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Major review

Optical coherence tomography: Imaging of the choroid

and beyond

Sarah Mrejen, MD, Richard F. Spaide, MD*

Vitreous, Retina, Macula Consultants of New York, 460 Park Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10022

article info abstract

Article history: Seventy percent of the blood flow to the eye goes to the choroid, a structure that is vitally
Received 23 May 2012 important to the function of the retina. The in vivo structure of the choroid in health and
Received in revised form disease is incompletely visualized with traditional imaging modalities, including indocyanine
1 December 2012 green angiography, ultrasonography, and spectral domain optical coherence tomography
Accepted 4 December 2012 (OCT). Use of new OCT modalities, including enhanced depth imaging OCT, image averaging,
and swept-source OCT, have led to increased visualization of the choroidal anatomy. The
correlation of these new anatomical findings with other imaging modalities results increases
Keywords: understanding of many eye diseases and recognises of new ones. The status of the choroid
choroidal thickness appears to be a crucial determinant in the pathogenesis of diseases such as age-related
enhanced depth imaging optical choroidal atrophy, myopic chorioretinal atrophy, central serous chorioretinopathy, chorior-
coherence tomography etinal inflammatory diseases, and tumors. Extension of these imaging techniques has
swept source optical coherence provided insights into abnormalities of the sclera and optic nerve. Future developments will
tomography include blood flow information, 3D rendering of various ocular structures, and the ability to
choroidal imaging evaluate changes in 3D structural information over time (4D imaging).
choroidal anatomy ª 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
choroidal blood flow
choroidal physiology
choroidal histopathology
optic nerve
subarachnoid space

1. Introduction (εidhs): that looks like. In Latin this word meant network.
Approximately 95% of the blood flow in the eye goes to the
The word choroid comes from the ancient Greek: korio-aydez, uvea, with the choroid accounting for more than 70%.162 The
for korio (corio): a membrane around the fetus, and aydez choroid has the highest blood flow per unit weight of any

Financial Disclosure: Dr Spaide is a consultant to Topcon.

The authors have no other financial or personal relationships with other people or organizations that could potentially and inappro-
priately influence their work.
* Corresponding author: Dr. Richard F. Spaide, MD, Vitreous Retina Macula Consultants of New York, 460 Park Avenue, 5th floor, New
York, NY 10022.
E-mail address: (R.F. Spaide).
0039-6257/$ e see front matter ª 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
388 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

tissue in the body, about 20 to 30 times greater than that of the 1.1.2. Scleral anatomy
retina.2 One main function is to supply oxygen and metabo- The sclera is thickest (1.0 mm) at the posterior pole around the
lites to the outer retina, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and optic nerve and thinnest (0.3 mm) beneath the insertions of
possibly the prelaminar portion of the optic nerve,79 and it is the rectus muscles, measuring 0.5 mm at the equator. The
the only source of metabolic exchange for the avascular fovea. sclera is organized in three layers: outer episclera, scleral
The photoreceptors inner segments, replete with mitochon- stroma, and inner lamina fusca. The superficial episclera is
dria, have the highest rate of oxygen use per unit weight of a connective tissue that contains melanocytes, a few fibro-
any tissue.227 The choroid also acts as a heat sink, absorbs blasts, lymphocytes, and relatively numerous blood vessels.
stray light, and, in birds, aids in accommodation.152 The scleral stroma is the largest portion of the sclera and is
Many disease processes originate from the choroid or composed of branching bundles of collagen fibers, together
materially impact it because of its proximity to the affected with numerous elastic fibers, extracellular matrix, and a few
retina or sclera (i.e., age-related macular degeneration, glau- fibroblasts. The lamina fusca, the innermost layer, can be
coma, and diabetic retinopathy). Choroidal neovascularization distinguished by its brownish color, due to the presence of
(CNV) related to myopia, angioid streaks, multifocal choroidi- numerous embedded melanocytes, and blends with the
tis, and polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (a variant of CNV) suprachoroidal and supraciliary lamellae of the uveal tract.
originates from the choroid. The high blood flow in the choroid Collagen in the lamina fusca is arranged in thin, small
predisposes the site to metastatic or embolic spread of tumors bundles. This layer also contains elastic fibers. The sclera, like
and infectious diseases. Some inflammatory disorders the cornea, is essentially an avascular fibrous structure,
involving the posterior segment of the eye seem to target the except for the vessels of the superficial episcleral plexus169
choroid (e.g., Vogt-Koyanaghi-Harada disease, birdshot cho- and the intrascleral vascular plexus located just posterior to
rioretinopathy, and choroidal granulomas in sarcoidosis or the limbus. A number of channels, or emissaria, penetrate and
tuberculosis). Finally, in animal models emmetropization and break the continuity of the sclera for the perforating ciliary
the first steps in control of refractive error are dependent on the nerves, short and long posterior ciliary arteries, anterior
choroid.152 Advances in imaging have greatly increased our ciliary arteries, and vortex veins. Interesting variations of the
ability to visualize the choroid, allowing better understanding sclera are associated with myopia, particularly high myopia.
of the choroid in health and disease. Eyes with high myopia have thinning of the sclera, with
a decrease in the amount of collagen in the sclera. The
1.1. Embryology and anatomy of the choroid and sclera distribution of collagen fibrils is different from that of
emmetropic subjects, with an increased proportion of
1.1.1. Embryology smaller diameter collagen fibrils,32,134,175 and the sclera is
The optic vesicles form as outpouchings of the forebrain and more elastic.135
then invaginate and form a double-walled optic cup. The cup
has two distinct layers: one eventually destined to form the 1.1.3. Posterior ciliary arteries
retina and the other the RPE. The inferior portion has two The ophthalmic artery, the first branch of the internal carotid
edges where the cup joins, forming the choroidal fissure. This artery, branches to form the central retinal artery and the
potential gap allows the hyaloid artery to enter the eye. The posterior ciliary arteries (PCAs). There are many variations,
uvea develops from the mesoderm and migrating neuro- but the posterior choroid is supplied by two major PCAs,
ectoderm that surround the optic cup. The choroid is the the medial and lateral PCAs, in approximately 90% of eyes.78
posterior part of the uvea, the middle tunic of the eye. The From their origin, the PCAs divide into a large number of
mesodermal cells surrounding the cup start to differentiate branches as they course toward the eye. Two major branches,
into vessels concomitantly with the RPE. The choriocapillaris called the long PCAs, eventually supply the anterior uvea.
starts to form at about the fifth to sixth week of embryogen- Smaller short PCAs, usually about 20 in number, enter the eye,
esis. The basal lamina of the RPE and of the choriocapillaris particularly around the optic nerve and macular regions.65
define the boundaries of the nascent Bruch’s membrane by
week 6.194 The choriocapillaris becomes organized with 1.1.4. Choroidal anatomy
luminal networks well before formation of the rest of the The choroid is primarily composed of blood vessels, but also
choroid. The posterior ciliary arteries enter the choroid during has connective tissue, pigment, and intrinsic choroidal
the eighth week of gestation, but it takes until week 22 before neurons. Birds have fluid-filled lacunae identified as a true
arteries (which have a continuous layer of smooth muscle functional lymphatic system in their choroid.140 Schroedl et al
cells) and veins become mature. Melanocytes precursors found that humans don’t have typical choroidal lymphatic
migrate into the uveal primordia from the neural crest at the vessels, but have macrophage-like cells that stain positively
end of the first month and start differentiating in the seventh for a lymphatic endothelium-specific marker (lymphatic
month. The pigmentation of the choroid begins at the optic vessel endothelial hyaluronic acid receptor).193 Humans also
nerve and extends anteriorly to the ora serrata and is have cells with non-vascular smooth muscle-like elements in
completed by about 9 months.145 Thus the choroid derives the choroid.133,170 Their predominant subfoveal localization
from different cell lines than the retina and the RPE, both suggested that they may play a role in stabilizing the fovea
derived exclusively from neural ectoderm. The sclera is against movement caused by the contracting ciliary muscle
derived from mesenchymal condensation starting anteriorly during accommodation.42 The human choroid has intrinsic
and completed posteriorly by week 12. choroidal neurons, which have been theorized to participate
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in autoregulation of blood flow.36 It is possible the presence of vortex veins per eye, but the number may range from 3 to 8.187
lymphatic and intrinsic neuronal cells may be atavistic. The Occasionally highly myopic eyes may have a vortex vein,
choroid is attached to the sclera by strands of connective called a ciliovaginal vein, located in the posterior pole that
tissue that are easily separated anteriorly creating a potential drains near or through the optic nerve. The typical vortex vein
space between them, the suprachoroidal space, and is tightly passes obliquely through the sclera for a distance of about 4.5
adherent to the optic nerve. mm as it exits the eye and drains into the superior and inferior
The blood from the short PCAs enters the eye and travels ophthalmic veins.73
through successively smaller arterioles within the choroid to
arrive at the choriocapillaris. The choroid is traditionally 1.1.5. Blood flow within the choroid
described as arranged in layers of vessels from the outer to Hayreh observed special features of choroidal vasculature in
inner part of the choroid the Haller layer, the Sattler layer, humans and monkeys.76 The choroidal arteries do not ana-
and the choriocapillaris. The Haller layer contains larger tomose with one another, and each behaves like an end-
choroidal vessels, and the Sattler layer has medium-sized artery. Hayreh quotes Duke-Elder (page 273) “The tendency
vessels. There is no distinct border between these layers or for inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the choroid to
even an established definition of what is meant by large or show a considerable degree of selective localization, despite
medium. Blood pressure is reduced from about 75% of the fact that anatomically the vessels would appear to form
systemic at the short PCAs to that in the choriocapillaris, a continuous meshwork, has given rise to speculations
measured in rabbits as approximately 5 to 9.5 mm Hg greater regarding the anatomical isolation of specific choroidal
than the intraocular pressure.121 The choriocapillaris is areas.”76 The flow within the choriocapillaris is a function of
a planar layer of small vessels with a lumen slightly larger differential pressure gradients, which has the effect of
than a typical capillary. The network of vessels in the cho- allowing flow into regions that may have suffered a decrease
riocapillaris is so tightly arranged in the posterior portion of in supply from a problem in a feeding choroidal arteriole.
the eye that specific capillary tubes are more difficult to In the early phase of fluorescein angiography, it is common
discern. Given the packing density of the choriocapillaris, to see areas of the choroid that do not appear to fill with dye as
along with the larger lumen size of individual tubules, the quickly as adjacent regions, called watershed zones by Hayreh.
summation of the cross-sectional area of the choriocapillaris, A common watershed zone appears as a stripe, one to several
lumens appears to be quite large. In the peripheral portions of millimeters wide, running vertically at the temporal border of
the eye anatomic arrangements representing lobules are the optic disc. This watershed zone is thought to be the
suggested, but there is no specific anatomic lobular structure boundary between areas of the choroid supplied by the medial
in the posterior portion of the eye. There is a controversy and lateral PCAs and occurs in 60% of eyes.76 The arteries and
regarding the choroidal angioarchitecture. Anatomically, the veins supplying each region of the choroid do not have
lobular appearance of the choriocapillaris exists only in part of a parallel course and the segment supplied by an artery does
the posterior pole, as has been demonstrated by Fryczkowski not correspond exactly with that drained by a vein. There is
using vascular casts and scanning electron microscopy.51 always a certain amount of overlap between the adjacent
Fryczkowski also showed that the choroidal anatomical arterial segments via the veins.77 The peripapillary choroid
lobules are not identical with those observed by fluorescein has an important role in the blood supply of the anterior optic
angiography. He concluded that two models of choroidal nerve, including the optic disc79 and has a segmental blood
lobules should be distinguished: anatomical and functional. supply.
The anatomical lobule contains a central collecting venule
and peripherally located feeding arterioles. The functional The regulation of choroidal blood flow. Almost every
lobule is centered by a main feeding arteriole and has tissue in the body has some form of autoregulation, but the
peripherally located draining venules. Using fluorescein extent of the autoregulation of the choroid is controversial.
angiography, the functional lobuli are seen as centrally filled Some investigators have shown the choroid has no auto-
areas even in areas that are anatomically non-homogeneous regulation when the perfusion pressure gradient is decreased
structures or non-lobular structures in the posterior pole.51 by raising the intraocular pressure (IOP).2,50 Others have
The vitality of the choriocapillaris is maintained in part by shown the choroidal blood flow varies with IOP, perfusion
constitutive secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor pressure,102 endogenous nitric oxide production,167 and
(VEGF) by the RPE.189 The choriocapillaris is highly polarized,10 vasoactive secretory production of choroidal ganglion cells.119
with the internal surface having localized attenuations of the Various studies have suggested the choroid has some auto-
capillary wall known as fenestrations. These fenestrations regulatory capacity during changes in ocular perfusion pres-
appear to increase the amount of material leaving the capil- sure.168,182,183 Moreover, Polska et al found that the
laries and direct the flow toward the RPE. Similarly sized mechanisms regulating choroidal blood flow in the human
vessels in the retina do not have fenestrations. Soluble VEGF fovea compensate better for an increase in arterial blood
isoforms are required for fenestrations to occur,189 and these pressure than for an increase in intraocular pressure.168
fenestrations disappear with VEGF withdrawal.163 Autoregulation in regular tissues usually keeps the oxygen
Venous drainage of the choriocapillaris is mainly through partial pressure at a relatively low, physiologic level. The inner
the vortex vein system with minor drainage through the choroid’s oxygen partial pressure is so high that it is likely that
ciliary body via the anterior ciliary veins. Postcapillary venules the choroidal circulation is regulated by additional factors. For
form afferent veins that converge to form the ampullae, which example, CD-36 is a scavenger receptor expressed in the basal
in turn empty through the vortex veins. There are often four RPE, and Houssier et al showed that CD-36edeficient mice fail
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to induce COX-2 and subsequent VEGF synthesis at the level of delineation of the choroidal anatomy. The analysis of the
the RPE and develop progressive degeneration of the chorio- choroid using fluorescein angiography is also limited by light
capillaris.89 Therefore, CD-36 binding in the RPE seems to be absorption and scattering by the pigment in the RPE and
one of the factors maintaining the inner choroid. choroid and by the blood in the choroid. Indocyanine green
One explanation proposed for what may appear to be (ICG) absorption peak is between 790 and 805 nm and
incomplete autoregulation is that the choroidal blood flow is fluoresces over a somewhat longer wavelength range,
much higher than in other tissues, and there is a low oxygen depending on the protein content and pH of the local envi-
extraction ratio. Autoregulation is an adaptive compensatory ronment. Longer wavelengths have the attribute of pene-
mechanism to adjust blood flow according to the local needs trating the pigmentation of the eye better than those used
of the tissue supplied. The high oxygen partial pressure and with fluorescein angiography. ICG is 98% protein bound (with
low oxygen extraction imply that the flow in the choroid is 80% binding to larger proteins such as globulins and alpha-
maintained at a level much greater than the local needs of the 1-lipoprotein6,24,41) and thus is less likely to leak from the
choroid or RPE seem to dictate. On the other hand the O2 normal choroidal vessels. During the earlier phases of ICG
delivered to the outer retina is all consumed by the mito- angiography, the choroidal vessels are fairly easy to discern,
chondria in the inner segments of the photoreceptors, and it but vertical summation makes it difficult to delineate indi-
seems unlikely that a direct feedback mechanism exists vidual layers. ICG angiography allows a precise anatomic and
between the oxygen utilization by the inner segments of the dynamic evaluation of the choroidal circulation: the arteries,
photoreceptors and the choriocapillaris because diseases that arterioles, venules, and veins, not only in the posterior pole,
cause acute destruction of the outer retina such as acute zonal but out to the periphery and the vortex veins. The normal or
occult outer retinopathy are not associated with decreased abnormal filling of these choroidal vessels can be appreciated.
thickness of the choroid.56 Indirect trophic mechanisms have Over the course of the angiogram some staining of the
not yet been elucidated. extravascular tissue, particularly Bruch’s membrane, occurs,
obscuring visualization of deeper structures later in the Other choroidal functions. There have been other angiographic sequence.
reasons proposed for the large blood flow in the choroid. The
high metabolism of the outer retina generates heat, and the 1.2.2. Ultrasonography
choroidal blood flow may act as a heat sink. The amount of Contact B-scan ultrasonography typically uses a 10-mega-
light energy delivered to the retina by incoming light is hertz probe placed on the eyelid. The probe used contains
insufficient to cause a significant elevation in temperature a piezoelectric crystal that is stimulated to vibrate by a short
and thus is an unlikely explanation.68 The high metabolism in burst of an electrical current. When the vibration stops, the
the outer retina may produce enough heat to require mecha- piezoelectric crystal is used as a detector. Reflected sound
nisms to reduce the local temperature. Even this hypothesis is waves cause the crystal to vibrate, which in turn causes the
suspect because vasodilation occurs in response to increased production of an electrical current. The reflected sound wave
temperature, which has not been demonstrated in normal varies in strength with the position of the reflecting structure
eyes. The choroid contains melanocytes that improve optical in the eye. Deeper structures produce weaker reflections. The
function by absorbing scattered light, and may also indirectly decrease in signal strength with time of flight is corrected by
protect against oxidative stress. These melanocytes exist in an increasing the gain of the amplifier during this interval. The
environment of high O2 partial pressure that, along with the direction of the crystal is moved slightly by a motor within the
light exposure, may be a risk factor for malignant trans- probe. Many axial scans, or A-scans, are summed to produce
formation to melanoma. a two-dimensional image known as a B-scan. The methods
using sound reflection have poor resolution. The axial reso-
1.2. Ways the choroid could be imaged lution of A-scan or B-scan ultrasonography is theoretically
about 150 mm. In reality the sound beam produced by
Because of its localization between the overlying pigmented a piezoelectric crystal in a conventional B-scan probe has
RPE and the underlying opaque and rigid fibrous sclera, the a main lobe and several side lobes.80 Even the main lobe can be
choroid is difficult to visualize. Methods using light reflection 1 mm in diameter at the surface of the retina. That means the
or fluorescence generation are impeded by the pigment in the image produced by an individual A-scan is a summation of
RPE and choroid. Conventional optical coherence tomography a wide area of the back of the eye. For example, a typical
(OCT) is affected by the effects of melanin and also the scat- B-scan of the optic nerve will not show the cup unless there is
tering properties of the blood and blood vessels. a large cup-to-disk ratio. Another problem with ultrasonog-
raphy is that the exact location of the image obtained is not
1.2.1. Angiography known. The general region can be estimated by evaluating
Fluorescein is stimulated by blue light with a wavelength relationships with neighboring structures.
between 465 and 490 nm and emits a green light with a peak In non-pathologic conditions the reflectivity of the choroid
emission between 520 and 530 nm and a curve extending to is difficult to distinguish from the overlying retina and the
approximately 600 nm. Both the excitation and emission underlying sclera. This ambiguity raises questions as to what,
spectra from fluorescein are blocked in part by melanin exactly, is being measured when tumor thicknesses are
pigment, which acts to decrease visualization of the choroid. evaluated by contact B-scan ultrasonography. In diseases that
Fluorescein extravasates rapidly from the choriocapillaris and cause a thickening of the choroid the reflectivity may
fluoresces in the extravascular space, and this also prevents decrease, affording increased contrast between the choroid
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and the retina and sclera. When this thickening decreases, the interference is related more to the fractional differences in
contrast also decreases. Given the low resolution of contact phase of the waves and not the gross differences in whole
B-scan ultrasonography, changes in choroidal thickness number of wavelengths. This approach allows us to measure
cannot be measured accurately. Contact B-scan ultrasonog- small changes in the sample arm path length with great
raphy is good for visualizing larger tumors and gross changes precision, but the same instrument can’t differentiate that
in ocular curvature such as that seen in pathologic myopia. path length from one multiple wavelengths longer or shorter
with the same fractional phase difference. One example of
1.2.3. Laser doppler flowmetry how this type of interferometer could be used is a “James
Laser Doppler flowmetry, developed by Riva and associates in Bond” device that aims a laser light beam at some structure in
1994, is a noninvasive technique for the investigation of local a room, such as a picture or even a window, from a great
choroidal blood flow and its regulation in the fovea.181 For distance away. Anyone speaking in the room will cause these
choroidal blood flow evaluation by laser Doppler flowmetry, objects to vibrate. The small path length changes induced by
the foveal region is chosen as the measuring site because it is the vibrations can be detected by comparing the reflected light
free of retinal vessels, and the patient fixates directly on the (i.e., the sample arm) to a reference arm. The resultant inter-
laser light. The resultant Doppler signal arises predominantly ference signal can be used to obtain the original sound infor-
from the choriocapillaris,181 by contributions from the vertical mation, no matter if the reflecting structure is tens or
summation of signals generated by other choroidal vessels. hundreds of meters away.
This technique evaluates only a limited area of the posterior
pole that may or may not be representative of the flow in other The basis of time domain optical coherence tomog-
regions of the choroid. Future development of Doppler and raphy. It is possible to produce light with a short coherence
phase variance OCT techniques offer opportunities to eval- length. In this situation the waveform of light produced is the
uate the flow within various levels in different regions of the same for all of the light rays produced at any one instance, but
choroid and are likely to supplant laser Doppler flowmetry. this waveform is different from other waveforms produced at
other times. This approach essentially puts a time stamp on
1.2.4. Optical coherence tomography the waveform. Low coherence light split into a reference arm Interferometry. In dry air the speed of sound is 343.2 can only interfere with light from the sample arm if the path
meters per second. The sound velocity in an average phakic lengths are the same or are nearly the same. If the reference
eye is 1,555 meters per second.85 The time it takes sound to arm is varied in length the reflectivity of various points in the
travel the length of a phakic eye with an axial length of 24 mm sample arm can be determined. Only light from the small
is approximately 15.4 microseconds, an interval easy to area, as defined by the coherence length, produces signal. The
measure. Because light travels at 3  108 m/sec, it is not smaller the coherence length the smaller the area sampled.
possible to determine the time-of-flight delay on a micron- The smaller the area that is sampled, however, the less chance
scale level of resolution using an external system of time light rays will be reflected back to the interferometer. The
measurement. The time it takes light to travel several microns more light that is sampled by the interferometer the more
is the same time it would take an electron to travel in a circuit. certain we can be about the true reflectivity of the sample. To
Measurement of multiple reflections with a detector and the get enough light to form a good image, the tissue has to be
subsequent required electronic circuitry requires conduction sampled for a finite time. This concept forms the basis, and
paths for electrons that are much longer than the variations in illustrates the limitations, of time-domain OCT. The advan-
path length of the photons. An ingenious way to determine tages of time-domain instruments are that they are concep-
how long light takes to travel a given distance is to use the tually simple and relatively easy to manufacture. Their chief
wave-like character of the light itself as its own internal clock. disadvantage is that the illuminating beam goes through the
That is what a Michaelson interferometer does; the wave- full depth of the tissue even though only one point is sampled
length of the light is used as its own timing standard. The at a time. The total light exposure to the eye is restricted by
micron-scale resolution is achieved by comparing the time of safety standards, so there is a limit the signal to noise ratio of
flight of the sample reflection with the known delay of the information obtained by time domain OCT.
a reference reflection by looking for phase differences in the
light interference. The basis of spectral domain optical coherence tomog-
Coherency of light is a measure of how correlated one wave raphy. In high school textbooks interference is shown as an all
of light is with another. Temporal coherency is a measure of or nothing event, either light rays constructively or destruc-
the correlation one wave has with another generated at tively interfere. In reality the result of interference of coherent
a different time. Coherence length is the distance light would light is a varying brightness depending on the phase rela-
travel during the coherence time. Light produced by tionship of the two beams. If the two light beams have
a conventional laser has a long coherence time because the a slightly different frequency a new interference or beat
waves of light are similar. Thus the coherence length of frequency is detectable. Using short coherence length light
a typical laser can be longdmeters or more. An interferometer interference from various depths of tissue produces a range of
could be constructed with a conventional laser in which light frequencies depending on the depth of reflection. If the
reflected from a distant sample is compared with light from interference pattern is projected through a grating, the various
a much shorter reference arm. The differences between the frequency components will be dispersed. The closer the match
path length of the sample and reference arms would cause between the two path lengths is, the lower the frequency.
gross differences in the number of wave lengths of light, but Deeper structures will have a greater path length mismatch
392 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

