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Muhamadsyah / ICG 2015

Geology and Tectonics Analysis Ciuyah Mudvolcano,

Kuningan, West Java
Faizal Muhamadsyah
Faculty of Geology, Universitas Padjadjaran


Geological structures that developed in the study area is the same phenomenon with regional structures eastern
region of West Java . Structures in Java in general east-west trending . As happened in Bogor eastern zone ,
which is bounded by fault trending northwest - southeast . This zone has experienced strong folding so that produce
antiklinorium the east-west axis direction . In addition there is faults which caused a shift of the axis of the
anticline and occurs after deposition Halang Formation . In the northern part of this zone , state geological
structure has the north because of pressure from the south . The essence of this multiplicity is composed of Miocene
sedimentary rocks while the wings consists of Pliocene sedimentary rocks . Zone Ciniru structure , more local
zoning structure is formed primarily by the fault ride , folding and faults flat minor, this structure has a pattern
zone briefing nearly east-west ( EW ) , extending from Bunigeulis area in the western part , restricted zones
Majalengka – Cilacap structure , until Cipedes area in the eastern part bounded by fault zones Banjarharja-
Koromong . Ciuyah Mudvolcano formation , in the village Ciuyah , Kuningan regency , a large part due to the
influence of structural zones that occur in the study area . Lithology authors on this unit is dominated by mudstone
and sandstone , as well as a small portion volcanic rocks and alluvial . Lithology are generally compiled pattern is
anastomatik stream sediment , However the unit is dominated by mudstone and sandstone . This phenomenon ,
thought to result from the influence of intensive tectonic cut bedrock , causing weak zones are easily inflicted by the
flow of water .
Keywords : Geological structure, Ciuyah, Mudvolcano.

INTRODUCTION term fairly widely spread. After the water

Geological conditions of an area, among evaporates, leaving the salt stored in the form of
others lithology, stratigraphy, structural geology crystals.
and geomorphology. After that will be analyzed Previous researchers in this area is very difficult
also tectonic processes that have occurred therein to find, some writing about Ciuyah Village only
during and after the formation of the landscape revealed on the population side alone. Satyana
Ciuyah. These data are the basis that will be used (2008,
to identify the geological resources of a region.
From the data obtained in the review of the awang/1-paper-2008) identify any mud-volcano
surface, is: The surface morphology is a in this area. Calling as a post-eruptive phase of
combination of areas such as swamps and muddy mud-volcano, fluid migration through permeable
lake. Here, mud and saltwater kept out of the zones deeper then seeps to the surface mud-
bowels of the earth. And also some springs or volcano. Sealed track surface to change the
wells made in the Ciuyah Village area always system back from open to closed
remove water taste salty. Discharge water coming physicochemical conditions. This phase follows
out on the lake is not so great though for the long the eruption phase and begin preparations for the

Muhamadsyah/ICG 2015

next eruption. The new eruption phase can be Location of the study already have a fairly good
triggered by earthquakes or tectonic. infrastructure and is quite advanced as highways
were pretty good, but for the way to the remote
area and not so good.
To know the condition of geological and RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
tectonic analysis in this area used source of Geology of Ciuyah area
regional geological maps issued by the Geomorphology of the research area is
Directorate of Geology, landsat imagery for divided into four geomorphological units.Those
identifying the tectonic conditions and are volcanic slightly steep hills unit, structural
distribution of rock, as well as geological sediment steep high hills unit, structural sediment
mapping in selected areas. slightly steep hills unit and denudation sediment
slightly hills unit.
Based on the lithostatigraphy aspect, the research
area is divided into four units which are (from the
oldest) : Claystone Unit (Tmbl), Sandstone Unit
(Tmbp), Monomic Breccia Unit (Tmbx) and
Volcanic Breccia Unit (Qbv),
Geological structures that develop in the
the study area are fold, joint, and fault. Fold,
consist of Gunungmanik anticline, Pasiragung
anticline, Pakapasan anticline, Sukasari anticline,
Figure 1. Location of Research in Ciuyah Village, Kuningan Cijemit anticline, Margahayu anticline,
Regency, West Java Karangsari anticline, Margamukti anticline,
Mungkaldatar anticline, Cimahi syncline, Citapen
RESEARCH LOCATION syncline, Pakapasan syncline, Sukasari syncline,
Cijemit syncline, Cibodas syncline, Tagog
Geographically the study area lies between
syncline and Mungkaldatar syncline. Fault, there
7 ° 00 ' 0.2736 "S - 7 ° 5 ' 24.0288 " S and 108 °
are Cijemit thrust fault, Citapen thrust fault,
27 ' 33.2352 "E - 108 ° 32 ' 59.4636 " E. The
Pamupukan thrust fault, Pakapasan sinistral fault,
study area is the combination of Map
Ciniru sinistral fault, and Cibongkot sinistral
Bakosurtanal Kadugede sheet no. 1308-444 scale
1: 25,000 edition of I - 2001 and Map
Bakosurtanal Lebakwangi sheet no. 1308-533 Geological history of the region began
scale 1: 25,000 edition of I -2000. Research areas when Early Miocene, research area was deep sea
administratively belong to the Ciniru and environment, submarine fan depositional system
surrounding area, Kuningan regency, West Java and caused turbidite claystone unit (Tobp). When
Province (Figure 1). Middle-Late Miocene epoch Sandstone unit
(Tmbl) deposited with conformity relation at
The Ciuyah Village located in the district
deep sea environment, submarine fan
Ciniru, located about 2 kilometers from the
depositional system because of regression of sea
location of the center of the government district
level and at that time, increased volcanic activity
to the east following the road to the village of
that deposited volcanic material forming breccia
Cipedes. To reach the location of the research it
unit (Tmbx). When Pliocene-Pleistocene epoch
takes approximately 5 hours from Bandung.

