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3, MARCH 2009

Stream Soil Moisture Estimation by Reflected GPS

Signals With Ground Truth Measurements
Lie-Chung Shen, Member, IEEE, Jyh-Ching Juang, Member, IEEE, Ching-Lang Tsai,
Chia-Chyang Chang, Ping-Ya Ko, and Ching-Liang Tseng

Abstract—A new application using reflected global positioning jective of delivering key state variables of the land surface (soil
system (GPS) signals collected by a tightly integrated GPS re- moisture) and ocean surfaces (salinity) [6]. The mission concept
ceiver for ground object detection and soil moisture estimation is based on an L-band microwave radiometer with an inno-
is developed. Several operational considerations are discussed to
successfully acquire and track the weakly reflected GPS signals vative 2-D aperture synthesis concept. A number of airborne
from the ground surface. Both right-hand circular polarization and ground-based experiments have indeed demonstrated the
(RHCP) and left-hand circular polarization (LHCP) antennas are potential of L-band passive microwave data to retrieve surface
employed so that the direct and reflected signals can be received soil moisture (mv ) from microwave brightness temperatures
simultaneously. The arrival direction of the signal may be along (Tb ) [7]. Several other methods have been reported to combine
the reflected signal path or the line-of-sight of a particular satellite.
Unlike most existing GPS reflection experiments, the goal of this passive microwave data with additional data sources to improve
paper is to exploit the carrier phase observables for soil moisture the retrieval of soil moisture at higher spatial resolutions. In
estimation and ground object detection. During the development [8], a combination of active and passive microwave data to
and test stages, ground truth measurements are also performed account for the subpixel variability in the soil moisture re-
for different soil water content over different surface roughness. trievals has been investigated. The objective of this paper is
The ground truth measurements are expected to be useful for the
moisture content in a small sample to check with the moisture to determine the reflectivity of ground truth measurement with
variations in the lots instead of using bulk samples. The roughness roughness surface and soil moisture by using a highly integrated
effect parameter is calibrated by accounting for the standard GPS receiver with reflected GPS L1 (1575.42 MHz) and L2
deviation of height on soil surface and reflective footprint from (1227.60 MHz) observations. Both right-hand circular polar-
GPS RHCP/LHCP accurate positioning data. ized (RHCP) and left-hand circular polarized (LHCP) antennas
Index Terms—Global positioning system, moisture measure- are employed for the remote sensing of soil moisture and
ments, object detection, reflection coefficient, remote sensing, ground truth measurements so that direct and reflected signals
rough surfaces, soil measurements. can simultaneously be acquired for the estimation of soil mois-
ture and soil content. The direction of arrival of the signals may
be along the reflected signal path or along the line-of-sight of
a particular satellite. The goal of this paper is to exploit the
A REFLECTED global positioning system (GPS) signal
reveals information about the reflecting object [1]. Previ-
ously, terrain moisture has been classified by using features of
carrier phase measurements of the two frequencies from the two
antennas to deduce the reflectivity components of stream water
the reflected GPS signals and visual element terrain with land- and a rough bare soil ground object. An integer ambiguity algo-
cover classes containing a surface/soil moisture component rithm is implemented for accuracy reflected positions. Then, the
[2]–[5]. More recently, the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity standard deviation of height generated from a GPS footprint on
(SMOS) mission, which was planned by the European Space the soil surface is obtained. Standard deviations of the height
Agency (ESA) and scheduled for launch in 2008, has the ob- and length of the reflected footprint are then used to estimate
the soil roughness parameter. During the development and test
stages, the satellite’s images were used and mapped with the
Manuscript received February 26, 2008; revised May 20, 2008. First pub- integrated software for ground object detection.
lished October 10, 2008; current version published February 9, 2009. This work This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the measure-
was supported by the National Science Council, Taiwan, under Grant 96-2628-
E-006-246-MY2. The Associate Editor coordinating the review process for this ment principles are delineated, and soil samples of material and
paper was Dr. Matteo Pastorino. GPS-reflected positions and surface-roughness-estimated meth-
L.-C. Shen, C.-L. Tsai, and C.-L. Tseng are with the Department ods are presented. In Section III, ground truth measurements
of Earth Science, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan
(e-mail:;; Tseng@mail. and remote sensing of soil moisture based on the reflectivity method are briefly outlined. Experimental results are then dis-
J.-C. Juang is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng cussed. Finally, conclusions are drawn.
Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan (e-mail:
C.-C. Chang is with the Department of Applied Geometrics, Ching Yun
University, Jung-Li 320, Taiwan, (e-mail:
P.-Y. Ko is with the Material and Electro-Optical Division, Chung Shan II. M EASUREMENT P RINCIPLE AND M ETHODS
Institute of Science and Technology, Taoyuan 325, Taiwan (e-mail: pyko@ A. Basic Principles
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at The measurement of soil moisture is conducted by process-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2008.2005821 ing the direct line-of-sight and reflected GPS signals. Fig. 1

