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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

14 January 2018 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Called to Share in Christ’s Life and Mission

esus said to the two disciples of John the Baptist, “Come and see.”
To be a disciple of the Lord Jesus is not just a matter of learning
from him wonderful things about God and His plans for mankind,
witnessing spectacular miracles at close range, and traveling with Jesus
the dusty roads of Palestine. More than anything else, it entails enter-
ing into a personal, intimate relationship with him. Such relationship
gives meaning and direction to a person’s life, makes him/her share in
Christ’s eagerness to proclaim the Gospel to all, and to make the King-
dom of God strike roots in the hearts of people.
This personal relationship brings out the best in the disciples, and
produces in them an ever-greater “intimacy” with Jesus, in such a way
that they can say with St. Paul, “I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me.
Insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live in the faith in the Son of God, who
has loved me and has given himself up for me” (Gal 2:20). Let this be our
prayer intention in this Eucharist.

ery day to serve you in our of good will. We praise you,

neighbour, but we often ig- we bless you, we adore you, we
nore your call. Lord, have glorify you, we give you thanks
mercy! for your great glory, Lord God,
Entrance Antiphon All – Lord, have mercy! heavenly King, O God, almighty
(To be recited only when no En-
P –Lord Jesus, you call some Father.
trance Hymn is sung.)
special people to the service Lord Jesus Christ, Only
All the earth shall bow of leadership in our com- Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb
down before you, O God, and munities, but we often fail of God, Son of the Father, you
shall sing to you, shall sing to to honor and support them. take away the sins of the world,
your name, O Most High! Christ, have mercy! have mercy on us; you take away
All –Christ, have mercy! the sins of the world, receive our
Greeting prayer; you are seated at the
P –Lord Jesus, you expect all of
P –Grace and peace from God us to inspire our neighbour right hand of the Father, have
our Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, through our good example, mercy on us. For you alone are
and the Holy Spirit be with you but we sometimes scandal- the Holy One, you alone are the
all. ize them through our un- Lord, you alone are the Most
All – And with your spirit! Christian behavior. Lord, High, Jesus Christ, with the
have mercy! Holy Spirit, in the glory of God
Penitential Act All – Lord, have mercy! the Father. Amen!
P –As we gather together as P –May almighty God have
God’s family to celebrate the mercy on us, forgive us our sins, Collect (Opening Prayer)
Eucharist and reflect on the mys- and bring us to everlasting life. P –Almighty ever-living God,
tery of God’s call, let us pause for All – Amen! who govern all things, both in
a while and reflect on how we
heaven and on earth, mercifully
have responded to His invitation. Gloria hear the pleading of your people
All – Glory to God in the high- and bestow your peace on our
P –Lord Jesus, you call us ev- est, and on earth peace to people times.
Through our Lord Jesus the Holy Spirit within you,
Christ, your Son, who lives and whom you have from God, and
reigns with you in the unity of that you are not your own? For
the Holy Spirit,one God, for ever you have been purchased at a
and ever. price. Therefore glorify God
All – Amen! in your body.
The Word of the Lord!
All – Thanks be to God!
Gospel Acclamation Jn 1:41.17b