Muhamadsyah / ICG 2015

there was tectonic activity that caused fold, joint Formation, Halang Formation, and Kumbang
and fault in the research area. And then there was Formation.
volcanic activity which caused volcanic breccia Relative to the north of Regional Ciuyah,
unit (Qbv) deposited. approximately 18.5 kilometers apart lies Mount
The resources of the research area are geothermal Ciremai, which is one of the active volcanoes in
potential, mineralization and digging raw West Java. At the foot of Mount Ciremai the west
materials and sediment that can be found in the and north, located Neogene deformation of
river. And the disaster risk in the area is sedimentary rock which deforms plastically and
landslide. partly formed clay diapirisma (Pemali shales,
Subang Kaliwangu shales and shales).
Geological structure Ciuyah and Regional structural elements the study area
surrounding areas (Figure 3) consists of: 1). Cilacap Majalengka-
zone structure, zoning structure is formed by a
Depression Bogor zone in the easternmost
thrust fault and transverse fault dominated by the
part forming a concave configuration bend to the
northwest-southeast direction of the pattern (NW-
north, characterized by folding and fault to the
SE), 2). Banjarharja koromong structure-zone,
north. In general, the central part of anticlinorium
zoning structure is formed mainly by thrust fault
formed composed of sedimentary rocks in the
and a small portion of transverse fault dominated
Miocene and their wings are composed of rock
by the northwest-southeast direction of the
formations of Pliocene and Pliocene age the
pattern (NW-SE), and 3). Zone structure Ciniru,
bottom. The total thickness of the Neogene
zoning structure more local is formed mainly by
sedimentary rocks in this depression is estimated
thrust fault, folding and transverse fault minor,
to reach a thickness of more than 6000 meters
zone of this structure has a pattern of directing
(van Bemmelen, 1949)
nearly east-west (EW), extending from the
regions Bunigeulis in the west, is restricted zones
Majalengka structure-Cilacap, up Cipedes area in
the eastern part bounded by fault zones

Structure Elements
Based on the interpretation of the
alignment pattern of topographic map scale of 1:
50,000, map the flow pattern of the river and a
map of digital elevation models, obtained several
geological lineament direction. Roset 20
diagram with the class interval showed that the
pattern of geological lineaments in the study area
Figure 2. Simplification geological map of the study area, are classified into three patterns, respectively the
stereonet shows the trend of rock layering. most significant of which are: A). the west-east
north-east south-west (WSW-ENE), then B).
Formations of sedimentary rocks is
direction northwest-southeast (NW-SE) and C).
dominated by turbidite sediments under the sea
minor nature trending northeast-southwest (NE-
with volcanic-clastic composition, which is
quickly deposited into the depression zone
region, such as propagation formations, Pemali

