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Art. 1106. By prescription, one acquires ownership 20K.

On the other hand, the creditor loses the right to

and other real rights through the lapse of time in the demand fulfillment of the obligation because the
manner and under the conditions laid down by law. period within which to demand fulfillment has
already prescribed. So this is based on law. But if the
In the same way, rights and conditions are lost by person is aware of the existence of a right, but did
prescription. not do anything about it, sleep on their rights, that is
not based on prescription. That is based on laches.

Prescription is statute-based. It is based on law. That You re sleeping on your rights. And laches is not
is why you remember your persons, the law fixes the based on law. It is not statute-based. it is based on
period wherein the spouse may file a petition for equity. But both can be valid defenses. Only that with
legal separation or annulment of marriage. That in respect to laches, it is the court that will appreciate
the event of legal separation and the five-year period it.
from the occurrence of the cause, had lapsed, then
the aggrieved spouse can no longer file a petition for Whether to grant the motion to dismiss on the
legal separation. ground of laches. whereas if what is alleged in the
defense would be prescription, and the court finds
The same holds true in annulment. that indeed, the right had already prescribed, the
court simply dismisses it. On laches, the court will
The failure of the aggrieved spouse to file the petition merely be the one to decide whether defense on
for annulment within the period prescribed by article ground of laches is valid or not.
47, in relation to art 45, means that the aggrieved
spouse had already ratified the defect in the marriage Art. 1107. Persons who are capable of acquiring
and thus becomes a valid marriage. property or rights by the other legal modes may
Now, if we talk of ordinary contracts, ex: a monetary acquire the same by means of prescription.
obligation, the general rule is the debtor has to pay
within 10 years. But the debtor does not have Minors and other incapacitated persons may acquire
obligation whatsoever to deliver the money. property or rights by prescription, either personally
So if X, borrowed money from Y (P 20,000) , X has no or through their parents, guardians or legal
obligation to go to Y and deliver the 20 thousand representatives.
pesos. Because the law requires that demand must
come from the creditor. How do you acquire property aside from
In fact, in Article 1169, if you read in advance, prescription?
provides that without the judicial or extrajudicial - Gratuitous and Onerous Title Kommentar [U1]: Bestowed or
granted without consideration or
demand, delay of the debtor does not begin. Being exchange for something of value. The
the active subject, the creditor has to make a demand What is the nature of contract entered into by a term gratuitous is applied to deeds,
bailments, and other contractual
upon X. So if Y does not do anything to protect his minor? agreements. A gratuity is something
given by someone who has no
credit, allowed ten years to lapse without making any - Voidable. obligation to give
written demand--the law requires written demand, it Kommentar [U2]: Title to the
is not merely oral--then the obligation has already It might be ratified by the parent of the guardian or property acquired by giving valuable
consideration is onerous title.
prescribed. So, on the part of the debtor it becomes the minor himself upon reaching the age of majority. Consideration can be by payment
money, rendition of services, discharge
what we call Acquisitive Prescription. He acquired of lien, or performance of conditions
the object of the obligation consisting in the sum of
Suppose by the time the minor entered into a down two requisites in order for the property of the
contract disposing his property and the guardian was state which is already alienable, and thus may be
aware, and allowed the time to lapse and acquired through purchase or through prescription
prescription had set in, what will be the recourse of has to pass these two requisites: Read Republic vs
the minor? Espinosa.

- Damages. That s art. 1108 Art. 1109. Prescription does not run between
husband and wife, even though there be a
Art. 1108. Prescription, both acquisitive and separation of property agreed upon in the marriage
extinctive, runs against: settlements or by judicial decree.

(1) Minors and other incapacitated persons who Neither does prescription run between parents and
have parents, guardians or other legal children, during the minority or insanity of the
representatives; latter, and between guardian and ward during the
continuance of the guardianship.
(2) Absentees who have administrators, either
appointed by them before their disappearance, or Art. 1110. Prescription, acquisitive and extinctive,
appointed by the courts; runs in favor of, or against a married woman. (n)

(3) Persons living abroad, who have managers or Art. 1111. Prescription obtained by a co-proprietor
administrators; or a co-owner shall benefit the others. (1933)

(4) Juridical persons, except the State and its This would refer to property co-owned. It is a co-
subdivisions. owner in real sense. And thus if that the property
total land area is increased and there is only one of
Persons who are disqualified from administering the co-owners administering the property, he will not
their property have a right to claim damages from exclude the other co-owners who were not present.
their legal representatives whose negligence has And actually administering over the property will not
been the cause of prescription. be excluded from the increased of the area and that
will also benefit the other co-owners. But you will
know later in your property that co-owner may
If the absentee, before disappearing appoints a change the co-ownership but you will learn that in
guardian or administrator over the property? Ilang your property.
number of years? For the persons interested of the
property may file application of absence? 5 years. But Art. 1112. Persons with capacity to alienate property
if there is no person appointed? 2 years. may renounce prescription already obtained, but
not the right to prescribe in the future.
May the corporations of the State, the properties,
may be acquired through prescription? Prescription is deemed to have been tacitly
- Remember suability of state. Proprietary. renounced when the renunciation results from acts
An unregistered parcel of land, owned by the State, which imply the abandonment of the right acquired.
may be the object of acquisition through prescription. (1935)
Although in a recent case, the Supreme Court laid
For instance there is disagreement between the who took without consent, did not apply it to
buyer and the seller and there is it that contract is prescription because of the . But if the snatcher will
based on the payment in installment basis, suppose it pledge it(pledge is a simple term), fortunately or
would be agreed by the parties that the failure of the unfortunately you passed by a pawnshop, and the
buyer to pay two or more installment, the property pawnshop has this auction sale, and one of the items
shall now be reverted back to the seller-that is the under auction sale is your watch for 10,000,
condition. From the event of non-delivery of someone bought it and you said akin yan , will you
installment due, then, and whatever the advances or get it? No, that is one of the exceptions if it is bought
payments have been made by the buyer shall be through public auction, fair, markets, that will not be
considered reasonable rights over the property, is recovered even at the time of first acquisition it is
that valid? Yes, it is. through a crime. But if you bought it from the
And supposed the buyer failed to pay 3 installments, snatcher, then both of you are criminally liable under
there is already a right on the part of the seller to Anti- Fencing Law. But if you bought it through
cancel the contract and the property is now reverted pledge you can recover it through the help of police.
back to the seller. So, can the seller renounce it? Yes. Things that are common to all like water air, or seas.
You can renounce it, you just continue to pay (buyer), Properties not patrimonial in character of the State
it is a renunciation of a right which are already been are also exempted from prescription except
acquired by the seller, because supposedly the abandoned streets, plazas, rivers/canals. (Piece of
ownership thereof will be reverted back to the land that guides the water is a property of the State).
owner-seller. But you cannot renounce prescription Regalian Doctrine- certain properties cannot be
in advance that will become tantamount to fraud. acquired through prescription because it is owned
What will you truly renounce wherein you are not in by the State unless the State declared it alienable
possession of right? Prescription is deemed to be in and disposable. However, even if the property is
tacit, or tacit renunciation, like in this example, the declared by The State alienable and disposable, there
creditor is aware of the fact that the obligation is are three requisites has been complied with before
already due and demandable, but instead of this can be acquired even through purchase or
demanding of the creditor of the payment of 20,000, prescription and this was stated in the case of
he leaves the Philippines because he wants to go to Republic vs Espinosa. Also, properties acquired
US. With that, there is already a tacit renunciation- through Torrens System cannot be applied by
the creditor tacitly renounced his right over the prescription. That is why if the court did not
obligation of 20,000. implement the removal of the squatters, that is
actually an order to remove the squatters occupying
Art. 1113. All things which are within the commerce the area, the squatters cannot cry foul even if they
of men are susceptible of prescription, unless have been living in the place since time immemorial.
otherwise provided. Property of the State or any of The fact that it is the registered under the Torrens
its subdivisions not patrimonial in character shall system it cannot be defeated for mere occupancy or
not be the object of prescription. (1936a) possession because of one of the exception under
Now the exceptions are those properties
acquired/possessed through a crime by the person Art. 1114. Creditors and all other persons interested
responsible of the crime itself. Like if your watch has in making the prescription effective may avail
been snatched by X, ten years later, you find the themselves thereof notwithstanding the express or
same person wearing your watch, and the person
tacit renunciation by the debtor or proprietor. Article 1117. Acquisitive prescription of dominion
(1937) and other real rights may be ordinary or
This is an ironic provision. Suppose there is a creditor
who renounces prescription, after ten years Acquisitive prescription of dominion, remember
generally, the obligation dispersed. Debtor: I am now dominion? Acts of ownership.
renouncing prescription, I like to pay the obligation In order that there shall be ordinary acquisitive
and the debtor delivers the object of the contract. prescription which is only 10 years, there are 3
But the creditor will say No, I will make the requisites aside from what is provided for in the
prescription effective. second paragraph of 1117, that s good faith and just
title, the third one is art. 1118…
Art. 1115. The provisions of the present Title are
understood to be without prejudice to what in this Article 1118. Possession has to be in the concept of
Code or in special laws is established with respect to an owner, public, peaceful and uninterrupted.
specific cases of prescription. (1938)
En concepto de dueno, concept of an owner, public
Let us go back to Family Code with specific provisions meaning it is acknowledged by all the persons living
respecting the filing of actions. For purposes of legal within the area as well as others that you are the one
separation 5 YEARS, 1/2/3 years for impugning the in possession of the property and exercising acts of
legitimacy/ illegitimacy of a child, Art. 47 which will ownership, planting, reaping, paying taxes due on the
depend on the defect of the marriage but the petition property and have it registered through the tax
will have no prescription if void. Art 46?? if the donor declaration because this would refer to properties
is third person; actions under donation by reason of not registered under the torrens system ha? Di ito
marriage. kasama doon. And uninterrupted. Peaceful, meaning
Art. 1116. Prescription already running before the nobody is filing or questioning your possession over
effectivity of this Code shall be governed by laws the property, I m referring to physical actual
previously in force; but if since the time this Code possession. Now the exception, ** art 1119**
took effect the entire period herein required for
prescription should elapse, the present Code shall Article 1119. Acts of possessory character executed
be applicable, even though by the former laws a in virtue of license or by mere tolerance of the
longer period might be required. (1939) owner shall not be available for the purposes of
The Father of the Civil Code is the Spanish Civil Code.
For instance, this is an example, suppose the purpose This would refer to squatters noh that no matter how
of acquiring real rights, the Spanish Code requires 30 long the squatters have been staying in the property,
years but only under the Civil Code with good faith the squatter cannot acquire the property through
and just title it is only 10 years. But if you apply the prescription even under extraordinary acquisitive
Civil Code, the period has already lapsed; if you apply prescription.
apply the Spanish Civil Code, the period has yet to
elapse, so, in as much as it will favor the part of the Article 1120. Possession is interrupted for the
possessor you apply the provisions of the Civil Code. purposes of prescription, naturally or civilly.
Article 1121. Possession is naturally interrupted Article 1124. Judicial summons shall be deemed not
when through any cause it should cease for more to have been issued and shall not give rise to
than one year. interruption:

