(H) BEEE 127CH NormalSem NewMPU Local CProg

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Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Hons.

): Programme Structure for Malaysian Students

(for Normal Semester Intake starting from Semester 1, 2015/2016)
Cr. Co-
Semester Code Courses Pre-Requisite
Hour Requisite
Semester EEEB114 Programming for Engineers 4 NONE NONE
1 MATB143 Differential Equations 3 NONE NONE
EEEB111 Electrical/Electronics Measurement Lab 1 NONE EEEB113
EEEB113 Circuits Analysis I 3 NONE NONE
MATB113 Advanced Calculus & Analytical Geometry 3 NONE NONE
Total Credit Hours 14

Semester EEEB123 Circuits Analysis II 3 EEEB113,MATB143 NONE

II EEEB143 Electronics Analysis & Design I 3 EEEB113 NONE
EEEB163 Digital Logic Design 3 EEEB113 NONE
EEEB161 Digital Logic Design Lab 1 NONE EEEB163
MEMB123 Mechanics I: Statics 3 NONE NONE
TITB113 Tamadun Islam Tamadun Asia 3 NONE NONE
Total Credit Hours 16

Semester EEEB273 Electronics Analysis & Design II 3 EEEB143 NONE

III EEEB141 Electronics Design Lab 1 EEEB111 EEEB143
EEEB233 Signal & System 3 EEEB123 NONE
MATB253 Linear Algebra 3 NONE NONE
TECB213 Technical Communications 3 NONE NONE
ICSB112/MCSB112 Islam/Moral & Civil Society I 2 NONE NONE
Total Credit Hours 15

Semester MEHB213 Thermodynamics I 3 NONE NONE

IV EEEB283 Electrical Machines & Drives EEEB113, NONE
EEEB253 Electromagnetic Fields & Waves 3 EEEB123, MATB143 NONE
COEB223 Numerical Methods for Engineers 3 MATB143, MATB253 CCSB164
ICSB212/MCSB212 Islam/Moral & Civil Society II 2 ICSB112/ MCSB112 NONE
HESB113 Hubungan Etnik 3 NONE NONE
Total Credit Hours 17

Semester EEPB353 Electrical Power System I 3 EEEB123, EEEB283 NONE

V EEEB323 Control System I 3 EEEB233, MATB143 NONE
EEEB373 Microprocessor Systems 3 EEEB163,EEEB233 NONE
EESB313 Semiconductor Devices 3 EEEB273 NONE
EEEB383 Random Process 3 EEEB233 NONE
COEB422 Engineers in Society 2 TECB213, EEEB273 NONE
Total Credit Hours 17

Semester EECB351 Communication System Lab 1 NONE EECB353

VI EECB353 Communication System 3 EEEB233 NONE
EEEB363 Digital Signal Processing 3 EEEB233, EEEB373 NONE
EEEB371 Microprocessor Systems Lab 1 EEEB373 NONE
COEB432 Principles of Management 2 EEEB273 NONE
EECB423 Data Communication and Network 3 EEEB373,EEEB383 NONE
ICSB312/MCSB312 Islam/Moral & Civil Society III 2 ICSB212/ MCSB212 NONE
Total Credit Hours 15

Special COEB314 Industrial Training 4 EEEB323, 70 CH NONE

Semester Total Credit Hours 4
Cr. Pre- Co-
Semester Code Courses
Hour Requisite Requisite
Semester EEEB403 Capstone Design Course 3 COEB422,EECB423
VII ECRB412 Project I 2 EEEB323, EEEB363, NONE
EEPB353, EECB353
EEIB413 Process Control & Instrumentation 3 EEEB323, MEHB213 NONE
** Technical Elective I 3
COEB442 Engineering Economics 2 EEEB273 NONE
Total Credit Hours 13

Semester ECRB424 Project II 4 ECRB412,COEB314 NONE

VIII ** Technical Elective II 3
** Technical Elective III 3
** Technical Elective IV 3
*** Literature and Sociology 3 NONE NONE
Total Credit Hours 16

**Technical Electives (Take any 4 subjects )

Artificial Intelligence and Neural-fuzzy
ECEB473 Advanced Microprocessor 3 EEEB373 NONE
ECEB483 Computer Architecture 3 EEEB373 NONE
EECB433 Applied Telecommunication Systems 3 EECB353 NONE
EECB473 Data Network Architecture & Electronics 3 EECB423 NONE
EECB483 Optoelectronics and Fibre Optics 3 EEEB253 NONE
EECB493 Radio Frequency/Microwave Engineering 3 EEEB253 NONE
EEEB393 Power Electronics 3 EEEB233, EEEB283 NONE
EEEB423 Control System II 3 EEEB323 NONE
EEEB443 Control & Drives 3 EEEB393 NONE
EEEB513 Computer Controlled Systems 3 EEEB323 NONE
EEEB473 Image Processing 3 EEEB363 NONE
EEEB493 Introduction to Robotics 3 CCSB164, EEEB323 NONE
Technical Elective Courses

