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Rinku - Stripped on the street (Part 1)

"Rinku, we will really torture your beloved brother if you don’t get
us the money immediately". The four guys holding Rinku's brother
told her. "No, don’t hurt him, I will get the money". As she was
about to turn one of the kidnappers said, "we have a condition
Rinku darling". "What condition?" asked Rinku. The four guys
looked at each other with lusty eyes & said, "we want you to go
walking to his house to get the money & come back walking".
Rinku nodded her pretty head & said "I will walk". The guys could
hardly hide their glee as one of them said "yes Rinku, you will
have to walk, but you will have to walk naked, absolutely nude".
NO!" screamed Rinku. Just then one guy put his hand through her
waist & drew her slim body close to his & whispered in her ear "
no Rinku don’t remove your clothes & walk". Relieved Rinku
turned towards him. As soon as she turned he gave her kiss on
her cheek & said "I have a better idea, why don’t you remove your
clothes as you walk, a strip tease on the road. Also Rinku, take
the market road, its longer & there will be more people to admire
your beauty". Tears were running down Rinku's fair cheeks but
she couldn’t protest. Her brother was held by three well built men
while the boss who was ordering them & her was the son of the
local politician whom even the police feared.
Rinku was wearing a shimmering white sari, which made her look
very beautiful. Rinku was a fair & beautiful girl with a great figure
& shoulder length brown hair. It was this figure & face that had
landed her into this trouble.
A horrible groan from her tied up brother brought her back to
reality. She realized that the market road would very crowded this
afternoon & that the road would take her at least 45 minutes one
Walking naked for 1 hour 30 minutes in broad daylight was worse
than her worst nightmare.
But walk she had to as these people were capable of anything.
The gangsters followed in an open jeep & on bikes. Her brother
was left behind tied upside down in the warehouse.
As Rinku began to walk, the boss said "when you return from the
house, I want you to do one more thing, I want you to have a bath
on the street in front of all the people." Rinku had gone numb,
even her tears had dried out. "Start you beautiful bitch" she was
ordered & with that began Rinku's ordeal.
Rinku stepped out of the warehouse into the sunshine. As she
came out onto the street, the boss brought the jeep close to her,
he fondled & pinched her bum & said "begin to strip slow &
steady, you should remove your bra & panties once you get to the
As Rinku didn’t begin to strip, he said " you better begin bitch or I
will get someone not only to strip you but also fuck you in the
middle of the road."
With a sob Rinku nodded yes. She turned onto the main street &
dropped her pallu from her shoulder letting it fall from her waist,
where the sari was tied around. . As the pallu fell, it also exposed
her deep navel & slim waist. Her fair skin glistened in the
afternoon sun. The guys around her were moaning & grunting,
asking Rinku to show more. "Untie your hair bitch" the leader
ordered. Rinku removed the hair clip & her soft brown hair fell
onto her shoulders. It danced around her face in the breeze.
Rinku continued walking with her pallu off her shoulders, her
white blouse shimmering through which her bra line was just
visible. Although she tried not to think of it, Rinku knew that the
eyes of every man on the road were turned towards her & that
each of the men was already stripping her naked & fucking her in
his imagination.
Rinku was jerked back to reality as the leader again brought his
jeep close to her & grabbed her by her hair & said, "do you need
our help to remove your clothes, bitch? Make sure you remove
your sari at the next junction". With that he pushed Rinku towards
the edge of the footpath.
Very soon the junction was in sight, Rinku knew she was helpless.
She began unwrapping her sari slowly.
Rinku took her pallu, which was dragging alongside her & pushed
it behind her. The first fold of her sari was undone. Another few
steps & another fold was removed. Soon only the last bit of her
sari remained tucked into her petticoat at her waist. Rinku's
shimmering white sari dragged behind her like stream of water.
Just before she reached the junction, she broke down in tears as
she saw her life being destroyed in front of her. Tears flowed
uncontrollably from Rinku's eyes & she sank onto her knees
sobbing. One of the gang came close to her on his bike &
grabbed Rinku's arm & pulled her to her feet. Rinku felt him move
his hand along her bare midriff & upwards onto her breasts. Rinku
pulled away mutely & began walking. At the junction Rinku tugged
& pulled free the last bit of her sari & let it fall to the ground. She
walked on leaving her sari on the footpath behind her.
Now Rinku was on her shimmering white short sleeved blouse &
her similarly coloured petticoat. She had begun to sweat in the
afternoon heat & her bra & panty line was visible as the fabric of
the blouse & petticoat stuck to her body.
Already a lot of people were crowding around to ogle at her, as it
had not taken too long for the word to spread, that a beautiful girl
was stripping in the middle of the road.
As Rinku took a left turn, her sari billowed past her in sudden gust
of wind. As Rinku continued walking the leader drove close to her
again & said "remember Rinku, you should be on your bra &
panties in the market". Rinku walked silently & after a while slowly
moved her hand onto the top button of her blouse. She undid the
button & the first hint of her fair cleavage was exposed. Rinku
knew every eye was turned upon her body, which was now
glistening with her own sweat.
Just as Rinku was about to undo the second button, the leader
came close to her & said, "don’t remove your blouse baby". Rinku
turned towards him in the hope that he would let her go & almost
put her hand to close the first button, when he continued
laughingly "I don’t want you to remove your blouse Rinku, I want
you to tear away your own blouse, tear it to shreds". Everyone
was laughing except Rinku, who couldn’t believe what she was
hearing. Rinku stared at him with eyes overflowing with tears. As
Rinku began to plead with him, he reached out & rubbed his palm
on her bums & said "Rinku darling I want you to tear away your
petticoat too. As for your bra & panties, don’t worry by the time
you are ready to strip those I will think of something even more

