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Spiritual Needs Questionnaire (SpNQ)

Reference: Büssing, A., Balzat HJ, Heusser P: Spiritual needs of patients with chronic pain diseases and cancer -
validation of the spiritual needs questionnaire. Eur J Med Res 2010; 15, 266-273.
Büssing A, Janko A, Kopf A, Lux EA, Frick E: Zusammenhänge zwischen psychosozialen und
spirituellen Bedürfnissen und Bewertung von Krankheit bei Patienten mit chronischen Erkrankungen.
Spiritual Care 2012; 1: 57-73

Language: German, English, Chinese, French, Polish, Nigerian, Malaysian, Indonesian

Contact: Prof. Dr. med. Arndt Büssing, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany; Email:

Copyright: Prof. Dr. med. Arndt Büssing, University Witten/Herdecke

Origin: Original instrument.

Purpose: For many patients confronted with chronic diseases, spirituality/religiosity is an important resource for
coping. However, patients often report unmet psychosocial and spiritual needs. Caring for these
secondary needs is not only relevant to patients at the end of their life but also to those suffering from
long-term chronic illnesses. One could identify four core dimensions of spiritual needs, i.e.,
Connection, Peace, Meaning/Purpose, and Transcendence, which can be attributed to underlying
psychosocial, emotional, existential, and religious needs.

Population: Can be used in adults with chronic diseases.

Rater: Self, telephone or interview-administered; either as a diagnostic tool, or as an instrument for

Time Required: 5 min. for self administration

Training: none

Scoring: The patients rate whether they currently have the respective needs (yes / no), and how strong
they were to them. To measure the significance of spiritual needs for the individual, the instrument
uses a 4-point scale from disagreement to agreement (0 - not at all; 1 - somewhat; 2 - strong; 3 -
very strong).

Description: The questionnaire can be used either as a diagnostic tool with 27 items, or as a contextual 19-item
research instrument (with some optional items) which differentiates 4 main factors, i.e.,

1. Religious (alpha = .92), i.e., praying for and with others, and by themselves, participate at a
religious ceremony, reading of spiritual/religious books, turn to a higher presence (i.e. God,
angels etc.)

2. Inner Peace (alpha = .82), i.e., wish to dwell at places of quietness and peace, plunge into
the beauty of nature, finding inner peace, talking with other about fears and worries,
devotion by others

3. Existential (Reflection / Meaning) (alpha = .82) i.e., reflect previous life, talk with someone
about meaning in life / suffering, dissolve open aspects in life, talk about the possibility of a
life after death, etc.

4. Actively Giving / Generativity (alpha = .74) addresses the active and autonomous intention
to solace someone, to pass own life experiences to others, and to be assured that your life
was meaningful and of value

kuesioner dapat digunakan baik sebagai alat diagnostik dengan 27 item, atau sebagai
instrumen penelitian 19-item kontekstual (dengan beberapa item opsional) yang membedakan
4 faktor utama, yaitu,

Agama (alpha = 0,92), yaitu, berdoa untuk dan dengan orang lain, dan dengan sendirinya,
berpartisipasi pada upacara keagamaan, membaca buku-buku spiritual / agama, beralih ke
kehadiran yang lebih tinggi (yaitu Allah, malaikat dll)
Inner Peace (alpha = 0,82), yaitu, ingin tinggal di tempat-tempat ketenangan dan kedamaian,
terjun ke keindahan alam, menemukan kedamaian batin, berbicara dengan lainnya tentang
ketakutan dan kekhawatiran, pengabdian oleh orang lain

Eksistensial (Reflection / Arti) (alpha = 0,82) yaitu, mencerminkan kehidupan sebelumnya,

berbicara dengan seseorang tentang makna hidup / penderitaan, larutkan aspek terbuka dalam
hidup, berbicara tentang kemungkinan kehidupan setelah kematian, dll

Aktif Pemberian / generativity (alpha = 0,74) alamat tujuan aktif dan otonom untuk menghibur
seseorang, untuk lulus pengalaman hidup sendiri kepada orang lain, dan yakinlah bahwa hidup
adalah bermakna dan nilai
Depending on the population (i.e., elderly living in retirement homes), some of the main factors may
split into sub-dimensions which may involve some of the optional items.