0018-9456/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE


Fig. 1. System block diagram.

Fig. 2. Measurement system for the estimation of soil moisture and roughness.

depicts the block diagram of signal processing in which two the reflected signals [9]. The opposite polarization of the two
different types of antennas are used to receive dual-frequency antenna sets is due to the fact that the GPS signals are RHCP,
GPS signals. The computational process first determines the and as a result, the reflected signals become LHCP. As the
position of the two antennas, deduces the reflection point, reflected signals are bounced from the surface, the soil moisture
and then estimates the reflectivity of the reflecting surface. A and roughness will affect the signal quality. The measurement
representative ground truth measurement is illustrated in Fig. 2, principle is thus to deduce the reflectivity and soil moisture by
in which an RHCP antenna is used to receive direct line-of- processing the collected direct and reflected signals. Relevant
sight GPS signals, and three LHCP antennas are used to receive descriptions of the setup and results of using the combined

signals for stream flow measurement and soil classification can

be found in [10] and [11].
At any epoch, there are 12 GPS observation data including
code pseudoranges, carrier phases, and signal strengths of the
two antennas at two frequencies that can be used for data
processing. The software for reflected GPS signal processing
involves the determination of the antenna through carrier phase
measurement processing with integer ambiguity resolution,
calculation of the reflection point through the use of digital
terrain elevation database and multispectral satellite image,
estimation of the reflectivity of ground object, and estimation
of soil moisture. The procedure of the processing contains the
following steps.
1) Determination of the antenna position. Typically, a GPS
receiver gives a position estimate of the antenna in the
range of several meters. Using carrier phase measure-
ments and integer ambiguity resolution techniques [12], Fig. 3. Profile of reflection point.
[14], the position of the antenna can be estimated with
an accuracy of several decimeters. In the software, an
altitude iteration loop is also used so that the accuracy B. Ground Height Estimation and Surface Roughness
is further improved [13], [15]. To extract soil moisture information out of the reflected
2) Compensation of ionospheric and tropospheric errors. As signal, it is essential to obtain the coordinates of the reflection
dual-frequency receivers are used, processing the dual- point. A reflection point is described for the surface with slope
frequency measurements can compensate the ionospheric of the line-of-sight between satellite and RHCP/LHCP receiver
errors. The tropospheric error is corrected through the use position. As illustrated in Fig. 3, the reflection point can be
of a tropospheric delay model. computed when the positions of the satellite and receiver are
3) Estimation of the reflection point. The reflection point de- known. To determine the reflection point, dual-frequency GPS
pends on the path of signal propagation. As the position of measurements are used to calculate the positions of the LHCP
the antenna and satellite can be computed, the reflection and RHCP antennas, respectively. The computed position of
point is constrained to the plane established from the two the RHCP antenna is close to the physical location of the
positions and the geo-center. In the determination of the antenna, whereas the calculated position of the LHCP antenna,
reflection point, special care is exercised to estimate the due to reflection, is close to the image point, as depicted in