The old possession is not revived if a new possession (1) If it should be void for lack of legal solemnities;
should be exercised by the same adverse claimant.
ex. If a case is filed against a person and summons is
Article 1122. If the natural interruption is for only served, attached to the summons must be the
one year or less, the time elapsed shall be counted complaint for purposes of the preparation of the
in favor of the prescription. answer. So without the petition or the complaint only
summons were served, then there s no basis for the
Now what are the ways of interrupting possession for one who received the summon to file an answer
purposes of prescription? There s a third one. The because in the first place, he does not know what the
first would be natural interruption. So when is there complaint is all about or even if what is attached to
natural interruption? As to interrupted possession for the summons is the complaint but it did not specify
purposes of prescription, if it had been interrupted as to what court or what is the complaint, definitely
for more than 1 year, even if he had been in he would not be able to make the necessary answer,
possession of the property for nine years, but the fact so that would be void for lack of legal solemnities.
that it was interrupted for more than 1 year, so one
year, 370 days, that s already more than 1 year, so (2) If the plaintiff should desist from the complaint
the nine years that have already lapsed could no or should allow the proceedings to lapse;
longer be tacked in his favour, it will start all over
again, because it has been interrupted for more than In the first situation, there was already a case filed,
1 year, that is if he returns to the very same property there was an answer but the petitioner or
that he is in possession. complainant filed a motion to dismiss, so that is
desistance. Or if he did not file a motion to dismiss
But, if the absence is one year or less, then the but was not present in or during the trial despite
number of years that he is already been in possession receipt of summons. So after several summons
of the property will be still counted in his favour. served for purposes of complainant to appear before
the court, but the court finds that there was this
Article 1123. Civil interruption is produced by receipt, because it was proven by the signature of the
judicial summons to the possessor. complainant, but when the case was heard in court
he did not appear, of course the respondent can
Now another way of interrupting is civil interruption, always file a motion to dismiss the petition on the
when there is receipt of judicial summons. So in ground of non-suited. The petitioner is non-suited. He
effect, what happens here is that there is a complaint had lost interest in pursuing the case.
filed against the possessor. And that is why, the
possessor receives summons. There would be no (3) If the possessor should be absolved from the
summons without a complaint or a case filed against complaint.
the possessor.
But nonetheless, there is no interruption under the ff And then, the third situation is that there was a
circumstances... hearing, there was trial but the decision of the court
is in favour of the respondent. It says absolved from you want to become lawyers, then you want to know
the complaint. how much will I get if I were the one to execute the
deed of sale, it might be bet 3 to 10% and suppose it
In all these cases, the period of the interruption runs to millions of pesos so happy no? So that s the
shall be counted for the prescription. attorney s fees already for the preparation of the
registration etc. Then you have to pay capital gains
So, it still continues. tax, then you have to pay documentary stamp tax,
then you have to pay transfer fee, then you have to
Now another way of interrupting possession is art pay merienda fee *laughs*, tanan fees fees. Anyway,
1125. so the title is already in my possession, so i m already
protected because the title is already mine only that I
Article 1125. Any express or tacit recognition which will just have this transferred later. So, X went to the
the possessor may make of the owner's right also register of deeds, made verification and finds out that
interrupts possession. the title is still registered in his name. So, what would
he do? He would now execute an affidavit of lost
Suppose he would say that actually, dili man jud ni title. And then file a petition before the court for
ako ba, kay kuan man ni, bcos he left it and reconstitution of lost title. Benta nya nanaman kay A,
abandoned it so I decided to occupy the property si A kagaya kay Y ayaw din nyang gumastos, so meron
I m referring to properties not registered ha? This is nnamn syang TCT No. 111 and with the deed of
one property owned by the state, but is already absolute sale. Balik nnmn si X dun so wala parin, so
alienable and disposable. benta nya nnman kay C, because C as the name
implies maraming pera *joking* chinese eh, so what
Article 1126. Against a title recorded in the Registry he did he immediately worked on the transfer of the
of Property, ordinary prescription of ownership or title from the sellers name to that of his name. So as
real rights shall not take place to the prejudice of a between the three who has the better right? The law
third person, except in virtue of another title also on sales will now govern on double sales, 1544, on
recorded; and the time shall begin to run from the double sales. So of the first to register, or the one in
recording of the latter. actual possession, or the one who can present the
oldest title, in this case, inasmuch as all of them did
As to lands registered under the Land Registration
not actually take possession of the property, but C is
Act, the provisions of that special law shall govern.
better protected because he had it registered. So
When we talk of registration parang 2 years lang yan
you see? Yan ang ibig sabihin ng 1126.
under the law on sales, the registration of property
even if it is registered under the torrens system. Article 1127. The good faith of the possessor
Now, of course u know, a lot of Filipinos wanted to consists in the reasonable belief that the person
make fast money and this comes true when you re from whom he received the thing was the owner
dealing with someone who is so ignorant of his rights. thereof, and could transmit his ownership.
So X has this parcel of land covered by TCT no. 1111
and sold this to property to Y. But because Y is Article 1128. The conditions of good faith required
kuripot because the agreement is I will receive the for possession in articles 526, 527, 528, and 529 of
purchase price without any deduction, clean, you pay this Code are likewise necessary for the
all the expenses related to the registration of the determination of good faith in the prescription of
property including that of the attorney s fees. Now ownership and other real rights.
be the basis of the transfer ownership will be the
This is not the good faith as defined in the case of deed of sale in favour of the creditor. So that is
Nobleza vs Nuega. another example.

Article 1129. For the purposes of prescription, there Article 1130. The title for prescription must be true
is just title when the adverse claimant came into and valid.
possession of the property through one of the
modes recognized by law for the acquisition of Article 1131. For the purposes of prescription, just
ownership or other real rights, but the grantor was title must be proved; it is never presumed.
not the owner or could not transmit any right.
Article 1132. The ownership of movables prescribes
Now what are the modes of acquiring property? through uninterrupted possession for four years in
Gratuitous or onerous title. OR? Prescription. good faith.

So the grantor was not the owner or could not The ownership of personal property also prescribes
transmit any right. So he might be the owner but through uninterrupted possession for eight years,
could not transmit any right. Example would be without need of any other condition.
donation of all property. Is that void? Suppose the
donor would like to donate all his properties? Is that With regard to the right of the owner to recover
void? The answer is NO. BUT, that can be rescinded. personal property lost or of which he has been
Precisely it cannot be declared void. The donation of illegally deprived, as well as with respect to
all the properties can be rescinded if it would be movables acquired in a public sale, fair, or market,
prejudicial to his creditors because the act is actually or from a merchant's store the provisions of articles
one intended to defraud creditors. So it can be 559 and 1505 of this Code shall be observed.
rescinded. So if he would donate the property, then
that property he could not transmit any right over it, Article 1133. Movables possessed through a crime
if that would be part of those properties where the can never be acquired through prescription by the
donation had been rescinded. Or, for instance, let s offender.
go to dacion en payment, a special form of payment
whereby the original obligation consisting in the sum When are you in bad faith when you acquired a
of money shall be paid at the time of the movable? So suppose, you were seated at the back,
performance thereof with property and the creditor and then the classmate of yours has this iPhone 7.
accepts. So that is one way of extinguishing an And you lost all your money at MTS, the Duterte
obligation, dacion en payment. But the mere fact that country *joking*, you were so drunk you lost all your
the creditor accepts what has been offered does not money. So, what will you do? There was this iPhone
mean that his right over it becomes vested already. of your classmate that was left then kinuha mo and
The reason is that dacion en payment is governed by then saw the RD Pawnshop across, so you pawned it.
the law on sales and thus to perfect his title over it he How did you acquire it? Through a crime. So can you
has to ask the debtor to execute a deed of absolute acquire it thru prescription? No.
sale over the property that was delivered. So by mere Then you pawned it to RD Pawnshop. And you
acceptance does not transmit any right over to the (owner) discovered later, when there was already this
creditor who accepted it because of the absence of auction, kinuha ng isang bidder, ah wala ka na. Can
the deed of absolute sale, inasmuch as what would you (owner) recover it? NO. Because it was acquired
through auction. That s one of the exceptions, fair, Art. 1134 – Ownership and other real rights over
public market. Unless, you bought it directly from the immovable property are acquired by ordinary
person who got it then you will be liable criminally by prescription through possession of 10 years.
reason of the anti-fencing law. So that there is no There must be good faith, just title, and
good faith, there is really bad faith, you really are a possession in the concept of an owner, public,
thief. peaceful, and uninterrupted.
But, suppose, naiwan sya, uy, may cellphone , tapos
na ang klase, you went back because you left behind Art. 1135 – In case the adverse claimant possesses
by mistake, an area greater, or less than that
something. Dinala mo. Pero alam mo kung sino ang
expressed in his title, prescription shall be based on
may-ari, si Mr. Valera *joking*. But, you nonetheless
the possession.
did not tell him about it. Are you a thief? Of course
not! Because it was already left behind. And based on Case: Republic vs CA
the principle of finders keepers, losers weepers
Where the area of the property was
*JOKING*, iniwan eh so kinuha mo diba? So there is increased without the knowledge of the possessor,
no theft there diba? But you are in bad faith because and the property was registered under the Torrens
you are aware of who the owner is, so you can System but nonetheless the court allows the
acquire it only after 8 years. But if you have no possessor to have the possession over the increase in
knowledge whatsoever, you were the first to come in area.
and then uy may cellphone , you have no
Art. 1136 – Possession in wartime, when the civil
knowledge, so that s only 4 years. So that s it, when is
courts are not open, shall be counted in favor of the
there good faith, bad faith, and when is it a crime.
adverse claimant.
Because theft is commited by taking away, or taking a
thing from the owner without the consent of the Art. 1137 – Ownership and other real rights over
owner. But if you found it, of course, finders keepers, immovable also prescribe through uninterrupted
losers weepers *JOKING* That s not true ha? adverse possession thereof for thirty years, without
need of title or of good faith.

Art. 1138 – In the computation of time necessary for

prescription the following rules shall be observed:
Art. 1133 – Movables possessed through a crime
can never be acquired through prescription by the 1. The present possessor may complete the
offender. period necessary for prescription by tacking
his possession to that of his grantor or
This is one of the exceptions that, while it may be
predecessor in interest;
true that objects within the commerce of men may
Usually acquired by the courts in cases involving
be the objects of prescription, unless these are
properties acquired through Homestead.
acquired by the person through:
Now, the Homestead Patent is granted by the
● Fairs, Markets, Auctions = susceptible of
government to possessors of property herein in
Mindanao. That s why there are many vast tracks of
But not when the possessor acquired it from the
lands owned only by one person, because prior to the
offender himself because that can still never be
time of Pres. Magsaysay, Mindanao was occupied
acquired through prescription, regardless of the
only by members of ethnic communities so it is
knowledge that the thing was acquired through theft
largely agricultural in nature. To reduce the
because the law does not distinguish.
population in Luzon and Visayas, what he did was to
try to entice and lure people from those areas to thereof is lost, unless the possessor has acquired the
come to Mindanao. (Land of Promise ☺). So in order ownership by prescription for a less period,
for you to acquire the property, all the possessors according to articles 1132, and without prejudice to
would do is to point anywhere they want to acquire. the provisions of articles 559. 1505, and 1133.
And then subsequently, patent will be granted. So,
Art. 1141 – Real actions over immovable prescribe
that is the reason why we have this so called
after thirty years. This provision is without prejudice
Homestead Patent. And there is of course a
to what is established for the acquisition of
ownership and other real rights prescription.
Suppose the original possessor dies, then the heir will
Art. 1142 – A mortgage action prescribes after 10
now succeed to the original possessor, so if he had
already been occupying the property for 5 years, then
that will be tacked in favor of the heir who had A mortgage is actually an accessory obligation. The
already succeeded the former possessor. principal obligation is the loan.
2. It is presumed that the present possessor It s just like when you pledge your ring to a
who was also the possessor at a previous pawnshop, the pledge is merely an accessory
time, has continued to be in possession obligation, you pledge it to secure the principal
during the intervening time, unless there is obligation consisting in a sum of money. The reason
proof to the contrary. why it is secured because in the event of the failure
Presumption: Possession is uninterrupted. of the debtor to pay the obligation, the creditor has
the right to foreclose the mortgage.
The possessor is presumed to have been occupying
the property possessed without any interruption. For Other example:
as long as he is found in the property, the
presumption is that he had been in possession in the SUPPOSE, the obligation has long been outstanding.
property for continuous number of years, and that The agreement between the creditor and the debtor
would allow him to acquire the property by is for the debtor to pay the principal obligation within
acquisitive prescription. a period of 10 years. But there were defaults, so what
he did is to enter into a restructuring agreement
Burden of proof: respecting the principal obligation, but the creditor
had forgotten about the mortgage, which may be a
Lies on the party that would now allege that the
real estate mortgage or a chattel but the principal
possession of the possessor is interrupted either
obligation has already been running for about 15
naturally, or civilly.
years. Now suppose on the 13th year, the obligor
3. The first day shall be excluded and the last again defaulted in the performance of the obligation,
day included. so the creditor wants to foreclose the mortgage. Can
Based on Art. 13 of CC – That is in counting the he? NO, because the action to foreclose had already
period, exclude the first day and include the last day. prescribed. He is only given 10 years to foreclose the

