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Esercizi sul past simple e past continuous

1. Mentre mia mamma stava cucinando, io mi stavo facendo la doccia. [cook, have]
1. While my mom _____________________, I ________________________ a shower.

2. Quando sono arrivato, mio papà stava guardando la TV. [arrive, watch]
2. When I ________________________, my dad _____________________TV.

3. Stavamo cantando ed erano le 3. [sing, be]

3. We __________________________ and it ___________________ 3.

4. Jake stava guidando troppo veloce, e all'improvviso ha colpito un uomo che stava attraversando la
strada. [drive, hit, cross]
4. Jake _____________ too fast and suddenly he ____________ a man who ___________ the road.

5. Ho incontrato Jane mentre stavo andando in palestra. [meet, go]

5. I ____________________ Jane while I ____________________ to the gym.

6. Mentre correvo non ero stanco, ma quando la gara è finita mi sono sentito molto male. [run, be,
end, feel]
6. While I _____________ I ________________ tired but when the race __________________ I
____________________ very ill.

7. Ieri mi sono addormentato molto tardi e ho avuto un terribile incubo. [fall, have]
7. Yesterday I ____________________asleep very late and I _______________a terrible nightmare.

We __________________ to the cinema last week. GO

When their mum __________GET home, the boys __________________ TV for two hours. WATCH

A plumber (come) __________________ to our house yesterday.

He (want) ________________________ to repair our washing machine that___________________

(break) a few days before. Before he (ring) ___________________ at my door, he (look)
________________ for a parking space for about ten minutes. While the plumber (repair)
___________________ the washing machine, I (watch) __________________ the news.
Suddenly, I (realise) _______________________ that they (show) _________________ our street on
TV. The reporter (say) ___________________________that a car (crash) _____________________
into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads. While I (listen) ___________________ carefully
to what (happen) ________________________, someone (knock) ___________________ at my
door.I (open) ________________________ the door and (see) __________________ a police officer
standing there. He (ask) __________________________ for the plumber. As it (turn)
________________ out, it (be) _____________________ our plumber’s car that (roll) ____________
down the street. In his haste, the plumber (forget) ___________________ to put the handbrake on.

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