Muhamadsyah/ICG 2015

The first trend virtually east-west trending Based on field data and the results of previous
related to the linearity of the ridge pattern formed investigators research paper, the bedrock in the
by the ridge of folding sedimentary rocks and Ciuyah area is form over Pemali Formation and
thrust fault, the direction is more indicative of Halang Formation, tectonically has undergone
patterns and moves toward the transposition folding and faulting. The elements that make up
direction caused by faults that are lateral. Trend the structure of tectonic Ciuyah configuration
of the axial zone of the anticline and syncline and consists of one major thrust fault which was
thrust fault represented by the alignment interrupted by lateral slip conjugate (tear fault).
direction nearly east-west (Figure 2). Folds echelon undergo transposition formed in at
Trend straightness both trending least three lanes or folding arc that stretches to
northwest-southeast (NW-SE) relating to the the trend between the east-west (EW), and
partial thrust fault linearity rise, the pattern northwest-southeast (NW-SE). This pattern
moves towards layering of rocks and hypothetical follows the trend of more regional than Ciniru
fault possibility that the criteria in the field is not Structural Zone.
observed. At the location of the complex On the reconstruction of geological
mountain of mud Ciuyah, the distribution of structures illustrated in cross section of geology,
clusters of holes release fluid or system venting bedrock composed of facies mudstone and
the intrusion of mud partly shows the linearity of sandstone facies Halang Formation and
the distribution in the direction northwest- Formation Possible Pemali older form a crease
southeast, as well as the orientation of the long antiklinan or antiform. Orientation axial zone
axis of the perimeter of the distribution of the formation anticlinal structure is oriented east-
overflow and mud inundation on the surface west (EW). Thrust fault break the axial zone of
indicate the orientation of the long axis in a the central part of this antiform, and contribute
pattern direction northwest-southeast. disclose Halang Formation claystone facies and
Formation Pemali, some drag folds, transposition
direction of layering of rock, fault rock and zones
of fault breccia.
Based on the observation of the pattern of
dip or layering tilt Regions Ciuyah sloping to the
south, as well as some indication of kinematic
obtained from the drag fold, thrust fault and
folding to form structural configuration in Ciuyah
have transport tectonic (vergence) to the north.
In addition to the main thrust fault, supposedly
there are faults that are dip-slip, which is located
in the north of the main thrust fault (Figure 3).
This hypothetical fault is suspected to be sluran
Figure 3. Map straightness topography and drainage patterns
for groundwater circulation and opening regional
that show two main trends and the trend minor straightness
baffle structure (regional seal) that is formed by
In addition to the map lineament the Halang Formation claystone facies and
interpretation shown that there is a trend Pemali Formation.
northwest-southeast trending lineament proper
Trend axial zone of folding and the strike
locations across the Ciuyah mud-vulcano
of the thrust fault Ciuyah indicates the range
intrusion complex.
direction north-south compressional regime (NS)

Muhamadsyah / ICG 2015

to northeast-southwest (NE-SW) responsible for Figure 4. Model illustrative regional tectonic and sharpness
are simple shear working in the area of research, derived
the formation of structural elements in the central
from regional structural elements.
part of Zone Structure Ciniru. This compressional
regime also involves the bedrock formations
Internal typology
Pemali and Halang Formation and andesitic dikes
form of sills and dikes which has experienced Although there are some differences with
faulting and at several locations involved as regard to the external manifestations of the
components in fault breccias. morphology and structure of the intrusion mud-
vulcano in a smaller scale, the formation of
Interpreted to mean that migration intrusion mud-vulcano in Ciuyah can be grouped
channels and the possibility of fluid circulation is into three types of four types exist according to
controlled by faults that developed in the study classification model surface morphology of mud-
area. Thrust fault, the horizontal fault, folding vulcano in Depression Transylvania (Yates,
and diapirisma are all factors that favor the 2010), namely: 1). type of mud pool, 2). dome
release or migration of the fluid to the surface type / shield (dome ramps), and 3). Type caldera.
and provide an outlet for the material and fluid This group includes all the holes that show the
under conditions of excessive pressure, the pattern of intrusion mud-vulcano flats and the
types of character short lifespan activity. Mud
material clay that make up the rock formations
pool shows the morphology and properties such
base undergo a process elusiasi and eventually as a puddle or pool of water filled with bubbles
form of mud-vulcano on the surface intrusion. of gas emissions (gas bubble), and looks like a
swamp (Marshy).

