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Name : Ani Meliyani

NIM : 201532164
Seksi : 30
Bussiness English

Mention 4 of the graphs that you like and give the reasons
4 of the graphs that I like is :
1. Column Chart (Vertical Bar)
A bar graph is used to emphasize the differences in the level of value and some aspects . I
like this this type of chart because a chart of the most simple, very easy to understand and
simply describe the data in the form of rods . The length of the rod illustrates the
percentage of the data , while the width is all the same size. But generally comparable
data is not too much , only a maximum of eight data. To further clarify the comparison
between the rods to each other needed different colors .

2. Line chart
I like to use line chart because can describe the line of development (trend ) of an
object characteristic or variable over time . Via a line graph , we can see progress towards
our observation unit from time to time .
3. Pie chart
The other chart I like is pie chart because this chart that provides information that is a
percentage of a data on the average. So , circle graphs can’t be used to see the trend of the
data . The circle will be divided into several sections whose size is proportional to the
percentage of the average
4. Spider chart
I like the spider chart because the shape is more interesting than others . So that the
reader can more easily understand what is being described .

And from the 4 charts what I explain, the chart I like the most is column chart because so
easy and simple to use.

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