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Feature Report

Point-Level Switches for

Safety Systems
Industries that manufacture or store potentially hazardous materials need to employ
point-level switches to protect people and the environment from spills
Bill Sholette
Endress + Hauser





afety is an important and common FIGURE 1. Preventing overfilling of chemical storage tanks
subject of discussion in the chemi- requires proper selection of high-high point-level switches
cal process industries (CPI) today. model. Determining what may go wrong and
Conversations on safety include then taking steps to reduce the possibility by
many topics, such as risk assessment, risk adding safety procedures, retention dikes,
mitigation, and tolerable risk. Acronyms safety instrumentation and so on, are univer-
like SIS (safety instrumented systems), SIL sal to any safety program.
(safety integrity level) and PFD (probability of The following are assessments of point
failure on demand) and others have become level switches as they are used in over-
part of the safety lexicon in CPI facilities fill prevention safety programs. We review
throughout North America and the world. All some basic concepts and look at some of
of these terms and acronyms can be con- the common technologies used to prevent
fusing, complicating what steps need to be overfilling of vessels (Figure 1). The positive
taken to make a facility safe. and negative aspects of each technology are
Regardless of how the safety concepts are also considered.
labeled, there are a few principles that form
the basis for all safety models. Whether you The need for point-level switches
subscribe completely to the SIS concept or Point-level switches are often used in appli-
have developed your own safety procedures cations designed to prevent accidents. In-
internally, risk assessment and risk mitiga- dustries that manufacture or store materials
tion are the two key concepts in any safety that are potentially hazardous employ point-


level switches to protect people and poses can potentially cause a spill High-high level overfill
the environment. These industries and therefore is considered bad prevention point-level
include oil-and-gas, chemical and practice. Raising the product level to
petrochemical manufacturing. Some test the high-high switch is also spe-
examples of where these safety cifically not permitted per API 2350
switches are used include overfill (American Petrochemical Institute)
and spill prevention on tanks, reten- recommended practices for above-
tion dike level alarms, and seal pot ground storage tanks. API 2350
Normal stop-fill
low-level indication. These critical states that high-high level switches point-level
safety applications require careful must be tested on a regular basis
consideration to make certain the without raising the level to a danger-
best technology is provided for the ously high condition.
given application. Technologies that Depending on the type of point-
are robust with few or no moving level switch being used, the only FIGURE 2. Located above the normal stop-fill
control, high-high level switches may go for years
parts are preferred. Additionally, a accepted method to ensure the per- without seeing the liquid in the vessel
procedure for testing the integrity of formance of the switch may be to
the switch is critical. remove it from the vessel for testing. ing any maintenance. Trying to start
Providing safe and reliable facilities Removing a switch for testing incurs that car after a year may be difficult.
is a moral and financial responsibility. cost through downtime and lost pro- This represents a higher PFD. PFD
Accidents such as Buncefield 2005, duction, as well as the time and ex- increases with time. Testing provides
Texas City petroleum refinery 2005, pense for personnel to remove the a way to return to a lower PFD.
and the Elk River spill 2014 can switch, perform the test and reinstall Generally speaking, in-situ testing
and must be avoided. By providing the switch. There is also the concern (testing with the unit installed in the
safety systems and instruments to that the switch could be damaged process) may only validate a per-
prevent or mitigate accidental spills during removal and reinstallation, centage of the potential failures. This
and releases, we protect against or that the switch is not reinstalled is known as a partial proof test. As
injury to people, damage to equip- correctly. Either of these scenar- such, the PFD recovery is dependent
ment, environmental damage, and ios would negate the test and the on the proof test coverage (PTC).
ensure that the availability of the switch failure may not be detected. The PTC is based on the percentage
process is maintained. For these reasons, employing a of failures exercised by the proof test.
Due to the nature of the safety re- point-level switch that can be tested The higher the PTC percentage, the
quirement for point-level switches, in-situ (Figure 3) should be the first higher the recovery, and the result is a
they are typically placed in a position choice for safety applications. lower PFD. Since the partial proof test
where they may never be used. That Testing the switch exercises the recovers a percentage of the PFD, it
is, for example, a switch for high-level point-level switch and may bring to does not return to the entire original
overfill prevention is located above light any potential failures. The intent installed state. The result is that with
the highest point the level should ever is to validate the switch, with the goal each partial proof test, the PFD will be
reach. These switches are often called being to return the switch as close a little higher after each test. To cor-
high-high level because they are as possible to its original installed rect for this “drift,” a full proof test will
above the stop-fill high-level instru- condition. That is, the switch should be required after a determined num-
ment in the vessel (Figure 2). These be validated to “new” condition or ber of partial proof tests. A full proof
high-high switches may go for years as close as is reasonably possible. test will typically require removing the
without ever having the level reach Conceptually, this refers to probabil- switch from the process for testing.
them because reaching the high-high ity of failure on demand (PFD). When Clearly, a level switch product with a
switch is an accidental occurrence or a point level switch is first installed, high PTC will allow for a longer period
noncompliant condition. it has a low PFD. Over time the PFD of in-situ partial proof testing resulting
of the switch increases. Testing the in savings and process availability.
The need for testing switch re-establishes the PFD to a
Because of this, it is imperative that lower number. Types of point-level switches
the safety switch has a means of A good analogy of the PFD con- There are many point technologies
testing on a regular basis to ensure it cept would be the purchase of a available that can be used for level
will operate in the event of an actual brand new car. You park the car in indication. Because of the critical
emergency. This test must exercise your driveway and retire for the eve- nature of safety switches, some
the entire switch — not just the con- ning. The next morning you get up technologies are better suited than
tact closure or output — to expose and go to start your car. The expec- others for this task. Let’s take a look
any potential failures, and should tation is that the car will start. This at some of these technologies and
not require raising the product level represents a low PFD. Now, leave why they may or may not be good
to the switch point. Raising the level that same car in your driveway for choices for safety applications.
up to a high-high switch for test pur- a year without starting it or perform- Float point-level switch. Float

