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On 20 December 2013, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly proclaimed 2015 as
the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies. It is a global initiative to
highlight the importance of light and optical technologies for people and society.

A Peep into History associated with light. The early Greek

The journey of light dates back to philosophers held different beliefs about
antiquity. Our journey of the optics light.
knowledge spiral may begin through Pythagoras (582-500 BC) thought
simple, light hearted queries like what of light as particles that produce the

W E see light and we see through

light every day, everywhere. Over
the years, scientists researching in optics
is light and wondering how various
phenomena in nature involving light
occur such as sunrise and sunset, blues of
sensation of vision upon entering
the eye. Plato (427-347 BC), on the
other hand, supposed that vision
– the science of light – have amassed a sky and sea, rainbow, and the remarkable was produced by rays of light that
repository of knowledge, thanks to their range of colors of plants and animals. It originate in the eye and then strike the
myriad discoveries, which have provided is estimated that since about 4.5 billion object being viewed. Aristotle (384-322
us an insight into the enigma that is years the sun has been constantly lighting BC) considered light in the form of waves
light. This quest to unravel the enigma our earth by converting mass into energy. and Euclid (320-275 BC) postulated that
can be depicted in the form of an ‘optics Life is believed to have originated by light rays travel in a straight line and
knowledge spiral’ shown on the next page. cyanobacteria in ocean because of light applied the knowledge of geometry to
As we travel along the depth (height) by the process of photosynthesis about 2 study paths of light. Hero of Alexandria
of this spiral we unravel the nature of billion years ago. (150 BC) is often credited with
light through various theoretical models Our effort to understand the ‘nature discovering the properties of reflection of
and experimental discoveries. As we of light’ and ‘light in nature’ leads us to light whereas Claudius Ptolemy (100-170
travel along the breadth of the spiral, we the historical evolution of optics dealing AD) performed elaborate experiments to
appreciate how the knowledge at that with aspects like origin and propagation measure the bending of a light beam as it
depth is useful to us in several ways. of light and effects and phenomena passed from air into water or glass.

This theory assumes light to consist of
OPTICS KNOWLEDGE SPIRAL particles that travel in straight lines and
produce the sensation of vision upon
falling on the eye. Newton’s theory failed
because it could not explain anything
beyond reflection and some aspects
Frontier Frontier of refraction of light. Newton’s theory
areas of optics applications of predicted that light should travel faster
optics in denser media which was found to be
Advanced against the experimental observation of
applications of Laser optics, Focault in 1850 who found the speed of
quantum optics Fibre optics light in water to be lesser than its speed
in air.
Quantum optics Advanced applications
of wave optics
Light as Rays
Optics since the time of the Greeks up
Applications of wave optics
Wave optics to the end of the 18th century was based
mainly on the assumption that light
Geometrical optics and consists of rays that obey the geometrical
applications laws of reflection and refraction and
thus came to be known as ray optics or
geometrical optics. It dealt mainly with
Optics in Nature Evolution of optics the effect of instruments such as prisms,
lenses and mirrors on the paths traced
by light rays. Theory and applications of
What is light?
geometrical optics thus constituted the
depth and breadth of the optics knowledge
spiral till this time. The breadth kept
expanding with aims of improving the
In the medieval period, Ibn al- followed by the use of primitive lamps fidelity of images produced by the optical
Haytham or Alhazan (965-1039), an made from natural sources like rocks and instruments.
Arabian scientist, developed the theory shells by prehistoric humans. Fireflies The first microscope was developed
of optics and published a seven-volume have also been used for illumination in around 1595 by the Dutch eyeglass
treatise, ‘Kitab al-Manazir’ (Book of Optics) the West Indian Islands and Japan. The makers, Hans Lippershey, Hans Janssen
that dealt with refraction and dispersion invention of the candle dates back to and his son, Zacharias. The earliest
of light, the nature of vision, shadows, about 400 A.D. known telescopes were developed in
rainbows and eclipses. Leonardo da Vinci Another application of light relates 1608 in Netherlands by Hans Lippershey,
(1452-1519) also investigated the nature to controlling light using glass. This Zacharias Janssen and Jacob Metius.
of light and studied reflection, refraction unites the knowledge of light with the Galileo (beginning of 17th century)
and anatomy of the human eye. knowledge of glass. The oldest types and Kepler (1610) made pioneering
In 1554, Franciscus Maurolycus wrote of glass are based on silica, the primary contributions to the refinement of a
the book, ‘Light on the Subject of Light’. In constituent of sand. As mirrors and telescope. The bifocals were developed by
1621, Willebrod Snell, a Dutch physicist, lenses, glass can divert light and magnify Benjamin Franklin, an American scientist,
derived a relation between the angle of images. Assyrian lenses, dated as early in 1784. The pioneering research of
incidence and the angle of refraction for a as 700 BC, are the earliest known lenses Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch microscopist who
ray of light moving from one medium to made from quartz. The confluence of developed the theory of aberration-free
another. In 1637, Rene Descartes, a French these two worlds led to development lenses by about 1830, led to improvement
scientist, published ‘Les Meteores’ in which of several instruments such as camera in magnification of lenses. By the end of
he offered an explanation of the rainbow (Mozi, a Chinese philosopher, 400 BC and the 19th century microscopes with large
by using geometric construction and the Alhazan), magnifying glass, eyeglasses, magnifying power were available.
law of refraction. He also discovered the concave and convex lenses [Roger Bacon Camera was improved through the
fundamental law of reflection that the (1214-1294)]. pioneering work of Joseph-Nicephore
angle of incidence is equal to the angle of In the 18th century several physicists, Niepce and Louis Jacques Mande
reflection. including Newton, studied light. In Daguerre of France (1820-30). The word
This early understanding of light had Newton’s time (1642-1727) almost all the ‘photography’ was coined by Sir John
corresponding applications in different scientists enquired into the nature of light. Herschel in 1839 and in 1847 Claude
times. The simplest application of light Newton himself devoted considerable Niepce invented the photographic glass
is lighting. Fire constituted early man’s time to the study of light and proposed plate. In 1888, Eastman coined the word
first use of artificial lighting in the form the corpuscular theory of light in his ‘Kodak’ and started marketing a hand-
of flaming torch and campfire. It was famous book, Optiks, published in 1704. held camera, using his new film. In 1861,