Rinku began walking slowly, trying to think of a way to escape. As

she walked she heard the guys talk amongst themselves about
how they would fuck her after she came back with the money. The
amount of detail in which they were discussing her rape made
Rinku realize that there was to be no escape from it. Even as she
dreaded what lay in store for her, Rinku saw a way to avoid at
least the shameful & humiliating naked walk. Rinku made up her
mind that she was ready to endure a vicious gang rape by 4 guys
rather than walk naked in the market in broad daylight in front of
hundreds of people. Rinku knew she had to choose between two
evils. After a few agonising minutes, she made her decision.
Rinku stopped & turned towards the jeep in which the leader sat.
"What's wrong you pretty bitch?" the leader asked as he got out of
the jeep. In a voice choked in shame & fear Rinku said "here you
bastards, why don’t you just rape me & finish it off. Fuck me as
you want, use my body, as many times as you want, I won't
protest once, but please don’t make me walk naked in front of so
many people. I am ready to be the bitch you want me to be but
don’t make me do this… please". Rinku looked as they all smiled.
"No!!!". The leader said & began to walk back. Rinku grabbed his
hand & placed it on her breast & said "take me now……", but
before she could continue the leader said "Rinku, darling, I can
fuck you now or anytime I want to, even if you say no. Actually I
will fuck the hell out of you once you come back from your
parade. I could have you whenever I feel like & nobody can stop
me, the only thing you have to do all this is because it is very very
exciting for us & it will also be a lesson for all those who oppose
me in anything at all. So now be a good bitch & carry on with your
stripping. Don’t worry we will all fuck you eventually". He pressed
Rinku's breast hard & as she winced he laughingly went back to
the jeep.
Rinku knew it was hopeless she would have to do whatever the
guys told her to do. "Come on Rinku begin tearing your blouse,
there are people waiting to see your hidden beauty" he yelled at
Rinku began to do as she was ordered. She placed her right hand
on her left shoulder & pulled at her sleeve ripping the fabric. Her
sleeve was torn at the stitching. Rinku kept her eyes on the
footpath in front of her, not daring to look up at the people who
were now gathering to watch her tear off her own clothes. Rinku
ripped away her right sleeve too. A low moan of sadistic pleasure
went through the crowd. Rinku was sobbing but no tears came
from her eyes. She was about to rip open her blouse, even as she
contemplated what she was about to do the leader yelled at her
"Rinku, tear it down the center, let us see what bra you are
wearing, or do you want us to help you in stripping it off" he
laughed. Rinku closed her eyes tight & placed her fingers on
either side of the buttons of her blouse. "Do it bitch" somebody
yelled as Rinku screamed & pulled her blouse apart. "AAAaaaaa"
Rinku screamed as her buttons flew in different directions & her
blouse parted revealing her netted under wired bra. Her pushed
up fair breasts were now visible to everyone watching. Every
breath she took pushed her breasts up & down. Rinku could
sense the mad lust in the crowd. Suddenly, the leader spoke "now
your petticoat darling, first shred it & then strip off the shreds of
both your blouse & petticoat together".
As Rinku bent to tear her petticoat, she realized her nipples were
partially visible through the netting of her bra. Her shame knew no
bounds as she reached at the cloth covering her fair thighs & tore
at the petticoat. "RRRRRriiiiiiiiiippppppp" it tore straight in the
center, Rinku continued tearing at it in a frenzy till all that was left
of the petticoat were thin strips of cloth billowing around in the
wind, attached only by the thin lace that was tied around her slim
waist. Her legs were exposed right from her toes to her panties.
She looked up & was horrified to see pure lust in each of the
many faces that were looking at her. Rinku was ashamed &
humiliated. But, then a sudden wave of anger went through her.
She untied the lace of her petticoat, letting it fall down at her
ankles. She grasped the tatters of her blouse & pulled it away
from her body. Semi nude in the middle of the road Rinku
screamed "you want to see me naked don’t you? Here see what
ever you want to see, finish it off once & for all". She reached out
at her bra strap & was about to slid it off when the leader
screamed "you do that now & your brother will suffer, you bitch,
don’t forget you have to strip off you bra & panties in the market
not here". Even as Rinku turned to face him another man ran out
of the crowd towards Rinku. "Remove your panties bitch, let me
fuck you" he screamed as he straddled his erect penis in one
hand. He placed his hand on Rinku's butt & tugged at her panties,
instinctively she caught her panties & bra with one hand each to
prevent herself from being stripped naked by the sex crazy manic.
Nobody reacted as they were too stunned by what was
happening. As Rinku & the man struggled, Rinku lost her balance
& fell down on her back. The man also lost his grip on her butt.
But he was quick to react & as soon as Rinku fell he was on top of
her. He sat on her stomach with his cock on Rinku's breasts. He
tried to shift backwards to try & reach her crotch. Rinku panicked,
she didn’t want to get raped by a mad man in the middle of the
street. Rinku realized that if one guy raped her others would
surely follow. Out of sheer desperation & fear Rinku grabbed the
man's cock that was dangling on her navel & tried to push it away.
But her touch on his penis had an entirely different effect. The
madman was unable to control his urge any longer & he let go of
his sperm as soon as Rinku's hand touched his penis. His eyes widened &
spit dripped from the corners of his mouth!
“OOHHHh…saaali randdiiii…….!” He moaned &then unable to control his craving any longer he let go of his sperm as
soon as my hand touched his penis.

Thick white cum flew from his penis & splashed straight on my face & hair.
“Naaahhhiiiiiii…….glllugggg…ughhh!” I began screaming but my scream was throttled within my throat as the
drunkard shot another load of his cum & most of it went right inside my wide open screaming mouth forcing me to
cut off my scream midway as the the flying cum settling on my lips & chin.
The man kept squirting sperm as if he had not cum for a whole year. His last bursts soaked my bra & his cum
trickled between my cleavage!

All this had taken only a few seconds to happen, in which time the leader & his men caught up with the guy &
began bashing him up!
Meanwhile, I staggered to my feet with a feeling of absolute disgust & shame!

I had sperm in my hair, on my face & inbetween my breasts. I was spitting out cum from my mouth & the cum
that was on my boobs was flowing down my slim stomach onto my deep round navel.
The whole crowd was laughing, even the gang members were smiling at this added excitement.
My tears were mixed with the cum on coating my face as I wiped off the sticky mess from my body.

Sobbing in despair, I looked around & realized that I was standing almost in front of Mohit & my favorite
restaurant! This was a place we had frequented atleast once a month & the owner, Mr. Suda had become very
friendly with us. I scanned the crowd & saw Suda amongst the crowd!

With rising hope, I stumbled towards him & said “Suda….please …help me…. !!”

He stepped forward & I reached out to him!

Suda held my fingers gently & steadied me! I rested my hand on his shoulder & sighed in relief & then gasped &
said “Ahhh…Su..daaa..kya kar rahe ho.!” as his hand slid across my arm & circled around my naked waist!
His finger dug into my panty & he began lowering the elastic band of my panty!
I screamed at him “Suda…you are our friend…I need your help…what are you….?”
“Rinku! I am only trying to help!.. Mai tujhe nangi hone me madad kar raha hoon! Theek hai…agar panty nahin toh
tera bra utaroon kya?” he guffawed as I staggered backward in shock!

“Su.d…a…tum bhi..meri…!” I began mumbling but Suda interrupted me & said “Rinku, kab se
tujhe aise nangi dekhna ka khwab tha! Aaj pura hoga! Kapde pehen ke bhi tu itni sext lagti thi, aaj nangi hogi toh
saali jaan hi le legi! Ek raat ke liye aaja, jaaneman! Aise raaste me nangi ghumne se accha hai mere saath andar
aaja aur mera bistar garam kar!”

“Chup be chutiye! Peeche haat, warna tujhe bhi iske saath nanga ghumayenge!” the gangster barged into Suda &
pushed him back!
Seeing the gangsters Suda quickly melted back into the crowd leaving me at the mercy of the gang!
However, there would be no mercy! I was sure of that!

The gang leader grabbed my hair & pulled me close to him! My boobs were pressing against his chest & he enjoyed
it! His other hand groped my bums & he said “Rinku…lagta hai har galli me tere aashiq hai! Maja aayega jab inn
sab ke samne tu nangi hogi! Saab ke chupe hue armaan pure honge!...mmmmmmm!”
He kissed me on my lips & then pushed me away & said “Saali, chal, bahut time waste ho gaya…chal market jyada
dur nahin hai!” he grinned as he pointed towards the road where men had lined up on either side!

My tears too seemed to have dried up as I turned & began walking!

My bra & panty had dirtied when the drunkard had thrown me on the road & were now more grey than white! Dark
streaks had appeared where dust had stuck on the sticky cum coating the drunkard had left behind on my body!
My face was also streaked with his cum & the constant trickle of tears!
I walked on semi nude & looking dirty & disheveled!