FIGURE 3. The ability to test in-situ validates the functionality of the safety switch while reducing main-
tenance and downtime

switches, as the name implies, utilize parts and the potential for a lack of
a float that changes position due to buoyancy are critical failure points.
buoyancy and indicates presence From the standpoint of safety appli-
of a liquid. The float may move on a cations, floats should be avoided.
vertical shaft and trip a magnetically Ultrasonic gap point-level switch.
coupled reed switch or may pivot Ultrasonic gap switches are com-
on an access providing a mechani- prised of two piezoelectric crystals
cal internal switch to activate. The situated on opposite sides of a gap.
appeal of float switches is that they One crystal is excited electrically and High productivity solidi cation of
are simple devices and relatively in- generates acoustic energy that is products as di erent as resins, hot
expensive. However, the mechani- directed across the gap toward the melts, waxes, fat chemicals and
cal nature of a float and the moving second crystal. With air or gas in the caprolactam has made Rotoform® the
granulation system of choice for
parts that can hang up or bind due to gap, the energy is not strong enough
chemical processors the world over.
coatings makes them questionable to reach the second crystal. Once Whatever your solidi cation
for use in safety applications. the gap fills with a liquid the acoustic requirements, choose Rotoform for
The ability to test a float switch is energy is coupled through the liquid reliable, proven performance and a
also suspect. Some manufacturers molecules, reaches the second crys- premium quality end product.
provide a lift arm to physically move tal and completes the circuit, indicat-
the float to make it change state ing that the liquid is present.  High productivity –
from normal to alarm. This test is Ultrasonic gap switches have no on-stream factor of 96%
insufficient to exercise potential fail- moving parts to wear or hang up,  Proven Rotoform technology
ures, such as leaking floats, and may which is an advantage over mechan- nearly 2000 systems installed
in 30+ years
not identify binding or heavy coat- ical switches, such as floats. How-
 Complete process lines or
ings. Some test arms are fitted with ever, materials that leave coatings retro t of existing equipment
magnets that will release if the float and materials that have suspended  Global service / spare parts supply
is heavy due to leakage or coating, solids, or are aerated, will block the
but even this precaution is suspect. acoustic energy, causing a failure.
As such, the only true way to test In-situ testing of ultrasonic gap
the float switch is to remove it from switches that validate all potential
the vessel for testing, or to raise the failures is not possible. Some manu-
product level to the high-high switch, facturers provide test buttons that Sandvik Process Systems
Division of Sandvik Materials Technology Deutschland GmbH
which, as previously discussed, is are used to test the switch. This Salierstr. 35, 70736 Fellbach, Germany
not permitted. test operates in one of two ways. In Tel: +49 711 5105-0 · Fax: +49 711 5105-152
Floats are best suited for simple some products, there is a second set
non-critical applications. Moving of crystals that are wired together.
Circle 18 on p. 190 or go to


