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# 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper

Philadelphia University
Faculty of Engineering

Dept. of Communication and Electronics Engineering

Second Semester: 2009/2010

Course Title: Electronics Lab Lecturers: Dr. Omar Daoud, Dr. Khaled Daqrouq
Course No.: (650326/227) Dr. Waka' Farman, Eng. Wafeiah Al-Shabani
Eng. Imad Al-Maqusi

Experiment 1

Diode Characteristics,
Diode Limiter and Clamper

Group Members:

Electronics Laboratory 1-1

Exp. # 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper

Experiment 1

Diode Characteristic , Diode Limiter and


Part one: The Diode

 Measure the forward voltage across a diode, and determine if the component
is faulty.
 Demonstrate the forward current and voltage characteristics of pn-junction
and zener diodes.

Reference Readings:
1- Electronic
Devices, THOMAS L. FLOYD, Fifth edition.

2- Electronic
Devices “a design approach”, Ali Aminian & Marian Kazimierezuk.

The diode is a semiconductor device that conducts currents much more readily in one
direction than in the other. The voltage across the diode terminals determines whether or not

Electronics Laboratory 1-2

Exp. # 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper

the diode will conduct. When the diode's anode is at a higher potential than is the cathode,
the diode is forward biased, and current will flow through the diode from anode to cathode.
Unlike a resistor, in which the current is directly (that is, linearly) proportional to the voltage
across it, the diode is a nonlinear device. When the diode is forward biased, a small but
measurable voltage drop, called the barrier potential, occurs across the diode. For
germanium diodes, this value is typically 0.3 V; for silicon diodes, it is approximately 0.7 V.

FIGURE 1.1: I-V Characteristic of Normal Diode

The following formula is used to calculate the forward dynamic or AC resistance of the
Rf = (1)
∆V: The small change in voltage across the diode.
∆I: The corresponding change in current through the diode

Equipments Required:
• Resistors (1/4 W): 10Ω , 100Ω , 1 kΩ .
• 1N914 (1N4148 or equivalent) silicon, small-signal diode.
• 0-15 V dc power supply.
• Signal generator.
• Dual trace oscilloscope.
• DMM (Digital Multimeter).
• Bread boarding socket

Electronics Laboratory 1-3

Exp. # 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper

1- Set your DMM to the diode test position.
2- Connect the DMM to the 1N4914 diode as shown in
Figure 1.1. Measure the forward voltage
Input DC Diode Diode Forward
(VF) across the diode.
voltage Voltage Current
Vf = ……………….. 0.0 V
FIGURE 1.2: Diode Testing
0.2 V
3- Wire the circuit shown in Figure 1.3: 0.7 V
0.9 V
a) Adjust the dc power supply to
give the voltages shown in table 1.6 V
1.1.For each voltage, measure and 5V
record the dc voltage drop (Vd)
across the diode, The diode current 8V
(Id); which can be measured by dividing the voltage across the resistance into the
resistance value.

FIGURE 1.3: Measurement of Diode


Table 1-1

Electronics Laboratory 1-4

Exp. # 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper

b) Plot the diode characteristic curve on the graphical sheet, and graphically
determine the diode's barrier potential (VB) and the forward resistance (Rf).

VB = ………………

Rf = ……………….

4- To obtain the I-V characteristics of

the diode using the oscilloscope,
connect the circuit shown in Figure
1.4, set function generator to 10 VP −P ,
100Hz sinusoid input signal.

FIGURE 1.4: Measurement of I-V Characteristics

Using Oscilloscope

5- Set the oscilloscope to the x-y mode, with the following approximate settings:
Horizontal sensitivity (CH 1) at l mV/division.
Vertical sensitivity (CH 2) at l0 mV/division .

Electronics Laboratory 1-5

Exp. # 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper

6- Draw the curve shown on the screen of the

oscilloscope and graphically determine the
diode's barrier potential (VB), and forward
resistance (Rf).

VB = ………………

Rf = ……………….

