A. Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling Rules), 2008 PDF

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(Camt—ers 30) SE ANTON TOT 33 MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS NOTIFICATION [New Dei the 24th Sepreanber, 2008 15.0.2265(F)—Wherensihe draftruls namely, the Hazardous Material (Management, Handlingand Transboundary Movement } Rules 2007 was published by the Goverment of India in the Ministry of Environment and Forest vide number §.0.1676(F) dated 28" September,2007 in the Cazette of India, Extraordinary of the same date inviting objection und suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby, before the expiry of the period of sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazere containing the said rolfication wert made available tothe publiv; AND WHEREAS copies of the said Gazette were made available to the public on the 28" day of September, 2007; as ane suggestions received within the said period from the public in Coniral Government, AND WHEREAS the obje cespect of the said draft rules have been duly considered by NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 6, $ and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 af 1986), and in supersession of the Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989, excepts in respect of things done er omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Gevertumem hereby makes the following rules, namely. CHAPTER -1 PRELIMINARY 1. Short title and commencement: - (1) These rules may be called the Hazardous Wastes{Munagement, Handling.and Transbounlary Movernent) Rules, 2008 (2) They shall come ito force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette 2. Application: - These rules shall apply to the handing of hazardous wastes os specified im Schedules and shall not apply 10 - {a waste-woner and exhaust gases a3 covered under the provisions of the Water (Prevention aid Contr ‘sf Pollution) Act, 1974 (6 of 1974) and the Air (Prevention and Control Uf Pollution) Act. 198l (14 of 1981) and the gules made iliereunder 718 Gvoe—19 . 4 THEGAZETTEOFINDIASENTRAORDINARY ______[Paxr il--Bke, Say (6) wastes arising out of the operation from ships heyond five kilometres of the relevant baseliae as covered under the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (44 of 1988) and the tiles made thereunder, (©) radioractive wastes as covered under the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act, 1982 (33 of 1962) and. the rules made thereunder: (@) bio-medical wastes covered under the Bio-Mcical Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998 made under the Act; and (€) wastes covered under the Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000 made under the Act; 3, Definitions: - (1) In these rules, untess te context otherwise requires, (a) “Act” means the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986); Cb)"auihorisetion” means permission for generation, handling, calletion, reception, treatment, ‘anspor stornge, recycling, reprocessing, recovery. reuse and disposal of hacardous ‘wastes granted under sub-rule (4) of rule 5; (¢) “Basel Convention” is the United Nations Environment Programme Convention on the Control of ‘Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes aid their Disposal; (2) *Central Pollution Cente Board” means the Ceniral Pollution Control Board eonstituted under subs Section (1) of section 3 of the Weter (Prevention and Control of Pollution} Act, 1974 (6 of 1974); (2 } “disposal” means any operation which does not lead to recycling, recovery or reuse and includes Physico chemical, biological treatment, incincration and disposal in secured landfills (£) “export” with its grammatical varivions and cognate expressions, means taking out of India to a place outside India; (¢) “exporter” tieans any pergon under the juriediction of the exporting country who exports hazardous ‘waste including the country, which exports hazardous waste; (bh )“enviconmentlly sourd management of hazardous wastes means taking all steps required to ensure that the hazardous wastes ate maneged in @ manner which shall protect health and the environmen: against the adverse effects which may result from such waste © “savironmentally sound technologies” means any technology approved by the Central Government fom time to time; (3) “fuclty” meaus any establishment whetcin the proceses incidental to the hanling, collection, ‘eeepGon, teatment, storage, reeyeling,revovery, reuse and disposal of hazardous wiistes are eared wut, (Uk) “Form” means a form appended to these rules; (ores (1) "hazardous waste" means uny waste which by reason of any of its physical, chemical, reactive, tovig, flammable, explosive or corrosive characteristics causes danger of is likely te cause danger to health or enviemment, whether alone oF when in contact with ather wastes or substances, and shall include SI ATT: ETT S$ (1) Waste sneeified under volumn (2) of Schedulc-h Ci) wastes having constituents specified in Schedule-il iftheir concentration is equal 10 or Fore than the limit indicated in the said Schedule, and (il) wastes specified In Part A or Part B of the Schedule in respect of import or export of such wastes in uccordance with rules 12.13 and 14 or the wastes other than those specified in Part A or Part B i'they possess any of the hazardous characteristics specified in Part © of that Schedule: (m ) “hazardous waste site” means a Place of collection, reception, treatment, storage of hazardous wastes and its dieposal to the environment which is approved by the competent authority; (1) "import with ite grammatical variations and cognate expressions, means bringin foto Incl from a lave outside India; (9) “importer” means an eceupier or any person who imports hazardous waste; (B ) “manifest” means transporting document prepared and signed by the occupier or his representative ‘authorized in accordance with the provisions of these rules (q) “oceupier” in relation to any factory or premises, means a person who has, control over the irs of the factory or the premises and includes in relation to any hazardous waste the person in possession of the hazardous waste: (1) “operator of disposal facility” means x person who owns or operates a facility for cullestion, reception, treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous wastes; (8) "reeyeler or reprocessor or actual user " means an occupier who procures and processes huvurdous ‘waste for eoyeling or recovery or re-use; (¢) “resyellng” means reclamation and reprocessing of hazardous waste in an environmentally sound ‘manner for the original purpose or for other purposes; { 11) “reuse” means use of hazardous waste forthe purpose of its original use or other use; (¥ ) "rosavery” means any operation inthe recycling activity wherein specific materials ace recovered: 16 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY _ {Pant Sr. 38)) (.w) Schedule” means « Schedule appended to these rut (ox) “Ste Government” in relation to a Union territory means, the Administrator thereof appointed under article 239 of the Constitution; (3) “Swale Pollution Control Board means the State Pollution Contral Board or the Pollution Control Committee constituted under sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Water(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (6 of 1974); (2) “stermge” means scoring ony’ hazardous waste for a temporary period, atthe end of which such waste js processed or disposed of; (2a) “wansboundary movement” means any movement of havardous wastes from an aree under‘the jurisdiction of one country to or through an sren under the jurisdiction of another country or to or through an area not under the jurisdiction of any country, provided at least two countries are involved in the ‘movement: { ab) “transport” means off-site movement of hazardous wastes by ai, rail, road or water; (ve ) “transporter” means a person engaged in the off'site tensportation af hazardous waste by air, rail, road or water: (2 }“treatment™ means a method, technique or process, designed to modify the physival, che Inlological charaeteristies or camposition of any hazardous wasic so as to reduce its potential.ta cause harm; ical ar (ze) "used off” means any of] + (2) derived from crude oil or mixtures containing synthetic of! including used engine vil, gear oil, hydeaulic wil, wrbine oil, compressor oil industrial gear oil, hest tense oil transformer oil, sgent oil and their wrk hoitom sludges; and (b) suitable for reprocessing, if it meets the specification laid down in Pan of Schedule -V but does not include waste oi; (af) “waste of” means uny oil which includes spills of erude oil, emulsions, tank bottom sludge and slop oil goncrated from petroleum refineries, installations or ships and can be used! as fuel in furnaces for eneryy recovery, if it meets the spetifications laid down in Pact —B of Schedule+S. either as such or alter reprocessing. Words arul expressions used in these rales ant not defined but defined tn the Act shall have the meanings respectively assigned to then: in the Act. OT NY: SIRT CHAPTER TL PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING HAZARDOUS WASTES 4 Responsibilities of the oceupier for handling of hazardous wastes.