Currently we test a shorter version for adolescents with chronic health affections.

Coverage: Research and Clinical

Reliability: The internal consistency estimates of SpNQ 2.1 range from .74 to .92.

Validity: Religious Needs correlate very strong with the SpREUK scale Trust in Higher Guidance (r>.7), and
strongly also with Search for Support / Access and Reflection (Positive Interpretation of Disease). Both
Existential Needs and Actively Giving are moderately correlated with the SpREUK scales, while needs
for Inner Peace was just weakly associated. In patients with chronic pain conditions, Existential Needs
were moderately associated with the escape-avoidance strategy (Escape from Illness).
Spiritual Needs are just weakly associated with life satisfaction, particularly Actively Giving (which
is a factor attributed to the Connection category) was associated with life satisfaction (r = .17; p =
.012), and negatively with patients´ symptom scores (r = -.29; p < .0001), while need for Inner Peace
was weakly associated with patients´ satisfaction with the treatment efficacy (r= .24; p < .0001).
Multivariate linear regression analyses revealed that anxiety had a significant impact on cancer
patients´ needs for Inner Peace, Existential Needs, and Actively Giving. In patients with fibromyalgia,
particularly Inner Peace needs and Existential Needs correlated with different domains of reduced
mental health, particularly with anxiety, the intention to escape from illness, and psychosocial

Strengths: The instrument avoids exclusive religious terminology and is suited both in secular and also in
religious societies. The needs for Inner Peace, which was of strongest relevance for patients with
chronic pain diseases and cancer, can be interpreted as their intention to return to a peaceful state of
save completeness. The aspect of Actively Giving / Generativity seems to be of outstanding
importance too, because it can be interpreted as patients´ intention to leave the role model of a
`passive sufferer´ to become an active, self-actualizing, giving individual.


