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Tempat Wisata Purwakarta

The Highest Hanging Hotel in the World at Gunung Parang Purwakarta Indonesia
Januari 05, 2018

The hotel is generally a building in which rooms even have a multi-storey located near the tourist and urban areas. But what would
happen if the hotel is hanging and stuck to the high rocks. Of course not common here Tempat Wista Purwakarta will share a unique
hotel hanging in high places and this is believed to be the highest hanging hotel in the world and become purwakarta's coolest

Badega Parang Mountains in Purwakarta in West Java where the beginning is where rock climbing tours only. And now there adding
new tours and unique hotel.

This hanging hotel is a hotel hanging on a rocky hill whose altitude reaches 900 meters. The low reaches 300 meters. Well believed
and in believe that this hotel is the highest hanging hotel in the world. In Peru for example, there is a hotel of this kind named in
English with skylodge altitude of only 122 meters. So Hotel that is in this parang mountain is the highest hanging (skylodge) hotel in
the world.

Skylodge perched around the 3 tower rock, andesite mountain badega i.e. parang now number 11 that's all ready you booking. The
eleventh and the capsule-shaped hotel located at an altitude of 300 metres from ground level to a height of 900 meters, as I described

The cost price of the stay at the Hotel the cliff-Hanging Mountain Parang Badega
To enjoy this unique hotel you can simply eject the spend from IDR 3 million to IDR 4 million.

Read also The Biggest Asian Fountain in Purwakarta Indonesia

These costs are already included accident insurance, the cost of the entire hotel service in general such as eating and drinking. As
well as including other costs such as fees for rock climbing on Mount parangas high as 900 meters Via Ferrata.

To enter into the hotel isn't as easy as entering your home, there are certainly obstacles. First, you have to ride the cliffs as high as
400 meters via Ferrata naturally with seat belts, the second, after Climbing and have to cross to the hotel via a rope stretched capsule
along approximately 30 meters. Techniques that can be performed while crossing with tyrolean techniques. Once until you get into the
door of the capsule passes through the roof.

Read also Badega Parang Mountains Rock Climbing the second-Largest in Asia
Facilities at hotel capsule is properly equipped with beds, WC, Air Conditioner (AC) and electricity.

The Hotel's Beautiful Panoramic From The Height

The sides up and down the hotel in wrap with a transparent glass so that the inside can see views of the beautiful surrounding with a
clearview of the dam with a sublime exotic teak.

Your interest in the hotel stayed for this cable? Mentally prepare you to really be ready. The Hanging Purwakarta Hotels information
may be useful.

You want to visit there? call me at +6289655008485 or emailing me at

Hotel Wisata Alam

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The Alesca via Google+ 2 days ago - Shared publicly

The Highest Hanging Hotel in the World at Gunung Parang Purwakarta Indonesia
The hotel is generally a building in which rooms even have a multi-storey located near
the tourist and urban areas. But what would happen if the hotel is hanging and stuck to
the high rocks. Of course not common here Tempat Wista Purwakarta will share a uni...

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