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No of Journal : 8

Practicum Week : 9

Incident date : 25th September 2016 – 29th September 2016

Title of Journal : Lack of Confidence to Use English

1.0 Statement of problem

I teach the year 3 Yakin and 4 Yakin pupils of SK Tempinis. There are 19 pupils in
the class 3 Yakin and 29 pupils in class 4 Yakin and I have identified most of my pupils
are afraid and not confident with themselves if they have to converse or to read in English.

2.0 Analyze the problem

Lack of confident means that pupils are not brave enough with their own
intelligence and they are not confident with their own ability to use English. My pupils are
the pupils of the first class and they are considered as clever pupils of Year 4. I believe
that I was not helpful enough to make them speak English. Sometimes I replied and
communicate with them using Malay, as my words spitted out soon after they asked me
using our mother tongue.

3.0 Ways to overcome

When there is a problem within the pupils circle, it becomes the responsibility of
an educator to overcome and find some solutions to handle the problem. And as a
teacher, there are few ways that I had enlisted to handle this problem, which are:
i) Appreciate even the smallest effort coming from their side
Appreciation helps pupils to build their confidence and to try their level best to
contribute ideas or to give answers. Appreciation can be in the form of
motivational words or even rewards that can play the part of outer drive for the
pupils to work on their best. According to the B.F Skinner behaviorism theory,
rewards are known as positive reinforcement that strengthens a behavior by
providing a consequence an individual finds rewarding. Rewards are helpful for
the positive improvement of pupils with lack of confidence.

4.0 Time frame

25th September 2016 – 29th September 2016

5.0 Further Action

During my next lesson, I will make sure that the lesson that I conducted will be
more pupils centered and help them to build their confidence level and to be the main part
during the teaching and learning session. The teaching and learning session also will
have more of content within their background knowledge to help them to feel more secure
and confident to use the language. This will help the pupils to be actively involved and to
enjoy themselves during the lesson and to be confident enough to try out all the teaching
and learning activities.

Checked by Guidance Teacher: Checked by Lecturer:

Signature : Signature :
Name : Name :
Date : Date :

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