Pioneers of Ray Optics

Euclid Hero of Alexandria Claudius Ptolemy Alhazan

Leonardo da Vinci Willebrord Snell Rene Descartes Isaac Newton

Pioneers of Wave Optics

Knowledge of geometrical
optics helped in improving
the fidelity of images
produced by the optical
Christiaan Huygens James Maxwell Thomas Young Augustin-Jean Fresnel instruments
the Scottish physicist, James Maxwell that light is not only a wave but that it is theory for his valuable contribution to
demonstrated the first color photographs. a transverse, electromagnetic wave (wave this field.
The development of zoom lens and of oscillating electric and magnetic fields) In 1802, Young proposed the
telephoto lens helped to refine the design which can travel through vacuum. superposition principle, which forms
and performance of the camera. Using the equations of the conceptual basis for explanation of
By the 20th century a variety of electromagnetism Maxwell obtained the properties of light such as interference,
cameras for specific purposes such as theoretical value of speed of light that was diffraction and polarisation. Superposition
aerial photography, document copying, in close agreement with the experimental of light waves leads to many beautiful
movie, TV and video were developed. value measured by Fizeau. Coincidence patterns of different light intensities.
In addition to these many other optical of these two numbers is considered to be a Optics based on the assumption of light
instruments such as tracking instruments, major milestone in the history of physics. as waves came to be known as wave optics.
gunsights, periscopes and rangefinders Maxwell exclaimed after his discovery: It deals with phenomena involving light
have been developed for different uses. “Let there be electricity and magnetism, interacting with dimensions of the order of
Today geometrical optics has been and there is light!” its wavelength. Theory and applications of
relegated to background due to further Thomas Young, an English physician wave optics mainly constituted the depth
developments in our understanding who researched on the human eye and and breadth of the optics knowledge spiral
of light. However, its importance as a Augustin Fresnel, an engineer of bridges in the 19th century. Theory concerned
tool in solving practical problems is still and roads for the French government, with the study of the patterns formed
unabated. provided strong experimental proofs due to interference, diffraction and
in support of the wave theory by polarisation and applications were based
Light as Waves demonstrating interference of light on the use of this knowledge. Thus the
In 1678, a Dutch physicist, Christian waves. Young demonstrated it using light sciences of interferometry, diffractometry
Huygens, suggested the wave theory of coming out of two pinholes in 1801 and and polarimetry enriched the depth,
light, which assumes light to be a wave, Fresnel did it using a biprism in 1814. and applications of interferometric,
similar to a water wave or a sound wave. Young reported the first experimental diffractometric and polarimetric
This theory was highly successful due determination of the wavelength of techniques (using instruments such as
to its close agreement with experiments. light that agrees well with that obtained interferometers, diffractometers and
The Wave Theory was substantiated in using today’s sophisticated instruments. polarimeters) augmented the breadth of
1873 by James Maxwell who propounded He is called the founder of wave the spiral.