Figure 5. Mud cone which is the only recent activity which

is higher than the proportion of solids in the fluid mud
extrusion complex location, debitnya estimated <1 m3 / day

Materials out meet pools are more dilute,

in certain cases which demonstrate the activity of
intense, dense and thick, in which more activities
are weak or in a non-active phase (dormant).
Depending on the level of activity, the material
that comes out in a puddle of mud pool there is
covered by a dense material encrusted and
vegetation. On the outskirts of the hole covered
by a dense material, signs of activity shown by

Muhamadsyah/ICG 2015

the rumble if trodden under foot, and if the crust Mud dome
of mud that covered it revealed, new gas bubbles Naming the dome of mud (mud dome)
in the water can be seen (bubble). initially be used to describe the surface
manifestation of diapirisma submarine volcano,
Mud cone without material spewed into the ocean floor. In
Category mud cone in touch with all the this study, the name used for the mud dome
holes mud-vulcano that has a positive formations dome-shaped of mud-vulcano without a vent and
resulting from the intrusion of mud hole through fluid accumulation in the surface of the mud and
a narrow slit and deposited on a surface that has clear.
been formed previously. Overlap the flow of mud Although the mud dome type that typically are
to the surface is repeated continuously not found in the Ciuyah mud-vulcano complex,
accumulate and make mud-vulcano sloping cone but the point of eruption one of mud-volcano
resembles the shape of a shield volcano. which showed sloping dome without any real
Because almost all studies on mud-vulcano activity on the surface.
intrusion indicate that the material is spewed into The shape of the dome is differentrom the type
the surface of the liquid, dilute with low mud cones. Mud dome structure shows the forms
viscosity, the mountains it generates a cone individually and showed that under the surface
showing soaring ramps and only a few tens of there is a widening structure, likely due to
centimeters above the surface of its sub. accumulation of fluid and pressure, which can
widen the feeder channel.

Mud caldera
The term of mud caldera used for the mud-
vulcano that have depression as a result of
infrastructure rubble mud-vulcano. Such groups
like mountains mud-vulcano caldera.
Depend on the characteristics of the material
spewed out, the moisture content and the weather
Figure 6. The location that shows of a bubbling fluid conditions, the formation of the caldera can be
(bubbling) indicates pressurized gas emitted to the surface, covered by a semi-solid material, or vegetation.
the fluid temperature 37 C
Feeder channel the mud caldera internal structure
has a shape that widens and forms a funnel.
The local angle of inclination or slope of
the topography of origin will determine the shape
and symmetry properties of the mud mound. In
cases where mud flows on a flat surface, the
shape of the mountains mud will be completely
conical, while on the surface of the sloping
topography, the mud volcano will have ramps
asymmetric cone pattern and has side elongates
toward the slope of the topography of origin.

Figure 7. Location of the Ciuyah mud-vulcano complexs

showing typology mud pool.

Muhamadsyah / ICG 2015

is a geological phenomenon that is common in

depression-lane east-west cross almost from the
start Zones Bogor, Kendeng Zone to the east in
the offshore basin Bali- Lombok. The
phenomenon occurs in an environment that has a
geological setting broadly similar. Mud-vulcano
in general, thrive in an environment of
convergence plate boundaries, that experienced
lateral and vertical pressure is very large.
From the survey data worldwide (Yusifov, 2004),
Figure 8. Activity gurgle of fluid (bubbling) which is
oriented NW-SE elongated almost show conduit is slit the incidence of more mud-vulcano occurred in
(fissure) the sea (offshore) than on land (onshore)
The study widely in the territory of Azerbaijan,
which found most onshore mud-vulcano in the
region than anywhere else in the world show a
close relationship between mud volcanism with
diapirisma. It is unknown whether the mudflow
in the region Ciuyah associated with the process
diapirisma, because it is not the inclusion of the
data further and intensified in this study, than
those observed in the surface that shows fossils
sheared clay, distortion and chaotic beds and
Figure 9. Typology flat point of discharge hole showed only shale deformation in several locations outcrops.
intermittent water seepage to the surface, and the surface is Source mud and fluid in this study can not be
covered in part which has been solid and vegetation determined as a definite, because it required
further analysis involving mineralogical and
hydrochemical clay minerals. The depth of which
is the source or origin of mudstone which then
undergoes elusiasi still in question, apart from the
data obtained palaeontologi surface, which
indicates that the age of the exposed bedrock is
much younger than the age of paleontology

The authors would like to thank The 2nd
Figure 10. Typology Mud pool that shows funel widening International Conference of the Faculty of
and conduit are relatively larger than the hole in the Geology and The 1st Joint Conference, Faculty
surrounding of Geology, University of Padjadjaran, West
Java, Indonesia - Faculty Of Science And Natural
Conclusions Resources Universiti Malaysia Sabah, who has
The phenomenon of eruption of mud from been willing to cooperate. Thanks are also due to
beneath the surface, known as mudflow, which colleagues Geology-UNPAD that have helped the
his form to a surface known as the mud-vulcano formation of this article.