Within a few minutes, we approached the main market road & I closed my eyes in shock on seeing the humongous
crowd gathered to watch me strip!
In my earpiece, I heard the gang leader smirk & whisper “Rinku… dikha de apne jalwe!”
I closed my eyes again & placed my hand on my bra strap when the leader growled “Randi…saali…kya bola
tha….kapde utarna maat! Phad de! Tear your bracup! Apne nipples ka colour dikha! Kutti saali!”

I grasped the bottom of my bra & clutched the soft fabric covering my boobs!
Then as a shame filled gasp escaped my lips I ripped my bracup off exposing my dark nipple! Most of my breast
was still ensconced within the thicker bands of my bra & the crowd began moaning & whistling & demanding more
as I kept walking with my head lowered!

“Rinku…saali! Dusra babla kya tera bhai kholega?” the leader questioned & I wordlessly clutched the other bracup
& ripped it out!
“YEEEEE..AAHhhh..Waaaahh…Twweeetttt!” all sorts of catcalls, whistles & noises began as both of my boobs
dangled from between the elastic of my tattered bra!

“Rinku…ji! Ye lo!” a known voice called out!

I looked up hoping against hope that someone would throw me something to cover my nakedness!
My tailor was standing in front of me; grinning stupidly, while, in his hand, he held a pair of scissors!

I did not understand but the gangster did & he laughed loudly & said “Shabash! Bahut acche! Chaal Rinku, jaldi

My mind was churning & I was unable to comprehend anything, I could only mumble “mas..ter..ji…kya …
“Rinku…j…aan! Iss se elastic katne me aasani hogi! Bra aur panty dono ka elastic kaat de! Jaldi! Bahut baar tere
blouse aur salwar kameez ko chuma hai maine! Bahut baar tera blouse pakad kar muth mari hai maine! Aaj tujhe
nangi dekhunga! Chodne degi kya?” he said as my heart sank in despair as another of the known men expressed
his lust for me!

“Harami…you bastard!” I abused him & he replied “Rinku… ek shot lagane de… do teen harami aise hi paida kar
doonga!” & he thrust the pair of scissors into my hand!

With trembling fingers, I set out to do what my tailor had suggested!

‘Snip…snip..snip!’ I kept cutting at the elastic in a daze & watched as the pieces tumbled around my feet!

The yells of the crowd were rising as my firm breasts were fully exposed! The crowd seemed to become denser &
move closer as my clothes got lesser & lesser!

At the leader’s order, I kept walking in front of hundreds of men, as my naked boobs jiggled with every step &
heaved at each sob, which emanated deep within my almost nude body!

“Ab panty!” was all that the leader said & prepared to strip the last bit of cloth remaining on my body almost in the
centre of the market!

I turned & looked at him, pleading, begging him to have mercy on me!
“Bhaiyya…!” I sobbed despairingly as I looked at my brother Manu!

“Bhaiyya se puch ke panty utaregi? Theek hai! Aaja puch le!” he said & pushed Manu out of the jeep!
The other gangsters dragged my brother & tied him around the lamp post right in the centre of the junction!

Manu, was half standing half squatting as his hands were tied behind him! His shirt was open & I saw dark brusies
where the gangster had beaten him!
Suddenly, the leader grabbed my neck & pushed me onto Manu!
“OWWwww!” Manu moaned as I collided against him!
“Apne pyare bhaiyya ko pappi de! Jaise hotel room me de rahi thi!....Rinku…saali…ye dekh..jaise hotel me bhaiyya
se chipak ke baat kar rahi thi waise hi chipak ke usko puch ke apni panty utatoon ya nahi!” the leader smirked &
rubbed my face on my brother’s face!

He pushed forward & forced my mouth over Manu’s mouth!

He dragged my mouth over Manu’s lips & pressed my lips over my brother’s lips!
“Uhhh..mmmm!” Manu moaned & I felt his tongue quiver & probe inside my mouth!

“Manu! Behenchod saale! You bastard!!!!!” I screamed at the depravity of my brother’s lust filled action!

However, before I could do anything else, I felt myself jerked further upwards in such a way that my brother’s face
was buried in between my jangling stark naked boobs!

“Nahii….nnnnn!” I screamed at the humiliation as the crowd cheered while the gangster forced me to rub my tits on
Manu’s face!
I felt my brother’s hot breath on my nipples & his spit drooled all over my naked boobs!
“No…no…Manu bhaiyya.. nahiii….mat karo…..!” I screamed as Manu’s lips clamped around my nipples & his tongue
licked my nipples!
“Behenchod! Stop licking my nipples you bastard!” I screamed & froze as a loud lusty cheer erupted from the
But it was not the crowd’s reaction that had caused me to freeze!
It was my body’s own reaction that made me freeze in horror!
My nipples had grown erect & there was a growing wetness between my thighs!
I was standing in the middle of town, naked except for a dirty panty, with my boobs stuffed in my brother’s mouth
with a huge crowd watching & yet my pussy was tingling with passion!
As the passion encompassed my body, I cursed Shannodidi for the chillum she had forced me to smoke.
However, alongwith the lust was the immense shame I felt at the humiliation I was undergoing!

I had somehow managed to pry my tits from between my brother’s hungry mouth when the gangster grabbed my
hair & pulled me downwards!

Now my face was pressed into my brother’s hairy chest & then my mouth was forced over his nipples!
“Ohhh…Rinkuuu!” Manu moaned as soon as my lips touched his bare skin!
As his rough stringy chest hair scrapped my face, I realized that involuntarily, my tongue too had begun to lick my
bother’s nipples & my lips were sucking around them too!
I hoped the gansgters and the watchers would not notice that my nipples were erect with unbridled lust!

Then, the gangster spoke “Chal Rinku..ab check kar tera bhai ka chahta hai..tu panty utare ya nahin!”
I forced myself to release Manu’s nipples & looked pleadingly at my brother, as I was sure if he said no the
gangsters would hammer him senseless!
As we stared at each other, the gangster said “ need to ask him! Just pull down his trousers! If his cock is
erect, he too wants to see you nude again! If not….” he laughed loudly along with his pals!

With trembling fingers, I obeyed the gangster’s orders & opened my brother’s trousers & stared in horror at the
growing bulge in his underwear!

“Behenchod saale..!” I mumbled as a dirty smile flickered across my brother’s face!

He seemed to be getting some perverse pleasure from my predicament!

Tears were rolling down my cheeks & I fell backwards as Manu’s bloated cock plopped out from his underwear!

As another cheer erupted, the gangster dragged me by my hair to the centre & brought me to my feet & asked
“Rinku, ab tu nangi hoti hai ya….?”

I nodded helplessly as the gangster moved back letting the crowd get a clear view of my humiliation!
Unknowingly my eyes moved to my brother & saw him stare at my impending degradation with as much lust as the
rest of the crowd!

With no succor in sight, I tore the fabric covering my pussy & flung it aside & in a shameless frenzy pulled down
the tattered elastic down to my ankles!

I stood stark naked, unable to open my eyes & unable to even cry as my shame knew no bounds!

I do not know how long I stood naked in front of the crowd & how long their hungry eyes feasted upon my
nakedness but after sometime I sank to my knees sobbing in desperation!

