One Minute Sales

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* | take a minute to look at each customer as a person and realise that they are my most important resource. * L always remember that behind every sale is a person. * If 'm consistently making money, the other person -to the buyer. i is almost always @ sure sign | am adding value to * Making money is important, it is one of my goals. But it is not my purpose in life - not even in selling. * [have more fun and enjoy more financial success when | stop trying to get what | want and start helping other people get what they want * 1am consious of what | am doing. | am not unconsiously repeating a memorized sales routine. On each sales call | am doing what | am doing consciously - on purpose * My selling purpose is to help people get the good feelings they want about what they bought and about themselves. * | understand that caring is what purpose is all about. * | invest a minute when | am selling to ask myself: Am | more concemed with trying to get what | want? Or am I really helping other people get what they want? * When | see that I'm thinking about myself I just get back ‘on purpose’ and focus on the other person. * | quickly reduce my stress because | no longer try to get people to do what they don't want to do. When I sell on purpose, it's like swimming downstream * Before | start to help anybody buy anything, | take a minute to see the entire encounter running smoothly from beginning to end. * Whenever | am successful, | know that | have chosen, consciously or unconsciously, to use the positive thoughts that created my success. * | see selling as enjoyable and! make a lot more sales. * Before | can walk in anther person's shoes, | must first take off my own. 1) remind myself that my purpose is to help other people feel good about what they bought and about themselves for buying. 2) Before each sale | help myself realise my purpose by using the one minute rehearsal, Which helps me see what | want to happen before it happens. 3) mentally walk in other people's shoes in order to help me see things from their point of view. 4) | mentally see the advantages of my service, product or idea and how these advantages can help other people get what they want. 5) | mentally see the happy ending for the other people. They feel the way they want to feel: good about what they bought and about themselves for buying 6) | see myself getting what | want: more sales with less stress. + Ihelp people get the feelings they want - soon! + Before the sale, first, | see other people getting the feelings they want. Then | see me getting what I want. + I study the features and advantages of what | sell - thoroughly and often. + I see the benefits of what I sell actually helping others get the feelings they want. * [never forget that people hate to be sold but they love to buy. * When I'm at my best, | find that all !'m doing is helping people do what they already like to do: to feel good about what they buy. » When | want to remember how to sell, | simply recall how | - and other people like to buy. * It's upto me during the sale to help the other people see the ‘advertisement’ that | had them starting in - recognising their problem, seeing my product in action to solve it and thereafter enjoying the good feelings they want. * To help people feel trust, | remember my purpose. People soon sense it when your purpose is to help them. | tell the person | am going to do something and | do it either during that sales call or by the time I call again. And | describe purpose, process, payoff * One of the most helpful values | provide is helping people recognise what they really want, * Ido that with my ability to ask relevant questions and use intense listening * | ask ‘have’ questions like "what do you like most about what you already have?” And then ‘want’ questions like ‘what do you want that you don't have?" "Would it be fair to ask what you like least about what youve got?" And so on. » Then | take a minute to summarise the key points, repeating them back to let them know I've listened and understood. Most important, | very clearly point out the difference between what they've got and what they want, so they can recognise their problem and discover the feelings they want » | know that people don't buy our services, products or ideas. They buy how they imagine using them will make them feel. 1) | take a minute to remind myself of my purpose: to help people get the good feelings they want - about what they bought and about themselves for buying. 2) | remind myself of my strategy: to help the other person see and feel what | had pictured in my one minute rehearsal, which I modify during the process according to What the other person wants 3) | recall obstacles people have to getting what they want : no trust, no need, no help, no hurry 4) |help establish trust with people by selling on purpose, doing what | say | will do, and describing my purpose, our sales process and their payoff. 5) To discover their needs, | ask ‘have’ questions and 'want questions. The difference is our oppurtunity - theirs and mine, in that order. 6) Ilisten. Then | take a minute to summarise what | have heard - to show | understand. 7) Based on what they feel they want, | help them get it. If can't help directly | tell them and help them indirectly by recommending someone who can help. 8) If | can help, | tell them about someone like themselves whom | helped get what he wanted, 9) Then they see that they can get what they want, | show them how they can get it with least personel risk and the best possible consequences. 10) | ask them to buy. + I sell the way | and other people like to buy, | invest time as a PERSON. + Lask have’ questions and ‘want’ questions + The difference is the problem + Ilisten and | repeat back what | have heard + [honestly relate my service, product or idea only to what the other person wants to feel + The other person closes the sale when he sees he gets the maximum benefits with the mininum personal risk. » For me, the key minutes in a sale and the most important work | do come after people buy from me. These minutes pay the highest rewards. * After | sell on purpose, people feel pleased about what they bought and with themselves. And so they give me invaluable referrals. » after people have bought, | telephone them several times. | let them know that the purpose of my calls is to find out if they are enjoying and benefitting from using what they bought from me. * If they are, | honestly and briefly praise them for their buying decision. | remind them of something specific they did during the sales process that helped them make such a good decision * | keep a simple file on every customer that includes that kind of information. After | have complimented them, I tell them about a gift that | am sending them. Usually it's an inexpensive extra they could have bought but didn't - one that gives added value. * Its a means of doing something beyond what they expected. For most people, the phone calls and praisings are enough, and taking these few minutes after the sale keeps me on purpose. * Then | ask them if they know other people who would appreciate my help. Most people are more than happy to oblige. When | take good care of customers, they take good care of me - and refer lots of other people to me! 1) | continue to sell on purpose: to help people feel pleased about what they bought and with themselves for buying, 2) I contact people after the sale to be sure that people are feeling pleased about what they bought and with themselves for buying. 