Concepts Applications

Interference Interference studies are useful in several applications such as reducing or enhancing the
Interference means redistribution of light intensity reflection of light from glass using films called anti-reflection/high reflection films, testing how
due to superposition of two or more light waves. flat or spherical a particular glass surface is and determination of properties like refractive
Interference pattern thus consists of bright and index and elastic constant of different media. Interferometric techniques also find applications
dark fringes. In a typical interferometric setup the in measurement of the diameters of stars, study of the hyperfine structure of spectral lines,
light beam is first divided and then reunited with study of transparent or reflecting specimens using interference microscopes and detection of
some path difference to form such a pattern. The minute variations in the surface finish of videotapes, photographic films, computer discs and ball
fringe pattern so formed thus contains information bearings. Sophisticated techniques like ‘computer analysed optical interferometry’ have been
about the source of light and geometry of the film in developed that can detect variations in the surface texture of the order of few A° (A° means
which interference takes place. angstrom, the unit of wavelength equivalent to 100 millionth part of a centimeter).

Diffraction A grating diffracts different wavelengths along different directions – a property useful for
Diffraction means bending of light round sharp determination of unknown wavelength and as a wavelength separator or a monochromator.
obstacles. The diffraction pattern produced Diffraction of light by gratings motivated studies of diffraction of x-rays by crystals that led to the
by an obstacle contains information about the development of x-ray crystallography, a technique that has been used to map many complex
characteristics of the light used and of the diffracting structures in the last century. Diffraction studies are also useful for measurement of stellar data
obstacle. Grating (an arrangement formed by ruling and elastic properties of liquids. One of the interesting outcomes of diffraction studies was
a large number of lines on a small glass plate so a deeper insight into the concept of resolution. It provided a clue that resolving power of an
that the separation between adjacent lines is of the instrument can be enhanced by reducing the wavelength of the probing waves – a clue that gave
order of wavelength of light) became popular for a lot of impetus to the progress in the field of microscopy. It can be said that had diffraction not
diffraction studies. been discovered and subsequently researched into we would not have known about anything
smaller than the wavelength of light!

Polarisers are used in applications such as aeroplane windows, automobile headlights, visors,
camera filters, laser windows, anti-glare sunglasses and stereoscopic (three-dimensional)
Polarized light is a special type of light – one in viewing. Polariscope, which uses two polarisers in tandem, is used in viewing of colourless
which the electric field is confined to a single plane objects. Polarisation studies have revealed structures ranging from a galaxy (~ 1020 meters)
as compared to ordinary light, which has field in
to a nucleus (~10-14 meter). That the Saturn rings are made of ice crystals is borne out by
all possible random orientations. That the state of
polarisation studies. Photoelasticity, a field of paramount importance in civil and mechanical
polarisation of the light coming from a particular
engineering, is used to check and optimise the designs of structures by simulating the stress
object is decided by the nature of that object is the
distribution in transparent plastic models of these structures under application of a load.
basis of the spectroscopic investigation of matter
Photoelastic techniques enable engineers to ‘see’ stress in components such as gears, turbine
based on polarisation. Research into how a desired
blades, windshields, etc. An instrument called polarimeter is used in industries for measuring
polarisation can be achieved artificially led to the
the concentration of optically active substances. For example, saccharimeters are used in
discovery of a large number of phenomena that
sugar industries for determination of sugar concentrations and urinalysis tubes are used in
include optical activity (rotation of the plane of
pathology laboratories for detecting the sugar concentration in urine specimens. One of the most
polarisation) and photoelastic effect.
remarkable applications of optical activity is in the liquid crystal display (LCD). LCD devices find
wide applications in electronic and computer industry and in medical diagnostics.