1st Reading 1 Sm 3:3-10.19

All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
* I have waited, waited for We have found the Mes-
When Samuel was about the Lord, and he stooped to-
twelve, he heard the Lord call siah: Jesus Christ, who
ward me and heard my cry. brings us truth and grace.
him. His answer expresses his And he put a new song into my
willingness to listen and obey the Alleluia! Alleluia!
mouth, a hymn to our God. R.
Lord. Gospel Jn 1:35-42
R – A proclamation from the * Sacrifice or offering you
wished not, but ears open to When the two disciples of
First Book of Samuel John the Baptist heard that Jesus
obedience you gave me. Ho-
Samuel was sleeping in the locausts or sin-offerings you was the Messiah, they followed
temple of the Lord where the ark sought not; then said I, “Be- him and got to know him more.
of God was. The Lord called to hold I come.” R. One of them – Andrew, even took
Samuel, who answered, “Here I his brother Peter to Jesus.
am.” Samuel ran to Eli and said, * “In the written scroll it is P –The Lord be with you!
“Here I am. You called me.” “I prescribed for me, to do your All –And with your spirit!
did not call you,” Eli said. “Go will, O my God, is my delight, P –A proclamation from the
back to sleep.” So he went back and your law is within my holy Gospel according to
to sleep. Again the Lord called heart!” R. John
Samuel, who rose and went to * I announced your justice in All – Glory to you, O Lord!
Eli. “Here I am,” he said. “You the vast assembly; I did not re-
called me.” But Eli answered, “I
John was standing with
strain my lips, as you, O Lord, two of his disciples, and as he
did not call you, my son. Go back know. R. watched Jesus walk by, he said,
to sleep.”
“Behold, the Lamb of God.”
At that time Samuel was
2nd Reading 1 Cor 6:13-15. The two disciples heard what
not familiar with the Lord,
17-20 he said and followed Jesus. Je-
because the Lord had not re- sus turned and saw them fol-
During Paul’s absence, a
vealed anything to him as yet. lowing him and said to them,
number of converts in Corinth
The Lord called Samuel again, “What are you looking for?”
reverted to their old ways of
for the third time. Getting up They said to him, “Rabbi” --
practising sexual immorality.
and going to Eli, he said, “Here which translated means Teach-
Paul reminds the Corinthians –
I am. You called me.” Then Eli er -- “where are you staying?”
and us – that any act of sexual
understood that the Lord was He said to them, “Come, and
immorality is a desecration to
calling the youth. So he said to you will see.” So they went and
the body of a baptized person.
Samuel, “Go to sleep, and if you saw where Jesus was staying,
are called, reply, ‘Speak, Lord, R – A proclamation from the and they stayed with him that
for your servant is listening.’ ” First Letter of Saint Paul to day. It was about four in the
When Samuel went to sleep in the Corinthians afternoon.
his place, the Lord came and Brothers and sisters: The Andrew, the brother of
revealed his presence, calling body is not for immorality, but Simon Peter, was one of the
out as before, “Samuel, Samu- for the Lord, and the Lord is two who heard John and fol-
el!” Samuel answered, “Speak, for the body; God raised the lowed Jesus. He first found
Lord, for your servant is listen- Lord and will also raise us by his own brother Simon and
ing.” his power. told him, “We have found the
Samuel grew up, and the Do you not know that your Messiah” – which is translated
Lord was with him, not permit- bodies are members of Christ? Christ. Then he brought him
ting any word of his to be with- But whoever is joined to the to Jesus. Jesus looked at him
out effect. Lord becomes one Spirit with and said, “You are Simon the
The Word of the Lord! him. Avoid immorality. Every son of John; you will be called
All – Thanks be to God! other sin a person commits is Cephas” – which is translated
outside the body, but the im- Peter.
Responsorial Psalm Ps 40 moral person sins against his The Gospel of the Lord!
R –Here am I, Lord; I come to own body. Do you not know All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
do your will! that your body is a temple of Christ!
14 January 2018
Homily with their virtuous life. Let us that we may participate worthily
pray! R. in these mysteries, for whenever
Profession of Faith C –For those whom the Lord the memorial of this sacrifice
(Nicene Creed) calls to the service of leadership is celebrated, the work of our
