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Student Name

Street Address
City, State ZipCode


Recruiter Name
Firm Name
Street Address
City, State ZipCode

Dear Ms. [Recruiter Name],

I am writing to apply for a Summer Associate position at [Firm Name]’s Chicago office. I am passionate about
helping organizations achieve long-term growth by advising them through their strategic and financial
challenges. After speaking with several bankers across the firm, I strongly believe that [Firm Name]’s
independent advisory model and culture of innovation have built a firm that is both an industry leader and a
great place to work. I would add value to [Firm Name]’s team because my professional and academic careers
have prepared me to execute complex projects, manage high-stakes relationships, and provide strategic
advice to help my clients grow.

At my previous firm, I helped a charter school grow by 66 percent by advising the CEO to expand his real
estate portfolio by acquiring a new building. By negotiating through the conflicting priorities of different
stakeholders, we were successful in completing the deal. During this transaction, I saw how the investment
bankers were pivotal to closing the deal, which inspired me to pursue a career in investment banking.

To prepare for this transition, I came to Chicago Booth to expand my technical skills in finance, accounting, and
strategic management. Through Training the Street’s Corporate Valuation seminar and the Credit Suisse
Investment Banking Case Competition, I analyzed financial statements, built different valuation models, and
wrote a sell-side pitchbook. Finally, I began working part-time for a private equity fund in Chicago, preparing
and presenting market analyses while gaining insight on how financial sponsors approach buy-side deals.

My past experiences and education have prepared me to deliver real value for [Firm Name]’s clients. I am
excited about the opportunity to join the firm and would be delighted to have a first-round interview for a
Summer Associate position in 2015.

Thank you for your consideration.


Student Name

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