— (i) The occupier shall’be responsible jor safe and environmentally sound bandiing of hazardous wastes generated in his establishment (2) The hazardous wastes genorated inthe establishment of an occupier shall be sent or sold 10 a recycler or re-processor of reeuscr registered or authorized under these rules or shail be disposed of in an authorized disposal tility (3). The hazardous wastes transported from an occupies’s establishment tn a recycler for recycling or reuse or reprocessing or to an authorized facility for disposal shalt be ‘ransported in aecordance with the provisions of these rules. (4) The occupier oF any other person acting on his betalf who intends to get his hazardous ‘wastes treated and disposed of by the operator of « Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility shall give io the operator of a facilily, such information. as may be determined by the State Pollution Contral Board (5) The oceupicr shall take all adequate steps while handling hazardous wastes to @—comuain contaminants and prevent accidents and limit their eonsequences ‘on fiuman beings and the environments and Gi) provide persons working on the sits with the training, equipment and the information necessary to ensure their safety, 5. Grant of authorization for handling hazardous wastes (1) Bvery person who is engaged in gencration, pracessing, treatment, puckage, storage, ‘tansportation, use, collection, destruction, conversion, offering for sale, transfer or the like of ‘the hazardous waste shall require lo obtain an ‘authorization from the State Pollution Control Board. (2) The hazardous waste shall be collected, tested, rescycled, re-prozessed, stored or Uligpesed of only in such facilities as may be authorized by the Stere Pollution Contral Board for the purpose. THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY. [Paes See. (3 ) Every person engaged in generation, processing, treatment, puckage, storage, Wansportatien, use, collection, destruction, conversion, offering for sale, transfer or the like of the hazardous waste or occupier of the facility shall make an application in Form 1 tothe State Pollution Control Boars for authorization within a period of sixty days from the date of comrasneement of these rules. Provided that any person authorized under the provisions of the Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules , 1989, prior to the date of eoming into force ofthese rues, stall not require to make an application for authorlxaticn tll the period of expiry of such athorization, (4) On receipt of the application complete in all respects for the authorization, the State Pollution Control Boar may, after such inquiry as it considers necessary and on being satiaed that the spplicant poscesses appropriae facilities, technical capabilities and equipment ta hancle hazardous waste safely, grant within a period of one hundred and twenty deys an authorization in Form 2 to the applicant which shall be valid for a period of five years and siiall be subject to stich conditions as may be leid duwn therein, (5). The State Pollution Control Board muy after elving reasonahle opponunty of being heard to the applicant refuse to prant any authorization (6) Every person authorized undor these cules shall maintain the record ef harardaus wastes handled by him in Form 3 and prepare and submit tthe State Pollution Contral Board, an anoual return containing the details specified in Form 4 on ar before the 30" day of June following tothe financial year ta which that return relates (7) An application for the renewal of un authorization shall be made in Form 1, before fs expiry and the State Pollution Control Boned may renew the authorization ater exsruning each eae on merit subjce! tothe eondition that there as been no report of violation of he provisions ofthe Act or the rules mudo thereunder or conditions specified in the authorization, (8.The occupier oF operator of the facility shall take all the steps, wherever required. SOF ‘eduction and prevention of the waste generated or for reveling or ceuse and eoraply ths conditions spcelfied in the authorizatin, (9) The State Pollution Control Hoard shall maintuin a register conaining pertcslers af the conditions imposed under these rules for management of huzardous waste, end it shell be open for inspection during office hours to any person interested ar uffeeted o° a person authorized by him on his behalf STR era: sere 6 Power to suspend or cancel an authorization, () The State Pollution Control Board, may, if in its opinion the holder of the authorization has failed to comply with any of the conditions of the authorization oof with aity provisions of the Act or these rules and after giving him a reasonable ‘opportunity of being card and after recording reasons thereof in writing eancel fF suspend the authorization issued under rule~ 4 for such period as it considers srecesaty in the public interest. (2) Upon suspension or cancellation of the authorization the State Pollution Control Hoard may give directions to the person whose authorization has been suspended of cancelled for the safe storage of the hazardous wastes, and such person shal! comply with sucht directions 7. Storage of Hazardous Waste. (1) The occupiers, recyclers, re-processors, e-users, and opervlors af hoilities may stor: the hazardous wastes for a period not exceeding ninety cays and shall maintain 2 record of sale, transfer, storage, recycling and reprocessing of such wastes and make these records available for inspection: Provided that the State Pollution Control Board may extend the said neried in following ses, namely:- : (i) small generators upto ton tones per anniém; Gi) eeyelers, re-processors and facility operators up to six months of their annual capacity; generators ho do net have access to any Treatment, Storage, Disposal Facility in the concerned State; or (iv). the waste which needs to be specifically stored for development of a process for its recyeling, reuse, CHAPTER — IIE PROCEDURE FOR RECYCLING , REPROCESSING OR REUSE OF HAZARDOUS WASTES 8. Procedure for grant of registration : (1) _ Every person desirous of recycling or reprocessing the hazardous waste specified in Schedule TV may make an applicetion in Form & accompanied with a ‘epy each of the following documents for the grant or renewal of the registrstian:- (@) consent to establish granted by the State Pollution Control Board under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 ( 25 of 1974) and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 21 of 1981): 80, THEGAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY [Par HH Sre. 30) (b) certificate of registration issued by the District Industries Centre’ or any other government agency authorised in this reward, (©) proof of installed capacity of plant and machinery issued by the District Industries Centre or any other government agency authorised in this behalf and (@ incase of renewal, certificate of compliance of effluent, emission standards and treatment and dispasa) of hazardous wasies, as applicable, frou the State Pollution Control Hoard or the Concerned Zoual Office of Central Pollution Control Board, (2) The Central Pollution Comrol Board, on being satisfied that the applicant is utilizing onvironmentally sound technologies end possessos adequate technical capabilities, requisite facilities, and equipment to recycle, reprocess oF reuse hazardous wastes, may grant registration Wg such applicants stipulating therein necessary conditions for carrying ~ but safe operations in the authorized place only: (3) The Central Pollution Control Board shall dispose of the application far registration within a period of one hundred twenty days ffom the date of the receipt of such application complete in all respects. (4) The registration, issued under sub-rule ( 2) shall be valid for a period of five ye the date of its issne, unless the operation is discontinued by the unit or the suspended or cancelled by thie Central Pollution Control Board, 8 from (3) The Cenirat Poltution Control Board may cece! or suspend the registration granted these rules. if it has reesons to bolieve that the revycler ur re-processor his comply with any of the conditions of the registration, or with any provision of the Act or rules made thereunder. (6) The Central Pollution Control Board may after giving a reasonable opporunity of being heard to the ay" icant, by order, refuse to grant or renew the registration (7) The reeyeler oe re-precessor shall sauiatain records of hazardous wasies purchased and processed and shall file'en annual zetura ofits activities of previous year in Form 6 to the ‘State Pollution Contral Board, on or before the 30" day of June of every year. Lamang 36 1 MS ATT: ETE 81 10, AL 2B 2B. Conditions for sale or transfer of Hazardous Wastes for recycling ‘The occupier generating the hazardous wastes specitied in Schedule-IV may sell it only to the recycler having a valid registration from the Central Pollution Control Bou for recycling or zeovery. Standards for recycling ‘The Central Government anc Central Pollution Control Board may issue the guidelines for stundards of performance for recysling provesses fiom time te lime Utilization of hazardous wastes.- ‘The ulilissiion of hazardous wastes as a supplementary resouree or for energy recovery, or aller processing shall be carried oul by (he units only aller obtaining, approval from the Central Pollution Control Board. CHAPTER LY IMPORT AND EXPORT OF HAZARDOUS WASTES Import and export (transboundary movement) of hazardous wastes ‘The Ministry of Environment and Forests shall be the nodal Ministry to deal with the trans-boundary movernent of the hazardous wastes and io grant permission for transil of the hazardous wastes through any part of India, Import and export of hazardous wastes. ~ (0) No import of the havardous wastes {rom any ecuntry to Ind petmitted. isposal shall be (2) ‘The import of Havardous Waste from any country shall be permitted only for the recycling 07 recovery or reuse. (3) The export of hazardous wastes from India may be allowed to en actual user ‘of the wastes or operator of a disposal facility with the Prior Infermed Consent of the importing: country to ensure environmentally sound management of the hazardous waste is question (4) No import or export of the hazardous wastes specified in Schedule VI shall be pennitled, 3718 Gust “THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY [Pann MSxe. 369) 14, Import or export of Hazardous Waste for recycling, recovery and reuses.