May be real estate mortgage (real properties or
Art. 1139 – Actions prescribe by mere lapse of time
immovable) or a chattel mortgage (movables) and if it
fixed by law.
is delivered it becomes a pledge because in a
Art. 1140 – Actions to recover movables shall mortgage, the mortgagor (debtor) retains possession
prescribe eight years from the time the possession of the property mortgage, what is only delivered to
the mortgagee (creditor) would be the title but a breeding place of mosquitos and we know very well
annotated therein is the loan obligation. With respect that it carries viruses, and then of course, children
to the vehicle, there is merely an annotation of the playing near the area would be facing the danger of
OR (?) of that vehicle that this is mortgage to this being drowned if that place is already water lad. This
particular financial institution. instance can be abated. As a citizen, all you have to
do is to go to DPWH or LGU and make necessary
complaint as to warrant the immediate attention that
Art. 1143 – The following rights, among others must be given to it.
specified elsewhere in this Code, are not
Private nuisance –
extinguished by prescription:
Suppose you live in a middle-class subdivision, and
1. To demand a right of way
because your wife wants to earn money, she opened
a portion of the house as an eatery during day time
SUPPOSE, the property owned by X is located near and bar during nighttime. It is purely residential, so
the highway while the property of Y is situated at the the purpose of the place is for the residence to sleep
back of X s property. If he were to go to the highway, soundly at night and undisturbed, but the trouble
he has to travel quite some time for him to reach it, came when the bar was opened because of the
and the easiest way for him is to ask from X a road videoke. Can you abate this? YES!
right of way, but the law does not simply grant. The
Art. 1144 – The following actions must be brought
right of way must be such that it will cause the least
within ten years from the time the right of action
prejudice to the servient estate. He is called the
servient estate (X) because it is he who gives in to the
demand of the dominant estate. Dominant estate (Y) 1. Upon a written contract;
is the one who demands for the road right of way. So When there is an agreement between the parties but
the action does not prescribe. (Naa daw case there is no stipulation as to when shall the action if
assigned ani guys). there is a breach in the stipulation of the contract. So
the law provides that it shall be brought within 10
2. Abatement of public or private nuisance.
Public nuisance
2. Upon an obligation created by law;
Example: Implied trust
There were so many constructions made by the
X wanted to buy the property of Y. Unfortunately, X
DPWH, like canals, roads, etc., but there there s no
does not have the money. So he told he s bestfriend
problem in Davao because it is immediately attended
A, that he wanted to buy the property of Y but he
to by DPWH, but if go you to Manila, there are
doesn t have a money. So A will provide the money,
several constructions there especially on canals that
provided that the title thereto shall be in A s name,
had been left unattended by the DPWH. On some of
but the real agreement is that it is a monetary
this are quite deep as to cause risks to the life and
obligation. So what happens there is that, the
limb of the public in general.
property that was supposedly bought by the debtor
SUPPOSE it rained so hard, and the area is flooded. (X), and supposed to be registered in his name, is
Accidentally, X fell to that area and drowned but was now registered in the name of a friend who lend the
rescued, X can demand damages from the contractor. money.
But when it shall become public nuisance? If that will
Obligation created by law shall also prescribe in 10
be long outstanding, like it had been standing there years. What would be an obligation that is created by
unfinished for about 6 months, then it might become law? Not taxes because taxes is a different
prescription. Suppose you are interested in buying a the house. What you will do is to switch on the light
particular parcel of land, but you do not have the as soon as dusk
money. So you go to a friend who has the money. because the neighbor has a beautiful daughter whose
(You told your friend that I need money because) can complexion is not fair by reason of glutathione,
I borrow money from you because I want to buy this whose nose is not fixed by rhinoplasty but is really
particular property only that I don t have the money. more aquiline nose. And whose body is as beautiful
Your friend agreed, but part of the agreement was as Ms. Kylie Versoza without the intervention of Belo.
half the title of the property will be registered in my So she really is what you desire, you really want to
name. But the truth is, based on the agreement is spend life her. So in order to impress the future
that the property is owned by the one who borrowed mother-in-law, you take out the garbage, sweep the
the money from the friend. That is an example of an yard because there are so many leaves, you water the
implied trust. So that will prescribe in 10 years. What orchids the favorite of your future mother-in-law.
is an implied trust? If you want to know more you can Where you authorized, of course not, you can even
read trust, that is part of obligations and contracts. be sued for trespassing. But that is an example of
negotiorum gestio. There is no contract between the
parties. But suppose when they arrive Uy, ang linis-
3. Upon a judgment. linis ng bahay, pati yung mga window panes ang
Refers to the judgment of the court. linis. Ay ma a kasi a o… Ay hijo, ang bait bait
o talaga, pu ta ka dito kasi a o… You see, this
This would refer to a judgment rendered by the court
early you re already a step closer to the heart of the…
that has become final and executory. Now the
judgment creditor, in order for the satisfaction of the
judgment shall be made, has to file a motion for the Later on a subsequent period, going somewhere
issuance of a writ of execution that would lead now again, no one is attending the house. And she would
to a way for the satisfaction of a judgment credit. The now tell you Hijo, pwede anuhin mo yung bahay.
winner in a civil case, this does not involve criminal That is all changed, from without any contract
cases, because obligation and contracts would only whatsoever, it becomes a contract of agency. You are
refer to civil actions. Suppose the judgment creditor already authorized. So you see, from the first. But
did not do anything about the decision or judgment suppose the neighbor did not agree with what you
that has long become final and executory. At the time did, kasi namatay lahat yung orchids. So yun, you can
the decision was entered by the court and there was be sued for damages. The action must be brought
no appeal made by the other party. So he has 10 within 6 years.
years within which to have the judgment rendered by
the court to be executed by the sheriff. Art. 1146. The following actions must be instituted
Art. 1145. The following actions must be within four years:
commenced within six years: (1) Upon an injury to the rights of the plaintiff;
(2) Upon a quasi-delict;
(1) Upon an oral contract;
(2) Upon a quasi-contract. (n) However, when the action arises from or out of any
act, activity, or conduct of any public officer
involving the exercise of powers or authority arising
If you have already read Ainza v. Padua, that s a from Martial Law including the arrest, detention
perfect example of an oral contract. and/or trial of the plaintiff, the same must be
brought within one (1) year. (As amended by PD No.
1755, Dec. 24, 1980.)
Quasi-contract. This would refer to negotiorum gestio
or solutio indebiti. Negotiorum gestio refers to the
inofficious manager, in the local language buot-buot Upon an injury to the rights of the plaintiff. An
ka. If you have a neighbor, and the house is example of this would be an action for reinstatement
uninhabited because the neighbor had gone abroad, by reason of illegal dismissal. And one of the cases
assigned to you is a perfect example of 1146. So if
and you don t want thieves or robbers to be entering
one is illegally dismissed but the NLRC found out that
such indeed is true, and there is this reinstatement. Like when you are slapped, that is an example of
The basis for that would be 1146, upon an injury to defamation. It is slander by deed.
the rights of the plaintiff. So this must be brought
within 4 years. Art. 1148. The limitations of action mentioned in
Articles 1140 to 1142, and 1144 to 1147 are without
Upon a quasi-delict. Where this is based on prejudice to those specified in other parts of this
negligence or reckless imprudence, diba katangahan. Code, in the Code of Commerce, and in special laws.
So better be buang than tanga kasi walang cure ang (n)
So Code of Commerce when we talk of contracts,
may be on negotiable instruments.
Art. 1147. The following actions must be filed within
one year: Art. 1149. All other actions whose periods are not
(1) For forcible entry and detainer; fixed in this Code or in other laws must be brought
(2) For defamation. (n) within five years from the time the right of action
accrues. (n)
Forcible entry and detainer. Do you remember the
case of Waeyan? 147, si Juliet. Diba, the court said The perfect example under 1149 will be article 86 of
that it was error on the man to sue the woman for your family code respecting revocation of donation
unlawful detainer because they were living together propter nuptias. Where the law is silent as to when
as husband and wife without the benefit of marriage may the donor revoke the donation by reason of
and there was nonpayment because what the woman marriage, this is the appropriate provision. Bringing
did is to buy the share of the man. But per the action within 5 years from the time the right of
memorandum of agreement, action accrues.