altitude, as one of the objectives is to estimate the ground Fig. 3. The reflection point is thus constrained to be in the
object height through the processing of reflected signals. occultation plane established by the satellite, RHCP antenna,
To this end, the digital terrain elevation database is used and LHCP antenna. A line segment that is perpendicular to
so that the measurements are correlated with the existing the segment from the calculated position of the RHCP antenna
model. to the calculated position of the LHCP antenna and passed
4) Estimation of reflectivity. The attenuation of reflected through the midpoint can be established. Supposing that the
signal in comparison with the direct signal bears infor- calculated heights of the RHCP and LHCP antennas are hRHCP
mation pertaining to the property of the ground object. and hLHCP , respectively, the height of this line segment that is
The signal strengths of the direct and reflected signals also the height of the reflection surface is
are processed to estimate the reflectivity in this step.
Multispectral satellite images around the reflection area hRHCP + hLHCP
are also used so that the measurements can be compared hreflection = . (1)
with the existing data model.
5) Estimation of soil moisture. When the reflection points
The reflection point is determined by finding the intersec-
are located on the surface of the stream, soil moisture is
tion between the aforementioned segment and the segment
estimated by comparing with ground truth measurement.
between the satellite and the calculated position of the LHCP
In the following, the algorithms for the determination of antenna.
reflection point, reflectivity, and soil moisture are described. The position of the reflection point must be corrected for the
Essentially, the reflection point is determined by comparing the local datum so that information pertaining to terrain height and
time delay between the direct signal and the reflected signal. terrain property can be associated with the reflection point. To
In contrast, reflectivity is estimated by comparing the signal-to- this end, the digital terrain elevation data (DTED) (Level 2,
noise ratios between direct and reflected signals. Furthermore, ∼90 ft of pixel) in the region is used to refine the position
in the determination of soil moisture, a ground truth measure- estimation process. The DTED data are available for most of
ment is conducted to build a reference model and the roughness Taiwan and are accurate to ∼10 m in the vertical and have at
and dielectric constant. best a 30-m horizontal resolution. Based on DTED data, the

height of the reflection surface after correction hground can be roughness effect and soil content. Letting l be the emissivity

obtained. An alternative way to obtain hground is as follows: of soil moisture and ε the dielectric constant, √
it is known
√ that
[18] the two terms are related via l = 1 − |1 − ε /1 + ε |2 .
hRHCP + hLHCP The dielectric constant, however, is a function of soil moisture
hground = − hundulation (2)
2 mv and composition of the reflecting surface, which is charac-
terized in terms of sand and clay contents in percentage of dry
where hundulation is available from the output of the GPS weight of soil, represented by %sand and %clay, respectively.
receiver. Both methods yield similar results that compare well Further, the correction factor F (mv , DISP, %sand, %clay) can
to the ground-based measurements of the ground height and be expressed as
reflection surface level.
The surface roughness parameter (DISP) is defined as the 1−l
ratio of the surface height standard deviation to the length of F (mv , DISP, %sand, %clay) = . (5)
the reflected footprint, i.e.,

