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DJAM :the celebration of the female will and body

‘In times of war there will be music'

What remains with you is the travel and effervescence of DJAM. What is a journey .She demands
genuiness and and striking genuiness. Djam is the music amidst our deafening silence against the it has
the most revering first shots I’ve seen in a long time of DJAM dancing away along the barb wired fences
of a border The story line as it unfolds mediates between boundaries .A journey which starts off with
her dancing her way along a border . She pisses at the grave of her fascist grandfather. Salam comrade .

Assortment of images shakes all the might out of islamic imagery . A film made in the gypsy spirit ,djams


A movie which holds on to the innocence of a 10 year old boy. A kid who dwells in a world opposing
worldviews fails to satisfy the curiosity of the with his vedic appropriated science . Caught between
dad’s and which seems to have Scientific thought v/s religiosity a nostalgia of the scientific For him his
rational dad place around with plays with the idea of surveillance and anonymity in the contemporary
day context . At the point of no return. To Appu his rational is a distant memory. He gives it back to sea
to whoever wants invisibility.


One shot 3000 actors and musicians . Painterly cinematography brings to life 18 century characters on
screen. However the film stage ceases to abstain from the staged nature of the performance. However it
remains the . Space as integral part of the narrative. 4

120 beats per minute

120 BPM has a great trailer What appeared to the youthful explosion of youthful energy nevertheless
less it’s .Young ,Bold and striking 120 maps the life and revolt of antibart. The film captures it’s
mechanisms of political and democratic and of meaningful debate And with it archives the

Seen unseen. Of performance traditions. Poetic rendering of the as it plays out on screen.



Dark .high my stylised . Presents a fantasy . Maintains to create an atmosphere of melancholy. Play of
images and symbols.

The film is sci-fi/ docu fiction on the underground music scene in Brasilia . 4

On of the best movies on the art world in recent times. Christian ,curator at the city’s famous
contemporary art museum is hosting an exhibition titled the square. The square explores the idea of
territorial boundaries in public and human mediations across them . The film explores Christians. The
tracking app lets him . personal and professional encounters during this period. The film succtly dissects
the contemporary art circle presents it’s eu. On the very public square where one of the installations is
situated ,Christian falters to detect an orchestrated performance by snatchers and ends up lossing h is
wallet and phone. In attempt to retrieve his phone tracking its coordinates ,Reflects The interest for the
performative triggers the idea of dropping threat letters to inhabitants who reside in apartment . In of
the consequences which reach a comic climax. The film touch on issues of autonomy personal and the
public space. Christian bubble bursts and he is seen scuffling through the garbage to locate the contact .
4.5 obscurity in discourse. Perfectly etched character . Starkly the The obscurity of his curatorial note.
As people miss . Art -noArt . The performative and . Easy life in his elite existence . Ruptures

Mor duty

Seen Unseen

A film firmly rooted in its context. In the . Brings 4

I still hide to smoke :subversion of the city.

Razia enjoys coming out on the terrace of settlement in Algiers. But apparently the continuous
terrace facing the beach front is a semi open space where rules of Islamic public decorum still exists and
movement of female body is still regulated . The only other public spaces where gender mixing takes
place, the city and it’s streets seems to inflicted with extreme violence. The director in order to subvert
the . The public bath regulated usage makes it the . Liberating the female body out of shame. Incursion
is defended by the collective of the . Is an assortment of


Far removed from the protected post apocalyptical city two scientist venture out to trace the future
of the planet . Going out l hink of two worlds the city which lives controlled indoor farming a journey
through post apocalyptic landscape . Unlike other SCI fiction films the. Director rather than celebration
of technology . A landscape which is dry ,rugged and devoid of any life . Grain presents a post
apocalyptic vision which is a critique of the genetically modified seeds In a world taken over by
corporations all resources seem to be available only in the city and life in the suburbs d3vasted by
epidemics. In a journey modified seeds . Striking cinematography pictures man against the wild Commented [1]:
alienating landscape (both human and man made).shot entirely in a black and white, a film lends itself a
language akin to that of

Kupal is departure from the neo realistic style of Iranian cinema. A satire on life. Kupal is shot entirely
within a house with one single character. The

Of body and Soul

White out black in

The third murder


Deals with the social situation of and

The last of us



Satan’s slaves

The grandmaster

I am not a wi.

Seen Unseen
Of body and soul movie. Love unfolded in the screen dreamscape .The shy and sensitive . Explicit scenes
at the slaughter house .Carnivore city dwellers . Juxtaposition of the . At night they share their dreams .
A mystical connection transform both deer in a sparkling winter woodland . Animal butchery delicate
suspense of dream sequences

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