Omkar Shukla: Mr. Prabhu Nath Gupta Signature .........

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This is to certify that Omkar Shukla of Class XIIth of

Kings n Queens School, U.P. has completed her project file

under my guidance. She has taken proper care and shown
atmost sincerity in completing this project.

I certify that this project is up to my expectations and as per

the guidelines issues by CBSE.

Mr. Prabhu Nath Gupta Signature ..........

I express my gratitude to Mr. Prabhu Nath Gupta my
Physical Education Teacher and guide, who guided me
through the project and also gave me valuable suggestions
and guidance for completing the project.

He helped me to understand the intricate issues involved

in making the project besides effectively presenting it.

These intricacies would have been lost otherwise my

project has been a success only because of his guidance.

Name Signature.................
Omkar Shukla
I, Omkar Shukla Student of Class XIIth Science of Kings n Queens
school, Kanpur hereby certify that the project was undertaken by
me as a part of CBSE curriculum. The data used in the project has
been downloaded by me from the website of the company and
therefore., I take it to be authentic and reliable.

Omkar Shukla Signature ................

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