“Please, I beg of you….let me go…ab mai nangi bhi ho gayi hoon…ab toh jaane do mujhe….!” I whimpered &
pleaded & then turning towards the crowd I begged “Please…mujhe bachao! Mai tumhare samne apni looti hui izzat
ki bheek mangti hoon!! Mujhe koi ek kapda de do”!

A hoarse voice screamed from the crowd “Saali… haramzadi! Ye le mere kapde le le!”

Everybody’s eyes turned towards the voice & saw a tall dirty man stand up from a group of beggars!
His hair & beard was overgrown & matted; his wild eyes were red rimmed as he strutted towards me with a slight
limp & 7 other beggars followed him!
He seemed to be wearing an extremely tattered & dirty sheet around his body & he unwrapped a fold on coming
close & said “Rinku… aaja …. meri chaddar le le!”
His unwashed stench was so overpowering that even the gangster retreated leaving me alone with the advancing
He pulled out a small bundle of torn pieces of cloth, each not bigger than a small handkerchief & waved it in front
of me!
The only thing on my mind was the bundle cloth pieces in his hand, irrespective of how dirty it smelled & I rushed
towards him!
Just before I reached him & he tossed the small pieces of cloth at me!
As I clutched at the small dirty tatters & tired to hide my nudity, the beggar said “Rinku… hamare inn kapdo ke
badle me hame kya dogi?” his blood rimmed eyes scanned my nakedness!

“Mai tumhe jo chahe de doongi…!” I said desperately & the gang leader butted in & said “Bechari nangi Rinku ke
pas bacha hi kya hai dene ko?”
I cowered in shame & as I glanced at the beggar, I was taken aback at the evil grin, which crossed the shaggy
bearded face!
The gang leader & the beggar seemed to have reached an unspoken understanding & the gangster said “ye
chamiya ab bas ek hi cheez de sakti hai! Wohi cheez jo iss besharam ne apni bhaiyya ko di thi! Apna jism! Apni ye
chikni chut…ye sexy gand….! Ye abhi apni izzat ki bheek mang rahi thi na!....Toh ab tum bheekari hi issko chodo!
Yahin sabke samne!”
“Nahi!....NAAAHIIIIII!.....!!!” I screamed & tried to run but stopped abruptly!

Beyond the beggars & the the gangsters an even more horrible fate awaited! Sex crazed men were waiting for me
to come towards them!

I turned back beseechingly & stood stock still! The gangster had moved back leaving me surrounded by the eight
beggars! All of whom had stripped their scanty tattered clothes & were hovering naked around me!

One look at their stained & unwashed bodies was enough to send a chill through my body!
As I shook & trembled where I stood, I felt a gnarled finger trace a rough line on my naked back!
I turned around as another hand clasped my bum & I screamed “Nahhiii…NOoo.nooo!”
Two of them latched onto my boobs with their dirty hands & squeezed my breasts!
So hard did they squeeze that my boobs turned a deep red instantly & their dirty palms left dark streaks all over
my boobs!
Eight sex-starved men were groping my fair naked body in view of the huge crowd who was giving them advice &
passing comments!

My whole body was groped, squeezed, pinched & pressed!

Every pore on my my body was probed by dirty horny hands!

Then they began probing my orifices!

I squealed & screamed as fingers were inserted in my mouth, then inside my cunt & inside my asshole!

I was tossed around as multiple fingers were shoved into all my holes at the same time!
Finally, the bearded beggar fondled my silky brown hair & brought my face closer to his & kissed me!
So foul was his breath that I almost passed out as he smooched me!
His tongue felt like a leech slipping down my throat! I gagged & spluttered & collapsed on the road!
Immediately, I felt lips latch onto different places of my body!
My boobs were covered by three mouths, two slimy tongues fought to probe my pussy, two others were busy
licking my all over while the first continued to kiss me remorselessly!

I lay writhing in shame & agony as the eight beggars readied to ravage my naked body further!

After a long time they all parted from molesting me & the bearded man knelt in between my legs as the others
pinned my arms & legs apart!

He began stroking his massive ramrod erect penis & my eyes were drawn to it!
“NOOOOOo…nahiiiii!” one look at the charcoal black dirty cock was enough to make me scream at the impending
horror I was going to be subjected to!

“Please…please condom use karo!” I begged my rapist!

“Condom?!?!” he seemed surprised & then they all laughed & he continued “Saali…randi! Condom pe barbad karne
ke liye paise nahin hai hamare paas!.....Haan, lekin ye hai! Chalega?” he asked laughingly!

I craned my neck to look & was horrified as one of the beggars handed him a thin plastic bag from the roadside!
Before I could utter a word or even scream again, the beggar shoved his cock inside the plastic bag & pummelled it
inside my pussy!
I closed my eyes in utter disgrace as I was fucked in the middle of the road by this dirty beggar!
But within two hard strokes, my eyes widened as my slutty cunt reacted to his thrusts & reciprocated!
“UHHhhh….ummmmmm!” I moaned & the beggar flopped on me & kissed me as he continued to fuck me & the
others prepared to insert their equally dirty cocks in my anus & mouth!
“UHHhhh….ummmmmm!”…… I moaned & the beggar flopped on me & kissed me as he continued to fuck

“UUhhhh..mmm..OOOWwww..NNAAAAAHhhhhIiiiii!!!” my moans turned to screams as I & the beggar fucking me

were flipped over!
Now, I lay above the beggar & almost immediately, I felt a humongous appendage press inside my asshole!
Barely had the pain subsided, when my head was yanked upwards & another dirty, stinky prick was shoved inside
my mouth!
I lay quivering in between as the three beggars stuffed all my holes at the same time!
The stench of the unwashed dirty bodies & their even dirtier pubic areas was nauseating & I would have puked if
my mouth had not already been stuffed with a massive cock!

Meanwhile, the man who was lying below me with his cock in my cunt was thrusting upwards with all his might!
“AHHhhh…hhhmmmm….haan…randiiii…haannn! OHHh…aaahhh!” he grunted as he enjoyed fucking me to the
The man fucking my asshole seemed contented to let the beggar below do all the hard work!
He only shoved his massive cock deep in my anus & waited for the thrust from below to give him pleasure!
His hands roamed all over my bent naked body & he caressed my bums & squeezed my boobs!

Just as the two were settling into a gentle rhythm the cock in my mouth exploded in a torrent of thick white cum!
His sperm filled my mouth & I was forced to swallow as he refused to pull out his shaft from my mouth!
“Waah..Rinku…waa..ahhh!” his contented moans suddenly turned into an angry yell as one of the other beggars
dragged him backwards & his cock plopped out of my cum filled mouth spraying the last drops of his sperm all over
my face, hair & shoulder!

Tears gushed down my cheeks & mixed with the cum flowing out of my mouth as I watched another ramrod erect
dirty penis shove itself in between my lips!

Then, as the two cocks fucked my ass & pussy, cock after cock was rammed inside my mouth!
I was forced to lick & suck the dirtiest cocks I had ever seen in my life!
They ejaculated & dumped their loads in my mouth with guttural roars of intense pleasure as they fulfilled their
extreme fanstasies!

Their white-hot magma splashed all over my face, drenched my hair & dripped down all over my boobs!
Meanwhile the first two were still mercilessly pounding my asshole & my pussy!