standard deviation of hground It is further remarked that in reflected GPS signal processing,
DISP = . (3) there are multiple observations that can simultaneously be
length of reflected footprint
measured. As a result, with respect to each satellite, the local
The DISP will be used in the following for the estimation of height hground , roughness DISPi , and reflectivity ij can be
soil moisture. obtained. The superscript i may be used hereafter to denote
the relevant term with respect to the ith satellite. In addition,
the term may be a function of the frequency. Hereafter, the
C. Reflectivity and Ground Object Detection subscript j is used to stand for different frequencies.
The GPS signal reflection or scattering by an object depends The discussions thus far are briefly summarized using the
on the surface roughness and electrical properties (conductivity flowchart in Fig. 4. As depicted, the positions of the RHCP
and emissivity) of the reflecting material. Indeed, different and LHCP antennas are first computed. This is followed by
materials including dry ground (grass), wet ground (different an altitude loop that relies on DTED data to obtain a refined
composition of sand, silt, and clay), trees and forest, fresh estimate of the reflection point and reflectivity. When the satel-
stream water, ocean water bodies, road, and concrete may give lite image can be brought to bear, a ground object detection
different reflectivities [1], [3]. The surface reflectivity , which index can further be obtained. Consequently, the soil reflection
is defined as the ratio of reflected power to direct power [5], coefficient, roughness effect, emissivity, and dielectric constant
can be used for the classification of ground object. In Dinesh are computed. Finally, the soil moisture mv and soil content are
Manandhan, the resultant reflection coefficient is shown to be computed. The last step in the computation of soil moisture and
the sum of the copolar and cross-polar reflection coefficients. soil content relies on a model-based approach. More precisely,
Let Γ0 and Γx be, respectively, the copolar and cross-polar the relationship between soil moisture and dielectric constant
reflection coefficients, and the resultant reflection coefficient is established based on a set of controlled experiment data.
 Accordingly, the reflectivity can then be used to deduce soil
Fc is Fc = Γ20 + Γ2x . As the GPS signals are circularly po-
larized, the reflection coefficient is indeed a function of the moisture and dielectric constant.
elevation angle from the receiver to the satellite. This coefficient
is denoted as Fc and can be computed once the elevation angle D. Ground Truth Measurement
is known, giving the form Fc (EL), where EL is the elevation
angle from the receiver to the satellite. In the case when the The process for the establishment of a model is described
satellite image of the area is available, it is possible to index in the following. A set of soil samples is collected and placed
the object using red–green–blue (RGB) intensity so that the in a controlled experiment setup, as depicted in Fig. 2. The
coefficient Fc is also a function of the RGB color classification. soil sample is textually a sand loam soil, with a composition
The surface reflectivity  is related to the reflection coefficient, within the topsoil of 51.5% sand, 10.3% clay, 38.2% silt, and a
the power ratios between reflected and direct signals, and a bulk density ρbulk of 1.91 kg · m−3 . The mass of water content
correction factor due to the surface property. More precisely, mg and the volumetric of soil moisture mv depend on the dry
the surface reflectivity is expressed as density of soil ρbulk , wet density of soil ρwet , weight of wet soil
Wwet , and weight of dry soil Wdry . The relationship between
(SNR)r − Nr mv and mg is [16], [18]
= · Fc (EL) · F (mv , DISP, %sand, %clay)
(SNR)d − Nd
(4) ρbulk ρbulk Wwet − Wdry
mv = mg = . (6)
where (SNR)r and (SNR)d are the signal-to-noise ratios of ρwet ρwet Wdry
the reflected and direct signals, respectively. The two terms
Nr and Nd , respectively, represent the noise level along the In the measurement, six planes of samples with different
path of reflected and direct paths, which are also functions of soil moistures are prepared, and the parameters and deduced
the LHCP and RHCP antennas and channels. The correction variables for ground truth measurement for soil moisture are

factor F (mv , DISP, %sand, %clay) is used to model the soil presented in Table I. The dielectric constant ε is assumed to be

Fig. 4. Processing algorithm of reflectivity and soil moisture.

a function of soil moisture mv , percentage of sand %sand, and TABLE I

percentage of clay %clay of the following form [17]:

ε = (a0 + a1 (%sand) + a2 (%clay))

+ mv (b0 + b1 (%sand) + b2 (%clay))

+ m2v (c0 + c1 (%sand) + c2 (%clay)) . (7)

In the above, a0 , a1 , a2 , b0 , b1 , b2 , c0 , c1 , and c2 are coefficients

that are given as follows:

a0 = 2.75, a1 = 0.71, a2 = 0.55

b0 = 0.37, b1 = −1.5, b2 = −2.5
In this section, some field experiment results will be
c0 = 45.0, c1 = 135.0, c2 = 115.0. presented.