Büssing A, Balzat HJ, Heusser P. Spirituelle Bedürfnisse von Patienten mit chronischen Schmerz- und Tumorerkrankungen.
Perioperative Medizin 2009, 1, 248.
Büssing A., Balzat HJ, Heusser P. Spiritual needs of patients with chronic pain diseases and cancer - validation of the spiritual needs
questionnaire. Eur J Med Res 2010, 15, 266-273.
Büssing A, Koenig HG. Spiritual Needs of Patients with Chronic Diseases. Religions 2010; 1: 18-27.
Höcker A: Spiritualität/Religiosität und Lebenssinn bei Krebspatienten. Thesis at the Institute of Medical Psychology, University
Hamburg Eppendorf; 2011
Büssing A, Lux EA, Janko A, Kopf A: Psychosoziale und spirituelle Bedürfnisse bei Patienten mit chronischen Schmerz- und
Krebserkrankungen. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie 2011; 41: 39-73
Büssing A, Janko A, Kopf A, Lux EA, Frick E: Zusammenhänge zwischen psychosozialen und spirituellen Bedürfnissen und
Bewertung von Krankheit bei Patienten mit chronischen Erkrankungen. Spiritual Care 2012; 1: 57-73
Büssing A, Zhai Xiao-feng, Wenbo Peng, Changquan Ling: Psychosocial and spiritual needs of patients with chronic diseases:
validation of the Chinese version of the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire. Journal of Integrative Medicine 2013; 11(2):106-15.
Büssing A, Janko A, Baumann K, Hvidt NC, Kopf A: Spiritual Needs among Patients with Chronic Pain Diseases and Cancer Living
in a Secular Society. Pain Medicine 2013; 14: 1362–1373
Erichsen NB, Büssing A: Spiritual Needs of Elderly living in Retirement / Nursing Homes. Evidence-based Complementary and
Alternative Medicine 2013; Article ID913247.
Offenbaecher M, Kohls N, Toussaint LL, Sigl C, Winkelmann A, Hieblinger R, Walther A, Büssing A: Spiritual needs in patients
suffering from fibromyalgia. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013; Article ID 178547, 13 pages
Büssing A, Pilchowska I, Surzykiewicz J: Spiritual Needs of Polish patients with chronic diseases. Journal of Religion and Health
2015; 54(5): 1524-1542
Höcker A, Krüll A, Koch U, Mehnert A:.Exploring spiritual needs and their associated factors in an urban sample of early and
advanced cancer patients. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2014; 23(6):786-794. doi: 10.1111/ecc.12200.
Man-Ging CI, Öven Uslucan J, Fegg M, Frick E, Büssing A: Reporting Spiritual Needs of Older Adults Living in Bavarian
Residential and Nursing Homes. Journal of Mental Health, Religion and Spirituality 2015
SpNQ 2.1
Each person has its own and unique point of view. The following statements were mentioned by several
other patients, and they must not necessarily apply to yours.
Please read the statements you will find here carefully and then indicate how true each is for you and
your current situation by circling one number per line. When you do have a respective need (“Yes”),
then indicate how strong it is. Otherwise, circle the “No” option”
Please be as honest and true as possible: There is no `right´ or `wrong´ answer.
During the last time, did you have had the Agreement how strong is this need ?
needs … No Yes some- strong very
what strong
To talk with others about your fears and worries? 1 2 3
N3 *
That someone of your religious community (i.e. 1 2 3
pastor) cares for you? 
To reflect your previous life? 1 2 3
To dissolve open aspects of your life? 1 2 3
To plunge into beauty of nature? 1 2 3
To dwell at a place of quietness and peace? 1 2 3
To find inner peace? 1 2 3
To find meaning in illness and/or suffering? 1 2 3
To talk with someone about the question of 1 2 3
meaning in life? 
To talk with someone about the possibility of life 1 2 3
after death? 
To turn to someone in a loving attitude? 1 2 3
To give away something from yourself? 1 2 3
To solace someone? 1 2 3
To forgive someone from a distinct period of your 1 2 3
life? 
To be forgiven? 1 2 3
To pray with someone? 1 2 3
That someone prays for you? 1 2 3
To pray for yourself? 1 2 3
To participate at a religious ceremony (i.e. 1 2 3
service)? 
To read religious / spiritual books? 1 2 3
To turn to a higher presence (i.e.,God, Allah)? 1 2 3
For being complete and safe? 1 2 3
To feel connected with family? 1 2 3
To pass own life experiences to others? 1 2 3
To be assured that your life was meaningful and of 1 2 3
value? 
To be re-involved by your family in their life 1 2 3
concerns? 
To receive more support from your family? 1 2 3
In case you have further specific needs you would like to let us know:
 1 2 3
 1 2 3
 1 2 3
© Prof. Dr. Arndt Büssing, W itten/Herdecke University

* Optional items to be used in elderly living in residential (nursing) homes etc.

SpNQ 2.1
Im Folgenden finden Sie Aussagen zu bestimmten Bedürfnissen, wie sie von anderen Menschen
geäußert wurden. Bitte überprüfen Sie, inwieweit diese für Sie persönlich in der letzten Zeit zutreffen.
Wenn dieses Bedürfnis für Sie besteht, dann geben Sie bitte auch an, wie stark dieses bei Ihnen
ausgeprägt ist.
Wenn „ja“:
Zustim- Wie stark ist dieses
Haben sie in der letzten Zeit das Bedürfnis gehabt … mung Bedürfnis bei Ihnen?
Nein Ja gering mittel groß
mit jemandem über Ihre Ängste und Sorgen reden zu 1 2 3
können? 
N3 *
dass sich jemanden aus Ihrer Gemeinde (z.B. 1 2 3
 