Muhamadsyah/ICG 2015

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Ildrem Syafrie/ICG 2015

Geochemistry study of Granitoid Basement Rock in Jambi Sub Basin,

South Sumatera, Indonesia
Based on JSB-3, JSB-4 and JSB-6 wells data
Ildrem Syafrie1, Euis Tintin Yuningsih1 and Hiroharu Matsueda2
Faculty of Geology, Padjadjaran University, Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km. 21, Jatinangor, 45363, Indonesia
The Hokkaido University Museum, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Email: Email:

Research area is located in Jambi sub basin, the northern part of South Sumatera Basin formed during Tertiary age.
South Sumatera Basin, as well as the Central Sumatera and North Sumatera Basins is a basin form in the back arc belt.
The propose of the research is to determine petrological characteristics of the pre-Tertiary basement rock based on
major oxides analysis from the granitoid basement rock in research area with AAS method (Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometry). Thus the petrogenesis could be determined, including kinds and characteristics of parent magma.
Chemical rock analysis confirm the lithology of granitoid basement in Jambi sub basin is intermediate – acid magmas,
calc-alkaline, medium – high K, metalluminous, subduction-related (orogen) at active continental margin. Granitoid
basement rock of JSB-4 and JSB-6 shows magnetite series and I type. This Mesozoic granitoid probably as extension
from the Thailand and Burma granite province, which underline the fact that there has been a history of subduction-
related magmatism along southwestern edge of Sundaland since earliest Mesozoic times.

Keywords : granitoid, calc-alkaline, metalluminous, orogen, magnetite series, I-type

Introduction to form Sundaland. The accretion, further involving

the west coast of Woyla Terrain in the Late
Jambi Sub Basin is located at the north part of
Mesozoic. Magmatism and faulting were intense in
South Sumatra Basin that formed during the
this Sundaland.
Tertiary age. In the north, Jambi Sub Basin is
limited by Tigapuluh Mountains, to the west by the According to McCourt et al. (1996), the results
Bukit Barisan Mountains, to the south by the of the K / Ar analysis of the Barisan Mountains of
basement high partly exposed to the surface in the southern Sumatra indicates the existence of four
form of Duabelas Mountains, and in the east by the main plutonic activity periods such as Miocene-
highs that most of basement rocks exposed to the Pliocene (20-5 million years ago), Early Eocene
surface in the form of Belitung, Bangka, Singkep (60-50 million years ago), Middle-Late Cretaceous
and Lingga Islands (Figure 1). South Sumatra Basin, (117-80 million years ago) and Jurassic-Early
as well as the Central Sumatra Basin and the North Cretaceous (203-130 million years ago). Plutonic in
Sumatra Basin, is formed at back arc belt during the the western part of Sumatra also indicate the period
Tertiary. activity-plutonic in Perm (287-256 million years
ago). In addition there is an indication that the Early
According To Pulunggono and Cameron
Mesozoic activity has started since the Late Triassic,
(1984), the pre-Tertiary tectonic framework of
thus there are two magmatic cycle, namely:
Sumatra in the form of continent and ocean
microplates mosaic accreted in Late Triassic when 1) Late Triassic to Early Jurassic (220-190 million
microplate Mergui, Malacca and East Malaya united years ago)

Ildrem Syafrie/ICG 2015

2) Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (170-130 According Pujasmadi et al. (2002), the
million years ago) basement rocks in the study area consists of shallow
intrusive to extrusion volcanic rock, which is
associated with volcaniclastic-sedimentary rocks,
plutonic rocks and coarse-grained crystalline
metasedimentary rock. Volcanic rock composition
consists of andesite, rhyolite and dacite. The
composition of the plutonic rocks are mainly granite
and gabbro-dolerite. Metasedimentary rock
composed of quartzite, limestone and marble
The purpose of this study was to determine the
petrological characteristics of pre-Tertiary basement
rocks in detail based on the analysis of geochemical
analysis on major oxides composition that form the
basement granitoid rocks in the study area.

