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Teacher notes 2.

Binary logic
This section covers the basic concepts of binary logic and the use of logic gates and truth

Specification reference 2.1.2

a) Explain why data is represented in computer systems in binary form.
b) Understand and produce simple logic diagrams using the operations NOT, AND and OR.
c) Produce a truth table from a given logic diagram.

Resources required
Presentation 2.2 Binary logic
Chapter 2.2 Binary logic
Interactive assessment 2.2 Binary logic
Weblinks Binary logic
Personal tutor Binary logic

Assessment guidance
The concepts in this unit are best delivered through practical activity. Access to logic circuit
training devices or programs will reinforce the concepts.

Teaching notes
The presentation provides an introduction to the key concepts behind binary logic and
explains why computers use binary.
This section lends itself to practical activity and work with binary logic and truth tables.
The personal tutor helps students appreciate the concepts described and there is further
research for them to complete through the weblinks provided.

OCR Computing for GCSE © Hodder Education 2013

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