~ (1) The import and expozt of the hazardous wastes. specified in Schedule — IM, shall be regulated in accordance with the conditions laid down in the said schedule: (2) Subject to the provisions contained in sub-rule (1), = Cj) the import or export of the Hazardous wastes specified in Part A of Schedule ~ Ui shall require Prior Informed Consent of the coumry from where it is imported or exported to, and shall require the license from the Directorate General of Foreign ‘Trade end the prior written petmission of the Central Government; (ii) he import of the hazardous wastes specified in Part B of Schedule IIT shall not requice Prior Informed Consent of le country from where itis imported: (ii ) the import and export of the hazardous wastes not specified in Part A and Part B of Schedule {Il but having the hazardous characteristics outlined in Part C of the said Schedule shall require the prior written permission of the Central ‘overament, before it is imported into of exported from India, as the case may be. 15, Procedure for export of Hazardous Wastes from India.— (1) Any person intending to export hazardous wastes specified in Schedule-IIT shall apply in Form 7 and Form 8 along with full cover insurance policy for consignment to the Contral Govemment for the proposed transboundary movement of the huzardous wastes together with the Prior Informed Consent in writing from the importing country. (2) On receipt of such application, the Ceniral Government may give a “No Objection Certificate’ for the proposed export within 2 period of sixty days from the date of submission of the application and may impose conditions as it may consider necessary G)_ The Central Government, shall forward a copy of the "No Objection Certificate’ granted under sub-rule (2), to the Central Pollution Control Board, the concerned State Poilution Control Iicard und the cancemed Port and Customs authorities for ensuring compliance of the conditions. if any, of the export and to take appropriate steps for the safe handling of the waste shipment (4) The exporter shall ensure that no consignment is shipped before the "No Objection Certificate’ is reveived from the importing country. (5) The exporter shall also ensure thet the shipment is accompanied with the Movement Document in Form 9. (ara 341i) 7 AT TAT» STOTT (6) The exporter shall inform the Ministry of Environment and Forest upon completion of the trans-boundary movement, (7) The exporter of the hazardous wastes shall maintain the records of the hazardous wastes exported by him in Form 10 and the record so maintained shal! be available for inspection. 16. ‘Procedure for import of Hazardous Waste — (1): person intending to import or transit for trans-boundary movement of hazardous wastes specified in Schedule-III shall epply in Form 7 and Ferm 8 to the Central Government of the proposed import wherever applicable, together with the Prior Informed Consent, which ever applicable and shall send a copy of the upplication, simultanevusly, to the concerned State Pollution Contro| Board to enable them to send their comments and observations, if any, to the Ministry of Environment and Forests within a period of thirty days, (2) On receipt of the application in complete, the Ministry of Environment and Forests shall examine the application considering the comments and observations, if any, received! from the State Pollution Control Boards, and may grant the permission or import within a period of sixty days subject to the condition that the importer has - (i) the environmentally sound reeycling, recovery or reuse lucilities; (ii) adequate facilities and arrangement for treatment and diss generated; and (ii) a valid registration {rom the Central Pollution Control Board) and a proof of being an actual user, if required under these rules. al of wastes (3) The Ministry of Environment and Forests. shall forward a copy of the permission granted under sub-rule (2) to the Centcal Pollution Control Board, the concemed State Pollution Control Board and the concerned Port and Customs authorities for ensuring compliance of the conditions of imports and safe handling of the hazardous waste. (4) The Ministry of Environment and Forests shall communicate the permission wo the importer. (5) The Port and Customs authorities shall ensure that shipment is accompanied by the Movement Document in Form 9 and the test report of analysis of the hazardous waste consignment in question, from a laboratory accredited by the exporting country 4. ‘THEGAZETTEOWINDIA : EXTRAORDINARY, rc. 3) (6) The Customs authority shall collect thee randomly drawn samples of the consignment (prior to clearing the consignment as per the provisions laid down under the Customs Act, 1962) for analysis end retain the repoit for a period of two years, in order to ensure that in ‘the event of any dispute, as to whether the consignment conforms or not to the declaration made in the application and Movement Document. (7) The importer of the hazardous waste shall maintain records of the hazardous waste imported by him in Form 10 and the record so maintained shall be available Zor inspection. (8) The importer shall also inform the concerned State Pollution Comtrol Board and the Central Pollution Contro! Board, the date and time of the acrival of the consignment of the hazardous waste ten days in advance, 17, Megal Traffic— (1) The export and import of hazardous wastes from and into India shall be deemed illegal if. Ci) it is without permission of the Central Government in accordance with these rules, or ji) the permission has been obtained through falsification, mis-representation or fraud; o (ili) it does not conform to the shipping details provided in the movement documents; or div) it results in deliberate disposal (ie., dumping) of hazardous wastes in contravention of the Basel Convention and of general principles of Intemational ot National Law. @. In case of illegal import of the hazardous wastes, the importer shall re-export the waste in question at his cost within a period of ninety days from the date of its arrival into Indis and its implementation will be ensured by the coucemed State Pollution Control Board. CHAPTER-V TREATMENT, STORAGE AND DISPOSAL FACILITY KOR HAZARDOUS WASTE: 18. Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility for hazardous wastes.- (1) The Siate Goverment, oscupies, operator of a facility or any association of occupiers shell ividually 67 ‘eatnieat, storage ar (2) The operator of common facility or ovcupier of a captive facility, shall design and set up the Treatment, Storage end Disposal Facility as per technical guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Bor is reysed from time to time and shall obtain approval from the State Polition Contzol Beard for design and layout in this regard trom time tw time. [awe 30 1 SS AT Ta: STENT 85 (3). The State Pollution Control Bord shall monitor the setting up and operation of the Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities regularly. (4) The operator of the ‘Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility shall be responsible for safe and environmentally sound operation of the Treatment, the Storage and Disposal Facility and its closure and post closure phase, us per guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board from time to time. (5) The operator of the Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility shall mainiain records of hazardous wastes handled by him in Form 10. 19. 20. CHAPTER - V1 PACKAGING, LABELLING, AND TRANSPORT UF HAZARDOUS WASTE. Packaging and labeling.- {\) ‘The occupier or operator of the Treatment, Storage und Disposal Facility or recycler shall ensure that the hazardous waste are packaged and labeled, based on the composition in a manner suitable for safe handling, storge and transport as per the guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board from time to time. (2) The labeling and packaging shall be easily visible and be able to withstand physical conditions and climatic factors ‘Transportation uf Hazardous waste.- (2) ‘The transport of the hazardous wastes shall be in accordance with the provisions of these rules and the rules made by the Central Government under the Mocor Vehicles Act, 1988 und other guidelines issued ftom time to time in this regard. Q ‘The occupier shall provide the transporter with the relevant information in Form 11, regarding the hazardous nature of the wastes and measures to be taken in ease of an emergency and shall mark the havardous wastes containers as per Form 12. (3) In case of transport of hazardous wastes for final disposal to a facility for tceatment, storage and disposel existing in a State other than the State where the hazardous waste is generated, the occupier shall obtain ‘No Objection Cerlificate’ from the State Pollution Control Bowed of both the States. (4) Inease of transportation of hazardous wastes through a State other than the Scale of origin or destination, the occupier shell intimate the concerned State Pollution Control Boards before he hands over the hazardous wesles to the transporter. 