Engleza-An 2FOARTE BUN

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(hospital) department= section bruise=contusion

a cold=coryza bugs=microorganisms

a cure= a program (of steroid treatment) Bursitis=housemaid’s knee

Abnormality= anomaly Candida=thrush

Acute=subtle=intense Case history= anamnesis

Admission=accepted for inpatient service at a cause=etiology

Cerebral infarction/bleeding=stroke
Adverse effect ≈side effect ( but not all side
Cerebral palsy=(to be) spastic
effects are bad)
Affiliated with=associated with

Aim=purpose=goal=objective chickenpox=varicella

Alopecia=baldness Circumstances=means

ambulation=walking Client=customer

angina pectoris= chest pain Come along=to improve; to develop

antiemetic= antivomiting
Comprehensive (health care)=
Appropriate =suitable
Armpits=axilla Congenital=hereditary
Arteriosclerosis=hardening of the arteries Consent=agreement
assessment=evaluation contagious= transmittable = transmissible
attack=episode=paroxysm Contamination=contagion=epidemic=poisonin
Conversely = on the other hand
Bedsore= pressure ulcer/sore
cough= tussis Emergency department=ED=Emergency
ward=casualty department
critical care=intensive care
enkoimesis =induced sleep
Crossed eyes= strabismus
epilepsy=seizure disorder
Eructation=belching (ragait)
Dark age=middle age
Examination=checkup; inspection;
Dermatologist= skin doctor

Detrimental =disadvantageous fatigue=lethargy

detrimental=disadvantageous fever=pyrexia

development=improvement=evolution Fever=pyrexia

Dexterity=skill Field=area=domain=branch

Diagnosis≈ pronouncement ; interpretation Flatulence=wind

Dietician= food doctor Forensic medicine=legal medicine

Discovery= finding Functional=useful=utilitarian=practical

disease=ailment=condition=disorder General practitioner=family doctor=family

Dispensary= pharmacy=drugstore=(chemist’s
shop) Geriatric hospital= senior hospital

Doctor’s office= surgery(British English) German measles=rubella

Dosage=quantity germs=pathogens

dreaded=feared guidance= counseling

drowsy=sleepy Halitosis=bad breath
Drunk=inebriated Hay fever=allergic rhinitis
Duvet= bedspread Help= assistance
Dyspepsia=indigestion hemoptysis=coughing blood
edema=swelling hemorrhoids=piles
Efficiency =effectiveness hereditary=inherited=genetic

Herpes simplex=cold sore

Herpes zoster=shingles NGO=charities

Hoist=elevator Nursing home=sanatorium

Hospital acquired infection= nosocomial Obligatory= mandatory=compulsory= required

Hospital admission=internment
Obstruction=blockage; obstacle; impediment
Ongoing = continuous
operating room=operating theatre
Infectious mononucleosis=glandular
fever=kissing disease Ophthalmologist= eye doctor

intensive-care medicine=critical care medicine Opinion=belief; reaction; viewpoint; theory

intern=physician in training Orderly=porter

Internship= hands on hospital training≈ outbreak=epidemic= outburst =eruption

probation period
itching =pruritus Outlined=marked=defined
Layman=unauthorized person pain killers=analgesics
lengthy=prolonged=extended painkiller=analgesic
Lethargy =tiredness=fatigue=exhausion palsy=paralysis
Linked=connected=related paramedical personnel=allied health personnel
Logoped(nu am gasit termenul in paroxysm=excess
engleza)=speech therapist
Patient=health care consumer
patient=health consumer=health care
Mental hospital= psychiatric hospital consumer=client
Mental institution= lunatic asylum Peak=climax=apex=top
microbes=germs=bugs=pathogens Persistently= actively; intently
Mumps=infectious parotitis Pharmacist=apothecary=chemist
Myocardial infarction= heart attack phlegm=indifference
phlegm=sputum safety=security=assurance

phlegmatic=cold-blooded sample=specimen

Physician = medical practitioner sclerosis=hardening

Physioterapist=physical therapist Seldom=rarely

Poliomyelitis=polio Semen=seminal fluid

postpone =delay Senior specialist= consultant

Practical training= clerkship septic=contaminated

Precaution= prophylaxis shock=extremely low blood pressure

Prescribtion=recipe≈order Sick=ill=unhealthy

prescription order= medication order=receipt simultaneously= at once=concurrently