Chemical analysis is mainly done by using the AAS
method (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry),
which is one of the method to determine the
Figure 1. Research area location map chemical composition of a rock based on the
(Source ; Pujasmadi et al., 2002) radiation of electromagnetic absorption. For the
purposes of this rock chemical analysis, there are
Pre-Tertiary complex data compiled with data five rock samples analyzed consisting of two
obtained from the Directorate of Geology and samples from JSB-3 well, one sample from JSB-4
drilling activity of company oil, a certain pattern of well and two samples from JSB-6 well. Analysis of
granitoid distribution can be observed. Radiometric rock chemistry's done by analyzing the composition
age determination of some rock samples from the of the major elements to determine the chemical
rocks intrusion showed that the north-south characteristics that could ultimately be used to
distribution of granitoid rocks are from older to determine petrogenesis of rocks in the study area
younger one, each of which is aligned with the that includes the type and characteristics of the
pattern and direction of east - west to the northwest -
magma origin.
The weight percentage of each major oxides for
According to De Coster (1974), pre-Tertiary
Complex or basement in the Central Sumatra and every rock specimens can be seen in Table 1.
South Sumatra Basins consists of Mesozoic igneous The limitations of rock samples analyzed greatly
and metamorphic rocks, and Palaeozoic and affect the interpretation of the evolution of the
Mesozoic carbonates. Palaeozoic and Mesozoic volcanic and plutonic rock in the research area. The
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are intensively more rock samples were analyzed, the higher level
folded and faulted, and intruded by during Mid- of accuracy in interpretation. The limitations of rock
Mesozoic orogenesis. The complexity of the samples analyzes due to the relatively rare fresh
structural relations of older rocks can be seen in rock samples in all three wells.
outcrop in the South Sumatra Basin.

Ildrem Syafrie/ICG 2015

Table 1. Major oxides composition of the basement granitoid Wilson, 1989 (Figure 5) and An-Ab-Or diagram of
rocks in research areas based on data from the JSB-3, JSB-4 and
JSB-6 wells Barker, 1979 (Figure 6). Based on the K2O content
of the analyzed rock sample from JSB-4 well
included in the high potassium series (high-K) and
calc-alkaline rocks series. This is reflected in the
diagram of K2O - SiO2 from Le Maitre, 1989;
Rickwood, 1989; Withford and Nichols, 1973
(Figures 2 and 3). Based on the tectonic
classification of Batchelor and Borden (1985) rock
sample from the JSB-4 well formed in late orogenic
(Figure 7). This granitic rocks series include in
magnetite series (Ishihara et al., 1979; Figure 8)
with metalluminous alumina saturation (Shand,
1947; Figure 4) and according to Chappel & White,
(1974) included in the I-type (Figure 4).

Based on the results of the chemical analysis of rock
samples from JSB-3 well at 1987.50m and
1994.38m depth can be seen that the composition of
igneous rocks in JSB-3 well is andesite – basaltic Figure 2. Classification of granitoid basement rocks based on
andesite, it is reflected in the TAS diagram for variations of SiO2 and K2O contents (according to Whitford &
volcanic rocks of Wilson, 1989 and K2O - SiO2 Nichols, 1973)
diagram from Withford and Nichols, 1973 (Figure
2). While based on the K2O content, both of rock
samples were analyzed from the JSB-3 well
included in the moderate-potassium series (medium-
K) and are included in the calc-alkaline rocks series.
This is also reflected in the K2O - SiO2 diagram
from Le Maitre, 1989; Rick-wood, 1989; Peccerillo
and Taylor, 1976 (Figure 3). According to Shand
(1947) the rock in JSB-3 well is metalluminous
alumina saturation (Figure 4).
Figure 3. Classification of granitoid rocks based on the content
Rock sample were used for chemical analysis in the of SiO2 and K2O.( (Rickwood, 1989); Italic dot lines (Le Maitre
JSB-4 well is located at 2654.02m depth. Based on et al., 1989); Shaded areas: boundary area by Peccerillo and
the results of chemical analysis showed that the Taylor (1976), Ewart (1982), Innocenti et al. (1982), Carr
igneous rock in JSB-4 well is granite. This is (1985) and Middlemost (1985) summarized by Rickwood
(1989) (in Rollinson, 1993)
reflected in the TAS diagram for plutonic rocks of