86 THE GAZETTEOFINDIASEXTRAGRDINARY —_fPanerI_Ser.3(1) 21. Mi fest system (Movement Document to be used within the country only). (1) The occupier shall prepare six copies of the manifest in Form 13 comprising of colour code indicated below and all six copies shall be signed by the transporter: ee ng Copy number Purpose with colour code (@) a) Copy t (White) | To be forwarded by the ascupl Bourd or Commitiee, %o the Slate Pollution Control Copy 2 (Yellow) [To be caitied by the occupier afr taking signature on Wt form The transporter and the rest of the four eopics to be carried by the transporter. Copy 3 (pinky | Yo be retained by the operator ofthe luciliy after signature: Copy 4 (orange) [To Fe retumed to the iramporier by the operator oF fncility/reeycler after accepting waste, CopyStgreen) To he reamed by the operator of the facility to State Pollution Control BoareCommities after treatment and disposal of wastes, Copyothluey To be returned by the operstor of the facility w the occupler Uveatment and disposal of hazardous materials/wastes. 2 ‘The oveupier shall forward copy | (white) to the State Pollution Control Board, and in case the hezacdous wastes is likely to be transported throueh any transit State, the oceupier shall prepare an additional copy each for intimation to such State and forward the same to the voncerned State Pollution Control Board before he hands over the hazardous wastes to the transporter. 3) No tansporter shall aecept hazardous wastes from an occupier for transport unless itis accompanied by copies 3 t0 6 of the manifest (4) ‘The transporter shall submit copies 3 to 6 af the manifest duly signed with date to the operator of the facility along with the waste consignment, Lemu—esxi) ee Teva TUTE (3) Operator of the facility upon completion of treatment and disposi! operations of the hazardous westes shall forward copy 5 (green) to the State Pollution Control Board sind copy 6 (blue) to the accupier and the copy 3 (pink) shall be retained by the operstor of the Lacility CHAPTER VII MISCELLANIOUS 22. Records and returns.- (1) The occupier generating huzurdous wastes and operator of the facility for disposal of hazardous waste shall maintain records of such operations in Form 3. (@) The occupier and operator of a ficility shall send annual retums to the State Pollution Control Bord in Form 4. (3) The State Pollution Control Bore shall prepare an inventory of the hazardous wastes within its jurisdiction anc! compile other related information like reeyeling of the hazerdous wastes and treatment und disposal of the hazardous wastes based on the returns filed by respective occupicr and operator of the feility 23. Responsibility uf Authorities.-The Authority specified in column 2 of the Schedule VIL shall perform the duties as specified in culuran 3 of the Schedule subject to the provisions of these rules. 24. Accident reporting and follow-up.- Where an accident oceurs at the facility or on a hvardous waste site or during transportation of the hazardous waste, the occupier or operator of the facility or the transporter, as the case may be, shall report immediately inthe State Pollution Control Board about the aecident in Formi4, 28. Liabilit of occupier, transporter, operator of a fueility and importer- (1) The occupier, importer, transporter and opecatér of the facility shall be liable for all damages caused to the environment or third party due to improper handling of the hazardous wastes or disposal af the havardous wastes. @) The ve and the operator of the facility shall be Hable to pay financial penalties as levied for any violation of the provisions under these rules by the State Pollution Control Board with the prior approval of the Central Pollution Control Board, 87 28. ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY [Pant 1L_See. 3) 26. Appeal. — (1) Any person aggrieved by an order of suspension or cancellation or refusal of authorization or its renewal passed by the State Pollution Control Board, may, within a period of thirty days from the date on which the order is communicated ta him, prefer en appeal in Form 15 to the Appellate Authority comprising of the Environment Sceretary of the State. (2) Any person aggrieved by an onler of suspension or cancellation, or refusal of registration or its renewal passed by the Central Pollution Control Board, may. within a petiad of thirty days ftom the date on which the order is eammunicated to him, prefer en appeal in Form 15 to the Appellate Authority comprising of the Secretary, to the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment and Forests (3) The Appellate Authority may entertain the appeal after the expiry of the said period of thirty days if itis satisfied that the appellant was prevemed by sufficient cause stom filing the appeal in time. (4) Every appeal tiled under this rule shall be disposed of within a period of sixty days from the date of is filing. Sehedule 1 yee rules 3 i] List of processes generating hazardous wastes S.No. | Processes Havardous Waste * Fumace/reactor residue and debris Tamy residues sludge emulsion Organic residues Residues from alkali wash of fuels 1 Petcochemieal processes: and pyrolylic operations Spent catalyst and molecular sieves Slop oil from wastewater 2 Drilling operation for oil anc gas production Drill cuttings containing ofl Sludge containing oil 1 4 5 .6 Still bottoms from distillation process 7 8 1 3. Drilling mud and other drilling wastes (ar wrs 36) ) Se ST TAU: SIT 3 Cleaning, emptying an maintenance of petroleum oi storage tanks including ships 31 Oil-conlaining cargo residue, washin; water and sludge 3.2 Chemical-containing eargo residue and sludge 3.3 Sludge and filters contaminated with oil 3.4 Ballast water containing oil from ships. | oilfteeycling of waste cil Petroleum. refining/re-processing of used 41 Oily sludge/emulsion 4.2 Spent catalyst 43 Slop oil 4.4 Organic residues from process 4.5 Spent clay containing oi! mineral/synthetic oil a Iubricant in hydraulic system: or other applications Industrial operations “4 5.1 Usedispent off 5.2, Wastes/residues containing oil Secondary production and industrial use of zine G.I Sludge and filter press cake arising out of production of Zine Sulphate and othe Zinc Compounds. 62 Zine. fines/dust/ash/skimmin (dispersible form) 6.3 Other residues trom processing of zin ash/skimmings 6.4 Flue gas dust and other particulates Primary production of zinc/lead/copper and other non-ferrous metals except aluminium Secondary production - of copper 71 Flue gas dust from roasting 7.2 Process residues 7.3 Arsenic-bearing sludge 7A Non ferrous metal bearing sludge and residue, 7.5 Sludge from scrubbers 8.1 Spent electrolytic solutions 8.2 Sludiges and filter cakes 8.3 Flue gas dust and other particulates 3773 GWos—12, Secondary production of lead Production and/or industrial use of cadmium and arsenic and their compounds 9.1 Lead bearing residues 9.2 Lead aslvparticulate from fue gas 10.1 Residues containing cadmium and arsenic v0 THE GAZETTEOR IF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [Pager IISc 3) Production of primary an secondary aluminium THT. Sludges from off-gas treatment 2, Cathode residues including pot lining | wastes 11.3, Tar containing wastes 11.4, Flue gas dust and other particulates 11,5, Wastes from treatment of salt slags and black drosses 12. Metal surface treatment, such 12.1” Acid residues asetching, staining, polishing, 12.2 Alkali residues galvanising, cleaning, 12.3 Spent, bath’/sludge containing sulphide, degreasing, plating, ct. cyanide and toxic metals 12.4 Sludge from bath containing orguni solver 12.3 Phosphate sludge 12.6 Sludge from staining bath 12.7 Copper etching residues Plating metal sludge 13. [Production of iron 13.1 Sludge from acid recovery unit including other ferrous alloyy 13.2 Benzol acid sludge (electric fumaces; ste] 13.3 Decanter tank tar sludge rolling and finishing mills) 134 Ter storaye tank residve Coke oven and by produ plant) 14, | Flardening of ste 141 Cyanide, nittate-, of niteite-containing, sludge 14.2 Spent hardening salt 15 | Production of asbestos or 15.1 Asbastos-containing residues asbestos-containing materials| 15.2 Discarded asbestos 15.3 Dustiparticulates fiom exhaust ga teatment 16, Production of caustic soda 16.1 Mercury bearing sludge and chlorine 16.2. Residuc/sludges and filter cakes 16.3 Brine sludge containing mercury 17, [Production of mineral acids [17.1 Residues, dusts or Alter eakes 17.2 Spent catalyst 18. | Production of niteogenous and 18.1 Spent catalyst complex ietilizers 18.2 Spent cacbon 18.3. Sludve/residue containing arsenic 18.4 Chromium sludge from water cooling tower | 19. Production of pheno! "| 191 Residue/sladge containing phenal (am tars 3) 7 Te TNE: ATEN [20. [Production and/or industria 20.1Contaminated aromatic, aliphatic 0 use of solvents napthenic solvents may oF may not be fit for reuse. 