Seelsorger, Pfarrer) um sie kümmert?
auf Ihr bisheriges Leben zurückzuschauen?   1 2 3
ungelöste Dinge aus Ihrem Leben zu klären?   1 2 3
In die Schönheit der Natur eintauchen zu können?   1 2 3
an einem Ort der Ruhe und des Friedens verweilen zu 1 2 3
 
inneren Frieden finden zu können?   1 2 3
einen Sinn in Ihrer Krankheit oder Leiden sehen zu 1 2 3
 
mit jemandem die Frage nach dem Sinn im Leben 1 2 3
 
mit jemandem zu können?
über die Möglichkeit eines Lebens nach 1 2 3
N12  
dem Tod reden zu können?
N13 sich jemandem liebevoll zuwenden zu können?   1 2 3
N14 etwas von sich verschenken zu wollen?   1 2 3
N15 jemandem Trost spenden zu können?   1 2 3
jemandem aus einem bestimmten Abschnitt Ihres 1 2 3
 
Lebens vergeben zu können?
N17 dass Ihnen vergeben wird?   1 2 3
N18 mit jemandem zu beten?   1 2 3
N19 dass jemand für sie betet?   1 2 3
N20 selber zu beten?   1 2 3
N21 an einer religiösen Feier (z.B. Gottesdienst) 1 2 3
 
teilnehmen zu können?
N22 religiöse/spirituelle Bücher/Schriften zu lesen?   1 2 3
N23 sich an eine höhere Präsenz (Gott, Engel….) wenden 1 2 3
 
zu können?
N24* wieder vollständig und heil sein zu können?   1 2 3
N25* mit der Familie verbunden zu sein.   1 2 3
N26 ihre Lebenserfahrungen weitergeben zu können?   1 2 3
N27 Gewissheit zu haben, dass das eigene Leben sinn- 1 2 3
 
und wertvoll war?
N28* von der eigenen Familie wieder stärker in deren 1 2 3
 
Lebensalltag einbezogen zu sein?
von meiner Familie mehr Rückhalt zu bekommen?   1 2 3
Falls Sie noch weitere spezifische Bedürfnisse haben, die Sie mitteilen wollen….

 1 2 3
 1 2 3
© Prof. Dr. Arndt Büssing, W itten/Herdecke University
 1 2 3
Poniżej znajdują się wypowiedzi osób dotyczące potrzeb psycho-społecznych i
Proszę sprawdzić, jak dalece dotyczą one Pani/Pana osobiście w ostatnim czasie.
Jeśli Pani odczuwała/Pan odczuwał również takie potrzeby,
proszę podać w jakim stopniu one występują.
Jeśli „tak“, to
Czy ostatnio odczuwała Pani/odczuwał Pan Dotyczy jak silna jest ta potrzeba
potrzebę … u Pani/Pana?
Nie Tak mała średnia duża
N1* większej uwagi ze strony innych?   1 2 3
N2 możliwości rozmowy z kimś o własnych obawach 1 2 3
 
i troskach?
N3* żeby ktoś ze wspólnoty parafialnej (np. ksiądz) 
1 2 3

zatroszczył się o Panią/Pana?
N4 spojrzenia wstecz na swoje życie?   1 2 3
N5 wyjaśnienia nierozwiązanych spraw w Pani/Pana 1 2 3
 
N6 możliwości zgłębienia piękna przyrody?   1 2 3
N7 możliwości przebywania w miejscu ciszy i spokoju?   1 2 3
N8 możliwości znalezienia spokoju wewnętrznego?   1 2 3
N10 możliwości poznania sensu Pani/Pana choroby lub 1 2 3
 