prior=antecedent=previous=preceding skilled=talented=gifted

Privacy=secrecy≈solitude skin=integument

prophylaxis=precaution Social skills=people skills= bedside manners

prophylaxis=prevention spectrum=array=range=variety

Public hospital=state hospital spread=expansion=dispersion

Pyrosis = heartburn Staff=personnel

recuperation=recovery Stamina=endurance

Refuge=shelter stenosis=narrowing

Residency = specialty training stiff=rigid=inflexible=stern

Resident=specialist in training stroke=CVA=cerebral vascular accident

Response=reaction substitution=replacement

Result=outcome Supervision=monitory=observation

Rigors=chills support=backing

Rounds=shifts suppression=abolition=inhibition

Rubella= German measles surrounded=encompassed

Rubeola;morbilli=measles susceptible for=prone to

runny nose= rhinorrhea tablet=pills

teaching hospital=university hospital

Technicians=technologist To consider= to take into account

Temple=shrine to cut down on=to reduce=to decrease

Tendonitis= tennis elbow to cut out=to eliminate= to remove

The elderly=seniors to depict=to describe

the flu=influenza To deteriorate=to waste away

Threat= menace To elevate= to raise

thrombus=blood cloth to encompass = to include

tiny=minute to encourage=to support

to abstain=to refrain To encourage=to support

To administer=to apply(a substance) To facilitate= to ease

To administer=to dispense=to apply to facilitate=to ease

to alert= to warn to faint=to pass out= to collapse

to alleviate=to ease= to facilitate=to relieve To found=to set up

to alleviate=to ease=to palliate=to relieve To gain (experience)= to obtain=to get=to

To aply to a board= to become certified
To get used to = to adjust to = to accommodate
to ascertain = to determinate with

To assay= to evaluate= to test To groan=to moan

To assist=to aid=to help to lead= to determinate

to avoid=to refrain to make up for=to compensate for

To bandage a wound= to dress a wound To monitor= to supervise

To be eager to=to be willing to to occur=to happen

to be responsible for= to be in charge of To operate on=to perform surgery

to care for a patient= to attend to a patient To operate(a hospital)=to run (a hospital)

To care for a patient=to nurse To overlap=to superpose

To carry out= to execute=to accomplish To pee=to urinate=to micturate= to pass

to carry out=to perform
To persist= to persevere; to carry on; to
To come round=to come to his/her senses=to remain; to continue
recover=to overcome
To perspire=to sweat touch=contact

to persuade=to convince Treatment=therapy

To persuade=to convince to do=to tremor=trembling

influence=to advise
To provide= to suply
trouble breathing= dyspnea
To put up=to face with
To recuperate after=to recover from
To refer=to send
To relieve =to cleanse (the blood)
to rely on=to depend on
To rely on=to depend on=to count on
To request=to demand
to require=to need
to resist=to withstand
to sever=to cut off=to amputate
To soar=to rise
weakness= disability
To spike= to soar=to ascend=to climb
Whereas = while
to suffocate=to asphyxiate
Whooping cough=pertussis
To take a place=to substitute
whooping cough=pertussis
to take exercise=to make effort
To treat=to care for (a patient)
to weaken= to debilitate
Wiped out= eradicated
Abnormality= an unusual feature which might be worrying or dangerous

Adenoids=polipi nazali

Aetiology =the causes leading to an illness

An aneurysm can: rupture or can burst

Anumite cuvinte: breakdown, blackout, daca sunt subst se scriu impreuna!!

ATI/ICU=intensive care unit

Attending physician=medic curant

Asclepieia=temples dedicated to the healar-god Asclepius

Valetudinaria=the first hospitals crested by Romans

Bank of organs ;skin

Barber surgeons=primii medici


Basin=lighean/ chiuveta

Bedpan=a pacient confined to bed will have to use this to urinate and to defecate

Black balled=exclus



CCU= critical care unit & coronary care unit

Complications=additional problems to the original illness

Consultant=medic primar

Consultation=a meeting between patient and doctor to discuss problems

Crutch= carja

cyst =chist sau =vezicula biliara

Diagnosis=identifying several illnesses which the patient might have

Differential diagnosis=the identification of a particular illness

Disease= a change in the structure or function of the organs or tissue of the body

Drip stand=intravenous fluid bags are suspended on this





Examination= a study of the patient’s body

General surgeons=for abdominal organs and neck(sometimes)

GP=general practitioner

History= a patient’s medical background, problems, behavior and lifestyle


Hoarseness= ragusala

Hoist= a mechanical device for lifting and moving patients

Hospital training=stagiu de pregatire

Infants=babies up to 1 year

Intern=student in his 1st or 2nd year of residence

Layman=persoana neavizata= = a person without professional or specialized knowledge in a particular


Letter of referral=bilet de trimitere


Monkey pole= suspended above the bed, this can be used by the patient to pull himself up