Note that:
Channel 1measures the voltage across the diode.
Channel 2 measures the voltage drop across the 10 Ω, and using Ohm's law, it can be
used to represent the current through the diode

10 mV/divisio n
Vertical sensitivit y =
10 Ω

= 1 mA/div


1. When an ohmmeter is used to test a diode, a very low resistance (but not
zero) in one direction means that the diode is

(a) open (b) shorted

(e) forward biased (d) reverse biased ( )

2. In this experiment, the measured diode barrier potential is approximately

(a) 0.3 V (b) 0.6 V (c) 0.9 V (d) 1.2 V ( )

3. If the 10-Ω resistor in Figure 1-4 is changed to 100 Ω and the

oscilloscope's vertical sensitivity is 0.5 V/division, then the vertical

Electronics Laboratory 1-6

Exp. # 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper

axis, in terms of current, is

(a) 0.5 mA/division (b) 5 mA/division

(e) 50 mA/division (d) 0.5 A/division ( )

4. For which region of your experimental diode curve does the diode look
like an open circuit?

(a) Diode voltages less than the barrier potential.

(b) Diode voltages greater than the barrier potential. ( )

5. For the region of the diode curve greater than the diode's barrier

(a) the curve is essentially horizontal

(b) the diode forward resistance approaches an open circuit

(c) the diode voltage increases rapidly

(d) the diode current increases rapidly ( )

Electronics Laboratory 1-7

Exp. # 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper

Part 2: Diode Clipper

 To demonstrate the operation of a diode clipper.

Diode clippers are wave-shaping circuits in that they are used to prevent signal voltages from
going above or below certain levels. The clipping level may be either equal to the diode's
barrier potential or made variable with a dc source voltage. Because of this limiting
capability, the clipper is also called a limiter.

Reference Readings:
1- Electronic
Devices, THOMAS L. FLOYD, Fifth edition.

2- Electronic
Devices “a design approach”, Ali Aminian & Marian Kazimierezuk.

Equipments Required:
• 15-kΩ resistor, 1/4 W
• 5-kΩ potentiometer
• 1N4001 silicon rectifier diode
• 0-15 V dc power supply
• Signal generator
• Dual trace oscilloscope
• Bread boarding socket.

Electronics Laboratory 1-8

Exp. # 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper

1- Wire the circuit shown in Figure 1.5-A,
and adjust your oscilloscope to the
following settings:
Channels 1 and 2: 1 V/division, dc
Time base: 1 ms/division

Figure 1.5-A: Positive Clipper

2- Using the oscilloscope (in the dual mode),

sketch the input and output waveforms, and
measure the level at which clipping occurs.

VO (Peak) = …………………………..

3- Now reverse the polarity of the diode in the circuit, as shown in Figure 1.5 B, and then
sketch the input and output waveforms and measure the level at which clipping occurs.
V O (Peak) =…………………………..

Electronics Laboratory 1-9

Exp. # 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper

Figure 1.5-B: Negative Clipper

4- Now connect the circuit of Figure 1.5-C, and adjust the potentiometer so that the dc
voltage (VDC) is + 1.5 V, and sketch both the input and output waveforms, with
measuring the output clipping level.
V O (Positive Peak) =…………………………..

Figure 1.5 C: Positive Biased Clipper

5- Vary the resistance of the potentiometer from one extreme to the other. What happens
to the clipping level? .......................................................................................................

6- Now reverse the polarities of both the diode and the dc power supply in the circuit, as
shown in Figure 1.5-D. Adjust the potentiometer so that the dc voltage (VDC) is - 1.5 V,
and sketch both the input and output waveforms, with measuring the output clipping
V O ( Negative Peak) =………………………

Figure 1.5 D: Negative Biased Clipper

Electronics Laboratory 1-10

Exp. # 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper

7- Vary the resistance of the potentiometer from one extreme to the other. What happens
to the clipping level? …………………………………………………………………......