These two sets of crystals are used
for the actual measurement, and
when the test button is depressed,
an acoustic frequency travels from
one crystal through a wire to the sec-
ond crystal, indicating a valid test.
The assumption is that if the two test
crystals operate properly, so will the
measurement crystals.
The second approach to this test
is to increase the frequency on the
FIGURE 4. Vibronic point-level switches (left) are an active technology with constant self-check function
actual measuring crystal, which al- built-in (right) to ensure functional integrity
lows the acoustic energy to travel
through the metal in the gap to the wall or an added ground rod or plate. requirement, a capacitance point-
second crystal completing the cir- As the material in the vessel rises, it level switch may be the best choice
cuit and validating the test. Neither covers the sensing element and the for a safety installation. This is par-
of these tests addresses one of the capacitance increases. The output ticularly true of applications involv-
most common failures in ultrasonic of the electronic unit changes state ing extremely viscous materials that
gap switches — namely, coating or to indicate presence of material once coat sensing elements heavily. It is
plugging of the gap itself. Coatings the capacitance exceeds a preset important to make sure the capaci-
in the gap or material plugging the switch point. tance switch selected provides ac-
gap will prevent the acoustic energy Capacitance point-level switches tive coating-rejection technology to
from crossing the gap and indicating have several advantages over pre- compensate for the coatings.
when the liquid is present. viously discussed technologies. Vibronic (tuning fork) point-level
A second common problem with There are no moving parts to wear switch for liquids. Vibronic point-
gap switches is dis-bonding of the or hang up. Internal diagnostics level switches, also called tuning
crystal. The dual-crystal design will monitor data, such as the base ca- forks, operate by vibrating the fork
not detect this failure. The second pacitance. Reduction of the base at a resonant frequency in the un-
design may detect dis-bonding, capacitance would indicate a wiring covered state. When process mate-
but increasing the frequency could failure or a sensing element that has rial covers the fork it causes the fre-
provide a valid test while the switch lost mass due to damage or corro- quency to shift down, indicating the
may fail to operate at its normal fre- sion. Failures can result in a switch presence of the liquid and changing
quency. Also, neither of these test going into fault mode or activating the output of the switch.
methods will detect potential failures an “alarm” contact. There are a number of advantages
due to liquids with suspended solids One disadvantage to capacitance to vibronic switches (Figure 4). First,
or aeration. switches is that they require calibra- vibronic switches are an active tech-
Performing a valid test on an ultra- tion. Initially, the base capacitance nology. Because they are constantly
sonic gap switch requires removing needs to be balanced, and then an vibrating, additional diagnostics are
it from the vessel and testing it in a additional set-point capacitance possible. The frequency of the fork is
sample of the material from the ves- is added. There are capacitance monitored to determine the covered
sel. For these reasons, ultrasonic gap switches that “calibrate” themselves. or uncovered state. But changes in
switches are best suited for general, These switches follow the same pro- frequency can also indicate damage
non-critical level applications. They cedure as manual calibration with the or corrosion to the fork, heavy coat-
should not be used for high-high safety exception that it is done internally in ings, and objects jammed between
and spill-prevention applications. the electronic unit. If the calibration is the forks. Any of these conditions will
Capacitance point-level switch. not performed correctly it is possible result in a fault output. The electronic
Capacitance point-level switches are that the switch will not respond to in- unit is constantly running self-test
based on a capacitor. A capacitor is creasing material level in the vessel. routines to identify these and other
made of two conductive plates sep- There are products available that potential faults.
arated by a dielectric insulator. The incorporate testing features so in- Some manufacturers have devel-
capacity of the capacitor is based on situ testing can be performed to en- oped additional functions to ensure
the size of the plates, the distance sure the functionality of the switch. the operation of the switch in safety
between the plates, and the dielec- The PTC percentage for a capaci- systems. One such function is to
tric constant of the insulating mate- tance-switch partial proof test tends provide a live signal superimposed
rial between them. In a capacitance to be low. The result is that the in- on the current signal (Figure 5).
point-level switch, one plate of the tervals between a required full proof This live signal is constantly switch-
capacitor is the active center rod test tend to be fairly short, increasing ing from one current to another and
of the sensing element; the second downtime and maintenance. back. This switching current certifies
plate of the capacitor is the vessel Depending on the application that the current signal is not stuck
4 to 20 mA with live wire signal “best practice” and should be fol-
lowed for safety overfill applications.
The reliability of a point-level switch
PLC with continuous live signal will ex-
ceed other technologies in demand-