EESB423 VLSI Design 3 EEEB373 NONE

EESB433 Analog IC Design 3 EEEB273 NONE
EESB493 Embedded Systems 3 EEEB373, EEEB114 NONE
MESB413 Elements of Mechatronics 3 EEEB283, EEEB323 NONE
EEPB383 Electrical Power System II 3 EEPB353 NONE
EEPB413 Electrical Installations 3 EEPB353 NONE
EEPB423 Electrical Safety and Hazards 3 EEPB383 NONE
EEPB473 Power System Protection 3 EEPB353 NONE
High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC), and NONE
EEPB493 3 EEEB393, EEPB353
FACTS Devices
EPEB413 Power Quality 3 EEPB353 NONE
EPEB423 Electricity Industry Economics 3 EEPB353 NONE
EPEB443 Energy Conversion 3 EEPB353 NONE
EPEB453 Power Distribution Engineering 3 EEPB353 NONE
MENB403 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering 3 COEB422 NONE
Radiation Detection and Nuclear 3 COEB422
MENB423 Introduction to Reactor Physic 3 COEB422 NONE
MENB433 Radiation Safety and Waste Management 3 COEB422 NONE
MENB443 Reactor Thermal-hydraulic 3 COEB422 NONE
MENB453 Nuclear Policy, Security and Safeguards 3 COEB422 NONE
MEHB513 Introduction to Nuclear Technology 3 COEB442 NONE
MQA and University (Compulsory)
TITB113 Tamadun Islam Tamadun Asia 3 NONE NONE
ICSB112/MCSB112 Islam/Moral & Civil Society I 2 NONE NONE
ICSB212/MCSB212 Islam/Moral & Civil Society II 2 ICSB112/ MCSB112 NONE
ICSB312/MCSB312 Islam/Moral & Civil Society III 2 ICSB212/ MCSB212 NONE
HESB113 Hubungan Etnik 3 NONE NONE

***Literature and Sociology (Take any 1 subject)

Bahasa Melayu
MLKB113 compulsory for Malaysian students without 3 NONE NONE
Literature & Sociology Courses

Credit in Bahasa Malaysia SPM)

KDKB113 Kepimpinan & Keusahawanan 3 NONE NONE
SPRB113 Sports & Recreation at Workplaces 3 NONE NONE
KKSB113 Kaunseling & Kerja Sosial 3 NONE NONE
RELB113 Comparative Religion 3 NONE NONE
PKIB113 Creative Thinking 3 NONE NONE
SPYB113 Introduction to Social Psychology 3 NONE NONE
MANB113 Mandarin 3 NONE NONE
FRAB113 French 3 NONE NONE
GERB113 German 3 NONE NONE
JAPB113 Japanese 3 NONE NONE

Recommended options grouping for BEEE(Hons.) technical electives based on specialisation areas:

Options Courses
1 Communications Engineering EECB433 Applied Telecommunication Systems
EECB483 Optoelectronics and Fibre Optics
EECB493 Radio Frequency/Microwave Engineering
EECB473 Data Network Architecture and Electronics
2 Computer Engineering ECEB 473 Advanced Microprocessor
ECEB 483 Computer Architecture
EECB 473 Data Network Architecture and Electronics
EESB 493 Embedded Systems
EEEB472 Image Processing
EEEB513 Computer Controlled Systems
3 Microelectronics Engineering EESB423 VLSI Design
EESB433 Analog IC Design
EESB 493 Embedded Systems
EEEB472 Image Processing
4 Control Engineering ECEB463 Artificial Intelligence and Neural Fuzzy Systems
EEEB423 Control System II
EEEB443 Control and Drives
MESB413 Elements of Mechatronics
EEEB493 Introduction to Robotics
EEEB393 Power Electronics
EEEB513 Computer Controlled Systems
5 Power Engineering EEEB393 Power Electronics
EEEB443 Control and Drives
EEEB423 Control System II
EEPB383 Electrical Power System II
EEPB413 Electrical Installations
EEPB423 Electrical Safety and Hazards
EEPB473 Power System Protection
EEPB493 High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC), and FACTS Devices
EPEB413 Power Quality
EPEB423 Electricity Industry Economics
EPEB443 Energy Conversion
EPEB453 Power Distribution Engineering
6 Nuclear Engineering MENB403 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering
MENB413 Radiation Detection and Nuclear Instrumentation
MENB423 Introduction to Reactor Physic
MENB433 Radiation Safety and Waste Management
MENB443 Reactor Thermal-hydraulic
MENB453 Nuclear Policy, Security and Safeguards
MEHB513 Introduction to Nuclear Technology

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