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บทอา่ น Young Heroes

Bethany Hamilton 

On October 31​st​ 2003, Bethany Hamilton went surfing 

at a beach in Hawaii. The weather was perfect, but suddenly 
some sharks appeared. There were other people in the 
water nearby but they couldn’t help her. A shark attacked 
her and bit off her left arm. 
Did Bethany stop surfing? Not at all! A month after 
leaving hospital, thirteen- year-old Bethany was in the sea 
again because she was determined to surf. Now Bethany 
surfs for the USA National Team and she also collects 
money to help disabled children all around the world. 

Brandon Keefe 
Brandon Keefe had a brilliant idea for his secondary 
school community project. Did his classmates have any old 
books at home that they didn’t want? There was a local 
orphanage that didn’t have any books. Brandon could give 
the books to the orphanage to create a library. 
Brandon collected 5,000 books from friends and 
book shops, so he began an organization called ​BookEnds​. 
Bookends gave 150,000 books to 46 children’s libraries. 
Brandon didn’t like reading before, but he loves reading now. 

Iqbal Massih and Craig Kielburger 

Twelve-year-old Iqbal Massih worked in a factory, so 

he told the world about the children’s terrible conditions in 
Pakistan. Then, in 1995, someone killed him. Another twelve 
year-old, Craig suddenly understood that a young person can 
make a difference 
Craig visited Pakistan and he saw the children’s awful 
conditions. Then he wrote a book about how the children 
worked all day in factories and never went to school. He also 
started an organization, ​Free The children.​ Some schools 
and his local town hall helped him. They collected some 
money to buy food, pencils and paper and to build school in 
300 villages. Craig now thinks Iqbal didn’t die in vain. 

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