Optics based on the assumption of light as waves came to be known as

wave optics.
The first interferometer was Polarization was discovered by Light as Quanta
developed in 1881 by A.A. Michelson, Huygens in 1678 and by Etienne Malus, The spectacular success of wave theory
an American physicist who fetched the a French military engineer, in 1808. made scientists believe in the wave nature
first Nobel Prize in Science for America Nicol prism, one of the most renowned of light till the end of the nineteenth
in 1907 for his researches on light. After polarisers based on the phenomenon of century. But the citadel of wave theory
this several new and elegant designs double refraction was built in 1828 by the started showing cracks in the beginning
of interferometers were developed. Scottish physicist, William Nicol. of the twentieth century.
Diffraction was discovered by the Italian Experimental observations of black-
In 1932, Edwin Land, an American
physicist, Francesco Grimaldi, in 1665. body radiation, photoelectric effect
inventor, developed a polariser that could
Special devices called gratings were
conveniently produce polarized light and line spectra could not be explained
developed by David Rittenhouse in
from ordinary light. Table 1 shows the by the wave theory and necessitated a
1787, Joseph von Fraunhofer in 1821 and
basic concepts of interference, diffraction fresh approach to the understanding of
Rowland in 1882 to study the diffraction
and polarisation and their corresponding the physical nature of light. Max Planck
of light in a laboratory.
applications. (1900), Albert Einstein (1905) and Niels


Pioneers of Quantum Optics A
• Photocells are used i) to measure a
definite fixed amount of illuminaƟon,
e.g., in photometry and colorimetry; ii) to
reproduce rapid variaƟons in light intensity,
e.g., in sound track of a moƟon picture film
or in scanning in TV tube, and iii) to detect
a definite large change in light intensity,
e.g., in ON-OFF switches, electric eye.
• PhotomulƟplier tube is used to measure
very weak light intensiƟes as in nuclear-
Max Planck Albert Einstein Niels Bohr radiaƟon, television pickup devices many
industrial processes.
• Photoelectric cells are used in systems
Theodore Maiman
such as perimeter guard systems to sense
developed the first
and control the movement of objects or
operational laser
intruders. They are also used in xerography
and systems that read coded or printed
informaƟon on data cards and packages.
PhotoconducƟvity is also used to examine
the perfecƟon of the interiors of large
crystals of silicon. Silicon absorbs the
visible light but transmits the IR radiaƟon.
Thus, radiaƟon of variable frequency is
incident on a simple and transmiƩed
radiaƟon detected by a detector providing
informaƟon about the interior of the
Bohr (1913) pioneered this effort and with the extent of their illumination they • Solar cells are used as voltage sources. A
offered successful explanations of these are also referred to as photoresistors or large number of cells connected in series
effects using a new theory – the quantum light dependent resistors (LDR); e.g., or parallel forms a solar panel. Solar panels
theory of light, which assumes light to photoelectric cells] and photovoltaic are used as sources of power in satellites,
be made of quantized bundles of energy effect (generation of voltage due to spacecraŌs and in large number of solar
called photons. absorption of light near a p-n junction devices. Photodiodes and phototransistors
This theory gave birth to quantum diode, e.g., solar cells, photodiodes and are widely used in optoelectronic devices.
optics – the study of the nature and effects of phototransistors). For example, arrays of photodiodes,
light as photons – a field of research that uses The crowning glory of quantum fabricated using modern IC techniques can
quantum theory to investigate interaction optics was the discovery and development be used to read printed informaƟon.
of light and matter at submicroscopic level. of laser (light amplification by stimulated
• Photo devices also find wide applicaƟons
The theory and applications of quantum emission of radiation). The story of the
as sensors. Photoelectric sensors are used
optics mainly constituted the depth and development of lasers is the story of
for sensing the presence, checking the
breadth of the optics knowledge spiral in physicists’ pursuits towards ‘purifying’
posiƟon or counƟng any target material.
the 20th century. Research in quantum and ‘strengthening’ light. Natural light
They are widely used in industrial and
optics enriched the depth and applications is unpolarised, incoherent, divergent and
machine tool applicaƟons and for
of this knowledge augmented the breadth weak. Thus, research efforts aimed at
personnel safeguarding around hazardous
of the spiral. obtaining light that is polarised, coherent,
Research into photoelectric effect convergent and intense.
brought forth knowledge that aided Einstein provided a breakthrough in the fabrication of a real laser it took
the development of a large number in the thinking in this direction when 43 years before the first operational laser
of devices called photo devices. Their he suggested a new insight into the source could see the light of the day
basis is categorized as photoemissive mechanism of emission of light. In 1917, in 1960 when it was developed by an
effect (ejection of electrons from the Einstein made a theoretical speculation American physicist, Theodore Maiman.
surface of a photosensitive metal; e.g., that much intense and coherent light can Optics before the advent of the laser
photocells and photomultiplier tubes), be obtained if the emission process can is often called incoherent optics; the age of
photoconductive (or photoresistive) be stimulated instead of allowing it to laser is the age of coherent optics.
effect [generation of free charge carriers take place spontaneously as in the case Just as the discovery of transistor
inside a photosensitive semiconductor; of ordinary light. However, due to the in 1947 gave birth to electronics that
as resistance of photoconductor changes enormous practical difficulties involved dominated the 20th century, the discovery