and consequently will produce an interference signal point a reflection originates, the weaker the resultant detec-
composed of higher frequencies. These various signals and ted signal, even if the reflection does not vary in intensity
frequencies can be detected simultaneously. Using a Fourier because the detector decreases in sensitivity (Fig. 1). As
transform, it is possible to determine where, and how a consequence of the roll-off in sensitivity, images from
strongly, different reflections in the sample arm are. In effect deeper in the eye are increasingly dark. Conventionally the
reflections from various depths are frequency encoded. The zero delay point is placed at the level of the posterior vitreous.
decoding process produces useful information from all levels This is a logical place, because visualizing the vitreoretinal
simultaneously. This forms the basis for spectral-domain interface is important in evaluating many diseases. The
(SD)-OCT. Because the illuminating beam is used efficiently, vitreous is nearly transparent, and a high sensitivity is needed
as all layers produce a signal during the scan time, it is to produce useful images. The trade-off is that the choroid
possible to capture information faster for any given A-scan cannot be seen very well.
than with time-domain OCT. SD-OCT devices typically scan
with speeds up to 100 times faster than time-domain OCTs. 1.3. Oct modalities to better visualize the choroid
The two types of Fourier domain detection are SD-OCT and
swept-source domain OCT (SS OCT). These use a different There are several techniques to better visualize the choroid:
light source and detection method, but not necessarily enhanced depth imaging OCT, image averaging, SS-OCT and
a different wavelength.54 The SD-OCT approach uses an using a longer wavelength.
interferometer with a low coherence light source and
measures the interference spectrum using a spectrometer and 1.3.1. Enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography
a high-speed line charge coupled device (CCD). The SS-OCT A consequence of using a Fourier transform to decode the
uses a frequency-swept light source and detectors that interferometric signal is that two conjugate images are
measure the interference output as a function of time.26,27 developed. In practical use only one of these two images is
There are some problems inherent in SD technology. The shown, typically with the retina facing toward the top of the
deeper tissues produce higher frequency signals, but the way screen. If the peak sensitivity is placed posteriorly, typically at
the grating and detector sample this frequency is not linear. the inner sclera, deeper structures such as the choroid can be
The higher frequencies are bunched together to a greater seen (Fig. 2). The upside down conjugate image of these
extent than lower frequencies. In addition, the sensitivity of structures is visualized, and the right-side-up image of
the detection decreases with increasing frequency. This cau- structures in the orbit is blank because of the lack of any
ses SD-OCT to have decreasing sensitivity and resolution with imaging information. This method of imaging the choroid is
increasing depth. called enhanced depth imaging (EDI) OCT.207 It is now simply
The peak sensitivity of SD-OCT is where the reference performed with SD-OCT instruments, for example, by select-
and sample arms are the same length, called the zero-delay ing the “EDI” button when using the Spectralis (Heidelberg
point. The further in the sample arm from the zero delay Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany). This feature is now

Fig. 1 e Relationship between location or depth and sensitivity. A: A reflector is placed at some arbitrary depth and produces
a signal shown as Zs. Note that because of the nature of the Fourier output, there are two images produced with the
conjugate being LZs. B: If the same reflector was placed deeper in the sample arm the signal produced would be Z2s even
though the amount of reflected light could be the same as that obtained to produce Zs. In a practical sense images in SD-OCT
instruments are generally better if they are placed near the top of the imaging space, which is closer to the zero-delay line
(C ). In (D) the image is placed at the bottom and consequently less signal is present. The low signal to noise ratio is evident
by the “snow” in the image. (Reprinted from Spaide200 with permission of Springer-Verlag)
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Fig. 2 e Enhanced depth imaging. A: In a conventionally acquired OCT image, the peak sensitivity is located at the posterior
vitreous and the sensitivity curve is flipped on its side and overlaid on the SD-OCT image. B: If the OCT instrument is
pushed closer to the eye in order to invert the image, the peak of sensitivity curve is moved to the inner sclera. (Adapted
from Spaide200; used with permission).

available in the software of different OCT devices: the 3D OCT- eye tracking, so the same location is sampled from one scan to
2000 (Topcon Inc, Tokyo, Japan), Cirrus with high definition the next, but averaging many B-scans is possible without eye
(HD) OCT machine (Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc, Dublin, CA), and tracking. For example the 3D OCT-2000 uses an alternate
the RTVue (Optovue Inc, Fremont, CA). These devices can approach by analyzing the degree of matching between many
perform the equivalent of EDI-OCT without requiring the user images, eliminating the ones that don’t match, and averaging
to invert the image. The new software version 6.0 for the only the ones that do.
Cirrus with HD OCT machine has the ability to capture images
using EDI technique. 1.3.3. Mechanisms of swept source optical coherence
tomography Mechanism of enhanced depth imaging. With the peak A third method of generating OCT images uses a laser that
sensitivity deeper in the eye, the roll-off of sensitivity occurs sweeps across a range of wavelengths in an orderly fashion.
in the vitreous, which as a consequence is not visualized well. The interference of the light from the sample and reference
With SD-OCT there is then a choice between two modes of arms produces a signal that can be read out in nearly real-time
imaging, a conventional scan in which the vitreous is visual- by a photodiode. The SS-OCT uses a light source that is
ized and the EDI mode used to see the choroid. For most eyes, inherently more complicated than what is used by SD-OCT.
both cannot be seen optimally at the same time. The increase The advantage is gained at the detection end of the instru-
in sensitivity using the EDI mode allows penetration of an ment. The detector is generally simpler in design and capable
additional 500e800 mm deeper into the eye depending on the of operating at higher speeds. There are other desirable
amount of pigmentation and other factors. As will be dis- features that can be exploited. The falloff in sensitivity for
cussed later, high myopes have thin choroids with little swept source OCT is much lower than for SD-OCT. In addition
pigmentation, and the sclera is usually thin as well. As the wavelengths available for swept laser sources are gener-
a consequence it is possible to not only see the full thickness ally somewhat longer, in the 1 micron region. This longer
of the sclera, but also visualize the orbital fat. wavelength is capable of penetrating tissue to a greater extent
Spectral domain devices use a grating that disperses light than the relatively shorter wavelengths typically used for SD-
onto the CCD. Video cameras commonly use CCDs that are OCT. Thus both the vitreous and choroid can be imaged
a two-dimensional array of light sensitive elements. To detect simultaneously; there is no need to pick one or the other.
the interference fringe from SD-OCT, only a single row of There are trade-offs with swept source OCT. Although
light-sensitive elements is required. These are called line longer wavelengths of light may penetrate tissue better,
CCDs. Each light-sensitive spot, sometimes called a well or particularly tissue containing melanin, the problem is that
a bucket, gathers an electron for each photon of light. The OCT water absorbs longer wavelengths of light. This restricts the
scan line has to remain “parked” over the sampled tissue until range, or bandwidth, of wavelengths that can be used in the
the wells in the line CCD fill. After a period of detecting light eye, because the vitreous is mostly water. The greater the
the wells are dumped out and the electrical charge from each bandwidth of the light source, the better the resolution of the
one is evaluated. The scan speed is restricted in part by the OCT image. If the bandwidth of swept source lasers centered
sensitivity of the CCD, the strength of the light source, the at, for example, 1050 nm is large, the longer wavelengths will
quantum efficiency of the detector, and the speed at which all be attenuated by water absorption. This creates an asym-
of the individual elements of the CCD can be read. The line metrical profile of the spectrum used to illuminate the retina
CCD has to be read at fixed intervals, which limits the speed of and deeper structures, effectively reducing the actual usable
the OCT device. bandwidth of the light source. The light used to illuminate the
retina cannot be increased to compensate, because the
1.3.2. Image averaging amount of light delivered to the eye is limited by standards
To improve the signal-to-noise ratio and therefore image that quantify the amount of light delivered to the cornea. The
appearance, many B-scans can be averaged together, typically second disadvantage is the resolution of the OCT image is
50 to 100. With the Spectralis this can be accomplished using related to the square of the center wavelength of the light. Any
394 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

