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Sura Maryam (or The Mary)

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Men of God show their qualities in their private relationships as much

as in their public ministry. Zakaria was anxious, in a world of unrighteousness,
to find a successor to continue his godly errand. He cried to his Lord in secret,
praying: “O my Lord! Inform indeed are my bones, and the hair of my head
doth glisten with grey: but never am I unblest, O my Lord, in my to Thee!
Now I fear (what) my relatives (and colleagues will do) after me: so give me
an heir as from Thyself, – (One that) will (truly) represent me, and represent
the posterity of Jacob; and make him, O my Lord! One with whom Thou art
well-pleased!” God answered Zakaria’s prayer and blessed him with a son
whose name would be “Yahya” (John the Baptist); as no one by that name was
ever conferred distinction earlier. Although an instant good news; but beyond
worldly comprehension for Zakaria; – his wife was barren and he already
crossed his age! Lord said to him that his Promise was true. Everything is
possible with God. Zakaria requested his Lord for a Sign to that effect; – a
symbol by which he was to show in his conduct that he was to conform to his
new destiny as the father of Yahya who was to come. Zakaria was told he
would not speak for three nights. Zakaria came out from his chamber and with
signs told people to celebrate God’s praises in the morning and in the evening.
Time passes. The son is born. Divine instructions are are now given to Yahya:
– keep a tight hold of God’s revelation with all your spirits: for an unbelieving
world had either corrupted or neglected it, and Yahya was to prepare the way
for Jesus, who was coming to renew and re-interpret it. Yahya lived a life of
wisdom, gentle love, and purity: these virtues were reflected in his conduct,
for he was devout, showing love to God and to His creatures, and more
particularly to his parents. This was also shown by the fact that he never used
violence, from an attitude of arrogance, nor entertained a spirit of rebellion
against human or divine Law. Peace and God’s Blessings were on him when
he was born; they continued for his life span and when he would be raised up
on the Day of Judgemenht.

Next comes the story of Jesus and his mother Mary. As decreed by the
Lord, she gave birth and was blessed with a gift of a holy son – Jesus: and that
was easy for God as he was destined to a Sign to people and a Mercy from the
Lord. She retired to a remote place, the pains of the birth drove her to the trunk
of a palm-tree, a rivulet spranged. She was instructed (by an angelic voice) to
shake the tree and eat the fresh ripe dates; and drink and cool her eyes with the
water; – comfort herself and be glad – as she was to be blessed by a
remarkable babe. She was also advised to look around, and if anyone came
near, she was to decline conversation – as a fast to the silence. When she
returned to the people, their amazement knew no bounds. In any case they
were ready to think the worst of her, as she had disappeared from her kin for
some time. But now she comes, with a babe in her arms! How she had
disgraced the house of Aaron, the fountain of priesthood! Thus at the sight the
people standered and abused her as a disgrace to her lineage! What could
Mary do? She just pointed to the child to speak out, as she knew the child was
not an ordinary babe. By a miracle the babe spoke, defending his mother, and
preached to an unbelieving audience: he was a servant of God, given him
Revelation and appointed him a prophet, blessed him, enjoined on him Prayer
and Charity as long as he lived, he to be kind to his mother; – so Peace be on
him the day he was born, die and to rise up to life again. The disputation about
the nature of Jesus Christ were vain, but also persistent and sanguinary.
Begetting a son is a physical act depending on the needs of men’s animal
nature. God Most High is independent of all needs, and it is derogatory to Him
to attribute such an act to Him. It is merely a relic of pagan and
anthropomorphic superstititons. For Him – when He determines a matter, He
only says to it, “Be”, and it is. Jesus teaching was simple, like his life; but
some sects had made it crooked. They are in a manifest error, and this they
will come to know when they will be before their Lord on the Day of
Judgement. Warn them (O Muhammad) of that Day of Distress when the
matter will be determined: for God is above all His creatures, gives life and
death; and all that servives after physical death goes back to Him, the original
source of all things.