20.2 Spent solvents 20.3 Distillation residues 21 Production and/or industrial 21.1 Process wastes, residues & sludges |usc of paints, pigments] 21.2. Fillers residues “lacquers, varnishes, plastics and inks 22, [Production of plastic raw{22.1 Residues of additives used in plasti materials manufacture like dyestults, stabilizers. flame retardams, etc. | 22.2 Residues and waste of platicisers 22.3 Residues from vinylehloride monomer production 22.4 Residues from acrylonitrile production 22.5 Noo-polymerised residues 23. | Production and/or industrial 25.1 Wases/residues (not made with use of glues, cements) ‘vegetable or animal materials) adhesive and resins 24. [Production of canvas and 24.1 Chemical residues textiles 23. Industrial production end 25.1 Chemical residues formulation of wood 25.2. Resicues stom wood alkali bath preservatives | | 26. Production or industrial use of 26.1 Process waste —Sludgeresidures. synthetic dyes, containing acid or other toxic metals or | | dye-intermediates and ‘organic complexes pigments 26.2 Dust from sir filtration system | 27. | Production of organo-silicone 27.1 process residues a compounds 28, Production/formulation of 28.1. Process Residues and wastes drugs/ pharmaceuticals &{ 28,2 Spent catalyst / spent carbon health care product 28.3. Off specification products 284° Date-expired, — discarded and} off-specification drugs’ medicines ent organic solvents /29. | Production, and formulation) 29.7 Process wastevresidues | of pesticides including! 29.2 Chemical sludge containing residue stockpiles pesticides 29.3 Date-espired and _off-speciticatior z pesticides 1 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY [Pawn h—See. 30) 30] Leather tanneries 30.1 Chromium bearing residues and sludges 31. Electronic Industry 31.1 Process residucs and wastes 31.2 Spent etching chemicals and solvents | 32. Pulp & Paper Industry 32.1 Spent chemicals | 32.2 Corrosive wastes arising from use of strong acid and bases | 32.3 Process sludge containing adsorbable organic halides [AOx] 33, [Disposal of barrels /33.1 Chemical-containine resicue arising from containers used for handling decontamination. of hazardous wastes. 433.1 shudge itom treatment of waste wate | chemicals arising out of cleaning / disposal of barrels / containers | 33." iscarded containers J barcels contaminated with hazardous wastes/chemicals 34. | Purification and treatment of 34.1 Flue gas cleaning residue exhaust air, water & waste 34.2 Spent ion exchange resin containing toxic water fiom the processes in) meials this schedule und common 34.3 Chemical sludge trom waste wale industrial effluent treaument treatment plants (CETP's) 34.4 Oil and grease skimming residues (34.5 Chromium sludge ftom cooling wat 35. Purification process. for 35.1 Filters and filter material which havel organie compounds/solvents organic liquids in them, e.g. mineral oil! synthetic oil and organic chlorine compounds 35.2. Spent catalyst 35.3, Spent carbon 36, Hazardous waste treatmenf 36.1 Sludge from wet scrubbers processes, ¢.. incineration] 36.2 Ash irom incineration of hazardous distillation, separation and waste, fue gas cleaning residues concentration techniques 36.3 Spent acid from batteries 36.4 Distillation residues from contaminate: organic solvents | * The inclusion of wastes contained in this Schedule does not preclude the use of Schedule 2 ty demonstrate that the waste is not hazardous. In case of dispute, the matter would be referred to the Technical Review Committee constituted by MoFF. Note: The high volume low effect wastes such as fly ash, phosphogypsum, red mud, slags from pyrometallurgical operations, mine tailings and ore beneficiation rejects are excluded from the category of hazardous wastes. Separate guidelines on the management of these wastes shall be issued by CPCB, (ars 3) 1 rea TTT: SRT 93 chedale TT [See rule 3(0)] List of Waste Constituents with Concentration Li Class A Concentration limit: 1 50 mg/kg Al Antimony and antimony compounds A2 Arsenic and arsenic compounds 3. Berylliua. 2d beryllium compounds A4 Cadmium and cadmium compounds AS Chromium (V1) compounds AG — Mercury and mercury compounds AT Selenium and selenium compounds A8 — elhirium sad tellurium compounds AQ Thallium #0 thaltium compounds Al0 Inorganic cyanide compounds All Metal carbonyls Al2_ Napthalene Al3. Anthracene Ald Phenanthrene AIS. Chrysene, benzo (a) anthracene, Nuoranthene, benzo (a) pyrene, benzo (KK) flucranthene, indeno (1, 2. 3-cd) pyrene and benzo (hi) perylene AI6 halogenated compounds of aromatic rings, eg, polychlorinated biphenyls, polychlorotcrphenyls and their derivatives ALT Halogenated aromatic compounds AI8 Benzene 19 Organo-chlorine pesticides A20-Orgeno-tin Compounds Class B Concentration limit: ~ 5, 000 mg’kg BI B2 13 Ba BS Be BF BES BS BL bu BIZ Chromium (IIE) compounds Cobalt compounds Copper compounds Lead and lead compounds Molybdenum compounds ‘Nickel compounds Inorgenic Tin compounds ‘Vanadium compounds, Tungsten compounds Silver compounds Halogenated aliphatic compounds ‘Organo phosphorus compounds o4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA :EXTRAORDINARY {Pave Ste. 36) BI3\ Organic peroxides BL4 Organic nitro-and nitraso-compounds BIS Organic azo-and azooxy compounds BIG Nitiles BIT Amines B18 (lso-and thio-) eyanates B19 Phenol and phenolic compounds B20 Mercaptans B21 Ashestas B22 Halogen-silanes B23 Hydrazine (s) B24 Flourine B25 Chlorine B26 Bromine B27 White and red phosphorus B28 Ferro-silicate and alloys B29 Mangenese-silicate B30 Haloyen-containing compounds which produce acidic vapours on contact with humid air or water, ¢g, silicon texachloride, aluminium chloride, titanium tetrachloride Class © Concentration limit: 0 20, 000 mg/kg €] Ammonia and ammonium compounds C2 Inorganic peroxides C3. Barium compounds except barium sulphate C4 Fluorine compounds C5 Phosphate compounds except phosphates of aluminium, calcium and iron C6 Bromates, (hypo-bromites) C7 Chlorates, (hypo-chlorites} , C8 — Aromatic compounds other than those listed under A12 10 A18 C9 Organie silicone compounds C10 Organic sulphur compounds Cll Todates C12 Nitrates, nitrites C13 Sulphides Cl4 Zine compounds cis Its of per-acids C16 Acid amides CIT Acid anhydrides Class D Concentration limit; C 50, 000 mg/ke D1 Total Sulphur D2 Inorganic acids Carr —ae 30] SOTA WO; STATE 9s D3. Metal lnydtogen sulphates D4 Oxides and hydroxides except those of hydrogen, cathon, silicon, iron, aluminum, titanium, manganese, magnesium, calcium D5 Total hydrocarbons other than those listed under A12 to A18 D6 Organic oxygen compounds D7 Organic nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen D8 Nittides D9 Hydrides Class E Regardless of concentration limit, Classified as hazardous wastes if the waste exhibits any of the following Characteristics. EL Flammable Flammable wastes with flash point 65.6% or below. E2 Explosive Wastes which may explode under the effect of flame, hteat or shotochemical conditions. Any other waste of explosive materials included in the Indian Explosive Act. 3 Cortosive Wastes which may be corrosive, by chemical action, will eause severe damage when in contact with living tissue. EA oxic Wastes containing or contaminsied with established toxic and or ecn- toxic constituents, ES Carcinogenicity, Mutagenecity and Endocrine disruptivity Wastes contaminated er containing established carcinogens, mutagens and endocrine disruptors, constituents and their concentration limits given in this Pst are based on ersevhile BAGA (the Netherlands «iy «iy ©) wment Protection Agency) List of Hazardous Substances. In order to decide whetter specific wastes listed is hazardous or not, following points be taken ince consideration, If 2 component of the waste appesrs in ano of the five risk classes listed above (A,3,C.D or &) ond the ‘concentration of the component is equal to or more than the lun for the elevant risks class, the msieis is then 90%7:n) “Slugs ftom copper processing for further processing or refining containing arsenic, lead or eadmium**? Slags from precious metals processing for further refining™* ~ Wastes of refractory Linings, including crucibles, originating, from copper smeltin, - - ~ Aluminum skimmings (or skims) excluding salt slag** ~Tamalum-bearing tin slags with less than 0.5% in? | | BII10 | Llectrical and electronie assemblies | = __ Electronic assemblies consisting only of metals or alloys**"* 99 100 _THEGAZETTEOFINDIA: EXTRAORDINARY [ant Nee. 34) ~ ~ Waste electrical and electronic assemblies scrap (including printed circuit boards) rot containing components such as accumulators and other | batteries included on list A, meroury-switches, glass from cathode-ray | tuibes and other activated glass and PCB-capacitors, er not comtaminated with constituents such as cadmium, mercury. lead, polychlorinated biphenyl) or from which these have been removed, to an extent that they | do not possess any of the constituents mentioned in Schedule 2 to the extent of concentration limits specified therein **** = Electrical and electronic assemblies (including prinied eireuit boards, electronic components and wires) destined for direct reuse and not for recycling or final disposal. B1120 | Spent catalysts excluding liquids used as catalysts, containing any of Transition metals, excluding waste catalysts (spent catalysts, liquid used catalysts or other catalysts) on list Az Scandium Titenium Vanadium Chromium Manganese — Iron. Cobalt Nickel Copper Zine Yerium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum | Hafnium = Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Lanthanaides (rare earth metals): Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neody Samarium —— Europium Gadolinium Terbiurn Dysprosium Holmium Erbium ‘Thulium Yiterbium ——__Lutetium BII30 Cleaned spent precious metal bearing catalysts Bit40 [Precious metal bearing residues in solid form which contain traces of inorganic eyanides BIISG [Precious metals and alloy wastes (gold , silver, the platinum group) in a dispersible form _ 7 BIT60 | Precious-metal ash from the incineration of printed circuit boards (note the related entry on list A A1150) BII7G Precious metal ash from the incineration of photographic film a (mas 401 SENT TT: SETTLE BLIgo ‘Waste photographic film containing silver