Art. 1150. The time for prescription for all kinds of

there was no payment of the purchase price. So what actions, when there is no special provision which
he is to file an ejectment case against Juliet. So the ordains otherwise, shall be counted from the day
court said it is error on the part of the man to file an they may be brought. (1969)
action for ejectment because they are co-owners
over the property. So a perfect example of that will
be for detainer is supposed you are engaged in the If we talk of fraud for consent under marriage. Your
business of renting out houses or apartments. In the consent is vitiated by reason of fraud you don t
agreement, in the event of any violation of any of the immediately bring it at the time of the celebration of
terms and conditions of the contract of lease, would the marriage. Isn t it? When do you bring the action?
be a ground for the termination of the contract. And From the time of discovery of the fraud. If we talk of
then the lessee violated the terms and conditions vitiation of consent other than fraud like intimidation,
thereof, but despite notice or demand to vacate the force, violence, when do you bring the action? From
lessee refused to vacate. So you have to sue, you file the time of the cessation of any of the vices of
a case against the other party – lessee for ejectment consent. Because if it is a continuing one, like there is
because he had detained the property. So you have violence O sige, makigbulag ka sa akua, patayon
to bring that within one year. nako akong sarili. There is no cessation yet of the
Forcible entry. Yung pumasok through [inaudible], The reason you entered into the marriage is because
that is defined by the rules of court. of the threat that the other party would commit
suicide, so that s still vitiation. The accounting of the
period does not mean that as soon as the marriage is
Defamation. Defamation is different from libel kasi celebrated you have to bring the action. You bring
ang libel is mahaba. So when is there defamation? the action after the cessation.
When we talk of the period, as soon as the judgment
Art. 1151. The time for the prescription of actions becomes final. When shall the judgment becomes
which have for their object the enforcement of final? When there is no appeal made by either of the
obligations to pay principal with interest or annuity parties. No appeal made within the 15-day period,
runs from the last payment of the annuity or of the because it is the only period given by the rules of
interest. (1970a) court. If there s no appeal within the 15-day period,
then the judgment becomes final and executory. And
Monetary obligations will prescribe in 10 years. When that is when you start counting the 10-year period on
there is partial payment, there is tolling of the the judgment. You remember we discussed on what
must be brought within 10 years – on judgment. So
prescriptive period. It will only start as soon as there
is no performance of the obligation. Even if what you
receive is only 10 pesos for a 1 million loan, the fact
that you accepted it without protest means that the Article 1158. Obligations derived from law
prescriptive period has tolled by your acceptance of
the payment. Do you understand? So if there is no Obligations derived from law are not presumed;
payment despite demand, that will be the time for only those expressly determined in this Code or in
you to start counting the 10-year period. Despite the special laws are demandable and shall be regulated
demand – you have to make a demand because the by the law that establishes them and to what has
law requires needed extrajudicial demand (means not been foreseen by the provisions of this Book.
extra-judicial demand in writing). If you make only an
oral demand, that will not stop the running of the Example:
period. What would stop the running of the period is 1. The payment of taxes. The law itself provides that
the extra-judicial demand and of course when you
you have to pay your taxes for those income earned
accept the payment despite the fact that the
the year before on the 15th of April the following
payment is not sufficient to cover the obligation. It is
year. In fact, there is no need for the State to make a
a waiver on your right because you have, under the
law, payment shall not be understood unless it is the demand; you are to pay your taxes as specified by the
entire obligation that is supposed to be rendered. But law itself otherwise there will be penalty. So, that is
there is of course the principle of estoppel and an obligation that is immediately demandable upon
waiver. So it is as if you have waived your right to the arrival of the period. There is no need for a
demand the exact amount that is supposed to be demand for the debtor to incur in delay. Delay begins
performed. It does not mean that the period as soon as you do not pay on the dates as specified.
continues, it is tolled.
2. Obligations on support. The Family Code provides
who are those obliged to support each other. In the
case of Lim vs. Lim, Cheryl is not entitled to receive
Art. 1152. The period for prescription of actions to support from the in-law because the obligation to
demand the fulfillment of obligation declared by a give support is only between those who are related
judgment commences from the time the judgment
by consanguinity; Cheryl is a relative by affinity and
became final. (1971)
therefore Cheryl can only demand support from the
husband because the law itself provides that the
Art. 1152 refers to obligations where there is already husband and the wife are obliged to support each
judgment rendered. This would refer to the judgment
other. In the case of Badwell ,he said that I cannot
creditor. So the judgment becomes final, that is when
you can demand performance of the obligation based be obliged to give support to the child because my
on the decision rendered by the court and you were marriage had been terminated by divorce. Based on
declared the judgment creditor. the law of Netherlands, there is no obligation on the
father to provide support to the child when the
marriage is terminated. The only reason why he was
compelled to give support to the child is not based on The basic principle that a person who has committed
his law on the Netherlands, but because of his failure a crime is civilly liable under Article 100 of the
to prove the existence of the law of his country. And Revised Penal Code: That every person who is
thus, we follow the provisions of the Family Code. So criminally liable is also civilly liable . There are two
the basis of that would be the law. kinds of action that may be instituted: Dependent
and Independent civil actions. Dependent civil actions
Article 1159. Obligations arising from contracts
are deemed impliedly instituted in criminal
Autonomy of will- the parties are free to stipulate proceedings that it can be filed separately if the
any conditions or terms provided that they are not offended party would choose to make a reservation
contrary to law, morals, public order or public policy. or does not intend to pursue the civil action. The
That s the only requirement. But they are free to offender must make the reservation before the
stipulate anything; that would be the law between prosecution starts to present its evidence. Suppose
the contracting parties. It s not the provisions of the the offended party would choose to file ahead the
Civil Code. It is their stipulation that would govern the civil action, the civil case would be suspended. What
contract or the agreement that they have entered if he would choose to file after the filing of the
into. The exception to this is on the payment of criminal proceedings? Again, the civil action would be
Attorney s fees because that will always be subject to suspended to await for the resolution of the criminal
the authority of the court where if it is a very simple proceedings that is why it is called a dependent civil
case of collection of sum of money, and the parties to action because the basis of the civil action is the very
the agreement arrived at a possible amicable act or omission itself that is punishable by the
settlement without resorting to a full-blown trial, the Revised Penal Code. In fact, if the offended party
lawyer is not entitled if the attorney s fees is so much would choose to institute it later, the court may order
as to impoverish the client. Then the court will that the two cases be consolidated. In independent
mitigate the amount of the attorney s fees. The basis civil actions, you do not have to make reservations.
now would be on how much he have rendered his These are actions that would be filed separately from
services as well as his name; is he the campanilla or the criminal proceedings that shall proceed
the campana? So if you are the campanilla, the regardless of the result of the latter. One is Article 31
bigger the attorney s fees. And of course, the court where the civil action is not based on the act or
will now lower the attorney s fees and the basis of omission complained of as a felony but from other
which will be quantum meruit. So the attorney s fees sources of obligation and which would require only a
is not covered by 1159. The lawyer can be disbarred if mere preponderance of evidence. Article 32 on
he would insist. violation of one s Constitutional rights, Article 33 on
cases of defamation, fraud or physical injuries and
Article 34 when a member of a city or municipal
Article 1160 Civil obligations derived from quasi- police force refuses or fails to render aid or
contracts protection to any person in case of danger to life or
property without just cause. These are the only
Obligations derived from quasi-contracts shall be crimes where the law grants an independent civil
subject to the provisions of Chapter 1, Title XVII of action.
this Code. There are ny two types of quasi-contracts
studied under Credit transactions: Negotiorum gestio Article 1162. Obligations derived from quasi-delicts
and Solutio indebiti
There is no contractual relations between the parties
Article 1161 Civil obligations arising from criminal in quasi-delicts.
Article 1163
In an obligation to give, the object of the prestation debtor to do is to move the vehicle to a place where
may consist in the delivery of a determinate/specific no flooding shall occur.
object or an indeterminate/generic object. Genus
Three types of fruits: natural, industrial and civil. So
nunquam perit; because it a genum it can always be
what right has the creditor over the fruits prior to
replaced but not a determinate object. Example, in
delivery? That is merely a personal right which he can
case of car, al, you have to do is give the motor
only enforce against the party with whom he had
number or the plate number, so it becomes a specific
entered into a contract with. Thus it cannot be
object. Now, if the obligation is to be performed a
enforced against a third person who is not a party to
later day although there was already a perfected
the contract because of the absence of privity
obligation between the parties, there are three
between the creditor and the third person. In the
incidental obligations on the part of the obligor. One
case of civil fruits that there was this rent, the
is prior to the delivery, he has to observe the
contract of lease is just between the debtor and the
diligence of a good father of a family, in the absence
third person. When we go to the relativity of
of any agreement to the contrary because the parties
contracts, that contracts as general rule bind only the
may agree that the degree of diligence would be
parties. Third persons, generally cannot be bound by
extraordinary diligence. Extraordinary diligence
the contracts especially if the right of the creditor is
normally is required involving contracts of
merely a personal right. But if the obligation to
transportation, common carriers, public utility
deliver arises, and the debtor now delivers the object
jeepneys or the public utility buses. They are to
of the prestation, the right of the creditor ceases to
observe extraordinary diligence in transporting their
be a personal right. It becomes a real right;
passengers. But in the absence of any agreement,
enforceable against the whole world. By reason of
that s the exception, in common carriers it is always
that, he can now sue the third persons because his
the extraordinary diligence of a good father of a
right over it has become a real right. Any third person
family. They cannot agree to a lesser diligence; that
who would prejudice his right, can be made now
would be void. However, when we talk of ordinary
liable for damages.
obligations, then the parties may agree aside from
the diligence of a good father of a family, that the What is the significance of delivery? It is delivery that
parties may only observe slight diligence. But they transfers ownership. Delivery might be actual or
cannot agree that no diligence whatsoever shall be constructive. So when we say actual, there really is an
exercised by the debtor; that would be void because exchange of the parties between the object of the
that would be tantamount to waiving your right to prestation that is supposed to be given to the
demand damages in the event that there will be creditor then on the other hand, what is to be given
deterioration or damage to the object of the to the debtor. Constructive, one is Traditio Symbolica.
prestation. Moreover, you cannot also renounce Another is, Traditio Brevi manu, it is by the
future fraud. That is also void. shorthand- when the possessor who is not the owner
becomes the owner. Traditio longa manu, in the long
What is diligence of a good father of a family?
hand, the owner becomes the lessee. So it is delivery
It is the ordinary care exercised by an ordinary person that transfers ownership not the mere act of entering
over his property; that no untoward incident shall into a contract, it is delivery. So if we talk about the
suffer to his property; that before he goes to sleep he concept of land, Traditio symbolica, the contract that
would see to it all the doors have been locked, if he would now give the buyer to have it and the title
has children, that all children are already in the transferred to his name that is how one should
house. In the example, where the place is flood- deliver. So it might be constructive or it might be
prone and there is already a warning from PAG-ASA actual. Another obligation to the part of the debtor is
that there will be heavy rains, the best thing for the to deliver the accessions and the accessories.
Accessions include the fruit because under the law on longer necessary in order that the obligor shall be
property, accessory is defined differently. Accession in delay. One is by stipulation of the parties. So if the
likewise is defined differently because a house is an obligation provides the fulfillment of a penalty on top
accession industrial such as, building and planting. So of the interests that even if it is not stated there and
the house is considered a building but the general it is not expressly provided but in as much the
rule is that a house is actually an accessory under the contract provides for the payment of the penalty
law on property. So the accession in 1166 refers only upon the nonpayment of the obligation then the
to accession continual that would include accession penalty is already incurred. There is no need for a
industrial. Accession natural, alluvium is the perfect demand that is one of the exception by stipulation of
example that a soil gradually deposited by time. Is the parties even if it is not clearly stipulated in the
avulsion included? By taking away of a portion of land contract. Interest based on the balance, there is no
is avulsion. If you have read the newspapers right need for the obligor to make a demand, to place the
earth quake struck New Zealand. The mountain was debtor in delay, but if it is payable on installments
in a massive land slide that is avulsion because the and the failure of the debtor to pay two installments
taking away of the land is by force but if it is gradually would make the entire obligation due and
deposited, it is alluvium. Suppose the particular demandable delay cannot occur by reason of the
parcel of land occupied by the cows were transferred failure to pay the installments due. There must still
to another property, he does not own it because the be a demand to place the obligor to in delay. That is
occurrence of the transfer is not through gradual not the stipulation that is within the meaning of no
deposit. It is the tearing away of portion of land from need for a demand or a reason of a stipulation. Only
another property by virtue of a force. In that that the entire obligation becomes due and
particular case the earthquake did it. So the owner of demandable. But not that the obligor is already
the property where it was deposited will not become considered in delay without the demand. Demand is
the owner of that particular land. For example, the still necessary. And of course there were two, like the
painting is the principal and the wall or the canvass nonpayment of taxes. If you do not pay the taxes due
and the painting is the accessory. What would be the at the date specified by the law then it incurs already
right or what are the rights accorded to the creditor if a penalty of 25% interest. So from the nature of the
the debtor does not comply without obligation, of circumstances of the obligation it appears that the
course it determinate then he can compel resignation of the time and the thing is to be
performance or it might be a third person who would delivered on the service to be rendered was
perform the obligation in the expense of the debtor. controlling motive for the establishment of the
If it is determinate, specific performance because contract.
that cannot be replaced with another and then
damages by reason of the land performance. It refers
to delay respecting non fulfillment of the obligation
or there is a default on the part of the debtor to
comply with the obligation. So this is not used in its
grammatical sense. In 1169, so when shall the obligor
incur in delay? From that time that demand is made
Art. 1165. When what is to be delivered is a
whether judicial or extra-judicial. There is judicial
determinate thing, the creditor, in addition to the
demand when the case is filed in court and
extrajudicial when it is the debtor or the creditor right granted him by Article 1170, may compel the
himself or the lawyer of the creditor who would not debtor to make the delivery.
write to the debtor fulfillment of the obligation and
there are of course instances where demand is no
If the thing is indeterminate or generic, he may ask very same thing two or more persons who does not
that the obligation be complied with at the expense have the same interest.
of the debtor.
If the obligor delays, or has promised to deliver the Accesions; refer only to accession natural and
same thing to two or more persons who do not have accession industrial, it does not include accession
the same interest, he shall be responsible for any continua.
fortuitous event until he has effected the delivery.
(1096) Accession Natural: example, gradual deposit of soil
along river, the owner would be the owner of the
1165 refers to the recourse of the creditor when property nearest to it but he has to apply for the
there is no non-fulfillment of the obligation. If it is titling over the land deposited by time.
specific or determinate and the debtor does not Accessories: the one destined for embellishment,
comply with what is incumbent upon him then the completion. (e.g Car: engine is the principal, keys is
creditor may seek fulfillment of the obligations the accessories)
through the court – action for specific performance.
- Accession Continua- refers to fruits covered by 1164
Note: if the thing due is specific it cannot be replaced where the debtor is obliged not only to deliver the
by another thing because there is only one specific very thing due but also the fruits thereof. Precisely, if
thing. If the obligation is to give a generic object still there is no delivery yet the right of the creditor over
the debtor did not comply with the obligation then the fruits is merely a personal right and he can only
that can be done by a third person or the creditor enforce the same against the debtor and not against
himself at the expense of the debtor with damages. a thirdperson because of the absence of privity
between the creditor and the third person. Once the
If the obligor delays, or has promised to deliver the delivery was made the principal and the fruits
same thing to two or more persons who do not have becomes a real right becomes enforceable to the
the same interest, he shall be responsible for any whole world. It is delivery which transfers ownership
fortuitous event until he has effected the delivery which could be an actual delivery or constructive
This refers to a specific object but the obligor delivery. In an actual delivery there is exchange of
promised to deliver the very same thing to another prestation on the part of the seller and on the part of
person who doesn t have the same interest. When the buyer to deliver the purchase price because this is
shall two person can be considered as having the one bilateral reciprocal agreement ( there is
same interest? –Co-owners or husband and wife bit if unilateral reciprocal: donations).
the third person is a complete stranger he does not
have the same interest and if the obligor promised to Art. 1168. When the obligation consists in not doing,
both he will incur in delay with respect to the other. and the obligor does what has been forbidden him,
Take note that there are two or more persons that it shall also be undone at his expense. (1099a)
the obligor promised t deliver the same object so he
will be liable for damages and in case of fortuitous e.g. When a hairstylist is instructed not to cut your
event the obligor shall be liable because that will not hair but he cut it can he undo? No
excuse him from the performance of the obligation The hairstylist shall be liable for damages.
because there is no extinguishment of obligation by
reason of fortuitous event because he had already
incurred delay when he promised the delivery of the
Article 1169. Those obliged to deliver or to do object of the prestation unless it has deteriorated by
something incur in delay from the time the obligee reason of the fraud or negligence of the debtor. If it
judicially or extrajudicially demands from them the earns interest, the interest stops at the time when
there is already performance of the obligation that
fulfillment of their obligation.
was refused by the creditor. And then, of course, to
However, the demand by the creditor shall not be
relieve himself from the obligation, he can always
necessary in order that delay may exist: consign it in accordance with Article 1256 on tender
of payment and consignation because if there was
(1) When the obligation or the law expressly so prior tender but was refused, it should be followed by
declare; or consignation to extinguish the obligation.
(2) When from the nature and the But there is what you call as compensation
circumstances of the obligation it appears morae. Compensatio Morae is present on reciprocal
that the designation of the time when the
thing is to be delivered or the service is to be
Q: When is there a reciprocal obligation?
rendered was a controlling motive for the A: It arises from the same cause when the parties are
establishment of the contract; or mutually creditor and debtor of each other such that
(3) When demand would be useless, as when the performance of one is conditioned on the
the obligor has rendered it beyond his performance by the other. As soon as performance is
power to perform. made by one of the parties and the other did not,
In reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in delay by the latter begins.
But in reciprocal obligation, the absence
delay if the other does not comply or is not ready to
generally of any agreement by the parties, it is to be
comply in a proper manner with what is incumbent
performed simultaneously. Or what we call as
upon him. From the moment one of the parties kaliwaan. Pag bigay, bigay din ang isa unless there is a
fulfills his obligation, delay by the other begins. contrary agreement between the parties. And that if
one of the parties who perform his part, delivers the
The demand would be useless when the titles to the land, as well as documents related
obligor has rendered it beyond his power to perform thereto, the seller already delivered the land as well
like it has been lost so it is already impossible to as the title thereto and the buyer did not pay the
perform on the part of the obligor and thus is already purchase price, the delay by the other begins.
considered to be in delay and is liable for damages. So I have said before that respecting
The purpose why the debtor has to be placed in delay obligations whereby an agreement to pay in
is for the payment of damages. It is not only the installments and there is a stipulation that
obligor who can be in delay. It is also the creditor nonperformance or nondelivery of two installments
who can be in delay. On the part of the obligor, one is will now make the obligation due and demandable
considered to be in mora solvendi. If it is the creditor does not mean that demand may be dispensed with,
who refuses to accept without justifiable cause and there must be the element to place the obligor in
what is delivered is the very thing due and the delay even there is that particular stipulation
obligation is already due and demandable, then the between the parties. But delay may be waived by the
creditor is considered to be in mora accipiendi. So, he creditor, he can always waive. Default has already
will be liable for damages, the debtor will not be occurred so he will be waiving the right to claim
liable for the deterioration of the thing that is the
damages on the part of the debtor or on the part of Article 1171. Responsibility arising from fraud is
the creditor. demandable in all obligations. Any waiver of an
action for future fraud is void.
Q: So how is it waived?
A: By demanding performance without any prayer for Article 1172. Responsibility arising from negligence
damages. in the performance of every kind of obligation is also
demandable, but such liability may be regulated by
Article 1170. Those who in the performance of their the courts, according to the circumstances.
obligations are guilty of fraud, negligence, or delay,
and those who in any manner contravene the tenor Now the basis for contractual obligations
thereof, are liable for damages. would be the master-servant rule, relationship
between the employer and the employee. Now culpa
Now you remember the damages that may aquiliana, the basis of course would be negligence or
be recovered by the aggrieved party? What have you reckless imprudence but what would be the defense
learned in the Persons and Family Relations? of the party from whom damages is demanded?
Just remember MENTAL: Moral, Exemplary, Diligence of a good father of a family. What about
Nominal, Temperate, Actual and Liquidated. So those criminal with respect to the employer and the
are the damages that may be demanded by the employee? The guilt of the employee is the civil guilt
aggrieved party. of the employer. Yan ang basis ng damages. That is
Now, FRAUD. Now, Fraud here is fraud why if by reason of the act of the driver. The driver is
employed at the time of the performance of the sued for homicide or murder depending on the
obligation which merely gives rise to damages not for circumstances. So the liability of the operator is
the rescission or the cancellation of the contract based on the criminal guilt of the employee.
because if it would refer to fraud employed at the
time of the creation of the obligation that would fall Q: What are the sources of culpa according to the
under Article 1380. Now if it is causal, then it can be a source of obligation?
ground for rescission plus damages. Here, the fraud A: Based on contract.
was employed at the time of the performance of the Q: Can it be based on the contract when there is no
obligation and merely is a ground for damages. agreement by the parties?
Example is suppose you brought a pair of rings , A: Yes. There are 2 cases decided by the SC. The first
wedding rings from Mr. Yu, he said it is a 24-karat is the Carrascoso case involving Filipino holding a first
gold but actually it was just merely what you call it class ticket, Air France, but was forced to sit in the
Mr. Yu? Mr. Yu: Gold-plated? Ahh. Gold-plated lang economy section of the plane and sue Air France for
pala sya! So you can hold him liable for damages tort. Of course, the defense raised by Air France was
because it is at the time of the performance of the that, it should be based on contract because there is
obligation. contractual relation between the passenger and the
Negligence would refer to fault respecting airline. It is covered by the contract of carriage. But
the performance of the obligation, Culpa Contractual. the SC said No the act that breaks the contract may
Delay of course is 1169 and contravention in the be the source of tort . So the airline is liable for
tenor of the obligation are liable for damages. damages.