N11 możliwości porozmawiania z kimś na temat sensu 1 2 3
 
N12 możliwości porozmawiania z kimś o życiu po śmierci?   1 2 3
N13 możliwości serdecznego zwrócenia się do kogoś?   1 2 3
N14 chęci dania czegoś od siebie?   1 2 3
N15 możliwości pocieszenia kogoś?   1 2 3
N16 możliwości przebaczenia komuś?   1 2 3
N17 przebaczenia Pani/Panu?   1 2 3
N18 1 2 3
modlitwy z kimś?  
N19 żeby ktoś się pomodlił za Panią/Pana?   1 2 3
N20 pomodlenia się?   1 2 3
N21 możliwości uczestnictwa w uroczystości religijnej 
1 2 3

(np. mszy świetej)?
N22 czytania książek religijnych/duchowych?   1 2 3
N23 możliwości zwrócenia się do sił wyższych (Bóg, 1 2 3
 
N24* możliwości bycia ponownie całym i zdrowym?   1 2 3
N25* bycia związanym z rodziną?   1 2 3
N26* możliwości przekazania Pani/Pana doświadczeń 1 2 3
 
N27* poczucia pewności, że własne życie miało sens i było 1 2 3
 
N28* ponownego silniejszego włączenia się w życie 1 2 3
 
codzienne własnej rodziny?
N29* zapraszania przez przyjaciół na prywatne spotkania?   1 2 3
N30* otrzymania większego wsparcia od rodziny?   1 2 3

© Prof. Dr. Arndt Büssing, University Witten/Herdecke (Polish translation: Prof. DDr. Janusz Surzykiewicz)

* Optional Items
Besoins psycho-sociaux et spirituels
Chaque personne a un point de vue personnel et unique. Les déclarations suivantes ont été rapportées
par plusieurs autres patients et elles ne s'appliquent pas nécessairement à vous.
Lisez s'il vous plaît soigneusement les déclarations que vous trouverez ci-dessous et indiquez ensuite si
vous êtes d’accord ou pas et si oui, indiquez en entourant la réponse pour chaque ligne, quel est le
degré de votre accord, dans votre situation actuelle.
S'il vous plaît soyez le plus spontané(e) possible : Il n'y a pas de bonnes ou de mauvaises réponses.

Accord Si oui, quelle est l’intensité de ce

Ces derniers temps, vous avez ressenti le besoin … besoin ?
Non Oui Faible Fort Extrêmement
D’une plus grande attention de la part des autres ?   1 2 3
De parler avec d'autres de vos craintes et soucis ?   1 2 3
Que quelqu'un de notre communauté (comme l'aumônier) se 1 2 3
soucie de vous ?  
De réfléchir à votre vie passée ?   1 2 3
D’effacer certains aspects de votre vie ?   1 2 3
De plonger dans la beauté de la nature ?   1 2 3
De rester dans un endroit de tranquillité et la paix ?   1 2 3
De trouver la paix intérieure ?   1 2 3
De trouver une signification à la maladie et/ou à la 1 2 3
 
souffrance ?
Parler avec quelqu'un de la question du sens de la vie ?   1 2 3
De parler avec quelqu'un de la possibilité d’une vie après la 1 2 3
 
mort ?
De donner votre affection à quelqu'un ?   1 2 3
De donner quelque chose de vous ?   1 2 3
De consoler quelqu'un?   1 2 3
De pardonner à quelqu'un pour un évènement antérieur de 1 2 3
votre vie ?  
D’être pardonné(e)?   1 2 3
De prier avec quelqu'un?   1 2 3
Que quelqu’un prie pour vous ?   1 2 3
De prier pour vous-même ?   1 2 3
De participer à une cérémonie religieuse (comme une messe, 1 2 3
 
etc.) ?
De lire des livres religieux et/ou des livres spirituels ?   1 2 3
De vous tourner vers une présence supérieure (c'est-à-dire. 1 2 3
 
