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0-100 mg (Group 1) 101-200mg (Group 2) 201 and above (Group 3)

Fenugreek Leaves Cabbage Amaranth
Lettuce Carrots Coriander Leaves
Radish Pink Small Onion Drumstick Leaves
Bottlegourd Radish White Spinach
Cucumber Bitter Gourd Colocasia
Knol Khol Brinjal Potato
Green Mango Cauliflower Sweet Potato
Ridge Gourd French Beans Tapioca
Snake Gourd Ladies Finger Yam
Chow Chow Onion Stalks Drumstick
Plantain Flower Green Papaya
Green Plantain Sword Beans
Green Tomato

Potassium Content of Vegetables

All vegetables contain potassium. Vegetables in group 1 are low in potassium. One to two
servings of ½ cup each may be used from this group daily. Group 2 has higher potassium and
protein content. One serving may be used daily preferably after “leaching” potassium. Group
3 vegetables have ahigh potassium content and should be used only after leaching potassium.
Canned, pickled and dried vegetables should be avoided.

DIRECTIONS FOR LEACHING: Wash, Peel and cut vegetables into small pieces. Soak in
warm water for 2-3 hours. Discard water. Add large volume of fresh water and cook
vegetables. Discard water.

Permitted Fruits: Apple, Pear, Papaya, Guava

Foods High in Potassium to be avoided: Nuts, Jaggery, Tender Coconut water, Instant
Coffee, Chocolate, Ginger, Pepper


The following foods are high in sodium content and should be avoided:


Baking Powder

Soda Bicarbonate

Canned Foods


Bacon, Ham, Sausages

Meat and Yeast extracts

Salted Chips, Nuts, Popcorn and Biscuits



Commercial Salad Dressing and Sauce

Soft Drinks

Carbonated Bevearges like Pepsi, Coke, Fanta etc


Pudding Mixes

Dried Fish

Dried Fruits

Diet Plan

7am- Black Tea- 200ml ( Light Decotion)

8.30 am- Oats Veg Upma/Poha/Dalia Veg Upma/Quinoa Upma- 1cup

11am- Apple- 1no., Pear, Papaya ( 2 Slices), Guava ( Any One Fruit)

1.30- 2pm- Brown Rice- 250g cooked volume or 3 Rotis + 2 cups Vegetable Curry

3.30pm- Papaya- 1cup/ Pear- 1no.

5pm- Bottlegourd Juice- 200ml or Soup- 200ml

6pm- Roasted Murmura/Phool Makhana/Poha- 1cup

7.30pm- 3 Rotis + 1 cup Vegetable Curry

9pm- 1 Cucumber===

Our Questions

Can consume? Pomegranate

Must avoid? kiwi, orange, banana, coconut, grapes, berries


Can consume? Curry leaves, Garlic, Rock Salt, Cluster Beans, Beans, Tindora, Green Chilli,
Red Tomato, Beetroot, Capsicum, Pumpkin, Peas, Corn, Lemon


Any green leaves to avoid? Works together with tomato?


Can consume? Cow Milk (daily qty? frequency?), Butter Milk, Curd, Milk in curries

Must avoid? Regular Milk

Pulses & Cereals

Can Consume? Red Gram/Toor Dal, Urad Dal, BLACK EYED PEAS, RAJMA, Roasted Channa
Dal, Channa Dal, Green Gram, seasame seeds, Millet, Milo

Must Avoid? Peanuts


Can consume? Rice flour, corn flour


Can consume? Red Chillies, Mustard seeds, cumin seeds, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, coriander

Dry Fruits

Can consume?
Must Avoid? Dates


Can consume? Water Qty, Sago, Vermacilli, Semolina, Tamarind


Any other juices?

Any super foods

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