Article 1173. The fault or negligence of the obligor

consists in the omission of that diligence which is
required by the nature of the obligation and requires the assumption of risk. Perfect example of
corresponds with the circumstances of the persons, this is? Common carriers. Or this is what you call the
of the time and of the place. When negligence doctrine of created risk. They assume the risk in
relation to the kind of business that they have
shows bad faith, the provisions of articles 1171 and
entered into because immediately the presumption if
2201, paragraph 2, shall apply.
the transportation company is unable to deliver the
If the law or contract does not state the diligence passengers safely to the destination, immediately the
which is to be observed in the performance, that presumption arises that there is a negligence on the
which is expected of a good father of a family shall part of the transportation company. It is now the
be required. obligation of the transportation company to overturn
that presumption. It is not the obligation of the
If you talk of common carriage, diligence is passenger to prove that there was negligence.
extraordinary. But ordinary contracts is covered by, in Immediately the presumption arises because one
the absence of any agreement to the contrary, who creates a dangerous situation cannot escape
diligence of a good father of a family. If the law or liability even if the act of God.
contract does not state the diligence which is to be
observed in the performance that which is expected Q: Is a mechanical failure of the brake considered to
of a good father of a family shall be required. So be an Act of God?
according to circumstances of persons and if you are A: No because you are supposed to inspect the
BPO worker assigned during the graveyard shift, are vehicle before driving it.
you supposed to sleep? No because the Q: Suppose it was hit by lightning and it was running
circumstances so warrant by the nature of your job, very fast, Act of God parin? What are the exceptions?
you ought to be awake despite the fact that you are Aside from what is enumerated here? A: If the
supposed to be sleeping at that particular time. obligation consist in the delivery of a generic object.
If the Act of God concurs with the negligence of the
Article 1174. Except in cases expressly specified by obligor. If he is already in delay. When the obligation
the law, or when it is otherwise declared by consist in the delivery of a thing arising from a
stipulation, or when the nature of the obligation criminal offense. The only exceptions there if the
requires the assumption of risk, no person shall be person who receive it refuses to accept it without just
responsible for those events which could not be cause.
foreseen, or which, though foreseen, were All rights may be transmitted except those that are
inevitable. purely personal.

