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Bode and Nyquist diagrams
Transfer function 2

We have already introduced the concept of the matrix of transfer functions

[G(s)] for a LTI MIMO (multi-input multi-output) system:
F1(s) X1(s)
F2(s) [G(s)] X2(s)
input output

System response
Transfer function 3

N (s)
G (s) =
D( s)
 1 2 
∏ j (τ j s + 1)∏ k  ω 2 s + 2 ω s + 1

G (s) = µ  0k 0k 
 1 2 hn 
s ∏ m (τ m s + 1)∏ n 
s +2 s + 1
 ω0 n ω0 n

s = iΩ
 1 
∏ j (τ j iΩ + 1)∏ k  − ω 2 Ω + 2 ω iΩ + 1
2 hk

G ( s )= G (iΩ)= µ  0k 0k 
 1 hn 
( iΩ ) ∏ m (τ miΩ + 1)∏ n  − 2 Ω + 2 iΩ + 1
g 2

 ω0 n ω0 n 
Frequency response function 4

Let’s consider the FRF

G ( iΩ=
) G ( iΩ ) eiφ ( Ω)
i.e. a complex function of the real variable Ω. There are many ways of
plotting this function.
A first way (we are already familiar with) of graphically representing the FRF
is the one that plots the module and phase of G(iΩ) as a function of the
circular (angular) frequency Ω. For a single dof mechanical system:

G ( iΩ )
ω0 = k m Ω = 2πf
1/ k -90°
Ω = 2πf
ω0 = k m
Frequency response function – Bode diagram 5

A second way of graphically representing the FRF is Bode diagram (or

logarithmic plot). Also in this case we have two separate diagrams, one for
the module (also called logarithmic gain) and one for the phase. Note that
the module is expressed in dB (decibels):
20 log10 G ( iΩ ) base 10 logarithm
Both the logarithmic gain and the phase are plotted on a logarithmic scale.

Single dof mechanical system:

10-1 100 101 φ 10-1 100 101

Ω = 2πf
exact curve Ω = 2πf
asymptotic curve
20 log10 1/ k -180°
ω0 = k m
ω0 = k m

The dynamic amplification near ω0 is less evident

Frequency response function – Bode diagram 6

By expressing the module in terms of logarithmic gain, products (and

quotients) become sums (and subtractions) of simple Bode diagrams of
1st/2nd order systems:

( iΩ ) dB 20log10 µ + ∑ 20log10 τ k iΩ + 1 + ∑ 20log10 − 1

ω 2 Ω2 +
ω0 k iΩ + 1 + ....
j k 0k

− 20 g log10 iΩ − ∑ 20log10 τ miΩ + 1 −∑ 20log10 − 1

Ω2 +
m n
ω 2
ω0 n iΩ + 1

 
∠G ( iΩ ) = ∠µ + ∑ ∠ (τ k iΩ + 1) + ∑ ∠  − 1 2 Ω 2 + k
iΩ + 1 + ....
j k  ω0 k ω0 k 
 
− g ∠ ( iΩ ) − ∑ ∠ (τ miΩ + 1) −∑ ∠  − 1 2 Ω 2 + n
iΩ + 1
m n  ω0 n ω0 n 
Frequency response function – Polar diagram 7

A third way of graphically representing the FRF is the polar diagram (or
polar plot).

It is a continuous line in the complex plane representing the locus of the

complex numbers G(iΩ) obtained by letting Ω vary from zero to infinity. The
coordinates of the generic point of this line can be defined:

in polar coordinates in cartesian coordinates

Im Im

Re Re
φ Re G ( iΩ ) 
G ( iΩ )
Im G ( iΩ ) 
Frequency response function – Polar diagram 8

Making reference to the single dof system, we get the following polar plot:

1/ k
Ω → +∞ Ω =0

Ω =ω0

A qualitative shape of this diagram can be derived from the corresponding

Bode diagram.
Frequency response function – Polar diagram 9

Single dof mechanical system

G ( iΩ )
1/ k

Ω→∞ 1/ k
Ω Re
φ ω0 = k m horizontal slope Ω =0

-90° Ω =ω0
-180° G ( iω0 ) =
i 2h
point having maximum
ω ω0 1 − 2h 2
= distance from the origin
Frequency response function – Nyquist diagram 10

A fourth way of graphically representing the FRF is the Nyquist diagram. It

is the same as the polar plot but in this case the frequency Ω ranges from –∞
to +∞. Based on the properties of Fourier transform:

G ( −iΩ
= ) G * ( iΩ )
In order to plot Nyquist diagram it is therefore sufficient to start from the polar
plot and to add its specular image with respect to the real axis.

closed line in the
complex plane

Ω → −∞ 1/ k
Ω → +∞ Ω =0

Ω =ω0
Frequency response function – MATLAB 11

num = [1];
den = [1 1 1];

sys = tf(num,den) creates a continuous-time transfer function with

numerator(s) and denominator(s) specified by num and den.

bode(sys) draws the Bode diagram of the transfer function

nyquist(sys) draws the Nyquist diagram of the transfer function
pzmap(sys) shows the location of the zeros and poles of the transfer

Other useful functions:

roots(den (or num)) compute the poles (or zeros) of the transfer function
rlocus(sys) draws the root-locus
Frequency response function – Bode diagram 12

G (s) = µ
Bode Diagram




Magnitude (dB)




= -0.01

180.5 = -0.1

= -10

= -100

Phase (deg)


0 1
10 10

Frequency (rad/s)

X (s) 1
F (s) k
Frequency response function – Bode diagram 13
Pole (zero) in the origin

G (s) = g

X (s) 1 1
F (s) r s
Frequency response function – Bode diagram 14
Real pole
G (s) =
(τ s + 1)

X (s) 1 1
F (s) k  r 
 s + 1 
 k 
Frequency response function – Bode diagram 15
Real zero

G (=
s) (τ s + 1)

X (s) 1 r 
=  s + 1
Y (s)  m 2 r  k 
 s + s + 1 
 k k 
Frequency response function – Bode diagram 16
Complex conjugate poles
G (s) =
1 h
s +2
s +1
ω0 2

X (s) 1 1
F (s) k  m 2 r 
 s + s + 1 
k k 
Frequency response function – Bode diagram 17
Complex conjugate poles
G (s) =
1 h
s +2
s +1
ω0 2

X (s) 1 1
F (s) k  m 2 r 
 s + s + 1 
k k 
Frequency response function – Bode diagram 18
Complex conjugate zeros

1 h
G (s) = s +2
s +1
ω0 2

X 1 (s)  m2 2 r2 
= ...  s + s + 1
F (s)  k2 k2 
Frequency response function – Bode diagram 19
Complex conjugate zeros

1 h
G (s) = s +2
s +1
ω0 2

X 1 (s)  m2 2 r2 
= ...  s + s + 1
F (s)  k2 k2 
Frequency response function – Exercise 20

% System data
M1 = 1; [kg]
M2 = 4; [kg]
k = 500; [N/m]
c =2 [Ns/m]
J1 = 0.1; [kgm2]
J2 = 0.3; [kgm2]
R1 = 0.1; [m]
R2 = 0.2; [m]

Considering θ as the independent variable, write a MatLab program:

• computing the generalized mass, damping and stiffness of the system;
• computing the natural frequency of the system ω0;
• computing the damping factor of the system h;
• computing the transfer function (TF) of the system;
• drawing the TF through the Bode and Nyquist diagrams.

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