in our communities: May they redemption is accomplished.
All –I believe in one God, the Through Christ our Lord.
Father almighty, maker of heaven respond to their vocation with
generous availability and by All – Amen!
and earth, of all things visible and
invisible. faithfully following the example
of Jesus. Let us pray! R. Preface II
I believe in one Lord Jesus
Christ, the Only Begotten Son of C –For all those who are in- P –The Lord be with you!
God, born of the Father before all volved in producing and dissem- All –And with your spirit!
ages. God from God, Light from inating pornographic material: P –Lift up your hearts!
Light, true God from true God, May they realize the gravity of All – We lift them up to the Lord!
begotten, not made, consubstan- the moral damage they cause to P –Let us give thanks to the
tial with the Father; through him so many people and desist from Lord our God!
all things were made. For us men their criminal activity. Let us All –It is right and just!
and for our salvation he came pray! R. P –It is truly right and just, our
down from heaven, (bow)* and C –For all those who are vic- duty and our salvation, always
by the Holy Spirit was incarnate timized by the f lood of erotic and everywhere to give you
of the Virgin Mary, and became publications, shows, and movies: thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
May they always remember that mighty and eternal God, through
man. * For our sake he was cru-
the human body is not made for Christ our Lord.
cified under Pontius Pilate, he For out of compassion for
suffered death and was buried, immorality but to give glory to
God. Let us pray R. the waywardness that is ours, he
and rose again on the third day in humbled himself and was born of
accordance with the Scriptures. C –For the victims of human the Virgin; by the passion of the
He ascended into heaven and is trafficking and exploitation, Cross, he freed us from unend-
seated at the right hand of the especially the young ones: May ing death, and by rising from the
Father. He will come again in they always feel the protection dead, he gave us life eternal.
glory to judge the living and the and support of the government And so, with Angels and
dead and his kingdom will have authorities and private institu- Archangels, with Thrones and
no end. tions. Let us pray! R. Dominions, and with all the
I believe in the Holy Spirit, C –For all of us: May we always hosts and Powers of heaven, we
the Lord, the giver of life, who respond to God’s call to live as sing the hymn of your glory, as
proceeds from the Father and devout Christians and respon- without end we acclaim:
the Son, who with the Father sible and honest citizens. Let us All –Holy, holy, holy Lord . . .
and the Son is adored and glori- pray! R.
fied, who has spoken through Memorial Acclamation
the prophets. C –Let us pray in silence for our
personal intentions. (Pause) P –The mystery of faith!
I believe in one, holy, catholic All –Save us, Savior of the
and apostolic Church. I confess Let us pray! R.
world, for by your Cross
one Baptism for the forgiveness P –Lord God, you constantly and Resurrection you
of sins and I look forward to the call us to be “salt of the earth” have set us free.
resurrection of the dead and the and “light of the world.”
life of the world to come. Amen! Grant us the grace to be al-
ways “salt and light” through
Prayer of the Faithful Christ Our Lord.
All – Amen!
P –Enlightened by the teach-
All – Our Father . . .
ing of God’s Word, and strength-
P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
ened in our resolution to always
All –For the kingdom, the
please the Lord, let us address
power, and the glory are
our petitions to Him and say to-
yours, now and for ever!
gether: Preparation of the Gifts
All –Lord, graciously hear us! P –Pray, brethren . . . Sign of Peace
C –For the whole Church: May All – May the Lord accept the
she always be a beacon of truth sacrifice at your hands, for the Breaking of the Bread
and a staunch defender of the vir- praise and glory of his name, All – Lamb of God . . .
tue of chastity. Let us pray! R. for our good and the good of all
C –For the Holy Father and all his holy Church. Communion
our spiritual leaders: May they P –This is the Lord Jesus, the
constantly enlighten us with
Prayer over the Offerings light of our life, the Lamb of God
their teaching and inspire us P –Grants us, O Lord, we pray, who takes away the sins of the