Ildrem Syafrie/ICG 2015

Chemical analysis for lithology from the JSB-6 well

were taken at 2341.78m and 2343.77m depth. Based
on the results of chemical analysis showed that the
igneous rocks compose at JSB-6 well is
granodiorite, as a plotting result in the TAS diagram
for plutonic rocks of Wilson, 1989 (Figure 5) and
An-Ab-Or diagram of Barker, 1979 (Figure 6).
Based on K2O content of both rock samples from
the JSB-6 well included in the series of high
potassium (high-K) and are included in the calc-
alkaline rocks series. This is reflected also in the
K2O - SiO2 diagram from Le Maitre, 1989;
Rickwood, 1989; Withford and Nichols, 1973
(Figures 2 and 3). Based on the tectonic
classification of Batchelor and Borden, 1985 rock
from the JSB-6 well formed at the pre-plate Figure 5. Classification of granitoid basement rocks based on
total alkaline vs silica/TAS (Cox et al., 1979 adapted by Wilson,
collision (Figure 7). According to Ishihara et al.
1989 ; in Rollinson, 1993)
1979 included in the magnetite series (Figure 8)
with metalluminous alumina saturation (Shand,
1947; Figure 8) and by Chappel & White, 1974
included in the I-type (Figure 4).

Chemical analysis results (Table 1) shows that the

value of LOI is between 0:39 - 0.85%, it indicates
that the alteration product/weathering in the samples
is relatively weak, making it possible for
interpretation of petrogenesis. SiO2 content ranged
between 53.70 - 71.08% was shown intermediate –
acid composition.

Figure 6. Classification of granitic rocks based on normative

molecular composition of An-Ab-Or (according to O'Connor,
1965 in Rollinson, 1993)

Among the main elements, some that are considered

"stable" and are often used for interpretation of
petrogenesis are K, Ti, Mn, P and Mg. Among those
five main elements, Ti is considered the most stable
so have a high reputation for interpretation.
According to Gill (1981, in Yuwono, 2002), the
rocks were formed in a subduction zone (orogen)
has a value of TiO2 is <1.3%. The results of
Figure 4. Classification of alumina saturation (Shand, 1947) and chemical analysis of all samples showed the content
the type of rocks (Chappel & White, 1974) in Clarke (1992)
of TiO2 is 0:40 to 1:31%, this indicate that the rocks

Ildrem Syafrie/ICG 2015

in the study area is formed at subduction zones

Assuming that the composition of volcanic and
According to Green (1980, in Wilson, 1989), a high plutonic rocks are similar, thus the magmatic
content of Al2O3 (12:26 to 18:19%) and lower affinity classification based on some researchers
content of TiO2 (0:40 to 1:31%) it serves as the summarized by Rickwood (1989, in Rollinson,
characteristics of the rock at active continental 1993) were applied. Andesitic rocks of the JSB-3
margin - island arc. The increasing of water pressure well based on SiO2 - K2O diagram included in the
in the mantle beneath the subduction zones probably calc-alkaline series, while granitoid rocks of the
produces more alumunium silicate melt. The JSB-4 and JSB-6 wells, including the high K series
presence of normative quartz in all rock samples (calc-alkaline), the characteristics of these high-K
indicated saturated silica conditions and according may reflect the increasing degree of contamination
to Ringwood (1966), normative quartz produced of the continental crust in active margin magma.
from fractionating crystallization at depth <15km. Based on the content of K2O + Na2O, rocks in the
High total orthoclase normative (18:35 - 25.02%) in study area including medium alkaline (4.78 -
the JSB-4 and JSB-6 wells indicated high K 4.84%) for the rock of the JSB-3, while the rocks of
orogenic conditions. JSB-4 and JSB-6 including high alkaline (6.91-
8.13%), which is one characteristics of calc alkaline

According to Girod (1978, in Yuwono, 2002) who

was arranged the scheme relationship between
magmatic series with plate tectonics based on data
from all empirical petrology worldwide, which is
chemically recent volcanic rocks of the known
position of the corresponding plate (that of
relationships between magmatism and tectonic
position no doubt) showed that the calc-alkaline
type is only found in the orogenic zone
Figure 7. Tectonic classification of igneous rock in research (subduction), either on the edge or on the active
areas (according to Batchelor & Bowden, 1985; in Yuwono,
continental margin - island arc.
Based on the results of plotting in tectonic
discriminant diagram of Batchelor and Bowden
(1985, in Yuwono, 2002), showed that the granitic
rocks in JSB-6 formed on the pre-plate collision,
while granitis rock of JSB-4 formed in the late-
orogenic. This indicate that magmatic activity in the
study area occur in tectonic subduction regime, and
it is consistent with the hypothesis that given by De
Coster (1974), Pulunggono & Cameron (1984) and
McCourt et al. (1996).