Dieu, Anges etc.)
D’être sain et sauf ?   1 2 3
De se sentir plus en lien avec sa famille ?   1 2 3
De recevoir plus de soutien de la part de votre famille ?   1 2 3
De faire profiter les autres de son expérience difficile ?   1 2 3
D’être rassuré sur le sens et la valeur de votre vie?   1 2 3
D’être davantage impliqué(e) dans la vie de famille au 1 2 3
 
quotidien ?
De recevoir plus de soutien de mon « binôme » ou collègue 1 2 3
 
de travail ?
De recevoir plus de soutien de mon « chef » ?   1 2 3
Kuesioner Spiritual
Setiap orang memiliki sudut pandang sendiri dan unik. Pernyataan berikut disebutkan oleh beberapa
pasien lain, dan belum tentu hal tersebut sesuai dengan anda. Bacalah pernyataan berikut dengan
cermat, tandailah seberapa benar masing-masing pernyataan itu sesuai dengan diri anda, dan sesuai
dengan keadaan anda saat ini dengan melingkari nomor di setiap barisnya.
Lakukan dengan jujur dan benar: tidak ada jawaban “salah” ataupun “benar”
Jika YA,
Selama beberapa waktu ini, apakan anda Persetujuan Seberapa besar
mempunyai kebutuhan untuk …….. kebutuhan itu?
Tidak Ya Agak Sangat Amat
Lebih disayang dari orang lain? 1 2 3
Berbicara dengan orang lain mengenai ketakutan dan 1 2 3
kekhawatiran anda? 
Bahwa seseorang dalam lingkungan kita (seperti 1 2 3
 
pemuka agama) peduli dengan anda?
Merenungkan kembali hidup anda sebelumnya?   1 2 3
Menghilangkan aspek keterbukaan dalam hidup 1 2 3
 
anda? (menjadi orang yang lebih tertutup) 
Menyatu (menikmati) dengan keindahan alam?  1 2 3
Tinggal di tempat yang tenang dan damai?   1 2 3
Menemukan kedamaian batin?   1 2 3
Menemukan makna dalam sakit dan atau 1 2 3
 
Berbicara dengan orang lain tentang makna akan 1 2 3
 
Berbicara dengan orang lain tentang kemungkinan 1 2 3
 
kehidupan setelah meninggal?
Beralih menjadi orang yang penuh cinta kasih?   1 2 3
Memberikan sesuatu untuk diri anda sendiri?   1 2 3
Menjadi pelipur lara orang lain?   1 2 3
Memaafkan seseorang dari waktu yang berbeda dari 1 2 3
 
hidup anda?
Dimaafkan?   1 2 3
Berdoa dengan orang lain?   1 2 3
Bahwa seseorang berdo’a untuk anda?   1 2 3
Berdo’a untuk diri anda sendiri?   1 2 3
Berpartisipasi dalam upacara keagamaan?   1 2 3
Membaca buku spiritual atau buku keagamaan?   1 2 3
Beralih dan mendekat dalam keagungan akan 1 2 3
kehadiran yang lebih tinggi (keesaan, Tuhan,  
Merasa lengkap dan aman?   1 2 3
Merasakan terhubung (dekat) dengan keluarga?   1 2 3
Berbagi pengalaman hidup kepada yang lain?   1 2 3
Diyakinkan bahwa hidup anda bermakna dan punya 1 2 3
 
Dilibatkan kembali oleh keluarga anda dalam 1 2 3
 
Mendapaturusan? 
dukungan yang lebih dari keluarga?  1 2 3
Berunding dengan anak atau cucu?   1 2 3
© Prof. Dr. Arndt Büssing, W itten/Herdecke University (Indonesian translation: Nur Laili Fithriana; Staff PSIK FK UNDIP)
第二部分:心理需求与精神需求 (SpNQ 2.0)
自己的真陈感受陈极配合陈次陈陈, 陈里没有正确及陈陈的答案。