increase in the wavelength has a detrimental effect on reso- the three dimensions of any intrachoroidal process, such as
lution for any given bandwidth. Because there is a limit to the a choroidal tumor or granuloma, and its relationships to
available bandwidth of light that can be used because of water adjacent structures.
absorption, there is an upper limit to the resolution of SS-OCT
instruments operating in the 1 micron region. Given the
relatively good performance of SD-OCT in obtaining choroidal 2. Imaging the choroid using optical
images, there may be less need to develop commercial devices coherence tomography
in the 1 micron realm. Newer light sources operating at
shorter wavelengths are being explored, and these may avoid 2.1. Measurements and reproducibility of choroidal
the problem of water absorption. An SS-OCT using a large- thickness
bandwidth light source with a center wavelength of 850 nm
could provide high-speed, high-resolution imaging with little In using SD-OCT, whether it is Spectralis using EDI module,
falloff in sensitivity with depth. Cirrus with HD, RTVue, or SS-OCT, the outer border of the RPE
and the inner border of the sclera usually are determined
1.4. Volume rendering manually by the observer. Digital calipers are placed at the
outer edge of the hyperreflective RPE line and the inner border
OCT pictures are generally shown as 2D B-scan images of the hyperreflective surface located behind the large
acquired through the thickness of the retina. It is simple to choroidal vessels, which is the scleral/choroidal interface.
obtain numerous adjacent B-scan images with any typical SD- These two points are chosen so that the line traced between
OCT. After the successive images are aligned, a 3D volume can them is perpendicular to the RPE line. The measurements
be reconstructed. Noise reduction through averaging can be commonly are performed under the geometric center of the
done for each component of B-scan prior to creating the 3D fovea and can be repeated at regular intervals from the center
volume. Noise reduction after the 3D volume is assembled can of the fovea of varying sizes and locations. The subfoveal
be completed with a variety of image processing techniques. choroidal thickness (CT) is defined as the distance between
Many SD-OCT instruments rely on their inherently fast scan these two points.
rate to assemble a series of B-scans with the assumption that Various studies have evaluated the reproducibility of sub-
the patient did not make any saccades during the scan foveal CT measurements (Table 1). There is a very good
interval. Another approach is to align B-scans after acquisi- intersystem,16,96 interobserver, and intervisit reproducibility96
tion, but this can result in image warping and local artifacts of CT measurements despite the lack of automated
where the images in successive B-scans don’t fit together well. software. The interobserver repeatability is good using
A third approach is to use eye tracking not only to average EDI-OCT,16,96,207,213 Cirrus HD OCT,16,122 Optovue RTVue,16 and
individual B-scans, but also to maintain centration of the SS-OCT.83,96 The intersystem reproducibility of CT measure-
volume scan. An example of 3D volume rendering of the ments has been assessed between EDI-OCT and SS-OCT96 and
choroid is shown in Fig. 3. Although 3D rendering has been also between three different SD-OCT devices: Cirrus HD-OCT,
available in radiology for decades, there has been remarkably Spectralis using EDI module, and RTVue.16 The exact values of
little penetration into ophthalmology. A B-scan can be infor- correlation coefficients concerning the CT measurements
mative, but in many cases can be compared to one page of interobserver, inter-visit, and intersystem reproducibility are
a book. Volume rendering allows viewing and measurement listed in Table 1. For example, Tan et al mentioned not only an
of the choroid and any contained pathology in 3D from any intraclass correlation coefficient for interobserver reproduc-
arbitrary direction and would also be a useful tool to assess ibility of 0.994, but also a value of the mean difference between
CT measurements between graders that was 2.0 mm for 24
normal eyes of 12 healthy volunteers.214 This difference was
less than the diurnal variation in the choroidal thickness. On
the other hand, automated segmentation in evaluation and
measurement of other ocular attributes may have large
testeretest variability coefficients213 and variations between
different instruments,105 and errors in automated segmenta-
tion are generally corrected with manual methods.158 Auto-
mated segmentation methods are generally faster and do not
require a high operator skill level, but they substitute idio-
syncrasies and biases of the algorithm coded for the idiosyn-
crasies and biases of a human observer.

Fig. 3 e Volume rendering of a normal emmetropic eye. A 2.2. Normal subfoveal choroidal thickness and
block of B-scan images was obtained in a 5 3 30 area and variations with age, refractive error, axial length, and sex
then volume rendering using a raycasting was performed.
The block can be freely rotated in space (white arrow) and The first study measuring the CT in a population of healthy
successive sections can be removed from the scleral volunteers using OCT used the EDI technique.124 Margolis and
surface of the choroid (bottom row). (Reprinted from Spaide investigated 54 normal, non-myopic eyes with a mean
Spaide200 with permission of Springer-Verlag). age of 50.4 years using the EDI-OCT and reported a mean
Table 1 e Reproducibility of CT measurements (at the Fovea)
First author Interobserver repeatibility r (p) or ICC (p) or ICC (95% CI) Inter-visit reproducibility ICC (95% CI) Inter-system reproducibility r (p) or ICC (p) or ICC (95% CI)
EDI Cirrus -HD RTVue SS EDI SS EDI and Cirrus EDI and Cirrus and EDI and SS

s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

Spaide192 RE
(p < 0.001)
(p < 0.001)
Manjunath116 0.92a
(p < 0.0001)
Ikuno89 0.97b 0.912b 0.893b 0.893b 0.921b
(0.948e0.985) (0.835e0.958) (0.864e0.916) (0.864e0.916) (0.875e0.948)
Branchini16 0.96a 0.95a 0.93a 0.976a 0.964a 0.965a
(p < 0.0001) (p < 0.0001) (p < 0.0001) (p < 0.0001) (p < 0.0001) (p < 0.0001)
Hirata78 0.968b
(p < 0.001)
Tan202 0.994b

ICC ¼ intraclass correlation coefficient; RE ¼ right eye; LE ¼ left eye.

Interclass correlation.
Intraclass correlation coefficient.

396 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

subfoveal CT of 287 mm. Normal was defined as patients than e6.00 diopters.38,83,117 The studied populations have
without any significant retinal or choroidal pathologic different age, sex, and refractive error distribution, and the
features. They excluded patients with retinal or choroidal macular CT in normal eyes has been negatively correlated
pathology, uncontrolled diabetes or hypertension, and with age55,83,94,95,122,124 and axial length,8,38,83,117 and posi-
myopia of more than 6 diopters of spherical equivalent. The tively correlated with refractive error55,94,95 and male sex in
choroidalescleral interface was identified in 100% of partici- young people.117 There are several possible reasons for the
pants.125 Increasing age was correlated significantly with decrease in subfoveal CT with age, such as loss of chorioca-
decreasing CT at all points measured (Fig. 4). The CT was pillaris, a decrease in the diameter of the choriocapillary
found to decrease by 15.6 mm for each decade of life.124 Since vessels, decrease in luminal diameter of blood vessels, and, in
this first report, there have been several reports of the foveal some cases, a diminution of the middle layer of the
CT in normal eyes obtained by use of various systems. Ikuno choroid.40,176,190 Histologic evaluation of eye bank and autopsy
et al investigated 86 non-myopic eyes of healthy Japanese eyes found a yearly decrease in CT of 1.1 mm per year, which
patients with SS-OCT with a mean age of 39.4 years and found was less than the amount measured in vivo of 1.56 mm per
a subfoveal CT of 354 mm. Ikuno et al found that the CT year.124 The differences may be related to the fact that the
decreased by 14 mm for each decade of life.95 The mean sub- histologic specimens were autopsy eyes, which by definition
foveal CT has been found to vary among studies from 203.6 mm had no blood pressure, and the living choroid is an inflated
in 31 eyes with a mean age of 64.6 years83 to 448.49 mm in 22 structure.40,176,190
eyes with a mean age of 35.72 years.8 The percentage of
identification of the scleral choroidal interface was 74% of 34 2.3. The asymmetric nature of choroidal thickness
eyes in one series122 using Cirrus OCT HD; the potential for
bias in thickness measurements in this sample cannot be Margolis and Spaide also demonstrated the asymmetric
excluded, however, because of the high proportion of eyes nature of macular CT. They showed that CT varies topo-
where the scleral choroidal interface could not be visualized. graphically within the posterior pole. The choroid was thick-
The eyes in which measurements could not be made may est under the fovea, with a mean value of 287 microns. The CT
have been those with thicker choroids. This would bias the decreased rapidly in the nasal direction and averaged 145
results toward lesser values of CT. microns at 3 mm nasal to the fovea (Fig. 5). They hypothesized
The mean values for subfoveal CT are difficult to compare that the age-related choroidal thinning nasally may
from one study to another. One reason is that “normal” was contribute to two common and possibly related clinical
defined differently. Some studies excluded patients with conditions: peripapillary atrophy and glaucomatous optic
ocular disorders,122,124 some excluded patients with ocular neuropathy.
and systemic disorders,38,95 and some mentioned they Many reports not only confirmed these findings (choroid
excluded patients with systemic disorders that might affect thickest under the fovea and thinnest nasally), but also
CT83,124 (such as those that require corticosteroids use or had showed that the CT was thinner nasally than temporally, and
diabetes mellitus or any systemic vascular disease). Some thinner inferiorly than superiorly.38,83,95,122 Some analyzed
highly myopic eyes with a spherical equivalent error greater the peripapillary CT in normal eyes with Cirrus HD OCT84 or

Fig. 4 e The correlation of subfoveal choroidal thickness Fig. 5 e The asymmetric nature of macular choroidal
with age (scatter plot). The subfoveal choroidal thickness thickness. The mean choroidal thickness is measured at
(SFCT) in microns is negatively correlated with age in different locations across a horizontal section through the
years, SFCT [ 366 e 1.56 3 age (p [ 0.001). The trend line fovea at 500-mm intervals from 3 mm nasal to 3 mm
is shown with 95% confidence interval. (Reprinted from temporal to the fovea. The error bars represent 1 standard
Margolis and Spaide124 with permission of American deviation. (Reprinted from Margolis and Spaide124 with
Journal of Ophthalmology). permission of American Journal of Ophthalmology).
s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9 397

Fig. 6 e The internal structure of the normal choroid. Note that the choroidal vessels are decreasing in diameter from the
outer to the inner choroid. The larger vessels (white triangles) are dark in the center with a thick hyperreflective wall (A). The
medium-size vessels (hollow triangles) appear with a smaller hyporeflective area in the center and a hyperreflective wall (A).
As the diameter of the vessels decreases the central hyporeflective area decreases until it is not visible. At that size, the
vessel is just visualized as a white hyperreflective structure (white arrows) (B). Note the delineation of the hyporeflective line
near the junction with the inner sclera, which appears to be in the suprachoroidal space. The red arrow points to a vessel
coursing through the sclera.

EDI-OCT215 and found that the inferior peripapillary choroid visualization of the PCAs and their major veins entrance sites,
was thinner than all other quadrants. The authors hypothe- their course, and their branching network, but does not
sized that it may be attributable to the embryological devel- differentiate choroidal arteries from veins with certainty.144
opment of the eye. The optic fissure is located in the inferior
aspect of the optic cup and is the last part to close. In their 2.5. Correlation of choroidal thickness and choroidal
study, Ho et al found that the CT increases radially from the blood flow
optic nerve in all directions in emmetropic eyes and eventu-
ally approaches a plateau.84 Sogawa et al investigated the relationship between the CT and
choroidal blood flow in 25 eyes of 25 healthy young volunteers,
with a mean age of 30.1  2.8 years and a mean refractive error
2.4. The internal structure of the choroid
of 3.4  3.1 diopters.198 They evaluated subfoveal choroidal
thickness using EDI-OCT, total choroidal blood flow using
EDI-OCT allowed the first study of macular choroid in vivo
pulsatile ocular blood flow with Langham OBF computerized
in 2008, including thickness measurement and internal
tonometry, and subfoveal choroidal blood flow using laser
structure.207 Whereas the choriocapillaris may be too small,
Doppler flowmetry. They found no significant correlation
too densely packed, and too intimately bound to Bruch
between subfoveal choroidal thickness and total choroidal
membrane to be differentiated and identified by the EDI-OCT’s
blood flow or subfoveal choroidal blood flow. The correlation
resolution, Fong et al have hypothesized that hyper-reflective
between the local subfoveal CT and the total choroidal blood
foci visualized beneath the Bruch’s membrane line represent
flow is not known. Regarding the correlation of subfoveal CT
cross-sections of the parallel arterioles and venules.43 The
with foveal choroidal blood flow, it is noteworthy that the
hyperreflective dots’ diameter was measured to be 50 microns
Doppler signal from the foveal region using laser Doppler
by EDI-OCT using digital calipers. The fact that venules and
flowmetry is predominantly caused by the red blood cells
arterioles in this layer measure 35e95 microns and 30e85
moving in the choriocapillaris and to a variable extent the
microns, respectively, seems to support this hypothesis
larger choroidal vessels behind it.181 Moreover, the relation-
(Fig. 6).18
ship between the choroidal blood flow and the CT is not fully
Motaghiannezam et al visualized the vessels through the
resolved at present. Ultimately, Doppler or phase variance
different choroidal layers by extracting depth-resolved en face
techniques should not only enable visualization of the
images from 3D-OCT data sets using SS-OCT in three healthy
choroid, but also provide information about the flow in indi-
volunteers. Comparison of SS-OCT en face images and scan-
vidual vessels.
ning electron microphotographs at the level of the chorioca-
pillaris showed that the capillaris, arterioles, and venules in
the choriocapillaris were smaller than the transverse resolu-
tion of the SS-OCT (around 15 mm) and could not be resolved. 3. Choroidal thickness variations in normal
The other choroidal layers of medium-sized vessels, large- eyes
sized vessels, and suprachoroidal layer could be delineated
and correlated to scanning electron microphotographs. This Brown and associates demonstrated diurnal fluctuations of
technique also allows choroidal thickness mapping, CT measured using a non-contact optical biometer Lenstar LS
398 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

900 (Haag-Streit AG, Köniz, Switzerland).19 Determining CT The larger choroidal vessels are easily discerned, many of the
was possible only in 28% of the patients with a single visible choroidal vessels do not appear to be red, but are
measurement. By repeating measurements and averaging the yellow or white. There may be pigmentary granularity in the
partial coherence interferometry signals, a peak of reflectivity posterior pole and peripapillary atrophy. There is often mild
corresponding to the scleral choroidal interface was estimated optic nerve pallor.
in another 70%.19 The authors demonstrated significant The EDI-OCT shows marked loss of thickness of the
diurnal fluctuations of CT. Chakraborty et al also found that choroid in 28 eyes of 17 patients with a mean age 80.6
CT underwent significant diurnal variations using this bio- years.203 There appears to be loss of the choroidal vessels
meter that is based on the principle of optical low-coherence such that the remaining larger vessels fill the entire thick-
reflectometry, a forerunner of OCT.21 They also demon- ness of the choroid. This implies there is a loss of the middle
strated diurnal variations of axial length and that CT varied layers. The larger choroidal vessels are easily visible because
approximately in anti-phase to the diurnal axial length there is a lack of pigmentation found in a choroid of normal
changes. They performed this study on 30 normal eyes of 30 thickness and because there appears to be a loss of the
healthy young adults with a mean age of 25.2 years. There was medium-sized choroidal vessels. These patients can have
no anisometropia greater than 1 D. Tan et al demonstrated normal autofluorescence imaging implying a normal RPE, in
significant diurnal variations of subfoveal CT using EDI-OCT in contrast with eyes that have geographic atrophy in which
24 normal eyes with a mean axial length of 23.9 mm (range, the RPE is lost in patches. ARCA and age-related macular
21.9e26.3 mm) of 12 healthy volunteers with a mean age of 30 degeneration (AMD) are two distinct conditions. The previ-
years.214 The mean amplitude in diurnal subfoveal CT change ously used term non-geographic atrophy might have
was 33.7 mm (range, 3e67 mm), corresponding to a percentage referred to ARCA, but non-geographic atrophy was never
of change in CT of 8.5%, with the highest mean CT in at 9 AM clearly defined. Both happen in older adults, and there may
and the lowest at 5 PM. The amplitude of variations of sub- be a higher proportion of both occurring together.211 Eyes
foveal CT was significantly negatively correlated with age with thinner choroids seem to have a higher risk for glau-
(r ¼ 0.339), axial length (r ¼ 0.631), refractive error coma203,211 and an association with a predominance of
(r ¼ 0.626), and change in systemic blood pressure (r ¼ 0.508). subretinal drusenoid deposits.203,211
This characteristic significant diurnal variation pattern of
subfoveal CT should be taken into account in clinical practice
4.2. Age-related choroidal atrophy and geographic
and clinical trials whenever comparing the measures of CT
over time. It is also noteworthy that this study found a corre-
lation between the amplitude of subfoveal CT variations and
The clinical presentations of ARCA and geographic atrophy
changes in systemic blood pressure in emmetropic normal
are different. Geographic atrophy is recognized as a well-
young patients, although Li et al found no correlation between
defined round or oval area of absent RPE pigmentation in
subfoveal CT and arterial blood pressure in normal young
which choroidal vessels are more visible.11 In ARCA there is
a global thinning of the choroid with rarefied choroidal
The CT has also been found to fluctuate with defocus in
vessels. Geographic atrophy occurs in the posterior pole,
humans.178 The realization of emmetropia depends on
whereas ARCA is more widespread. There is tessellation of
active mechanisms that sense image blur and then take
the fundus in eyes with ARCA. When geographic atrophy
steps to improve the image to include moving retina to
develops, there is a loss of the RPE cells and their pigment,
reduce the blur, and permanently altering ocular dimen-
and as a consequence discrete areas of RPE autofluorescence
sions. An active increase or decrease in CT moves the retina
loss. Eyes with ARCA lose pigmentation in the choroid.
to the correct position, as shown in laboratory investiga-
When geographic atrophy happens in an eye with ARCA, the
tions in chickens226,231 and mammals.91,220 Recently, Read
patches can look nearly white because there is little inter-
et al used the biometer to demonstrate that similar changes
vening tissue between the residual layers of the retina and the
in CT occur in humans in response to short-term unilateral
underlying sclera.
image blur.178 The choroid was found to thicken with the
myopic defocus condition and to become thinner with the
hyperopic defocus. 4.3. Age-related choroidal atrophy and pattern