Granitic rock formation associated with tectonic

subduction regime in JSB-6 were formed in the pre-
Figure 8. Granitic rocks series in research areas based on SiO2 plate collision somewhat different with JSB-4
and Fe2O3 / FeO (by Ishihara et al., 1979; in Yuwono, 2002) granitic rocks formed in late orogenic. This

Ildrem Syafrie/ICG 2015

indicates the formation's rock is relatively in extension of granite provinces of Thailand and
different time-even though there are similarities of Burma, which affirms that there has been
magma properties. According to McCourt et al. magmatism associated with subduction along
(1996), granitoid complex in Sumatra is not southwestern edge of Sundaland since the beginning
interpret as co-magmatic although the analysis of the Mesozoic.
results seem in one population, because they showed
the magmatism that occurred in long time (some
were more than 200 million years old). The CONCLUSION
granotoid here more considered as the product of
generations of magma with a similar mechanism Results of chemical analysis of pre-Tertiary
occurs repeatedly and over a long time. granitoid basement rocks from Jambi sub basin
shows the low content of TiO2 (0:40 to 1:31%) and
Based on alumina saturation (Shand, 1947 in high Al2O3 (12:26 to 18:19%) content, this indicate
Clarke, 1992) in Figure 4, the rocks in JSB-3, JSB-4 that the rocks in the research area formed in
and JSB-6 were included in the metalumina-type subduction zones (orogen) on the active continent
despite of normative CIPW analysis appear margin - island arc. Based on the diagrams of the
corundum (except for JSB- 3 samples of 1987.50m relationship between SiO2 and K2O, high content of
depth) but the amount is relatively small (<0:52%). orthoclase normative with high total K2O + Na2O
According to Clarke (1992), rocks that are for JSB-4 and JSB-6 (6.91 - 8:13%) indicates
metalumina has relationship with oceanic crust with magma with high-K calc alkaline affinity and
continental crust subduction or oceanic crust with reflects the increase in the degree of continental
oceanic crust subduction. crust contamination on active margin magma, while
Based on the molar ratio of Al2O3 / (CaO + Na2O + for JSB-3 with the content of K2O + Na2O ranging
K2O) < 1.1 (Chappel & White, 1974 in Clarke, between 4.78 - 4.84% is included in the medium
1992), shows the granitoid rocks of JSB-4 and JSB- alkaline.
6 is I-type (Figure 4). Based on the content of Although the granitoid rocks in JSB-4 and JSB -6
magnetite and opaque mineral content of more than have similarity in chemistry characteristics, based
0.1% (normative analysis and petrographic), all on plotting on tectonic discrimination diagram of
rocks including magnetite series, also supported by Bathelor and Bowden (1985), they were formed on
plotting on a diagram of SiO2 and Fe2O3 / FeO of two different tectonic conditions. For JSB-4 was
Ishihara et al. (1979, in Yuwono, 2002), which formed at late orogenic, while JSB-6 formed at pre-
shows magnetite series plotting. Especially for rock- plate collision, so it does not interpret as co-
from JSB-4 and JSB-6, according to Takahasyi et al. magmatic, but rather considered as a product of
(1980), the rock which included a series of magma generation with the mechanism that is
magnetite rock is generally a granitoid with I-type. similar and lasts longer.
McCourt et al. (1996) stated that geochemical Granitoid in JSB-4 and JSB-6 had I-type, included
studies on the Mesozoic granitoid from Barisan in the magnetite series and metalumina associated
mountains range of southern part of Sumatra shows with subduction of oceanic crust with continental
characteristics of subduction-related, calc-alkaline, crust or oceanic crust with oceanic crust subduction.
I-type, metaluminous and is associated with
volcanic arc granites (VAG) subduction. This is
consistent with the results of chemical analysis were
performed on rock samples from JSB-3, JSB-4 and
JSB-6. The Mesozoic granitoid is predicted as

Ildrem Syafrie/ICG 2015

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