halides and metallic silver BI190 ‘Waste photographic paper containing silver halides and metallic silver B1200 ‘Granulated slag arising from the manufacture of iron and steel BIZ10 Slag arising from the manufuclure of iron and steel including slag as a source of Titanium dioxide end Vanadium B1220 BI230 Slag from zine production, chemically stabilized, having a high iron content (above 20%) and processed according to industrial specifications mainly for construction Mill scaling arising fora manufacture of iron and steel** BIZ Copper Oxide mill-scale*** Ba ‘Wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic materials B2010 ‘Wastes from mining operations in non-dispersible form: > Natural graphite waste = Slate wastes - Mica wastes. = Leucite, nepheline and nephi syenile waste = Feldspar waste = Fluorspar waste T Silica wastes in solid from excluding those used in foundry operations B2020 Glass wastes in non-dispersible from: = Glass Cullets and other wastes and scrap of glass except activated glass cullets from cathode ray tubes and other activated glasses 82030 Ceramie wastes in non-dispersible form: ‘Cermet wastes and scrap (metal ceramic composites) - Ceramiv based fibres 32040 Other wastes contai 2 principally inorganic constituents “> Partially refined calcium sulphate produced from flue gas desu|phurisation (FGD) 2 = Waste gypsum wallboard or plasterboard arising from the demolition of buildings = Sulphur in solid form 101 102 THE GAZETTEOF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY Pase LI—Sre: 34] i ~ Limestone from production of calcium eyanamide (pH<9) ~ Sodium, potassium, calcium chlorides “arborundum (silicon carbide) - Broken concrete + Lithium tantalum & Lillium-niobium contai g glass scraps 'B2060 | Spent activated carbon resulting from the treatment of potable water and Processes of the food industry and vitamin production (note the related entry on list A A4160) 'B2070 | Calcium fluoride sludge B2080 | Waste gypsum arising from chemical industry processes unless It contains any of the constituents mentioned in Schedule 2 to the extent of concentration limits specified therein 82090 | Waste anode butts from stecl or aluminium production made of peiroleum coke or bitumen and cleaned to normal indusiry specifications (excluding anode butts from chlor alkali clectrolyses and from other metallurgical industry) ‘B2100 Waste hydrates of aluminum and waste alumina and residaes from alumina production, arising from gas cleaning, flocculation or (iltration process B2010 | Bauxite residue ("red mud") (pli moderated to less than 11.5) B2120 Waste acidic or basic solutions with a pH greater than 2 and less than 11.5, which are not corrosive or otherwise hazardous (note the related entey on list A Ad090) BS Wastes containing, principally organic constituents, which may contain metals and inorganic materials T3010 | Solid plastic waste The following plastic or mixed plastic waste, provided they are not mixed with other wastes and are prepared to a specification: Scrap plastic of non-halogensted polymers and copolymers, including but not limited to the following: Ethylene Styrene Polypropylene polyethylene terephthalate Acrylonitrile Butadiene Polyacetals Polyamides (Carros 3419) 1 ART TT: ATT 103 polybutylene tere-phthalats Polyearbonates Polyethers ‘polyphenylene sulphides acrylic polymers alkanes C10-C13 (plasticiser) polyurethane (not containing CFCs) Polysiloxanes polymethyl methacrylate polyvinyl alcohol polyvinyl butyral Polyvinyl acctate Cured waste resins or condensation products Inchiding the Follawing: urea formaldehyde resins phenol formaldehyde resins ‘melamine formaldehyde resins epoxy resins alkyd resins [polyamides = The following fluorinated polymer waStes (excluding post-consumer _wastes): Perfluoroalkoxy alkane Metafluorosikoxy alkane Perfluorocthylene/ propylene ~ | polyvinylfluoride polyvinylidcnefluoride Ba020 Paper. paperboard and paper product wastes**™* ‘The following materials, provided they are not mixed with hazardous wastes: Waste and scrap of paper or paperboard of: unbleached paper or paperboard or of corrugated paper or paperboard + other paper or paperboard, made mainly of bleached chemical pulp, not coloured in the mass * paper or paperboard made mainly of mechanical pulp (lor example, newspapers, journals and similar printed matter) * other, including but no t limited to 1) laminated paperdoard 2) unsorted scrap. Waste polymer ethers and waste non-hazardous monomer ethers incapable of forming peroxides secovery. recycling, reclamation or direct reuse ste pneumatic iyTes, excluding those which do not lead to resource 14 THE, \2ETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY a ‘Wastes which may contain either i organic or organic constituents ] B40I0 | Wastes consisting mainly of water-based/atex paints, inks and hardencd varnishes not containing organic solvents, heavy metals ot biocides to an extent to render them hazardous (note the related entry on list A A4070) B4020 Wastes from production, formulation and use of resins, latex, plasticizers, gluesiedhesives, not listed on list A. free of solvents and other contaminants to an extent that they do not exhibit Part C of Schedule 3 characteristics B4030 Used single-use cameras, with batteries not included on Note: o This List is based on Annex. IX of the Basel Convention on Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and comprises of wastes not characterized as hazardous under Article — 1 of the Base! Convention Import permitted in the country without any license or restriction istered with MoEF/CPCB Import permitted in the country for recveling/eeprocessing by units regi and having DGFT license . Import permitted in the country by the actual users with MoF permission and DCP license. No, of workers ( including contract labourers ) ‘Consem Validity ‘@) Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 valid up to. b} Air (Prevention & Control of Poll 1981 vali Up tOsseeseese se & Produc: Manuiictured during the last | Year [Name of the | Quantity three yeas (Tomes / Year ) Product In Metric Tonnes or KL ja t) - BI ok | 7 | Raw material consumption during lest || Year Name of the Quantity three years (Tonnes/ year} | Ray Material in Metric Tounes |__| consumed or KL 2) se by + £ | Manufacturing Process lease attach manufesturing process Flow diagram for each product (5) 9._| Water Consumption Industrial .ssscssenne Domestic... TO | Water Cess paid up 70 (date) Tr [Waste waier generation as per | Industeial/Domestic | consett..........0th'/day ‘Actual _miday (a¥g. of last 3 months) [12 | Waste water treatment (provide flow | Industrial — diagram of the treetment scheme } Domestic | his 120 THEGAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY Ps Ser.) UF] Waste water discharge ] Quanity ial | Location.. 2 Analysis of ated waste water for parmmcters suclias pH. BOD, COD, $8, O&G and any ather as stipulated hy the SPCBIPCC ( attach details} ‘Air Pollution Control &. Flow diagram for emission control system (5) installed for cach process unit, ulilitins ote. B Detalls of facilities provided control of fugitive emission due to material handling, process, utilities ets E © Fuel consumption Name of fuet Quantity 1 per Day/Month @ jon monitoring results| Stack Emissions (for SPM, 80. | artached to: | NO, and Metals (like Pb etc.) ____in particulates in mg/Nm’ Ambient alr qualiiy ‘Ambient sir | Parameters (SPM, SO; NOx quality Pb, any other )in g/m location: Hazardous waste management a Waste generation ‘S| Name No. Category Quantity Cast 3 years) Bb. Details on collection , eatment and transport z Disposal @ __Plesse anach Details of the cisposal facilities (i) Please atisch analysis repo of sharacterisation of hazardous waste enevated (including leachate test if applicable) Details of hazardous wastes proposed tbe acquired through saleinegotiation’ contract or import as the case may be for use as raw material T. Name 2. Quantity required per yeer 3. Waste listing & No. in Annex Vill (List AY Annex IX (List B) of Basel Convention (BC) 4, Hazard Characteristic as per Annex IIL of BC. Lam 2s 3G) 1 Sg AT THU : SATA 17 | Occupational safety and Health | Please provide deiuils of facilities provided asp 18 [Remarks @ whether industry has provide adequate pollution control system’ equipment to meet the standards of emission/effluent Gi) whether HW collection and | Yes/No Treatment , Storage and Disposal Facility (TSDF) are operating satisfactorily. (iWhether conditions exists or| Yes? No likely to exists of the hazardous waste being handled /processed of posing immediate or delayed adverse impacts onthe Environment. (iv) Whether conditions exists or is likely to exists of the wastes being handled / processed by any means capable of yielding — another material eg , leachate which may possess eco-toxicity. 19. | Any other Information i) ii) iii) 20 | List of enclosures as per rule Signature: Designation = arte oHt03—16 123. ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY, [Paer 1sre 3) FORM 6 see rides 8 7) FORM FOR FILING ANNUAL RETURNS AND RECORDS: ON RECYCLABLE HAZARDOUS WASTES BY THE RECYCLERS [To be submitted by revyclers to State Pollution Control Roard/Pollution Control ‘Committee by 30" June of every year for the preceding peried April to March) 1. | Name and address of the recycler 2, | Nae of the authorized person and full address with telephone and fax number 3, | Installed annual capacity to recycle or dispose the hazardous waste (in MTA ) 4. Quantity hazardous waste (in MTA)| Type [Source of | Quantity purchssed/soid of | purchase’sold | (in MITA) wastes Quantity of hazardous wastes processed : | Type of wastes [ Quantity processed | (in MTA) 6, Quantity and type of material recovered [Type of material | Quantity (in MTA) recovered (in MTA) 7. | Quantity of usclisl materials sent back to [| Name ond Qpe of | Quantity in the — generators! manufacturers* and || material sent back | Tonnes/KL others w - | | | Manufueturers | Others 8, | Quanlity of hazardous waste generated [Type | Quantity | Method of | (in M"A) and its disposal methods. of (in MTA) | Dispsoal wastes ¥ delete whichever is not applicable enclose list of other wencies Signature + Place Designation Date: .... (arr —as 3019] nec a TaUE : areTETETT FORM 7 (See rule 15 (2) and 16 (1)) APPLICATION FOR IMPORT OR EXPORT OF HAZARDOUS WASTE, FOR REPROCESSING/RECYCLING/REUSE, From TO BE MAILED BY IMPORTER Yo The Member Secretary. State Pollution Control Board/.............Pollution Control Committee: Sis, Liwe apply for permission for import of recyclable hazardous wastes. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY L. Code No. Whether the unit is situated in a critically polluted rea as identified by the Ministry of Favironment and Forests, 2 Ifyes provide details. TO BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT 1. Name and Address of the Exporter with telephone number 2. Delails of hazardous waste to be exported/imporied for reeycling/teprocessing! SiNo.| Particulars |Six digit | Constituent [Quantity | Any special bi of Code No.* | (expected | MIVKL — | requirement? szardous wastes use 124 ‘THE GAZETTEOF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY [Par See. 34] + flere enter as reference nomenclarire, the equivalent six digit code no. from European Waste Catalogue EWC, issued pursuant 1a the Article I (a) of Council Directive P5'4AYEBC on waste or its equivedlent as the case mary be) ‘The hazardous waste permitted shall be fully insured for transit as well as for any accidental occurrence and its elsanup operation. The exported wastes shall be taken back, if it creates # genuine environmental hazard of shall take all such meusuves to treat and dispose in an environmentally benign manner upto the satisfaction of concerned SPCB/PCC. All such costs involved in such ‘operation shall be borne by Exporter and/or Importer 5. Name und Address of the importer with telephone number: 6. Whether authorization obtained {Enclose the copy’. 7. Whether you huve received such imported havardous waste in the past and iF yes give details [Sno |Deseription of [Country of | Year Quantity in tones hasardous Export \ wastes L 8. Whether the importer has (a) Adequate fi details) b) Adequate facility to handle the hazardous wastes generated by the use of such imported hazardous w ility 19 handle imported hazardous waste (UP yes_fumish o( Provide details) 9. Break-up of the imported wastes a ‘The total quantity applicd for é ‘Tonnes b. ‘Out of (a) above, how much quantity after initial in-situ purification, will be available as raw material so. Tonnes Out of (b) above, how much quantity will he converted inlo the useful product or vo-product Tonnes 10. Means of Transport (Road, Rail, inland waterway, sea, air) including country of ‘export, transit and import. also point of entry and exit where thesc have been designated (omens 3) sare an MH; see LL. Information on special handling requirements including emergency provision in case of accident (Atract details) 12. Undertaking . Thereby solemnly undertake that (‘The full consignment shall, be cleared in one lot hy arranging authorised transporter under my supervision with due prinr intimation ta the SPCBIPCC, District Collector and Police Station and the imported waste shall be sdmitted in an enclosure especially provided in the premises (ii) The waste permitted shall be fully insured! for transit as well as for any accidental occurrence and its clean-up operation (iii) The record of consumption and fate of the imported waste shall be monitored ‘and report sem to the SPCH/PCC every fortnight tiv) At every step of consumption of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the imported waste, the situation in the store shall be shown ta the SPCB/PCC at our cost () The hazardous waste which gets generated in our premises by the use of imported hazardous wastes in the form of raw material shall be treated and disposed of and only as per conditions of authorisation. (vi) T agree to bear the cost of export and mitigation of damages it's (ii) [am aware that there are signi‘ieant pengllies (or submitting a false certificate! undertaking’ disobedience of the rules and tawlul ocders including the possibility of fine and imprisonment Signature of the Applicant Dute.... Designation Place. 126 ‘VINE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY [Pyar sec. 34 Forrn 8 [See rules 15 (1) and 16 (1]) APPLICATION FOR TRANSBOUNDARY MOVEMENT OF HAZARDOUS WASTE 8. Description - Details to he furnished by the Exporter/Importer 1. | Exporter (Name & Address Contact person Tel/fax Reason for export Importer/Recycler (Name & Address) Contact person Tel/fax Application concerning Applicants ceference number ‘A. Single / Multiple moverent B, Recovery/Reprocessing Operation ©. Pre-authorized recovery/reprocessing facility 4, | Total intended number of shipments 5. | Estimated quantity in Kg/Liters 6, __| Intended date(s) or period of time for shipment(s) 7. | Intended carrier(s) (name, adress) ™ Contact person: Telifax. 8. | Waste gencrator (s) (Name, address) © Contact Person Tel/fax Site of gencration & Process EA Mcthod(s) of recycling ™ Rode ‘Technology employed 10. | Means of transport [11] Packaging type(s) 7 12. |G) Designation and complete chemical composition of waste futtach details) Larter 3G) ) ST AT TA: SRT Gi) Specie! handling requirements ‘Wasle identification code Physical characteristics ™ : Basel Ne OECD Na. UN No. ITC dis) ‘Customs Code (H.S.) ‘Other (specify) ‘OECD classification” fairach details) (e)amborrediother (0) Number Y- Number A WNumber 7 : (@) UN identification Numbar (2) UN shipping name (CSUN class” (@) Other Conceried states, cade number of compelenl aulharitics, and specitic points of entry and exit tate of export Suates of transit Siave of impart ‘Customs offices of entry andfar depariare Departure + Prporisrs / Generator’s devlaralion: L certify that the infarrnation is complete and evrrect to my | best knowledge. I also certify that Legally-entorceable | written contractual obligations have been entered inio and | that any applicable insurance or other Financial guarantees | are of shall be im force covering the cranshoindary movement, Name: Siguature: Date N inber of annexes altachied ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY [Par M—Sre. 34) FOR USE BY COMPETENT AUTHORITIES 23. | To be completed by competent authority of Import Notification Received on “Transit (Basel) a) Acknowledgement sent on by Name of Competent authority, Stamp and/or “signature 24 | Coasent to the movement provided by the competent authority of (Country) a) Consent given on b) Consent expires on ) Specitic condition ( Yes/No) (Please attach) (Name of Compeient authority, Stamp and/or signature 2 FOR USE BY CUSTOMS OFFICES COUNTRY OF — EXPORTDISPATCH OR CUSTOMS OFFICE OF EIXIT The waste described overleaf has left the country on: Stamp | Signsture 26. COUNTRY OF IMPORT/DESTINATION The waste described overleaf has enieted ihe country on : ‘Stamp s. Signature 27. | STAMPS OF CUSTOMS OFFICES OF TRANSIT |[Name of ‘Entry | Departure COUNTRIES: Country. Notes: (1) Enter X in appropriate box ; (2) Attach list if' more than one ; (3) Attach detailed list, ‘of moliiple shipment ; (4) See following codes (Lar avs 31 1 unt at TE: SITET 19 List of abbreviations used in the Mavement Document | RECOVERY OPERATIONS (8.No. 9) {Ri | Use as « fuel (other than in direct incineration) or other means 19 generate energy R2___[ Solvent reclamation /feyeneration [RT | Reeyeling/eclamation of organi s¥bsiances which are nol used as solvents [R4 __ Revyclingireclamation of metals and] metal compounds RS] Recycling/reclamation of other inorganic materials | RO Regenaration of acids or bases R? Recovery of components used for pollution wbatement |R 8 Recovery efeomponents frum catalyst 4 FRO | Used oil Fe-refining or other reuses of previously used oil _ [Re 10 Land treatment resulting in benefil to agriculture or ecological improvement FRTL_| Uses of residual materials obtained ftom any of the operations numbered RL to 10 [RID Exchange of wastes [or submission to any of the operations numbered RI to R1_| [R13_ | Accumulation of material intended for any operation humibered RL to R12 [MEANS OF | PACKAGING | II NUMBER (5.No.17) AND UN CLASS (S.No. 18) ‘TRANSPORT | TYPES (S.No.10) (S.No) 1 Drum TUN Un T Designation 2.Wooden | Class__, Number barrel 1 HI Explosive 3. Jerrican | [3 H3 TIndlammable Tiquids 4, Box 4. Hii Inflammable solids 5. Bag 42 H42 __Consfitusnts or wastes Waierways liable to spontancous | __| combustion 43 B43 Constiuenis or wastes whieh, in contact with | receptacle | | water emit inflammable 8. Bulk pases | 9.0ther Oxidizing a 4 (specify) “Organic peroxides —_ Poisonous (acuie) Infectious wastes Corrosives Liberation of toxie gases in contact with uit or | water + wat Toxic (delayed or |) —__ tetironic) 24 \o | H12 [Bentonite ] 9 |H Cupable, By any means. | lier disposal of yielding | another material eg | leachate, which | Possesses any ofthe | charscteristics ——_Tiste Lubove 1 0817 a8 130 _ THEGAZETTEOP INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY [Pave Sits Ji PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS (SL No. 13) [Powdery powder _ 2. Solid [3 Viscousipas 4. Slud; Liquid 6. Gaseous T.Other (specify) FORM 9 {See rules 13 (3) and 16 (5)} TRANSHOUNDARY MOVEMENT - MOVEMENT DOCUMENT Ss Deseription — Deti No 1. [@ Exporter (Name & Address) is to be furnished by the Exporter/fmporter Contact person Tel/Fax (ii) Waste Generator (name an Contact person with VeldTax Site of generation — Imporreritecycier (name & address) Contact person with TeliFax responding io applicant Ref. No. Movernent subject to single/multiple _ 4._ [Serial number of shipment 5. |(@_ I Carricr (Name, address) 2 | Registration number Telfax | | Identity of Means of ‘Transport ? | Date of Transfer Signature of Carrier's representative « (b) 2" Carrier (name, addr Registration number Telfiiax Identity of Means of Transport ™ Date of ‘lranster Signature of Carrier's representative (¢) Last Carrier (name. address) © Registration number Tellfax Identity of Means of Transport Date of Transfer Signature of Carrier’s representative - Disposer (name. address) (milage 3001 be Coniact person Actual site of disposal | Telia ~ 7. | Method(s) of recovary 7 Reads Technology employed* *(Attach details if necessary). | Designation and chemical composition of the waste: Physical characteristios To. Actual quantity Kefitre TI. | Waste Wentification code: Basel No [OLCD No. UN No. ITE (HS) : i ‘Custons Code (11.8.7 Other (speci) 12, | ORCD Classification (ayamborrresiotherfettach details] b) number | Packaging Type _ z ‘Number 1. UN Classification UN shipping name IN idemiitication No. UN Chass A Number TY Number 15° | Special handling requirements 16. | Actual date of shipment — 17.) Exponat's declaration: | 1 betfy that the information in SI No.1 of 16 akove fs compleie and cirret to my best knowledge, I alse extity that legally~ nforcesble yiten comeactial shligaions have been oniered into, that any apptionble insurance of other financial guarantes | ae in force coverisig te twansboundary movement o°6 that ei | necessary author'zations hove been received trom the competent | || authorities of the Stats soncemed. Dare Signarrer _THE GAZETTROFINDIA: EXTRAORDINARY. [ike See. 36] TO BE COMPLETED BY IMPORTER/RECYCLER 18. | Shipment received by Importer/Reeveler ‘Quantity received oe neee Relies Date: Name Signature 7 19. | Shipment received al reeycler zi ~ | Quantity received at recycler Kgihires | ‘Quantity received and accepted: Kgilitres % a Date Name: Signature z 20. | Approximate date of recycling : 2)_| Method of recycling 22. 11 certify that the Recycling of the wastes described || nbove will he completed as per HW (M, H and 'TM) Rules Signature: | Date: - 23, | SPECIFIC. CONDITIONS ON CONSENTING TO. ( anach deiaiis) “THE MOVEMENT Notes (1) Attach list, if more than one; (2) Enter Xin appropriate box; (3) See cores on the reverse (21 Immediately contact Competent Authority, (4) if mare than three carriers, autach information as reguivad in SLND. 3 List of abbreviations | RECOVERY 0 as RI | Uscas a fuel (ol RT| Solvent reclamation/=egenerstion 3 | Recyelinprechansticn of oreanie substances which are R4__| Revyclingireclamation of metals and metal compounds I 183 __[ Recyeliugyresiamation of other imorgonie mater ls ~ Rea | Regeneration of scids or bases - - R7 | Recovery of components used for pallu ahatemeit RE | Recovery of compunenis Irom estaysts R3_| Used oil re-eeining or efkerreutes of proviously used oT RIO | Landi treatment eeswiting in henefit tm agriculture or ecologival improverent RIT [Hes of residual material bined fom any of the operations nanibute RTO TL12— Bschange of wasies for submission to. wy of the operations wmbered R J to RL | of LOR TE ‘Accumula:ion of materia! intended for any operauen nub (arr —wes 30) sana a Tae: SETAE MEANS _OF | PACKAGING TRANSPORT | TYPES TNUMBER (S.No.1a) AND UN CLASS (S.No. 14) | (S.Nu.8) (S.Na.13) R= Road i Drum [uN B Designation ~ TI T—Train/Rail_|2. Wooden barrel | Class Number | 3. Jervican 1 HL Explosive 4, Box 3 nS Inflammable liquids | | 5. Bag ESS Hat inflammable solids Waterways 42 H42 Constituents or wastes 7 6.Composite liable to spontaneous: packaging. ‘combustion 7 Pressure 43 43 | Consfituents or wastes | which, im contact with Water emit inflammeble gases HSL Oxidizing, - 118.2 | Organic peroxides 0 nous (acute) HG. Infectious wastes UB: Corrosives | Hi0 Tiberation of toxic air or water ‘9 Hi Toxic ( delayed or __ | eiteniey {19 Hi2 Ecotoxi 9 HB Capable, by any means, after disposal of yielding another material c.g. leachate, which Possesses any of the characteristics listed iL | above gases in contact with | Convention as well ax more det PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS (SL No. 09) T, Powderyipowder ald 3. Viscouspasie [a.Slodge 5, Liquid [Ddther (specify) i135) refer fo categories of wasie listed in Annexure Tand If of the Basel ted information can be found in am instruction manual available from the Secretariat of the Basel Convention 133, 4 - THE. GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY Pant HK_See. Xi FORM 10 [See rule 15 (2) and 16 (7)7 FORMAT FOR MAINTAINING RECORDS: OF HAZARDOUS WASTE IMPORTED ANB EXPORTED 1. Name and address of the importer/exporter z 2, Date and reference number of issuance of permission to importiexport hezardous wastes 3. Description of hazardous waste ‘S.No | Dates ‘of | Origin Total Physical | Chemical [Test | importéexport | destination | volume — | form | form report | and relevant | ofwaste | and | consignment weight (in numbers kilograms) t—- —- 4. Description of storage, treatment and reuse of hazardous waste of | Total volume Test report | Method of | Method — of | import/export | and weight | Storage treatment and relevant | (in | and reuse consignment | kilograms) (give details) numbers (art ez sii) 1 MIR Ta SET 1 FORM 14 (See rule 20(2)} TRANSPORT EMERGENCY (TREM) CARD [To be carried by the transporter during transportation of hazardous waste provided by the Occupier ar Operator of Facility | Charecieristies of hazardous w © [Physical] Chemical Exposure [Firs Aid | ____ Properties! | Consiiinents | Hazards _| Requirements - i] Procedure to be followed in case of fire 3. Procedure to be followed in case of spillage/accidenvi@Kplosion 4. Por cxpert services, please contact i Name & Address ii) Telephone No. : (Name and Signature of Occupier/authorized representative) 136 HE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY FORM 12 [See rule 20(2) 1 MARKING OF HAZARDOUS WASTE CONTAINER HAZARDOUS WASTE" Handle with Care Waste Category No Compatible Group Total Quantiiy Date of Storage but ‘Contents and State of the Waste ‘Sender's Name & Address Receivers Name & Address ‘Contact Person ... | Contact Person .. [Phone Phone [Eemall.. E-mail foe, " Tal. & Fax No. Te Fax No wos Tn case of emergency please contact Note: 1 Background cofour of lab I fluorescent yellow 2 The words ‘HAZARDOUS WASTES’ & ‘HANDLE WITH CARE® to he prominent and writie: in red in Hindi, English and ia Vernacular Language 3 Label shuuid be of non-washable material * deleie which ever is mot applieuble Sin. 340) (arr nas 3c | Se AAT TENA SATU 137 FORM B [See rute 21 (1)/ HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST {including Phone No.) Oxsupiers Nave Malling —Adcress ‘Gscupiers Registration No, Manifest Document No. ineluding Phone No.) Transporters Name <& Address Type of Vehicle (ruck Tanker’Spevial Vehieley Vehicle Regisiration No. 6.__| Transporie’s Registration Ne, zh {a lity Name & Site Address Waste De 13.” Consistency [(Golie’Semi-Solid’Sludge (Oily Tarry /Sturry) 14, Transport Deveription of Wastes | 15. Containers | Tt mor MT Number Tepe morMT 19. Special Fandling, Instructions & Ai Information | 20, | OCCUPIER'S CERTIFIC T hereby declare that the contents of the ‘consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are | categorised, packed, marked, and labeled, and arc in all respects in proper condition for transport by toad uecording to applicable national government regulations Typed Name & Stamp ‘Signature : a Day Year, Ti. | ‘Transparler Acknowledgement of Receipt of Wastes Typac Name & Stamp Signature Viowth Day Year Discrepancy Note Space Facility Owner or Operator's Certification of Receipt oi Typed Name & Stamp Signature : Hazardous Waste Moai Da 138 (HE GAZETTE OF INDIA TRAORDINARY FORM 14 (See rule 24) FORMAT OF ACCIDENT REPORT [Te be submitted by the occupier or operetor of a facility and the transporter to the SPCB/PCC] 1 Vhe date and time of the accident 2, Sequence of events leading to accident The hazardous waste involvement in aceident 4 The dave for assassi vcident on health or ig the effects of th the environment 5. The emergency measures taken 6. The steps taken to alleviate the effects of uecidemts 7, The steps taken to prevent the recurrence of such an accident [Place: Signatere: Dates Designation] Cem torre 34] UT TT: STATE 139 FORM 15 fsee rule 26 (1) and (2) ) APPLICATION FOR FILING APPEAL AGAINST THE ORDER PASSED RY CPCB/SPCB/PCC OF THE UNION TERRITORY J. Name and address of the person making the appeal Number, date of order and address of the authority + (certified copy of the order to whieh passed the order, against which appeal is bbe sitached) being made Ground on which the appeal is being made 4, Relief sought for 5. List of enclosures other than the order referred in para 2 against which the appeal is being filed. Signature... Date: Name and address . Fe No 7 PONS RK, VAISH. Jt Seep: Printed by the Manager Govi_ of Wa Prost, ing Rew. Mavapar Now Delhi 108 fan Published fy the Cartel of Picton, Be iio

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