4. Age-related choroidal atrophy Pattern dystrophy has been used to describe dozens of
different phenotypically different appearances in the eye. In
4.1. Description of a new entity some instances the term is used to describe an autosomally
inherited disorder that may be associated with mutations in
Spaide described a condition in non-myopes he named age- the peripherin-2 gene (also known as the peripherin/RDS
related choroidal atrophy (ARCA). Although CT appears to gene) of which there are at least 90 known.230 In general eyes
decrease with age, there are some patients who seem to have with pattern dystrophy have a symmetrical alteration of
a pronounced loss of CT over time (Fig. 7).203 Despite relatively pigment, or at least have pigmentary figures, sometimes with
preserved Snellen visual acuity, these patients have visual concurrent vitelliform deposits.228 These are diseases of the
complaints frequently involving reading and exhibit charac- RPE and outer retina and there is no concurrent abnormality
teristic fundus changes quite similar to those seen in myopes. described in the choroid. There may be pigmentary clumping
s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9 399

Fig. 7 e Multimodal imaging of the left eye of an 82-year-old woman with age-related choroidal atrophy. This patient was
referred because she was thought to have choroidal neovascularization. The color photograph (A) and magnification of the
fovea (B) show the hallmarks of age-related choroidal atrophy. Note the slight optic nerve pallor, the peripapillary atrophy
present even though she was emmetropic, and the tesselated fundus appearance with some of the choroidal vessels
adopting a yellowish appearance. On the magnified color photograph of the macula (B) note the paucity of vessels except for
a few red choroidal vessels. The fluorescein angiogram (C ) ruled out choroidal neovascularization. In two EDI-OCT sections
(D) note the thinness of the choroid with a few remaining vessels filling the full-thickness of the choroid (arrows). (Reprinted
from Spaide200 with permission of Springer-Verlag).

in some eyes with more advanced ARCA, but these pigmen- There are many different clinical presentations of CSC:
tary clumps often appear to be in the choroid. the two main ones are classic CSC, a circumscribed area of
subretinal fluid associated with one or several focal leaks
seen on fluorescein angiography, and chronic CSC, a wide-
5. Choroidal imaging in central serous spread area of RPE changes associated with many ill-defined
chorioretinopathy angiographic leaks. Choroidal hyperpermeability as demon-
strated by ICG angiography is the unifying feature of all types
5.1. Choroidal hyperpermeability in CSC of CSC, independent of the age of the individual, chronicity,
sub-type of CSC, or relationship of the CSC to corticosteroid
Since its first description by von Graefe in 1866, the under- treatment or past organ transplantation.92,202 Gass hypoth-
standing of central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC) patho- esized that, in CSC, excessive tissue hydrostatic pressure
physiology has evolved. In the 1960s, Maumenee used within the choroid from the vascular hyperpermeability may
fluorescein angioscopy to visualize the leaks from the level of lead to mechanical disruption of the RPE barrier and
the RPE. In 1967, Gass proposed that choriocapillaris hyper- abnormal egress of fluid under the retina.58 Later, studies
permeability was the source of the fluid leak.58 Later in the using ICG angiography have shown multifocal areas of
1980s, Marmor performed experiments on healthy rabbits and choroidal vascular hyperpermeability,74,93,164,204 vascular
found that the RPE pumped fluid and that there was a normal congestion,171 venous dilation.93,171 These areas of choroidal
flow of fluid from the vitreous to the choroid.44 He also pointed vascular hyperpermeability on ICG angiography were more
out that the tissue osmotic pressure was higher in the choroid widespread than the areas of leakage visualized on the
than in the vitreous and causes passive fluid flow from the fluorescein angiography.74,204 The ICG findings of choroidal
vitreous towards the choroid.44,150,151 Thereafter theories of vascular hyperpermeability persisted after resolution of
RPE cells pumping the opposite way were developed to explain leakage from the RPE93 and have been found in the majority
CSC.126,210 In the 1990s, ICG angiography demonstrated of unaffected fellow eyes.93,204 If CSC is caused by choroidal
choroidal hyperpermeability in CSC and confirmed Gass’s vascular hyperpermeability, then one would expect the CT to
original idea. be altered as well.
400 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

5.2. Choroidal thickness in CSC 5.3. Choroidal thickness after treatment in CSC

Imamura and associates examined the subfoveal CT in 28 eyes Maruko and associates evaluated subfoveal CT as assessed by
of 19 patients with CSC.99 Among these patients, 16 had chronic EDI-OCT and choroidal vascular hyperpermeability as demon-
CSC. The mean age was 59.3 years, and 12 had bilateral clinical strated by ICG angiography after treatment either with laser
disease. The mean subfoveal CT was 505 mm, significantly photocoagulation or half-dose verteporfin photodynamic
greater than that of normal eyes (p < 0.001) (Fig. 8). The CT in therapy (PDT) for CSC.130 They analyzed 12 eyes in the laser
these CSC patients did not show the normal age-related decline. group and 8 eyes in the PDT group. The serous subretinal fluid
In a majority of chronic CSC cases in that study, the thickening resolved in both groups after treatment. In the laser group, the
of the subfoveal choroid was present in both eyes, even if the mean subfoveal CT was not significantly different from a mean
manifestations of CSC were present in only one eye.99 of 345 mm at baseline to a mean of 340 mm at 4 weeks (p ¼ 0.2). In
The subfoveal choroid in the fellow eyes of patients with the PDT group, the mean CT increased significantly from a mean
CSC was found to be thicker in the eyes with choroidal of 389 mm at baseline to a mean of 462 mm (p ¼ 0.008) by 2 days
vascular hyperpermeability and not thicker in the fellow eyes after treatment, and then fell rapidly to 360 mm (p ¼ 0.001) at 1
without hyperpermeability on the ICG angiography.131 week and to 330 mm (P < 0.001) after 4 weeks as compared with
Choroidal thickness was correlated with choroidal hyper- baseline. The choroidal vascular hyperpermeability as demon-
permeability. EDI-OCT is useful to evaluate the subclinical strated by ICG angiography decreased only in the PDT group at 4
choroidal abnormalities in CSC, especially in fellow eyes. weeks after treatment (Fig. 9). The reduction in the subfoveal CT
Furthermore, the increase in CT is not restricted only to the remained stable at the 1-year follow-up after treatment.127
areas of choroidal vascular hyperpermeability as demon- These results have potential clinical implications. Laser photo-
strated by ICG angiography, but is generalized.238 Therefore, coagulation of leaks in CSC may shorten the duration of any one
measuring choroidal thickening has become a test to help episode, but has no effect on recurrences. Although there is
diagnose CSC (Fig. 8).46 limited information available about the long-term outcomes of

Fig. 8 e Multimodal imaging of both eyes of a 56-year-old man with central serous chorioretinopathy in the left eye. The
patient complains of vision loss in the left eye for 3 months. The vision is 20/50 in the left eye and 20/20 in the right eye. The
color photograph of the left eye (B) shows a shallow foveal neurosensory detachment with dot-like subretinal yellowish
precipitates, pigmentary mottling, and some atrophy. The color photograph of the right eye (A) shows pigmentary changes
in the superior-temporal macula. EDI-OCT foveal scans of both eyes (C, D) show bilateral subfoveal choroidal thickening
(double arrowhead ) measured at 400 microns in the left eye and 450 microns in the right eye, even though the central serous
retinal detachment is only in the left eye.
s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9 401

Fig. 9 e Multimodal imaging of the left eye of a 49-year-old man with persistent central serous chorioretinopathy treated
with half-fluence verteporfin PDT. The color photograph (A) shows macular serous retinal detachment with vitelliform
material, corresponding to hyper-autofluorescent lesion on the fundus autofluorescence imaging (B). The fluorescein
angiogram (C ) does not show any focal leak but does show diffuse hyperfluorescent areas of leakage. The mid-phase
indocyanine green angiogram (D) shows multifocal hyperfluorescent areas of inner choroidal staining. The half-fluence
PDT was ICG-guided, targeting the large macular area of hyperfluorescence. The conventional OCT scans before (E ) and 1
month after (F ) PDT show complete resolution of central serous retinal detachment. The EDI-OCT scans before (G) and
after (H ) PDT show that the choroid was thickened initially at 465 microns (G, double arrowhead) and decreased to 145
microns 1 month after PDT (H, double arrowhead ). The vision improved from 20/40 to 20/20. There was no recurrence at 1
year follow-up.

PDT for CSC, it appears that recurrences are distinctly with six controls.137 The authors reported the variance
uncommon. Laser photocoagulation does not appear to address between the two measurements was greater in the sildenafil
the underlying problem, namely, choroidal vascular hyper- group. An EDI-OCT study of eight healthy patients found that,
permeability, whereas PDT does. at 1 and 3 hours after ingestion of sildenafil, there was
a significant increase in CT.224 These findings suggest the
5.4. Other relevant findings about CT and CSC potential for pharmacologic manipulation of the CT, and by
inference the choroidal blood flow, may be possible.
5.4.1. Glaucoma and CSC
In a case-control study, Imamura et al found that glaucoma is
less frequent in patients with CSC,98 suggesting that alter- 6. Choroidal imaging in age-related macular
ations in the choroid may influence the risk for glaucoma. degeneration
Increased blood supply from the choroid to the optic nerve in
CSC patients may be a contributing factor. 6.1. AMD

5.4.2. Sildenafil, choroidal thickness, and CSC At the time when the genetic basis of AMD is being unraveled,
An ultrasound study measured the thickness of seven eyes some important questions concerning its pathogenesis
before and 1.5 hours after taking sildenafil citrate as compared remain unsolved. One of these questions is how the choroid
402 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

modulates the expression of AMD. Geographic atrophy and many theories about how the earlier manifestations of AMD
age-related choroidal atrophy are both related to aging. Even develop, but it is clear that there are interactions with the
though they can occur concomitantly, they are not necessarily choroid, and these merit further investigation.
associated.203 Histologic evidence regarding CT in AMD is Manjunath et al analyzed retrospectively macular
mixed, with some studies suggesting a reduction in the cho- choroidal thickness at 11 points in 57 eyes with dry and wet
riocapillaris diameter and density138 or a reduction in macular AMD using the Cirrus-HD OCT without using the EDI tech-
CT, especially in the advanced stages of the disease,190 and nique.123 The subfoveal CT was measured at 194.6  92.2 mm
another study showing no significant change in foveal CT, in 40 eyes with wet AMD (mean age, 78.6 years) and at
even in advanced AMD.176 Being able to measure and monitor 213.4  92.2 mm in 17 eyes with dry AMD (mean age, 78.2
the CT in vivo early in the natural course of the disease may years). The subfoveal CT was within the normal range (2
provide insight into the earliest structural changes occurring standard deviations) except for two eyes with a choroid
in AMD and determine risk factors for progression. thicker than 2 standard deviationsdone with dry AMD and
Wood et al analyzed macular CT in early AMD with SS- one with wet AMD. There was no significant correlation
OCT.232 The CT was measured at the fovea and at 500-mm between CT and the number of anti-VEGF injections,
intervals to a maximum of 2.0 mm nasally, temporally, number of years of disease, and visual acuity. Eyes with dry
superiorly, and inferiorly. They found that CT in early disease AMD demonstrated a significant negative correlation with
was not significantly different from controls. Early AMD was age whereas eyes with wet AMD showed a weak negative
defined as the presence of soft drusen greater than 125 correlation with age that was not statistically significant.
microns in diameter, pigment changes, or drusenoid pigment This included seven patients with wet AMD previously
epithelial detachment in the absence of any feature of treated with photodynamic therapy at least once, which
advanced wet or dry AMD. In this study, the presence of may have biased the results towards lesser values of CT in
drusen in the control eyes was allowed if they were less than the wet AMD group. The authors did not mention the
125 mm in diameter. Switzer et al included other key features percentage of identification of scleralechoroidal interface in
in their analysis of CT in early AMD with EDI-OCT,211 espe- that study.
cially subretinal drusenoid deposits (also called pseudo-
drusen) (Fig. 10). They found that thin choroid was associated 6.2. Pigment epithelial detachments in AMD: formation,
with tessellation of the fundus, subretinal drusenoid deposits, RPE tears
glaucoma, b-zone peripapillary atrophy, and lack of conven-
tional drusen.208 These results suggest that there is a highly There have been numerous theories concerning the
significant association of CT with several key features of AMD, formation of pigment epithelial detachments (PEDs) in
each of which have been shown previously to have different AMD. Different sequences of events have been proposed,
risk profiles for progression to late AMD (Fig. 11). There are involving different structures: CNV,59 decreased hydraulic

Fig. 10 e Multimodal imaging of the right eye of an 80-year-old white woman with subretinal drusenoid deposits. The color
fundus photograph (A) shows numerous subretinal drusenoid deposits. Their visualization is enhanced on the blue color
channel (B). The near infrared can sometimes help in their visualization (C ). These drusen are seen clearly using EDI-OCT
(D) to lie above the RPE and under the neurosensory retina ( yellow arrow), sometimes distorting or extending through the
external limiting membrane. This patient had a subfoveal choroidal thickness of 106 microns. (Reprinted from Switzer
et al211 with permission of Retina).
s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9 403

Fig. 11 e Multimodal imaging of the left eye of an 82-year-old woman with fibrovascular PED and its response to
ranibizumab treatment. A: This patient was seen emergently because of a 3-day history of visual acuity change. The color
photograph shows intra- and subretinal hemorrhages overlying a PED. The early fluorescein angiogram (B) shows
generalized hypofluorescence of the PED with two areas of increased fluorescence, one contiguous with the retinal
hemorrhages and a second area inferiorly. The two lines correspond to sections examined with the EDI-OCT scans shown
in Fig. 12B. Late fluorescein angiogram (C ) shows a generalized increase in fluorescence within the PED. Early during the
indocyanine green (ICG) angiographic sequence there are two hyperfluorescent areas (triangles) that corresponded to what is
in the fluorescein angiogram. Because the pigmentation in the RPE is thought not to represent a major impediment to the
passage of near infrared light used in ICG angiography, the hyperfluorescent areas were considered to represent actual
neovascularization and not transmission defects through the RPE. (Reprinted from Spaide205 with permission of American
Journal of Ophthalmology).