Photonics is at the base of technologies of daily life like
smartphones, laptops, and medical instruments

Serge Haroche and David Wineland

Optics before the advent of the laser is often called incoherent
of laser is at the base of photonics, the
optics; the age of laser is the age of coherent optics
science and technology of generating,
controlling, and detecting photons, which wave? Or is it a particle? The answer was: voltage through which these particles are
promises to dominate the 21st century. it is both. accelerated the resolving power could be
Interestingly both these discoveries are Bohr proposed a complementarity improved drastically. This culminated
based on the quantum theory. Photonics is principle according to which the wave in the development of an ‘electron
at the base of technologies of daily life like and the particle nature of radiation microscope’ in 1932. In 1981, Gerd Binnig
smartphones, laptops, Internet, medical complement rather than contradict each and Heinrich Rohrer developed the
instruments and lighting technology. The other. This reconciliation came to be scanning tunnelling microscope (STM)
smartphones that are commonplace today known as the wave-particle dualism of that can achieve resolution comparable to
are advanced photonic devices which radiation. Light behaves like a wave in an atomic size.
handle both imaging and communication phenomena like interference, diffraction
technologies. and polarisation and as a particle in Light as a Lighting Source
The 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics others like photoelectric effect and black From fire, the earliest form of artificial
was awarded to David Wineland, an body radiation. lighting, to the modern light emitting
American physicist and Serge Haroche, The wave-particle dualism of diode (LED) lights, there have been
a French physicist, for their work based radiation titillated the curiosity of a several improvements in our use of light
on quantum optics. They “independently young, brilliant French physicist, Louis as a source of lighting. Light sources are
invented and developed methods for de Broglie, who asked: if light, which was historically divided into incandescent and
measuring and manipulating individual assumed to be a wave for the last two luminescent.
particles while preserving their quantum- centuries, could behave like a particle, An incandescent source based on
mechanical nature, in ways that were then why matter that was assumed as a the thermionic heating of the filament in
previously thought unattainable”. Their particle could not have a wave nature? the evacuated glass bulb was invented
work led to the development of one of the Taking cue from the inherent symmetry by Edison in 1879. Edison gave the first
most precise clocks ever made, and could and simplicity of nature de Broglie public demonstration of his invention
mark the first steps toward building a extended the idea of wave-particle at Menlo Park, New Jersey on New
quantum computer, which would use tiny dualism of light to matter. He proposed Year’s Eve, December 31, 1879 by using
quantum systems to make calculations the revolutionary idea of ‘matter waves’ about 100 lamps to light the streets, the
much quicker than normal computers. in 1924 in his doctoral thesis. His bold laboratory, and the station at Menlo Park.
suggestion was proved experimentally
A luminescent source emits light not
Light as Wave-Particle in 1927 when Davisson and Germer
through heating but by other means such as
The success of the wave theory in demonstrated the wave nature of
chemical reactions (chemiluminescence),
explaining some of the properties of electrons.
biochemical reactions (bioluminescence)
light and the success of quantum theory The discovery of matter waves or passing electric current through a
in explaining some others led to an opened up new vistas in the fields of substance (electroluminescence).
intriguing question: What is light? Is it a microscopy. According to the wave
Fluorescence is emission caused by
theory, resolving power of a microscope is
absorption of electromagnetic radiation,
inversely proportional to the wavelength
mostly high frequency radiation like UV.
used. The resolving power achievable
A fluorescent lamp is based on the use
with optical microscopes was thus limited
of fluorescent powders in a low pressure
by the wavelength of visible light. De
gas discharge tube which are activated
Broglie’s theory offered an innovative
by ultraviolet energy generated by a
solution to overcome this limitation. It
mercury arc. These sources thus give a
suggested the use of microparticles as
‘cooler’ light compared to that from an
waves! As the wavelength of these waves
incandescent source.
could be decreased by increasing the
The phenomenon of electro-
Optical Microscope and Scanning Electron luminescence discovered in 1907 by
Microscope the British experimenter, H.J. Round of