Q: What is the general rule in the occurrence of a Art. 1179. Every obligation whose performance does
fortuitous event? not depend upon a future or uncertain event, or
A: The general rule is that no person shall be upon a pat event unknown to the parties, is
responsible for those event which cannot be foreseen demandable at once
or which though foreseen is inevitable. So as a Every obligation which contains a resolutory
general rule, no one can be held liable if the condition shall also be demandable, without
obligation becomes impossible by reason of a prejudice to the effects of the happening of the
fortuitous event subject to the following exceptions: event.
expressly specified by law. Taxes. When it is declared
by stipulation. When the nature of the obligation Pure and Conditional Obligations
Every obligation which performance does not depend made as soon as he has the means to do so, the
upon a future or uncertain event or upon a past obligations is NOT. It is with a Period.
event unknown to the parties is demandable at once.
Pure- if there are no conditions attached to it. permit him to do so , when I can afford it , as
Immediately demandable. soon as I have the money , when my means would
Obligation subject to a resolutory condition- permit me , I ll pay you little by little , a when the
obligation is still immediately demandable even if debtor is in the position to discharge the obligation -
subject to certain conditions ALL REFERES TO THE PERIOD
-obligation is extinguished as soon as the condition is If the stipulation is any of the above provided, can the
complied with creditor demand for the fulfillment of the obligation?
-example: contract of sale on installment; the non- No.
payment of the purchase price by the buyer will give Any demand made by the creditor without the period
rise to the right of the seller to cancel the contract of being fixed is premature.
sale; negative resolution condition General Rule: any demand made by the creditor upon
-illustrative case: CPU vs CA the debtor without the period having been fixed
Reason for immediate demandability: risk on the part pursuant to Art 1197, demand is premature.
of the creditor in abusing the object of the prestation Exception: when the fixing of the period would serve
once the condition is complied with other purpose except for further delay of the
Example: ART. 86 of the Family Code- grounds for performance of the obligation; obligation has long
revoking donations propter nuptials; one is when it is been outstanding and no period has been fixed.
subject to a resolutory condition and the condition The Court will be the one to fix the period. Once it is
has been complied with: agreed upon, the Court can no longer change it, but
I will giver you a house and lot if you will not the parties can.
separate from your spouse
Condition and term/period are both characterized by Art. 1181. In conditional obligations, the acquisition
futurity of rights, as well as the extinguishment or loss of
Condition- uncertain those already acquired, shall depend upon the
Term- certain, just don t know when happening of the event which constitutes the
-example: payment of taxes condition.
Obligation subject to a suspensive condition-the Refers to either resolutory or suspensive.
happening of the condition gives rise to the
fulfillment of the obligation Potestative condition- the fulfillment of the condition
-there must be first the realization of the condition depends upon the sole will of the debtor. VOID
before the performance of the obligation -example: contract of lease will continue as long as
-example: contract to sell; payment of purchase price the lessee will pay the rents due ; I will pay you as
is a positive suspensive condition soon as I can sell the house
Once condition is void, the entire obligation is void.
Art. 1180. When the debtor binds himself to pay Obligation is converted into a pure obligation and is
when his means permit him to do so, the obligation already due and demandable.
shall be deemed to be one with a period, subject to The obligation is still valid even if it is potestative on
the provisions of Art. 1197. the part of the debtor but subject to a resolutory
If the obligation would provide a stipulation that the condition.
performance of the obligation by the debtor shall be
-reason: obligations subject to a resolutory condition
are immediately due and demandable Impossibility may be by reason of logical or physical
Potestative resolutely example: I will pay you the impossibility or it might be by reason of juridical or
obligation if you will not separate from your wife legal impossibility. So if you talk of logical or physical,
If it depends upon the will of the creditor, by chance, it would be contrary to the law of man or nature. So i
or will of a third person – obligation is valid and shall said the example of that is marrying Cinderella in the
take effect in conformity with the provisions of the fairytale Cinderella. Or it is against the law, it is
Code. juridical or legal. The obligation is to smoke in public
Impossible condition- when shall it annul? [it does places in Davao--that is an impossible condition that
not nullify, merely annuls] will fall under juridical impossibility.
-only when the fulfillment of the obligation would
depend upon the impossible condition and when the But when shall the obligation be annulled by reason
impossibility exists at the time of the creation of the of impossible condition? If the obligation depends
obligation. upon the impossible condition because if it does not
Even if it becomes possible at the time that the depend on the impossible condition, then the
obligation is to be performed, it cannot cure the obligation shall subsist., and remember that the
defect. impossibility must be present at the time of the
If the obligation is divisible, the part thereof which is creation on the obligation because if it is merely a
not affected by the impossible condition shall be valid supervening event, that will not affect the validity of
Impossibility may be physical or juridical the obligation. The obligation shall subsist.
Physical if it is contrary to the law of nature.
Ex: Marrying Cinderella Q: But what will happen to the obligation if there is
Juridical/legal if there is a law prohibiting it partial impossibility because of the supervening
Ex: Firecracker ban event?
A: if it is merely an obligation to do, determine how
If valid at the time of the creation of the obligation long the supervening event lasts because if there is no
but becomes impossible by reason of a supervening definiteness as to when shall it last, then the
event, it will not affect the validity of the obligation obligation is already extinguished. But if there is a
Example: A contract was entered on November 23, definite duration on the temporary impossibility, then
2015 wherein you are to paint a landscape of the obligation shall subsist. Performance is to be
Christchurch (as it is on November 23, 2015) on made after the cessation of the temporary
November 23, 2016. impossibility. (Read 1264). The court shall determine
Unfortunately, on November 21, 2016, an earthquake the partial loss.
happened and the area was damaged. Hence the
obligation becomes impossible.
If the impossibility was present at the time of the
creation of the obligation but becomes possible, then
Art. 1183. Impossible conditions, those contrary to the obligation is to be performed that will not cure
good customs or public policy and those prohibited the defect. The obligation is still annuled. Just
by law shall annul the obligation which depends remember that the performance of the obligation is
upon them. If the obligation is divisible, that part to depend on the impossible condition. Because if it is
thereof which is not affected by the impossible or severable, then the obligation shall sussibt without
unlawful condition shall be valid. the impossible condition.
becomes immediately due and demandable since
Art. 1184. The condition that some event happen at there is no delivery of pledge. What happens when
a determinate time shall extinguish the obligation as the debtor loses the benefit of the period? The
soon as the time expires or if it has become obligation becomes immediately due and
indubitable that the event will not take place. demandable.
There s a difference between a mortgage and a
Art. 1198 – The debtor shall lose every right to make pledge. A pledge is when you deliver to Mr. Yu any
use of period: movable property, in real estate mortgage, there is
1. When after the obligation has been delivery of the title which is actually void, but that s
contracted, he becomes insolvent, unless he gives a only valid between the parties, it is void because
guaranty or security for the debt; there can be no pledge of real properties.
The first is, when the debtor becomes insolvent, 3. When by his own acts he has impaired said
unless he would give a guaranty or security for the guaranties or securities after their establishment,
debt. Meaning, he will execute a real estate mortgage and when through a fortuitous event they
(a security) or pays someone who becomes a disappear, unless he immediately gives new ones
guarantor. A surety is different from a guarantor. equally satisfactory;
SURETY GUARANTOR Suppose, what was delivered is a house and lot, the
title thereto. So there is that annotation: this was
use as security. But the house and lot was partially
· Pays when · Pays only if the debtor destroyed, through the negligence of the debtor
the debtor cannot cannot pay and moreover he when there was this brownout and then he lighted a
pay and will not is wanted the right of candle and placed it near the curtain, so it caught fire
pay. excussion or exhaustion. and the house was partially damaged. Here, because
· Can always defeat the deterioration was caused by the fault of the debtor,
· Immediately demand by the creditor by he loses immediately the benefit of the period. If the
liable if the saying – you must have first impairment was through fortuitous event, then the
principal debtor to exhaust all the properties of debtor does not lose the benefit of the. So there s a
does not or will the debtor before you can run difference between impairment by fortuitous event
not pay. after me. (debtor does not lose the benefit of the period) but
when it is impaired through the fault of the debtor, it
2. When he does not furnish to the creditor the loses the benefit of the period. If it is impaired
guaranties or securities which he has promised; through fortuitous event, he is still entitled to the
Like when he obtained a loan obligation and benefit of the period because the law requires that
guaranteed it or secured it with a real estate for him to lose the benefit of the period, there must
mortgage or if it is one secured with a pledge, but be total deterioration or destruction of the security
after obtaining the loan, did not deliver the pledge or guaranty.
(jewelry) for purposes of annotation. Suppose there Exception: Unless he immediately gives new ones
was this promise to deliver a pledge (jewelry) to equally satisfactory.
secure the loan obligation, the debtor in this case Example: If the house is insured. So there s that
loses the benefit of the period because he did not insurance proceeds that would answer for the
deliver the pledge, in effect, instead of giving 4 security. Thus, you will not lose the benefit of the
months to the debtor to redeem the pledge, it period.
4. When the debtor violates any undertaking, in If A, B and C should agree among themselves that
consideration of which the creditor agreed to the they are jointly bound.Then D,E and F agree among
period; themselves that they are jointly bound.
When he agreed to furnish a bond, a bond is different
from a surety and a guaranty. If D makes a demand upon C. How much is the
Example: if you enter into a construction project you liability of each solidary debtors? Ans: P300,000.
are to submit a performance bond that would be But to each creditor, A is bound to deliver P100,000
forfeited in the event that you will not comply with each.
the agreement or if you are in delay so much.
5. When the debtor attempts to abscond. If D makes a demand upon C and D collects only
Note: Mere attempt to abscond is already sufficient P100,000. Does he have the obligation to share
to warrant the debtor losing the benefit of the whatever he has collected from C to E and F? Ans: No
period. because he collected enough for his share for the
So Art. 1198 states the grounds of the debtor losing credit because they are merely joint creditors among
the benefit of the period, BUT THIS CAN ALWAYS BE themselves. But if D would collect the entire
WAIVED BY THE CREDITOR. P300,000. He is obliged to share with the others.

ALTERNATIVE OBLIGATIONS On the other hand, if we talk about debtors who

Obligations according to object: solidarily bound themselves to the creditors but
Simple – when there is only one prestation due. among themselves they are jointly bound. If A is
Compound – when there are 2 or more prestations found to be insolvent under the rules on solidary
due further subdivided into conjunctive. obligations, B and C s share will increase but because
Conjunctive – when there are several prestations due they agree among themselves that just be jointly
and all are due. bound then the insolvency of A will not increase the
Disjunctive – one of two or more prestations and it liability of B and C.
might be further subdivided to alternative and
facultative. If B pays the entire obligation, A still has to pay B.
Alternative – 2 or more prestations are due, and That is the effect if they agree that they be bound
performance of one is sufficient. differently from the obligation that they have entered
Facultative – only one prestatation is due, but the into with the creditors.
debtor may render another in substitute.
Art. 1212. Each one of the solidary creditors may do
whatever may be useful to the others, but not
anything which may be prejudicial to the latter.
Art. 1211. Solidarity may exist although the
creditors and the debtors may not be bound in the So this is a solidary obligation regardless of how much
same manner and by the same periods and the solidary creditors would be able to collect from
conditions. the solidary debtors, you have to share that with the
other solidary creditors even if it is insufficient to
Scenario: A, B and C are solidarily bound themselves answer for his own share because the collection is
to pay D,E and F P300,000. considered to be beneficial
But not anything prejudicial. What acts is prohibited? Art. 1215. Novation, compensation, confusion or
That is answered by 1213. remission of the debt, made by any of the solidary
So even if the creditor assign to an heir or his child creditors or with any of the solidary debtors, shall
but it is still prohibited because of the absence of extinguish the obligation, without prejudice to the
mutual agency of the 3rd person in whose favor the provisions of Article 1219.
credit of one was assigned
So mutual agency exist only to the solidary creditors The creditor who may have executed any of these
but does not extend to the heirs unless consent by acts, as well as he who collects the debt, shall be
the other creditors is obtained. There is no liable to the others for the share in the obligation
prohibition if the solidary creditor assigned it to corresponding to them.
another solidary creditor because there is mutual
agency that exists between the solidary creditors. Novation is not actually extinguishment the
obligation. It merely modifies the obligation, in that,
So if the assignee would now go to the solidary when the old one is extinguished a new one is
debtor and demand performance by showing proof created. The perfect example of this is dation in
that he is authorized, the payment will not extinguish payment under Article 1245 whereby there is a
the obligation. It is not a valid payment so as to change in the object which consists in a sum of
extinguish the obligation because he does not have money to a property and is accepted by the creditor.
the legal personality to act for in behalf of the other Or change in the person of the debtor – substitution.
solidary creditors. Or there is subrogation of a 3rd person in the rights of
a creditor.
Art. 1213. A solidary creditor cannot assign his rights
without the consent of the others. Compensation is offsetting. One example is I owe Ms.
Roflo money and Ms. Roflo owe me money.
Art. 1214. The debtor may pay any one of the Confusion refers to merger to one person the rights
solidary creditors; but if any demand, judicial or of a debtor and a creditor.
extrajudicial, has been made by one of them,
payment should be made to him. Remission is akin to donation. It is extinguishment of
a debt. Precisely, there s a requirement that if a
The reason why payment should only be delivered to donation is express. The donation must observe the
the solidary creditor who made the demand is the formalities of ordinary obligations.
mutual agency that exist between the solidary
creditors and is now concentrated on the solidary 2nd paragraph.
creditor who made the demand on that solidary The creditor who extinguished the obligation based
debtor. on 1st paragraph. His obligation to the other subsists.