conductivity of Bruch membrane,12 the anastomosis of the PED.205 Analysis of this internal structure and correlation
retinal vessels with underlying occult CNV,110,197 and retinal with fluorescein and ICG angiography show that this material
vascular proliferation without any choroidal vascular is, at least in part, afibrovascular proliferation. These findings
involvement. This was first described as deep retinal support the neovascular origin of the PEDs, and the term
anomalous complexes75 and later renamed retinal angio- “fibrovascular PED” is appropriate. Untreated PEDs often
matous proliferation (RAP).235 Gass proposed that patients appear to have fibrovascular proliferation coursing up the
who appeared to have RAP actually had early occult cho- back surface of the detached RPE. Treated cases appear to
rioretinal anastomosis with CNV and retained his earlier contain material consistent with multilamellar scar-
idea that exudation from occult CNV extended laterally with containing vessels, similar to reported histopathology.69
the development of an adjacent PED.62 Fibrovascular PEDs pose a risk for RPE tears. The mecha-
One difficulty in producing an adequate and unifying nism by which RPE tears occur in fibrovascular PEDs has been
hypothesis to explain the structure and pathogenesis of PEDs debated for more than 30 years. Bird proposed that RPE tears
is the lack of information concerning their contents as a result do not occur because of neovascularization, but rather occur
of difficulty visualizing them with conventional imaging because the RPE pumped enough fluid to cause hyperbaric
techniques.205 EDI-OCT enables visualization of the contents rupture of the PED.13,87 Gass proposed that patients with RPE
of PEDs.205 Analysis of PEDs in AMD by EDI-OCT found that tears had underlying CNV,63 the tear occurred on the far side
PEDs that appeared to be “hollow” by conventional OCT were of the PED away from the CNV secondary to hyperbaric pres-
actually filled with layers of hyperreflective material sugges- sure in the PED,63 and that laser photocoagulation may induce
tive of a multilamellar scar (Figs. 11, 12).205 In all 22 eyes shrinkage to accelerate this process.60 None of these theories
examined with PEDs related to AMD, material was visualized explains why RPE tears develop following anti-VEGF injec-
within the PED: either solid material with lamellar structures tions.22,23 Anti-VEGF injections used as an adjunctive agent of
and cleft, or hyporeflective material along the back surface of surgery in severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy5,159 and
404 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

Fig. 12 e The EDI-OCT scans on the left (A, C, E ) correspond to the upper line in the early phase fluorescein angiogram
(Fig. 11B) and the ones on the right correspond to the second line (B, D, F ). Prior to treatment the section through the
‘hotspot’ on both the fluorescein and ICG angiograms (A) shows a small collection of material posterior to the RPE within the
PED. Note that the hyperreflective line corresponding to the RPE has variable thickness throughout the extent of the PED. A
section taken inferiorly (B) shows a more extensive accumulation of material along the back surface of the PED. There was
an accumulation near the edge of the PED of similar material, but the extent of hyperfluorescence in the fluorescein and ICG
angiograms cannot be attributed solely to this accumulation, implicating the material on the back surface of the PED as
being fibrovascular in nature. One week after intravitreal ranibizumab injection (C, D) there was a partial collapse of the PED.
Note the separation of the hyperreflective line (triangle) from the back surface of the PED (C, D). The correspondence in shape
between the pretreatment and 1-week-post-treatment accumulation within the PED is more evident inferiorly (D). Note the
separation and straightening of the sub-RPE material after the ranibizumab injection even though the PED is collapsing.
This implies there was tensile traction within the detached material. One month after injection there was complete
flattening of the PED over a hyperreflective material suggestive of a multilamellar scar (E, F ). (Reprinted from Spaide205 with
permission of American Journal of Ophthalmology).

retinopathy of prematurity86 can induce a rapid contraction of a hyporeflective area between the hyperreflective posterior
the fibrovascular material and subsequent development or border of the material within the PED and anterior border of
progression of tractional retinal detachment. EDI-OCT reveals the choroid if visualized using EDI-OCT (Fig. 16).
that contracture of fibrovascular material seems to happen
after anti-VEGF injections in fibrovascular PEDs as well, such 6.3. Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy: its relationship
that the material could form sheets across the inner chord to AMD and CSC
diameter of the fibrovascular PED.205 Following anti-VEGF
therapy, a contracture of the vascular proliferation under Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) characteristically
the back surface of a PED could also cause a tear in the over- shows multiple, recurrent, serosanguineous detachments of
lying RPE monolayer (Figs. 13e15)205 and causes the RPE to RPE and neurosensory retina secondary to leakage and
retract and scroll. Histopathologic analyses of RPE tears per- bleeding from choroidal vascular lesions.233 The exact rela-
formed by Toth et al219 and Lafaut et al111 were consistent tionship between PCV, typical exudative AMD, and choroidal
with this observation. They both showed that the under hyperpermeability is not yet completely understood. There is
surface of the torn RPE was adherent to a contiguous under- disagreement as to whether PCV is a subset of AMD or
lying plaque of CNV. a separate entity: Some researchers have suggested that the
The contracture of the vascular proliferation could also peculiar choroidal vascular lesion seen in PCV can be
cause radial chorioretinal folds in the surrounding tissue, considered a variant of the CNV in typical exudative
radiating from the retracted borders of the treated fibrovas- AMD,112,120,223 whereas others have suggested that PCV
cular PED (Fig. 16). During the course of anti-VEGF therapy, exhibits inner choroidal vessels abnormalities distinct from
persistent or recurrent fluid exudation secondary to CNV may CNV.148,206,234 The presence of drusen or focal hyperpigmen-
appear at the back surface of the hyperreflective material at tation is not common among patients with PCV.237 Patients
the base of the fibrovascular PED. The fluid can appear as with PCV are younger and seem to have a better natural
s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9 405

Fig. 13 e Multimodal imaging of the right eye of a 75 year-old man with fibrovascular PED who developed an RPE tear. A: Pre-
treatment characteristics. The midphase fluorescein angiogram shows a heterogeneously filled PED (arrow). The ICG
angiogram (B) shows a hyperfluorescent plaque located to the nasal side of the PED (arrow). EDI-OCT scans taken through
the superior border of the PED (C, corresponding to the superior arrow on the fluorescein angiogram) and a little bit further
down (D, inferior arrow on the angiogram) show material along the back surface of the nasal side of the PED. (Reprinted from
Spaide200 with permission of Springer-Verlag).

history.237 PCV and typical exudative AMD therefore have subfoveal CT of 23 eyes with PCV and 22 treatment-naı̈ve
a different demographic risk profile and visual prognosis, but eyes with typical exudative AMD. They excluded patients
they share the same genetic associations,70,118 have similar with retinal angiomatous proliferation and high myopia.
histopathologic findings with the exception of the vessel They found that the subfoveal CT was significantly greater in
size,186 and respond to the same treatments. eyes with PCV (293 mm) than in eyes with AMD (245 mm) after
ICG angiography allowed identification of two basic adjusting for age, refractive error, and sex (p ¼ 0.045). They
vascular abnormalities associated with PCVda branching also found that eyes with subfoveal CT of 300 mm or more
network of vessels and vascular dilations at the border of the were 5.6 times more likely to have PCV compared with eyes
network206dbut ICG angiography cannot define their exact with less CT.108
depth or the precise location of the polypoidal abnormalities Multifocal choroidal vascular hyperpermeability, a charac-
in relation to the choriocapillaris.206 In the earliest descrip- teristic finding of CSC, was detected in the mid-phase ICG
tions of PCV, the vessels were thought to be in the choroid.233 angiogram in 9.8% of eyes with PCV as compared with only 2%
Simultaneous SD-OCT and ICG angiography has localized the of eyes with exudative AMD.191 Koizumi and associates found
polypoidal lesions and their branching network between that 34.8% of 89 eyes with PCV had choroidal vascular
Bruch’s membrane and the RPE (Fig. 17). hyperpermeability, and these eyes more frequently demon-
Two studies, one in Korea and one in Japan, found that the strated an increased subfoveal choroidal thickness and
CT was thickened in PCV patients compared with typical a history of CSC.107 PCV has been thought to masquerade as
exudative AMD patients.29,108 In the Korean study, Chung CSC;236 some cases of what was diagnosed as CSC, however,
et al found that the choroid of fellow uninvolved eyes of PCV have been followed for many years and only later found to be
was also markedly thickened.29 They concluded that these harboring small polypoidal lesions. It seems unlikely that the
bilateral changes in CT might indicate involvement of polypoidal lesions could have caused CSC-like findings for
systemic factors such as hypertension in the evolution of decades without growing large. Thus, it is possible that CSC
PCV. In the Japanese study, Koizumi et al compared the may lead into PCV.
406 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

Fig. 15 e Pre- and post-rip comparison. A: The pre-rip EDI-

OCT with a red line drawn through the center of the RPE
monolayer shows the portion that filled with fluorescein to
be the ballooned region to the left. The area corresponding
to the hyperfluorescent plaque is seen on the right with the
overlying retinal pigment epithelium showing
corrugations. After the rip (B), which appeared to occur in
the ballooned area of the detachment, the retinal pigment
epithelium was thrown into more obvious folds. This
suggests contraction of the underlying choroidal
neovascularization. (Reprinted from Spaide200 with
permission of Springer-Verlag).

Fig. 14 e One month after one intravitreal ranibizumab invasive and inconvenient to perform repeatedly, and the
injection, the fundus autofluorescence photograph (A) angiographic results offer little help in estimating the
shows a hypoautofluorescent defect with an area of needed corticosteroid dose.
increased autofluorescence from scrolled retinal pigment Two studies examined the EDI-OCT findings of patients
epithelium (arrow). Corresponding EDI-OCT scans taken with VKH. In one, of six patients with VKH in the acute and
through the same areas (B, C ) as in Fig. 13 show a gap in convalescent stages43 the CT of the acute patients was greater
the RPE line (triangles) with subsequent increasing light than those in the convalescent stage. There was no significant
penetration to the choroid. The corrugated retinal pigment difference in CT between convalescent eyes and controls. The
epithelial monolayer sits on the reflective material seen in choroid of eyes with VKH was thought to have a decrease in
the pre-rip EDI-OCTs seen in Fig. 13A. (Reprinted from hyperreflective dots in the inner choroid as compared with
Spaide200 with permission of Springer-Verlag). healthy controls. The nature of the dots was not elucidated,
but the authors proposed there may be pericapillary arteriole
and venule loss from inflammation.43 In a study of 16 eyes of
eight patients with acute VKH, the choroid was markedly
7. Choroidal thickness in posterior uveitis thickened by EDI-OCT, with a mean subfoveal CT of 805 mm at
presentation.128 After 3 days of intravenous corticosteroids
Many inflammatory diseases in the posterior segment of the the mean subfoveal CT decreased to 524 mm. The patients
eye are known to originate from, or at least involve, the continued treatment using oral corticosteroids, and the mean
choroid. The monitoring of CT may prove to be an accurate subfoveal CT was 341 mm at 2 weeks. One patient had
way to evaluate inflammatory processes and potentially a unilateral detachment, but was found to have bilateral
to monitor the response to treatment in a non-invasive choroidal thickening. The CT in each eye responded rapidly to
manner. corticosteroid treatment.128
Treatment of VKH can be difficult because of the lack of
7.1. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada feedback information. Patients are treated with very high
dose corticosteroids acutely and then the dose is tapered.
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) syndrome, a granulomatous The amount of reduction is usually a matter of clinical
inflammatory disorder that occurs frequently in patients of experience. If the dose of corticosteroids is decreased too
Asian, American Indian, or Hispanic descent,35 affects the much the patient can have a recurrence of the detachment,
eyes, meninges, and skin and has been clinically divided although it is possible that some patients are given too
into prodromal, acute, chronic, and chronic recurrent much corticosteroids. Following patients with an imaging
stages. Evaluating choroidal involvement is crucial to assess modality that permits simple, accurate, and reproducible
treatment efficacy and sub-clinical recurrences in VKH measurements of the choroid would allow treating physi-
disease. ICG angiography enables visualization of the cians to gauge drug dosing. If a patient has a normal CT,
choroidal vessels, but its utility is limited for VKH disease a lower dose of corticosteroids may be possible. If the
because there is diffuse leakage of dye from the choroidal choroid was found to be thickening, the dose could be
vessels, partially obscuring them. Also, ICG angiography is increased (Fig. 18).
s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9 407

Fig. 16 e Multimodal imaging of the right eye of a 95-year-old man with treated fibrovascular PED who developed
chorioretinal folds. Color (A) and red-free (B) photographs show chorioretinal folds ( green arrows) radiating from the
retracted borders of a fibrovascular PED treated with intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy. C: The conventional OCT scan does not
show much exudation except for a few intraretinal cystic changes. Note the multilamellar hyperreflective structure at the
back-surface of the partly collapsed PED. D: The EDI-OCT scan shows recurrent fluid exudation secondary to CNV at the back
surface of the hyperreflective lamellar material at the base of the fibrovascular PED.

7.2. Multifocal choroiditis and panuveitis homogeneously moderately reflective material. A second
characteristic finding in acute phases of inflammation is
Unpublished data from our group about SD-OCT in multi- eruption of the sub-RPE lesions and infiltration of the outer
focal choroiditis with or without panuveitis show the char- retina. Eyes with infiltration of the outer retina often have
acteristic finding is mound-like sub-RPE lesions that contain much larger regions of disruption of the inner segment

Fig. 17 e Multimodal imaging of the left eye of an 84-year-old woman with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. A: The color
photograph shows lipid deposition and sub-retinal and sub-RPE hemorrhages. B: The early ICG angiogram shows multiple
polyps and their vascular branching network but cannot assess their exact depth. C: Conventional OCT scan through one
polyp visualized on ICG angiography shows an irregular elevation of the RPE line. D: EDI-OCT scan through the same
location shows a round to ovoid structure with a hyporeflective center and a hyperreflective wall corresponding to the polyp
and located between Bruch’s membrane and the RPE lines.
408 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

involvement, as evidenced by OCT, occurs independently of

any cells being visible in the vitreous or anterior chamber.
Given that all of these entities target the same location, that
the visually significant abnormalities induced by these
conditions occur in the outer retina and subretinal space,
and that each may have CNV as a frequent complication, the
clinical utility of trying to differentiate among them seems
minor. In the past trying to gauge disease activity by quan-
tifying cells in the vitreous and anterior chamber may have
been useful, but current imaging modalities are able to
visualize the exact sites of involvement and damage.