ing critical services. As always, the
application will determine the best
technology for safety devices.
FIGURE 5. Vibronic tuning forks with continuous live signal provide the highest in reliability and maximum
in-situ proof test coverage Summary
There are many point-level switches
and ensures that the current will shift concept is to poll the two transmit- available in the market today. We
when the fork changes from the un- ters and to shut down the process if have reviewed some of the most
covered to covered state. the level reaches a preset high-high common types in this article. As we
Vibronic point-level switches have value, or if the two transmitters differ have discussed, some technologies
no moving parts to hang up or wear by a predetermined percentage. As in are better suited for safety systems
out. Additionally, there is no calibra- the previously mentioned use of con- than others. Technologies with mov-
tion required so you can be sure the tinuous level for overfill prevention, ing parts and those that cannot be
switch is set up properly. the thought is that the continuous easily tested are best suited for non-
Another advantage to vibronic signal provides a measure of security critical level applications.
point-level switches is the ability to that a point-level switch cannot offer. Trends toward using continuous
perform in-situ partial proof tests. However, there are a few concerns level transmitters for overfill preven-
The sophistication in design of these with this approach. tion on the surface have some ap-
switches employs redundant circuitry First, as in the previous example, pealing merits. However, the advan-
along with the diagnostic capability it is possible for a process condi- tages of using a separate point-level
previously discussed. These features tion such as foam, condensation, switch with live signal are clear and
added together result in an extremely or buildup to cause a signal to lock. continue to provide a “best practice”
high proof-test-coverage percent- Using two different technologies in solution to overfill prevention.
age. The high PTC provides the ability redundancy may provide an advan- From an overall standpoint of so-
to test in-situ for an extended period tage in that a process condition that phisticated diagnostics and ease of
of years without having to perform a causes one technology to fail may commissioning with no calibration, vi-
full proof test. Some manufacturers not affect the other. Using two differ- bronic point-level switches are excel-
provide products that will not require ent technologies can introduce other lent choices for safety systems. The
a full proof test for as many as twelve problems. An example would be the extremely high proof-test coverage
years, greatly reducing testing cost accuracy of guided-wave radar may and long intervals between full proof-
and ensuring process availability. be different than a differential pres- test requirements result in the highest
Continuous technologies. Some sure transmitter under the same cost savings and plant availability. From
plants rely on continuous level tech- process conditions. The difference these standpoints, vibronic point-level
nologies, such as free-space radar, in output, while typically negligible, is switches are the clear choice for most
guided radar or ultrasonics, to pro- often hard for operators to overlook. safety-system applications. ■
vide for overfill prevention or function There is still the issue with API 2350 Edited by Gerald Ondrey
as a point-level device. Their thought recommended practices.
process is that with a continuous If the overfill prevention transmitter Author
level technology, they would know if needs to be separate from the tank Bill Sholette is the Northeast re-
something was wrong with the trans- gauging transmitter, which continu- gion level product manager at
Endress + Hauser (2350 Endress
mitter, because they have a continu- ous level transmitter is which? This is Place, Greenwood, IN 46143;
ous output. In reality, it is possible certainly a grey area, since they both Phone: 888-363-7377; Fax: 317-
that upset conditions in the process, are outputting continuous level and 535-2171: Email: bill.sholette@ He has spent
such as foam, condensation and a high-high trip point. Last, it is clear the last 36 years consulting and
buildup, can lock up the signal to a that a high-high point-level switch is specifying on level-measurement
instrumentation. Sholette received
false value. It should also be noted the most reliable and simple device his certification in management and marketing from Vil-
that API 2350 states that instruments for overfill requirements. The avail- lanova University. He previously worked for Ametek,
used to prevent accidental overfilling ability of point-level switches with where he began his career in sales as a regional sales
manager. Later, he moved on to work at Drexelbrook
and spills must be separate from the current output and live signals pro- Engineering as a product manager. In 2012, Sholette
instruments used for tank-gauging vides the same assurance as the came to work for Endress+Hauser as the Level Prod-
the vessel. continuous level transmitter that the ucts business manager for the Northeast region. In this
role, he is responsible for technology application and
A recent trend in overfill preven- switch is operating as required. development of level products. He has also published a
tion has been to use two continuous Using a point-level switch for high- number of white papers and articles pertaining to level
level transmitters in redundancy. The high indication is recognized as a measurement.


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