Night on call=garda de noapte

Occupational medicine=medicina muncii

On call schedule

OR=operating room/theatre

Outpatient clinic =ambulatoriu de spital

Oxygen point= a mask and tube that will supply oxygen to the patient

Pacient stay=spitalizare

Prevention=taking awaythe cause of illness or finding it early

Prognosis= likely outcome of an illness

Rehabilitation center(am gasit folosit si “centre”)

Routine check-up=control de rutina




Sequelae= the long-term results of an illness or treatment

Signs=what the doctor can see of the illness(the things that guide the doctor to the diagnosis)

Sore=plaga, rana

Strain of virus= tulpina virala

Symptoms=things wrong with the body which the patient complains of an experiences(what he
narrates to the doctor)

Syndrome= a group of signs which are characteristic of a particular illness

The anesthetist- el da anestezicele prescrise de anesthesiologist

the pharmacists fill the prescription


To administer:-drugs; a hospital; a perfusion

To be on duty=a fi de garda

To care about=iti pasa de

To care for= a avea grija de

To check the pulse; blood pressure(=tensiune)

To have an X-ray

To hospitalize=a spitaliza (nu este acelasi lucru cu “a interna” si mai degraba cu “to harm ”,”to injure’)

To make one’s rounds

To mould=a modela

To overlap= a se suprapune

To reffer= a trimite

To run a fever

to sever= a ambuta un membru

To squint= a privi chioras

Tonsillectomy; adenoidectomy

Tray= meals are brought to bed on this

Trolley=a narrow bed used for transporting patients(nu e acelasi lucru cu wheelchiar!!)

Varicella=varsat de vant

Verrucae=warts= neg

Ward=camera de garda

Glandular fever is caused by the infection with the Epstein Bar virus

 Fevrish
 Febrile
 pyrexial

Pacient stay=spitalizare

 To make a diagnosis of..

 Diagnosed with

 Find=descoperire
 Findings=constatari
 General hospital
 Field hospital= spital de campanie
 Children’s hospital
 Geriatric hospital
 Maternity hospital
 Military hospital ( nu este acelasi cu field hospital)
 Municipal hospital

 Elective=optional
 Optional=facultativ

 Intern(nu e acelasi lucru cu internist=specialist in internal medicine)

 Specialist=medic specialist
 Senior specialist=medic primar

 Primary care-first you go here

 Secondary care- complex care
 Tertiary care-a very complex/poliactive care

 Free clinical training=ani preclinici

 Clinical training

Practical training= stagiu


Healthcare workers:

 -medical practitioner
 Physician
 Doctor +paramedical personnel (personal in afara
 Medic medicilor)≠paramedici
 General practitioner/family doctor

 Nurses
 Nurses aids
 Orderlies
 Paramedics paramedical personnel
 Pharmacists
 technicians

CPR consists in:

 artficial breathing
 cardiac assault
apothecary= farmacie, dar si farmacist

 prescription drugs=OTC
 non-prescribtion drugs

tentative diagnosis=diagnostic prezumtiv

steps -differential diagnosis stage

-tentative diagnosis stage

-final diagnosis

 Dull pain=durere surda

 Stabbing pain=junghiuri
 Throbbing pain=durere pulsatila
 Colickly=durere ca la colici
 Stingy pain=durere ca la intepare

 The surgeon performs

 The patient undergoes(->underwent)

Hospital stay=sejur spitalicesc

 Internist
 Gp primary care
 Family physician

 Dressing-directly applied on the wound

 Bandage-on the dressing

 To excise=a extirpa
 To ligate=a ligatura

A major constraint on...

 outpatient=a patient who goes to a hospital just for diagnosis, treatment or therapy and then
leave, without staying overnight. Are usually admitted to clinics
 inpatient= a patient that is admitted and stays overnight for several days or weeks. Are
usually admitted to hospitals

types of hospitals:
-general hospital-usually has an ED (emergency department-without prescription). Some of them have
their own ambulance service

-trauma centres


-children’s hospitals

-Geriatric hospitals

Plastic surgery=correction or restoration of form and function (reconstructive surgery, hand surgery,
microsurgery and treatment of burns)

Hospital departments:

 emergency department
 burn unit
 surgery
 urgent care
 cardiology and coronary care unit
 intensive care unit
 neurology
 obstetrics and gynecology
 rehabilitation services
 dentistry
 psychiatric ward
 other support units: dispensary; pharmacy ; radiology

Cum se desfasoara lucrurile in afara:

 “pre-med ”courses -undergraduate training for those who tend to apply to med school(4 ani)
 Medical school (3-4 ani)=>MD(doctor of medicine)
 Internship-training in the practice of medicine, during the final year of medical school, after
graduation from medical school or during the first year of specialty training
 Residency=specialty training(3-7 ani)
 Examination=> board certified specialists
 Subspecialist-more additional full time education in a program called a fellowship