All this while, I had been forced to stop protesting as cock after cock fucked my gaping mouth & finally, when the
last beggar who had enjoyed a blowjob withdrew after giving me another cum facial, I realized that no words were
forthcoming from my mouth & my tears too had dried up!

For a second, I thought that I had been raped to the point of no return & my body was reacting by numbing me to
the shame, humiliation & pain!

However, that thought was banished a fraction of a second later as the cocks in my cunt & anus were ripped out &
both men moved towards my gaping mouth!

Even as they jostled with each other to push their quivering cocks inside my mouth, my body convulsed in sharp
contrast to my humiliating & painful condition!

‘Shanno….saali haramzadi… bastard….!!!’ I thought to myself as the drug Shannodidi had forced inside me
showed its true colours!

I felt my cunt contract as a stinging sensation travelled along my naked back & seemed to explode both in my
pussy & at the base of my head!

I arched backwards as my body contorted in what I knew would be a toe curling orgasm & a deep hungry sounding
moan escaped from my cum covered lips!


I looked up towards the two beggars without a shred of shame & with trembling lips said “chodo mujhe…fuck me
you bastards!”

“Ky..a..b.ol..i…saali…ahhhhhhmmmmm!!” the beggar who still had the plastic bag wrapped around his penis began
to speak but ended in a guttural moan as I grasped his balls & massaged them!
He began to wrap the slimy plastic around his cock again but I shook my head & ripped the plastic bag to shreds
much as I had torn most of my clothes just a short while ago!

Supporting myself on his dirty legs & torso, I stood up & shamelessly kissed him while pushing him backwards!
He flopped onto his back & I quickly mounted him & then rubbed my pulsating vagina onto his filthy cock!
He grabbed my dangling boobs & grunted as I pushed myself onto his cock!
“Ohhhh…Rinkkkuuuu…saali kutiya…randi….mmmmm!” he moaned in pleasure as I began bucking over him with his
manhood stuffed deep inside my cunt!

I glanced upwards & nodded to the other beggar who seemed too stunned to react at my brazenness!

His eyes widened with shock as I said “Saale….chal…thok mujhe….!”

However, he responded instantly & reached behind me in no time!
I bent forward so that my tits were crushed on the hairy chest of the beggar fucking my pussy!
The other beggar began parting my bums but stopped as I squealed “Chutiye…gand me nahi…chut me daal!
Bhosada bana de meri chut ka! Mujhe aur lund chahiye….ooowwww..AAAAAAHHhhh…..Uuuhhhhggg!” I began
squealing but ended up screaming in a frenzy as the second beggar too shoved his erect cock inside my pussy
alongside the prick already fucking me at full blast!

He grabbed my shoulder & commenced thrusting inside my pussy!

Our moans, groans & gasps were impossible to distinguish as both of them kept on grinding my cunt mercilessly!

Just as I thought I was about to reach climax, a hand grasped my sticky sperm covered hair & lifted my head
Breathing heavily & moaning in passion, I looked into the the lust filled eyes of another one of the pack of beggars!
I knew he had already dumped his load in my mouth earlier but he seemed eager for more & so was my cunt!
He caressed my stained cheek & growled “Rinku..randi..ek aur lund legi….pura bhosada ban jayega teri chikni chut

In between the moans emanating from within me, my gnawed lips curled into a slutty smile & I nodded my head

With a whoop of joy, he disappeared behind me & within seconds, I felt another cock probing my already filled up
vaginal orifice!

“NN…unnghhhhh…aaAAAAAAAaa….!” I screamed in pain as the third engorged penis slid inside my cunt!

I lay frozen as the men jostled, pushed & pulled as they tried to derive maximum pleasure from my dilated pussy!

Then, suddenly, for an instance, I felt the pressure release as one of the cocks slipped out of my cunt!
However, before I could relax even a bit, the third cock was pushed back in!
I did not know whether it was the same man or another who had banged his projectile inside my ravaged cunt but
once again my cunt was being fucked by three cocks at the same time!

My ravaged pussy somehow managed to hold all three of them inside & as they fucked me & over & above my
insatiable pussy responded with multiple mind-blowing orgasms!

Soon, one of them shuddered & froze before breeding me & then pulled out while the other two kept on banging
my pussy!
Almost immediately, another cock ejaculated inside my pussy & was pulled out & I realized the extent my pussy
had been distended to when the third cock simply plopped out of my expanded vagina!

However, before I could breathe a sigh of relief the last cock to pop out was shoved back inside my pussy & I was
fucked for a few minutes more before being bred & then discarded like a rag!

As my rapist walked around me, one of his friends asked “Kya hua…thak gaya kya?”
The beggar laughed & said “nahi re….saali ka bhosda itna phaila hai…lund andar rehta hi nahi….chut phad di Rinku
As I lowered my head in shame & agony, another voice said “arre bhai…chut phad di lekin saali ka aur ek ched hai
na…chal woh bhi thok dete hai…!”

I trembled in terror as they approached my prone body & the beggar asked “Rinku…gaand marwaegi kya? Teen ek
“Abe saale, Rinku ko kya puchta hai..woh saali toh khud nangi aayi thi apne pas…usi ne to kaha tha .. bhosda bana
do..chut ka toh bana diya ab gaand bhi phad dete hai!”

“Oh..shit...NOOoooooo! Nahiiii!” as I screamed, he parted my bums & fingered my anus & said “dekh abhi bhi kitna
tight hai…maja aayega..chal aaja!”

I was lifted by my waist & almost thrown on top of one beggar who was lying on his back.
I lay with my back on his tummy while another man pushed my legs towards my shoulders!

“AAA..oOOWWWWW…AAA…aaa..hhhhhh!!!” I screamed & squealed as the man below me rammed his shaft inside
my asshole while the one above me mounted me & pushed forward as he too stuck his prick in my asshole!

My scream died in my throat, my eyes widened & my hands flailed helplessly as my body revolted at the intense
agony as the third cock was shoved inside my asshole!

My agony lasted only a few seconds as a blackness spread in front of my eyes & I passed out!
Finally, when my eyes flicked open, I had completely lost count of time!
I also could not recollect how many more cocks had ripped apart my cunt & asshole how many times & for how
However, the the pain that racked my battered body was unbearable & it served as a painful reminder that many
more had enjoyed themselves at my cost.

I lay spread eagled with my face down in cum crusted dirt & somehow managed to look through sticky matted hair
& saw that the lecherous throng of spectators was still present.
Then someone noticed my body twitch & as I stirred, a cheer spread through the crowd!

As I pulled away my sticky hair from my eyes, I realized a part of the crowd had come very close to me & their lust
filled evil intentions were more than obvious!
Therefore, inspite of bone racking pain, I dragged my raped & ravaged body out of their reach only to find that I
had gone too close to another group of onlookers on the other side!
Again, I slithered away, painfully dragging my naked body away from their lust mad hands & ramrod erect pricks!

However, no matter how much I tried to escape, I always found a bunch of horny men eagerly approaching to rape
me all over again!

Then, suddenly a group of men parted & I saw a way of escape!

I raised my pain-racked body & stumbled towards the opening in the crowd!

Just behind the crowd was a raised platform & I hoped I would be able to climb on to it to escape before the gap in
the crowd closed up again!