1. For the positive clipper circuit of Figure 1.5-A, the positive peak
voltage is approximately ( )
(a) 0V (b) +0.6V (c) +3V (d) +6V

2. For the negative clipper circuit of Figure 1.5-B, the positive peaks
are not clipped because the diode is
(a) reverse biased ( )
(b) forward biased

3. In all the clipping circuits in this experiment, the 15-kΩ resistor is

used to
(a) set the clipping level
(b) set the peak output voltage
(c) limit the voltage across the diode
(d) limit the peak forward diode current ( )

4. For the circuit of Figure 1.5-C, the potentiometer is used to set the
clipping level of the output's
(a) positive peaks (b) negative peaks
(c) positive and negative peaks ( )

5. For the circuit of Figure 1.5-D, the potentiometer is used to set the
clipping level of the output's
(a) positive peaks (b) negative peaks
(c) positive and negative peaks ( )

Electronics Laboratory 1-11

Exp. # 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper

Part 3: Diode Clamper

 Demonstrate the operation of the diode clamper circuit.

The clamper is a diode circuit used to change the DC reference of a waveform without
significantly altering the shape of that waveform. The positive clamper shifts its input
waveform in the positive direction; the negative clamper shifts it in the negative direction.
The negative clamper is identical to the positive clamper except for the polarity of the diode
and capacitor. Clampers are easily distinguished from clippers in that they include a
capacitive element.

• Clamper time constant

10RLC »Tinput (1)

• Peak output voltage

VO (peak) = VIN (peak-to-peak) - Vd (2)

:Reference Readings
1- Electronic
Devices, THOMAS L. FLOYD, Fifth edition.

2- Electronic

Devices “a design approach”, Ali Aminian & Marian Kazimierezuk.

Equipments Required:
• 10Ω resistor, 1/4 W
• l0-µ F electrolytic capacitor, 25 V
• 1N4001 silicon rectifier diode
• Signal generator
• Dual trace oscilloscope

Electronics Laboratory 1-12

Exp. # 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper

• Bread boarding socket.

1- Wire the circuit shown in figure 1.6 and
adjust your oscilloscope to the following
Channels 1 and 2: 1 V/division, dc
Time base: 1 ms/division.

Figure 1.6: Positive Clamper

2- Using oscilloscope (in the dual

mode) obtain both the input and the output

voltages Vout , and sketch their waveforms

3- Note that the clamping action is

not perfect. The negative peaks of the output
waveform are clamped not at zero volts, but
at a small negative voltage,


4- Increase the peak-to-peak input voltage. What happens to the output??


Electronics Laboratory 1-13

Exp. # 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper

5- Now reverse the polarities of both the diode and the capacitor as shown in
figure 1.7, and sketch both the input and output waveforms.

Figure 1.7: Negative Clamper

6- Again you should notice that the clamper action is not perfect. The positive
peaks of the output waveform are clamped not at zero volts, but at a small positive
voltage, why??


7- Increase the peak-to-peak input voltage. What happens to the output??


Electronics Laboratory 1-14

Exp. # 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper


1. For the circuit of Figure 1-6 to function properly, the input frequency
should be at least
(a) 1 Hz (b) 10 Hz (c) 100 Hz (d) 1 kHz ( )

2. For the circuit of Figure1-6, if the input signal has a peak voltage of
VP, then the output signal is
(a) shifted upward by approximately VP
(b) shifted upward by approximately 2 VP
(c) shifted downward by approximately VP
(d) shifted downward by approximately 2 VP ( )

3. For the circuit of Figure 1-6, the negative peak voltage of the output
signal is approximately
(a) VP (b) -0.7V (c) OV (d) +0.7V ( )

Electronics Laboratory 1-15

Exp. # 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper

4. If the peak-to-peak input voltage is increased,

(a) the peak-to-peak output voltage remains approximately equal to
the peak-to-peak input voltage
(b) the negative peak output voltage remains clamped at
approximately - 0.7 V
(c) the output peak voltage approximately equals the peak-to-peak
input voltage
(d) all of the above ( )

5. In order to change the circuit of Figure 1-6 to a negative clamper, you

(a) reverse the polarity of the signal source
(b) reverse the polarity of the diode
(c) reverse the polarity of the capacitor
(d) all of the above ( )

 Conclusions


Electronics Laboratory 1-16

Exp. # 1: Diode Characteristics, Diode Limiter & Clamper


Electronics Laboratory 1-17

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