Year Improvement
1898 Neon (the best known of the inert gases) discovered
1901 First high intensity discharge lamp (mercury lamp) introduced.
1907 First tungsten filament lamps used
1937 Fluorescent lamp first introduced to the public at New York World’s Fair
1962 First visible-spectrum (red) LED developed
1968 Visible LEDs mass-produced by the Monsanto Company and introduced by
Hewlett Packard
1972 First yellow and first blue-violet LED developed
1993 High-brightness blue LEDs demonstrated by Shuji Nakamura of Nichia Corporation
Thomas Edison and his first 1994 Sulfur lamp developed by Fusion Lighting (USA), with support from U.S.
successful light bulb model Department of Energy

Marconi Labs, was ingeniously used by which has enabled bright and energy- muscles control the thickness of the lens
Oleg Losev (1927), James Biard (1961) and saving white light sources”. thus adjusting its focal length. The retina
Nick Holonyak (1962) in the invention In large scientific research facilities contains rods and cones – photoreceptors
of LED, a new source of lighting for the such as synchrotrons and free electron that are stimulated by light. They generate
modern world. lasers the particle accelerators create light nerve impulses that travel along the optic
of an enormous intensity that can be used nerves to the visual cortex of the brain
An LED is a semiconductor device
to undertake systematic investigations where the image is perceived.
(basically a p-n junction diode operated
in a forward bias mode) which emits light of the atomic and molecular detail of the One of the most mysterious aspects
when current is passed through it. LEDs world around us. Today there are more of light that captured the imagination of
are being increasingly used as lighting than 60 such advanced machines around many geniuses is its speed. It changed the
sources in such diverse applications the world that are being used for scientific fate of many theories. Newton’s theory
as general lighting, display lighting, research. failed due to speed, Maxwell’s theory
aviation lighting, stage lighting and triumphed due to speed and Einstein’s
medical lighting due to advantages of Light as a Mystery theory is totally based on speed!
smaller size, lower energy consumption, Though our faculties for perception of In 1905, Einstein based his special
longer lifetime, more robustness and light are highly evolved we can see only a theory of relativity on the postulate that
faster switching. very narrow range of the electromagnetic the speed of light is invariant, i.e., it is
On October 7, 2014, Japanese spectrum from 4000 A° to 7000 A°. Our the same for everyone irrespective of
scientists, Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano eyes function like a sophisticated camera. one’s state of motion and nothing in the
and Shuji Nakamura were awarded the The iris controls the amount of light universe travels faster than the speed
Nobel Prize in physics for “the invention entering the eye. Cornea and lens refract of light. In 1915, he showed using his
of efficient blue light-emitting diodes light rays to focus on the retina. Ciliary general theory of relativity how light was
at the center of the very structure of space
From left: Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi and time.
Amano and Shuji Nakamura In 1983, the speed was precisely
determined as 299792458 m/s by
They invented blue light-
virtue of redefining the metre by the
emitting diodes which
International System of Units (SI) as the
enabled bright and energy-
distance travelled by light in vacuum in
saving white light sources
1/299,792,458 of a second. Thus, light
travels about 9 lakh, 10 thousand times
Bioluminescent fungus Chemiluminescent Luminol
Some common electric lamps and firefly and haemoglobin Electroluminescent LEDs


