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Criado por profª.

MC para Apoio - Inglês

CED de D. Nuno Álvares Pereira

2B – Present Simple or Present Continuous?

O Present Simple usa-se para exprimir: O Present Continuous emprega-se:

- simples factos ou verdades aceites como tais; - para exprimir continuidade;

- leis naturais ou científicas; - para exprimir uma ação que acontece no momento em que se fala;
- algo que persiste no tempo; - para falar de projetos pessoais num futuro próximo;
- ações futuras previamente planeadas em ligação com viagens, - para exprimir situações de mudança;
espetáculos, horários em geral; - ligado a certas situações de tempo: now, at this moment, at present.
- ações repetidas e habituais, aparecendo ligado a certos advérbios ou
expressões adverbiais: always, usually, generally, frequently, rarely,
every day, every week, every month, once a week, twice a week,
sometimes, several times, often.

In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form: Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. He ___________________________ (to know) all about the film.

2. Jane ___________________________ (to talk) to a friend at the moment.
3. He ___________________________ (not / to work) on Sundays.
4. Marge ___________________________ (to love) music and dancing.
5. The dog ___________________________ (to sleep) under the table at the moment.
6. He ___________________________ (not / to like) his job.
7. I ___________________________ (to think) she ___________________________ (to be) very pretty.
8. I ___________________________ (always / to go) to bed very early.
9. How often a day ___________________________ (you / to eat) ice-cream?
10. She ___________________________ (often / to clean) the house on Saturdays.
11. ___________________________ (they / to go) to the pub every evening?
12. Good students ___________________________ (always / to study) hard.
13. It ____________________ (never / to rain) in summer but it ____________________ (now / to rain).
14. My father ___________________________ (to do) the cooking at the weekend.
15. He ___________________________ (to take) a walk downtown now.
16. I ___________________________ (just / to look) around the clothes shops now.
17. He ___________________________ (to go) surfing every two days.
18. People ___________________________ (to say) Paris is a beautiful city.
19. They ___________________________ (to practise) radical sports this year.
20. ___________________________ (you / to go) out now?
21. Tom ___________________________ (to drink) some juice because he is thirsty.
22. A driver is a person who ___________________________ (to drive). Don’t Forget the rules!
23. A teacher is a person who ___________________________ (to teach).

Criado por profª. MC para Apoio - Inglês

24. A student is a person who ___________________________ (to study).

Criado por profª. MC para Apoio - Inglês

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