7.3. Acute zonal occult outer retinopathy

Acute zonal occult outer retinopathy (AZOOR) was described

by Gass as a unilateral or bilateral acute loss of outer retinal
function with minimal ophthalmoscopic change.57,61 Fuji-
wara et al evaluated the fundus autofluorescence and
SD-OCT findings in AZOOR in 19 eyes of 11 patients.56 All
presented with photoreceptor abnormalities, as assessed by
abnormalities of the EZ band, and thinning of the outer
photoreceptors layer in SD-OCT imaging. RPE abnormalities
as assessed by fundus autofluorescence were detected in
89% of patients. Eighty-nine percent had retinal arteriolar
attenuation and 63% had abnormalities in the inner retinal
structure on SD-OCT, and these abnormalities occurred in
areas of severe alterations of the outer retina. The CT was
normal, and no abnormality in choroidal structure was seen
using EDI-OCT. These findings raised a new concept of the
pathophysiology of AZOOR: the outer retina is damaged
with major photoreceptor loss, and the choroid blood supply
appears to be normal, at least in early stages. Therefore,
Fig. 18 e Enhanced depth imaging SD-OCT of the right eye
large amounts of oxygen are delivered from the intact
of a 17-year-old girl with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease.
choroid to the inner retina through the areas of photore-
The patient was given intravenous methylprednisolone
ceptors loss, which is the reason retinal vessels appear
1,000 mg for 3 days followed by tapered oral prednisolone
attenuated in AZOOR, a disease of the outer, not inner,
starting at 40 mg/day. A: At baseline there is serous retinal
retina. The retinal vessels autoregulate because of the high
detachment fluid and the sub-foveal CT is measured at 611
oxygen tension delivered from the choroid. This excessive
microns. At day 1, the CT decreased to 433 microns. At day
oxygen has the potential to cause damage to the middle and
3, the CT decreased to 356 microns. At day 14, the CT
inner retina, as OCT alterations in these layers have been
decreased to 289 microns and there was complete
identified in AZOOR patients.56
resolution of the serous retinal detachment. (Reprinted
from Maruko et al128 with permission of Retina).
7.4. Birdshot chorioretinopathy

Birdshot chorioretinopathy is a chronic posterior uveitis

ellipsoid band, known as the ellipsoid zone (EZ) that was characterized by deep cream-colored, ill-defined lesions
formerly known as the IS/OS boundary.208 The curious scattered throughout the fundi in both eyes, with minimal
finding is the nearly complete absence of any direct anterior and vitreous inflammation.188 The diagnostic criteria
choroidal involvement in multifocal choroiditis, despite its established by an international consensus are bilateral
name. Treatment of the eyes with corticosteroids caused involvement, three or more peripapillary lesions inferior or
prompt flattening of the sub-RPE lesions; in some of these nasal to the optic disk in at least one eye, and low-grade
eyes the underlying choroid decreased in thickness. This anterior segment and vitreous inflammation. HLA-A29 is
implies there may be some underlying choroidal involve- a supportive finding, but is not necessary, as are retinal
ment, perhaps by proximal effects from the overlying focus vasculitis and cystoid macular edema.116 Even though the
of inflammation (Fig. 19). Although some authorities differ- onset can be insidious, severe visual loss almost invariably
entiate multifocal choroiditis with panuveitis from multi- occurs.31 ICG angiography visualizes the choroidal lesions as
focal choroiditis without panuveitis, and from punctate hypofluorescent spots, but cannot assess their exact
inner choroidopathy, the EDI-OCT and autofluorescence depth.39,90 The pathogenesis is unknown, and there is no
findings of all of these conditions appear to show identical consensus on how to monitor disease activity. Many
abnormalities in the outer retina and sub-RPE space. The uveitis specialists follow the disease activity using
s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9 409

Fig. 19 e Multimodal imaging of the left eye of a 34-year-old woman with multifocal choroiditis. A: Color fundus photograph
shows multiple macular white-yellow to grayish lesions of various sizes. B: Fundus autofluorescence imaging shows
numerous hypo-autofluorescent lesions corresponding to the white lesions on the color photograph. Early (C ) and late (D)
phase fluorescein angiograms show the multiple lesions as hyperfluorescent. Note the two bigger ones above the macula
appear as early hyperfluorescent round spots (white arrowheads, C ) with leakage at the late phase (white arrowheads, D).
Note also the ring of hyperautofluorescence around these spots on the fundus autofluorescence imaging (white arrowheads,
B). These lesions are probably a combination of scar, old CNV, and inflammatory material. E: Note that an SD-OCT scan
through the most superior of these two lesions shows inflammatory infiltration into the outer retina as a hyperreflective
area (white arrowhead ) above the RPE that is disrupted focally. The ellipsoid zone (EZ) is largely absent at the level of this
lesion. F: An SD-OCT scan through multiple lesions shows from the left to the right multiple sub-RPE mound-like lesions
with various degrees of disruption of the outer retina. Over the first one (empty triangle), the EZ is intact. Over the second one
(white triangle), the EZ is focally disrupted. The two following lesions (white arrows) infiltrate the outer retinal layers, with
total absence of the EZ band. Note that the choroid is visualized and does not seem disrupted.

electroretinography (ERG), but this detects changes only in which consequently would be prior to any ERG abnormalities.
patients who have suffered significant retinal damage. Ideally The analysis of birdshot chorioretinopathy using EDI-OCT
treatment could be undertaken prior to any retinal damage, and SS-OCT (Fig. 20) found that the typical cream-colored
410 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

Fig. 21 e Multimodal imaging of the right eye of a 40-year-

old man with toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. A: Color
fundus photograph shows an ill-defined white lesion at
the border of a pigmented scar surrounded by subretinal
fluid. B: Swept source OCT horizontal scan through the
lesion shows numerous hyper-reflective dots in the
Fig. 20 e Multimodal imaging of the left eye of a 61-year-
vitreous (white arrows). The lesion corresponds to an area
old man with bilateral birdshot chorioretinopathy. A: Note
of retinal and choroidal thickening with major disruption
the multiple creamy white lesions evenly distributed
of the retinal layers and focal disruption of the RPE line.
throughout the fundus on the color photograph. The image
The adjacent choroid is normal. The area in the white
is somewhat hazy because of vitreous cells. B: An EDI-OCT
square is magnified to show that there are also white dots
horizontal scan through a lesion located infero-temporal to
within the substance of the lesion ( yellow arrows); these
the fovea shows a hyporeflective area larger than the
white dots are the same size as the ones in the vitreous,
lesion on the color photograph (white arrows). C: An EDI-
suggesting they too may be inflammatory cells. Also, note
OCT horizontal scan at the same level taken after 6 months
that there is thickening of the RPE line at the level of the
of local corticosteroid therapy and oral mycophenolate
lesion causing posterior shadowing (B).
mofetil shows a near-complete resolution of the focal
choroidal hyporeflective infiltrate. D: An EDI-OCT scan
through the fovea shows normal subfoveal choroidal
thickness with no apparent lesion.
the choroidal vessels”, with additional areas of lymphocytic
aggregation in the optic nerve head and along retinal
lesions on the fundus correspond to low-reflective to hypo- vessels.67 These findings correspond very well to the local-
reflective areas of infiltrates in the choroid that appear ization, reflectivity, and relationship to the choroidal vessels
somewhat larger than what is ophthalmoscopically visible. of the inflammatory infiltrates as assessed with EDI-OCT.
The overlying area corresponding to the choriocapillaris does The other study reported one phthsical eye suspected to
not seem disrupted. There is a paucity of vessels within the have birdshot chorioretinopathy, with diffuse granuloma-
infiltrated areas. tous inflammation involving mainly the retinal outer layers
There are only two histopathological reports of birdshot and, to a lesser extent, the choroid.154 The radiating pattern
chorioretinopathy,67,154 and one is of an eye that was in seen ophthalmoscopically may have an anatomic correlate.
phthisis for 2 years before enucleation.154 Gaudio and EDI-OCT images involvement in the outer choroid, near the
associates described one eye with birdshot chorioretinop- larger choroidal blood vessels, which normally radiate
athy. They found multiple foci of lymphocyte aggregates in outward toward the vortex veins. This may constrain the
the deep choroid sparing the choriocapillaris, and “abutting distribution of the infiltrative lesions.
s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9 411

In birdshot chorioretinopathy it is uncertain whether the 7.5. Toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis

retinal involvement is contiguous and secondary to
choroidal involvement or independent. A fundus auto- Toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis, the most frequent cause of
fluorescence study106dand the fact that abnormalities on posterior uveitis in immunocompetent patients,14 is most
the fluorescein angiography and abnormalities on the ICG often the result of a congenital infection, with possible reac-
angiography do not co-localize39dsuggests that the tivation later in life.17 The encysted form of the parasite is
RPEeretina and the choroid may be damaged by an inde- called bradyzoites and the proliferative form is called tachy-
pendent topographic distribution of inflammation. zoite. Toxoplasma cysts can remain latent in the chorioretinal

Fig. 22 e Multimodal imaging of the left eye of a 57-year-old woman seen for a second opinion for what was diagnosed as
unilateral serpiginous choroiditis. A: The color fundus photograph shows a whitish polygonal area of chorioretinal scarring
surrounded by a subtle yellow infiltration of the choroid. Note the general paucity of visible vessels in the yellow infiltrated
region. B: Early-phase ICG angiography shows an absence of choroidal vessels in the region of the yellow infiltrate seen in
the color photographs. C: EDI-OCT horizontal scan through the superior border of the scar shows large hyporeflective areas
within the choroid with nearly no visible choroidal vasculature (white triangles). A large choroidal vessel is visualized
through the infiltrated area (white arrow). D: An EDI-OCT horizontal scan taken at the same level after 2 months of oral
corticosteroid therapy shows a resolution of the diffuse choroidal infiltration (white triangles), but the choroid is extremely
thin. E: EDI-OCT scan of the fellow eye shows normal choroidal thickness and structure.
412 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

Fig. 23 e Multimodal imaging of the left eye of a 52-year-old man with posterior scleritis. A: The patient presented with
rapid vision loss to 20/200 in the left eye. The color and red-free photograph (B) show widespread radiating interconnected
choroidal folds. The choroidal details were visible, indicating there was no subretinal fluid. His intraocular pressure was
10 mm Hg in both eyes. C: The fundus autofluorescence imaging shows areas of granular hyper- and hypo-autofluorescence
spreading around the optic disk. D: Contact B-scan ultrasonography shows that the eye wall was markedly thickened. The
choroid cannot be differentiated from the sclera. He had fluid in Tenon’s space (arrows). F: An EDI-OCT scan showed the
subfoveal choroidal thickness was 180 microns, which then left thickening of the sclera as the cause of the eye wall
thickening seen in the ultrasonogram. The full thickness of the choroid could not be visualized by ordinary OCT (E ).

scar or adjacent tissue for years.100 The primary locus of the present in the necrotic portion, at times within pseudocysts.47
infection is the retina, and the choroid is secondarily involved Histopathological studies have identified cysts full of brady-
along with the sclera and the vitreous.100 The main histo- zoites as well as tachyzoites within the retinal lesions using
pathological findings are areas of granulomatous inflamma- immunohistochemistry techniques.17,177 Clusters of pigment-
tion involving the retina, the choroid, and sometimes the laden epithelioid cells have been identified in the subretinal
sclera.47 Some have found a focal disruption or necrosis of the space.17
RPE.17,177 At the center of the lesion the retina, and sometimes Lesions of toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis were analyzed
the choroid, have been found to be necrotic and the parasites using EDI-OCT and SS-OCT (Fig. 21). The white large
s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9 413

inflammatory lesion shown in Fig. 21 developed at the edge

of a pigmented scar. The SD-OCT analysis found numerous 8. Choroid in inherited retinal dystrophies
hyperreflective dots in the vitreous corresponding to
vitreous cells, overlying the retinochoroidal lesion. The Inherited retinal dystrophies comprise a large number of
same hyperreflective dots were seen within the retinal and disorders, some better characterized than others. Phenotypi-
the choroidal lesions. The retinal architecture was dis- cally disparate conditions may share the same underlying
rupted, with almost no normal retinal layers. There was genetic defect. In addition patients with the same genetic
disruption of the RPE line and marked thickening of the mutation may have large variations in disease severity.
underlying choroid. Whereas some disorders, such as dominantly inherited reti-
nitis pigmentosa (RP), involve rhodopsin mutations, implying
7.6. Sarcoidosis the potential for rod damage, many of these eyes will go on to
also show cone, RPE, and, in the end stage, choroidal abnor-
Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disease whose histologic hall- malities. The defects seen by simple analysis of the choroid
mark is the presence of non-caseating granulomas.209 are therefore dependent on the exact nature of the inherited
Choroidal lesions are common in ocular sarcoidosis.209 The disorder, the severity of disease, and how long the disease has
choroidal involvement in sarcoidosis can be assessed using been present. Broad comparisons may not be clinically
EDI-OCT and SS-OCT. As an example, a 57-year-old woman useful, but may help in understanding underlying disease
with evidence of systemic sarcoidosis with unilateral serpig- pathogenesis.
inous choroiditis-like lesions underwent multimodal imaging Yeoh et al analyzed the subfoveal CT in various retinal
with ICG angiography, EDI-OCT, and SS-OCT (Fig. 22). There dystrophies using EDI-OCT in 20 patients.239 They found that
was low-reflective to hyporeflective homogeneous areas of the subfoveal CT was normal in 10 patients, had various
diffuse infiltration of the choroid at the edges of the chorior- degrees and patterns of thinning in 9 patients, and thickened
etinal atrophic areas on EDI-OCT. There were large vessels in one patient with undetermined macular dystrophy. The
visualized through the lesion. These diffuse infiltrated areas refractive errors of the patients were not mentioned. They did
visualized on the EDI-OCT corresponded to confluent hypo- not find any correlation between subfoveal CT and visual
fluorescent areas at the early and mid-phase of the ICG angi- function as assessed with either visual acuity test or electro-
ography where there was an almost complete disappearance physiology.239 Inherited retinal dystrophies may follow the
of medium size and large size choroidal vessels. These find- same pattern as seen in AZOOR cases. The loss of the outer
ings led to the hypothesis that the choroidal vessels may be retina may precede changes in the choroid. With loss of the
compressed or obliterated by the inflammatory infiltrates in outer retina oxygen originating from the choroid may diffuse
these areas. to the middle and inner retinal layers. The retinal circulation
autoregulates and would be expected to constrict. This has
7.7. Other types of posterior uveitis been proposed as an explanation for arteriolar attenuation in
AZOOR and the same principle may be germane in RP.56
One study of CT in multiple evanescent white-dot syndrome
found the choroid to be thicker in the acute phase than the
convalescent phase in both the affected and opposite unaf- 9. Choroid in high myopia
fected eyes, suggesting that an inflammatory reaction might
affect the choroid, directly or indirectly.4 Posterior scleritis is 9.1. Chorioretinal atrophy in high myopia
a rare, but underdiagnosed, inflammation of the sclera in the
posterior pole that has many manifestations including cho- In many developed countries, a major cause of vision loss is
rioretinal folds, choroidal detachment, ciliochoroidal effu- high myopia, which is often defined as 6 or more diopters
sion with angle-closure glaucoma, and exudative retinal spherical equivalent myopic correction. High myopia is asso-
detachment. On occasion posterior scleritis appears as a cir- ciated with excessive and progressive elongation of the globe
cumscribed mass lesion. The typical symptoms include a dull and results in a variety of fundus changes that lead to visual
aching pain and decreased visual acuity. Posterior scleritis impairment, including lacquer cracks in Bruch’s membrane,
causes a thickening of the sclera as seen by contact B-scan CNV, and chorioretinal atrophy.33,82,88,103,104,113,142,157 Myopic
ultrasonography, and fluid is commonly see in Tenon’s chorioretinal atrophy is a common and serious problem, and
space. The differentiation of thickened sclera from thickened yet the mechanisms and pathologic course are not well
choroid may be difficult, but is important in establishing the understood. If retinal stretching was the main mechanism for
correct diagnosis. Multimodal imaging can help in defini- visual impairment in highly myopic eyes, we would expect the
tively establishing the presence of scleral thickening (Fig. 23). visual function to be well correlated with the amount of
Fluorescein angiography demonstrates the chorioretinal myopia; clinically, however, visual function in highly myopic
folds, as would autofluorescence imaging, but fluorescein patients tends to be more correlated with age than degree of
angiography can also show leaks from the level of the retinal myopia.192,225
pigment epithelium if a serous detachment of the retina is Okabe et al analyzed three eyes with chorioretinal atrophy
present. Posterior scleritis is typically treated with nonste- and pathologic myopia enucleated for various reasons:
roidal anti-inflammatory medications, with corticosteroid herpetic keratitis and secondary glaucoma, intraocular
treatment and sometimes immunosuppression required for hemorrhage, and painful filamentous keratitis.157 One eye had
severe cases.9 20 D of myopia and the amount of myopia was not defined
414 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

for the two other eyes. Histopathological observations showed OCT study, subfoveal CT was found to decrease by 12.7 mm for
the choroid was thin with vessels present in some areas but each decade of life and by 8.7 mm for each diopter of myopia.55
completely absent in others.157 They hypothesized that the The quantification of choroidal biometric changes may be
choriocapillaris was obstructed and disappeared earlier than useful for monitoring the progression and for estimating the
the other choroidal vessels and that the choriocapillaris relative risks for future development of the disease. A large
obstruction occurs in a lobulated fashion.157 The associated proportion of patients with high myopia develop some visual
diseases in these eyes may have affected their choroidal deficit, and even modestly reduced visual acuities to the 20/30
ultrastructure. There are no data on the ultrastructural or 20/40 level can have a significant impact on their quality of
modifications present at the early stages of high myopia. life.153 The visual deficit developed in highly myopic eyes
Animal models of myopia show decreased choriocapillaris increases with age and amount of myopia. Nishida et al
density and diameter.82 The photoreceptor packing density is evaluated predictive factors for visual acuity using EDI-OCT in
decreased in high myopes.28 Both photoreceptors and cho- 145 highly myopic eyes with no macular pathology.153 They
riocapillaris are rarefied as compared with emmetropic eyes. evaluated subfoveal CT, foveal thickness, outer nuclear layer
Angiographic studies of the choroid with ICG reveals that the thickness, and inner segment to RPE aggregate thickness. The
choroidal vasculature is altered in highly myopic eyes.143,172 A mean subfoveal CT was 158.6 mm. The subfoveal CT was
color Doppler ultrasonographic study found that the choroidal inversely correlated with visual acuity and was also the only
circulation was decreased in highly myopic eyes.1 As the significant predictive factor of visual acuity in the pooled
choroid supplies oxygen and nutrition to the retinal pigment data.153
epithelial cells and the outer retina, compromised choroidal
circulation may account, in part, for the retinal dysfunction
9.3. Imaging the highly myopic disk
and vision loss that is seen in high myopia.