Extreme left: A Helium capacity, more speed and more clarity
Neon Laser of communication increases, driven
Left: An optical Fibre mainly by the phenomenal growth of the
Internet, we are becoming increasingly
Optical fibres are dependent on fibre optic technologies. We
thinner than hair are slowly moving from a wired society
tubular structures into a fibered society.
that can carry light The optics knowledge spiral widens
from one place to and deepens further as we reach frontier
another as light pipes areas such as holography (a technique
or light guides. which enables three dimensional
faster than sound and about 1 crore, 8 cavity (made by a partially reflecting imaging), quantum information theory (a
lakh times faster than a train running mirror optically parallel to a completely theory based on quantum information –
at a speed of 100 kilometres per hour! It reflecting mirror), as waves in achieving the physical information held in the state
covers a distance of about one foot in 1 amplification by forming standing wave of a quantum system), quantum dots
nanosecond and takes about 2.5 million patterns in the resonant cavity and as (semiconductor nanocrystals that possess
years to reach from the Andromeda photons in achieving stimulated emission unique optical properties), optical traps
galaxy, our nearest galaxy, to earth. In through desired quantum transitions. and optical tweezers (tightly focused laser
1964, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, As we further our journey of beam that holds microscopic particles
scientists at the Bell-Labs, discovered the optics knowledge spiral we can stable in three dimensions), Bose-Einstein
the Cosmic Microwave Background, the appreciate the complex unity of light in condensates [a new form of matter
oldest light in the universe that can be several recent advancements such as laser formed by trapping of atoms so that they
received today in the form of microwaves optics and fibre optics. The combination are slowed and made to have the same
that have been traveling for over 13 billion of lasers and fibres finds place in the energy level (coherent matter)], atom
years. United States National Academy’s list of optics (area dealing with beams of cold,
Another enigmatic aspect is the twenty most important engineering slowly moving neutral atoms, as a special
colour. The process by which a human developments of the twentieth century. case of a particle beam), photonic logic
brain perceives colour is a mystery Laser was described as a solution (use of photons in logic gates), optical
not properly understood. It is decided looking for a problem by Theodore computing (computing using photons for
by both the physics of the object in its Maiman because of its extraordinary computation), and so on.
environment (absorption, reflection and properties. It is evident today as lasers Light plays a vital role in almost all
emission of light) and the characteristics pervade virtually every sphere of spheres of modern life. Apart from the
of the perceiving eye and brain (spectral human activity from scanning items scientific and technological aspects, light
sensitivities of the light receptors). at a grocery shop using barcode to has also played a crucial role in art as is
Some colours like the colours of lidars (light detection and ranging) that evident in paintings all over the world
peacock’s feathers, called structural colors, measure distant locations, from laser that show the aesthetic use of light and
are caused by interference effects rather printers to industrial drilling, cutting shades. Today artists and architects are
than by pigments. This phenomenon, also and welding, from compact discs to increasingly using lighting technologies
called iridescence, is studied as a part of surgical applications, from automated to enhance the aesthetics of their work.
the field called thin-film optics. Newton cloth cutting to optical communication Light has also been synonymous with
performed his famous prism experiment and from entertainment lighting to knowledge and wisdom in all cultures
in 1666 and recorded the spectrum of production of high temperatures in fusion of the world. Alexander Pope honoured
sunlight containing all the seven colors. reactors. Lasers are used for precision Newton’s work in his verse, “Nature and
Later it was found that sunlight contains long distance measurement due to their Nature’s laws lay hid in Night: God said,
not just seven colors. Aubert estimated high degree of coherence. The distance Let Newton be, and all was Light.” Pandit
about 1000 distinguishable hues in 1865 between moon and earth was measured Nehru paid homage to Mahatma Gandhi
and Root found about 2 million tints and using a laser beam by the astronauts of in the words, “The light has gone out of
shades in the solar spectrum in 1881. Apollo mission to a probable error of less our lives.” Pope John Paul II remarked on
than 10 cm! his visit to Raj Ghat, “… the light is still
Fusion of Confusions: Light is All Optical fibres are thinner than hair shining, and the heritage of Mahatma
What is light? Is it a ray, a wave or a tubular structures that can carry light Gandhi speaks to us still.”
particle? A fusion of confusions – it is from one place to another as light pipes
all these together. The eye provides an or light guides. Fibre optic techniques
excellent example of this complex unity are used by engineers to communicate Dr. Sanjay D. Jain is Coordinator, Physics
where the gathering and focusing of light telephone and data signals and by doctors Knowledge Center, Priyadarshini Institute of
is understood in terms of rays and waves to view internal organs (endoscopy). The Engineering and Technology, Hingna road,
and the absorption of light by rods and invention of modern fiber optics is credited Nagpur-19: Email:
cones is understood in terms of photons. to Kapany (British) and Brian O’Brien Dr. Vivek M. Nanoti is Principal, Priyadarshini
Another example is laser in which light is Sr. at the American Optical Company in Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hingna
treated as rays in the design of resonant America in 1955. As the demand for more road, Nagpur-19; Email:


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