There is no problem if other solidary debtors will pay Art. 1216. The creditor may proceed against any one
the demanding creditor and he would accept it. It is a of the solidary debtors or some or all of them
valid payment because he has the right to choose but simultaneously. The demand made against one of
the demanded solidary debtor can pay only to the them shall not be an obstacle to those which may
demanding solidary creditor. subsequently be directed against the others, so long
as the debt has not been fully collected.
For as long as the obligation is not entirely complied other solidary debtors. Insolvency will now be shared
with, you cannot prevent the other creditors from by the other solvent debtors.
demanding from the other solidary debtors.
Art. 1218. Payment by a solidary debtor shall not
Art. 1217. Payment made by one of the solidary entitle him to reimbursement from his co-debtors if
debtors extinguishes the obligation. If two or more such payment is made after the obligation has
solidary debtors offer to pay, the creditor may prescribed or become illegal.
choose which offer to accept.
If payment is made after the debt has prescribed, the
He who made the payment may claim from his co- payment is considered to be a natural obligation
debtors only the share which corresponds to each, based on conscience.
with the interest for the payment already made. If
the payment is made before the debt is due, no Art. 1219. The remission made by the creditor of the
interest for the intervening period may be share which affects one of the solidary debtors does
demanded. not release the latter from his responsibility towards
the co-debtors, in case the debt had been totally
When one of the solidary debtors cannot, because paid by anyone of them before the remission was
of his insolvency, reimburse his share to the debtor effected.
paying the obligation, such share shall be borne by
all his co-debtors, in proportion to the debt of each. If remission is made after payment, the solidary
debtors are not released from his liability of paying
So if a solidary debtor pays the entire obligation, does his share in the obligation. It would be otherwise if
it mean that the paying debtor is subrogated to the remission comes before the payment so he can run
rights of the solidary creditor? after the creditor who remitted but not after the
debtor whose share was remitted. If there is total
Subrogation – aside from stepping into the shoes, it remission in favor of one of the solidary debtors, the
can be that if the obligation is secured by real estate solidary debtor cannot demand from other their
mortgage, if one of the solidary debtor pays, does share for he will be in violation of Article 22 on unjust
that mean that he steps now into the shoes of the enrichment.
solidary debtors and also is entitled to the security of
the real estate mortgage? Art. 1220. The remission of the whole obligation,
obtained by one of the solidary debtors, does not
Ans: There is no subrogation because the paying entitle him to reimbursement from his co-debtors.
debtor is entitled to the entire obligation less his
share not the entire obligation for it would be Art. 1221. If the thing has been lost or if the
stepping into the shoes. The only right granted to the prestation has become impossible without the fault
paying debtor is the reimbursement from the other of the solidary debtors, the obligation shall be
debtors their respective share in the debt. extinguished.

2nd par. But if the payment is not yet due or the If there was fault on the part of any one of them, all
interest is not yet due but still debtor pays, creditor shall be responsible to the creditor, for the price and
cannot yet demand payment of interest. Otherwise, the payment of damages and interest, without
he will be unjustly enriched at the expense of the
prejudice to their action against the guilty or only as regards that part of the debt for which the
negligent debtor. latter are responsible.

If through a fortuitous event, the thing is lost or the Defenses:

performance has become impossible after one of 1. Nature of the Obligation
the solidary debtors has incurred in delay through a. Legal impossibility
the judicial or extrajudicial demand upon him by the b. Void due to absence of consideration
creditor, the provisions of the preceding paragraph
shall apply. 2. Personal to him or which pertain to his share
a. Vitiated consent
Impossibility may either be physical, natural, juridical
or legal. 3. Defenses personal to others
a. Suppose A, B and C are solidary
Suppose A, B and C are solidary debtors of D and the creditors. B is minor. Can A invoke
object of the prestation is indivisible. D makes a the minority of B? Ans: Yes only to
demand upon A but he has not complied with the the share of B who is a minor but not
obligation so he is in default. The object was in the to others who are capacitated. But if
possession of C and it was lost or deteriorated. D the defense is prescription, that can
thereafter makes a demand upon B. B complied and be invoked by all parties to the
paid for the value or the price since this is converted obligation because that refers to the
to the payment of damages plus damages because obligation per se. That can be
there was delay plus interest. invoked by any parties to the
So what is the liability of A, B and C?
For deterioration – all will be liable for the value but
with respect for the damages and interest, it will be
shared by A and C. Art. 1226. In obligations with a penal clause, the
penalty shall substitute the indemnity for damages
For total loss – B will not be liable for anything and the payment of interests in case of
because he is a complying debtor. He is ready to noncompliance, if there is no stipulation to the
comply with his obligation, the others will not. B can contrary. Nevertheless, damages shall be paid if the
demand for the value, damages and interest from A obligor refuses to pay the penalty or is guilty of
and C because they are responsible for delay and the fraud in the fulfillment of the obligation.
loss. The penalty may be enforced only when it is
demandable in accordance with the provisions of
Art. 1222. A solidary debtor may, in actions filed by this code.
the creditor, avail himself of all defenses which are Penal Clause – is an accessory undertaking.
derived from the nature of the obligation and of Purpose: To insure performance of an obligation. In
those which are personal to him, or pertain to his the event of breach, then the debtor shall be liable
own share. With respect to those which personally for damages. The penalty actually substitutes for the
belong to the others, he may avail himself thereof payment of actual damages suffered by the creditor
in the event of breach by the debtor in the
performance of the obligation.
Generally, found in: A penal clause may be
1. Contract of Services 1. Subsidiary or alternative
2. Construction Agreements · The creditor is only entitled to damages, because
It might come in the form of: it is merely a substitute for the actual damages and
1. Money (pecuniary in nature) interest.
· Just like the agreement between the contractor 2. Joint or cumulative
and the Ateneo where they have to pay Ateneo about · Where both the principal undertaking and the
P1M monthly because there was already slippage or damages can be awarded to the creditor.
delay in the construction of the 2 buildings. Note: this must be expressly stipulated by the parties.
· Another example is the Credit Card. You have to General rule, it merely represents actual damages.
pay the amount due on the 6th of the month. Is there But the parties may so agree. So aside from the
a need for the Credit card issuer to demand? No, express stipulation from the parties, the other
because it has a penal clause. This is one example of exception is found under Art. 1226 – If the obligor
the exceptions under Art. 1169 on demand in order refuses to pay the penalty or is guilty of fraud in the
to place the obligor in delay. Because of the penalty fulfillment of the obligation, then the creditor shall
that if you cannot pay on the 6th of the month, be entitled to both.
immediately the amount earns an interest of 3.5% Likewise, the creditor may be entitled to both as
(penalty) aside from the regular 3.5% percent stated also in Art. 1227
interest. Art. 1227. The debtor cannot exempt himself from
2. Forfeiture the performance of the obligation by paying the
· Common in the Contracts of Lease; that if the the penalty, save in the case where this right has been
lessee should introduce improvements on the lease s expressly reserved for him. Neither can the creditor
premises there must be first consent in writing from demand the fulfillment of the obligation and the
the lessor, otherwise, any improvement without the satisfaction of the penalty at the same time, unless
written consent of the lessor shall be forfeited in this right has been clearly granted him. However, if
favor of the lessor without reimbursement. after the creditor has decided to require the
3. Abstention fulfillment of the obligation, the performance
· Ex. If your parents would say, You are not thereof should become impossible without his fault,
supposed to go to MTS during weekdays the penalty may be enforced.
(abstention). Otherwise, you have no allowance for Note: This must clearly have granted him.
the entire month (forfeiture). It might be:
Examples of Abstention that will be covered by 1. Express
Obligations and Contract 2. Inference (implied)
· Suppose you did not comply what is incumbent This is different from the debtor that if the debtor
or required upon you as one of the winning bidders. should opt to pay the damages instead of fulfilling the
You did not deliver what is supposed to be obligation, the law requires that this must be
constructed within the period agreed upon. So, you expressly reserved to him, and the other one
will be forbidden from participating in future bids in a whereby the creditor can ask both if he demanded
particular company. This is considered to be a Penal fulfillment and fulfillment becomes impossible
Clause. without the fault of creditor, then the creditor can
have the principal undertaking and the damages.
Art. 1228. Proof of actual damages suffered by the And because it is merely dependent on the life of the
creditor is not necessary in order that the penalty principal undertaking, even if the accessory
may be demanded. undertaking is void, it will not affect the principal
So because the penalty substitutes the indemnity of undertaking. Unless, the principal obligation is void,
damages, the law does not require proof of actual then the accessory undertaking shall be void
damages. The only risk there, is that the parties are (referring to the penal clause).
bound to what is stipulated under the agreement. If Art. 1231. Extinguishment of Obligations
the agreement merely says that you entitled only to How are obligations extinguished?
P500k damages and it was proven by the creditor 1. Payment or performance
that he suffered more than that, he cannot ask for · Payment does not only mean the delivery of
the excess, he is only limited to what is provided for money, but it also means performance of the
in the agreement. obligation. For payment to extinguish the obligation,
Art. 1229. The judge shall equitably reduce the what does the law require? There must be complete
penalty when the principal obligation has been delivery or rendering of the obligation or the services,
partly or irregularly complied with by the debtor. otherwise there is no extinguishment of the
Even if there has been no performance, the penalty obligation by reason of payment subject to the
may also be reduced by the courts if it is iniquitous exceptions provided for by law, and these are Articles
or unconscionable. 1234 and 1235.
And likewise, if the court finds that there is irregular · Art. 1234 Substantial performance in good faith,
or partial performance. The penalty shall also be then the debtor may recover less than damages
reduced. Even if there is no performance whatsoever, suffered by the creditor.
as decided in the case of Ligutan vs. CA, if the penalty · Art. 1235 There is partial or irregular
is found to be iniquitous or unconscionable, the court performance, but the creditor accepts it without any
may equitably temper the penalty agreed upon. protest knowing the partial performance or
Art. 1230. The nullity of the penal clause does not irregularity. Then the obligation Is deemed fully
carry with it that of the principal obligation. complied with.
The nullity of the principal obligation carries 2. Loss of the thing due
with it that of the penal clause. · Also includes impossibility of the performance of
What if there are several debtors and several the obligation. There is loss.
creditors? 3. Condonation or remission of the debt
Of course in the absence of any express stipulation, 4. Confusion or merger of the rights of the creditor
the presumption is that the nature of the liability is 5. Compensation
merely joint. But with respect to the penalty, even if 6. Novation
the principal obligation is joint, they may agree that · Novation does not entirely extinguish an
the penalty shall be solidary. obligation because, it may be true that the old
However, if the nature of the liability respecting the obligation is extinguished, a new one is created. It
principal obligation is solidary, then the penalty merely modifies, it does not extinguish.
shall also be solidary. Why?
Being an accessory undertaking, it derives its life from Other causes:
principal undertaking. So if the principal undertaking 1. Annulment
is solidary, then the penal clause shall also be 2. When there is vitiation of consent, or if
solidary. there is incapacity of one of the contracting
parties. But this is not actually a ground per
se to extinguish an obligation because in irregularity, and without expressing any protest or
annulment, the aggrieved party has to go to objection, the obligation is deemed fully complied
court and let the court declare the contract with.
annulled, otherwise there is what you call a There is partial or irregular performance, but the
tacit or express ratification. creditor accepts it without any protest knowing the
3. Rescission under Art. 1381 partial performance or irregularity. Then the
4. Fulfillment of the resolutory condition, obligation Is deemed fully complied with.
because once the condition is fulfilled, the Art. 1236. The creditor is not bound to accept
obligation is extinguished. payment or performance by a third person who has
5. Prescription. no interest in the fulfillment of the obligation,
What about Death? unless there is a stipulation to the contrary.
As a general rule, death does not extinguish Whoever pays for another may demand
an obligation. It merely extinguishes an obligation if from the debtor what he has paid, except that if he
the obligation is purely personal on the part of the paid without the knowledge or against the will of
obligor. the debtor, he can recover only insofar as the
Ex. payment has been beneficial to the debtor.
1. The obligation to give support Payment made by a third person who has no interest
2. Parental Authority in the fulfillment of the obligation shall only be valid
3. Martial Obligations whe ….
Art. 1232. Payment means not only the delivery of Example:
money but also the performance, in any other many, Suppose it s the brother of the debtor offers to pay
of an obligation. the obligation of the married brother. Is he a third
Payment may be: person not interested in the fulfillment of the
1. Normal obligation?
· No need for the parties to go to court. YES! Because he is not an heir or successor in
2. Abnormal interest. Remember he is married.
· If the creditor has to go to court to compel Who are stranger to the fulfillment of the
performance of the obligation. obligation?
Art. 1233. A debt shall not be understood to have 1. Not an heir of the debtor
been paid unless the thing or service in which the 2. Not a successor in interest of the debtor
obligation consists has been completely delivered or 3. Not an authorized representative
rendered, as the case may be. Note: If a third person (stranger) makes a payment of
Precisely, a debt shall not be understood to have the debtor s obligation, the creditor cannot be
been paid unless the thing or service in which the compelled. But if the creditor accepts the payment
obligation consists has been completely delivered or then the obligation is extinguished.
rendered. Subject to the exceptions provided for in What are the rights of the third person who pays?
Arts. 1234 and 1235. Then it would depend whether there is consent or
Art. 1234. If the obligation has been substantially without the consent. Knowledge is not consent, I may
performed in good faith, the obligor may recover as have knowledge but I did not consent. This is
though there had been a strict and complete essential when we go to compensation.
fulfillment, less damages suffered. Art. 1237. Whoever pays on behalf of the debtor
Art. 1235. When the oblige accepts the without the knowledge or against the will of the
performance, knowing its incompleteness or latter, cannot compel the creditor to subrogate him
in his rights, such as those arising from a mortgage,
guaranty, or penalty.
If the debtor has knowledge but did not consent or ---------------
even without his knowledge, the third person who
pays is entitled only to so much that has redounded Jan. 18
to the benefit of the debtor. The reimbursement is Art. 1270
only limited to the amount that has redounded to the Condonation or remission of debts.
benefit of the debtor, because it was made without For the cause of consideration of condonation,
the knowledge or with knowledge but without remission or renunciation is the liberality of the
consent. However, if the third person who pays with creditor precisely it is bilateral but not reciprocal.
Bilateral because it requires acceptance on the
the consent of the debtor, then he is entitled to full
part of the debtor but it is not reciprocal because
reimbursement plus the right to be subrogated in the
there is no consideration given.
rights of the creditor, such as those arising from
Art 1270 provides condonation and remission
mortgage, guaranty or penalty.
is essentially gratuitous so the liberality of
What does it mean? the creditor because if a thing is delivered
Suppose D owes C P700k, now here is a third person, and accepted by the creditor it ceases to be a
T who wants to pay and to impress D and pays C and condonation or remission or renunciation. it
knowingly the obligation has already been partially becomes novation.
fulfilled, there is merely a balance of P400k. So how Voluntary can be subject to the rules is
much can T demand from D? Only P400k because this governed by inofficious donations expressed
is the only amount that redounded to the benefit of condonation shall further more comply the forms
the debtor, and if this is secured by a chattel of donation. the law provides that if there is
mortgage, because the payment is without the express condonation or remission on the part of
knowledge of the debtor, T cannot compel C the creditor, in as much as condonation is akin to
(creditor) to subrogate him in the chattel mortgage, a donation, there must be compliance with the
meaning it cannot be transferred to the third person formalities of donation, if you remember in your
(T), precisely because the payment is without the Art17 of the Civil Code there are certain forms of
solemnities that must be complied with.
consent of the debtor.
1. validity
So what happens to the 300k? He has to run after the
2. forcibility
creditor, he cannot compel the debtor to reimburse
3. convenience or to affect third persons.
him the entire obligation because he is only entitled
The requirements that certain forms that
to what we call as beneficial reimbursement, must be observed in condonation is for purposes
meaning what has all redounded to the benefit of the of validity. so what is condoned or remitted is
debtor. immovable. money is movable. 5000 above. this
But if he pays with the consent of D (debtor), then he must be in writing. the acceptance by the debtor
is entitled to all rights thereto a pertaining, including must also be in writing, if what is condoned or
being subrogated into the rights of the creditor, plus remitted is an immovable. this building is
full reimbursement. immovable or parcel of land,. the law requires
Note: Look at Art. 1239 (payment made by) and Art. that condonation or remision or renunciation, it
1241 (payment made to) – two different situations. must be in a public instrument. the acceptance
by the debtor must be in a public instrument,. non
compliance in any of those would mean that the
condonation or remission is void. it might take
effect during the lifetime of the creditor, means BAR question: A check was delivered and is in
inter vivos or it will take effect upon the death of the possession of the debtor. at the back thereof
the creditor or motis causa. it might be total, or there is full payment. Is there a presumption that
partial, expressed or implied as provided for by the obligation is fully paid because the check now
Art1270. is in possession of the debtor? No.
Implied condonation. Why? There is no signature. Because if indeed it
Article 1271. The delivery of of a private was fully paid, the creditor should have signed at
document evidencing a credit, made the lower portion of the words "full payment" or
voluntarily by the creditor to the debtor, attached in the original receipt of the payment.
implies the renunciation of the action which Is that sufficient that the document is found in the
the former had against the latter. If in order to obligor? There are words that indicate full
nullify this waiver it should be claimed to be payment but the absence of the signature is
inofficious, the debtor and his heirs may insufficient proof that cannot be presumed that it
uphold it by virtue of payment of the debt. is fully complied with.
the law requires that the evidence of credit that Second paragraph of 1271 refers to a situation
must be delivered by the creditor to the debtor is whereby the heirs questions the waiver or the
private... so it is a public document,.. the renunciation because it's inofficious. inofficious
promissory note, example the dividends of means excessive. in as much as it will now
credit., it must be private. it means that there prejudice the legitimes heirs of the creditors. the
must be no intervention of a notary public. If it is defense of the heir of the debtor. the law says,
not authorized. it's merely signed by friends. and they can it may uphold it by proving that the
thus, it is bond that has an intervention of a delivery of the document was made in virtue of
notary public, it ceases to be a private document. payment of the debt. no longer the virtue of
it becomes a public document and even if it is renunciation. further proofs may be required by
delivered by the creditor to the debtor is the those questioning the renunciation or the
original of the public document. no presumption payment. the presumption is that if the document
shall arise that there's renunciation of the is found in the possession of the debtor, there is
obligation in favor of the debtor because the renunciation and further presumes that the
notary public keeps one of the copies. and delivery thereof is voluntarily made by the
transmits the copy to the clerk of court at the end creditor to the debtor. there must be that
of month. so when a lawyer authorizes a voluntariness on the part of the creditor and the
document, he always keeps a copy of the burden of proof is on the part of the creditor that
document and he is required to submit a copy to he delivers it against his will because the
the clerk of court. so even if there is a delivery of presumption is that it was voluntarily delivered.
the original, there is no presumption there is another presumption is 1273.
renunciation of the obligation and likewise even if Art.1273 the renunciation of the principal debt
it is a private document, but it is 3 copies. shall extinguish the accessory obligations;
original, duplicate and triplicate. all sign originally, but the waiver of the latter shall leave the
so that is carbonize. where the signature of the former in force.
parties are placed. if the duplicate copy is The reason is why if the principal obligation is
delivered by the creditor to the debtor. there is no renounced or waived by the creditor. it also
presumption that there is renunciation. stands to the reason that the accessory
What should be delivered by the creditor to the obligations are also renounced. the reason is that
debtor is the original of the original. Transpacific the accessory obligation derives its life from the
case principal obligation. if there is no principal
obligation to speak of, there is no accessory Example: A issues a promissory note to B. B
obligation likewise. but not where it is the negotiates a PN to C. C to D. D to E. and E back
accessory obligation that is waived. the principal to A
obligation shall still subsist. the same holds true Art 1276 Merger which takes place in the
in pledge, if the thing pledge is already found in person of the principal debtor or creditor
the possession after that has been delivered and benefits the guarantors. Confusion which
is found in the possession of the debtor, the takes place in the person of any of the latter,
presumption is that the accessory obligation of like the guarantor, surety does not extinguish
debt has already been remitted or renounced but the obligation.
not the principal obligation or when the third Art 1277 is the exception. when the law requires
person owns the thing because the things pledge that it must be total with regards to the entire
may not necessarily owned by the person who obligation respecting joint obligations.
pledge the object. Compensation
Art 1278 Compensation shall take place, when 2
A1275 confusion and merger of rights Should persons, in their own right, are creditors and
not be confused with confusion and merger debtors of each other. or off setting.
under the law on property because there are also Example: A owes B 10k, B owes A 8k .can there
situations under the law on property where there be compensation? 2k
is merger of the person. for instance, in a
contract of usufruct. the usufructuary becomes 4 types of compensation.
the owner of the thing which is the object of the 1. Legal compensation- In order for legal
contract of usufruct. thus, the characters of compensation to arise, all the requisites in 1279
naked owner and usufruct are now confused in must be present. Legal compensation takes
one person. but not in confusion and merger that place by operation of Law even if the parties are
is within the discussion of confusion and merger not aware that all the requisites have been
of rights. likewise, if the servient estate acquires complied with. But, This must be invoked by the
the dominant estate, there is also confusion and debtor, otherwise there can be no compensation.
merger but that is under the law of property. 2. Facultative compensation- can only be invoked
A 1275 provides that the obligation is by the party who has the right to object to the
extinguished from the time the characters of compensation.
creditor and debtor are merged in the same Example: X is to deliver to Y Toyota Vios 1.3
person. Y is to deliver to X Toyota Vios 1.9.
3 requisites in order that confusion arise/merger who has the right to object or claim the right to
1. It must take place between the principal debtor compensation? who will receive the 1.9? X has
and creditor- the right to invoke compensation. because he will
obligation must be whole, because if the thing be prejudiced.
that is secured, the petition is secured by 3. conventional compensation- the agreement of
mortgage is acquired by the creditor, then there the parties. Even if the obligations are not yet
is no confusion or merger of rights due. if the parties so agrees, then there is
3. confusion must be total in the entire obligation. conventional compensation.
exception is 4. Judicial compensation- case Gan vs Reyes.
Art 1277, refers to joint obligation. as regards this happens when there is a civil case.
to the share corresponding to the creditor or Example: A files case against B. B in his answer,
debtor in whom the two characters concur. also claims for damages. You call that a
counterclaim. Court files for A but also files for B.
because the counterclaim is valid, in the the part of A, not B. on the other hand, the
decision, the court may now off-set their obligation here already prescribed. Can there be
respective claims against each other. compensation? YES
A 1279. In order that Legal compensation may why? Legal compensation for as long as the
be proper, if is necessary: requisites at one time had concurred, then legal
1. That each one of the obligors be bound compensation takes place by operation of law.
principally, and the he be at the same time a even if one of the party or all of the parties are
principal creditor of the other. not aware of it. this must be set up by the debtor,
(because if B is representing C, with respect to Even if one of the debts already prescribed.
the credit due him, he is not the principal creditor. 5. That over neither of them there be any
he's merely a representative of C, there is no retention or controversy, commenced by third
concurrence as with respect to the first requisite. persons and communicated in due time to the
they must be both principally bound as principal debtor.
creditor and debtor of each other.
2. That both debts consist in a sum of money,
or if the things due are consumable, they be
of the same kind, and also of the same quality
if the latter has been stated;
maam said: more fungible is more appropriate
that they may be of the same kind, and also of
the same quality if the latter has been stated..
Can there be compensation if the things are
specific or the object? No, likewise there can be
no compensation if the obligation is facultative or
alternative or one with a penal clause.
3. that the 2 debts be due;
in order for a claim to be found a debt, it must be
through a proper judicial proceeding or there
must be a determination. If there's no judgment,
it's only a debt in embryo. Is it required in order
for the debts to be considered to be due must be
incurred at the same time? PNB v Uy, it is not
required that the 2 parties' obligations be incurred
at the same time.
4. what the law requires is that they must be
due and demandable at the same time.
Example: A obtained a loan from B due and
demandable on Jan. 16, 2000. B secured a loan
from A on Feb. 1, 2000, On June 12. 2009, B
made a demand on A to pay the amount due. On
Jan. 16, 2010, A made a demand from B. B
claimed compensation. With a written extra-
judicial demand, what happens? There is a tolling
of prescriptive period. But the demand was on

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