However, that thought evaporated & I froze in place as a water tanker reversed onto the platform & on top of the
tanker sat the gangster who had forced me to strip naked on the road!
“Nahhiii…… don’t ..don’t rape me again!” I sank to my knees pleading in a despairing wail.
“Rape you..Rinku?” he asked mockingly & then continued laughingly “Saali…dekh apne aap ko! You dirty bitch!
Who would want to rape such a filthy bitch? No one would want to even touch you!”

Then for the first time after regaining consciousness, I looked at my body.
I dragged my sticky cum coated hair away from my face & yanked it off my shoulder where it had stuck & seemed
to be frozen!
I looked lower down & cried out in horror as I saw by body covered in dirty black streaks where the beggars had
groped, pressed & pinched me! There was hardly any patch of skin that had been left untouched!
My arms & legs were also crusted with sand & soil from the road where I had been dragged along!
However, it was the sight of my breasts & crotch that instantly drew horrified tears!
Even through the dirt, I saw that my boobs were deep red, surely with the amount of squeezing & they were also
covered with viscious bite marks. My nipples were cracked & swollen & dark streaks marked where blood, cum &
spit had flowed down my ravaged boobs!

However, even worse was the condition of my crotch!

My pussy stretched wide open & gaped like an open tunnel & a steady stream of pink to deep red fluid trickled out
from it & dripped down my thighs!
I shuddered to think of the many men who had planted their repulsive seed inside my pussy & then broke out in
loud sobs as I realized that my asshole too was gaping wide open & slimy fluid was cascading down the back of my
thighs too!

With my sobs racking my body I tried to plead “Please… do..muj..h..e….!” but my voice failed me & only a
croaking whisper came from my lips!

The gangster smirked & yelled “Rinku darling, aaja… thoda pani peele!”

Suddenly I realized that my throat was parched & the only liquid I had swallowed had been the sperm of all the
beggars who had fucked my mouth mercilessly!

I stumbled towards the tanker & stood just below the pipe protruding from the base of the huge tank.
A few drops splattered on my head & I opened my mouth & turned my head upwards with thirst.
“Yuck!...Oh..noo..nno…! thooo….ughhh!” I spat out in disgust when I realized that it was not water but piss!
The gangster perched on top of the tanker had begun pissing on me!

I staggered backwards only to see the crowd closing in from behind! I rushed forward but my legs gave way & I
landed face first in the growing puddle of piss!
My body jerked upwards as I gagged & puked!
I tried to sit up only to have four or five streams of piss hit my naked body as the other gangsters joined their boss
in urinating on me!
I turned around to avoid getting any more piss on my face only to be drenched under many more torrents of
stinking golden yellow urine!
I twisted & turned & wriggled on the ground as all my wounds burned as the salty liquids washed over me! I could
not breathe as their piss filled my mouth & splashed on my face! I saw the dirty streaks on my body begin to fade
as the foul fluid replaced the dirty coating!

My defilement continued as man after man rushed forward to drench me with his piss!
I began clawing myself trying to get rid of the repulsive feel of the piss cascading all over me when the gang leader
yelled “Rinku…do you want to clean yourself?”

Without thinking I screamed back “yes…yes…please......stop this!”

Even then, the spraying continued!
Finally, after a stern shout from the gangster the raging torrent slowly reduced to a trickle & then stopped leaving
me drenched from hair to toe in a pool of revolting putridity!

As I wiped my face & cleared my eyes of the residue, something splashed nearby!

I looked down & saw a bottles of shampoo & shower gel lying around my feet!

“Rinku! Chal have a nice bath! Clean yourself! Start or we will piss in your cunt!” the gang leader threatened & he
twisted open the tap behind the tanker!

A torrent of clean cold water gushed all over me & I shamelessly stood up below the gushing shower provided by
the gangster!

I let the cold water soak into my hair & then rinsed the cum from my hair! I kept massaging my head while the
cold water drenched my naked body & washed away the coating of dirt, cum, soil, blood & piss!

Once again, my glistening fair skin revealed itself to the watchers as I scrubbed the muck of my body!
The sensation of being cleaned of the all the muck was so rejunvenating that I lost all vestige of shame & I began
bathing my naked body in the middle of the road & in full view of hundreds of men!

I took a bottle of shampoo & poured the contents on my hair & rubbed it in thoroughly! I washed my hair again &
again until the smell of dried sperm had completely disappeared!

I did the same with the shower gel & rubbed it all over my body making sure I scrubbed every pore on my skin!
My nipples & other wounds hurt when I rubbed them with the soapy gel, but the cold water served to soothe the

Each of my movements was being cheered by the lustful audience!

As I rubbed lower down my naked body, my fingers brushed against my dilated cunt & tremor of passion crept up
my spine!
The cheers of the men & Shannodidi’s drug were still able to turn me on!
Although shocked at my own brazenness, I slipped two fingers inside my gaping cunt!
“Ummmmmm…aaahhhh!” I moaned & slipped the remaining fingers inside too!
Then right in front of the men who had stripped me naked & those who had gangraped me, I fingered my cunt &
drove myself to another toe curling orgasm!
Somebody tossed me toothbrush & toothpaste with which I brushed my teeth.
“Rinku…saali kuttiya…apni chut aur gaand bhi saaf kar le!” the gangster guffawed!

I looked at him in wild abandon & washed the toothbrush under the tap & licked it!
I gently rubbed the bristles against my ravaged lower lips & shuddered shamelessly as another wave of passion
coursed through me!

Then, as a roar erupted from the crowd, I pushed the toothbrush deeper inside my cunt & screamed as unbearable
pain mixed with uncontrollable passion overrode every other sensation within me & then I toppled on to the soggy
wet ground!

I kept screaming & moaning, as I was unable to stop myself from fucking myself with the toothbrush!
My mind screamed at my brazen shamelessness but Shannodidi’s drug induced euphoria goaded me into
masturbating even more furiously!
As my juices erupted from my gaping cunt the gangsters began yelling “gaand…gaand…gaand….!”

Still bucking in the throes of yet another orgasm, I ripped out the bloody toothbrush & slipped into my asshole,
which seemed to have been widened even more than my cunt!

I spread my legs wide & raised my butt to expose my asshole & then proceeded to buttfuck myself with the

Without realizing my other hand had moved to my cunt & I began fingering myself while I stabbed the toothbrush
inside my anus!

Then after multiple orgasms, which ended with my pussy squirting in full view of the onlookers, I almost collapsed
from sheer fatigue, when the gang leader suggested something!

My mind shuddered at the depravity of the suggestion but my body seemed to relish vulgarity he wanted me to

As the crowd laughed & teased, I pulled out the toothbrush from my raped asshole & raised it!
My hand trembled as I raised the toothbrush & brushed my teeth & rubbed it on my tongue & then doubled over as
my bowels emptied themselves & I ended up splattering my thighs with puke!

I remained kneeling under the gushing tap of the water tanker as finally, my mind overruled my lust-filled body & I
realized the horror of my shameless acts!

Somehow, subconsciously, I also realized that the effect of Shannodidi’s drug had worn off & the shame &
humiliation of being stripped naked & gangraped on the road hit me hard!

