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I-LANGUAGE [12 m a r k s ] · · ' · , . , . ~ . __, /
1. Fili in the blanks with 8 words from the box below. 4
mate rials / low-income /around/ log /whose / increasingly / those / peers/among.f achieved

Children with internet access at home gain exam advantage, the e-Learning Foundation says.
According to thls leading charity, pupils families have a computer are likely to
achieve a higher grade. A million children's exam results will be on average a grade lower than
their .. ' this year because they do not have internet access at, home. The
e-Learning Fouf'ldation says that çhildren without access to a computer in the evening are being
...........................:........... disadvantaged in the c1assroom. Researc!,! suggests that 1.2 million
teenagers on to revision sites every week an9 those using online resources
are on average likely to attain a grade higher in exams. The charity cites BBC research in which
more than 100 students used the BBC Bitesize revision before their GCSE
examination. The children were fO,I,md to have ~ ~ grade lift compared to those
who did not use the online revision guides. However, experts claim .the Department for Education
is now neglecting its dutY tolncrease computer ownership the most
disadvantaged. The coalition government cut the Home Access scheme set up by the labour
government thrèe years ago, whic"!, helped famjlies to buy a laptop computer.
, l , '

2. Provide ttle right tense orform of the bracketed words[ 4]

The Lifelon'g Learning Society at Florida Atlantic University is dedicated to (offer)
....................................... intellectually enriching educational experiences'to adults of ail ages. We offer
non-credit courses in a welcoming atmosphere with state-of-the-art facilities: outstanding
audiovisual system, superior acoll?tics, and standards providing accessibility and comfort for the
(physical) ~challenged. This community of learners with no age threshold
(enjoy) a diverse and creative curriculum, along with concerts and
entertainment. 'In establishing this program, FAU recognized the still (not/fulfilled)
...................................... demand for educational and intellectual stimulation for adults who are
beyond the traditional university years. The Lifelong Learning Society program (establish)
.................................... on the Boca Raton campus in 1980, in (nort'JI) Palm
Beach County in 1997, and on the Treasure Coast in 2006. Courses q\tailable from October through
June (teach) ,.. by FAU professors and distingl.!jshed guest lecturers. Course
offerings include such (vary) subjects as forejgn policy, music, art, history,
science, literature, philosophy, current events and films. '

3. Match the sentence parts ln column A with those in column B to get coherent
sentences. [4]

1. World Vision is particularly concerned at the global a. of education.

failure to address b. to achi~ving the Education For Ali
2. Despite rising enrolments, disabled children still goals.
miss out Or:} receiving any kind c. the issue of education for disabled
3. According to UNESCO, one third of out of school childre'1.
children are, disabled and fewe'r than d. technical assistance.
4. Other surveys suggest that in 'developing countries e. on access to education than
disability has a greater impact gender or economic status.
5. Concertedefforts must be made to ensure this f. 10% of disabled children in Africa
group of children has access to a quality, relevant attend school.
6. By promoting the equal rights9f these children to g. is to be'achieved.
education we can change this and get closer h. change the current situation.
7. Governme'lts have to promot~ the education of i. and eff~ctive education.
disabled children through financial and
8. New inclusive systems must be developed if the
goal of free.and quality education for ail
II-WRITING ~8 mëlrks]

You have just rea'd a newspaper article entitled Adult Education: Much Trouble, Few Rewards,
in which the journalist asserts that adult classes are a mere waste'of time since they little
benefit people oVer forty.
Write a letter to the editor to express your disapproval of the journalist's c1aims, focusing on
the benefits of lifelong learning.

Dear editor,
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