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

world. Blessed are those who are
called to his Supper. Called to Live in Intimacy with the Lord
All –Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter under
my roof, but only say the word W e have been created to live
in intimacy with the Lord,
our Creator. As human beings,
ours. This mutual giving and
receiving has its roots in God’s
eagerness to give Himself to us
and my soul shall be healed. we attain perfect fulfillment and leads to our opening our-
only if and when we reach such selves to receive Him, even as
Communion Antiphon intimacy. This, of course, is the we also offer ourselves to Him,
(To be recited only when no Com- “achievement of a lifetime,” in unreserved availability to do
munion Hymn is sung.) in what we call heaven. But His will.
You have prepared a table already during our earthly life, This happens in the stillness of
before me, and how precious we can have a foretaste of such meditation and contemplation
is the chalice that quenches my bliss, despite the limitations, in which we “lose ourselves” in
thirst. difficulties and dangers that the loving embrace of God, like
characterize this “Valley of Tests the flowers that open them-
and Tears.” selves to the moisture of the rain
Prayer after Communion But in all cases, Holy Scripture and the light of the sun. Such
P –Pour on us, O Lord, the reminds us that the one who an encounter, made of mutual
Spirit of your love, and in your takes the initiative in such an receiving and offering, produces
kindness make those you have all-important enterprise is not us, a life-giving intimacy and sense
nourished by this one heavenly but the Lord God. He is the one of fulfillment that are beyond
who calls us to live in intimacy description.
Bread one in mind and heart. with him, even though His call We do not know what the
Through Christ our Lord. usually reaches us through mysterious “caller” said to
All – Amen! human intermediaries who are young Samuel after he re-
God’s instruments in bringing us sponded, “Speak, your servant
the divine invitation. is listening,” aside from the dire
Such is the message of predictions about the sons of Eli.
today’s First Reading and of the We know only that, “As Samuel
Gospel, as we learn about the grew up, the Lord was with him,
P –The Lord be with you. call of young Samuel, the two and made come true all that
All – And with your spirit! disciples of John the Baptist and Samuel said. So all the people
Peter. From these examples, it of Israel, from one end of the
P –Bow your heads and pray for is clear that it is through human country to the other, knew that
God’s blessing. (Pause) “intermediaries” that the Lord Samuel was indeed a prophet of
May the Lord give you the initiates the dialogue and rela- the Lord” (1 Sm 3:19-20).
generosity and strength that tionship that are meant to lead Likewise, we don’t know what
you need to answer his call certain individuals to a progres- John’s disciples saw and heard
to a committed Christian life. sive discovery of who Jesus really in the house where Jesus lived.
All – Amen! is. But we do know of the great
As to the result of the call,
P –May you serve your broth- much depends on the response
transformation that took place in
ers and sisters in the com- given by the person who receives
one of the two – Andrew. In fact,
munity, and especially the the following day, the first thing
the message. The dialogue can that he did was to look for his
weak ones, with the dedica- only begin when we, like Samuel,
tion of the apostles. brother Simon, to tell him that
respond, “Speak, Lord, your ser-
he had found the Messiah, and
All – Amen! vant is listening.” It is the readi-
right away take him to Jesus. An-
P –May you receive from the ness to listen and, even more,
drew had become an evangelizer!
Lord the reward that He the eagerness to get closer to
the “caller,” that enable us to The same happened to other
promised to all those who respond to the invitation, “Come people like Saul of Tarsus, Augus-
serve Him in their neighbor. and see.” tine, Francis of Assisi, and innu-
All – Amen! But more important than merable others who met Jesus in
P – May almighty God bless coming to know about Jesus is most diverse circumstances and
you: the Father, and the to KNOW JESUS – to know him were totally transformed by that
encounter. Their experience can
Son, and the Holy Spirit. personally ever more deeply and
intimately. Such “knowledge” is be generalized and we can con-
All – Amen! clude that the intimacy with the
not the sum total of the things
P –Go in peace, glorifying the we have learned concerning him, Lord has a transforming effect in
Lord by your life. but our progressive penetration those who respond positively to
All – Thanks be to God! into the personality of Jesus and it. It is now our turn to do just
of our allowing him to penetrate that.

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, V. David, J. Domingo, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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