3) If they are not happy, | take the opportunity to help make things right for the other person. 4) When they are pleased, | praise their buying decision and specifically point out something that they did that helped that action come about. 5) | exceed their expectations by providing some form of added value 6) When they are feeling pleased, | ask people for active referrals. | ask for the names of people they know whom I can contact, using the buyer's name as a recommendation. + After the sale | frequently follow up to make sure people are actually feeling good about owning what they bought from me. + If there is a problem, | help them solve it - and thus strenghten our relationship. + When they are feeling good about what they bought, | ask for active referrals. * The first halt, selling to others, is taking good care of the customer. The second part, selling to me, is taking good care of the sales person. * Selfmanaged selling first helps me realise how good | already am and then it lets me enjoy becoming even better! * One minute goals are goals I can often ‘see’ in my mind - in only a minute. | do four specific things: 1) I decide on ‘the few, important twenty percent - and they become my goals. 2) write my goals down in a special way. 3) often review my goals. 4) | frequently look at my goals and then my behaviour to see if it matches my goals. * | have learned that about twenty percent of what | do during the day gives me about eighty percent of my results, So the first thing | do is sort out what that important twenty percent is, and then | concentrate only on that. I choose not to do the eighty percent - the unnecessary * After | decide who the twenty percent are, the second thing | do is to write down specifically whatever | would like to see happen for me. | write out these key goals in Wo parts: what | am doing and how feel. | write it in the first person, present tense - as though it is already real. | am doing...and | am feeling. *To let me more easily feel that my goal has already come true, | dress it up with words that help me feel the advantages for myself. And that is the critical thing - my feeling that itis already true. * | truly believe that we become what we think about. * After I decide what is important and have written out my goals in a way that lets me feel they have already happened for me, the third thing to do is to read and reread my key goals over and over again - even if | think | already know my goals ‘One minute goals work well when: 1) | focus only on what is important - the twenty percent of what | do (my key goals) that get me eighty percent of my results 2) | write, on a single sheet of paper in 250 words or less, my key sales goals - specifically, what | want and how good it feels to have it - in the first person, present tense so that | can feel myself already realising my goals. | am doing.... I feel 3) | take a minute to read and reread my goals frequently, knowing that repetion will lead to change. 4) | take a minute every now and then to look at my goals and then | look at my behaviour (for example, my appointments). | see if my behaviour matches my goals, 5) | remind myself that the more often | do this, the more | manage - on my own - to achieve my sales goals and to get what | want: to feel good about what | do and to feel good about myself. + I write out my goals on a single piece of paper in 250 words or less, as though they were already reall + read/reread them in only one minute + Each time | reread my goals, | see them as already achieved. * The better I feel about myself, the better I work. * |help myself realise my sales goals by catching myself doing something Right! * Every now and then | give myself a one minute praising. » The main thing | do is to look often during the day for the things | am doing that help me make more sales - with less stress. * When | notice something | am doing right - like making a cold call or writing a follow-up letter - latch myself. Then | take a minute to praise myself. 1 spend first half-minute or so on my behaviour and the last on myself. » As soon as I realise I've done something | like, | tell myself specifically what | did right. * Then | tell myself how good I fee! about what | have just done - even if i's something that seems minor to someone else. If I like it, | like it! » Then | pause for a few seconds of silence - which seems like a long time when | do it - to let myself feel how good | fee! about what | did. This feeling is what it is all about. You don't want just to think well of what you have done, you want to feel good about it. That's where the power is-in the feeling. * Then in the next half minute or so (after | have thought about my good behaviour) | think about my good self - the best part of who | feel | am. » [remind myself that | am a good person. And that even with my human faults | basically like who | am. The one minute praising works well for me because | take 2 minute to have some fun once in a while and give myself some 'sales recognition’ 1) catch myself doing something right! 2) 1 do not wait untill | do something completely right - like making the sale. | go ahead and enjoy myself doing something approximately right 3) tell myself specifically what I did. 4) tell myself how good | feel about it. 5) | slow down for a few seconds of silence to let my - self smile and actually feel how good | feel 1) I remind myself that | am a worthwhile person and that I like myself | let myself feel it. 2) tell myself to do this more often. Because I know that when | feel better about myself I produce better results. ‘Mvone minute praisinas + | frequently take a minute to give myself some’sales recognition’ + Lcatch myself doing something right(or approximately right)! + [laugh and enjoy telling myself what | did and how good | feel about it. + take the time to feel how good | feel about what | have done. + Lencourage myself to do this again. » Whenever | see that my sales behaviour is unacceptable to me, | take a minute to reprimand my behaviour and to praise myself. The one minute reprimand works well for me when | remind myself of my purpose and, when | see | am off purpose, | reprimand my behaviour and praise my self. 1) Lrealise that | deserve to behave in a way that helps me make more sales with less stress. 2) As soon as | see that my sales behaviour is unacceptable to me, | reprimand my behaviour. 3) | tell myself what | did wrong, lam specific. 4) | tell myself how | feel about what | did 5) I pause for a few quite moments of silence with myself to let myself feel how | feel about the behaviour that is unacceptable to me. 1) remember that | am obviously not my recent sales behaviour. 2) 1 tell myself that while | do not like my behaviour, | do, nonetheless, like myself, 3) I remind myself that I will choose to change my own behaviour when I feel bad about my behaviour and good about myself 4) | realise when my reprimand is over, it's over. 5) I laugh at my mistake and get on with enjoying both my work and myself! (Miloneiminure reprimands + [reprimand my behaviour when it is unacceptable to me. + | specifically tell myself what | did wrong. + |et myself Feel how | feel about what | did(or did not do) + |remember that | am not what | do. + lam a valuable human being and | deserve the best behaviour from me + I get back on purpose,

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