Fig. 5. Reflected area and receiver position at NCKU. Fig. 6. Reflected footprint for PRN 27, PRN 28, and receiver positions on Lon
Ann Bridge.
A. Roughness Results
footprint for PRN 27 is 75.5 m, and the standard deviation of
The first experiment is conducted at the top floor of a building altitude for PRN 27 is 2.58 m, giving the surface roughness
at the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU). As shown in of stream soil moisture for PRN 27 reflected point DISP27 =
Fig. 2, the GPS L1/L2 dual-frequency antennas are mounted 2.58/75.5 = 0.034, which implies that the reflection is from a
on a 0.7-m-high steel pipe on the planes, and it is able to smooth surface. In addition, the length of the reflected footprint
change its horizontal angle. Every 1–2 h, the GPS integrated for PRN 28 is 350.2 m, the standard deviation of altitude
receiver system takes a measurement at the soil moisture planes is 2.56 m, and the surface roughness of the reflected point
at different vertical angles (from 20◦ to 80◦ with no spacing becomes DISP28 = 2.56/350.2 = 0.007. This also indicates
between 0 and 1 for each reflected GPS observations). For that the reflection of PRN 27 is from a smooth surface. In Fig. 6,
the GPS L1/L2 dual-frequency integrated receiver system, it is the reflection points of PRN 27 and PRN 28 are indeed from the
considered that the emissivity depth of soil is in the range of stream. Hence, the analysis of roughness can indeed be used to
2–6 cm, depending on the soil dielectric properties. As there are estimate the type of reflection surface.
six planes in total, the measurements are separately processed
to give the surface roughness DISP effects on the dielectric
B. Soil Moisture Results
constant of soil moisture with six different planes at different
volumetric of soil moisture. Fig. 5 depicts the reflection point In the following, the reflectivity and soil moisture results
and receiver position at a specific epoch of measurement. The are presented based on the analysis of the aforementioned
length of reflected footprint for PRN 13 is 0.40 m, the standard two experiments. Fig. 7 depicts a comparison of reflectivity
deviation of height for PRN 13 is 0.098 m, and consequently, versus soil moisture and surface roughness for measurements at
the surface roughness of soil moisture for PRN 13 reflected Lon-Ann Bridge (PRNs 27 and 28) and NCKU (PRNs 13,
point DISP13 = 0.098/0.40 = 0.245, which is like a roughness 23, and 25). The reflectivity for PRN 28 (28 1 = 0.10−0.25)
surface. Similarly, the surface roughness of ground truth mea- is larger than the reflectivity of PRN 27 (27 1 = 0.05−0.10).
surement for PRN 23 is DISP23 = 0.0987/0.45 = 0.219, and The reflectivity dependent on the elevation angle EL28 = 20◦
the surface roughness of ground truth measurement for PRN 25 of PRN 28 is not the same as the elevation angle EL27 =
is DISP25 = 0.0989/0.48 = 0.206. The surface roughness es- 60◦ of PRN 27. The reflectivity from stream soil moisture
timates based on this ground truth measurement for PRN 13, with smooth surface DISPi = 0.007−0.034 and volumetric
PRN 23, and PRN 25 are rough surface. This analysis is water (mv : 13.5%–26.7%) of soil moisture is the same as
consistent with the soil samples that are used in the experiment. the reflectivity of the ground truth measurement. The specific
Another experiment, which is an uncontrolled one, is con- plottings of reflectivity 281 = 0.35−0.45 for PRN 28 and
ducted over the Lon-Ann Bridge over Dar-Jar stream. This is 27
1 = 0.10−0.17 for PRN 27 are from stream water.
illustrated in Fig. 6. Again, as depicted in Fig. 4, the reflection The ground truth measurement derived the reflectivity
point with respect to each observable satellite is computed 25
1 = 0.09−0.16 of PRN 25 that is lower than the reflec-
based on the collected dual-frequency direct and reflected GPS tivity 13
1 = 0.15−0.22 of PRN 13. However, the reflected
measurements. In this experiment, the length of the reflected angle EL13 = 37◦ of PRN 13 is the same as the reflected

the accuracy and resolution to extend the applicability and

performance of the GPS remote sensing apparatus.