In short suply of sth

 To prescribe
 To dispense drugs
 To admnister

 Medication order sheet-for inpatients

 Prescribtion pad sheet-for outpatients
The prescriber should:-give the trade name of the drug
-the dosage of the drug
-the administration route (oral, intramuscular, subcutaneous,
-the time schedule for administration
-the number of times the prescribtion can be filled
Types of medication orders:
 Standard written types-these apply indefinitely(some drugs have controlled termination date)
 Single orders-only once
 Stat orders-those drugs are administered immediately
 PRN orders=pro re nata=as the occasion arises
 Standing orders=those establish guidelines for treating a particular disease or set of symptoms
 Verbal oreders
 Telephone orders

 Registered nurses
 Lincensed practical nurses

Courses of treatment

Paramedical personnel:

 Nurses
 Electrocardiograph/ electroencephalograph technicians
 Dialysis technicians
 Radiologic technicians
 Nuclear medicine technicians- they introduce radioactive materials into the patient’s
bloodstream for diagnosis or treatment of disease
 Occupational therapists
 Physical therapists
 Inhalation therapists
 Emergency medical technicians=paramedics
 Podiatrists
 Optometrists
 Chiropractors

Coroner=adoctor who is also a lawyer



Foster parents=parinti adoptivi

 Carriers
 The incubation period=the period between the invasion of the tissues and the appearance of
clinical features of the infection
 The period of infectivity=the time that the patient is infectious to others

feel out of sorts=ma simt ciudat

Off-color=de o culoare neobisnuita(i feel off-color=ma simt neobisnuit)

The hair falls out

I’ve been off my food

Artificial limb

Club foot=picior in pivot

Contact lens

Intraocular pressure

Social worker

Verbe ciudate

Appears on

Affiliated with

Caused by

Concerned about

Consists of

Contaminated by

Depends on

Die of..(smallpox)

Difficulty in+ vb ing

Due to

To compain of

Effective against

Immunized for

In short suply

Released into

Spread of

Spread to
Spreads to

Suffering from

To care for(the patient)

To keep to this diet

To put on weight

Trained on the job

Rely on/upon

To depend on

The need for

To specialize in

Transmitted by

Treated with

Vaccinated against

Warned about

To present with

To complain of

Koncked unconscious
Plural (reguli anul trecut)
Advice-pieces of advice/items of advice

 Meatus
 Apparatus
 Sinus “us”
 Species
 series











Antonime(+lista anul trecut)

accidental ≠non-accidental=deliberate

acute ≠chronic

acute ≠chronic

advantageous ≠disadvantageous

attached ≠independent

balance ≠ unbalance(stil de viata)

balance ≠imbalance(dezechilibru in organism)

comfort ≠discomfort

comfort ≠discomfort

comfortable ≠uncomfortable

consciousness ≠unconsciousness

contaminated ≠uncontaminated

contracted ≠uncontracted

controlled ≠uncontrolled

curable ≠incurable

directly≠ indirectly

donner ≠ recipient

donor≠ recipient

doubtedly ≠undoubtedly

dry cough ≠wet cough

exogenous ≠endogenous

expensive ≠inexpensive

Experienced ≠inexperienced
feverish/febrile/pyrexial ≠afebrile/ apyrexial

flexible ≠inflexible

functional ≠nonfunctional

general hospital≠specialised hospital (The best-known type of hospital is the general hospital, which has
an emergency department. A district hospital typically is the major health care facility in its region, with
large numbers of beds for intensive care and long-term care. Specialised hospitals include trauma
centres, rehabilitation hospitals, children's hospitals, seniors' (geriatric) hospitals, and hospitals for
dealing with specific medical needs such as psychiatric problems (see psychiatric hospital) and certain
disease categories. Specialised hospitals can help reduce health care costs compared to general
hospitals)- Ginger ni l-a dat la sinonime??

Grateful ≠ungrateful

infectious ≠non-infectious

inpatient ≠outpatient

moralized ≠demoralized

natural ≠ anatural(nu am gasit in dex??) =synthetic=unnatural

natural ≠acquired

natural≠ artificial

necessary ≠unnecessary

necessary≠ unnecessary

ordinary ≠extraordinary

pleasant ≠unpleasant

Private hospital ≠public hospital

routine care≠ emergency treatment

sterile ≠septic

surgical ≠nonsurgical

To admit someone≠ to discharge someone(from the hospital)

to attach ≠to detach

to be on duty ≠to be off duty

wide ≠narrow

widespread ≠localized

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