As my body shook with shame-filled sobs, the gangster spoke “Rinku….chal jaldi naha le…. you still have to get
money from your place…there is still some distance to cover!”

Still sobbing, I stood up & had another cold-water bath & cleaned my hair with the remaining shampoo & scrubbed
my naked body with the shower gel!

Then, as my wet skin glowed & glistened in the sunlight, I began walking stark naked, in the middle of the street,
surrounded by hundreds of ogling men & headed towards my house!
I stumbled home & rummaged through the wardrobe.
Then as per the gangster’s orders, I returned outside with whatever cash I could find, still totally naked!
I handed over the money & cringed as the gang leader caressed my breast & planted a kiss on my lips!
He nodded to his pals & they untied & dropped my battered brother from their car!

I couldn’t care less as my brother, Manu lay injured right in front of me.
All I wanted to do was to get out of the glare of the hungry eyes staring at my naked body & as soon as the
gangster turned around, I too turned to rush back inside my house!

However, just as the gangsters left in a squeal of tyres, another car veered towards me!
It was a police van & before I had the time to react, I was surrounded by two woman constables & three

“Miss….Rinku!” the senior looking policeman said disdainfully “you are under arrest!”
“W..what?..I am under a..arr.est? Why? I have been stripped & raped….gangraped….! I need your help…!!!” I
whimpered in shock.
“You are under arrest for indecent exposure of your body & indulging in sexual acts in public!...Arrest her!” the
senior inspector ordered & before I could say another word, the policewomen wrapped a white towel around my
torso & dragged me to the van & flung me inside!

Finally, my nakedness was covered, but my relief was shortlived as my hands were twisted backwards & a pair of
handcuffs clicked around my wrists.

Almost immediately, the van started & the inspector wrapped a black cloth around my eyes, blindfolding me!
“Kya..kar..rahe..ho..?” I asked panic stricken only to feel a rough calloused hand feel my thigh & move upwards
towards my crotch!
“Chup kar…randi! Warna tere bhosade me mera danda ghused doonga!” the inspector growled & groped my boobs
while I heard the others snigger!

All through the long drive, the men continued to grope my boobs & thighs! They even caressed my cheeks &
fingered my mouth while I sat frozen as I recalled the inhuman & depraved treatment I had suffered at the police
station just a night earlier!

My fearfilled imagination was interrupted as the van squealed to a stop & the woman constables dragged me out
with a stern warning “Chinal! Ek shabd bhi muh se nikala to dekh! Chup chap chalti reh!”

I expected to be tossed in a dirty jail cell & imagined being offered to the prisoners as a sex toy once again!
However, to my surprise, I heard the swoosh of a door opening & felt the chill of an air-conditioned atmosphere as
I was dragged inside.

Although, I could not see through the blind fold, I could feel my bare feet sink into a thick carpet & I shivered as
the cold air chilled my moist hair & my barely covered body!
Then I was pushed into what I assumed was a lift which rose quickly & quietly upwards & then after being dragged
along for sometime I was pushed forward & heard a door slam behind me!

I stood motionless, with just a white towel drapped around my torso, with my damp hair untied and loose, a
blindfold around my eyes & my wrists bound in handcuffs behind my back!

“Wh…e..r…..!” I began to ask & stiffened as a pair of lips brushed my ear & a scary hoarse voice whispered in my
ear “SShhhhh!” and a quivering finger traced a line on my bare shoulder up to my exposed cleavage!

“Please… stop it! I have been… raped…gang raped….. please stop … don’t … n…nnn..ahiiii!” I whimpered as another
hand slipped below the towel & a finger traced the egde of my ravaged vagina!

“Hmmmm!” I felt hot breath near my ear & a slimy wet tongue licked at my damp hair!
“Rrriinnnkkkkuuuu!” … “Ummmmm!” the hoarse whispering voice sent shudders up & down my spine!

Then the man gripped my shoulders & forced me to kneel!

Tears cascaded down my cheeks & I begged for his mercy but heard only a disdainful giggle as he caressed my
damp hair & then licked a few starnds that had stuck to my cheeks!

I heard him move around the place & heard & then smelt something burning and crackling! Something familiar… &
then I heard a metallic object being dragged and placed on the floor!
I trembled at the unimaginable horror that I knew was to come!

Then, suddenly, my hair was gripped & yanked backwards; fingers pinched my cheeks & forced me to open my
“Glugg..gggg….uhhh!” my moans & mumbles were cut off as I felt a cold metallic conical object forced into my

I shook my head, trying to spit it out but the man shoved it in deep inside me mouth & twisted my hair forcing me
hold onto the thing!

“Rrrriiinnnkkuuuu!.....” he whispered & then continued “suck it….choosssss.sss…sss!”

I did not obey & he kicked me between my breasts with his knee & puched my head forward at the same time!
“Aahh.. uuhhh!” I gasped in pain as my breath was forced out by his kick and then was forced to suck in air &
along with it suck on the metallic thing in my mouth too!

Instantly, I was overpowered by the same stuff that Shannodidi, the eunuch brothel keeper had forced me to
smoke! The man had inserted a hookah into my mouth & it contained Shannodidi’s sex potion!

The man’s fingers were massaging my thighs & boobs in much the same way as the whore Sonia and the other
prostitutes had done earlier!

My reluctance to suck on the hookah vanished after the first puff & I was drawing deep breaths as I inhaled the
intoxicating mixture & felt it have the same effect it had earlier!

I felt my body begin to get aroused.. all along I had cringed as the man’s hands groped my thighs but within
seconds of inhaling the potent mix I began thinking of it as a arousing caress & a much needed massage!

My thighs parted of their own accord & I felt his fingers probe inside my dilated pussy!
For a minute, his fingers withdrew & then when he inserted them inside me, I experienced a revival of my sexual
urge! He had coated the insides of my cunt with Shannodidi’s ointment!
Until then I had been trembling with with fear but suddenly I was quivering in anticipation & hope of a yet another
fuck and after a few minutes more minutes I was swaying as wave after wave of raw carnal instincts overpowered

“UMmmm….Oohhh.. AHHHhhhhh!....Ohhh Yesssss!” I moaned since with my wrists handcuffed behind, I had to
rely on the man’s fingers to satiate my by now raging pussy!

“Ohhh Fu….!” I began moaning & tried to stop myself but was unable to & blurted out “!..Fuck me NOW!”

Again, I heard the disdainful giggle & felt his fingers slip out of my pussy leaving me craving for more!
I heard him walk away leaving the hookah in my mouth!
As I took drag after drag of the strong potion, I heard the rustle of some fabric & then his hoarse tremulous
whisper cut through the stillness.

“Rrriiinnkkkuuuu….. come to me….!”

My body obeyed his whispered command with amazing alacrity!
I spat out the hookah after sucking in a deep long draught & stumbled to my feet!

Since I was still blind folded, I expected him to call me, but he let me stumble around the room.
I fell over some pieces of furniture & then tripped over a length of rope but he did not utter a sound!

Then my passion overtook me completely & I pleaded, “Please…where are you…fuck me… I cannot control it
“H.e…r…eee…Rinnnkkkuuuu!” he whispered & I moved cautiously towards the direction of his voice!

“Ouuchhh!” I gasped as I banged staright into a wall & heard his whispering voice just to my left!