9.3.1. Intrachoroidal cavitation

In 2003, Freund et al recognized peripapillary detachment in
9.2. Biometric choroidal changes in highly myopic eyes
pathologic myopia.45 They reported an elevated, well-
and clinical significance
circumscribed, dome-shaped, yellow-orange lesion inferior
to the optic disk along the inferior margin of the myopic
The choroid of highly myopic patients is significantly thinner
conus. Toronzo and Gaudric renamed this anomaly
than the choroid of non-myopic eyes (Fig. 24).55,94 A group of
18 patients (31 eyes), with a mean age of 51.7 years and a mean
refractive error of 15.5 D was evaluated with regular SD-OCT.
The mean subfoveal CT was 100.5 mm, thinner than in
emmetropic eyes, and the eyes underwent further thinning
with increasing age and posterior staphyloma height.94 The
authors defined staphyloma height as the sum of four vertical
measurements on SD-OCT foveal scans: the distance from the
RPE line beneath the fovea to the nasal, temporal, superior,
and inferior edges of the OCT image.94 They do not mention
how the presence, shape, and exact location of the posterior
staphyloma were determined. The posterior pole of any eye,
whether it is myopic or not, is not a flat structure, and as such
it should have some “height” as it is defined by this SD-OCT
method of measurement. The height measured in this study
is a reflection of the global curvature of the eye itself and does
not necessarily imply any outpouching, as is required to
define a posterior staphyloma. Conventional SD-OCT allows
a relatively good visualization of the choroidal/sceral interface
in highly myopic eyes because of the dramatic choroidal
thinning.94 Ikuno et al reported that the choroidal/scleral
interface is generally undetectable in eyes with a CT greater
than 300 mm with regular SD-OCT.94 This probably also
depends on other factors, such as the degree of pigmentation
of the RPE and choroid.
Another group of 31 patients (55 eyes) with a mean age of
59.7 years and a mean refractive error of 11.9 D was evalu- Fig. 24 e Multimodal imaging of the left eye of a 35-year-
ated with EDI-OCT. The mean subfoveal CT was 93.2 mm, and old highly myopic man. A: The color photograph shows
was negatively correlated with age (p ¼ 0.006) and refractive a tilted disc with 360 peripapillary atrophy. B: The EDI-
error (p < 0.001).55 Eyes with a history of choroidal neo- OCT scan shows a very thin choroid with no sharp
vascularization also had a thinner choroid (p ¼ 0.013), but the transition to where the clinically observed peripapillary
patients in this study were treated with photodynamic atrophy starts (arrow). (Reprinted from Spaide200 with
therapy, which may have damaged the choroid.55 In this EDI- permission of Springer-Verlag).
s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9 415

intrachoroidal cavitation based on OCT analysis: a large intra- a direct communication between the vitreous cavity and the
choroidal hyporeflective space with a flat RPE,217 a finding intrachoroidal cavity. They proposed that the primary cause
present in 4.9% of 632 highly myopic eyes in a Japanese of intrachoroidal cavitation formation was the posterior
study.196 Some authors postulated that intrachoroidal cavi- bowing of the sclera in the region of the conus that extended
tation is another cause of visual field defects in high around the nerve to involve the choroid secondarily. In more
myopia,196 along with primary open-angle glaucoma, normal exaggerated cases the posterior deflection of the sclera could
tension glaucoma, tilted disk syndromes, myopic conus, and allow fluid to enter through a full thickness defect in the
macular atrophy. Wei et al, using Stratus-OCT, identified overlying retinaeRPEeBruch’s membrane at the border of the
direct communication between the intrachoroidal cavity and conus.201
the vitreous space in 6 out of 13 cases and hypothesized that
liquid vitreous might be the source of the disruption of the 9.3.2. Analysis of the subarachnoid space
choroid and fluid accumulation.229 EDI-OCT allowed identi- Ohno-Matsui et al analyzed the subarachnoid space (SAS) of
fying intrachoroidal cavitation that had been unrecognized 133 eyes with pathologic myopia with SS-OCT and analyzed 32
clinically.161 normal emmetropic eyes of healthy controls.155 The SAS was
Spaide et al201 evaluated 16 eyes of 13 patients with peri- visible in 124 highly myopic eyes (93.2%) but in none of the
papillary intrachoroidal cavitation using mainly SS-OCT and emmetropic eyes. The mean age of these 72 highly myopic
in one eye EDI-OCT and volume rendering. The patients had patients was 53.2 years with a mean refractive error of e15.2
a mean age of 50.3 years and a mean refractive error of 12.5 D. The SAS was thought to be dilated, with a width ranging
D. All had a tilted disk with myopic conus. In all of the eyes, from 263 to 1850 mm and a triangular shape with the base
the sclera was bowed posteriorly focally below the region of toward the eye surrounding optic nerve in the region of the
the intrachoroidal cavitation, whereas the curvature of the scleral flange. The meningeal sheaths, the dura mater and the
RPE line overlying the lesion was not modified (Fig. 25). pia mater, as well as the arachnoid trabeculae, were only
Therefore there was no internal elevation of the lesion. There visible surrounding the SAS in highly myopic eyes and not in
was full thickness defect in the retina, RPE, and inner choroid emmetropic ones (Fig. 26). There was a change in the scleral
at the inferior border of the conus in only four eyes, indicating curvature at the attachment of the dura mater of the SAS to

Fig. 25 e Peripapillary intrachoroidal cavitation. A: Color photograph showing a yellowish region (blue arrows) in which the
underlying choroidal details are not visible. Note how the vein from the inferotemporal arcade dips down below the level of
the retina. Sections taken with an SS-OCT instrument are shown in images C and D. B: Fluorescein angiogram showing
some accumulation within the yellow pocket (blue arrows). Note the edge of the visible retina ( yellow arrow). C: The conus
region of this eye was seen by ophthalmoscopy to bulge outwards. There is a defect of the inner retina, RPE, Bruch’s
membrane, and choroid visible at the inferior border of the conus on the OCT scan (orange arrow) and the sclera outpouching
is seen well below the plane of the retina. D: The intrachoroidal cavitation is visible as a hyporeflective space above
a posteriorly distended sclera. This is shown by the red line, which is drawn through the center of the sclera. The straight
blue dashed line demonstrates the retinal pigment epithelium and Bruch’s membrane complex is not significantly elevated
toward the center of the eye.
416 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

Fig. 26 e Sub-arachnoid space and the change of scleral curvature at the site of attachment of the dura mater of the SAS to
the peripapillary sclera. A: Color fundus photograph of the optic disc with a large annular conus. B: SS-OCT slice scanned
along the green line in (A) shows the SAS temporal to the optic disk. There is a change of the scleral curvature at the
attachment site of the dura mater of SAS to the peripapillary sclera (white arrow). C: Color fundus photograph of the optic
disk showing a large annular conus. D: SS-OCT slice scanned along the green line in (C ) shows the SAS temporal (delineated
by three black arrows) and nasal to the optic disk. There is a change of the scleral curvature at the attachment of the dura
mater of SAS to the peripapillary sclera (white arrows). E: Schematic drawing showing the change of the scleral curvature at
the attachment of the dura mater (arrow) of SAS (arrow) to the peripapillary sclera (arrow). The peripapillary sclera is
continuous with the pia mater (arrow) along the inner boundary of the SAS and with the dura mater (arrow) along the outer
boundary of the SAS. dotted line [ lamina cribrosa.

the peripapillary sclera. The location and extent of visibility of formation. The area exposed to the cerebrospinal fluid pres-
the SAS correlated with the location and extent of the conus, sure is increased in these highly myopic eyes, and the tissues
suggesting that the expansion of the SAS may be related to the exposed to the pressure differential between intracranial and
expansion of the posterior eye wall in the process of conus intraocular pressure, such as lamina cribrosa and
s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9 417

peripapillary sclera, are thinner than in emmetropic eyes.

These parameters may modulate staphyloma formation and
glaucoma manifestation in highly myopic eyes.155

10. Diseases involving the sclera

With EDI-OCT it is possible to visualize the full thickness of

the sclera in high myopes. The choroid is thin and often has Fig. 27 e Dome-shaped macula. A 12-mm SS-OCT of an eye
sparse pigmentation, and the sclera is likewise thin. With with dome shaped macula shows the local variations of
SS-OCT the sclera can be visualized to a greater extent, and in thickness of the sclera with relative thickening of the
some lightly pigmented eyes (albeit with low myopia) the submacular sclera as compared with the sclera from
outer boundary of the sclera can sometimes be appreciated. adjacent regions. This causes what appears as an elevation
There are a number of potential interactions between the of the macula.
choroid and sclera that may influence ocular pathology and
with improved technology these relationships may be
macular subretinal fluid.129 The subfoveal choroid was rela-
10.1. Dome-shaped macula tively thin and the subfoveal sclera thickened in TDS with
a staphyloma at the macula. They also found that the
Gaucher et al described a new entity in eyes with high macular area at the superior edge of staphyloma had
myopia.66 The central portion of the macula appeared to bow a granular hyperfluorescent pattern on fluorescein angiog-
inwards, unlike typical staphylomas in high myopia, which raphy and a belt-like hypofluorescence on ICG angiography.
bow outwards. They called this disorder the dome-shaped The authors hypothesized that the subfoveal scleral thick-
macula. They proposed that there was localized thickening of ening in TDS might induce choroidal thinning and abnormal
the choroid. Later, in a letter to the Editor, two additional choroidal circulation at the fovea. Another possibility is that
possibilities were suggested, first that the dome shape was to the fovea was along the portion of curvature where the
the result of vitreous traction and second that there really was normal curvature of the eye merged with the curvature of the
collapse of the posterior portion of the eye such that the sclera staphyloma. As such it was located in the region of the
bowed inward.139 Vitreous traction was seen on the OCTs, and smallest radius in the posterior pole and the RPE and choroid
the eyes with dome-shaped macula have normal intraocular may have just been mechanically stretched in this region.
pressure, making eye collapse very unlikely. Imamura et al The authors thought secondary RPE atrophy could cause
examined the posterior anatomic structure of a group of 15 breakdown of the blooderetinal barrier and a subsequent
patients (23 eyes) with dome-shaped macula with EDI-OCT.97 serous retinal detachment.129 Another possibility is that
The mean age of the patients was 59.3 years and the mean chronic subretinal fluid could cause subsequent RPE atrophy
refractive error was 13.6 diopters. The mean subfoveal with choriocapillaris atrophy as a consequence. This would
scleral thickness in these eyes was 570 mm, and that in 25 eyes explain the hypofluorescence in ICG angiography. In any case
of myopic patients with staphyloma, but without dome- the mechanisms of subretinal fluid accumulation do not
shaped macula, was 281 mm (p < 0.001) even though both appear to depend on choroidal vascular hyperpermeability as
groups had similar refractive error. The scleral thickness 3,000 is seen in CSC. One possible explanation of subretinal fluid
mm temporal to the fovea was not different between the eyes accumulation in dome-shaped macula, nanophthalmos, and
with dome-shaped macula (337 mm) and the eyes with potentially tilted disk is a thicker sclera that resists normal
staphylomas (320 mm) (Fig. 27).97 outflow.
Dome-shaped macula is the result of regional thickness
differences of the sclera under the macula in highly myopic 10.3. Uveal effusion syndrome
eyes and does not correspond to any of the known types of
staphyloma. Some patients with dome-shaped macula may A uveal effusion is an abnormal collection of fluid that
have focal collections of subretinal fluid, which may occur expands the suprachoroidal space, producing internal
because of the obstruction of outflow of choroidal fluid by the elevation of the choroid. When no cause exists, patients are
thickened slcera.97 thought to have a distinct primary abnormality of the
choroid, the sclera, or both, called idiopathic uveal effusion
10.2. Tilted disk syndrome and inferior staphyloma syndrome. Histopathologically scleral modifications
contribute to scleral inelasticity and to an increased scleral
Maruko et al evaluated the macular choroidal changes in resistance to protein diffusion, leading to choroidal fluid
tilted disk syndrome (TDS) with EDI-OCT and the associated accumulation caused by altered osmotic pressures.222 Har-
scleral changes using SS-OCT in 24 eyes. TDS is a stationary ada et al studied the CT in idiopathic uveal effusion
congenital optic disk anomaly where the optic nerve enters syndrome by means of EDI-OCT in one case and found low-
the eye at an oblique angle, and the optic disk appears to reflective areas in the outer choroid. The subfoveal CT was
have a variable degree of rotation around its axis.15 Among 787 mm. It would also be interesting to analyze the effects of
these 24 eyes with TDS and inferior staphyloma, 7 had treatment such as scleral windows222 on the CT.
418 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

with EDI-OCT, and each type of tumor demonstrated one or

11. Imaging choroidal tumors with OCT more specific EDI-OCT findings. All melanocytic tumors
demonstrated a highly reflective band within the chorioca-
11.1. General information pillaris with posterior shadowing. We have seen some choroidal
nevi using EDI-OCT that have a thin hyporeflective band at the
OCT features of choroidal tumors have been extensively location where the choriocapillaris is expected to be. Moreover,
documented but are limited mostly to their effects on the we know from histology that choroidal nevi do not necessarily
overlying retina. Using conventional OCT, the choroidal find- affect the overlying choriocapillaris.149 Amelanotic nevi
ings in choroidal nevi are limited to the anterior surface.195 appeared homogeneous with a medium reflective band associ-
EDI-OCT of the choroid allows characterization of the thick- ated with visible choroidal vessels within the tumor (Fig. 28).218
ness and reflective quality of small (less than 0.9 mm thick) Choroidal melanomas showed a highly reflective band in the
non-pigmented choroidal lesions. We can roughly estimate anterior choroid with lack of visibility of either the choroidal
the thickness of pigmented choroidal tumors in an indirect vessels or inner sclera. Circumscribed choroidal hemangiomas
manner, by determining if there is a degree of distension of appeared as a medium to low reflective band with a homoge-
the adjacent sclera posteriorly. Some quantitative measure- neous signal and intrinsic spaces.218 Blood vessels and the
ments of the tumor are also possible if it has a diameter less contained blood are excellent at scattering light, which causes
than 9 mm and a thickness less than 1 mm.218 Small loss of coherency data in OCT imaging. The outer portion of
non-pigmented tumors undetectable by ultrasound might larger hemangiomas and the full thickness in small ones are
therefore be identified and measured by EDI-OCT. EDI-OCT hyperreflective, in our experience. Choroidal metastasis
technique is capable of distinguishing the tumor from revealed a hyporeflective band in the deeper choroid causing
surrounding tissues, including anteriorly from the hyper- enlargement of the suprachoroidal space,218 but this is probably
reflective Bruch’s membrane/RPE layer and laterally from the highly dependent on the type of metastasis.
normal choroid. The interphase between the posterior limit of
the tumor and the inner sclera is only visible when the height
is less than 0.9 mm,218 and also varies with the amount of 11.2. Low grade B-cell lymphoma (reactive lymphoid
pigmentation and subsequent shadowing. hyperplasia of the choroid)
In a pilot study, Torres et al described the intrinsic optical
characteristics of choroidal tumors imaged with EDI-OCT EDI-OCT can also be helpful to visualize and measure
technique and correlated tumor measurements with ultraso- lymphomatous collections. Benign reactive lymphoid
nography in 23 patients.218 They identified the tumor in all cases hyperplasia of the choroid is a rare clinical syndrome that