The authors would like to thank C. Houng-Shenq (Chief
Manager of SOKKIA’s vendor in Taiwan) for supporting the
measurements with two receivers and three LHCP antennas,
Dr. Wickert for his advise and assistance with the in-
stantaneous troposphere delay effects concerning real-time
weather data and their researching method during his visit to
NCKU, Taiwan, and Dr. Bud (Manager of Lockheed Martin/
Fort Worth) for his advisory discussion about the content of the
oral paper.

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[17] Z. Y. Chang, B. P. Iliev, J. F. de Groot, and G. C. M. Meijer, “Extending Chia-Chyang Chang received the B.Sc. degree
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Instrum. Meas., vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 2240–2244, Dec. 2007. Taoyuan, Taiwan, the M.Sc. degree from the Na-
[18] J. Behari, Microwave Dielectric Behavior of Wet Soil. New York: tional Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, and
Springer-Verlag, 2005, ch. 1-2, pp. 7–38. copyright with Anamaya, the Ph.D. degree in space geodesy from the Univer-
New Delhi, India. sity of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K., in 1995.
He was a Full Professor with the Department of
Surveying and Mapping Engineering, CCIT, and the
Lie-Chung Shen (M’06) received the B.S. degree Department of Information Management, Yuda Uni-
from Chung Cheng Science and Institute University, versity, Miao-Li, Taiwan. Since 2007, he has been
Lon-Tan, Taiwan, in 1983 and the M.S. degree from with the Department of Applied Geomatics, Ching
the National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, Yun University, Chungli, Taiwan. His research interests include satellite navi-
in 1990. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. gation, geodetic monitoring, mobile positioning, and location-based services.
degree with the Department of Earth Science, Na-
tional Chung Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.

Ping-Ya Ko received the B.S. degree from Chung

Cheng Institute of Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan, in
1983, the M.S. degree from the National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1988, and the Ph.D.
Jyh-Ching Juang (S’80–M’82) received the B.S. degree in aeronautics and astronautics from Stanford
and M.S. degrees from the National Chiao Tung University, Palo Alto, in 2000.
University, HsinChu, Taiwan, in 1980 and 1982, He is currently the General Director of the Mate-
respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engi- rials and Electro-Optics Research Division with the
neering from the University of Southern California, Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology,
Los Angeles, in 1987. Taoyuan. His research interests include system en-
He was previously with Lockheed Aeronautical gineering, system integration, GPS/INS integration,
System Company, Burbank, CA. Since 1993, he and electrooptical system integration.
has been with the Department of Electrical Engi-
neering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan,
Taiwan. His research interests include sensor net-
works, GNSS signal processing, and software-based receivers.

Ching-Liang Tseng received the B.S. and M.S.

degrees from the National Cheng Kung University
Ching-Lang Tsai received the B.S. degree from (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan, in 1968 and 1971, re-
Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1969. spectively, the M.S. degree from The Ohio State
He is currently a Professor with the Department University, Columbus, in 1975, and the Ph.D. degree
of Earth Science, National Cheng Kung University, from the University of South Australia, Adelaide,
Tainan, Taiwan. SA, Australia, in 2001.
He is currently with NCKU, where he was a Pro-
fessor and the Head of the Department of Surveying
Engineering and is currently a Professor with the
Department of Earth Science and the Director of the
Satellite Geoinformatic Research Center.

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