An inadvertent smile crossed my lips as I moved with my body against the wall & almost instantly his fingers
caressed my face & I wrapped my lips around them!

I licked his palm & moved sideways expecting him to kiss me but my tongue, which was still glued to his palm
stopped against something, which felt like a thick rope.

I ran my tongue along the rope & froze! His wrist seemed to be tied with the rope!
“C.o..m.e to me…Riinkkuuuu…!” he whispered again & I moved forgetting that I was handcuffed & blindfolded.
I tripped over his leg & crashed to the floor!
As I struggled to get up, I dashed against his leg & realized, that his feet too had been tied, he was standing with a
rope like thing aroundhis ankles!

A cold fear crept over me! Was there someone else in the room! Was this going to be another shamefilled and
painful experience!

Even as my mind thought about the perils of the situation, my hungry pussy compelled me to raise myself to a
kneeling posture.
As I raised myself, my head thudded against something that elicited a sharp gasping response from the man & I
smelt the musky odour of his crotch!
Somehow, I had unintentionally come directly below his crotch!

“Turn around bitch!” he wishpered… “Lick my ass!”

I turned around on my knees & then bent backwards. First his dangling ramrod erect cock and then his hairy balls
brushed over my face as I buried my face in between his bums!

I suppressed my urge to throw up as my nose probed between his bums & then I pried my lips apart & stuck my
tongue in between his hairy bums!

He spread his legs further apart & made sure my tongue could penetrate his shit hole!
Somehow, I licked it until I could bear it no longer & then crawled out gagging, only to hear his disdainful giggle!
He nudged me with his thigh & tapped his cock against my face!
“Rriinnnkuuu…waise hi…. gote chaat!” he murmured.

Again, I contorted my body, bent backwards & began licking his balls as his cock dangled over my chin!

“OHhh…yessss….Waaahhhh…ohhhh!” he moaned as I sucked on his balls one after the other & then took both of
them in my mouth & lapped at them with my tongue!

I must have licked his balls for more than 15 minutes, when he finally said “Rinku….jaanu…ab mera lund choos!”
Once again, I crawled out & then groped with my mouth searching for his penis!
As my cheeks thudded against his cock, I realized how thick & long his cock was!
With an eagerness that almost belied the torturous gangrape I ahd been subjected to just a few hours ago, I
wrapped my mouth over his shaft & went on swallowing it deeper and deeper inside my mouth!

Amazingly, even after I had deep throated myself, I had not reached the base of his cock!
Shamelessly, I sucked his cock! Moving my head sideways & back & forth, making sure his cock did not come out
of my mouth even once!

I sucked on his cock for even longer than I had licked on his balls when the taste of precum washed over my
I was about to slobber his cock with renewed vigour, when suddenly a hand grasped me by my hair & slowly pulled
me upwards!
His other hand had been free all along; he had only been toying with me!

With a firm grip on my hair, he guided my lips to his nipples & waited until I had licked them to his satisfaction!

Then, finally, he raised my mouth to his & kissed me!

I responded passionately taking tongue inside my mouth & lapping with my own tongue!

My hands were still hand cuffed behind my back & my breasts were grinding and crushing against his chest!
“Ummm…OOhhh…MMmm… Aaaahhhh!” both of us were moaning as we kissed & bit & nibbled each other’s lips!

Then, “AAAaahhhh…ooooooommmmmm!” I moaned & gasped all at once, as he released his grip on my hair &
slipped his fingers onto my crotch!

Like a bitch in heat, I pushed my crotch onto his probing fingers & in an instant, like water breaching a dam; my
juices erupted from my twat! I squirted & splashed all over his fingers while my lips searched for his lips frantically!

My hips swayed back & forth trying to bury his fingers deeper into my twat as I lost the last vestige of shame &
bucked to increase my pleasure!

I began moaning as I reached a toe curling orgasm “OOhhh Yeesss….sss….Nh…Nooo….wa…it..please ….. kya
hua..?” but almost screamed as the man removed his finegrs from my cunt & pushed me away from himself!

One moment I was gasping in passion & the next I was cursing, as I was unable to finger or pleasure my twat in
the middle of an orgasm!

I fell on my back & somehow got up & rushed towards where I thought he was only to be slapped hard & flung
back to the floor!

Then, I heard his whispering voice & it almost broke my heart “Rinku…get lost! Go!” he said!

I pleaded “What?.... no … no.. please …. No……don’t do this! I want…..”!

“What? You want what … you bitch?” he demanded!

“I … I … want to get fucked!” I almost screamed back!

“Are you sure…. after what I have done to you… ?” he asked his voice rising just above the now familiar whisper!

“Yes yes…. I want to get fucked!” I replied without thinking & rose & rushed towards him! I staggered forward &
almost fell on him; my lips sought his in desperation!

“Please… mmmmm…ummmm… I beg of you… please fuck me! Please fuck me!” I slurred in between lascivious

He giggled as I tuned my back towards him & pushed my butt towards his prick!

He grabbed me by my hair & pulled me backwards & rested the tip of his cock at the entrance of my cunt!
Then, as I shoved backwards & impaled myself on his cock, he spoke loudly for the first time & said “OK! Rinku…
you shameless slut! Fuck yourself!”

“OOOOoohhhhhh….yyess..” I moaned as his cock entered my cunt & then lurched in stunned surprise as I realized
that I had heard the voice before!

He grabbed my waist & began pummelling my pussy from behind as my mind tried to recollect where I had heard
the voice before!

By now he had stopped whispering & was groaning & growling as he fucked me hard and fast!
My body too was responding shamelessly to his thrusts!
As we both neared a climax, he increased his pace & began thrusting deeper and harder in my pussy!

Finally, as I arched backwards as my pussy flooded in a massive orgasm & the man exploded inside my cunt
dumping his hot white load deep inside my ravaged pussy!

Almost at the exact instance when he bred me, I realized with a shock whom the voice belonged to!

“You.. you.. are….!” I was unable to complete my sentence as he began fucking me again!

He knew I had recognized him & while banging my pussy he said “Yes Rinku… I am Jimmy! The new admission!”
He thrust harder & then between grunts of pleasure continued “Rinku….! I kept up my promise! ……………..Sab ke
samne nanga kar diya tujhe ….. aur tu saali unn bhikarion se chud ke aa gayi and after all that you yourself begged
for me to fuck you!” again he giggled & continued “you stupid slut… you could have avoided your public humiliation
if only you had slept with me that day!”

I trembled as I heard his words & then moaned as he bred my pussy a second time!
After draining the last drop of sperm in my cunt, Jimmy just let me fall where we were & I heard the rustle of ropes
& then I blinked hard & closed my eyes as Jimmy yanked the blindfold off my eyes & moved towards a video
camera & turned it off!

I collapsed sobbing as he wore his clothes & moved to the door.

“Jimmy… please… ab toh jaane do mujhe…!” I pleaded!

“Haan Rinku… you are free to go… !” he unlocked the door & smiled at me & then said “Tujhe toh aadat hai raaste
pe nangi ghumne ki! Ja … aise nangi ghar ja! Chal uth… fuck off from here…!”

“Jimmy… please…. Rehem karo mujh pe… mujh phir se raaste par nangi mat bhejo… please…I beg of you!” I cried
out in anguish which brought another giggle from him!

(To be cont'd if you guys like it)

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