Abraham pleaded with loving earnest with his father to accept the truth
of God and not to follow Satan who is a rebel against God Most Gracious. And
to entertain a feeling of friendliness, instead of aversion, to Evil, is in itself a
degradation of our nature, a Penalty which God imposes on our deliberate
rejection of the Truth. His father’s reply was the outcome of Pagan arrogance
and the worship of brute force: if he could not bear idolatory, he would be
stoned to death; but at present Abraham should get away from them for long a
while! As a noble person, as Abraham was, wished peace to him and said that
he would pray forgiveness for him, to his Lord, Most Gracious. Abraham left
his father and his father’s home and never retured. He left because he was
turned out, and that it was not possible for him to make any compromise on
their religion’s customs. Isaac and Jacob are then mentioned as carrying on
line of Abraham’s traditions. Both were the Messengers of God, granted
honour on the tongue of truth – praise on the tongue of sincere truth is praise

Attention is now drawn to the story of Moses – specially chosen person

and a Messenger of God. To him God spoke without intervention of angels;
but behind a cloud, on Mount (Sinai). As an special mercy, Mose’s brother,
Aaron, was also commissioned as prophet and his lieutenant. Also mentioned
is made of Ismail. He was strictly true to what he promised and was a prophet.
He used to enjoin on his people Prayer and Charity. He was a human being
most acceptable in the sight of the Lord. Mention is also made of Idris. He was
a prophet, man of truth and sincerity; and he had a high position among his
people. Those were some of the prophets on whom God did bestow His Grace,
– of the posterity of Adam, and of those whom He carried (in the Ark) with
Noah, and of the posterity of Abraham and Israel (Jacob) – of those whom
God guided and chose. These were the people to whom when the Signs of God
were rehearsed, would fall down in prostrate adoration and in tears. But after
them followed a posterity who missed prayers and followed after lusts and
thus finally were destroyed. Those of His servants who repent and believe and
work righteousness, with them is the promise of god, and would necessarily
come to pass, that they will enter the Garden of Eternity. Here they will only
the salutations of piece and nothing of vain talk. This shall be for those who
guard themselves against evil. The angels of Grace come by Command of God
according to His Universal Will and Purpose. God does not forget. Of the
things are delayed, it is in accordance with a wise providence, which cares for
all. Our plain duty is to be patient and constant in His service. He is the Lord
of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them. Is there anyone
worthy of same Name as He?

Man raise questions about his resurrection on the Day! He does not call
to mind that God created him before out of nothing. He will surely held them
together and the unbelievers shall be on their knees, round about the fire. The
worst of the rebellions of their Lord Most Gracious will be sorted out and
thrown into the Hell. Every soul must pass through or by or over the fire (it
may the fire of temptation or anxiety or distress; but they must see Hell). This
is a Decree with your Lord which will be accomplished. Those of the people
who avoided evil will be saved; but leave the wrong-doers theirin, humbled to
their knees. The Unbelievers may, for a time, make a better show in worldly
position, or in people’s assemblages where things are judged by the counting
of heads. But Truth must prevail even in this worled, and ultimately the
positions must be reversed. God’s warning is that every evil deed must have its
punishment, and that there will be a Hereafter, the Day of Judgement or the
Hour, as it is frequently called. The punishment of evil often begins in the very
life. But every evil will be punished in its good time, as the Hour approaches.
In either case, the arrogant boasting sinners will realize that their taunt – who
is best in position and in forces? – is turned against themselves. God does
advance those in guidance who seek guidance and good deeds: for it is best in
the sight of your Lord for rewards and in respect of their eventual return.
Besides the man who boasts of wealth and power in actual possession, there is
a type of man who boasts of getting them in the future and builds his worldly
hopes thereon. Is he sure? He denies God, and His goodness and Mercy. But
all good is in the hands of God. Can such a man then bind God to bless him
when he rejects faith in God? Or does he pretent that he has penetrated to the
misteries of the future? For no man can tell what the future holds for him. Lo!
He is adding and adding to his punishment! He has to return to his Lord bare
and alone. His talk and deeds – all are recorded with your Lord. They worship
their own gods, other than God, to give them power and glory! These of their
gods will reject their worship and will become their adversaries (on the Day).

Under the laws instituted by God, when evil reaches a certain stage of
rebellion and defiance, it is left to gather momentum. It is given a certain
amount of respite, as a last chance; but failing repentance, its days are
numbered. The godly therefore should not worry themselves over the apparent
worldly success of evil, but should get on with their own duties in a spirit of
trust in God. The sinners will be driven to Hell, like thirsty cattle driven down
to water, – none shall intercede, except one granted permission. They invoke a
son for their Lord Most Gracious: this is a most monstrous thing they say – at
it skies are ready to burst, the earth to split asunder and mountains to fall down
in ruins. It is not consonant with the majesty of God, Most Gracious that He
should beget a son. All the beings on earth are the servants of their Lord. He
does take an account of them all, and are numbered all exactly. Everyone will
come all alone before Him on the Day of Judgement. Lord Most Merciful will
bestow His Love on those who believe and work righteousness. The Qur-an is
in your own tongue, made easy, gives glad tidings to the righteous, and
warnings to the people given to contention. Just reflect as – how many
(countless) generations were destroyed before them? Not a single one of them
now hear just a wisper of them (i.e. they were made silent till their

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