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Ecuador is a country of warm people, beautiful places and good crafts.

Our cultural diversity has

allowed us to find our own identity in the four regions. The traditions have allowed the creation of
handicrafts, product of our indigenous peoples and that thanks to their quality and beauty are
very admired in the world.

The hands of artisans express creativity, they create works of art. Crafts are made according to the
materials available in the geographical position. In the north of the country, specifically in Otavalo,
products are created between embroidered shirts, ponchos, coats, hats and wool clothes.

If we move further south, in the Province of Manabí we will find the historic Montecristi canton,
we will find the "Sombreros de Paja Toquilla". This item is one of the favorites for tourists, the
quality of the fabric allows them to be used to protect us from the sun in summer.

In the forests of Manta, Montecristi and Portoviejo is also born the "Tagua" that is used to make
Handicrafts are a manifestation of our past and present, they remember us of the indigenous
roots of our country
There are many products like
Ceramics: sculptures, toys, musical instruments, murals and masks.
Straw Toquilla: Hats, bags, purses, and accessories.
Jewelry: Gold and silver fused with shell spondylus and others.
Tagua: Ornaments, toys, buttons and jewelery.
Leather goods: Wallets, wallets, purses and jewelery.
Articles of Wood: Sculptures, bamboo cane.
Paintings and drawings.

The best-selling products are: Toquilla straw hats and products made with leather and tagua. The
countries that stand out as the main buyers are: Italy, the United States and Hong Kong.

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