同意 如果肯定,
最近这段时间,您是否有这些需求…… 这种需求的程度如何?
否 是 一些 非常 极度
N1 别人更多的给予关注?   1 2 3
N2 希望和别人谈论您的恐惧和担忧?   1 2 3
N3 希望同事或社区的人关心您?   1 2 3
N4 回想以前的生活?   1 2 3
N5 解决生活中没有处理好的事情?   1 2 3
N6 开始欣赏自然界的美好?   1 2 3
N7 流连于安静和平和的环境?   1 2 3
N8 发现内心的平和?   1 2 3
N9 听感人的音乐?   1 2 3
N10 发现疾病或病痛的意义?   1 2 3
N11 与他人谈论生命的价值?   1 2 3
N12 和他人谈论人死后生命是否依然存在?   1 2 3
N13 爱与态度和善的人交流?   1 2 3
N14 主动放弃一些事情?   1 2 3
N15 安慰他人?   1 2 3
N16 原谅一些很久以前伤害过自己的人?   1 2 3
N17 希望被人原谅?   1 2 3
N18 和他人一同祈祷?   1 2 3
N19 别人为自己祈祷?   1 2 3
N20 自己为自己祈祷?   1 2 3
N21 参加一种宗教活动(如礼拜、寺院许愿)?   1 2 3
N22 阅读宗教或精神类的书籍?   1 2 3
N23 向神灵寻求帮助和慰藉?   1 2 3
N24 希望保持自己身体的完整性及心理上的安全感?   1 2 3
N25* 感觉与家族成员联系很密切( 包括长辈)?   1 2 3
N26* 向他人传授自己的生活经验   1 2 3
N27* 确信自己的生命是有意义和价值的?   1 2 3
© Prof. Dr. Arndt Büssing, W itten/Herdecke University (Chinese Version)
Cada pessoa tem seus pontos de vista únicos e particulares. As frases abaixo foram ditas por diversos outros
pacientes e podem não se aplicar necessariamente ao que você pensa. Por favor, leia cuidadosamente as
frases que você vê abaixo e então indique quão verdadeira elas são para você e sua situação atual circulando
um número por linha. Quando você achar que é uma necessidade (SIM), então indique quão forte ela é. De
outra forma indique a opção NÃO.
Por favor seja o mais honesto e verdadeiro possível. Não há resposta certa ou errada.
se SIM, qual a
intensidade disso?
Ultimamente, você tem sentido necessidade de.... não sim
media forte
Falar com os outros sobre seus medos e preocupações?   1 2 3
N3 *
Que alguém de sua comunidade religiosa (ex: pastor, padre) 1 2 3
 
cuidasse de você?
Refletir sobre seu passado?   1 2 3
Resolver aspectos “em aberto”, problemas pendentes na sua 1 2 3
 
Ter mais contato com a beleza da natureza?   1 2 3
Permanecer em um lugar de quietude e paz?   1 2 3
Encontrar paz interior?   1 2 3
Encontrar sentido na doença e/ou sofrimento?   1 2 3
Falar com alguém sobre o significado da vida?   1 2 3
Falar com alguém sobre a possibilidade de vida após a 1 2 3
 
Voltar-se para alguém em uma atitude de amor?   1 2 3
Abrir mão, doar algo seu?   1 2 3
Consolar alguém?   1 2 3
Perdoar alguém de seu passado?   1 2 3
Ser perdoado?   1 2 3
Rezar/orar com alguém?   1 2 3
Que alguém reze por você?   1 2 3
Rezar para si mesmo?   1 2 3
Participar de uma cerimônia religiosa (ex: missa, culto)?   1 2 3
Ler livros religiosos/espirituais?   1 2 3
Voltar-se para uma presença maior (ex: Deus, Alá)?   1 2 3
Se sentir completo e seguro?   1 2 3
Sentir-se conectado com sua família?   1 2 3
Transmitir sua própria experiência de vida a outras pessoas?   1 2 3
Ter certeza de que sua vida teve valor e significado?   1 2 3
© Prof. Dr. Arndt Büssing, W itten/Herdecke University; Portuguese Version: Profa. Dra. Tânia Valente and Ana Paula, Universidade Federal do Estado do
Rio de Janeiro - RJ

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