ‘Chronic’ (2018), Un Certain Regard for and ‘Aptis Daughter(2017). Tomorrow ‘Aprils Daughter’ is being screened at Now Some names such as ‘Innaritu’ or technology and special effects’ bagged big awards at Cannes Film Ser ‘After Lucia’ (2012) Theatre 1 on 11:45 am, The spirit and texture of themes and expressions of contemporary Malayalam cinema is going through a critical para- digm shift in the recent years. ‘Malayalam Cinema Today’ will showcase selected films from contemporary Malayalam cinema, carefully chosen, considering the aesthetical and conceptual quality and appeal of the films. Many experimental films are being produced from our area and most of them are characterized by the beauty of subllely. Another important change which occurred in recent years is that a special equation has come into being with respect to content and form, so that many films can exist in both commer- cial and parallel spaces in and around cinema Tar Bost This year there are seven feature films in this category which include ‘Angamali Diaries’ (Lio Jose Pelissery/132/2017) ‘Booly And The Witness/Thondimuthalum Driksakshiyum’ —(DileeshPothan/136) 2017), ‘Heart Of A Dog/Nayinte Hridayam’ (Steekishnan Kp/120/2017), ‘LostMara- vifSatish Babusenar/87/2017), Take Off (Mahesh Narayanan/132/2017), “The Black Jew/Karulha Joothan’ (Salimkumar! 120/2016) and ‘The Summer Of Mira- clesiAthisayangalude Venal(Prasanth Vijay/1 16/2017) Let's hope thal these films would make Malayalam cinema deeply proud bringing positive change in ils approach towards cinema. pee wAUig 0 9 SCREENING SCHEDULE pomensce sang nopqsuany sec nda soreoos = = s 2 = = = B Ss & The Insult: A shot to bridge wounds ‘The magnanimity of cinema as an art discovers its place in the eternity of glory, when i converses and finds contentment in the subtleties of human life When cinema portrays Ie in ts absolute demeanor, providing a keen insight into the sophisticated detals of human psyche, itadds a special artistic quality to the medium, cinema itself. The ably to give this kind of an artistic touch to cinema is what makes Ziad Doueir diferent and unique from ether cantemporary flim makers of our time. The strapping thread which nolds cinema and the spectator together is nothing but the mutually complementing comprehension of identty which at times arrives at a realm of harmony where they could afford to enjoy an inseparable, inter-aissolved existence. The insutis certainly such a work of at. "The insult’ takes Us through the poltical catasto- phes and emotional clemmas of a Lebanese Ch's- tian mechani Tony and a Palestinian reugee Yasser when they end up provoking each other and in Violence. This event leads. them to courtroom Confrontations and attracts national attention. Eventu- ally they realize that they both are victims of cruel paltcalintolerances when they bath come to know bout each others past. That realization polically places them in a positon of soidarty in each other's suffering leaving behind the viciousness of intolr- ances Though we can find abit overdone instances in the film with highly dramatic. twists and punch dialogues, the overall upshot it creates is. very creative, especially when itis the opening ‘film of 20nd IFEK, as our current poltical and social scenar- io is real chaos with intolerances in terms of caste gender, race ete. The admirable part o this fm ists philosophy of concern deeply rooted in an under standing that victimhood should make us feel more compassionate to the people around us and in th sense The ns is an atempt to bidge the wounds | between vietims. Programmes Today 6:00PM Sree Theatre Inconversation PAVE Nila Theatre Technical Workshop JERCaM Hotel Hycinth e Ziad Doueiri (born in 1968) a LLebanese-born cinematographer, film dector and writer. He Is bes known for his award winning. fhm West Bevut. At the age of 18, dating the Lebanese chil wat, Ziad leaves Lebanon to study in tre US. He now Ives in France and works 1m Europe and the US, Dovel ist gained hati trom his work under Quentin Taranino as camera assistant fo movies that include Jackie Brown {fm}, From Dusk Til Dawn, Pulp Frtion, and Reserwor Dogs. Soue worked peween Los Angeles and Betrut url not long atter September 11, 2011, after which he returned to work tam Berut, Pe INTERNATIONAL, FILM FESTIVAL OF KERALA 2017 DAILY Kamal DO Cs Gourisasan Nair © snonan © Aemachandren GP adh Jarareanan PETIT shal Stitesn uP Thadevoos Gonsalves Anick Nama Shara € Chandran far Neelagrt Eireesh daairienran daysloce Rabe SUuheer Parameswaran ni Seam Sina Koboyae Mahesh Panenu EMI ujeeb Madaihil oe bu Thamas ble! Gara) artmakar Sudha KF Asha Loseph Santnosh Kumar K ¢ ieane Near ava U Nasrin Sindh gpoean ‘eal Mundol roo Sanju P 8 OT ‘Aghareh Malay GIOnnnG Kannan Sreerag Shifeer Beeneer Santhosh Kumar KS EON ‘Akshara Offset = TWM Pn

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