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Name of the Different Symbols in the Keyboard

~ Tilde
! Exclamation Point
@ At
# Number
% Percent
( Open Parenthesis
) Close Parenthesis
_ Underscore
+ Plus
= Equals
: Colon
; Semi-colon
< Less Than
> Greater Than
, Comma
. Period
? Question Mark
- Dash
/ Forward Slash
* Asterisk

Special Keys

Esc or Esc - used to exit programs and return to the main menu.

Tab or Tabulator Key – used to create indent line or move the cursor
to the right side to a pre-sent point. This is especially used in word
processing to line up text vertically.
Caps Lock – used to type all letters in capital.

Shift Key– used to capitalized a single letter and produces top symbol.
CTRL or Control Key – are used to perform shortcut commands. They
are used together with the other keys.
Enter Key – in word processing, it is used to go to the next line when
typing. It also tells the computer to perform the given task.
Backspace – erase any character on the left side of the cursor.

Delete – erase any character on the right side of the cursor.

Spacebar – used to make spaces when typing.

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