Fig. 28 e Choroidal nevus. A: This amelanotic nevus was seen to have an adjacent area of subretinal fluid and the retina had
a yellowish appearance. B: Autofluorescence imaging showed the area with the fluid was hyperautofluorescent. C: EDI-OCT
shows the expansion of the choroid by the nevus with obscuration of any contained vessels. There is subretinal fluid and
a thickened accumulation of shed outer segments at the outer portion of the retina. Accumulation of this material has been
linked with hyperautofluorescence from the outer retina in a wide variety of diseases.199
s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9 419

may resemble malignant choroidal tumors such as meta-

static carcinoma of the choroid, diffuse malignant
lymphoma of the uveal tract, diffuse amelanotic melanoma,
or diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation associated with
systemic carcinoma. This entity that has been called benign
reactive lymphoid hyperplasia of the choroid appears to be
a low grade B-cell lymphoma.30 In some respects reactive
lymphoid hyperplasia resembles a MALT lymphoma.
Systemic evaluation usually fails to detect evidence of
widespread involvement with this lymphoid tumor.64
Patients should have a careful conjunctival evaluation for
the presence of pink episcleral nodules that are easy to
biopsy to establish the diagnosis of lymphoid proliferation.72
Patients with benign reactive lymphoid hyperplasia of the
choroid were analyzed with EDI-OCT. In one case a large
lesion produced a homogeneous, smooth, low-reflective
thickening of the choroid (Fig. 29). There was no visualiza-
tion of the normal choroidal vascular vessels in the infil-
trated areas on EDI-OCT. This absence of visualization of the
normal choroidal vessels is not due to an optical shadowing
defect because the choroidal sclera interface is well identi-
fied. This implies that there are no choroidal or intrinsic
vessels within the lymphomatous infiltration, but in that
case, some choroidal vessels are still visualized anteriorly to
the hyporeflective lymphomatous collection. The choroidal
vessels may be compressed in the areas infiltrated by the
lymphomatous collection.
Fig. 29 e Multimodal imaging of the right eye of a 63-year-old
man with unilateral reactive lymphoid hyperplasia of the
11.3. Radiation choroidopathy choroid, a condition that actually represents a B-cell
lymphoma. A: The color photograph shows multiple yellow-
Radiation choroidopathy is a difficult diagnosis on conven- white infiltrates evenly distributed throughout the fundus. B:
tional imaging with fluorescein angiography and conven- One EDI-OCT scan taken through the inferior macula ( green
tional SD-OCT, especially when associated with radiation line) shows two large lesions producing homogeneous,
retinopathy. ICG angiography may show large vessels with smooth, low-reflective thickening of the choroid measured
vascular wall staining,3 associated with obliteration of at 350 mm. No choroidal vessel is visualized within these
choroidal vasculature in a wider area than that affected by infiltrated areas. The choroidal vessels may be compressed
radiation retinopathy, with possible remodeling of the in the areas infiltrated by the lymphomatous collection. The
choroidal veins.212 EDI-OCT can assist the diagnosis by foveal EDI-OCT scan of the left eye (C ) shows a normal
demonstrating a very thin choroid in these patients (Fig. 30). choroidal thickness measured at 135 mm.
This is consistent with previous histopathological studies of
radiation damage to the choroid that showed atrophy and
occlusion of the vasculature.141

12.1. Choroidal thickness and glaucoma

12. Choroid in glaucoma There are conflicting results concerning CT in glaucoma. Both
histologic studies and EDI-OCT studies of older patients
Glaucoma is the world’s leading cause of irreversible blind- showed a decreased mean subfoveal CT in glaucomatous eyes
ness.180 Theories of glaucomatous damage to ganglion cell as compared with eyes without glaucoma.109,203,211,240 In
axons usually focus on a mechanical etiology at the level of a group of 74 patients (37 with glaucoma, and 37 glaucoma
the lamina cribrosa, impairment of blood flow to the optic suspects), Maul et al found that age, axial length, central
nerve and peripapillary area, or both. Some studies report an corneal thickness, and diastolic ocular perfusion pressure
impairment of blood supply prior to demonstrable glaucom- were significantly associated with CT in glaucoma suspects
atous visual field defects, suggesting that the neuronal and glaucoma patients. Degree of glaucomatous damage was
damage does not cause the impaired optic nerve blood flow.165 not consistently associated with CT.132 In a study of normal
EDI-OCT in glaucoma allows analysis of CT as an indirect way eyes, normal tension glaucoma, and primary open-angle
to evaluate impairment of blood flow to the optic nerve and glaucoma no differences were found in CT after adjusting
also mechanical damage to the nerve fiber layer at the level of for age, axial length, and intraocular pressure.146 This is
the lamina cribrosa. somewhat misleading in that when variables are entered into
420 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

Fig. 30 e Multimodal imaging of the left eye of a 51-year-old woman with radiation retinopathy and associated radiation
choroidopathy. A: This patient had radiation for a retinoblastoma in childhood. The fluorescein angiogram shows a typical
ischemic retinopathy with vascular remodeling and telangiectasias contiguous to areas of capillary dropout. These findings
are consistent with the diagnosis of radiation retinopathy. B: The early ICG angiogram shows defects in choroidal filling and
rarefaction of choroidal vasculature. C: The EDI-OCT scan through the fovea helps the diagnosis of associated radiation
choroidopathy by demonstrating a very thin choroid measured at 103 mm. Note also the macular edema.

a regression equation, the strength of an association of highly glaucoma.7,173,174 EDI-OCT has advantages over the standard
colinear variables with the dependent variable is distorted. For mode of SD-OCT for visualizing and assessing the anatomical
example, CT is highly correlated with age and refractive error features of the deep optic nerve complex structures in glau-
(or axial length).55 Entering CT into a regression after axial coma, including the lamina cribrosa, especially its posterior
length and age are already entered would evaluate the effect border, and vessels including the short posterior ciliary artery,
of CT, minus any colinear interaction that age and axial length central retinal artery, and central retinal vein,161 the peri-
has on the choroid, for contributions towards explaining papillary choroid and sclera, and the SAS around the optic
variation in the dependent variable. An analogy would be nerve.160,161
concluding that falling from the top of the Empire State In a cross-sectional study of 137 glaucoma patients
Building is not more dangerous than falling from a chair after (49 healthy controls), the EDI-OCT imaging of optic nerve head
controlling for the distance of the fall. showed significantly better intraobserver, interobserver,
The proportion of normal-tension glaucoma (NTG) is intravisit, and intervisit reproducibility than standard
30e40% of all types of glaucoma and this proportion increases imaging.160 EDI-OCT modality allowed detection of differ-
with age. Some studies have found that highly myopic patients ences in the lamina cribrosa thickness by glaucoma type: it
have a higher risk of developing glaucomatous optic nerve was thinner in NTG patients than primary open-angle glau-
damage,25,34,71,166 sometimes despite an IOP in the normal coma patients with similar stages of damage, and the NTG
range. The number of patients with myopic NTG is increasing patients with disk hemorrhages had thinner laminas than the
because of the larger number of people with high myopia.221 ones without hemorrhage.160 In a prospective study, about 73
The CT has been found to be significantly thinner (50%) in glaucoma patients (139 eyes), Park et al were able to visualize
highly myopic eyes with NTG compared with highly myopic the lamina cribrosa pores with various shapes and sizes in
eyes without glaucoma using SS-OCT.221 Measuring CT may be 76% of the eyes. Localized lamina cribrosa lesions visualized
a helpful diagnostic parameter for myopic NTG, and also on optic disk photographs were identified as focal lamina
a monitoring parameter for progression of the disease. cribrosa defects or tears on EDI-OCT (Fig. 31).161 These tears in
Doppler OCT technology is a future modality to measure the the lamina cribrosa may be associated with the splinter
blood flow, and this type of study is needed to confirm if the hemorrhages of the optic nerve. Eyes with high myopia seem
choroidal blood flow actually decreases in myopic NTG. to have a greater propensity for these tears in the lamina
cribrosa.156 Clinically detectable thickness differences of
12.2. Imaging the deep optic nerve complex in glaucoma lamina cribrosa may precede functional visual field loss. The
and analysis of the lamina cribrosa pressure differential between intracranial and intraocular
pressure acts across the lamina cribrosa and can lead to its
There is growing evidence that the laminar region of the optic deformation, with subsequent damage of the axons of the
nerve head is an important site of the nerve fiber insult in retinal ganglion cells.
s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9 421

ultrasound resolution, but highly reflective structures such as

calcium are imaged by signal strength of the reflected ultra-
sound, which is not dependent on resolution.
Both exposed and buried ONHD can be associated with
loss of the associated nerve fiber layer and can be associated
with visual field defect.216 Therefore, patients with unde-
tected ONHD are frequently diagnosed as having glaucoma.
Fig. 31 e Lamina cribrosa tear. An EDI-OCT horizontal scan
EDI-OCT increases the visualization of buried ONHD (Fig. 32).
of the right eye of a 61-year-old highly myopic patient with
Conventional SD-OCT has been evaluated to differentiate
primary open-angle glaucoma shows a hyporeflective gap
optic disk edema and ONHD,101,115 to differentiate RNFL
at the junction of the lamina cribrosa and the temporal
modifications pattern related to optic nerve head drusen and
peripapillary sclera representing a lamina cribrosa tear
glaucoma.184,185 EDI-OCT may be able to visualize and
( yellow arrow).
localize buried ONHDs and therefore assess more accurately
the correlation of ONHDs to possible RNFL thinning over
Burgoyne et al proposed the generalized concept of the
optic nerve head as a biomechanical structure, assuming
that IOP-related stress (force/cross sectional area) and strain
14. Choroid in diabetes
(local deformation of the tissues) are central determinants
of both the pathophysiology of the optic nerve head tissues
Many histological studies have identified consistent vascular
and its blood supply at all levels of IOP.20 From this
changes in the choroid of the diabetic patient52,53,81 that are
perspective, EDI-OCT can expand the knowledge of optic
quite similar to those seen in diabetic retinopathy: increased
nerve head biomechanics in glaucoma by describing new
vascular tortuosity, vascular outpoutchings, microaneurysm
anatomical findings such as: the lamina cribrosa thinning or
formation, areas of nonperfusion, dilations and narrowing of
defects, scleral thinning around the disk, multiple micro-
vascular lumens, and choroidal neovascularization. The
optic pits, dilated SAS with subsequent impaired circula-
vessels involved are mainly the choriocapillaris, but also the
tion around the disk, and concentration of toxic
larger choroidal vessels.52,81 Early vascular changes involved
the peripheral choriocapillaris and later choroidal vascular
changes were more marked in the temporal area between the
equator and ora serrata.52
13. Optic nerve head drusen: enhanced Nagaoka et al evaluated the changes in choroidal blood
visualization and analysis of adjacent optic flow in the foveal region in 70 patients with type 2 diabetes
nerve fibers using laser Doppler flowmetry.147 The subfoveal choroidal
blood flow was significantly reduced in all the diabetic
Optic nerve head drusen are acellular deposits, primarily patients, especially those with nonproliferative diabetic reti-
composed of proteins, mucopolysaccharides, and calcium, nopathy and diabetic macular edema. These results suggest
that characteristically occur bilaterally in small, crowded that the circulatory changes in the choriocapillaris in the
optic nerve heads.114 They have been clinically observed in foveal region may precede the clinical manifestations of dia-
0.3% of the population, although autopsy studies suggest an betic retinopathy, and the authors hypothesized that the
incidence of 2%.48 This discrepancy suggests clinical under- decreased blood flow in the choriocapillaris may cause retinal
estimation of the real incidence of optic nerve head drusen. tissue hypoxia and subsequent increased expression of VEGF,
Buried optic nerve head drusen, especially small ones, cannot which is one of the mechanisms implicated in the pathogen-
be easily visualized by conventional ophthalmoscopic exam- esis of diabetic macular edema.147
ination. When they are buried within the optic nerve head, the Three OCT studies have evaluated the choroidal thickness
optic disc appearance ranges from normal to pseudopapille- in diabetic patients in vivo using different techniques, with
dema.114 If there is sufficient suspicion of optic nerve head inconsistent results.37,136,179 McCourt et al evaluated the sub-
drusen, contact B-scan ultrasonography may be done to look foveal CT of 194 consecutive eyes from 102 patients, including
for calcium, with a good sensitivity. But ultrasonography will 30 eyes with diabetic retinopathy, using EDI-OCT.136 In this
not be performed if there is a normal optic nerve appearance. study with no mention of the axial length, refractive error,
Optic nerve head drusen are diagnosed more commonly since type of diabetes, stage of diabetic retinopathy and presence of
the use of autofluorescence imaging, because they appear as diabetic macular edema, the authors found no significant
hyperautofluorescent. correlation between the subfoveal CT and diabetic retinop-
In a histopathological study, Friedman et al showed that athy.136 Esmaeelpour et al evaluated the choroidal thickness
optic nerve head drusen (ONHD) are calcified and varied in of 63 eyes from 42 patients with type 2 diabetes using 3D SS-
size (from 50e750 microns) and in number.49 This retrospec- OCT at 1,060 nm.37 Choroidal thickness maps of 36  36
tive histopathological study contains bias related to age field of view were generated based on manual segmentation.
because it was mainly performed on autopsy eyes and it does The authors did not mention how they measured the 36 field
not reflect the age distribution of optic nerve head drusen in of view. Choroidal thickness maps revealed significant central
living patients. The smallest size of optic nerve head drusen and inferior thinning compared with healthy eyes in all dia-
reported in histopathological study reaches the limit of betic groups, regardless of disease stage, including the eyes
422 s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9

group with systemic hypertension was considerably lower

than in the diabetic group.37
Regatieri et al evaluated CT in 49 eyes with diabetic
retinopathy of 49 patients with type 2 diabetes using Cirrus
HD OCT.179 The scleral choroidal interface could be reliably
identified in 75.3% of eyes examined. The subfoveal CT was
thinner in eyes with diabetic macular edema, or eyes with
proliferative diabetic retinopathy previously treated with
laser pan-retinal photocoagulation. There was no significant
difference in subfoveal CT between normal eyes and eyes
with mild or moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinop-
athy. The axial length or refractive error was not mentioned
in this study. The authors mention that the laser treatment
may be a confounding factor because the laser therapy
could thin the choroid. Even though the authors mention
that any treatment for diabetic macular edema within 6
months is an exclusion criterion, they did not report
whether or not these patients received previous laser
therapy for macular edema. Systemic hypertension could be
a confounding factor in this study because these data are
“not applicable” in the control group and varies in the other
diabetic groups.179
Some studies indicate that there may be diabetic choroid-
opathy before the onset of diabetic retinopathy,37,147 and
others do not.136,179 Vascular changes occurring in the cho-
riocapillaris may not be depth-resolved using OCT current
technology, explaining why some OCT studies do not find
choroidal thinning in the early stages of diabetic retinop-
athy.179 The vascular changes in diabetic choroidopathy
predominate in the mid-periphery,52 whereas choroidal OCT
analyzes mainly the posterior pole.
The exact relationship between diabetic retinopathy and
diabetic choroidopathy remains unknown. It has been sug-
gested that diabetic choroidopathy could be a predicting,
modulating, or causative factor of diabetic retinopathy or
diabetic macular edema. Moreover, the diabetic vascular
changes, whether they are at the level of the choroid or the
retina, may be modulated by the presence of other concomi-
tant cardiovascular risk factors such as systemic hypertension
for example, complicating the understanding of their exact

15. Conclusion
Fig. 32 e Multimodal imaging of the right eye of a 64-year-
old woman with buried optic nerve head drusen. A: The The choroid is the main blood supply to the eye and should be
color photograph shows exposed ONHD appearing as considered in the pathogenesis of eye diseases. There are now
a glistening white image at the superior border of the right methods to visualize the choroid: EDI-OCT and SS-OCT tech-
optic nerve (white arrow). B: The fundus autofluorescence niques allow visualization in nearly every patient. The CT in
picture reveals hyperautofluorescent ONHD. C: The vertical normal eyes can be measured and used as comparison to that
EDI-OCT scan through the nasal border of the optic nerve found in various disease states. CT is negatively correlated
( green arrow) shows multiple confluent ONHD appearing with age, varies during the day, and possibly fluctuates with
as round or oval hyporeflective masses stippled with defocus over the course of a few minutes. The choroid is an
hyperreflective flecks. extremely dynamic structure and should be evaluated in vivo
in real time.
CT analysis has led to the description of new entities such
without diabetic retinopathy. The groups of patients and as age-related choroidal atrophy, has become a key diagnostic
healthy controls were matched for age and axial length. criterion in some retinal diseases such as central serous
Systemic hypertension may have been a confounding factor in chorioretinopathy, and is a major monitoring parameter in
this study, considering that the ratio of patients in the healthy inflammatory disorders involving the choroid such as VKH.
s u r v e y o f o p h t h a l m o l o g y 5 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 8 7 e4 2 9 423

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